The following packages has been marked as deleted

wip/OmegaT-bin (CURRENT) The translation memory (TM) application written in Java
wip/py-addons (CURRENT) Dynamically extend other objects with AddOns
wip/py-bytecodeassembler (CURRENT) Generate Python code objects by assembling bytecode
wip/py-pylons (CURRENT) Pylons Web Framework
wip/py-tempita (CURRENT) Tempita is a small templating language for text substitution
wip/py-symboltype (CURRENT) Simple Symbol Type for Python
devel/py-symboltype (CURRENT) Simple Symbol Type for Python
wip/skkserv (CURRENT) Dictionary server for Simple Kana-Kanji conversion programs
wip/skk-jisyo (CURRENT) Dictionary collection for SKK
wip/skktools (CURRENT) SKK dictionary manipulation tools
www/py-oauth (CURRENT) Python bindings for OAuth
www/py-pendrell (CURRENT) HTTP/1.1 User Agent for the Programmable Web
devel/py-pendrell (CURRENT) HTTP/1.1 User Agent for the Programmable Web
security/py-oauth (CURRENT) Python OAuth library
python/py-oauth (CURRENT) Python OAuth library
devel/py-jersey (CURRENT) Framework for building Twisted Python command-line interfaces
wip/nmap (CURRENT) Network/port scanner with OS detection
wip/mimedefang (CURRENT) To inspect/modify e-mail as it passes through your mail relay
misc/usbprog (CURRENT) Firmware loader for "usbprog" programming adapter
security/py-crypto (CURRENT) Cryptographic and hash functions for Python
security/py-cryptopp (CURRENT) Python wrapper for (and copy of parts of) crypto++
wip/OmegaT-devel-bin (CURRENT) The translation memory (TM) application written in Java
devel/py-darcsver (CURRENT) Generate a version number from darcs history
converters/py-zbase32 (CURRENT) Alternate base32 encoder (not RFC 3548 compliant)
devel/ethos (CURRENT) Plugin interface library
geography/libchamplain06 (CURRENT) Map widget
geography/libchamplain04 (CURRENT) Map widget
graphics/eog-plugins-map (CURRENT) Plugin collection for eog - map plugin
graphics/eog-plugins (CURRENT) Plugin collection for eog
multimedia/mkvtoolnix-old (CURRENT) Matroska tools, old version for build with g++-4.1
wip/emerillon (CURRENT) Map browser
wip/libvpx (CURRENT) On2 VP8 library from Google
wip/yaydl (CURRENT) Yet another youtube downloader written in perl
wip/py-djvusmooth (CURRENT) Graphical editor for DjVu documents
graphics/py-djvusmooth (CURRENT) Graphical editor for DjVu documents
parallel/py-sage (CURRENT) High-level message passing library supporting actor based concurrency
wip/py-cjson (CURRENT) Fast JSON encoder/decoder for Python
databases/postgresql84-pgcrypto (CURRENT) Module providing cryptographic functions for PostgreSQL
security/ruby-soauth (CURRENT) Ruby library that creates HTTP headers for OAuth Authorization
security/ruby-roauth (CURRENT) Simple Ruby OAuth library
databases/postgresql84-dblink (CURRENT) Remote database connection dblink module
wip/py-ply (CURRENT) Lex an yacc parsing tools for Python
inputmethod/ibus-table-extraphrase (CURRENT) Chinese extra phrases for ibus-table based IME
inputmethod/ibus-table-array30 (CURRENT) Array30 Chinese input method for ibus
inputmethod/ibus-el (CURRENT) IBus client for GNU Emacs
inputmethod/tegaki-pygtk (CURRENT) Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
inputmethod/ibus-tegaki (CURRENT) Tegaki integration in ibus
inputmethod/scim-python (CURRENT) Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
inputmethod/scim-tegaki (CURRENT) Tegaki integration in SCIM
wip/input-pad (CURRENT) On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
wip/libfakekey (CURRENT) X Virtual Keyboard Library
wip/eekboard (CURRENT) Virtual keyboard for GNOME
wip/ibus-input-pad (CURRENT) Input Pad for IBus
net/gst-plugins0.10-libnice (CURRENT) IETF's Interactive Connectivity Establishment standard implementation
wip/py-swarmsdk (CURRENT) Model-driven development of Python applications
wip/py-traitsgui (CURRENT) Traits-capable windowing framework
x11/py-traitsgui (CURRENT) Traits-capable windowing framework
wip/py-chaintipy (CURRENT) CHIANTI atomic database for astrophysical spectroscopy
math/py-chaintipy (CURRENT) CHIANTI atomic database for astrophysical spectroscopy
wip/py-biskit (CURRENT) Python platform for structural bioinformatics
biology/py-biskit (CURRENT) Python platform for structural bioinformatics
wip/qdevelop (CURRENT) Development environment entirely dedicated to Qt4
wip/Box2D (CURRENT) Box2D Physics Engine for games
math/py-gmpy (CURRENT) Python library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
wip/tcl86 (CURRENT) Tool Command Language, a dynamic language
wip/tk86 (CURRENT) Graphical toolkit for Tcl
x11/tk86 (CURRENT) Graphical toolkit for Tcl
wip/pysvn (CURRENT) Python interface to Subversion
wip/gecko-mediaplayer (CURRENT) Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
wip/gnome-mplayer (CURRENT) GNOME Frontend for MPlayer
wip/dbskkd-cdb (CURRENT) SKK dictionary server based on cdb
wip/skk-jisyo-cdb (CURRENT) Dictionary collection for SKK
wip/py-pyexiv2 (CURRENT) Python binding to Exiv2
graphics/py-pyexiv2 (CURRENT) Python binding to Exiv2
wip/py-guppy (CURRENT) Guppy-PE -- A Python Programming Environment
wip/py-gsl (CURRENT) Python interface for the GNU scientific library
wip/multiskkserv (CURRENT) Simple skk multi-dictionary server
wip/ghemical (CURRENT) Ghemical is a computational chemistry software package for GNOME
wip/amanda3-client (CURRENT) Client part of Amanda, a network backup system
wip/amanda3-plot (CURRENT) Visualizes the behavior of Amanda, a network backup system
wip/amanda3-server (CURRENT) Server part of Amanda, a network backup system
wip/amanda3-common (CURRENT) Common libraries and binaries for Amanda
wip/PHPUnit (CURRENT) PHP regression testing framework for unit tests
devel/PHPUnit (CURRENT) PHP regression testing framework for unit tests
wip/deforaos-keyboard (CURRENT) DeforaOS desktop virtual keyboard
wip/xvkbd (CURRENT) Virtual (graphical) keyboard program for X
wip/py-simplegeneric (CURRENT) Simple generic functions for Python
wip/gaphor (CURRENT) UML modeling tool
devel/gaphor (CURRENT) UML modeling tool
wip/dikt (CURRENT) Dictionary for KDE
wip/py-xlwt (CURRENT) Library to create spreadsheet files
wip/bkchem (CURRENT) Python based chemical structures editor
biology/bkchem (CURRENT) Python based chemical structures editor
wip/py-fftw (CURRENT) Python bindings to the FFTW3 C-library
wip/py-mois (CURRENT) Applications for interactive visualization of numerical methods
math/py-mois (CURRENT) Applications for interactive visualization of numerical methods
wip/py-sexy (CURRENT) Python bindings for libsexy
devel/py-sexy (CURRENT) Python bindings for libsexy
devel/p5-Gnome2 (CURRENT) Perl bindings for libgnome and libgnomeui
devel/p5-Gnome2-GConf (CURRENT) Perl bindings for the GConf configuration database
graphics/p5-Gnome2-Canvas (CURRENT) Perl bindings for libgnomecanvas and libart
sysutils/p5-Gnome2-VFS (CURRENT) Perl bindings for the Gnome virtual file system
graphics/p5-Gnome2-VFS (CURRENT) Perl bindings for the Gnome virtual file system
wip/p5-Libencode-Arabic (CURRENT) Perl5 implementation for Arabic encodings
converters/p5-Libencode-Arabic (CURRENT) Perl5 implementation for Arabic encodings
wip/mplayer-snapshot (CURRENT) Fast, cross-platform movie player
wip/mplayer-snapshot-share (CURRENT) Documentation used by mplayer and gmplayer
wip/chromium-devel (CURRENT) Open-source browser project
wip/java-commons-configuration (CURRENT) Java based library providing a generic configuration interface
devel/java-commons-configuration (CURRENT) Java based library providing a generic configuration interface
wip/java-commons-lang (CURRENT) Extension of the java.lang package
devel/java-commons-lang (CURRENT) Extension of the java.lang package
wip/java-commons-codec (CURRENT) Encoder and decoders such as Base64 and hexadecimal codec
devel/java-commons-codec (CURRENT) Encoder and decoders such as Base64 and hexadecimal codec
wip/java-commons-collections (CURRENT) Set of abstract data type interfaces and implementations
devel/java-commons-collections (CURRENT) Set of abstract data type interfaces and implementations
wip/java-commons-io (CURRENT) Common useful IO related classes
devel/java-commons-io (CURRENT) Common useful IO related classes
wip/java-commons-logging (CURRENT) Commmon wrapper interface for several logging APIs
devel/java-commons-logging (CURRENT) Commmon wrapper interface for several logging APIs
wip/java-commons-beanutils (CURRENT) Utility for manipulating JavaBeans
devel/java-commons-beanutils (CURRENT) Utility for manipulating JavaBeans
wip/java-commons-digester (CURRENT) Rule based XML Java object mapping tool
devel/java-commons-digester (CURRENT) Rule based XML Java object mapping tool
wip/apache-velocity (CURRENT) Java-based template engine for web application
textproc/apache-velocity (CURRENT) Java-based template engine for web application
wip/jakarta-oro (CURRENT) Perl/awk/sh regular expressions for Java
textproc/jakarta-oro (CURRENT) Perl/awk/sh regular expressions for Java
wip/dict-freedict-eng-ar (CURRENT) Dict package for English-Arabic Freedict dictionary
devel/ruby-test-unit (CURRENT) Improved version of Test::Unit
devel/ruby-debug-extra (CURRENT) Emacs support and the Reference Manual for ruby-debug
misc/ruby-bundler (CURRENT) Manage your application's dependencies
databases/ruby-activerecord3 (CURRENT) Object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails 3.0)
mail/ruby-actionmailer3 (CURRENT) Email composition, delivery and receiving (for Rails 3.0)
devel/ruby-actionmailer3 (CURRENT) Email composition, delivery and receiving (for Rails 3.0)
lang/ruby19-base (CURRENT) Ruby 1.9.2 release minimum package
lang/ruby19 (CURRENT) Ruby programming language 1.9.2 meta package
www/merb-auth-core (CURRENT) MerbAuth is an authentication framework core
www/ruby-rack-mount (CURRENT) Stackable dynamic tree based Rack router
www/merb-exceptions (CURRENT) Merb plugin that supports exception notification
www/merb-auth (CURRENT) Merb plugin that provides authentication support
www/merb-slices (CURRENT) Merb plugin that supports reusable application 'slices'
www/ruby-activeresource3 (CURRENT) REST modeling framework (part of Rails 3.0)
devel/ruby-activeresource3 (CURRENT) REST modeling framework (part of Rails 3.0)
www/merb-auth-slice-password (CURRENT) Merb Slice with password UI support
www/ruby-actionpack3 (CURRENT) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 3.0)
devel/ruby-actionpack3 (CURRENT) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 3.0)
www/ruby-rails3 (CURRENT) Full-stack web application framework, Rails 3.0
www/merb-auth-slice-password-reset (CURRENT) Merb Slice for password-reset functionality
www/merb-auth-more (CURRENT) Addons for merb-auth-core
devel/ruby-activemodel (CURRENT) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 3.0)
devel/ruby-activesupport3 (CURRENT) Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 3.0)
devel/ruby-railties (CURRENT) Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 3.0
databases/ruby-railties (CURRENT) Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 3.0
wip/acroread9 (CURRENT) View, distribute and print PDF documents
wip/octave (CURRENT) High-level language, intended for numerical computations
wip/php-fpm (CURRENT) FPM interface for PHP5.3
databases/postgresql90-adminpack (CURRENT) Admin pack module for pgAdmin management
databases/postgresql90 (CURRENT) Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
databases/postgresql90-client (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database client programs
databases/postgresql90-docs (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database documentation
databases/postgresql90-pgcrypto (CURRENT) Module providing cryptographic functions for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql90-plperl (CURRENT) PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql90-pltcl (CURRENT) PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql90-server (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database server programs
databases/postgresql90-plpython (CURRENT) PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql90-dblink (CURRENT) Dblink module for remote database connections
www/merb-admin (CURRENT) Plugin provides easy-to-use interface for managing your data
wip/droid-fonts (CURRENT) The Droid fonts family from Ascender Corporation
meta-pkgs/suse113 (CURRENT) SUSE-based Linux binary emulation environment
emulators/suse113_32_compat (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package with old shared libraries
emulators/suse113_libsigc++2 (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for libsigc++2
emulators/suse113_aspell (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for aspell
emulators/suse113_libpng (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for PNG
emulators/suse113_32_alsa (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for ALSA
emulators/suse113_vmware (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package to help run VMware
emulators/suse113_32_freetype2 (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for freetype-2.x
emulators/suse113_compat (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package with old shared libraries
emulators/suse113_32_openmotif (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for OpenMotif
emulators/suse113_32_base (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package
emulators/suse113_32_libjpeg (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for JPEG
emulators/suse113_x11 (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for X11
emulators/suse113_alsa (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for ALSA
emulators/suse113_gtk2 (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for GTK+-2.x
emulators/suse113_openmotif (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for OpenMotif
emulators/suse113 (CURRENT) SUSE-based Linux binary emulation environment
emulators/suse113_32_expat (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for expat
emulators/suse113_32_fontconfig (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for fontconfig
emulators/suse113_32_libpng (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for PNG
emulators/suse113_32_qt4 (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for QT4
emulators/suse113_32_vmware (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package to help run VMware
emulators/suse113_expat (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for expat
emulators/suse113_fontconfig (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for fontconfig
emulators/suse113_libjpeg (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for JPEG
emulators/suse113_locale (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package with locale files
emulators/suse113_32_openssl (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for OpenSSL
emulators/suse113_base (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package
emulators/suse113_32_aspell (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for aspell
emulators/suse113_freetype2 (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for freetype-2.x
emulators/suse113_32_x11 (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for X11
emulators/suse113_32_libtiff (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for TIFF
emulators/suse113_openssl (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for OpenSSL
emulators/suse113_32_krb5 (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for kerberos libraries
emulators/suse113_32_gtk2 (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for GTK+-2.x
emulators/suse113_32_libsigc++2 (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libsigc++2
emulators/suse113_32_libxml2 (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libxml2
emulators/suse113_32_locale (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package with locale files
emulators/suse113_32_slang (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for S-Lang
emulators/suse113_krb5 (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for kerberos libraries
emulators/suse113_libcups (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for CUPS
emulators/suse113_libtiff (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for TIFF
emulators/suse113_slang (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for S-Lang
emulators/suse113_libxml2 (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for libxml2
emulators/suse113_glx (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for OpenGL/Mesa
emulators/suse113_32_glx (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for OpenGL/Mesa
emulators/suse113_32_libcups (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for CUPS
emulators/suse113_qt4 (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for QT4
wip/motoya-fonts (CURRENT) Motoya Cider and Mulberry fonts
wip/sword (CURRENT) SWORD Bible study software libraries and tools
wip/xiphos (CURRENT) Xiphos (formerly GnomeSword) is a Bible study tool using GTK
wip/py-pygraphviz (CURRENT) Python interface to the Graphviz package
wip/gupnp-dlna (CURRENT) GUPnP DLNA is a small DLNA-related utility library
wip/chicken (CURRENT) Scheme to C compiler, handling R5RS
wip/mikutter (CURRENT) Moest Twitter Client
wip/ruby-escape (CURRENT) HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities for Ruby
wip/auctex-current (CURRENT) Enhanced LaTeX mode for Emacs
wip/llvm28 (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
www/ruby-rack11 (CURRENT) Ruby webserver interface
wip/anki (CURRENT) Flashcard learning program
wip/cvsup-mirror (CURRENT) Syslog-ng embodies the next generation of logging systems
x11/applewmproto (CURRENT) AppleWM extension headers from
x11/libAppleWM (CURRENT) AppleWM library from modular
devel/monodevelop-database (CURRENT) IDE for C# and other .NET languages
wip/umurmur (CURRENT) Mumble (murmur) server for embedded systems
wip/haproxy14 (CURRENT) Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer
time/p5-Net-Google-Calendar (CURRENT) Perl module for accessing Google calendars
net/p5-Net-Google-Calendar (CURRENT) Perl module for accessing Google calendars
wip/tktable (CURRENT) Full-featured 2D table widget for Tk
wip/tcl-tclOO (CURRENT) Core for other TCL OO extensions and basic TCL OO framework
wip/zoem (CURRENT) Interpretive macro/programming language
devel/ruby-gnome2-gio (CURRENT) Ruby binding of gio-2.0.x
wip/parallel (CURRENT) Build and execute shell commands in parallel
wip/discount (CURRENT) Markdown C implementation
wip/acroread9-chtfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 9 (Chinese Traditional)
wip/acroread9-korfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 9 (Korean)
wip/acroread9-font-share (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 9 (common base)
wip/acroread9-jpnfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 9 (Japanese)
wip/acroread9-chsfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 9 (Chinese Simplified)
wip/opencascade (CURRENT) Software development platform for 3D CAD CAM CAE
wip/soqt (CURRENT) Legacy library that provides glue between Coin and Qt
wip/hs-storablevector (CURRENT) Fast, packed, strict storable arrays
wip/hs-pathtype (CURRENT) Type-safe replacement for System.FilePath etc
wip/hs-data-default (CURRENT) Class for types with a default value
wip/hs-tagged (CURRENT) Haskell 98 phantom types to avoid unsafely passing dummy arguments
wip/hs-safer-file-handles (CURRENT) Type-safe file handling
wip/hs-regional-pointers (CURRENT) Regional memory pointers
wip/hs-explicit-iomodes (CURRENT) File handles with explicit IOModes
devel/py-multiprocessing (CURRENT) Python threading package
editors/gedit-python (CURRENT) Lightweight GNOME2 text editor
wip/xqilla (CURRENT) XQuery and XPath 2 processor
wip/xerces-c (CURRENT) Validating C++ XML parser with DOM and SAX support
wip/ubuntu-font-ttf (CURRENT) Ubuntu font family
wip/zim (CURRENT) Zim brings the concept of a wiki to your desktop
wip/mumble (CURRENT) Low latency VOIP software used mostly during computer games
wip/protobuf (CURRENT) Google protocol buffers
wip/libvalhalla (CURRENT) Tiny media scanner library
graphics/py-pyfits (CURRENT) Python module for reading, writing, and manipulating FITS files
graphics/gdk-pixbuf2-jasper (CURRENT) Image loaders for gtk2 - jasper module
graphics/libgexiv2 (CURRENT) GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library
wip/gst123 (CURRENT) The gst123 is designed to be a more flexible command line player
wip/p5-Gtk2-Spell (CURRENT) Bindings for GtkSpell with Gtk2
wip/py-buildslave (CURRENT) System to automate the compile/test cycle, slave part of buildbot
wip/mypaint (CURRENT) Fast and easy open-source graphics application for digital painters
wip/twitim (CURRENT) Twitim is a Twitter client for GNOME
wip/bochs-snapshot (CURRENT) IA32 and AMD64 PC emulator
wip/glfw (CURRENT) GLFW is a free, Open Source, multi-platform library of OpenGL
wip/umph (CURRENT) Command line tool for parsing video links from Youtube feeds
wip/grake (CURRENT) Tool for scanning webpages for Youtube video links
wip/gcap (CURRENT) Command line tool for retrieving Youtube closed captions
wip/pinkpony (CURRENT) Pink Pony is a 3D racing game with ponies!
wip/ftgl (CURRENT) C++ library of Freetype2 in OpenGL applications
wip/nicovideo-dl (CURRENT) Download videos from
wip/qgoogletranslator (CURRENT) Qt gui for google translate based on ajax api
wip/glsl (CURRENT) Mesa's GLSL preprocessor and compiler
graphics/glsl (CURRENT) Mesa's GLSL preprocessor and compiler
wip/gwibber (CURRENT) Open source microblogging client
wip/py-mako (CURRENT) Hyperfast and lightweight templating for the Python platform
wip/nios2-gcc (CURRENT) GNU gcc for Altera FPGA Nios2 processor
wip/nios2-binutils (CURRENT) GNU binutils for Altera FPGA Nios2 processor
editors/xournal (CURRENT) Take notes, sketch and annotate PDFs
wip/php53-fpm (CURRENT) PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 5
lang/php53-fpm (CURRENT) PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 5
net/samba35 (CURRENT) SMB/CIFS protocol server suite
x11/fixesproto4 (CURRENT) Fixes extension headers from
wip/i3-devel (CURRENT) Improved dynamic tiling window manager
wip/i3bar (CURRENT) xcb-based status- and ws-bar for i3
x11/i3bar (CURRENT) xcb-based status- and ws-bar for i3
wip/redis (CURRENT) Persistent key-value database with built-in net interface
wip/yajl (CURRENT) Small JSON library written in ANSI C
wip/fail2ban (CURRENT) Scans log files and bans IP that makes too many password failures
databases/postgresql90-replicationtools (CURRENT) PostgreSQL replication tools
databases/postgresql90-upgrade (CURRENT) PostgreSQL binary upgrade tool
databases/postgresql90-monitoring (CURRENT) PostgreSQL monitoring tools
wip/adobe-flash-plugin (CURRENT) Adobe Flash Player Browser plugin
wip/maatkit (CURRENT) Advanced command-line tools for open-source databases (MySQL)
databases/postgresql90-datatypes (CURRENT) PostgreSQL data types support modules
print/scribus-qt4 (CURRENT) Publishing layout with graphical interface
wip/libopensync-plugin-gnokii (CURRENT) Platform independent synchronization framework, gnokii plugin
x11/renderproto9 (CURRENT) Render extension headers
wip/poco-data-odbc (CURRENT) POCO C++ ODBC RDBMS Accessor libraries
wip/pkgnih-current (CURRENT) Package manager for pkgsrc
mail/amavis-perl (CURRENT) Mail virus scanner
www/ruby-rails (CURRENT) Framework for developing database-backed web applications
wip/hs-bindings-audiofile (CURRENT) Haskell low-level bindings to libaudiofile
wip/hs-syb (CURRENT) Haskell "Scrap Your Boilerplate" Library
wip/py-jabberbot (CURRENT) Module to enable easy creation of XMPP bots in Python
chat/py-jabberbot (CURRENT) Module to enable easy creation of XMPP bots in Python
wip/baler (CURRENT) Store data in bales and provide a TOC for direct access
wip/fop (CURRENT) Print formatter driven by XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO)
wip/mp3blaster (CURRENT) MP3 console curses-based player
wip/hs-bindings-EsounD (CURRENT) Haskell low-level bindings to EsounD
wip/hs-monad-peel (CURRENT) Lift control operations through monad transformers
wip/xdotool (CURRENT) Simulate keyboard input and mouse activity using X11 xtest extension
wip/pkgnih (CURRENT) Package manager for pkgsrc
wip/ruby-httpclient (CURRENT) HTTP accessing library for Ruby
wip/ruby-memoize (CURRENT) Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
wip/hs-strict (CURRENT) Strict versions of some standard Haskell data types
wip/hs-ansi-terminal (CURRENT) Simple ANSI terminal support for Haskell
wip/ghc-core (CURRENT) Display GHC's optimised core and assembly output
wip/hs-haskell-lexer (CURRENT) Fully compliant Haskell 98 lexer
wip/hs-colorize-haskell (CURRENT) Highligt Haskell source
wip/arandr (CURRENT) Designed to provide a simple visual front end for XRandR 1.2/1.3
wip/hs-vector (CURRENT) Efficient Arrays for Haskell
wip/hs-primitive (CURRENT) Wrappers for primitive operations
wip/x264-devel (CURRENT) GPL licensed H.264 encoder
wip/ffmpeg (CURRENT) Decoding, encoding and streaming software
devel/py-logilab-astng (CURRENT) Extend Python abstract syntax tree
www/py-django-south (CURRENT) Intelligent schema and data migrations for Django projects
net/py-suds (CURRENT) Lightweight SOAP python client for consuming Web Services
wip/hs-text (CURRENT) Efficient packed Unicode text type
wip/hs-stream-fusion (CURRENT) Faster Haskell lists using stream fusion
wip/ann (CURRENT) Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching
wip/spyder (CURRENT) Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment, an alternative t>
devel/spyder (CURRENT) Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment, an alternative t>
wip/py-scikits_learn (CURRENT) Set of python modules for machine learning and data mining
www/librest (CURRENT) Library for "RESTful" web services
geography/emerillon (CURRENT) Map browser
x11/libXvMCW (CURRENT) Wrapper for run-time loading of XvMC libraries
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-vp8 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - vp8 plugin
net/libdmapsharing (CURRENT) Implementation of the DMAP family of protocols
print/tex-ptex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-ptex
wip/rubinius (CURRENT) Rubinius is an implementation of the Ruby programming language
audio/gst123 (CURRENT) The gst123 is designed to be a more flexible command line player
wip/ec2-api-tools (CURRENT) Amazon EC2 API tools (register, launch, administer instances)
wip/ec2-ami-tools (CURRENT) Amazon EC2 AMI Tools (bundle, create, upload AMIs to S3)
wip/py-scikits_ann (CURRENT) Approximate Nearest Neighbor library wrapper for Numpy
math/py-scikits_ann (CURRENT) Approximate Nearest Neighbor library wrapper for Numpy
wip/py-scitools (CURRENT) Python library for scientific computing
science/py-scitools (CURRENT) Python library for scientific computing
wip/libupnp (CURRENT) Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
wip/pdfgrep (CURRENT) Pdfgrep is a tool to search text in PDF files
wip/kanjistrokeorders-ttf (CURRENT) Japanese Kanji characters stroke order font
wip/mixnet (CURRENT) Erdos-Renyi Mixture for Networks
multimedia/vlc10 (CURRENT) VLC media player and streaming server
lang/gnat-aux (CURRENT) GNAT Ada compiler based on GCC 4.6
textproc/xmlada (CURRENT) Adacore XML suite for the Ada language
x11/gtkada (CURRENT) Ada graphical toolkit based on Gtk+
devel/gprbuild-aux (CURRENT) Adacore multi-language software build tool
emulators/mess (CURRENT) Multi Emulator Super System
www/typo3_44 (CURRENT) The typo3 content management system
multimedia/adobe-flash-plugin10.1 (CURRENT) Adobe Flash Player Browser plugin
devel/gps (CURRENT) GNAT Programming Studio - IDE for Ada and many other languages
www/aws (CURRENT) Adacore Ada Web Server and framework
graphics/cairo-gobject (CURRENT) Vector graphics library with cross-device output support
databases/postgresql90-fuzzystrmatch (CURRENT) PostgreSQL fuzzystrmatch contribution
www/py-django-appmedia (CURRENT) Handling django app media
devel/ruby-memoize (CURRENT) Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
net/unison2.32 (CURRENT) File-synchronization tool (old 2.32 branch)
audio/gmpc-mdcover (CURRENT) GMPC plugin that provides metadata from the local music collection
audio/gmpc-lastfm (CURRENT) GMPC plugin for fetching cover and artist art from
emulators/suse113_libcurl (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for libcurl
emulators/suse113_32_libcurl (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libcurl
net/nicovideo-dl (CURRENT) Download videos from
wip/pdf2djvu (CURRENT) pdf2djvu creates DjVu files from PDF files
wip/gmpc-wikipedia (CURRENT) GMPC plugin showing wikipedia information
wip/libexecinfo (CURRENT) BSD Licensed clone of backtrace facility found in GNU libc
wip/munin-master (CURRENT) System monitoring tool, master version
wip/modular-xorg-xephyr (CURRENT) Xephyr server based on kdrive from modular
wip/libplist (CURRENT) Handle Apple Binary and XML Property Lists
wip/gpac-devel (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework
wip/mongodb (CURRENT) NOSQL distributed document-oriented database
wip/deforaos-locker (CURRENT) DeforaOS desktop screensaver
wip/dos2unix (CURRENT) Convert text files with DOS or Mac line endings to Unix line endings
wip/ghostscript (CURRENT) Postscript interpreter
wip/ghostscript-cidfonts (CURRENT) CIDFont resources for Ghostscript
wip/rast (CURRENT) Full-text search system
wip/deforaos-editor (CURRENT) DeforaOS desktop text editor
wip/scantailor (CURRENT) Interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages
wip/suse113_libgmp3 (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for GNU MP
wip/user_irix (CURRENT) Limited NetBSD-compatible useradd/groupadd commands
wip/color-theme (CURRENT) Emacs-lisp mode for skinning your emacs
wip/irrlicht (CURRENT) Open source high performance realtime 3D engine
wip/gvproxy (CURRENT) replacement for libslirp and VPNKit, written in pure Go
wip/nts (CURRENT) Simple GUI note taking application
wip/mu (CURRENT) E-mail searching and indexing tools
wip/ncdu (CURRENT) Disk usage visualization tool
wip/py-empy (CURRENT) Suite of numerical algorithms widely used in electromagnetism
science/py-empy (CURRENT) Suite of numerical algorithms widely used in electromagnetism
wip/py-lapack (CURRENT) PyLapack is a python interface to LAPACK
math/py-lapack (CURRENT) PyLapack is a python interface to LAPACK
wip/py-scikits_statsmodels (CURRENT) Statistical computations and models for use with SciPy
wip/ruby-bdb (CURRENT) Ruby interface to Berkley DB
wip/suse100_gmp4 (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for GNU MP
wip/py-clics (CURRENT) Clone detector and GUI
devel/py-clics (CURRENT) Clone detector and GUI
wip/fntsample (CURRENT) Make font samples, similar to Unicode charts, showing Unicode coverage
wip/pstreams (CURRENT) POSIX Process Control in C++
wip/bzr (CURRENT) Bazaar open source distributed version control system
wip/bzrtools (CURRENT) Collection of plugins for Bazaar
www/aws-demos (CURRENT) Adacore Ada Web Server demonstration programs
x11/py-vte (CURRENT) Python bindings for the Vte terminal widget
net/bind98 (CURRENT) Berkeley Internet Name Daemon implementation of DNS, version 9.8
databases/postgresql90-uuid (CURRENT) UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql83-uuid (CURRENT) UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql84-uuid (CURRENT) UUID creation functions for PostgreSQL
wip/dhex (CURRENT) The ncurses-based hex-editor with diff mode
fonts/tex-eurofont-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-eurofont
fonts/tex-eurofont (CURRENT) Provides a command that prints a euro symbol
print/tex-bezos-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-bezos
print/tex-bezos (CURRENT) Packages by Javier Bezos
fonts/tex-eurosans (CURRENT) Interface to Adobe's sans-serif Euro font
fonts/tex-eurosans-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-eurosans
editors/qgoogletranslator (CURRENT) Qt gui for google translate based on ajax api
wip/py-mwavepy (CURRENT) Python datatypes and functions for microwave engineering
wip/py-gist (CURRENT) Gist is a scientific graphics library
graphics/py-gist (CURRENT) Gist is a scientific graphics library
science/py-gist (CURRENT) Gist is a scientific graphics library
wip/py-theano (CURRENT) Optimizing compiler for evaluating mathematical expressions
wip/lmfit (CURRENT) C library for Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares minimization
wip/silo (CURRENT) Mesh and filed I/O library and scientific databases
wip/tabbed (CURRENT) Simple generic tabbed frontend to xembed aware applications
wip/radiotray (CURRENT) Internet radio player with a minimal GUI
audio/radiotray (CURRENT) Internet radio player with a minimal GUI
fonts/tex-collection-fontsrecommended (CURRENT) Recommended fonts for TeX
fonts/tex-collection-fontsrecommended-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-collection-fontsrecommended
wip/libreoffice3-bin (CURRENT) Integrated office productivity suite (binary pkg)
wip/googlecl (CURRENT) Command line tools for the Google Data APIs
wip/taskcoach (CURRENT) Task Coach is a simple open source todo manager
editors/TeXmacs-devel (CURRENT) GNU TeXmacs (free scientific text editor)
wip/libburn (CURRENT) Library to write preformatted data onto optical media
wip/libisoburn (CURRENT) This is the libisoburn library and xorriso commands
wip/libisofs (CURRENT) Create an ISO-9660 filesystem with extensions
wip/distbb-current (CURRENT) DISTributed Bulk Build tool for pkgsrc
print/tex-genmisc (CURRENT) Miscellaneous files for generic TeX packages
print/tex-collection-genericrecommended (CURRENT) Recommended generic packages
print/tex-collection-genericrecommended-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-collection-genericrecommended
graphics/tex-pst-ghsb (CURRENT) PSTricks package for HSB gradients
graphics/tex-pst-vue3d-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-pst-vue3d
graphics/tex-pst-ghsb-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-pst-ghsb
graphics/tex-pst-vue3d (CURRENT) Draw perspective views of three dimensional objects
wip/py-liveplots (CURRENT) Real-time live plot server
graphics/py-liveplots (CURRENT) Real-time live plot server
math/py-liveplots (CURRENT) Real-time live plot server
wip/py-bitarray (CURRENT) Efficient arrays of booleans -- C extension
math/py-bitarray (CURRENT) Efficient arrays of booleans -- C extension
wip/py-fitsarray (CURRENT) Ndarray subclass with a fits header
math/py-fitsarray (CURRENT) Ndarray subclass with a fits header
wip/py-cdecimal (CURRENT) Fast arbitrary precision correctly-rounded decimal floating point arithmetic
wip/xmakemol (CURRENT) Program for visualizing atomic and molecular systems
wip/py-corebio (CURRENT) Python toolkit for computational biology
biology/py-corebio (CURRENT) Python toolkit for computational biology
wip/py-cvf (CURRENT) Python Computer Vision Framework
graphics/py-cvf (CURRENT) Python Computer Vision Framework
wip/py-pymc (CURRENT) Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling toolkit
math/py-pymc (CURRENT) Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling toolkit
wip/py-scikits_hydroclimpy (CURRENT) Tools to manipulate environmental and climatologic time series
science/py-scikits_hydroclimpy (CURRENT) Tools to manipulate environmental and climatologic time series
wip/libsnappy (CURRENT) Compression/decompression library
wip/py-model-builder (CURRENT) Graphical ODE simulator
math/py-model-builder (CURRENT) Graphical ODE simulator
wip/py-swiginac (CURRENT) Interface to GiNaC, providing Python with symbolic mathematics
math/py-swiginac (CURRENT) Interface to GiNaC, providing Python with symbolic mathematics
wip/py-se (CURRENT) Framework for solving PDEs with FDM using Python
math/py-se (CURRENT) Framework for solving PDEs with FDM using Python
wip/nostromo (CURRENT) Fast, secure HTTP/1.1 CGI/1.1 SSL IPv4/IPv6 webserver
wip/podman (CURRENT) Tool for managing OCI containers and pods
www/py-CherryPy (CURRENT) CherryPy is a pythonic, object-oriented HTTP framework
wip/p5-AnyEvent-IRC (CURRENT) Perl 5 event based IRC protocol client API
wip/webp (CURRENT) WebP image format library and tools
wip/mscgen (CURRENT) Tool for drawing call sequence graphs
wip/py-bip (CURRENT) Python package for object-oriented bayesian inference
math/py-bip (CURRENT) Python package for object-oriented bayesian inference
wip/py-bottleneck (CURRENT) Fast NumPy array functions written in Cython
textproc/XML-Entities (CURRENT) Decode strings with XML entities
wip/zeromq (CURRENT) The ZeroMQ messaging library
wip/msgpack (CURRENT) Binary-based efficient object serialization library
sysutils/xenkernel41 (CURRENT) Xen 4.1.x Kernel
sysutils/xentools41 (CURRENT) Userland Tools for Xen 4.1.x
multimedia/gecko-mediaplayer (CURRENT) Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
wip/libestr (CURRENT) Library for some string essentials
wip/liblognorm (CURRENT) Tool to normalize log data
wip/rsyslog6 (CURRENT) The enhanced syslogd for Unix
geography/libchamplain08 (CURRENT) Map widget
textproc/dbtoepub (CURRENT) DocBook to epub converter
wip/rsyslog5 (CURRENT) The enhanced syslogd for Unix
wip/kyotocabinet (CURRENT) Straightforward implementation of DBM
devel/xulrunner192 (CURRENT) XML User Interface Language runtime environment
www/firefox36 (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions (version 3.6.x)
math/clisp-pari (CURRENT) CLISP pari module
www/ap2-authn-otp (CURRENT) Apache module for one-time password authentication
databases/mysql55-client (CURRENT) MySQL 5, a free SQL database (client)
databases/mysql55-server (CURRENT) MySQL 5, a free SQL database (server)
databases/maatkit (CURRENT) Advanced command-line tools for open-source databases (MySQL)
www/firefox36-l10n (CURRENT) Language packs for www/firefox36 (version 3.6.x)
wip/py-mlstats (CURRENT) Mailing lists analysis tool. Part of libresoft-tool
devel/py-mlstats (CURRENT) Mailing lists analysis tool. Part of libresoft-tool
security/tarsnap (CURRENT) Secure online backup service
wip/harminv (CURRENT) Program and library to solve the problem of harmonic inversion
archivers/tarsnap (CURRENT) Secure online backup service
wip/ricty-ttf (CURRENT) Migu 1M and Inconsolata based TrueType fonts for programming
wip/node (CURRENT) V8 JavaScript for clients and servers
wip/rpki-svn (CURRENT) RPKI package collection
net/rpki-svn (CURRENT) RPKI package collection
wip/wmx-gnome (CURRENT) Another X11 window manager based on wm2, with GNOME compliance
wip/wmx (CURRENT) Another X11 window manager based on wm2
wip/quickml (CURRENT) Easy-to-use mailing list system
editors/nts (CURRENT) Simple GUI note taking application
wip/py-fipy (CURRENT) Finite volume PDE solver in Python
wip/py-fdm (CURRENT) Framework for solving PDEs with FDM using Python
math/py-fdm (CURRENT) Framework for solving PDEs with FDM using Python
wip/py-pydec (CURRENT) Python Library for Discrete Exterior Calculus
science/py-pydec (CURRENT) Python Library for Discrete Exterior Calculus
wip/py-utilib_component_executables (CURRENT) PyUtilib plugin for managing executables
math/py-utilib_component_executables (CURRENT) PyUtilib plugin for managing executables
devel/py-utilib_component_executables (CURRENT) PyUtilib plugin for managing executables
wip/py-gccxml (CURRENT) Python package for easy C++ declarations navigation
devel/py-gccxml (CURRENT) Python package for easy C++ declarations navigation
wip/bwping (CURRENT) Tool to measure bandwidth and RTT between two hosts using ICMP
wip/hs-monad-control (CURRENT) Lift control operations through monad transformers
wip/py-sparqlwrapper (CURRENT) SPARQL endpoint interface to Python
wip/hs-semigroups (CURRENT) Anything that associates
wip/emacs-ditz (CURRENT) Emacs interface to Ditz issue tracking system
wip/gmock (CURRENT) C++ Mocking Framework
wip/gtest (CURRENT) Google C++ Testing Framework
databases/mysql-workbench (CURRENT) Cross-platform, visual database design tool
lang/gcc46 (CURRENT) GNU Compiler Collection 4.6
lang/gcc45 (CURRENT) GNU Compiler Collection 4.5
wip/FlightCrew (CURRENT) EPUB validator
wip/Sigil (CURRENT) Multi-platform WYSIWYG ebook editor (for the ePub format)
wip/phonon-backend-gstreamer (CURRENT) Multimedia API for KDE and QT - GStreamer backend
wip/py-construct (CURRENT) Powerful declarative parser for binary data
devel/mscgen (CURRENT) Tool for drawing call sequence graphs
devel/p5-ExtUtils-Embed (CURRENT) Utilities for embedding Perl in C/C++ applications
net/p5-Net-CUPS (CURRENT) Common Unix Printing System Interface
textproc/p5-PDF-API2-Simple (CURRENT) Simplistic wrapper for the Perl5 PDF::API2 modules
www/ap-mod_geoip2 (CURRENT) Apache module to interact with the MaxMind geoip database
wip/libreoffice (CURRENT) Office productivity suite
wip/gource (CURRENT) software version control visualization
www/ap-geoip2 (CURRENT) Apache module to interact with the MaxMind geoip database
wip/tc-svn (CURRENT) 2-stroke non associative direct input for Kanji
textproc/ruby-classifier (CURRENT) General classifier module for Bayesian and other classificaions
wip/modular-xorg (CURRENT) Modular Xorg meta-package
wip/ja-freewnn (CURRENT) Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Japanese client library)
wip/py-bravo (CURRENT) Minecraft game server in python
wip/ja-freewnn-lib (CURRENT) Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Japanese client library)
wip/ja-freewnn-server (CURRENT) Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Japanese server)
wip/gbase (CURRENT) GTK program designed to convert between the four common bases
wip/deforaos-mailer (CURRENT) DeforaOS desktop e-mail client
wip/kicad (CURRENT) Schematic and PCB CAD software (stable branch)
wip/queequeg (CURRENT) Tiny English grammar checker for non-native speakers
wip/py-cdb (CURRENT) cdb python extension module
misc/libreoffice3-bin (CURRENT) Integrated office productivity suite (binary pkg)
wip/py-altgraph (CURRENT) Graph (network) package for constructing graphs
devel/py-altgraph (CURRENT) Graph (network) package for constructing graphs
wip/py-uncertainties (CURRENT) Support for physical quantities with units, based on numpy
physics/py-uncertainties (CURRENT) Support for physical quantities with units, based on numpy
devel/mr (CURRENT) Treat multiple repositories as one combined repository
devel/ruby-rdoc (CURRENT) Produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects
lang/python31 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
wip/cloog (CURRENT) The CLooG Code Generator in the Polyhedral Model's Home
devel/ruby-rspec-rails1 (CURRENT) Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby, core part
devel/ruby-rspec1 (CURRENT) Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby
wm/py-tyle (CURRENT) Manual tiling manager
wip/ppl (CURRENT) The Parma Polyhedra Library. Used by gcc for loop optimization
devel/ruby-rbx-require-relative (CURRENT) Ruby 1.9's require_relative for Rubinius and MRI 1.8
wip/moeclock (CURRENT) Wallpaper changing clock
wip/clang-current (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
wip/ucommon (CURRENT) Very light-weight C++ library for deeply embedded applications
wip/deforaos-asm (CURRENT) DeforaOS assembler and de-assembler
wip/deforaos-cpp (CURRENT) DeforaOS C pre-processor
wip/kyua-cli (CURRENT) Kyua (automated testing framework) - Command line interface
wip/xfce48 (CURRENT) Xfce
wip/libxfce4ui (CURRENT) Xfce widget library
wip/garcon (CURRENT) Xfce menu library
wip/xfconf (CURRENT) Xfce client-server configuration storage and query system
wip/xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin (CURRENT) Xfce quicklaunch plugin
wip/xfce4-fsguard-plugin (CURRENT) Xfce disk space plugin
wip/xfce4-settings (CURRENT) Xfce settings manager
wip/fvwm-themes (CURRENT) Configuration framework for fvwm2 with samples
wip/varnish (CURRENT) High-performace HTTP accelerator
wip/xfce4-thunar-archive (CURRENT) Thunar archive plugin
wip/aoeui (CURRENT) Lightweight text editor optimized for Dvorak
wip/ristretto (CURRENT) Xfce image viewer
wip/xfce4-thunar-media-tags (CURRENT) Thunar media tags plugin
wip/xfce4-thunar-vcs (CURRENT) Thunar vcs integration plugin
wip/p5-Dancer (CURRENT) Perl 5 lightweight yet powerful web application framework
wwww/p5-Dancer (CURRENT) Perl 5 lightweight yet powerful web application framework
devel/kyua-cli (CURRENT) Kyua (automated testing framework) - Command line interface
wip/hs-monads-fd (CURRENT) Monad classes, using functional dependencies (obsolete)
wip/hs-xdg-basedir (CURRENT) Basic implementation of the XDG Base Directory specification
wip/hs-data-accessor-template (CURRENT) Utilities for accessing and manipulating fields of records
wip/hs-Diff (CURRENT) O(ND) diff algorithm in haskell
wip/hs-data-accessor-monads-fd (CURRENT) Use Accessor to access state in monads-fd State monad class
wip/hs-dyre (CURRENT) Dynamic reconfiguration in Haskell
wip/hs-ghc-paths (CURRENT) Knowledge of GHC's installation directories
wip/hs-io-storage (CURRENT) Key-value store in the IO monad
wip/hs-executable-path (CURRENT) Finding out the full path of the executable
wip/hs-dlist (CURRENT) Differences lists
wip/php-imagick (CURRENT) PHP extension for ImageMagick graphics library
www/php-imagick (CURRENT) PHP extension for ImageMagick graphics library
wip/xfce4-notes-plugin (CURRENT) Xfce notes plugin
wip/xfce4-screenshooter-plugin (CURRENT) Xfce screenshot plugin
wip/hs-fingertree (CURRENT) Generic finger-tree structure, with example instances
wip/hs-pointedlist (CURRENT) Zipper-like comonad which works as a list, tracking a position
wip/hs-MonadCatchIO-mtl (CURRENT) Monad-transformer version of the Control.Exception module
wip/hs-ghc-mtl (CURRENT) Provides an mtl compatible version of the Ghc-Api monad transformers
wip/hs-fclabels (CURRENT) First class accessor labels implemented as lenses
wip/hs-hint (CURRENT) Runtime Haskell interpreter (GHC API wrapper)
wip/hs-cereal (CURRENT) Binary serialization library
wip/hs-unix-compat (CURRENT) Portable POSIX-compatibility layer
wip/hs-regex-tdfa (CURRENT) Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex
wip/gtk2hs-buildtools (CURRENT) Tools to build the Gtk2Hs suite of User Interface libraries
wip/hs-entropy (CURRENT) Platform independent entropy source
wip/hs-gio (CURRENT) Binding to the GIO
wip/hs-glib (CURRENT) Binding to the GLIB library for Gtk2Hs
wip/hs-largeword (CURRENT) Provides Word128, Word192 and Word256 and other large words
wip/hs-rosezipper (CURRENT) Generic zipper implementation for Data.Tree
wip/hs-split (CURRENT) Combinator library for splitting lists
wip/hs-crypto-api (CURRENT) Generic interface for cryptographic operations
wip/hs-pureMD5 (CURRENT) Haskell-only implementation of the MD5 digest (hash) algorithm
wip/hs-pango (CURRENT) Binding to the Pango text rendering engine
wip/hs-cairo (CURRENT) Binding to the Cairo library
wip/hs-vty (CURRENT) Simple terminal access library
wip/hs-cautious-file (CURRENT) Ways to write a file cautiously to reduce the chances of data loss
wip/hs-gtk (CURRENT) Binding to the Gtk+ graphical user interface library
wip/hs-vte (CURRENT) Binding to the VTE library
wip/hs-rosezipper1 (CURRENT) Generic zipper implementation for Data.Tree (Old version)
wip/hs-pointedlist03 (CURRENT) Zipper-like comonad tracking a position (Old version)
wip/yi (CURRENT) The Haskell-Scriptable Editor
wip/libunique3 (CURRENT) Library for writing single instance applications
wip/cantarell-fonts (CURRENT) Contemporary Humanist sans serif font designed for on-screen reading
lang/icc11 (CURRENT) Intel C++ Compiler for Linux
wip/twittering-mode (CURRENT) Emacs client for twitter
wip/hdf5 (CURRENT) Hierarchical Data Format (new generation)
wip/hdf5-c++ (CURRENT) Hierarchical Data Format (new generation) - C++ wrappers
wip/hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema (CURRENT) Regular expression library for W3C XML Schema regular expressions
wip/hs-hxt-charproperties (CURRENT) Character properties and classes for XML and Unicode
wip/hs-hxt-unicode (CURRENT) Unicode en-/decoding functions used in the Haskell XML Toolbox
wip/algol68g (CURRENT) Algol 68genie compiler
emulators/ski-bin (CURRENT) The Hewlett-Packard IA-64 instruction set simulator for Linux/x86
wip/netatalk22 (CURRENT) Netatalk appletalk file and print services
wip/hs-filemanip (CURRENT) Expressive file and directory manipulation for Haskell
devel/gmock (CURRENT) C++ Mocking Framework
wip/hs-hashable (CURRENT) Class for types that can be converted to a hash value
wip/firefox3-bin (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions
wip/hs-blaze-builder (CURRENT) Efficient buffered output
wip/hs-ascii (CURRENT) Type-safe, bytestring-based ASCII values
wip/hs-case-insensitive (CURRENT) Case insensitive string comparison
wip/hs-base64-bytestring (CURRENT) Fast base64 encoding and deconding for ByteStrings
wip/hs-attoparsec (CURRENT) Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings and text
wip/gsettings-desktop-schemas (CURRENT) Collection of GSettings schemas for the GNOME desktop
fonts/acroread9-font-share (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 9 (common base)
fonts/acroread9-jpnfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 9 (Japanese)
fonts/acroread9-chtfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 9 (Chinese Traditional)
fonts/acroread9-korfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 9 (Korean)
fonts/acroread9-chsfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 9 (Chinese Simplified)
print/acroread9 (CURRENT) View, distribute and print PDF documents
graphics/png12 (CURRENT) Library for manipulating PNG images
wip/yelp-tools (CURRENT) Set of command-line tools to build and check your documentation
wip/libwildmidi (CURRENT) Midi processing library and a midi player using the gus patch set
wip/libgme (CURRENT) Video game music file emulation/playback library
wip/i3status (CURRENT) Small program for generating a status bar
wip/spidermonkey185 (CURRENT) Standalone JavaScript implementation in C
wip/netatalk20 (CURRENT) Netatalk v2.0 appletalk file and print services
net/netatalk20 (CURRENT) Netatalk v2.0 appletalk file and print services
wip/gjs (CURRENT) Javascript binding for GNOME based on Spidermonkey
wip/libpeas (CURRENT) Gobject-based plugins engine
wip/aravis (CURRENT) Vision library for genicam based cameras
graphics/aravis (CURRENT) Vision library for genicam based cameras
wip/gnome-librest (CURRENT) GNOME Rest library
wip/hs-containers-unicode-symbols (CURRENT) Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators
wip/pgbuildfarm (CURRENT) PostgreSQL Build Farm client
wip/firefox-bin (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions
wip/denemo (CURRENT) GUI musical score editor written in C/GTK+
www/contao210 (CURRENT) Contao Open Source CMS
www/contao210-translations (CURRENT) Language files for Contao CMS
www/contao210-example (CURRENT) Sample site data for Contao Open Source CMS
x11/ruby-wxruby (CURRENT) Cross-platform GUI library for creating desktop applications
emulators/suse113_32_libdrm (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libdrm
emulators/suse113_libdrm (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for libdrm
wip/hs-text-icu (CURRENT) Bindings to the ICU library
devel/p5-CPAN-Meta (CURRENT) Perl module for handling the distribution metadata for a CPAN dist
www/webkit-gtk3 (CURRENT) GTK3 port of the WebKit browser engine
www/icedtea-web (CURRENT) Java browser plugin and Web Start launcher
wip/py-nltk (CURRENT) Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)
sysutils/netbsd-kmod-tools (CURRENT) NetBSD kmod tools
wip/re2 (CURRENT) RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly regular expressions library
devel/ruby-metaclass (CURRENT) Adds a metaclass method to all Ruby objects
textproc/ruby-json-utils (CURRENT) Utilities for handling JSON data
databases/postgresql91 (CURRENT) Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
databases/postgresql91-dblink (CURRENT) Dblink module for remote database connections
databases/postgresql91-docs (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database documentation
databases/postgresql91-fuzzystrmatch (CURRENT) PostgreSQL fuzzystrmatch contribution
databases/postgresql91-plperl (CURRENT) PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql91-pltcl (CURRENT) PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql91-client (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database client programs
databases/postgresql91-datatypes (CURRENT) PostgreSQL data types support modules
databases/postgresql91-pgcrypto (CURRENT) Module providing cryptographic functions for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql91-server (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database server programs
databases/postgresql91-upgrade (CURRENT) PostgreSQL binary upgrade tool
databases/postgresql91-adminpack (CURRENT) Admin pack module for pgAdmin management
databases/postgresql91-monitoring (CURRENT) PostgreSQL monitoring tools
databases/postgresql91-replicationtools (CURRENT) PostgreSQL replication tools
databases/postgresql91-plpython (CURRENT) PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
wip/qiviewer (CURRENT) Qt image viewer, designed to be fast and lightweight
wip/viewnior (CURRENT) Viewnior is a fast and simple image viewer
wip/clojure (CURRENT) Dynamic programming language that targets the Java VM
wip/clojure-contrib (CURRENT) Extensions and enhancements to the Clojure libraries
wip/aten (CURRENT) Aten is a tool to create, edit, and visualise coordinates
wip/newlisp (CURRENT) Lisp-like, general-purpose scripting language
wip/ts (CURRENT) Simple handy batch system
wip/hs-double-conversion (CURRENT) Fast conversion between double precision floating point and text
wip/hs-blaze-textual (CURRENT) Fast rendering of common datatypes
wip/allegro (CURRENT) Allegro game programming library
wip/rpcemu-devel (CURRENT) Acorn RiscPC and A7000 emulator
wip/rpcemu (CURRENT) Acorn RiscPC and A7000 emulator
wip/sofia-sip (CURRENT) Open-source SIP User-Agent library
sysutils/php-fileinfo (CURRENT) PHP extension for libmagic bindings
wip/paperkey (CURRENT) Extract essence of OpenPGP secret key for printing
databases/datapkg (CURRENT) Tool for distributing, discovering, and installing data packages
wip/hs-punycode (CURRENT) Punycode encoder
biology/chemical-mime-data (CURRENT) Chemical mime and file type support for desktops
biology/gnome-chemistry-utils (CURRENT) GChemPaint, a 2D chemical editor and other programs
wip/binutils (CURRENT) GNU binary utilities
wip/adobe-flash-plugin11 (CURRENT) Adobe Flash Player Browser plugin
wip/xdvipdfmx (CURRENT) Extended DVI to PDF converter, mainly for use with XeTeX
wip/mikutter-snapshot (CURRENT) Simply, powerfully, and moefully twitter client
wip/libfs (CURRENT) X Font Service client library
fonts/libfs (CURRENT) X Font Service client library
devel/SOGo (CURRENT) Groupware server supporting CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV
wip/libexttextcat (CURRENT) Text categorization library
chat/p5-IRC-Util (CURRENT) Common utilities for IRC-related tasks
wip/uni-vga (CURRENT) Monospaced Unicode font based on the original IBM VGA font
print/tex-thailatex (CURRENT) Typeset Thai texts with standard LaTeX classes
devel/ruby-fiddle (CURRENT) Ruby fiddle library to wrap libffi
textproc/ruby-psych (CURRENT) Ruby YAML parser and emitter
wip/matiec (CURRENT) IEC61131-3 Compiler
wip/hs-stringsearch (CURRENT) Fast searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings
wip/zathura (CURRENT) PDF viewer with vi-like keybindings
print/tex-pdftools (CURRENT) PDF-related utilities, including PostScript-to-PDF conversion
print/tex-pdftools-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-pdftools
wip/p5-Data-AMF (CURRENT) Serialize/deserialize Adobe Action Message Format data
wip/hawk (CURRENT) HAWK is a Monte Carlo integrator for pp -> H + 2jets
wip/beads (CURRENT) BEADS is a program for spot detection on 2-D gel images
wip/circe2 (CURRENT) CIRCE1 is WHIZARD's generator for lepton collider beamstrahlung
wip/pythontoolkit (CURRENT) PythonToolkit (PTK) an interactive python environment
devel/pythontoolkit (CURRENT) PythonToolkit (PTK) an interactive python environment
wip/py-agio (CURRENT) Analysis and Inter-comparison of Gene Ontology functional annotations
wip/socnetv (CURRENT) Social network analysis and visualisation application
math/socnetv (CURRENT) Social network analysis and visualisation application
www/haproxy (CURRENT) Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer
pkgtools/tinderbox-dragonfly (CURRENT) Tinderbox package building system (pkgsrc)
graphics/qiviewer (CURRENT) Qt image viewer, designed to be fast and lightweight
net/p5-SOAP-Transport-TCP (CURRENT) TCP transport layer for SOAP::Lite
multimedia/adobe-flash-plugin11 (CURRENT) Adobe Flash Player Browser plugin
wip/p5-Umph-Prompt (CURRENT) Youtube feeds parsing module for umph
www/ap22-limitipconn (CURRENT) Limits per-IP connections to an Apache 2 server
lang/ruby193 (CURRENT) Ruby programming language 1.9.3 meta package
lang/ruby193-base (CURRENT) Ruby 1.9.3 release minimum base package
net/umph (CURRENT) Command line tool for parsing video links from Youtube feeds
net/gcap (CURRENT) Command line tool for retrieving Youtube closed captions
net/p5-Umph-Prompt (CURRENT) Youtube feeds parsing module for umph
net/grake (CURRENT) Tool for scanning webpages for Youtube video links
net/p5-umph (CURRENT) Command line tool for parsing video links from Youtube feeds
net/p5-gcap (CURRENT) Command line tool for retrieving Youtube closed captions
net/p5-grake (CURRENT) Tool for scanning webpages for Youtube video links
devel/p5-MooseX-ChainedAccessors (CURRENT) Accessor class for chained accessors with Moose
wip/libalac (CURRENT) Apple Lossless Audio Codec is an audio codec developed by Apple
wip/alacconvert (CURRENT) Apple Lossless Audio Codec converter by Apple
textproc/py-decorator (CURRENT) Generic Python decorator utilities
devel/py-buildbot-slave (CURRENT) Buildbot slave
net/py-buildbot-slave (CURRENT) Buildbot slave
wip/hs-collections-api (CURRENT) API for collection data structures
wip/hs-collections-base-instances (CURRENT) Useful standard collections types and related functions
wip/hs-hashmap (CURRENT) Persistent containers Map and Set based on hashing
wip/R-gsl (CURRENT) R wrapper for the Gnu Scientific Library
devel/p5-Devel-BeginLift (CURRENT) Declarator magic for perl
wip/bzr-gtk (CURRENT) Various GTK+ frontends to Bazaar commands
wip/bzr-svn (CURRENT) Foreign Subversion repository support for Bazaar
wip/p5-File-ShareDir-Install (CURRENT) Perl module to install shared files
wip/fluxbox (CURRENT) Window Manager for X based on Blackbox
wip/qbzr (CURRENT) GUI front end for Bazaar
wip/bzr-explorer (CURRENT) GUI frontend to bzr
lang/basic256 (CURRENT) BASIC language with traditional control structures
net/skype21 (CURRENT) P2P VoIP software (2.1.x branch)
net/skype1 (CURRENT) P2P VoIP software (old 1.x branch)
wip/collectd5 (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon base
wip/aipo (CURRENT) Web-based groupware that supports Japanese interface
wip/gyp (CURRENT) GYP can Generate Your Projects
www/aipo (CURRENT) Web-based groupware that supports Japanese interface
wip/collectd5-rrdtool (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - rrdtool plugins
wip/lua-BitOp (CURRENT) Lua module which adds bitwise operations on numbers
wip/clisp-asdf (CURRENT) Another System Definition Facility for Common Lisp
wip/pam-krb5 (CURRENT) pam_krb5 module that supports more options
wip/hs-blaze-html (CURRENT) Blazingly fast HTML combinator library for Haskell
wip/hs-attempt (CURRENT) Concrete data type for handling extensible exceptions as failures
wip/hs-convertible-text (CURRENT) Typeclasses and instances for converting between types
wip/hs-failure (CURRENT) Simple type class for success/failure computations
wip/fcgiwrap (CURRENT) FastCGI wrapper for plain CGI scripts
wip/hs-test-framework-quickcheck2 (CURRENT) QuickCheck2 support for the test-framework package
wip/hs-test-framework (CURRENT) Framework for running and organising tests
wip/hs-test-framework-hunit (CURRENT) HUnit support for the test-framework package
wip/hs-hostname (CURRENT) Package providing a cross-platform means of determining the hostname
wip/hs-ansi-wl-pprint (CURRENT) The Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer with colour support
wip/hs-xml (CURRENT) Simple XML library
devel/py-ordereddict (CURRENT) Drop-in substitute for Py2.7's new collections.OrderedDict
wip/php-gtk2 (CURRENT) PHP extension for Gtk+ 2.0
x11/php-gtk2 (CURRENT) PHP extension for Gtk+ 2.0
wip/samba (CURRENT) SMB/CIFS protocol server suite
wip/qemu (CURRENT) CPU emulator using dynamic translation
devel/ruby-i18n_05 (CURRENT) New wave Internationalization support for Ruby
databases/ruby-arel20 (CURRENT) Arel is a relational algebra engine for Ruby
www/ruby-rack-mount06 (CURRENT) Stackable dynamic tree based Rack router
www/ruby-rack-test05 (CURRENT) Simple testing API built on Rack
www/php-concrete5 (CURRENT) Open sourece Content Management System
www/ruby-erubis26 (CURRENT) Fast, secure, and extensible implementation of eRuby
www/typo3_45 (CURRENT) The TYPO3 content management system LTS release
www/typo3_46 (CURRENT) The TYPO3 content management system, 4.6 based release
www/ruby-rack12 (CURRENT) Ruby webserver interface
mail/ruby-mail22 (CURRENT) Mail provides a nice Ruby DSL for making, sending and reading emails
www/ruby-rack-ssl (CURRENT) Rack middleware to force SSL/TLS
net/samba30 (CURRENT) SMB/CIFS protocol server suite
devel/ruby-activesupport31 (CURRENT) Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 3.1)
devel/ruby-railties31 (CURRENT) Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 3.1
databases/ruby-railties31 (CURRENT) Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 3.1
devel/ruby-activemodel31 (CURRENT) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 3.1)
www/ruby-activeresource31 (CURRENT) REST modeling framework (part of Rails 3.1)
www/ruby-actionpack31 (CURRENT) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 3.1)
www/ruby-rails31 (CURRENT) Full-stack web application framework, Rails 3.1
databases/ruby-activerecord31 (CURRENT) Object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails 3.1)
mail/ruby-actionmailer31 (CURRENT) Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 3.1)
devel/ruby-actionmailer31 (CURRENT) Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 3.1)
databases/ruby-acts-as-versioned02 (CURRENT) Simple versioning for ActiveRecord
databases/ruby-dm-active_model (CURRENT) Plugin to make datamapper active_model compliant
databases/ruby-dm-rails (CURRENT) DataMapper for Rubu on Rails
wip/tscreen (CURRENT) Multi-screen window manager
misc/tscreen (CURRENT) Multi-screen window manager
wip/php-ssh2 (CURRENT) PHP bindings to the functions of libssh2
wip/hs-dependent-sum (CURRENT) Dependent sum type
wip/py-aesthete (CURRENT) Integrated mathematics environment
math/py-aesthete (CURRENT) Integrated mathematics environment
wip/vba-m (CURRENT) VBA-M is a fork from the now inactive VisualBoy Advance project
wip/py-pep8 (CURRENT) Python style guide checker
wip/py-kivy (CURRENT) Innovative user interfaces made easy
wip/kytea (CURRENT) Kyoto Text Analysis Toolkit
wip/lapack340 (CURRENT) Linear Algebra PACKage
wip/csmith (CURRENT) Random generator of C programs
wip/py-professor (CURRENT) Parameterisation-based tuning tool for Monte Carlo event generators
physics/py-professor (CURRENT) Parameterisation-based tuning tool for Monte Carlo event generators
wip/py-prop (CURRENT) Framework for propagating the TDSE written in Python/C++
physcis/py-prop (CURRENT) Framework for propagating the TDSE written in Python/C++
wip/py-numpydoc (CURRENT) Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format
wip/get_iplayer (CURRENT) Search, index, record or stream BBC iPlayer broadcasts
wip/calypso (CURRENT) CardDAV/CalDAV server
wip/carnival (CURRENT) GUI for Festival
wip/hs-arrow-list (CURRENT) List arrows for Haskell
wip/py-git (CURRENT) Python library used to interact with Git repositories
devel/py-git (CURRENT) Python library used to interact with Git repositories
wip/py-gitdb (CURRENT) Git Object Database
wip/py-smmap (CURRENT) Git implementation of a sliding window memory map manager
wip/nhc98 (CURRENT) Portable Haskell 98 compiler
security/putty-devel (pkgsrc-2011Q4) Free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Win32 and Unix platforms
net/calypso (CURRENT) CardDAV/CalDAV server
games/ultima4-data (CURRENT) Ultima IV data files for xu4
misc/py-carddav (CURRENT) Simple way of accessing a CardDAV resource
wip/deforaos-pdfviewer (CURRENT) DeforaOS desktop PDF viewer
wip/purple-translate (CURRENT) Automatically translates messages in Pidgin
wip/libinotify (CURRENT) Portable inotify userland lib
comms/asterisk10 (CURRENT) The Asterisk Software PBX
net/asterisk10 (CURRENT) The Asterisk Software PBX
wip/hs-control-monad-failure (CURRENT) Class for monads which can fail with an error
wip/hs-transformers-base (CURRENT) Lift computations from the bottom of a transformer stack
net/Transmission-gui (CURRENT) Free, lightweight BitTorrent client
wip/hs-convertible-ascii (CURRENT) Convertible instances for ascii
wip/hs-quickcheck-instances (CURRENT) Common quickcheck instances
wip/libgda4 (CURRENT) GNU database access library
databases/libgda4 (CURRENT) GNU database access library
wip/shared-desktop-ontologies (CURRENT) Ontologies for Semantic Desktop
wip/raptor2 (CURRENT) RDF Parser Toolkit written in C
print/tex-bibtex8 (CURRENT) 8-bit Implementation of BibTeX 0.99 with multilanguage support
wip/py-kde4 (CURRENT) Python bindings for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
wip/kde-workspace4 (CURRENT) Base workspace for the KDE 4 integrated X11 desktop
wip/kactivities (CURRENT) KDE Activity Manager
misc/kactivities (CURRENT) KDE Activity Manager
wip/konsole (CURRENT) Terminal emulator for the K Desktop Environment
wip/kmag (CURRENT) KDE screen magnifier
wip/libkexiv2 (CURRENT) KDE wrapper around exiv2
wip/kmousetool (CURRENT) KDE mouse manipulation tool
wip/kde-wallpapers4 (CURRENT) Wallpapers for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
wip/kmouth (CURRENT) KDE Speech Synthesizer frontend
graphics/AfterShotPro (CURRENT) Photo management software
wip/kcalc (CURRENT) KDE scientific calculator
wip/kcharselect (CURRENT) KDE character selector
x11/kmouth (CURRENT) KDE Speech Synthesizer frontend
x11/kmag (CURRENT) KDE screen magnifier
wip/kate (CURRENT) KDE Advanced Text Editor
devel/kate (CURRENT) KDE Advanced Text Editor
wip/kdf (CURRENT) Show mount points and disk usage under KDE desktop
x11/kmousetool (CURRENT) KDE mouse manipulation tool
wip/ark (CURRENT) Manages various archive formats within the KDE environment
wip/py-formex (CURRENT) Tool to generate and manipulate complex 3D geometries
graphics/py-formex (CURRENT) Tool to generate and manipulate complex 3D geometries
math/py-formex (CURRENT) Tool to generate and manipulate complex 3D geometries
wip/py-h5py (CURRENT) Python interface to the HDF5 library
wip/py-tkinter-help (CURRENT) Small Preview of Tkinter Widgets
x11/py-tkinter-help (CURRENT) Small Preview of Tkinter Widgets
wip/kolourpaint (CURRENT) KDE paint program
wip/printer-applet (CURRENT) KDE printer applet
wip/kfloppy (CURRENT) KDE floppy formatter
wip/kruler (CURRENT) KDE screen ruler
wip/kgpg (CURRENT) KDE encryption tool
wip/gwenview (CURRENT) KDE image viewer
wip/ksnapshot (CURRENT) KDE screen capture program
wip/superkaramba (CURRENT) KDE desktop widgets
wip/ktimer (CURRENT) KDE countdown launcher
wip/sweeper (CURRENT) KDE system cleaner
wip/libkipi (CURRENT) KDE image plugin interface
wip/kcolorchooser (CURRENT) KDE color chooser
wip/kwallet (CURRENT) Secure and unified container for user passwords
wip/kremotecontrol (CURRENT) KDE frontend for your remote controls.
wip/okular (CURRENT) KDE universal document viewer
graphics/okular (CURRENT) KDE universal document viewer
wip/libkdcraw (CURRENT) KDE digital camera raw image library wrapper
wip/libksane (CURRENT) SANE Library interface for KDE
wip/libkdeedu (CURRENT) Common library for KDE educational apps
wip/kalzium (CURRENT) periodic table of elements
wip/kbruch (CURRENT) KDE exercise fractions
wip/analitza (CURRENT) KDE library for mathematical features
wip/kgeography (CURRENT) KDE geography trainer
wip/cantor (CURRENT) KDE frontend to mathematical software
wip/blinken (CURRENT) memory enhancement game
wip/marble (CURRENT) KDE desktop globe
wip/kalgebra (CURRENT) KDE graph calculator
wip/kanagram (CURRENT) KDE letter order game
wip/khangman (CURRENT) KDE hangman game
wip/rocs (CURRENT) KDE graph theory IDE
wip/klettres (CURRENT) KDE app to help learn the alphabet and read some syllables in languages
wip/kig (CURRENT) KDE interactive geometry
wip/kturtle (CURRENT) KDE educational programming environment
wip/kiten (CURRENT) KDE Japanese reference/learning tool
wip/kstars (CURRENT) KDE desktop planetarium
wip/kdegraphics-mobipocket (CURRENT) Library to support mobipocket ebooks
wip/kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer (CURRENT) graphics file format plugins for Strigi Desktop Search
wip/kdegraphics-thumbnailers (CURRENT) Graphics file format thumbnailers for KDE
wip/ktouch (CURRENT) KDE touch typing tutor
wip/parley (CURRENT) KDE vocabulary trainer
wip/step (CURRENT) KDE interactive physical simulator
wip/kwordquiz (CURRENT) KDE flash card trainer
multimedia/libflashsupport10 (CURRENT) Additional Interface Support for Linux Flash Player
wip/kgamma (CURRENT) KDE screen gamma values kcontrol module
wip/ksecrets (CURRENT) KDE secrets service
wip/svgpart (CURRENT) KDE svg part
wip/kaccessible (CURRENT) Provides accessibility services like focus tracking for KDE
wip/kamera (CURRENT) KDE digital camera manager
wip/ksaneplugin (CURRENT) SANE Plugin for KDE
wip/py-itstool (CURRENT) Tool for translating XML documents with PO files
converters/py-itstool (CURRENT) Tool for translating XML documents with PO files
wip/itstool (CURRENT) Tool for translating XML documents with PO files
wip/bind10-devel (CURRENT) ISC Bind 10 devel-20120119 (snapshot
filesystems/py-filesystem (CURRENT) Python filesystem access library
wip/hs-comonad-transformers (CURRENT) Comonad transformers
wip/hs-semigroupoids (CURRENT) Semigroupoids: Category sans id
wip/hs-transformers-abort (CURRENT) Better error monad transformer
wip/hs-pointed (CURRENT) Haskell 98 pointed and copointed data
wip/mysql-sphinxse (CURRENT) SphinxSE MySQL storage engine
wip/hs-contravariant (CURRENT) Contravariant functors
wip/hs-comonad (CURRENT) Comonads
wip/hs-distributive (CURRENT) Haskell 98 Distributive functors -- Dual to Traversable
wip/hs-vector-bytestring (CURRENT) ByteStrings as type synonyms of Storable Vectors of Word8s
x11/startup-notification010 (CURRENT) X11 application startup notification library
wip/sudo (CURRENT) Allow others to run commands as root
wip/libunistring (CURRENT) Library that provides functions for manipulating Unicode strings
wip/avr-gcc (CURRENT) GCC for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers
wip/ruby-yajl (CURRENT) Ruby C binding to YAJL JSON library
devel/ruby-yajl (CURRENT) Ruby C binding to YAJL JSON library
wip/avr-binutils (CURRENT) GNU binutils for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers
wip/avr-libc (CURRENT) C and math library for Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontrollers
math/gcalctool-gtk3 (CURRENT) Desktop calculator for GNOME
wip/weland (CURRENT) Marathon game map editor
games/weland (CURRENT) Marathon game map editor
lang/vala014 (CURRENT) Compiler for the GObject type system (0.14 branch)
wip/hs-hxt-relaxng (CURRENT) The HXT RelaxNG validator
security/py-ssh (CURRENT) This is a library for making SSH2 connections (client or server)
converters/p5-Unicode-Collate (CURRENT) Perl5 implementation of Unicode Collation Algorithm
converters/p5-Unicode-Normalize (CURRENT) Unicode Normalization Froms
wip/gearmand (CURRENT) Gearman C Server and Library
wip/guile2 (CURRENT) Official extension language for the GNU operating system
wip/marathon-evil (CURRENT) Game data for Marathon EVIL scenario, playable with Aleph One
wip/atque (CURRENT) Marathon game map utility
wip/rejik (CURRENT) Banner-filtering redirector for Squid
wip/wxMaxima (CURRENT) Graphical UI for maxima
www/contao211 (CURRENT) Contao Open Source CMS 2.11
www/contao211-example (CURRENT) Sample site data for Contao Open Source CMS 2.11
x11/avant-window-navigator (CURRENT) Dock-like navigation bar
x11/libdesktop-agnostic (CURRENT) Desktop-agnostic library, apis and tools
www/contao211-translations (CURRENT) Language files for Contao CMS
wip/xfce4-tumbler (CURRENT) D-Bus thumbnailing service
wip/windowmaker (CURRENT) GNUStep-compliant NEXTSTEP(tm) window manager clone
devel/p5-CPAN-Meta-YAML (CURRENT) Perl module to read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files
multimedia/vlc2 (CURRENT) VLC media player and streaming server
net/gst-plugins0.10-rtmp (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - rtmp plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-rtmp (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - rtmp plugin
wip/php-mongo (CURRENT) MongoDB database driver
wip/opencsg (CURRENT) Image based CSG rendering library using OpenGL
textproc/mecab-base09 (CURRENT) Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
japanese/mecab-base09 (CURRENT) Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
wip/arpack (CURRENT) TODO: Short description of the package
wip/libvisio (CURRENT) Library and tools for parsing the visio file format
print/tex-japanese (CURRENT) Substitute for a babel package for japanese
print/tex-japanese-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-japanese
wip/hs-unordered-containers (CURRENT) Efficient hashing-based container types
wip/hs-stringtable-atom (CURRENT) Memorize Strings as Atoms for fast comparison and sorting
wip/python32 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
wip/hs-random (CURRENT) Random number library
wip/hs-core (CURRENT) Haskell external core parser and pretty printer
wip/yaml-mode (CURRENT) Emacs major mode for editing YAML files
wip/clipit (CURRENT) Lightweight, fully featured GTK+ clipboard manager
wip/libmythes (CURRENT) Library and tools for parsing the visio file format
net/bind99 (CURRENT) Berkeley Internet Name Daemon implementation of DNS, version 9.9
wip/pkg-config (CURRENT) System for managing library compile/link flags
wip/ykpers (CURRENT) Yubico's YubiKey re-programming toolkit
x11/qwt6-qt4 (CURRENT) Qt widget library for technical purposes
wip/gcompris (CURRENT) Educational games for children
wip/hs-concrete-typerep (CURRENT) Binary and Hashable instances for TypeRep
wip/hs-ghc-syb-utils (CURRENT) Scrap Your Boilerplate utilities for the GHC API
devel/xulrunner10 (CURRENT) XML User Interface Language runtime environment
mail/thunderbird10 (CURRENT) Organize, secure and customize your mail
www/firefox10 (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions (version 10.x)
www/firefox10-l10n (CURRENT) Language packs for www/firefox10 (version 10.x)
mail/thunderbird10-l10n (CURRENT) Language packs for mail/thunderbird
net/remmina-plugins (CURRENT) Plugins for Remmina, a remote desktop client based on GTK+
devel/ruby-rake (CURRENT) Ruby Make
wip/leveldb (CURRENT) Fast and lightweight key/value database library by Google
devel/ruby-turn08 (CURRENT) Test::Unit Reporter (New) -- new output format for Test::Unit
devel/ruby-uglifier10 (CURRENT) Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor
www/ruby-uglifier10 (CURRENT) Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor
misc/ruby-sprockets20 (CURRENT) Rack-based asset packaging system
www/ruby-sprockets20 (CURRENT) Rack-based asset packaging system
misc/ruby-sprockets21 (CURRENT) Rack-based asset packaging system
www/ruby-sprockets21 (CURRENT) Rack-based asset packaging system
mail/ruby-mail23 (CURRENT) Mail provides a nice Ruby DSL for making, sending and reading emails
www/ruby-rack13 (CURRENT) Ruby webserver interface
wip/claws-mail-fancy (CURRENT) Renders HTML e-mail using the WebKit library
devel/ruby-activemodel32 (CURRENT) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 3.2)
devel/ruby-activesupport32 (CURRENT) Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 3.2)
devel/ruby-railties32 (CURRENT) Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 3.2
databases/ruby-railties32 (CURRENT) Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 3.2
databases/ruby-activerecord32 (CURRENT) Object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails 3.2)
databases/ruby-arel22 (CURRENT) Arel is a relational algebra engine for Ruby
mail/ruby-actionmailer32 (CURRENT) Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 3.2)
devel/ruby-actionmailer32 (CURRENT) Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 3.2)
www/ruby-actionpack32 (CURRENT) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 3.2)
www/ruby-rails32 (CURRENT) Full-stack web application framework, Rails 3.2
www/ruby-activeresource32 (CURRENT) REST modeling framework (part of Rails 3.2)
www/ruby-sass-rails31 (CURRENT) Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline
www/ruby-jquery-rails20 (CURRENT) jQuery support for Rails
www/ruby-jquery-rails10 (CURRENT) jQuery support for Rails 3.0
www/ruby-journey (CURRENT) Journey is a router
www/ruby-sass-rails32 (CURRENT) Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline
multimedia/phonon-backend-gstreamer (CURRENT) Multimedia API for KDE and QT - GStreamer backend
graphics/libkdcraw-kde3 (CURRENT) C++ interface around dcraw
graphics/libkipi-kde3 (CURRENT) KDE Image Plugin Interface
x11/py-kde4 (CURRENT) Python bindings for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
misc/py-kde4 (CURRENT) Python bindings for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
graphics/ksaneplugin (CURRENT) SANE Plugin for KDE
graphics/libkexiv2-kde3 (CURRENT) KDE wrapper for exiv2
graphics/gwenview-i18n-kde3 (CURRENT) Translations for gwenview image viewer
kde/gwenview-i18n-kde3 (CURRENT) Translations for gwenview image viewer
graphics/gwenview-kde3 (CURRENT) Image viewer for KDE whose aims are ease of use and speed
kde/gwenview-kde3 (CURRENT) Image viewer for KDE whose aims are ease of use and speed
graphics/ksnapshot (CURRENT) KDE screen capture program
security/ksecrets (CURRENT) KDE secrets service
sysutils/kfloppy (CURRENT) KDE floppy formatter
sysutils/filelight-kde3 (CURRENT) Graphical filesystem usage monitor
misc/libkdeedu (CURRENT) Common library for KDE educational apps
print/printer-applet (CURRENT) KDE printer applet
www/ruby-coffee-rails32 (CURRENT) Coffee Script adapter for the Rails 3.2 asset pipeline
www/ruby-coffee-rails31 (CURRENT) Coffee Script adapter for the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline
parallel/slurm (CURRENT) Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management
print/evince3 (CURRENT) Document viewer
graphics/libkface (CURRENT) LibFace Library interface for KDE
parallel/gridscheduler (CURRENT) Open Grid Scheduler/Grid Engine resource management system
devel/kdiff3-kde3 (CURRENT) File and directory diff and merge tool
misc/libkgeomap (CURRENT) World-Map Library interface for KDE
editors/kile-kde3 (CURRENT) LaTeX source editor - TeX shell - Gnuplot front end
sysutils/k4dirstat (CURRENT) Graphical disk usage utility
sysutils/k3b-kde3 (CURRENT) DVD and CD authoring program
print/kbibtex-kde3 (CURRENT) BibTeX editor for KDE
print/tex-xetex-def (CURRENT) Colour and graphics support for XeTeX
wip/libctl (CURRENT) Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations
wip/armadillo (CURRENT) C++ linear algebra library
wip/fvcom2 (CURRENT) Prognostic coastal ocean circulation model
wip/mpb (CURRENT) MIT Photonic Bands
wip/py-ufl (CURRENT) Unified Form Language for finite element discretizations
devel/py-ufl (CURRENT) Unified Form Language for finite element discretizations
wip/swig2 (CURRENT) Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2)
wip/py-ffc (CURRENT) C++ code generator for multilinear forms
math/py-ffc (CURRENT) C++ code generator for multilinear forms
wip/py-fiat (CURRENT) Finite element Automatic Tabulator
math/py-fiat (CURRENT) Finite element Automatic Tabulator
wip/py-viper (CURRENT) Scientific plotter and run-time visualization module
graphics/py-viper (CURRENT) Scientific plotter and run-time visualization module
wip/dolfin (CURRENT) C++/Python interface of FEniCS
math/dolfin (CURRENT) C++/Python interface of FEniCS
wip/meep (CURRENT) FDTD simulation software to model electromagnetic systems
wip/metis (CURRENT) Unstructured graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering system
wip/dlpoly-classic (CURRENT) General purpose classical molecular dynamics
math/dlpoly-classic (CURRENT) General purpose classical molecular dynamics
wip/tex-abntex (CURRENT) Support for ABNT documentation standards
math/cloog (CURRENT) Code generator for loop optimization (used by gcc)
www/dojo (CURRENT) Open-source DHTML toolkit written in JavaScript
lang/vala016 (CURRENT) Compiler for the GObject type system
graphics/shotwell-gtk3 (CURRENT) Shotwell is a photo organizer for the GNOME desktop
net/gitso (CURRENT) Gitso is to support others
wip/opensmtpd (CURRENT) The OpenSMTPD mail transfer agent, a replacement for sendmail
math/R-geoRglm (CURRENT) Package for generalised linear spatial models
devel/py-ipython012 (CURRENT) Interactive computing environment for Python
lang/gcc47 (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 4.7 Release Series
wip/zookeeper-client (CURRENT) Highly reliable distributed coordination server (client)
wip/zookeeper-server (CURRENT) Highly reliable distributed coordination server
wip/libcdr (CURRENT) Corel Draw file format importer library
wip/tex-svninfo-doc (CURRENT) Documention for tex-svninfo
wip/tex-svninfo (CURRENT) Support for the subversion revision control system
wip/libreoffice-devel (CURRENT) Office productivity suite
net/chimera (CURRENT) Distributed Hash Table implementation
wip/R-iterators (CURRENT) Provides Iterator Construct for R
www/sencha-sns (CURRENT) Social Networking Service software that supports Timeline
misc/py-libanki (CURRENT) Flashcard learning program (support libraries)
misc/py-anki (CURRENT) Flashcard learning program (v1)
wip/nautilus-dropbox (CURRENT) Dropbox nautilus integration
lang/python32 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
devel/sfslite (CURRENT) Standard version of the sfslite library
devel/tolua++ (CURRENT) Tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua
wip/p5-BSD-arc4random (CURRENT) Perl interface to the arc4 random number generator
wip/mopher (CURRENT) Versatile mail filter
wip/lxsession (CURRENT) Session manager for LXDE
wip/lxappearance (CURRENT) GTK+ theme switcher
wip/lxlauncher (CURRENT) Program launcher for small screens
wip/lxsession-edit (CURRENT) Desktop Session settings editor
wip/lxtask (CURRENT) Lightweight desktop-independent task manager
wip/lxshortcut (CURRENT) Desktop Entry application shortcuts editor
wip/libfm (CURRENT) File management library
wip/ukncbtl (CURRENT) Emulator of 'UKNC', a Soviet school computer
wip/meep-mpi (CURRENT) FDTD simulation software to model electromagnetic systems
wip/elementary-icon-theme (CURRENT) Simple and appealing Tango-styled icon theme
wip/php-doc-pl (CURRENT) Polish documentation for PHP
wip/php-doc (CURRENT) PHP Documentation
wip/php-doc-tr (CURRENT) Turkish documentation for PHP
wip/php-doc-zh (CURRENT) Chinese (Simplified) documentation for PHP
wip/pcmanfm (CURRENT) Extremly fast and lightweight file manager
wip/osmo (CURRENT) Personal organizer, calendar and task manager
misc/osmo (CURRENT) Personal organizer, calendar and task manager
wip/vpnc-svn (CURRENT) Client for Cisco3000 ipsec VPN Concentrator
net/vpnc-svn (CURRENT) Client for Cisco3000 ipsec VPN Concentrator
math/arpack (CURRENT) Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems
wip/py-beets (CURRENT) Music geek's media organizer
wip/py-musicbrainz-ngs (CURRENT) Python bindings for Musicbrainz' NGS service
devel/libusbx (CURRENT) USB Access Library (version 1) for of libusb
www/typo3_47 (CURRENT) The TYPO3 content management system, 4.7 based release
wip/recoll (CURRENT) Full text desktop search engine
wip/subversion17-base (CURRENT) Version control system, base programs and libraries
devel/subversion17-base (CURRENT) Version control system, base programs and libraries
wip/irssi-xmpp (CURRENT) Irssi plugin to connect to the Jabber network
emulators/qemu0 (CURRENT) CPU emulator using dynamic translation
wip/py-w3lib (CURRENT) Library of web-related functions
wip/py-scrapy (CURRENT) Python web scraping framework
wip/emacs-rc (CURRENT) GNU editing macros (editor)
wip/sxiv (CURRENT) Simple (or small or suckless) X Image Viewer
lang/php54 (CURRENT) PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 5.4
meta-pkgs/php54-extensions (CURRENT) "meta-package" for the PHP 5.4 HTML-embedded scripting language
editors/emacs24-nox11 (CURRENT) GNU editing macros (editor)
editors/emacs24 (CURRENT) GNU editing macros (editor)
security/gnome-keyring-sharp (CURRENT) Mono implementation of gnome-keyring
security/sks (CURRENT) Self Replicating PGP Key Server
wip/fuse-google-drive (CURRENT) FUSE filesystem wrapper for Google Drive
audio/py-audiotools (CURRENT) Collection of command line audio handling programs
devel/atf-libs (CURRENT) Automated testing framework - Libraries
wip/calligra (CURRENT) Calligra, the KDE4 Office suite
misc/calligra (CURRENT) Calligra, the KDE4 Office suite
print/poppler016 (CURRENT) PDF rendering library
devel/p5-CPAN-Meta-Requirements (CURRENT) Set of version requirements for a CPAN dist
converters/p5-JSON-PP (CURRENT) JSON::XS compatible pure-Perl module
www/p5-JSON-PP (CURRENT) JSON::XS compatible pure-Perl module
perl5/p5-JSON-PP (CURRENT) JSON::XS compatible pure-Perl module
wip/lockf (CURRENT) FreeBSD's lockf
wip/doxygen-depend (CURRENT) Collection of dependent pkgs to check doxygen update
print/xdvipdfmx (CURRENT) Extended DVI to PDF converter, mainly for use with XeTeX
devel/kyua-atf-compat (CURRENT) Kyua (automated testing framework) - ATF compatibility tools
devel/ocaml-deriving-ocsigen (CURRENT) Extension to OCaml for deriving functions from type declarations
databases/postgresql91-pgbench (CURRENT) PostgreSQL benchmarking tools
wip/py-magic (CURRENT) File type identification using libmagic
databases/postgresql84-pgbench (CURRENT) PostgreSQL benchmarking tools
databases/postgresql90-pgbench (CURRENT) PostgreSQL benchmarking tools
databases/postgresql83-pgbench (CURRENT) PostgreSQL benchmarking tools
x11/xcb-util036 (CURRENT) XCB Utilities (old 0.3.6 release)
wip/py-EmPy (CURRENT) Powerful and robust templating system for Python
textproc/py-EmPy (CURRENT) Powerful and robust templating system for Python
fonts/Symbola-ttf (CURRENT) Unicode font for symbols
wip/rabbitmq-c (CURRENT) C-language AMQP client library for use with AMQP servers
databases/postgresql-pgbench (CURRENT) PostgreSQL benchmarking tools
wip/py-mongo (CURRENT) Python driver for MongoDB
devel/py-mongo (CURRENT) Python driver for MongoDB
devel/py-distribute (CURRENT) Replacement for setuptools
wip/libcmis (CURRENT) Client library for the CMIS interface
wip/deforaos-desktop (CURRENT) Meta-package for the DeforaOS Desktop environment
graphics/libraw013 (CURRENT) Raw decoding/processing library
wip/glyr (CURRENT) Music related metadata search engine with CLI and C API
wip/polarssl (CURRENT) Lightweight, modular cryptographic and SSL/TLS library
wip/fldigi (CURRENT) Digital radio modem
wip/py-txamqp (CURRENT) Python library for communicating with AMQP using Twisted
wip/py-whisper (CURRENT) Fixed-size database, similar in design to RRD
x11/vte029 (CURRENT) Terminal widget with improved accessibility and I18N support
devel/py-stompclient (CURRENT) Lightweight and extensible STOMP messaging client
wip/stud (CURRENT) Scalable TLS Unwrapping Daemon
wip/tk-tkimg (CURRENT) Add support for several image formats to Tk
wip/musescore (CURRENT) Create, play and print beautiful sheet music
sysutils/openxenmanager (CURRENT) Open source XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform interface
graphics/gthumb3 (CURRENT) Image viewer and browser for the GNOME Desktop
graphics/eog3 (CURRENT) Eye of GNOME: an image viewing and cataloging program
wip/php-ffmpeg (CURRENT) Access and retrieve information from movies and audio files
multimedia/php-ffmpeg (CURRENT) Access and retrieve information from movies and audio files
wip/py-regex (CURRENT) Alternative regular expression module, to replace re
wip/py-tornado (CURRENT) Open source web server and tools that power FriendFeed
chat/irssi-xmpp (CURRENT) Irssi plugin to connect to the Jabber network
filesystems/openafs-devel (CURRENT) File system for sharing, scalability and transparent data migration
net/openafs-devel (CURRENT) File system for sharing, scalability and transparent data migration
wip/R-VGAM (CURRENT) Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models
wip/meli (CURRENT) Terminal mail client
editors/gedit3 (CURRENT) Lightweight GNOME UTF-8 text editor
editors/gedit3-spell (CURRENT) Spell-check plugin for gedit
wip/py-iowait (CURRENT) Platform-independent module for I/O completion events
devel/py-pyev (CURRENT) Python interface to libev
wip/ninka (CURRENT) License identification tool for Source Code
wip/nightfall (CURRENT) Application for a producing a best-fit model for a binary star
wip/xombrero (CURRENT) Light webkit browser with vi style
devel/p5-File-Slurp-Unicode (CURRENT) Read/write/append files quickly
sysutils/virt-manager (CURRENT) GUI to manage virtual machines
wip/Cg-compiler (CURRENT) Compiler for the Cg 3.1 language
wip/kde4-l10n-bg (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-bs (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-es (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-it (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-wa (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-is (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-da (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-fi (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-lv (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-nds (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-vi (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-si (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-id (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-fa (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-pt_BR (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-eu (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-tr (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-tg (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-kk (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-ko (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-nn (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-pa (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-fr (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-ja (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-pl (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-ro (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-ru (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-sk (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-sr (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-ug (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-zh_TW (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-hr (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-et (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-he (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-km (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-lt (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-el (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-ga (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-zh_CN (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-uk (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-th (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-sl (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-pt (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-hu (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-gl (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-cs (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-ca (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-ia (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kaffeine (CURRENT) Full featured Multimedia-Player for KDE4
wip/p5-Business-ISSN (CURRENT) Perl5 extention for International Standard Serial Numbers
wip/p5-Business-ISMN (CURRENT) Perl5 module to work with ISMN:s
wip/p5-Tie-Cycle (CURRENT) Perl5 module to cycle through a list of values
wip/p5-biblatex-biber (CURRENT) TODO: Short description of the package
wip/ariamaestosa (CURRENT) Open-source (GPL) midi tracker/editor
wip/pcsx2 (CURRENT) Playstation 2 Emulator
wip/kde4-l10n-nb (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-cat (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/py-yaml (CURRENT) YAML parser and emitter for Python
textoproc/py-yaml (CURRENT) YAML parser and emitter for Python
wip/dbus-sharp-glib (CURRENT) Fork of ndesk-dbus-glib
wip/plinkseq (CURRENT) C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data
lang/gcc47-libs (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries
editors/p5-Wx-Scintilla (CURRENT) Scintilla source code editing component for wxWidgets
x11/p5-Wx-Scintilla (CURRENT) Scintilla source code editing component for wxWidgets
multimedia/ffmpeg010 (CURRENT) Decoding, encoding and streaming software (v0.10)
devel/scmgit-gitk (CURRENT) GIT Tree History Storage Tool (gitk)
wip/ap22-authz-ldap (CURRENT) Apache LDAP Authorization module
wip/pcsxr (CURRENT) PlayStation Emulator based on PCSX-df 1.9
wip/autoq3d (CURRENT) Application for computer aided drafting in two and dimensions
wip/qtnotifydaemon (CURRENT) Configurable and flexible Qt notification daemon
wip/tap-plugins (CURRENT) Tom's Audio Processing plugins
wip/bpmcounter (CURRENT) Comfortable GUI application to count and tag MP3 file collection
wip/pkgconf (CURRENT) API-driven pkg-config replacement
wip/djplay (CURRENT) High class live DJing application
audio/djplay (CURRENT) High class live DJing application
wip/tcl85-itcl (CURRENT) O-O system for Tcl
wip/xa65 (CURRENT) Cross assembler for MOS Technologies 6502
wip/cde (CURRENT) Common Desktop Environment
wip/tk85-itk (CURRENT) Framework for building mega-widgets using [incr Tcl]
wip/trustedQSL (CURRENT) TrustedQSL, uploading QSL Data to LoTW of ARRL
wip/libral (CURRENT) Address book engine
wip/sfml+ (CURRENT) Free multimedia C++ API
wip/labelnation (CURRENT) Command-line label, business card printing program
wip/retroarch (CURRENT) Official reference frontend for the libretro API
wip/libdbusmenu (CURRENT) Small library created by pulling some code from indicator-applet
databases/postgresql92-replicationtools (CURRENT) PostgreSQL replication tools
databases/postgresql92-monitoring (CURRENT) PostgreSQL monitoring tools
databases/postgresql92-server (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database server programs
databases/postgresql92-fuzzystrmatch (CURRENT) PostgreSQL fuzzystrmatch contribution
databases/postgresql92-adminpack (CURRENT) Admin pack module for pgAdmin management
databases/postgresql92-docs (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database documentation
databases/postgresql92-datatypes (CURRENT) PostgreSQL data types support modules
databases/postgresql92-pgcrypto (CURRENT) Module providing cryptographic functions for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql92-pltcl (CURRENT) PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql92-client (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database client programs
databases/postgresql92-plpython (CURRENT) PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql92-upgrade (CURRENT) PostgreSQL binary upgrade tool
databases/postgresql92 (CURRENT) Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
databases/postgresql92-dblink (CURRENT) Dblink module for remote database connections
databases/postgresql92-plperl (CURRENT) PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
wip/py-isodate (CURRENT) ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formater
devel/magit (CURRENT) Inspect and modify Git repositories from Emacs
wip/py-pkginfo (CURRENT) Query metadatdata from sdists / bdists / installed packages
lang/vala018 (CURRENT) Compiler for the GObject type system (0.18 branch)
www/ocaml-http (CURRENT) Simple OCaml HTTP daemon library
multimedia/libquicktime (CURRENT) Library for quicktime/avi/mp4 files
math/py-scitools (CURRENT) Python library for scientific computing
wip/fuzzy-el-current (CURRENT) Fuzzy matching library for emacs
wip/auto-complete-current (CURRENT) Auto Complete Mode for emacs
net/gupnp-vala (CURRENT) Vala bindings for gupnp
print/tex-texconfig-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-texconfig
print/tex-texconfig (CURRENT) Configuration utility for TeX
wip/nsd4-svn (CURRENT) Name Server Daemon 4 (trunk)
net/nsd4-svn (CURRENT) Name Server Daemon 4 (trunk)
print/tex-texlive-docindex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-texlive-docindex
print/tex-texlive-docindex (CURRENT) Top-level TeX Live doc.html, etc
wip/py-jswebkit (CURRENT) WebKit/JavaScriptCore Python bindings
www/py-jswebkit (CURRENT) WebKit/JavaScriptCore Python bindings
wip/py-operators (CURRENT) Operators and solvers for high-performance computing
devel/accerciser3 (CURRENT) Interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop
finance/moneyguru (CURRENT) Personal finance management application
audio/rhythmbox-gtk3 (CURRENT) Music management application for GNOME
devel/py-hgtools (CURRENT) Classes and setuptools plugin for Mercurial and Git repositories
security/py-Des (CURRENT) DES implementation in python
security/otptool (CURRENT) One-Time Password command line utility
www/contao30-example (CURRENT) Sample site data for Contao Open Source CMS 3.0
www/contao30 (CURRENT) Contao Open Source CMS 3.0.6
wip/girara (CURRENT) Library to develop simple and minimalist user interface
wip/zathura-poppler (CURRENT) Add PDF support to zathura using poppler rendering engine
wip/py-zipline (CURRENT) Backtester for financial algorithms
wip/tigervnc (CURRENT) High-performance, platform-neutral VNC client/server
wip/py-asciimathml (CURRENT) ASCIIMathML to MathML translator
wip/scrollz (CURRENT) Advanced IRC client based on ircII client
graphics/aten (CURRENT) Aten is a tool to create, edit, and visualise coordinates
math/py-pydec (CURRENT) Python Library for Discrete Exterior Calculus
misc/py-professor (CURRENT) Parameterisation-based tuning tool for Monte Carlo event generators
python/py-scikits_hydroclimpy (CURRENT) Tools to manipulate environmental and climatologic time series
wip/spotify-player (CURRENT) Command driven spotify player
wip/cutecom (CURRENT) Graphical serial terminal
wip/davical-current (CURRENT) Simple CalDAV server using a PostgreSQL backend
wip/vidalia-devel (CURRENT) Graphical Tor controller (alpha branch) based on Qt 4.x
wip/objfw (CURRENT) Portable, lightweight framework for the Objective-C language
databases/jdbc-postgresql92 (CURRENT) PostgreSQL 9.2 JDBC4 driver
wip/crabemu (CURRENT) Primarily a Sega Master System emulator
wip/pev (CURRENT) The PE analysis toolkit
wip/razor-qt (CURRENT) Advanced, fast Qt environment without window manager
audio/gst-plugins1-spc (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - spc plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins1-spc (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - spc plugin
audio/gst-plugins1-mad (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - mad plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins1-mad (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - mad plugin
net/gst-plugins1-mms (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - MMS plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins1-mms (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - MMS plugin
sysutils/gst-plugins1-gio (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - gio plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins1-gio (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - gio plugin
net/libdmapsharing3 (CURRENT) Implementation of the DMAP family of protocols (v3)
wip/p5-Python-Serialise-Marshal (CURRENT) Module for reading and writing marshalled Python files
wip/p5-Apache-Session-SharedMem (CURRENT) Apache::Session module that stores session data in shared memory
wip/p5-IPC-Cache (CURRENT) Perl module that implements an object storage space
wip/p5-Class-DBI-BaseDSN (CURRENT) DSN sensitive base class
wip/p5-Math-Complex (CURRENT) Complex numbers and associated mathematical functions
wip/p5-File-Binary (CURRENT) Binary file reading module
wip/p5-accessors-fast (CURRENT) Compiletime accessors using Class::Accessor::Fast
wip/p5-constant-def (CURRENT) Perl pragma to declare previously undeclared constants
wip/p5-Mail-DeliveryStatus-BounceParser (CURRENT) Perl extension to analyze bounce messages
wip/rygel (CURRENT) UPnP AV MediaServer that allows sharing audio, video, and pictures
net/rygel (CURRENT) UPnP AV MediaServer that allows sharing audio, video, and pictures
wip/dmapd (CURRENT) DAAP (iTunes) and DPAP (iPhoto) shares server
net/dmapd (CURRENT) DAAP (iTunes) and DPAP (iPhoto) shares server
wip/py-serial (CURRENT) Access for the serial port
graphics/openjpeg15 (CURRENT) JPEG 2000 library
devel/libgee0.8 (CURRENT) Library providing GObject-based interfaces and classes (v0.8)
lang/python33 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
wip/p5-Net-DNS (CURRENT) Perl5 module for DNS resolution
security/polarssl (CURRENT) Lightweight, modular cryptographic and SSL/TLS library
x11/razor-qt (CURRENT) Advanced, fast Qt environment without window manager
net/grilo-testui (CURRENT) Media browser framework
devel/py-ipython013 (CURRENT) Interactive computing environment for Python
misc/py-anki2 (CURRENT) Flashcard learning program (v2)
misc/ruby-sprockets22 (CURRENT) Rack-based asset packaging system
www/ruby-sprockets22 (CURRENT) Rack-based asset packaging system
wip/snotes (CURRENT) Little note windows on your desktop
wip/residualvm (CURRENT) Lucas Arts' LUA-based 3D adventure engine
wip/deforaos-camera (CURRENT) DeforaOS desktop camera
wip/vimprobable2 (CURRENT) WebKit based web browser that behaves like Vimperator
wip/emesene (CURRENT) Chat program that connects to different networks
wip/gtksourceviewmm (CURRENT) C++ wrapper for the gtksourceview widget library
wip/gtkmm3 (CURRENT) C++ Interfaces for GTK+ and GNOME
www/py-django-mezzanine-filebrowser (CURRENT) Mezzanine CMS django filebrowser
www/py-django-mezzanine-grappelli (CURRENT) Snapshot of the Grappelli admin skin for Django
wip/libbsd (CURRENT) Compatibility library for BSD functions under other systems
wip/libticonv (CURRENT) Multi-platform linking program for TI graphing calculators
wip/evas-xpm (CURRENT) Evas XPM image loader
wip/supertuxkart (CURRENT) Free 3D kart racing game
wip/eio (CURRENT) Asynchronous I/O library
wip/SDL2 (CURRENT) Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform multimedia library
wip/bind10 (CURRENT) ISC BIND 10 DNS and DHCP Suite
wip/libtifiles2 (CURRENT) Multi-platform linking program for TI graphing calculators
wip/songwrite2 (CURRENT) Music score and songbook editor
wip/tilp2 (CURRENT) Multi-platform linking program for TI graphing calculators
wip/e_dbus (CURRENT) Dbus wrapping and glue layer library
wip/py-pygit2 (CURRENT) Python bindings to libgit2
wip/gfm (CURRENT) Group File Manager for TI hand-helds
wip/evas_generic_loaders (CURRENT) Extra loaders for GPL loaders and unstable libraries
wip/libticables2 (CURRENT) Multi-platform linking program for TI graphing calculators
wip/libticalcs2 (CURRENT) Multi-platform linking program for TI graphing calculators
wip/go (CURRENT) The Go programming language
wip/evas-software-x11 (CURRENT) Evas software X11 engine
wip/evas-gif (CURRENT) Evas GIF image loader
wip/espeak (CURRENT) Speech synthesizer
wip/protobuf-c (CURRENT) Protocol Buffers for pure C
wip/py-jokosher (CURRENT) Simple, yet powerful, multi-track studio
devel/xulrunner17 (CURRENT) XML User Interface Language runtime environment
www/firefox17-l10n (CURRENT) Language packs for www/firefox17 (version 17.x)
www/firefox17 (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions (version 17.x)
wip/mozc-server (CURRENT) Japanese inputmethod Mozc engine for IBus
wip/mozc-tool (CURRENT) Japanese inputmethod Mozc engine for IBus
wip/ibus-mozc (CURRENT) Japanese inputmethod Mozc engine for IBus
wip/hs-data-accessor-mtl (CURRENT) Use Accessor to access state in mtl State monad class
net/p5-FusionInventory-Agent-Task-Network (CURRENT) FusionInventory agent network tasks
wip/fvwm265 (CURRENT) Newer version of X11 Virtual window manager
x11/fvwm265 (CURRENT) Newer version of X11 Virtual window manager
wip/hs-Cabal (CURRENT) Framework for packaging Haskell software
wip/py-slowaes (CURRENT) Implementation of AES in pure Python
wip/electrum (CURRENT) Electrum is an easy to use Bitcoin client
wip/yt-dlp (CURRENT) Youtube-dl fork with new features and patches
wip/py-ecdsa (CURRENT) ECDSA cryptographic signature library (pure python)
wip/hs-xmobar (CURRENT) Xmobar is a minimalistic text based status bar
wip/crawl-stone-soup (CURRENT) Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is a role-playing roguelike game
time/py-radicale (CURRENT) CalDAV and CardDAV Server
graphics/qcomicbook (CURRENT) Viewer for comic book archives
wip/lilypond-devel (CURRENT) GNU Music Typesetter
www/py-django-easy-thumbnails (CURRENT) Easy thumbnails for Django
wip/libssh (CURRENT) SSHv2 and SSHv1 protocol
wip/ansible (CURRENT) SSH-based configuration management, deployment, and task execution
wip/gdb (CURRENT) Symbolic debugger for multiple language frontends
wip/ansible-dev (CURRENT) Deploy, manage, and orchestrate computer systems
wip/euca2ools (CURRENT) Amazon Web Services (AWS) interactor
wip/BitchX (CURRENT) IRC client based on ircII
wip/courier-prime-ttf (CURRENT) It's Courier, just better
www/squid3 (CURRENT) Post-Harvest_cached WWW proxy cache and accelerator
graphics/ruby-gnome2-gdk3 (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GDK3
devel/ruby-path (CURRENT) Path manipulation library
devel/subversion16 (CURRENT) Version control system, meta-package
scm/subversion16 (CURRENT) Version control system, meta-package
devel/ruby-gnome2-gobject-introspection (CURRENT) Ruby binding of Gobject Introspection
devel/subversion16-base (CURRENT) Version control system, base programs and libraries
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview3 (CURRENT) Ruby binding of gtksourceview3
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtk3 (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GTK+-3.x
wip/glib2 (CURRENT) Some useful routines for C programming (glib2)
wip/nestopia (CURRENT) Portable, very accurate NES emulator with UNIF support
wip/flare-engine (CURRENT) Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine (engine only)
wip/flare-game (CURRENT) Fantasy action RPG using the FLARE engine
wip/isl (CURRENT) Integer set library required by gcc graphite.
wip/cityhash (CURRENT) Provides hash functions for strings
devel/cityhash (CURRENT) Provides hash functions for strings
security/cityhash (CURRENT) Provides hash functions for strings
wip/libdoozer (CURRENT) C++ Client Library for the Doozer Locking Service
editors/emacs23 (CURRENT) GNU editing macros (editor)
editors/emacs23-nox11 (CURRENT) GNU editing macros (editor)
devel/kyua-testers (CURRENT) Kyua (automated testing framework) - Testers
www/serf0 (CURRENT) High-performance asynchronous HTTP client library
wip/hs-QIO (CURRENT) QIO Monad is a library for defining quantum computations
wip/libgcal (CURRENT) C library allows communication with google calendar and contacts
wip/hs-nats (CURRENT) Haskell 98 natural numbers
wip/gcc48snapshot (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 4.8 Release Series
wip/openmpi-prefixed (CURRENT) Open source MPI-2 implementation
sysutils/euca2ools (CURRENT) Manage virtual machines like Amazon EC2, Eucalyptus
www/php-sugarcrm (CURRENT) Open source CRM
wip/fftw-openmpi (CURRENT) Collection of fast C routines to compute DFTs
wip/fftw2-openmpi (CURRENT) Collection of fast C routines to compute DFTs
wip/hs-vector-th-unbox (CURRENT) Deriver for Data.Vector.Unboxed using Template Haskell
wip/liboggz (CURRENT) Inspects, edits, and validates Ogg files
wip/libfishsound (CURRENT) Provides a simple API for decoding and encoding audio data
wip/libkate (CURRENT) Overlay codec, originally designed for karaoke and text
wip/deforaos-terminal (CURRENT) DeforaOS desktop terminal emulator
www/php-zendoptimizerplus (CURRENT) Zend opcode cache and optimizer for PHP
wip/p5-File-Inplace (CURRENT) Perl module for in-place editing of files
wip/p5-File-Which (CURRENT) Portable implementation of the `which' utility
wip/p5-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables (CURRENT) Converts HTML to Text with tables in tact
wip/hs-hothasktags (CURRENT) Generates ctags for Haskell
wip/p5-Locale-Maketext-Gettext (CURRENT) Joins the gettext and Maketext frameworks
wip/p5-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks (CURRENT) HTML to text conversion with links as footnotes
wip/hs-void (CURRENT) Haskell 98 logically uninhabited data type
wip/p5-Publican (CURRENT) Single source publishing tool based on DocBook XML
wip/libnotify (CURRENT) Desktop notification framework
wip/Eina (CURRENT) Traditional audio player with a GTK2 interface
mail/ruby-mail24 (CURRENT) Mail provides a nice Ruby DSL for making, sending and reading emails
www/ruby-rack14 (CURRENT) Modular Ruby webserver interface
wip/boo (CURRENT) Wrist friendly language for the CLI
wip/dbmail (CURRENT) Store and retrieve mail messages in a database
wip/hs-xhtml (CURRENT) XHTML combinator library
security/stud (CURRENT) Scalable TLS Unwrapping Daemon
wip/objfw-git (CURRENT) Portable, lightweight framework for the Objective-C language
wip/sandy (CURRENT) Sandy is an ncurses text editor
wip/libdsk (CURRENT) Library for accessing floppy discs and disc image files
wip/opam (CURRENT) Source-based package manager for OCaml
wip/gcc49snapshot (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 4.9 Release Series
wip/tsm62 (CURRENT) IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client
wip/lighttpd (CURRENT) Fast, light-footprint HTTP server
wip/qt5 (CURRENT) "meta-package" for version 5 of the QT GUI C++ toolkit
wip/znc (CURRENT) Advanced IRC bouncer with IPv6 and SSL support
wip/ghostscript-gpl (CURRENT) Postscript interpreter
lang/gcc48 (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 4.8 Release Series
lang/gcc48-libs (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries.
x11/kde4-l10n-pt (CURRENT) Portuguese language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-nds (CURRENT) Low German language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-et (CURRENT) Estonian language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-id (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-zh_CN (CURRENT) Simplified Chinese language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-uk (CURRENT) Ukrainian language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-eu (CURRENT) Basque language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-fi (CURRENT) Finnish language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-si (CURRENT) Sinhala language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-it (CURRENT) Italian language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-pa (CURRENT) Panjabi language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-cs (CURRENT) Czech language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-es (CURRENT) Spanish language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-km (CURRENT) Central Khmer language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-fr (CURRENT) French language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-pl (CURRENT) Polish language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-sk (CURRENT) Slovak language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-tr (CURRENT) Turkish language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-zh_TW (CURRENT) Traditional Chinese language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-bs (CURRENT) Bosnian language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-cat (CURRENT) Valencian language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-da (CURRENT) Danish language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-fa (CURRENT) Persian language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-gl (CURRENT) Galician language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-he (CURRENT) Hebrew language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-is (CURRENT) Icelandic language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-ro (CURRENT) Romanian language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-ru (CURRENT) Russian language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-sl (CURRENT) Slovenian language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-hr (CURRENT) Croatian language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-ca (CURRENT) Catalan language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-ug (CURRENT) Uighur language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-nb (CURRENT) Norwegian Bokmal language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-ko (CURRENT) Korean language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-tg (CURRENT) Tajik language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-bg (CURRENT) Bulgarian language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-kk (CURRENT) Kazakh language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-lt (CURRENT) Lithuanian language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-nn (CURRENT) Norwegian Nynorsk language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-ia (CURRENT) Interlingua language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-ga (CURRENT) Irish language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-sr (CURRENT) Serbian language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-th (CURRENT) Thai language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-vi (CURRENT) Vietnamese language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-wa (CURRENT) Walloon language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-el (CURRENT) Modern Greek language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-pt_BR (CURRENT) Brazilian Portuguese language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-hu (CURRENT) Hungarian language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-ja (CURRENT) Japanese language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-ar (CURRENT) Arabic language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-lv (CURRENT) Latvian language pack for KDE4
audio/mutagen-tools (CURRENT) Audio metadata handling for Python
multimedia/kscd (CURRENT) KDE CD player
misc/nepomuk-core (CURRENT) library for dealing with Nepomuk components
misc/nepomuk-widgets (CURRENT) Nepomuk Meta Data Library
wip/hs-timezone-olson (CURRENT) Pure Haskell parser and renderer for binary Olson timezone files
wip/hs-timezone-series (CURRENT) Enhanced timezone handling for Data.Time
wip/dd_rescue (CURRENT) dd(1)-like tool for rescuing data from media with errors
wip/libcaca (CURRENT) Graphics library that outputs text instead of pixels, in colour
devel/ruby-io-console (CURRENT) Add console capabilities to IO instances
wip/hs-generic-deriving (CURRENT) Generic programming library for generalised deriving
wip/hs-cgi (CURRENT) Library for writing CGI programs
misc/libreoffice4-bin (CURRENT) Integrated office productivity suite (binary pkg)
databases/virtuoso (CURRENT) Universal SQL/Application server
wip/py-mox (CURRENT) Mox is a mock object framework for Python
multimedia/libva-driver-vdpau (CURRENT) VDPAU-based backend for VAAPI
x11/kde4-l10n-sv (CURRENT) Swedish language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-hi (CURRENT) Hindi language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-mr (CURRENT) Marathi language pack for KDE4
wip/hs-monads-tf (CURRENT) Monad classes, using type families
wip/hs-transformers-compat (CURRENT) Small compatibility shim exposing the new types
sysutils/libnotify07 (CURRENT) Desktop notification framework
wip/hs-cryptohash (CURRENT) Collection of crypto hashes, fast, pure and practical
devel/p5-Pod-Usage (CURRENT) Print a usage message from embedded pod documentation
lang/vala020 (CURRENT) Compiler for the GObject type system (0.20 branch)
sysutils/p5-Sys-Syslog (CURRENT) Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
wip/amaya (CURRENT) Web browser/editor from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
sysutils/cuisine (CURRENT) Small set of functions that sit on top of Fabric
wip/pdsh (CURRENT) High-performance, parallel remote shell utility
wip/hs-NumInstances (CURRENT) Instances of numeric classes for functions and tuples
sysutils/py-notify-python (CURRENT) Python bindings for libnotify
wip/lldpd (CURRENT) 802.1ab (LLDP) implementation
cross/h8300-elf-gcc34 (CURRENT) GCC compiler for h8300-elf
wip/hs-strict-io (CURRENT) Library wrapping standard IO modules to provide strict IO
wip/pgpool2 (CURRENT) Middleware between PostgreSQL servers and a PostgreSQL database client
wip/sshpass (CURRENT) Non-interactive ssh password auth
wip/ffmpeg-current (CURRENT) Decoding, encoding and streaming software
wip/hs-vault (CURRENT) Persistent store for values of arbitrary types
wip/logrider (CURRENT) Monitor system logs for alerts
wip/dolphin (CURRENT) Gamecube/Wii/Triforce Emulator
net/ruby-userstream (CURRENT) Simple twitter userstream library
net/ruby-tw (CURRENT) CUI Twitter Client
net/ruby-twitter (CURRENT) Ruby interface to the Twitter API
misc/ruby-args_parser (CURRENT) Parse ARGV from command line with DSL
cross/libtool-base (CURRENT) Generic shared library support script (the script itself)
wip/nspr (CURRENT) Platform-neutral API for system level and libc like functions
wip/atool (CURRENT) Manage file archives of various types
wip/qt4-gstreamer (CURRENT) C++ bindings (libraries and plugins) for GStreamer with a Qt-style API
multimedia/qt4-gstreamer (CURRENT) C++ bindings (libraries and plugins) for GStreamer with a Qt-style API
security/py-oauth2 (CURRENT) Python OAuth2 library
python/py-oauth2 (CURRENT) Python OAuth2 library
wip/info2man (CURRENT) Info2man is a wrapper for info2pod to convert info files in man format
sysutils/xenkernel42 (CURRENT) Xen 4.2.x Kernel
sysutils/xentools42 (CURRENT) Userland Tools for Xen 4.2.x
net/py-netlib (CURRENT) Network utilities used by pathod and mitmproxy
www/typo3_60 (CURRENT) The TYPO3 content management system, 6.0 based release
wip/oclock (CURRENT) Simple analog clock to make a round window
wip/mkcomposecache (CURRENT) Used for creating global (system-wide) Compose cache files
wip/liblbxutil (CURRENT) Low Bandwith X extension (LBX) utility routines
wip/xcmsdb (CURRENT) Loads, queries, or removes Device Color Characterization data
wip/lbxproxy (CURRENT) Proxy for Low Bandwidth extension (LBX) connections to X
wip/rstart (CURRENT) Implements "A Flexible Remote Execution Protocol Based on rsh"
wip/proxymngr (CURRENT) X proxy manager service
wip/font-bitstream-speedo (CURRENT) Bitstream Speedo fonts
wip/xdbedizzy (CURRENT) Demo of the X11 Double Buffer Extension (DBE)
wip/xditview (CURRENT) Displays ditroff output on an X display
wip/xedit (CURRENT) Simple text editor for X
wip/xfwp (CURRENT) Proxies X11 protocol connections, such as through a firewall
wip/xf86dga (CURRENT) Simple test client for the XFree86-DGA extension
wip/xfsinfo (CURRENT) Utility for displaying information about an X font server
wip/xfindproxy (CURRENT) Used to locate available X11 proxy services
wip/xgc (CURRENT) Graphics demo showing the X11 core protocol graphics primitives
wip/xlsatoms (CURRENT) Lists the interned atoms defined on an X11 server
wip/libXprintAppUtil (CURRENT) Xprint application utility routines
wip/xmh (CURRENT) Provides a GUI to the MH Message Handling System
wip/xrx (CURRENT) X Remote eXecution
wip/xstdcmap (CURRENT) Selectively defines standard colormap properties
wip/xphelloworld (CURRENT) Xprint sample applications
print/xphelloworld (CURRENT) Xprint sample applications
wip/xpr (CURRENT) Formats xwd dump files as output for various types of printers
wip/xtrap (CURRENT) XTrap sample clients
wip/libXaw3d (CURRENT) X 3D Athena Widget Set
wip/hs-bifunctors (CURRENT) Bifunctors
multimedia/phonon-backend-vlc (CURRENT) Multimedia API for KDE and QT - VLC backend
wip/hs-lazy-io (CURRENT) Lazy IO
wip/hs-profunctors (CURRENT) Profunctors
wip/hs-reflection (CURRENT) Reifies arbitrary terms into types
www/contao31-example (CURRENT) Sample site data for Contao Open Source CMS 3.1
www/contao31 (CURRENT) Contao Open Source CMS 3.1.4
wip/hs-vector-space (CURRENT) Vector & affine spaces, linear maps, and derivatives
wip/hs-Boolean (CURRENT) Generalized booleans and numbers
wip/hs-MemoTrie (CURRENT) Trie-based memo functions
x11/oclock (CURRENT) Simple analog clock to make a round window
net/xfindproxy (CURRENT) Used to locate available X11 proxy services
fonts/libXfontcache (CURRENT) X-TrueType font cache extension client library
wm/windowswmproto (CURRENT) Provides definition of the WindowsWM extension to the X11 protocol
wm/libWindowsWM (CURRENT) Cygwin/X rootless window management extension
wm/applewmproto (CURRENT) AppleWM extension headers from
wip/solarus (CURRENT) Open-source Zelda-like 2D game engine licensed under GPL
devel/py-tabular (CURRENT) Tabular data tools for Python
wip/xf86-input-joystick (CURRENT) Joystick input driver for the Xorg X server
wip/xf86-input-elographics (CURRENT) Elographics input driver for the Xorg X server
wip/xf86-input-fpit (CURRENT) Fujitsu Stylistic Tablet PC input driver for the Xorg X server
wip/xf86-input-hyperpen (CURRENT) Aiptek HyperPen 6000 input driver for the Xorg X server
wip/xf86-input-mutouch (CURRENT) Microtouch input driver for the Xorg X server
x11/xf86-input-acecad (CURRENT) Acecad Flair input driver for the Xorg X server
x11/xf86-input-penmount (CURRENT) PenMount input driver for the Xorg X server
x11/xf86-video-newport (CURRENT) Unaccelerated driver for the SGI newport cards (a.k.a. XL)
wip/xf86-video-dummy (CURRENT) Virtual/offscreen frame buffer driver for the Xorg X server
wip/xf86-video-modesetting (CURRENT) Generic modesetting driver
wip/spice-protocol (CURRENT) Headers defining protocols for SPICE server code
wip/xf86-video-qxl (CURRENT) QXL virtual GPU
wip/xf86-video-suncg6 (CURRENT) GX/Turbo GX video driver for the Xorg X server
wip/xf86-video-voodoo (CURRENT) Voodoo/Voodoo2 video driver
wip/xf86-video-suntcx (CURRENT) TCX video driver for the Xorg X server
wip/netatalk (CURRENT) Netatalk appletalk file and print services
wip/dejagnu (CURRENT) TCL/Expect-based framework for regression testing
wip/py-ejson (CURRENT) Extensible JSON serializers and deserializers
wip/py-logan (CURRENT) Toolkit for building standalone Django applications
wip/py-billiard (CURRENT) Python multiprocessing fork with improvements and bugfixes
wip/py-redis-py (CURRENT) Redis Python client
wip/celery (CURRENT) Asynchronous task/job queue based on distributed message passing
wip/py-kombu (CURRENT) Messaging framework for Python
wip/eventlib (CURRENT) Asynchronous event tracking app for Django
wip/yateclient (CURRENT) Instant Messenger and a SoftPhone
wip/jansson (CURRENT) C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data
wip/SDL2_mixer (CURRENT) Sample multi-channel audio mixer library
wip/SDL2_ttf (CURRENT) Sample library allowing for using TrueType fonts in SDL applications
www/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk (CURRENT) Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+
www/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk2 (CURRENT) Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+ for GTK2+
graphics/ruby-gnome2-cairo-gobject (CURRENT) Ruby binding of cairo-gobject
gnome/ruby-gnome2-cairo-gobject (CURRENT) Ruby binding of cairo-gobject
wip/mtr-current (CURRENT) Traceroute and ping in a single graphical network diagnostic tool
lang/mono2 (CURRENT) Open source implementation of the .NET Development Framework (v2)
wip/openmpi163 (CURRENT) Open source MPI-2 implementation
wip/php-rrd (CURRENT) PHP extension provides bindings to the RRDtool C library
wip/tinyxml (CURRENT) Simple, small, C++ XML parser
wip/openmx-openmpi (CURRENT) Nano-scale material simulations based on DFT
wip/g95 (CURRENT) Fortran 95 compiler from
wip/mpb-openmpi (CURRENT) MIT Photonic Bands
wip/meep-openmpi (CURRENT) FDTD simulation software to model electromagnetic systems
wip/banshee (CURRENT) Media player
wip/py-feedgenerator (CURRENT) Standalone version of django.utils.feedgenerator, compatible with Py3k
wip/pelican (CURRENT) Static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax
www/pelican (CURRENT) Static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax
wip/py-six (CURRENT) Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
wip/p5-Sys-MemInfo (CURRENT) Perl 5 module for getting memory information
wip/p5-Sys-CPU (CURRENT) Perl 5 module for getting CPU information
wip/py-gunicorn (CURRENT) Python WSGI HTTP server
wip/smpeg2 (CURRENT) Free MPEG1 video player library with sound support
time/libgcal (CURRENT) C library allows communication with google calendar and contacts
devel/p5-experimental (CURRENT) Replace functions with ones that succeed or die with lexical scope
security/guardtime (CURRENT) Command line client for GuardTime keyless signature service
security/libguardtime (CURRENT) GuardTime Client C SDK
math/p5-Math-Complex (CURRENT) Complex numbers and associated mathematical functions
wip/simulavr (CURRENT) Simulator for Atmel AVR microcontrollers
x11/gtksourceviewmm (CURRENT) C++ wrapper for the gtksourceview widget library
devel/py-unittest2 (CURRENT) New features in unittest backported to Python 2.4+
www/py-pywebdav (CURRENT) Standards compliant Python WebDAV server and library
wip/xdebug (CURRENT) PHP extension for debugging
devel/xdebug (CURRENT) PHP extension for debugging
wip/cairo-dock-plugins (CURRENT) Dock application plugins
wip/libindicator (CURRENT) GTK+2 symbols and convience functions for indicators
wip/h323plus (CURRENT) Open H.323 library
wip/erlang15 (CURRENT) Concurrent functional programming language
www/py-flask-cache (CURRENT) Cache extension for Flask
finance/py-vatnumber (CURRENT) Python module to validate VAT numbers
lang/ruby200-base (CURRENT) Ruby 2.0.0 release minimum base package
lang/ruby200 (CURRENT) Ruby programming language 2.0.0 meta package
graphics/py-pydot (CURRENT) Python interface to Graphviz's Dot language
wip/crush-tools (CURRENT) Collection of tools for processing delimited-text data
wip/py-openpyxl (CURRENT) Python library to read/write Excel 2007 xlsx/xlsm files
meta-pkgs/php55-extensions (CURRENT) "meta-package" for the PHP 5.5 HTML-embedded scripting language
lang/php55 (CURRENT) PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 5.5
wip/hs-cmdargs (CURRENT) Command line argument processing
wip/hdevtools (CURRENT) Persistent GHC powered background server for FAST haskell dev tools
wip/spectrwm (CURRENT) Small dynamic tiling window manager for X11
x11/xfwp (CURRENT) Proxies X11 protocol connections, such as through a firewall
wip/libbacon (CURRENT) Miscellaneous experimental functions
sysutils/ruby-libnotify (CURRENT) Ruby binding for libnotify
wip/hs-lifted-base (CURRENT) Lifted IO operations from the base library
wip/hs-ReadArgs (CURRENT) Simple command line argument parsing
wip/hs-basic-prelude (CURRENT) Enhanced core prelude; a common foundation for alternate preludes
wip/st (CURRENT) Simple terminal implementation for X
wip/hs-system-filepath (CURRENT) High-level, byte-based file and directory path manipulations
wip/hs-parallel-io (CURRENT) Combinators for executing IO actions in parallel on a thread pool
wip/yaml-cpp (CURRENT) YAML 1.2 parser and emitter in C++
audio/py-discogs_client (CURRENT) Python Client for the Discogs API
wip/hs-json (CURRENT) Support for serialising Haskell to and from JSON
wip/ossp-val (CURRENT) OSSP val - String Manipulations
wip/ossp-var (CURRENT) OSSP var - String Manipulations
wip/ossp-ex (CURRENT) OSSP ex - Exception Handling
wip/ossp-l2 (CURRENT) OSSP l2 - Flexible Logging
wip/ossp-sa (CURRENT) OSSP sa - Socket Abstraction
wip/hs-blaze-markup (CURRENT) Blazingly fast markup combinator library for Haskell
wip/hs-citeproc-hs (CURRENT) Citation Style Language implementation in Haskell
wip/hs-highlighting-kate (CURRENT) Syntax highlighting
wip/hs-temporary (CURRENT) Portable temporary file and directory support
wip/hs-texmath (CURRENT) Conversion of LaTeX math formulas to MathML or OMML
wip/hs-pandoc-types (CURRENT) Types for representing a structured document
wip/py-yenc (CURRENT) Python module for yenc decoding module in C
wip/bowtie (CURRENT) Ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner
wip/ossp-str (CURRENT) OSSP str - String Manipulations
wip/hs-comonads-fd (CURRENT) Comonad transformers using functional dependencies
wip/hs-lens (CURRENT) Lenses, Folds and Traversals
wip/hs-groupoids (CURRENT) Haskell 98 Groupoids
wip/hs-semigroupoid-extras (CURRENT) Semigroupoids requiring Haskell extensions
wip/hs-profunctor-extras (CURRENT) Profunctor extras
wip/py-country (CURRENT) ISO country, currency and script definitions and their translations
wip/khal-git (CURRENT) CLI calendar application built around CalDAV
time/khal-git (CURRENT) CLI calendar application built around CalDAV
wip/sais (CURRENT) Strange Adventures in Infinite Space engine (SDL port)
wip/sais-demo-data (CURRENT) Strange Adventures in Infinite Space engine (SDL port) (demo data files)
wip/py-inflection (CURRENT) A port of Ruby on Rails inflector to Python
wip/hs-categories (CURRENT) Categories
net/powerdns-sqlite3 (CURRENT) SQLite version 3 backend module for PowerDNS
wip/gambit (CURRENT) Software Tools for Game Theory
wip/py-sqlsoup (CURRENT) One step database access tool, built on the SQLAlchemy ORM
wip/py-epigrass (CURRENT) Epidemiological Geo-Referenced Analysis and Simulation System
biology/py-epigrass (CURRENT) Epidemiological Geo-Referenced Analysis and Simulation System
wip/py-xdress (CURRENT) Automatic wrapper generator for C/C++ written in pure Python
wip/py-dicom (CURRENT) Read, modify and write DICOM files with python code
wip/py-astropy (CURRENT) Python module for astronomical calculations and data analysis
wip/ninja-ide (CURRENT) NINJA-IDE is a cross-platform integrated development environment
devel/ninja-ide (CURRENT) NINJA-IDE is a cross-platform integrated development environment
databases/postgresql93 (CURRENT) Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
databases/postgresql93-datatypes (CURRENT) PostgreSQL data types support modules
databases/postgresql93-fuzzystrmatch (CURRENT) PostgreSQL fuzzystrmatch contribution
databases/postgresql93-server (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database server programs
databases/postgresql93-monitoring (CURRENT) PostgreSQL monitoring tools
databases/postgresql93-plperl (CURRENT) PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql93-plpython (CURRENT) PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql93-client (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database client programs
databases/postgresql93-adminpack (CURRENT) Admin pack module for pgAdmin management
databases/postgresql93-dblink (CURRENT) Dblink module for remote database connections
databases/postgresql93-docs (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database documentation
databases/postgresql93-pltcl (CURRENT) PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql93-replicationtools (CURRENT) PostgreSQL replication tools
databases/postgresql93-pgcrypto (CURRENT) Module providing cryptographic functions for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql93-upgrade (CURRENT) PostgreSQL binary upgrade tool
wip/py-quepy (CURRENT) Framework to convert natural language to database queries
textproc/py-quepy (CURRENT) Framework to convert natural language to database queries
wip/rsyslog7 (CURRENT) The enhanced syslogd for Unix
www/php-http (CURRENT) PHP extension for extended HTTP support
www/typo3_61 (CURRENT) The TYPO3 content management system, 6.1 based release
sysutils/manifold (CURRENT) SMF service manifest creation tool
devel/ruby-atomic (CURRENT) Atomic reference implementation for JRuby, Rubinius, and MRI
lang/raduko-star (CURRENT) Perl 6 reference implementation
lang/rakudo-star (CURRENT) Perl 6 reference implementation
wip/hs-aeson (CURRENT) Fast JSON parsing and encoding
wip/hs-conduit (CURRENT) Streaming data processing library
wip/hs-hslua (CURRENT) Lua language interpreter embedding in Haskell
wip/hs-mmorph (CURRENT) Monad morphisms
wip/hs-resourcet (CURRENT) Deterministic allocation and freeing of scarce resources
wip/hs-stringable (CURRENT) Stringable type class, in the spirit of Foldable and Traversable
wip/hs-yaml (CURRENT) Support for parsing and rendering YAML document
wip/hs-data-default-instances-base (CURRENT) Default instances for types in base
wip/hs-data-default-instances-containers (CURRENT) Default instances for types in containers
wip/hs-data-default-instances-dlist (CURRENT) Default instances for types in dlist
wip/hs-data-default-instances-old-locale (CURRENT) Default instances for types in old-locale
wip/hs-data-default-class (CURRENT) Class for types with a default value
mail/gmime20 (CURRENT) Library for the creation and parsing of MIME messages
wip/sphinx3 (CURRENT) CMU Speech Recognition engine frontend
wip/pocketsphinx (CURRENT) Speech recognition system
wip/sphinxbase (CURRENT) CMU Sphinx Speech recognition system base
wip/sphinxtrain (CURRENT) Acoustic model training tools
wip/libreoffice4 (CURRENT) Office productivity suite, 4.x branch
wip/hsqldb18 (CURRENT) Relational database management system witten in pure Java
wip/sync-server-dependencies (CURRENT) Meta Package for Firefox Sync Server's dependencies
security/py-Kerberos (CURRENT) Python Kerberos implementation
wip/hs-hxt-curl (CURRENT) LibCurl interface for HXT
wip/hs-hxt-tagsoup (CURRENT) TagSoup parser for HXT
wip/hs-hxt-xslt (CURRENT) The XSLT modules for HXT
wip/sickbeard (CURRENT) PVR application to search and manage TV shows
audio/gmpc-wikipedia (CURRENT) Plugin for GMPC showing the currently playing artist's Wikipedia page
misc/libreoffice4 (CURRENT) Office productivity suite, 4.x branch
wip/libhid (CURRENT) Abstract'n layer for HID-class devices over USB/serial
net/freerdp (CURRENT) Free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (major version 1)
wip/libftdi1 (CURRENT) Userland driver library for FTDI USB chips
wip/libconfuse (CURRENT) Configuration file parser library
print/py-poppler (CURRENT) Python bindings for the Poppler PDF rendering library
wip/pdfshuffler (CURRENT) Simple PDF editor
wip/texmaker (CURRENT) LaTeX editor and front end
wip/pkgsrc-status-dependencies (CURRENT) Meta Package for sno's pkgsrc status tool dependencies
wip/vimb (CURRENT) Vim-like webkit browser
wip/py-CalendarServer (CURRENT) Standards-compliant server implementing CalDAV and CardDAV protocols
time/py-CalendarServer (CURRENT) Standards-compliant server implementing CalDAV and CardDAV protocols
wip/mupdf (CURRENT) Lightweight PDF, XPS and E-book viewer and toolkit
wip/hasktags (CURRENT) Produces ctags "tags" and etags "TAGS" files for Haskell programs
print/tex-misc209 (CURRENT) miscellaneous TeX .sty files
print/tex-mh-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-mh
print/tex-mh (CURRENT) The MH bundle
x11/appmenu-qt (CURRENT) Allows Qt applications to export menus over DBus to a menu applet
games/py-pygame (CURRENT) Set of Python modules designed for writing games
inputmethod/ibus-python (CURRENT) Python library for Intelligent Input Bus
wip/fs-uae (CURRENT) FS-UAE Amiga Emulator
wip/rdfind (CURRENT) Redundant data find
wip/py-astroid (CURRENT) Rebuild a new abstract syntax tree from Python's ast
wip/texlive2013 (CURRENT) TeXLive Whole Distribution 2013
devel/ocaml-optcomp (CURRENT) OCaml syntax extension for optional compilation
x11/presentproto (CURRENT) X11 extension for efficient window updates
x11/dri3proto (CURRENT) X11 extension for Direct Rendering Infrastructure V3
wip/graphite2 (CURRENT) Cross-platform rendering for complex writing systems
www/firefox24 (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions (version 24.x)
cross/nios2-gcc (CURRENT) GNU gcc for Altera FPGA Nios2 processor
cross/nios2-binutils (CURRENT) GNU binutils for Altera FPGA Nios2 processor
www/firefox24-l10n (CURRENT) Language packs for www/firefox24 (version 24.x)
wip/ruby-marisa (CURRENT) MARISA ruby module
wip/p5-marisa (CURRENT) MARISA perl module
wip/py-marisa (CURRENT) MARISA python module
wip/marisa (CURRENT) C++ library to provide an implementation of MARISA
wip/torsocks (CURRENT) Library to torify applications
wip/py-thLib (CURRENT) Collection of Python utilities for signal analysis
math/py-thLib (CURRENT) Collection of Python utilities for signal analysis
wip/py-obspy (CURRENT) Python framework for seismological observatories
math/py-obspy (CURRENT) Python framework for seismological observatories
sysutils/kuser (CURRENT) KDE user manager
wip/freeimage (CURRENT) Image reading library
wip/editorconfig-core (CURRENT) Editorconfig C library
wip/py-editorconfig-core (CURRENT) Editorconfig python library
mail/thunderbird17 (CURRENT) Organize, secure and customize your mail
mail/thunderbird17-l10n (CURRENT) Language packs for mail/thunderbird
www/py-django14 (CURRENT) Django, a high-level Python Web framework (LTS version)
wip/fs-uae-launcher (CURRENT) Graphical launcher for FS-UAE, the Amiga Emulator
wip/fs-uae-dev (CURRENT) FS-UAE Amiga Emulator
cross/nios2-gcc41 (CURRENT) GNU gcc 4.1 for Altera FPGA Nios2 processor
cross/nios2-binutils220 (CURRENT) GNU binutils for Altera FPGA Nios2 processor
cross/nios2-gcc3 (CURRENT) GNU gcc3 for Altera FPGA Nios2 processor
devel/tcl-tclOO (CURRENT) Core for other TCL OO extensions and basic TCL OO framework
wip/nios2-gdb (CURRENT) GNU Debugger (gdb) for Altera FPGA Nios2 processor
wip/py-aqopa (CURRENT) Automated Quality of Protection Analysis Tool for QoP-ML models
security/py-aqopa (CURRENT) Automated Quality of Protection Analysis Tool for QoP-ML models
security/sslscan (CURRENT) Fast SSL Scanner
wip/netcat-openbsd (CURRENT) Arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens
www/contao32-example (CURRENT) Sample site data for Contao Open Source CMS 3.2
www/contao32 (CURRENT) Contao Open Source CMS 3.2.21
devel/p5-Module-Metadata (CURRENT) Gather package and POD information from perl module files
net/mirall (CURRENT) Graphical file synchronization program for OwnCloud
audio/quodlibet2 (CURRENT) Finally a good alternative to iTunes
wip/hs-blaze-builder-conduit (CURRENT) Convert streams of builders to streams of bytestrings
wip/hs-safe (CURRENT) Library for safe (pattern match free) functions
wip/hoogle (CURRENT) Haskell API Search
wip/slurm (CURRENT) Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management
wip/hs-warp (CURRENT) Fast, light-weight web server for WAI applications
wip/hs-network-conduit (CURRENT) Stream socket data using conduits
wip/libxshmfence (CURRENT) Shared memory 'SyncFence' synchronization primitive
wip/hs-http-types (CURRENT) Generic HTTP types for Haskell (for both client and server code)
wip/hs-http-attoparsec (CURRENT) Attoparsec parsers for http-types
wip/hs-wai (CURRENT) Web Application Interface
wip/hs-simple-sendfile (CURRENT) Cross platform library for the sendfile system call
devel/intellij-idea-ce (CURRENT) JetBrain's Java IDE
wip/R-moonsun (CURRENT) Basic astronomical routines
devel/R-moonsun (CURRENT) Basic astronomical routines
devel/libconfuse (CURRENT) Configuration file parser library
graphics/tex-pstools-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-pstools
graphics/tex-pstools (CURRENT) Produce Encapsulated PostScript from PostScript
wip/pokerth (CURRENT) Texas Holdem poker with online play
graphics/Pillow (CURRENT) Python Imaging Library
wip/lmod (CURRENT) Dynamic modification of a user's environment
wip/qbittorrent (CURRENT) P2P Bittorrent client
wip/bitcoin (CURRENT) P2P electronic cash system
wip/uthash (CURRENT) Hash table, implemented in C
wip/lightspark (CURRENT) GPL AMV2 Flash player and plugin
wip/llvm-rtlib (CURRENT) Runtime Compiler library for llvm/clang
x11/qt5-qtquick1 (CURRENT) Qt5 module for Quick1
x11/qt5-sqlite3 (CURRENT) Qt5 SQLite3 plugin
x11/qt5-dbus (CURRENT) Qt5 DBus support plugin
devel/xulrunner24 (CURRENT) XML User Interface Language runtime environment
inputmethod/qt5-uim (CURRENT) Qt5 input module for uim
lang/ghc-bootstrap (CURRENT) Bootstrap kit generator for the GHC Haskell compiler
wip/verilog-current (CURRENT) Verilog simulation and synthesis tool (development snapshot version)
wip/verilog (CURRENT) Verilog simulation and synthesis tool (stable release version)
wip/gtkwave (CURRENT) Electronic waveform viewer
wip/qtcurve-gtk2 (CURRENT) A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk
wip/concurrencykit (CURRENT) Concurrency primitives, safe memory reclamation mechanisms and non-blocking data structures
wip/contact-lookup-applet (CURRENT) Gnome panel applet for easy Evolution contact book access
wip/evolution-tray (CURRENT) Put Evolution in tray
wip/pixel-sagas-st (CURRENT) Star Trek fonts from Pixel Sagas (Neale Davidson)
python/py-restkit (CURRENT) Restkit is an HTTP resource kit for Python
www/py-http-parser (CURRENT) HTTP request/response parser
wip/hs-shake (CURRENT) Build system library, like Make, but more accurate dependencies
wip/py-impacket (CURRENT) Network protocols constructors and dissectors for python
wip/beanstalkd (CURRENT) Simple, fast work queue
wip/py-beanstalkc (CURRENT) Simple beanstalkd client library for Python
wip/py-uwsgitop (CURRENT) Command to interface with the uWSGI stats server
wip/py-uwsgi (CURRENT) Feature-rich WSGI server
wip/poppler-qt5 (CURRENT) PDF rendering library (QT5 wrapper)
graphics/ruby-gnome2-clutter (CURRENT) Ruby binding of Clutter
graphics/ruby-gnome2-clutter-gtk (CURRENT) Ruby binding of Clutter-GTK
multimedia/ruby-gnome2-clutter-gstreamer (CURRENT) Ruby binding of Clutter-GStreamer
graphics/ruby-gnome2-clutter-gstreamer (CURRENT) Ruby binding of Clutter-GStreamer
wip/mutt-kz (CURRENT) Text-based MIME mail client with notmuch, PGP & S/MIME support
wip/hexchat (CURRENT) IRC client based on XChat
wip/libhidapi (CURRENT) Library for comunicating with bluetooth and usb hid devices
wip/qupzilla (CURRENT) Crossplatform QTWebkit based web browser
wip/starplot (CURRENT) 3-dimensional star chart viewer
wip/hs-husk-scheme (CURRENT) R5RS Scheme interpreter, compiler, and library
wip/rust (CURRENT) Safe, concurrent, practical language
mail/mutt-kz (CURRENT) Text-based MIME mail client with notmuch, PGP & S/MIME support
wip/py-pdef (CURRENT) Protocol definition language
cross/bossa (CURRENT) Open source SAM-BA compatible Atmel ARM programmer
wip/qore (CURRENT) Qore programming language
wip/ (CURRENT) Module wrapper for os.path
wip/hs-scientific (CURRENT) Arbitrary-precision floating-point numbers
time/py-dateutil2 (CURRENT) Extensions to the standard datetime module
textproc/ruby-buftok (CURRENT) Statefully split input data by a specifiable token
misc/ruby-descendants_tracker (CURRENT) Ruby Module that adds descendant tracking to a class
misc/ruby-equalizer (CURRENT) Ruby Module to define equality, equivalence and inspection methods
misc/ruby-memoizable (CURRENT) Memoize method return values
wip/tcl-frink (CURRENT) Frink is a tcl formatting and static syntax check program
net/py-dns3 (CURRENT) Python DNS toolkit (python-3.x version)
www/py-flup3 (CURRENT) WSGI support modules (python-3.x version)
x11/py-Pmw2 (CURRENT) Python meta widgets (python-3.x version)
graphics/py-fits (CURRENT) Python module for reading, writing, and manipulating FITS files
textproc/py-X2 (CURRENT) Package for the creation of PostScript and PDF files
math/py-ephem3 (CURRENT) Scientific-grade astronomical computations for Python
geography/py-ephem3 (CURRENT) Scientific-grade astronomical computations for Python
wip/qore-yaml-module (CURRENT) Yaml module for Qore
wip/qore-json-module (CURRENT) JSON module for Qore
wip/qore-xml-module (CURRENT) XML module for Qore
wip/qore-sqlite3-module (CURRENT) SQLite module for Qore
devel/py-ipython1 (CURRENT) Interactive computing environment for Python
graphics/py-cairo3 (CURRENT) Python bindings for cairo (python-3.x version)
wip/qore-ssh2-module (CURRENT) SSH2 module for Qore
wip/qore-openldap-module (CURRENT) Openldap module for Qore
wip/qore-uuid-module (CURRENT) UUID module for Qore
wip/qore-xmlsec-module (CURRENT) XMLSec module for Qore
wip/hs-exceptions (CURRENT) Extensible optionally-pure exceptions
wip/hs-constraints (CURRENT) Constraint manipulation
wip/hs-newtype (CURRENT) Typeclass and set of functions for working with newtypes
devel/py-unittest2py3k (CURRENT) Unittest features for Python 2.7 (Python 3.x version)
wip/qore-pgsql-module (CURRENT) PostgreSQL driver for Qore
wip/cursor-dmz-theme (CURRENT) The DMZ style neutral scalable cursor theme
time/py-trytond-calendar (CURRENT) Calendar module of the Tryton application platform
python/py-trytond-calendar (CURRENT) Calendar module of the Tryton application platform
net/py-caldav (CURRENT) CalDAV (RFC4791) client library for Python
wip/go-text (CURRENT) Supplementary text processing libraries for Go
databases/py-sqlsoup (CURRENT) One step database access tool, built on the SQLAlchemy ORM
wip/py-sleekxmpp (CURRENT) SleekXMPP is an elegant Python library for XMPP
chat/py-sleekxmpp (CURRENT) SleekXMPP is an elegant Python library for XMPP
wip/py-coveralls (CURRENT) Python interface to API
wip/qore-freetds-module (CURRENT) Freetds DB driver for qore
wip/py-latexcodec (CURRENT) Lexer and codec to work with LaTeX code in Python
wip/R-wk (CURRENT) Lightweight well-known geometry parsing
wip/py-jsonschema (CURRENT) Implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python
wip/py-hurry-filesize (CURRENT) Simple Python library for human readable file sizes
sysutils/py-hurry-filesize (CURRENT) Simple Python library for human readable file sizes
wip/py-docopt (CURRENT) Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile
wip/py-owslib (CURRENT) OGC Web Service utility library
wip/py-oset (CURRENT) Ordered Set
wip/qore-mysql-module (CURRENT) MySQL DB driver for Qore
wip/py-argh (CURRENT) Unobtrusive argparse wrapper with natural syntax
wip/py-pathtools (CURRENT) File system general utilities
wip/py-watchdog (CURRENT) Filesystem events monitoring
wip/py-netcdf4 (CURRENT) Python/numpy interface to netCDF library (versions 3 and 4)
devel/py-netcdf4 (CURRENT) Python/numpy interface to netCDF library (versions 3 and 4)
wip/py-stripe (CURRENT) Stripe python bindings
wip/tortoisehg (CURRENT) GUI for Mercurial
devel/py-spwd (CURRENT) Python module to access the Unix shadow password database
misc/py-spwd (CURRENT) Python module to access the Unix shadow password database
wip/qore-opengl-module (CURRENT) OpenGL Qore bindings
wip/qore-glut-module (CURRENT) GLUT Qore bindings
databases/py-redis-py (CURRENT) Redis Python client
textproc/py-ejson (CURRENT) Extensible JSON serializers and deserializers
python/py-ejson (CURRENT) Extensible JSON serializers and deserializers
security/credns (CURRENT) Validates DNSSEC in the DNS notify/transfer-chain
wip/eina-musicplayer (CURRENT) Traditional audio player with a GTK2 interface
sysutils/collectd-memcached (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - memcached plugins
cad/kicad-lib (CURRENT) Libraries for the schematic CAD software
wip/p5-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PodWeaver (CURRENT) Weave your Pod together from configuration and Dist::Zilla
net/celery (CURRENT) Asynchronous task/job queue based on distributed message passing
wip/qore-asn1-module (CURRENT) ASN.1 Qore module
devel/meld-devel (CURRENT) Visual diff and merge tool (GTK3 version)
security/botan-devel (CURRENT) Portable, easy to use, and efficient C++ crypto library
wip/libglobalplatform (CURRENT) C library for managing GlobalPlatform smart card contents
wip/p5-Lingua-EN-Fathom (CURRENT) Measure readability of English text
wip/p5-Lingua-EN-Syllable (CURRENT) Routine for estimating syllable count in words
databases/skytools (CURRENT) Tools for PostgreSQL for queueing, replication and failover
devel/py-hgview (CURRENT) Visually navigate in a Mercurial repository history
misc/ruby-naught (CURRENT) Ruby toolkit for building Null Objects
security/gpshell (CURRENT) Shell to manage the contents of GlobalPlatform smart cards
security/libglobalplatform (CURRENT) C library for managing GlobalPlatform smart card contents
wip/hs-mwc-random (CURRENT) Fast, high quality pseudo random number generation
wip/hs-vector-algorithms (CURRENT) Efficient algorithms for vector arrays
wip/hs-knob (CURRENT) Memory-backed handles
wip/py-pot (CURRENT) Python Library for Robot Control
lang/ruby21-base (CURRENT) Ruby 2.1.10 release minimum base package
lang/ruby21 (CURRENT) Ruby programming language 2.1.10 meta package
wip/hs-polyparse (CURRENT) Variety of alternative parser combinator libraries
wip/py-pefile (CURRENT) Python module to read and work with PE files
wip/py-stevedore (CURRENT) Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications
wip/py-snappy (CURRENT) Python library for the snappy compression library from Google
wip/py-tqdm (CURRENT) Fast, extensible progress bar for Python
wip/netatalk30 (CURRENT) Netatalk appletalk file and print services
wip/py-oauthlib (CURRENT) OAuth request-signing logic
www/py-oauthlib (CURRENT) OAuth request-signing logic
wip/py-requests-oauthlib (CURRENT) OAuthlib authentication support for Requests
wip/py-healpy (CURRENT) Healpix tools package for Python
devel/tortoisehg (CURRENT) GUI for Mercurial
wip/py-tortoisehg (CURRENT) GUI for Mercurial
wip/py-terminator (CURRENT) Terminator, multiple terminals in one window
wip/love (CURRENT) Framework for making 2D games in Lua
print/pdfshuffler (CURRENT) Simple PDF editor
wip/ocaml-camomile (CURRENT) Unicode library for ocaml
lang/gfortran (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 4.8 Release Series
wip/calibre (CURRENT) E-book library management application
wip/py-apsw (CURRENT) Python wrapper for SQLite
security/py-ezPyCrypto (CURRENT) Easy Python API for strong encryption
wip/ocaml-zed (CURRENT) Zed is an abstract engine for text edition
wip/vlc21 (CURRENT) VLC media player and streaming server
wip/ocamlmod (CURRENT) Generate OCaml modules from source files
wip/jsoncpp-svn (CURRENT) JSON reader and writer in C++
wip/py-scikits-learn (CURRENT) Machine learning algorithms for python
wip/farstream (CURRENT) Audio/video communications framework
wip/ocamlify (CURRENT) Allows embedding external resources as OCaml code
wip/yaml-cpp0.3 (CURRENT) YAML 1.2 parser and emitter in C++ (0.3 API)
devel/py-ipython010 (CURRENT) Interactive computing environment for Python
wip/ocaml-type_conv (CURRENT) Generate code from type specifications
lang/gcc48-objc (CURRENT) Objective C/Objective C++ compiler from the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 4.8
lang/gcc48-cc++ (CURRENT) C/C++ compilers from the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 4.8
lang/gcc48-fortran (CURRENT) Fortran 95/2003/2008 compiler from the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 4.8
wip/xfburn (CURRENT) Simple CD/DVD burning program for xfce
wip/megaglest (CURRENT) Cross-platform 3D real-time-strategy game with seven factions
misc/ruby-mini_portile (CURRENT) Simplistic port-like solution for developers
chat/swift (CURRENT) Graphical XMPP Client
wip/pear-Mail_Mime (CURRENT) Mail_Mime provides classes to create MIME messages
wip/gcc410snapshot (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 4.10 Release Series
wip/zathura-mupdf (CURRENT) Add PDF support to zathura using mupdf rendering engine
wip/zathura-djvu (CURRENT) Add DjVu support to zathura using djvulibre library
lang/gnat_util (CURRENT) Library used to build GNAT source-based tools
wip/py-pyqueue (CURRENT) Postfix queue control python tool
archivers/py-yuicompressor (CURRENT) YUI Compressor packaged for Python
net/py-eventlib (CURRENT) Asynchronous event tracking app for Django
textproc/py-cjson (CURRENT) Fast JSON encoder/decoder for Python
python/py-cjson (CURRENT) Fast JSON encoder/decoder for Python
wip/libarchive (CURRENT) Multi-format archive and compression library
wip/py-queue (CURRENT) Postfix queue control python tool
devel/py-selenium (CURRENT) Python bindings for Selenium
wip/py-raven (CURRENT) Raven is a client for Sentry
wip/py-cytoolz (CURRENT) Cython Toolz High performance functional utilities
wip/py-toolz (CURRENT) List processing tools and functional utilities
wip/hs-tf-random (CURRENT) High-quality splittable pseudorandom number generator
devel/libbson (CURRENT) BSON utility library
wip/py-cybox (CURRENT) Python library for manipulating CybOX content
wip/py-stix (CURRENT) Python library for manipulating STIX content
wip/py-libtaxii (CURRENT) Python library for handling TAXII Messages and Services
finance/py-python-bitcoinlib (CURRENT) Python bitcoin library
net/py-python-bitcoinlib (CURRENT) Python bitcoin library
lang/python34 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
devel/py-jaraco_util (CURRENT) General utility modules that supply commonly-used functionality
wip/py-arrow (CURRENT) Better dates and times for Python
wip/py-faker (CURRENT) Library for generating fake user data
wip/py-jedi (CURRENT) Autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors
wip/todotxt (CURRENT) Simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file
wip/ocaml-odn (CURRENT) Dump OCaml data structures using OCaml data notation
devel/hs-transformers (CURRENT) Concrete functor and monad transformers
wip/ocaml-bin_prot (CURRENT) Read and write OCaml-values in a type-safe binary protocol
textproc/py-tinycss (CURRENT) Complete yet simple CSS parser for Python
python/py-tinycss (CURRENT) Complete yet simple CSS parser for Python
devel/hs-mtl (CURRENT) Monad classes using functional dependencies
x11/hs-x11 (CURRENT) Haskell binding to the X11 graphics library
net/p5-Net-RabbitFoot (CURRENT) Asynchronous and multi channel Perl AMQP client
wip/zathura-ps (CURRENT) Add PS support to zathura using libspectre library
devel/hs-text (CURRENT) Efficient packed Unicode text type
textproc/hs-parsec (CURRENT) Monadic parser combinators
wip/ocaml-sexplib (CURRENT) S-Expressions with Type Converters for OCaml
wip/ocaml-easy-format (CURRENT) High-level and functional interface to the OCaml Format module
devel/hs-exceptions (CURRENT) Extensible optionally-pure exceptions
devel/hdevtools (CURRENT) Persistent GHC powered background server for FAST haskell dev tools
devel/hs-stm (CURRENT) Software Transactional Memory
print/pdfmod (CURRENT) PDF Mod is a simple tool for modifying PDF documents
x11/hyena (CURRENT) Hyena is a C# library used to make awesome applications
www/contao33 (CURRENT) Contao Open Source CMS 3.3.7
www/contao33-example (CURRENT) Sample site data for Contao Open Source CMS 3.3
wip/oce (CURRENT) Open CASCADE Community Edition
www/py-python-digest (CURRENT) Python library to aid in implementing HTTP Digest Authentication
python/py-python-digest (CURRENT) Python library to aid in implementing HTTP Digest Authentication
devel/ruby-yajl-ruby (CURRENT) Streaming JSON parsing and encoding library
misc/ruby-hashie2 (CURRENT) Small collection of tools that make hashes more powerful
wip/2bwm (CURRENT) Fast floating WM written over the XCB library and derived from mcwm
wip/herbstluftwm (CURRENT) Manual tiling window manager for X11 using Xlib and Glib
wip/cmusfm (CURRENT) standalone scrobbler for the cmus music player
wip/bspwm (CURRENT) Binary space partitioning window manager
wip/cw (CURRENT) Non-intrusive color wrapper for common commands
net/grive (CURRENT) Independent open source implementation of Google Drive client
wip/libffi (CURRENT) Foreign function interface
www/py-boto (CURRENT) Amazon Web Services Library
python/py-boto (CURRENT) Amazon Web Services Library
databases/py-couchdb (CURRENT) Couchdb python library
net/py-softlayer_messaging (CURRENT) SoftLayer Message Queue client
wip/py-dill (CURRENT) Serialize all of python
devel/py-dill (CURRENT) Serialize all of python
wip/ocaml-fieldslib (CURRENT) Define first class values representing record fields
net/netatalk30 (CURRENT) Netatalk AFP file services
wip/ocaml-comparelib (CURRENT) Syntax extension for deriving "compare" functions automatically
textproc/py-colour (CURRENT) Converts and manipulates various color representation
python/py-colour (CURRENT) Converts and manipulates various color representation
wip/libpgf (CURRENT) Progressive Graphics File (PGF) library
print/cups15 (CURRENT) Common UNIX Printing System (1.5 branch)
wip/py-ngf (CURRENT) Python package for implementing and solving Network form games
math/py-ngf (CURRENT) Python package for implementing and solving Network form games
wip/hs-cgrep (CURRENT) Command line tool
wip/py-kiwisolver (CURRENT) Fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver
wip/py-cogapp (CURRENT) Code generator for executing Python snippets in source files
wip/py-seaborn (CURRENT) Statistical data visualization
wip/tinyxml2 (CURRENT) Simple, small and efficient C++ XML parser
net/bind910 (CURRENT) Berkeley Internet Name Daemon implementation of DNS, version 9.10
wip/ocaml-biniou (CURRENT) Extensible binary serialization format
databases/db46 (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Berkeley DB version 4 from Oracle
mail/thunderbird17 (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Organize, secure and customize your mail
mail/thunderbird10 (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Organize, secure and customize your mail
mail/thunderbird17-l10n (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Language packs for mail/thunderbird
mail/thunderbird10-l10n (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Language packs for mail/thunderbird
graphics/libungif (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Tools and library routines for working with GIF images
audio/libmpg123 (pkgsrc-2014Q2) MPEG layer 1, 2, and 3 decoder library
net/netatalk (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Netatalk appletalk file and print services
sysutils/xentools20 (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Userland Tools for Xen
sysutils/xenkernel20 (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Xen Kernel
www/ap-bandwidth (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Apache module for bandwidth management
www/ap-access-referer (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Apache module for referer-based access control
www/p5-Apache-Reload (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Perl5 module to reload changed modules
www/ap-dtcl (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Simple, fast Tcl server side scripting for apache
www/ap-jk (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Apache connector for accessing Jakarta Tomcat
www/ap-throttle (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Apache module for limiting bandwidth usage
www/contao211 (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Contao Open Source CMS 2.11
www/ap-gzip (pkgsrc-2014Q2) On-the-fly GZIP compression for Apache 1.3.x
www/p5-Apache-AuthCookieDBI (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Perl5 module AuthCookie backed by a DBI database
www/ap-Embperl (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Perl5 library for embedding perl in HTML documents
www/ap-auth-cookie (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Cookie-based authentication for Apache
www/ap-auth-ldap (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Module to allow apache authentication against an LDAP directory
www/ap-auth-pam (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Module to allow Apache authentication using PAM
www/ap-auth-pgsql (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Apache module for user authentication/logging against a PostgreSQL DB
www/ap-auth-postgresql (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Module to allow apache authentication against a Postgresql database
www/ap-auth-script (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Apache module for script-based authentication
www/ap-layout (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Apache module to wrap static or dynamic content
www/ap-mp3 (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Apache module for streaming mp3 files
www/ap-python (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Python interpreter embedded into Apache
www/ap-xslt (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Simple, fast XSLT transformations for apache
www/ap2-auth-ldap (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Module to allow apache2 authentication against an LDAP directory
www/ap2-fastcgi (pkgsrc-2014Q2) New, improved CGI-like interface module for Apache
www/apache2 (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Apache HTTP (Web) server, version 2
www/contao211-example (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Sample site data for Contao Open Source CMS 2.11
www/contao211-translations (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Language files for Contao CMS
www/contao32-example (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Sample site data for Contao Open Source CMS 3.2
www/p5-Apache-AuthCookie (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Perl5 module for Authentication and Authorization via cookies
www/ap-auth-external (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Apache module for external program authentication
www/ap2-xslt2 (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Apache module able to apply stylesheets to XML data on the fly
www/ap2-chroot (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Module to easily run Apache in a chroot environment
www/ap-perl (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Module that embeds a Perl interpreter into Apache
www/ap-dav (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Apache WebDAV module
www/ap-auth-radius (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Radius authentication module for Apache
www/ap-rivet (pkgsrc-2014Q2) System for creating dynamic web content via Tcl
www/ap-auth-ntlm (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Apache module for NTLM authentication
www/ap-ssl (pkgsrc-2014Q2) SSL/TLS protocols module for Apache
www/apache (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Apache HTTP (Web) server
devel/lua-stdlib-doc (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Documentation for modules from lua-stdlib
devel/apr0 (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Apache Portable Runtime
security/PAM (pkgsrc-2014Q2) Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
wip/ocaml-enumerate (CURRENT) Quotation expanders for enumerating finite types
wip/libressl (CURRENT) Secure Sockets Layer and cryptography libraries and tools
wip/py-lhafile (CURRENT) Support (Amiga-style; bugfixed) LHA files
lang/py34-html-docs (CURRENT) HTML Documentation for Python 3.4
lang/py33-html-docs (CURRENT) HTML Documentation for Python 3.3
devel/ninja (CURRENT) Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed
wip/liblogging (CURRENT) Easy to use logging library
wip/rsyslog8 (CURRENT) The enhanced syslogd for Unix
wip/liblognorm1 (CURRENT) Tool to normalize log data
wip/ocaml-herelib (CURRENT) Syntax extension for inserting the current location
wip/thawab (CURRENT) Thawab Arabic/Islamic encyclopedia system
wip/py-patsy (CURRENT) Python package for describing statistical models
wip/py-statsmodels (CURRENT) Statistical computations and models for use with SciPy
wip/py-hddm (CURRENT) Hierarchical Bayesian estimation of Drift Diffusion Models
math/py-hddm (CURRENT) Hierarchical Bayesian estimation of Drift Diffusion Models
wip/rtl-sdr (CURRENT) Turns your Realtek RTL2832 based DVB dongle into a SDR receiver
wip/ninja-devel (CURRENT) Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed
mail/thunderbird24-l10n (CURRENT) Language packs for mail/thunderbird24
mail/thunderbird24 (CURRENT) Organize, secure and customize your mail (version 24)
wip/ocaml-pa_ounit (CURRENT) OCaml inline testing
wip/py-mando (CURRENT) Create Python CLI apps with little to no effort at all
wip/postgresql-postgis2 (CURRENT) Spatial database capabilities for PostgreSQL
wip/py-colorama (CURRENT) Cross-platform colored terminal text
wip/sxhkd (CURRENT) Simple X hotkey daemon
www/webkit1-gtk (CURRENT) GTK2 port of the WebKit browser engine (v1)
www/webkit1-gtk3 (CURRENT) GTK3 port of the WebKit browser engine (v1)
wip/tex-toptesi-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-toptesi
wip/tex-toptesi (CURRENT) Bundle of files for typsetting theses
wip/mailutils (CURRENT) Utilities, daemons, and filters for processing e-mail
wip/mpv (CURRENT) Video player based on MPlayer and mplayer2
audio/gst-plugins0.10-soundtouch (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - soundtouch plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-soundtouch (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - soundtouch plugin
wip/nanomsg (CURRENT) Scalability protocols library
devel/bugs-everywhere (CURRENT) Distributed bugtracker
lang/vala024 (CURRENT) Compiler for the GObject type system (0.24 branch)
wip/py-attic (CURRENT) Deduplicating backup program
databases/py-python-rrdtool (CURRENT) Python bindings for RRDTool, the graphing and logging utility
multimedia/ffplay1 (CURRENT) Simple SDL frontend for FFmpeg
multimedia/ffmpeg1 (CURRENT) Decoding, encoding and streaming software (v1.x)
wip/rsyslog8-rabbitmq (CURRENT) Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the rabbitmq module
wip/rsyslog8-gnutls (CURRENT) Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the gnutls module
wip/rsyslog8-libgcrypt (CURRENT) Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the libgcrypt module
wip/cool-old-term-git (CURRENT) Good looking terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display
wip/rsyslog8-mysql (CURRENT) Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the mysql module
wip/rsyslog8-dbi (CURRENT) Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the dbi module
wip/py-clonedigger-jl (CURRENT) Clone Digger aimed to detect similar code in Python/Java
wip/rsyslog8-gssapi (CURRENT) Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the gssapi module
wip/rsyslog8-pgsql (CURRENT) Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the pgsql module
wip/rsyslog8-snmp (CURRENT) Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the snmp module
devel/ocaml-odn (CURRENT) Data dumping library for OCaml
devel/ocaml-type_conv (CURRENT) Support library for OCaml preprocessor type conversions
wip/ruby-redmine (CURRENT) Flexible project management web application
www/ruby-redmine (CURRENT) Flexible project management web application
www/py-static (CURRENT) Serve static or templated content via WSGI or stand-alone
wip/verilog08 (CURRENT) Verilog simulation and synthesis tool (old version of 0.8)
wip/kBuild-svn (CURRENT) Build framework based on GNU make
math/R-countrycode (CURRENT) Convert country names and country codes
math/R-latticeExtra (CURRENT) Extra graphical utilities based on lattice
wip/libopenmpt-devel (CURRENT) Library to decode tracked music files into a raw PCM audio stream (development version)
math/R-Rcpp (CURRENT) Seamless R and C++ Integration
wip/py-qt5 (CURRENT) Python binding for Qt5
wip/gnuradio (CURRENT) Collection of GNU Radio (meta package, easy to install whole thing)
wip/py-matplotlib-tk (CURRENT) Tk frontend for matplotlib
wip/netpbm (CURRENT) Toolkit for conversion of images between different formats
wip/webkit-gtk3 (CURRENT) GTK3 port of the WebKit browser engine
wip/gnuradio-core (CURRENT) Core part of GNU Radio, all others need this
math/R-markdown (CURRENT) Markdown rendering for R
math/R-mime (CURRENT) Map filenames to MIME types
math/R-digest (CURRENT) Create cryptographic hash digests of R objects
math/R-evaluate (CURRENT) Parsing and evaluation tools
math/R-knitr (CURRENT) A general-purpose package for dynamic report generation in R
math/R-stringr (CURRENT) Make it easier to work with strings.
math/R-formatR (CURRENT) Format R code automatically
math/R-highr (CURRENT) Syntax highlighting for R
wip/ii (CURRENT) Minimalist FIFO and filesystem-based IRC client
lang/gcc49 (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 4.9 Release Series
lang/gcc49-libs (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries
wip/e16 (CURRENT) Highly themeable and configurable window manager
x11/e16 (CURRENT) Highly themeable and configurable window manager
wip/cufflinks (CURRENT) Transcript assembly, differential expression, regulation for RNA-Seq
wip/uhd (CURRENT) USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) Hardware Drivers
wip/SuperCollider (CURRENT) Real time audio synthesis and composition programming language
wip/py-xpra (CURRENT) screen(1) for X
wip/gr-osmosdr-git (CURRENT) SDR Hardware support for OsmoSDR and so many more
devel/py-hgnested (CURRENT) Mercurial extension to work with nested repositories
devel/hs-ghc-mtl (CURRENT) Provides an mtl compatible version of the Ghc-Api monad transformers
games/atque (CURRENT) Marathon game map utility
wip/gnuradio-fec (CURRENT) Forward Error Correction blocks, utilities, & examples of GNU Radio
wip/gnuradio-pager (CURRENT) FLEX radiopager receiver/demodulator of GNU Radio
wip/gnuradio-qtgui (CURRENT) Qt GUI module of GNU Radio
wip/gnuradio-uhd (CURRENT) Uhd-based encoding and decoding algorithms for GNU Radio
wip/gnuradio-utils (CURRENT) Utilities in GNU Radio
wip/gnuradio-vocoder (CURRENT) All available vocoders in GNU Radio
wip/gnuradio-wxgui (CURRENT) WxGTK Toolkit module of GNU Radio
wip/gnuradio-video-sdl (CURRENT) SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) bindings for GNU Radio
wip/gnuradio-noaa (CURRENT) NOAA, Weather Satellite Reception module of GNU Radio
wip/gnuradio-wavelet (CURRENT) Wavelet transform of GNU Radio
wip/gnuradio-channels (CURRENT) Signal processing blocks to simulate channel models of GNU Radio
wip/gnuradio-ctrlport (CURRENT) New set of hooks into GNU Radio to allow a remote client to attach
wip/gnuradio-default (CURRENT) Full package of gnuradio (conflict to meta-pkgs)
wip/gnuradio-fcd (CURRENT) FanCube support of GNU Radio
wip/gnuradio-dtv (CURRENT) Various digital television standards of GNU Radio
wip/gnuradio-doxygen (CURRENT) Doxygen documentation of GNU Radio
wip/gnuradio-companion (CURRENT) User interface entry of GNU Radio
wip/gnuradio-atsc (CURRENT) Advanced Television Systems Committee, ATSC module of GNU Radio
wip/gnuradio-trellis (CURRENT) Trellis-based encoding and decoding algorithms for GNU Radio
wip/gnuradio-digital (CURRENT) Digital related algorithms for GNU Radio
wip/py-qwt (CURRENT) Python bindings for the Qwt QT4 C++ class library
wip/darkcoin (CURRENT) Secure, decentralized, and anonymous digital currency
wip/primecoin (CURRENT) Cryptocurrency based on searching for prime numbers
wip/dogecoin (CURRENT) Open source peer-to-peer digital currency, favored by Shiba Inus
wip/py-scikit-learn (CURRENT) Machine learning algorithms for Python
wip/py-qwt-qt4 (CURRENT) Python bindings for the Qwt QT4 C++ class library
wip/qt5-qscintilla (CURRENT) Scintilla C++ editor class for Qt5
wip/cmake (CURRENT) Cross platform make
wip/gnuradio-zeromq (CURRENT) All of the zeromq blocks, utilities, and examples
wip/megatools (CURRENT) Command line client for
wip/nss-hg (CURRENT) Libraries to support development of security-enabled applications (hg version)
wip/libmirisdr (CURRENT) Osmocom Mirics MSi2500 + MSi001 SDR library
x11/py-qwt-qt4 (CURRENT) Python bindings for the Qwt QT4 C++ class library
wip/hackrf (CURRENT) HackRF, an open source SDR hardware platform
wip/osmo-sdr (CURRENT) Small form-factor inexpensive SDR (Software Defined Radio)
wip/gr-osmosdr (CURRENT) SDR Hardware support for OsmoSDR and so many more
wip/gr-fcdproplus-git (CURRENT) Addon for funcube dongle pro+ to GNU Radio
wip/ncbi-blast (CURRENT) NCBI Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (Blast)
lang/camlp4 (CURRENT) Preprocessor and pretty printer for OCaml
wip/fdk-aac (CURRENT) Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library
wip/gimp-dds (CURRENT) DDS io gimp plugin
wip/gimp-webp (CURRENT) WebP Gimp I/O plugin
ham/gnuradio-fcd (CURRENT) FanCube support of GNU Radio
ham/gnuradio-noaa (CURRENT) NOAA, Weather Satellite Reception module of GNU Radio
ham/gnuradio-pager (CURRENT) FLEX radiopager receiver/demodulator of GNU Radio
ham/gnuradio-atsc (CURRENT) Advanced Television Systems Committee, ATSC module of GNU Radio
ham/gr-fcdproplus (CURRENT) Addon for funcube dongle pro+ to GNU Radio
graphics/libgltf (CURRENT) Rendering library for glTF
wip/qt4-libqtlua (CURRENT) Lua alternative to the QtScript module
wip/py-hope (CURRENT) Python Just-In-Time compiler for astrophysical computations
math/py-hope (CURRENT) Python Just-In-Time compiler for astrophysical computations
wip/gcc50snapshot (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 5.0 Release Series
wip/libshorttext (CURRENT) Library for short-text classification and analysis
wip/cgminer297 (CURRENT) Bitcoin miner
wip/csvkit (CURRENT) Suite of utilities for converting to and working with CSV
wip/multiminer (CURRENT) Bitcoin miner front-end
wip/libpsl (CURRENT) Library to handle the Public Suffix List
lang/vala012 (CURRENT) Compiler for the GObject type system (0.12 branch)
devel/py-argh (CURRENT) Unobtrusive argparse wrapper with natural syntax
www/firefox31-l10n (CURRENT) Language packs for www/firefox (version 31.x)
www/firefox31 (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions (version 31)
devel/xulrunner31 (CURRENT) XML User Interface Language runtime environment
wip/revbump (CURRENT) Tools for bumping PKGREVISIONs (for pkgsrc developers)
sysutils/baloo (CURRENT) KDE framework for searching and managing user metadata
wip/p5-Catalyst-View-JSON (CURRENT) JSON view for your data
mail/p5-Catalyst-View-JSON (CURRENT) JSON view for your data
wip/p5-Catalyst-Action-REST (CURRENT) A RESTful controller
mail/p5-Catalyst-Action-REST (CURRENT) A RESTful controller
wip/p5-Catalyst-View-Email (CURRENT) Send Templated Email from Catalyst
sysutils/kfilemetadata (CURRENT) Library for extracting file metadata
wip/p5-Safe (CURRENT) Compile and execute code in restricted compartments
devel/p5-Safe (CURRENT) Compile and execute code in restricted compartments
wip/p5-Data-Dumper (CURRENT) Stringified perl data structures
wip/labltk (CURRENT) Tk bindings for ocaml
wip/xlog (CURRENT) Amateur Radio logging program
mail/dovecot2-antispam-plugin (CURRENT) Dovecot 2.x plugin for training antispam systems
wip/go-net (CURRENT) Supplementary network libraries for Go
wip/goauth2 (CURRENT) OAuth 2 library for Go
wip/google-api-go-client (CURRENT) Go client library for various Google APIs
wip/fastjar (CURRENT) C language version of the 'jar' archiver normally used by Java
wip/go-tools (CURRENT) Tools for use with Go, including godoc
wip/idutils (CURRENT) Classic Berkeley gid/lid tools for looking up variables in code
wip/ocaml-yojson (CURRENT) JSON parsing and printing library for OCaml
wip/libdiscid (CURRENT) Library for creating MusicBrainz DiscIDs
wip/ganglia-web (CURRENT) Ganglia network monitor web interface
wip/ganglia-monitor-core319 (CURRENT) Ganglia cluster monitor, monitoring daemon
net/ganglia-monitor-core319 (CURRENT) Ganglia cluster monitor, monitoring daemon
wip/libuv0.11 (CURRENT) Asynchronous event library, platform layer of node.js
wip/SOPE (CURRENT) Framework for writing clever web servers driven by objects
wip/keepassx-git (CURRENT) Password generator and manager (git version)
www/contao34 (CURRENT) Contao Open Source CMS 3.4.5
wip/radare2 (CURRENT) Reverse engineering framework
wip/gflags (CURRENT) Commandline flags module for C++
databases/mysql-cluster (CURRENT) MySQL Cluster 7.4, a free SQL clustered database
wip/capstone (CURRENT) lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
inputmethod/brise (CURRENT) Official Rime Schema repository
wip/dateutils (CURRENT) Command line tools for working with dates
wip/skype4 (CURRENT) P2P VoIP software (4.x branch)
wip/libcstring (CURRENT) Library for cross-platform C string functions
devel/libcstring (CURRENT) Library for cross-platform C string functions
www/py-google-api-python-client-py3 (CURRENT) Google API Client Library for Python (python 3x port)
python/py-google-api-python-client-py3 (CURRENT) Google API Client Library for Python (python 3x port)
wip/acr-0.9.8 (CURRENT) Autoconf replacement
comms/py-python-termstyle (CURRENT) Console colouring for python
geography/py-pycountry (CURRENT) ISO country, subdivision, language, currency and script
wip/py-singledispatch (CURRENT) Library brings functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4
wip/py-futures (CURRENT) Library brings asynchronous computations from Python 3.x
wip/livestreamer (CURRENT) Tool that pipes video streams into a video player
wip/libuv (CURRENT) Asynchronous event library, platform layer of node.js
devel/tmin (CURRENT) Tool for minimizing complex test cases in security testing
wip/bochs (CURRENT) IA32 and AMD64 PC emulator
wip/mousetweaks (CURRENT) Mouse accessibility software
multimedia/vlc21 (CURRENT) VLC media player and streaming server
wip/ltp (CURRENT) Testing Linux, one syscall at a time
wip/agfl (CURRENT) Formalism for the syntactic description of Natural Languages
wip/zabbix-agent (CURRENT) Network monitoring tool
wip/zabbix-server (CURRENT) Network monitoring tool
wip/qt5-ibus (CURRENT) Qt5 IBus input context plugin
wip/bibletime (CURRENT) Bible study program based on SWORD and QT
wip/rosegarden (CURRENT) Notation editor & MIDI sequencer
wip/abiword (CURRENT) Open Source cross-platform word processor
wip/libchamplain012 (CURRENT) Map widget
wip/libmemphis02 (CURRENT) Library for OpenStreetMap
wip/asio (CURRENT) Library for asynchronous programming
security/qore-asn1-module (CURRENT) ASN.1 Qore module
graphics/qore-glut-module (CURRENT) GLUT Qore bindings
graphics/qore-opengl-module (CURRENT) OpenGL Qore bindings
security/qt4-qtkeychain (CURRENT) Platform-independent Qt API for storing passwords securely
lang/gcc46-libs (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries
security/py-pycrypto (CURRENT) Python cryptography toolkit
wip/engrampa (CURRENT) Archive manager utility for the MATE Environment
wip/libmatekbd (CURRENT) MATE keyboard configuration library
wip/caja (CURRENT) File manager for the MATE desktop
wip/mate-common (CURRENT) Sample files for MATE Application development
wip/polkit (CURRENT) Authorization Manager
wip/eom (CURRENT) Eye of MATE: an image viewing and cataloging program
wip/mate-dialogs (CURRENT) Metadialog for MATE desktop
wip/mate-session-manager (CURRENT) MATE session manager
wip/mate-control-center (CURRENT) MATE Control Center
wip/atril (CURRENT) Simple multi-page document viewer for the MATE environment
wip/libindicator-gtk2 (CURRENT) Symbols and convience functions that all indicators would like to use (Gtk2)
wip/marco (CURRENT) MATE Marco is a fork of GNOME Metacity
wip/mate (CURRENT) Meta-package for MATE desktop environment
wip/mate-backgrounds (CURRENT) Set of backgrounds packaged with the MATE desktop
wip/mate-calc (CURRENT) Calculator application for MATE desktop
wip/mate-desktop (CURRENT) MATE desktop library
wip/mate-menus (CURRENT) Implementation of the desktop menu specification for MATE
wip/mate-notification-daemon (CURRENT) Notification daemon for MATE desktop
wip/upower (CURRENT) Astraction for enumerating power devices
wip/libmateweather (CURRENT) Weather information access library
wip/caja-extensions (CURRENT) Set of extensions for Caja
wip/mate-settings-daemon (CURRENT) MATE settings daemon
wip/mate-icon-theme-faenza (CURRENT) Faenza and Faience icon themes for MATE desktop
wip/caja-dropbox (CURRENT) Dropbox Caja extension
wip/mate-polkit (CURRENT) MATE desktop environment Authentication Agent for PolicyKit
wip/mate-icon-theme (CURRENT) Collection of icons used as the basis for MATE themes
wip/mate-indicator-applet (CURRENT) MATE indicator applet
wip/mate-applets (CURRENT) MATE panel applets
wip/mate-media (CURRENT) MATE media tools for MATE Desktop
wip/mate-panel (CURRENT) MATE panel application
wip/mate-power-manager (CURRENT) Power manager for MATE
wip/mate-netspeed (CURRENT) MATE little applet for network traffic information
net/mate-netspeed (CURRENT) MATE little applet for network traffic information
wip/mate-netbook (CURRENT) Simple window management tool for MATE desktop
wip/gnome-main-menu (CURRENT) MATE Desktop main menu
wip/mate-sensors-applet (CURRENT) MATE Sensors applets
wip/mate-screensaver (CURRENT) Screen saver and locker for the MATE desktop
wip/mate-themes (CURRENT) Icons and themes for MATE desktop
wip/mate-system-monitor (CURRENT) MATE system monitor
wip/mate-terminal (CURRENT) MATE terminal emulator application
wip/liboobs (CURRENT) Lightweight GObject based interface to system-tools-backends
devel/redmine (CURRENT) Flexible project management web application
wip/py-neovim (CURRENT) Python client to Neovim
wip/py-webtest (CURRENT) Helper to test WSGI applications
wip/mate-user-share (CURRENT) MATE user-leve file shareing
wip/mate-system-tools (CURRENT) MATE System Tools
wip/pluma (CURRENT) Small and lightweight UTF-8 text editor for the MATE
wip/mozo (CURRENT) Menu editor for MATE
wip/python-caja (CURRENT) Python bindings for libcaja-extension
wip/mate-utils (CURRENT) Utiltiles for MATE Desktop
wip/spidermonkey17 (CURRENT) Standalone JavaScript implementation in C
wip/py-crontab (CURRENT) Python Crontab API
net/unison2.40 (CURRENT) File-synchronization tool
wip/qt5-qtwebchannel (CURRENT) Qt5 WebChannel module
wip/consolekit (CURRENT) Framework for defining and tracking users, login sessions, and seats
wip/qt5-qtwebsockets (CURRENT) Qt5 module for websockets
devel/py-dialog2 (CURRENT) Python wrapper for the dialog utility
wip/libindicator3 (CURRENT) GTK+3 symbols and convience functions for indicators
wip/signify (CURRENT) Cryptographically sign and verify files, from OpenBSD
geography/py-google-maps-services-python (CURRENT) Python client library for Google Maps API Web Services
wip/bitchx (CURRENT) IRC client based on ircII
wip/libdbusmenu-jsonloader (CURRENT) Test libraries for development with libdbusemenu
wip/libdbusmenu-gtk (CURRENT) GTK2+ library created by pulling some code from indicator-applet
wip/libdbusmenu-gtk-doc (CURRENT) GTK+ API library documentation for libdbusmenu
wip/libdbusmenu-tools (CURRENT) Tools for development with libdbusemenu
wip/libdbusmenu-glib (CURRENT) Glib2 library created by pulling some code from indicator-applet
wip/libdbusmenu-gtk3 (CURRENT) GTK3+ library created by pulling some code from indicator-applet
wip/py-ordered-set (CURRENT) MutableSet that remembers its order
wip/libappindicator (CURRENT) Allow applications to export a menu into the panel
wip/publicfile-run (CURRENT) Configures publicfile to serve public files
wip/py-django-registration (CURRENT) User-registration application for Django
wip/doxygen (CURRENT) Documentation system for C++, Java, IDL and C
wip/cvs-fast-export (CURRENT) Export an RCS or CVS history as a fast-import stream
wip/nettle3 (CURRENT) Cryptographic library
devel/nettle3 (CURRENT) Cryptographic library
databases/postgresql94-docs (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database documentation
databases/postgresql94-plperl (CURRENT) PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql94-upgrade (CURRENT) PostgreSQL binary upgrade tool
databases/postgresql94-adminpack (CURRENT) Admin pack module for pgAdmin management
databases/postgresql94-pgcrypto (CURRENT) Module providing cryptographic functions for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql94-plpython (CURRENT) PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql94-replicationtools (CURRENT) PostgreSQL replication tools
databases/postgresql94-dblink (CURRENT) Dblink module for remote database connections
databases/postgresql94-fuzzystrmatch (CURRENT) PostgreSQL fuzzystrmatch contribution
databases/postgresql94-monitoring (CURRENT) PostgreSQL monitoring tools
databases/postgresql94-server (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database server programs
databases/postgresql94-datatypes (CURRENT) PostgreSQL data types support modules
databases/postgresql94-client (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database client programs
databases/postgresql94 (CURRENT) Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
databases/postgresql94-pltcl (CURRENT) PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
wip/dbh (CURRENT) Library to create disk based Hashtables
wip/sawfish (CURRENT) Extensible window manager that is fully configurable in Lisp
wip/py-radon (CURRENT) Code Metrics in Python
devel/py-ZopeComponent (CURRENT) Zope Component Architecture modules
wip/py-version-control-tools (CURRENT) Mercurial extensions used by the mozilla project (incl. pushlog)
wip/py-rsistent (CURRENT) Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures
devel/py-rsistent (CURRENT) Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures
sysutils/xentools45 (CURRENT) Userland Tools for Xen 4.5.x
sysutils/xenkernel45 (CURRENT) Xen 4.5.x Kernel
wip/zabbix-proxy-mysql (CURRENT) Network monitoring tool
wip/zabbix-proxy-pgsql (CURRENT) Network monitoring tool
wip/zabbix-server-mysql (CURRENT) Network monitoring tool
wip/zabbix-server-pgsql (CURRENT) Network monitoring tool
wip/zabbix-frontend (CURRENT) Network monitoring tool
wip/xtrackcad (CURRENT) CAD program for designing model railroads
www/py-mod_wsgi-metrics (CURRENT) WSGI module for apache
wip/openpgm (CURRENT) Open source implementation of the Pragmatic General Multicast
wip/py-natsort (CURRENT) Sort lists naturally
devel/py-natsort (CURRENT) Sort lists naturally
wip/py-clint (CURRENT) Python Command-line Application Tools
x11/py-clint (CURRENT) Python Command-line Application Tools
wip/py-blessings (CURRENT) Practical wrapper around terminal coloring, styling
math/py-theano (CURRENT) Optimizing compiler for evaluating mathematical expressions
wip/p5-Module-CPANTS-Analyse (CURRENT) Perl5 module to generate Kwalitee ratings for a distribution
multimedia/gst-plugins1-egl-gl (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - AV1 plugin
wip/py-wheel (CURRENT) Built-package format for Python
wip/py-appdirs (CURRENT) Module for determining appropriate, platform-specific dirs
mail/ruby-mail25 (CURRENT) Mail provides a nice Ruby DSL for making, sending and reading emails
devel/ruby-power_assert (CURRENT) Power Assert for Ruby
devel/ruby-curses-gem (CURRENT) Ruby binding for curses, ncurses, and PDCurses
ruby/ruby-racc (CURRENT) LALR(1) parser generator for Ruby
databases/ruby-arel30 (CURRENT) Arel is a SQL AST manager for Ruby
wip/p5-Git-Repository-Plugin-AUTOLOAD (CURRENT) Git subcommands as Git::Repository methods
wip/p5-List-Pairwise (CURRENT) (Perl Module) List::Pairwise - map/grep arrays and hashes pairwise
wip/p5-MooseX-App (CURRENT) Write user-friendly command line apps with even less suffering
wip/p5-Log-Message (CURRENT) Log::Message - A generic message storing mechanism
wip/p5-Object-Accessor (CURRENT) Module that allows per Object accessors (as opposed to per Class ..)
www/ruby-rack15 (CURRENT) Modular Ruby webserver interface
misc/ruby-colorize (CURRENT) Add color methods to String class
devel/ruby-debugger-linecache (CURRENT) Read file with caching
devel/ruby-debugger (CURRENT) Fast Ruby debugger - base + cli
devel/ruby-debugger-ruby_core_source (CURRENT) Provide Ruby core source files
misc/ruby-hashie1 (CURRENT) Small collection of tools that make hashes more powerful
emulators/libretro-mupen64plus (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Mupen64Plus emulator
emulators/libretro-catsfc (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the CATSFC Super Nintendo emulator
emulators/libretro-snes9x-next (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the SNES9x 1.52+ emulator
wip/ocaml-pa_test (CURRENT) Quotation expanders for assertions
wip/espresso (CURRENT) Nanoscale electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling
wip/tex-ydoc (CURRENT) Macros for documentation of LaTeX classes and packages
wip/tex-adjustbox (CURRENT) Graphics package-alike macros for general boxes
wip/connect (CURRENT) Open a TCP connection using a SOCKS4/5 or HTTP proxy server
wip/tex-collectbox (CURRENT) Collect and process macro arguments as boxes
www/ruby-form_data (CURRENT) Build form data request bodies
misc/calibre1 (CURRENT) E-book library management application
wip/p5-LDAP (CURRENT) Perl5 module to build LDAP clients with perl
emulators/libretro-mednafen-pce-fast (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Mednafen PCE Fast emulator
wip/logrotate-svn (CURRENT) Daemon to rotate, compress, remove and mail system log files
wip/elscreen-current (CURRENT) Window manager within Emacs (for emacs24)
wip/p5-Alien-SDL (CURRENT) Alien::SDL - building, finding and using SDL binaries
wip/ocaml-pa_bench (CURRENT) Syntax extension for inline benchmarks
wip/p5-SDL (CURRENT) SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer for Perl
wip/p5-Tie-Simple (CURRENT) Variable ties made easier: much, much, much easier
wip/ocaml-pipebang (CURRENT) Syntax extension to transform x |! f into f x
wip/ocaml-typerep (CURRENT) Runtime types for OCaml
wip/ocaml-variantslib (CURRENT) OCaml variants as first class values
wip/py-hgwatchman (CURRENT) Mercuial status speedup
wip/py-hglist (CURRENT) Mercurial ls command
wip/py-alabaster (CURRENT) Configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme
wip/py-pypi-cli (CURRENT) Command-line interface to the Python Package Index
wip/py-gmpy2 (CURRENT) GMP/MPIR, MPFR, and MPC interface to Python 2.6+ and 3.x
wip/p5-autovivification (CURRENT) Perl5 module to lexically disable autovivification
wip/pkg (CURRENT) Package management tool for FreeBSD
wip/cwdiff (CURRENT) Color wrapper for wdiff (word diff)
wip/py-kitchen (CURRENT) Kitchen contains a cornucopia of useful code
wip/asignify (CURRENT) Yet another signify tool
wip/py-vcversioner (CURRENT) Use version control tags to discover version numbers
wip/pkg15 (CURRENT) Package management tool for FreeBSD
wip/py-m2ext (CURRENT) M2Crypto Extensions
security/py-m2ext (CURRENT) M2Crypto Extensions
devel/p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-Coverage (CURRENT) Add a Makefile target to determine test coverage using Devel::Cover
wip/libunibilium (CURRENT) Basic terminfo library
wip/libtermkey (CURRENT) library to process keyboard entry from terminal-based programs
wip/py-alembic (CURRENT) Database migration tool for SQLAlchemy
wip/ocaml-custom_printf (CURRENT) Syntax extension for printf format strings
wip/syncthing-gtk (CURRENT) GTK3 & python based GUI for Syncthing
wip/syncthing (CURRENT) Keeps directories in sync across hosts
wip/gnuplot (CURRENT) Portable interactive, function plotting utility
wip/libvterm (CURRENT) Abstract VT220/Xterm/ECMA-48 emulation library
wip/py-configargparse (CURRENT) Argparse-like with config files or environment variables support
lang/libLLVM34 (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure (previous version)
wip/dhisd (CURRENT) DynDNS server
wip/acpica-utils-git (CURRENT) Intel ACPI CA Unix utilities
lang/ruby22 (CURRENT) Ruby programming language 2.2.10 meta package
lang/ruby22-base (CURRENT) Ruby 2.2.10 release minimum base package
www/php-zendopcache (CURRENT) Zend opcode cache and optimizer for PHP
wip/libepoxy (CURRENT) Library for OpenGL function pointer management
textproc/go-text (CURRENT) Supplementary text processing libraries for Go
net/go-net (CURRENT) Supplementary network libraries for Go
wip/smtpfeed (CURRENT) SMTP Fast Exploding External Deliverer for Sendmail
wip/go-backoff (CURRENT) Exponential backoff algorithm in Go
wip/go-fsnotify (CURRENT) File system notifications for Go
sysutils/ruby-rb-inotify (CURRENT) Ruby wrapper for Linux's inotify, using FFI
devel/gdb5 (CURRENT) Symbolic debugger for multiple language frontends
wip/bareos (CURRENT) Backup Archiving REcovery Open Sourced
wip/dnscrypt-proxy (CURRENT) Securing DNS communication using DNSCrypt
wip/npth (CURRENT) New Portable Threads Library (nPth)
wip/premake5 (CURRENT) Build script generator
wip/nspluginwrapper (CURRENT) Use Netscape compatible plugins from other platforms
wip/gnupg21 (CURRENT) GNUpg with OpenPGP and S/MIME capabilities
wip/innoextract (CURRENT) Tool to unpack installers created by Inno Setup
wip/libassuan22 (CURRENT) IPC library used by some of the other GnuPG related packages
wip/libcsv (CURRENT) CSV library written in pure ANSI C89
wip/csvutils (CURRENT) Command-line utilities for managing CSV data using libcsv
wip/dwb (CURRENT) Dynamic WebKit browser, gtk2 version
wip/xf86-video-intel (CURRENT) Modular Xorg Intel video driver
x11/modular-xorg-server112 (CURRENT) Modular X11 server from modular
devel/py-attic (CURRENT) Deduplicating backup program
wip/tamago-tsunagi (CURRENT) IM(egg) for (Free)Wnn, Canna, sj3 and Anthy even after Emacs-24.3
graphics/MesaLib7 (CURRENT) Open source OpenGL implementation (legacy version)
wip/keybinder (CURRENT) Library for registering keyboard shortcuts
wip/keybinder3 (CURRENT) GTK+3 registering keyboard shortcuts
wip/py-keybinder (CURRENT) Python bindings for the keybinder library
wip/lua-keybinder (CURRENT) Lua bindings for the keybinder library
wip/heirloom-doctools (CURRENT) Modernized troff implementation
wip/gcolor2 (CURRENT) Simple color selector
wip/locustio-0.7.2 (CURRENT) Python utility for doing distributed load testing of a web site
local/locustio-0.7.2 (CURRENT) Python utility for doing distributed load testing of a web site
devel/locustio-0.7.2 (CURRENT) Python utility for doing distributed load testing of a web site
devel/py-singledispatch (CURRENT) Library brings functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4
wip/libindicator-tools (CURRENT) GTK+2 symbols and convience functions for indicators
wip/liblxqt (CURRENT) Core utility library for all LXQt components
wip/extra-cmake-modules (CURRENT) Extra modules and scripts for CMake
wip/kwindowsystem (CURRENT) Access to the windowing system
wip/lxqt-config (CURRENT) System configuration control center
wip/lxqt-openssh-askpass (CURRENT) Tool used with openssh to prompt the user for a password
wip/lxqt-admin (CURRENT) LXQt admin panel
wip/lxqt-mount (CURRENT) LXQt library used to manage removable devices
wip/kguiaddons (CURRENT) Addons to QtGui
wip/libsysstat (CURRENT) Library used to query system info and statistics
wip/lxqt-common (CURRENT) Common data file required for running an lxde-qt session
wip/lxqt-panel (CURRENT) Desktop panel
wip/polkit-qt5 (CURRENT) Qt5 Wrapper around PolicyKit
wip/lxqt-about (CURRENT) LXQt about dialog
wip/lxqt-notificationd (CURRENT) Notification daemon and library
wip/libqtxdg (CURRENT) Qt implementation of xdg specs
wip/lxqt-globalkeys (CURRENT) Daemon and library for global keyboard shortcuts registration
wip/lxqt-policykit (CURRENT) Policykit authentication agent
wip/lxqt-powermanagement (CURRENT) Daemon used for power management and auto-suspend
wip/lxqt-session (CURRENT) Session manager
wip/liblxqt-mount (CURRENT) LXQt library used to manage removable devices
wip/lxqt (CURRENT) Meta-package for the LXQt desktop environment
wip/lxqt-qtplugin (CURRENT) LXQt platform integration plugin for Qt5
wip/lxqt-runner (CURRENT) Launch applications quickly by typing commands
wip/pcmanfm-qt (CURRENT) LXQt pcmanfm Qt frontend
wip/acpica-utils (CURRENT) Intel ACPI CA Unix utilities
wip/coreclr-git (CURRENT) The .NET Core runtime and the base library
wip/emacs-snapshot (CURRENT) GNU editing macros (development version)
wip/clang-svn (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
databases/mariadb55-server (CURRENT) MariaDB 5.5, a free SQL database (server)
databases/mariadb55-client (CURRENT) MariaDB 5.5, a free SQL database (client)
security/py-py-bcrypt (CURRENT) Provides bcrypt password hashing and key derivation in python
python/py-py-bcrypt (CURRENT) Provides bcrypt password hashing and key derivation in python
wip/classias (CURRENT) Collection of machine-learning algorithms for classification
wip/cgdb (CURRENT) Curses-based interface to the GNU Debugger (GDB)
wip/dunelegacy (CURRENT) Open source Dune 2 clone
wip/libappindicator3 (CURRENT) GTK+3 Allow applications to export a menu into the panel
wip/wklejto (CURRENT) Pastebin script for
wip/py-yapf (CURRENT) Python files formatter
devel/py-hglist (CURRENT) Mercurial ls command
devel/py-pyobjc-framework-QTKit (CURRENT) Bridge between Python and Objective-C (QTKit framework)
wip/ruby-rdiscount (CURRENT) Converts documents in Markdown syntax to HTML
wip/go-notify (CURRENT) File system event notification library on steroids
wip/ruby-mustache (CURRENT) Logic-less Ruby templates
wip/ruby-ronn (CURRENT) Manual authoring tool
fonts/tex-wasy2-ps (CURRENT) Type 1 versions of wasy2 fonts
print/tex-collection-latexrecommended (CURRENT) LaTeX recommended packages
wip/jemalloc (CURRENT) Library jemalloc is a general purpose malloc(3) implementation
wip/sipvicious (CURRENT) SIPVicious is a SIP security tool suite
fonts/tex-pl-mf-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-pl-mf
fonts/tex-pl-mf (CURRENT) Polish extension of Computer Modern fonts
wip/rcm (CURRENT) Tools for rc file (dotfile) management
print/tex-ocherokee-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-ocherokee
print/tex-ocherokee (CURRENT) LaTeX Support for the Cherokee language
wip/xosview (CURRENT) X11 graphical display of OS statistics
print/tex-babel-bahasa (CURRENT) Support for Bahasa within babel
meta-pkgs/texlive-collection-science (CURRENT) Natural and computer sciences TeX packages
meta-pkgs/texlive-collection-langindic (CURRENT) Indic scripts TeX packages
meta-pkgs/texlive-collection-genericrecommended (CURRENT) Recommended generic packages for TeX
meta-pkgs/texlive-collection-plainextra (CURRENT) Plain TeX packages
meta-pkgs/texlive-collection-htmlxml (CURRENT) HTML/SGML/XML support TeX packages
meta-pkgs/texlive-collection-genericextra (CURRENT) Generic additional packages for TeX
meta-pkgs/texlive-collection-mathextra (CURRENT) Mathematics TeX packages
meta-pkgs/texlive-collection-omega (CURRENT) Omega packages
meta-pkgs/texlive-collection-langafrican (CURRENT) African scripts TeX packages
meta-pkgs/texlive-collection-genericrecommended-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for texlive-collection-genericrecommended
sysutils/py-attic (CURRENT) Deduplicating backup program
fonts/tex-aecc (CURRENT) Almost European Concrete Roman virtual fonts
fonts/tex-knuthotherfonts (CURRENT) Committee, halftone, and mfbook fonts by Knuth
fonts/tex-aecc-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-aecc
security/go-oauth2 (CURRENT) OAuth 2 library for Go
devel/google-api-go-client (CURRENT) Go client library for various Google APIs
net/gcloud-golang-metadata (CURRENT) Google Compute Engine metadata package
wip/p5-Apache-Gallery (CURRENT) Perl5/Apache module for handling image directories
print/tex-FAQ-en-doc (CURRENT) Compilation of Frequently Asked Questions with answers
wip/ansiweather (CURRENT) Display current weather conditions in your terminal
fonts/tex-afm2pl-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-afm2pl
wip/dwb33 (CURRENT) "Original Documenter's Workbench Release 3.3"
wip/mpfi (CURRENT) TODO: Short description of the package
wip/sollya (CURRENT) Environment and library for safe floating-point code development
wip/lximage-qt (CURRENT) Image viewer and screenshot tool for the LXQt desktop
wip/obconf-qt (CURRENT) Qt based configurator of OpenBox window manager
graphics/flickrnet (CURRENT) .NET library for accessing Flickr
wip/dwb-gtk3 (CURRENT) Dynamic WebKit browser, gtk3 version
wip/dwb-gtk2 (CURRENT) Dynamic WebKit browser, gtk2 version
print/tex-spanish-mx (CURRENT) Typeset Spanish as in Mexico
print/tex-spanish-mx-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-spanish-mx
wip/DWB (CURRENT) Original Documenter's Workbench Release 3.3
math/py-healpy (CURRENT) Healpix tools package for Python
wip/thunderbird-enigmail (CURRENT) GnuPG support for mail/thunderbird
wip/gnome (CURRENT) Meta-package for the GNOME desktop
wip/otter-browser (CURRENT) Project aiming to recreate classic Opera (12.x) UI using Qt5
security/volatility (CURRENT) Advanced memory forensics framework
wip/seamonkey-enigmail (CURRENT) GnuPG support for www/seamonkey
wip/vte (CURRENT) Terminal widget with improved accessibility and I18N support
wip/zenity (CURRENT) Display GNOME dialogs from the command line
www/contao35 (CURRENT) Contao Open Source CMS 3.5.40
wip/polkit-git (CURRENT) Authorization Manager
wip/libcue (CURRENT) Library to access a cue sheet data
wip/abiword-plugins (CURRENT) Open Source cross-platform word processor
wip/sunxi-tools (CURRENT) Tools for hacking Allwinner Axx (sunxi) based devices
wip/py-binaryornot (CURRENT) Guess whether a file is binary or text
wip/py-cookiecutter (CURRENT) Command-line utility that creates projects from project templates
wip/pxz (CURRENT) Parallel LZMA compressor using liblzma
wip/py-pelican (CURRENT) Static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax
wip/pixz (CURRENT) Parallel, indexed xz compressor
wip/memo (CURRENT) Note-taking software
wip/py-mistune (CURRENT) The fastest markdown parser in pure Python
mail/seamonkey-enigmail (CURRENT) GnuPG support for www/seamonkey
mail/thunderbird-enigmail (CURRENT) GnuPG support for mail/thunderbird
x11/xf86-input-hyperpen (CURRENT) Aiptek HyperPen 6000 input driver for the Xorg X server
x11/xf86-input-fpit (CURRENT) Fujitsu Stylistic Tablet PC input driver for the Xorg X server
x11/xf86-video-modesetting (CURRENT) Generic modesetting driver
x11/xf86-input-mutouch (CURRENT) Microtouch input driver for the Xorg X server
x11/xrx (CURRENT) X Remote eXecution
net/xrx (CURRENT) X Remote eXecution
x11/libXprintAppUtil (CURRENT) Xprint application utility routines
print/libXprintAppUtil (CURRENT) Xprint application utility routines
x11/proxymngr (CURRENT) X proxy manager service
x11/xtrap (CURRENT) XTrap sample clients
x11/rstart (CURRENT) Implements "A Flexible Remote Execution Protocol Based on rsh"
x11/xdbedizzy (CURRENT) Demo of the X11 Double Buffer Extension (DBE)
wip/py-pathlib (CURRENT) Object-oriented filesystem paths
wip/py-future (CURRENT) Clean single-source support for Python 3 and 2
security/gnupg21 (CURRENT) GnuPG with OpenPGP and S/MIME capabilities
security/libassuan22 (CURRENT) IPC library used by some of the other GnuPG related packages
wip/py-gitpython (CURRENT) Python Git Library
devel/ruby-redmine (CURRENT) Flexible project management web application
devel/ruby-redmine_bootstrap_kit (CURRENT) Redmine plugin which facilitates developing Redmine plugins
devel/ruby-redmine_jenkins (CURRENT) Plugin allows management of Jenkins projects within Redmine
geography/py-astropy (CURRENT) Python module for astronomical calculations and data analysis
wip/zbar (CURRENT) Bar code reader
devel/ruby-redmine_startpage (CURRENT) Redmine plugins to select any redmine subpage as start page
wip/py-radare2 (CURRENT) Reverse engineering framework (Python bindings)
devel/radare2-valabind (CURRENT) Reverse engineering framework (language bindings interface)
www/firefox38-l10n (CURRENT) Language packs for www/firefox (version 38.x)
www/firefox38 (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions (version 38)
wip/py-paramunittest (CURRENT) Simple extension to have parametrized unit tests
devel/py-paramunittest (CURRENT) Simple extension to have parametrized unit tests
wip/git-contrib (CURRENT) GIT Tree History Storage Tool (contrib)
wip/sds (CURRENT) Simple dynamic strings library for C
x11/py-keybinder (CURRENT) Python bindings for the keybinder library
www/webkit24-gtk (CURRENT) GTK2 port of the WebKit browser engine (version 2.4)
wip/chibi-scheme (CURRENT) Minimal Scheme Implementation for use as an Extension Language
mail/thunderbird31-l10n (CURRENT) Language packs for mail/thunderbird31
mail/thunderbird31 (CURRENT) Organize, secure and customize your mail
comms/xfce4-modemlights-plugin (CURRENT) Xfce modems monitoring plugin
wip/fio (CURRENT) Flexible IO Tester
mail/claws-mail-fancy (CURRENT) Renders HTML e-mail using the WebKit library
news/claws-mail-fancy (CURRENT) Renders HTML e-mail using the WebKit library
lang/gcc5-libs (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries
lang/gcc5 (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 5 Release Series
databases/jdbc-postgresql94 (CURRENT) PostgreSQL 9.4 JDBC4 driver
databases/jdbc-postgresql93 (CURRENT) PostgreSQL 9.3 JDBC4 driver
x11/xfce4-kbdleds-plugin (CURRENT) This plugin shows the state of your keyboard LED
sysutils/xfce4-gvfs-mount-plugin (CURRENT) Xfce gvfs mount plugin
x11/xfce4-wmdock-plugin (CURRENT) Xfce wmdock plugin
wip/libmspack (CURRENT) Archiver for Microsoft format CAB, CHM, WIM, LIT, HLP, KWAJ and SZDD
wip/py-colorlog (CURRENT) Log formatting with colors
sysutils/py-colorlog (CURRENT) Log formatting with colors
wip/py-tinydb (CURRENT) TinyDB is a tiny, document oriented database optimized for your happiness
wip/py-ordereddict (CURRENT) Drop-in substitute for Py2.7's new collections
wip/py-lazy-object-proxy (CURRENT) Fast and thorough lazy object proxy
wip/py-abcpmc (CURRENT) TODO: Short description of the package
wip/py-gwpy (CURRENT) Package to enable gravitational-wave astrophysics in Python
wip/py-ioflo (CURRENT) TODO: Short description of the package
wip/py-ode (CURRENT) Python wrapper for the Open Dynamics Engine
math/py-ode (CURRENT) Python wrapper for the Open Dynamics Engine
databases/py-firebase (CURRENT) Python interface to Firebase's REST API
wip/tex-probsoln-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-probsoln
wip/tex-stringstrings (CURRENT) Extensive array of string manipulation routines for LaTeX
wip/tex-newlfm (CURRENT) Write letters, facsimiles, and memos
wip/tex-europasscv (CURRENT) Unofficial class for the new version of the Europass curriculum vitae
wip/tex-cuisine (CURRENT) Typeset recipes in LaTeX
wip/tex-tikzposter (CURRENT) Create scientific posters using TikZ
wip/gst-plugins1-aalib (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - aalib plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins1-aalib (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - aalib plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-fluidsynth (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - MIDI plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins1-fluidsynth (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - MIDI plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-ximagesrc (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - ximagesrc plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins1-ximagesrc (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - ximagesrc plugin
wip/libilbc (CURRENT) Packaged version of iLBC codec from the WebRTC project
wip/tex-envlab-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-envlab
wip/tex-europasscv-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-europasscv
wip/tex-probsoln (CURRENT) Generate problem sheets and their solution sheets
wip/tex-tikzposter-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-tikzposter
wip/tex-xstring (CURRENT) String manipulation for (La)TeX
wip/tex-xstring-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-xstring
wip/tex-newlfm-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-newlfm
wip/tex-cuisine-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-cuisine
wip/tex-stringstrings-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-stringstrings
wip/speedtest-cli (CURRENT) Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth
wip/tex-envlab (CURRENT) Addresses on envelopes or mailing labels
wip/py-brewer2mpl (CURRENT) Connect color maps to Python and matplotlib
wip/py-scikit-image (CURRENT) Image processing routines for SciPy
converters/libwps03 (CURRENT) Library for importing Microsoft Works documents, 0.3 branch
wip/why3 (CURRENT) Platform for deductive program verification
wip/chocolate-doom (CURRENT) Doom/Heretic/Hexen/Strife source port
wip/arxlibertatis (CURRENT) Cross-platform, open source port of the Arx Fatalis RPG
wip/gst-plugins1-modplug (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - MOD/S3M/XM/IT decoder plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins1-modplug (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - MOD/S3M/XM/IT decoder plugin
wip/R-cairo (CURRENT) R graphics device using cairo graphics library f
math/R-cairo (CURRENT) R graphics device using cairo graphics library f
wip/gst-plugins1-schroedinger (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - schro plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins1-schroedinger (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - schro plugin
misc/libreoffice43 (CURRENT) Office productivity suite, 4.x branch
wip/easyrsa (CURRENT) Small RSA key management based on openssl command
wip/refkeen (CURRENT) Port of Keen Dreams, Catacomb 3-D and The Catacomb Adventure Series
wip/blasr_libcpp (CURRENT) Library for analyzing PacBio sequences
wip/bokken (CURRENT) Open Source Reverse Code Engineering
www/webkit24-gtk3 (CURRENT) GTK3 port of the WebKit browser engine
wip/evas_generic_loaders17 (CURRENT) Extra loaders for GPL loaders and unstable libraries
wip/elementary17 (CURRENT) E17 Widget Library
sysutils/py-borg (CURRENT) Deduplicating backup program with compression and encryption
graphics/gegl0.2 (CURRENT) Graph based image processing framework (0.2 version)
wip/dwb-git-gtk3 (CURRENT) Dynamic WebKit browser, gtk3 version
wip/dwb-git-gtk2 (CURRENT) Dynamic WebKit browser, gtk2 version
wip/freetype2 (CURRENT) Font rendering engine and library API
wip/tex-flowfram (CURRENT) Create text frames for posters, brochures or magazines
wip/tex-flowfram-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-flowfram
wip/haproxy-devel (CURRENT) Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer
net/haproxy-devel (CURRENT) Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer
wip/dwb-gtk3-git (CURRENT) Dynamic WebKit browser, gtk3 version
wip/dwb-gtk2-git (CURRENT) Dynamic WebKit browser, gtk2 version
wip/libdevq (CURRENT) Generic Device Query and Monitor interface
converters/orcus0.8 (CURRENT) Import filter library for spreadsheet documents (API v0.8)
print/poppler016-qt3 (CURRENT) PDF rendering library (QT wrapper)
wip/py-bitmessage (CURRENT) P2P communications protocol used to send encrypted messages
wip/cd-hit (CURRENT) Clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences
x11/compton (CURRENT) Configurable compositing manager for X11
cross/arm-none-eabi-gcc5 (CURRENT) GCC for bare metal ARM EABI
wip/nanomsgxx (CURRENT) Nanomsg binding for C++11
net/py-sleekxmpp (CURRENT) SleekXMPP is an elegant Python library for XMPP
wip/virtualbox-ose (CURRENT) General-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware
wip/opendylan (CURRENT) Multi-paradigm functional and OO programming language
wip/openh264 (CURRENT) H.264 encoder/decoder library from Cisco
www/openh264 (CURRENT) H.264 encoder/decoder library from Cisco
wip/gcc6snapshot (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 6.0 Release Series
wip/py-whichcraft (CURRENT) Cross-platform cross-python shutil.which functionality
wip/py-logbook (CURRENT) Logging replacement for Python
sysutils/py-logbook (CURRENT) Logging replacement for Python
wip/lldb-git (CURRENT) Next generation, high-performance debugger
wip/redeclipse (CURRENT) Free casual arena shooter
wip/py-socksipy-branch (CURRENT) Python SOCKS module
wip/fgallery (CURRENT) Minimilistic, static photo gallery generator
wip/py-weboob (CURRENT) Weboob, Web Out Of Browsers
www/py-weboob (CURRENT) Weboob, Web Out Of Browsers
wip/unicorn (CURRENT) CPU emulator engine framework based on QEMU
graphics/opencv2 (CURRENT) Library for computer vision problems
wip/py-setconf (CURRENT) Small utility to change settings in configuration textfiles
wip/assimp (CURRENT) Library to import various 3D model formats
devel/assimp (CURRENT) Library to import various 3D model formats
wip/dart (CURRENT) Programming language for building web, server, and mobile apps
multimedia/vlc20 (CURRENT) VLC media player and streaming server
wip/varnish4 (CURRENT) High-performace HTTP accelerator
databases/sqliteman (CURRENT) Sqlite3 developer/admin tool
wip/treeviewx (CURRENT) Phylogenetic tree viewer for Linux and Unix
sysutils/syslog-ng-geoip (CURRENT) Highly portable log management solution
sysutils/syslog-ng-json (CURRENT) Highly portable log management solution
wip/py-zope.deprecation (CURRENT) Zope Deprecation Infrastructure
security/erlang-oauth2 (CURRENT) Erlang Oauth2 implementation
security/erlang-p1_tls (CURRENT) TLS/SSL native driver for Erlang
security/erlang-p1_pam (CURRENT) Erlang epam for ejabberd to help with PAM authentication
converters/erlang-p1_iconv (CURRENT) Erlang iconv binding
net/erlang-p1_stun (CURRENT) STUN for ejabberd
net/erlang-p1_sip (CURRENT) ProcessOne SIP server component
devel/erlang-p1_cache_tab (CURRENT) In-memory cache Erlang libraries
devel/erlang-p1_zlib (CURRENT) Native zlib driver for Erlang
textproc/erlang-p1_yaml (CURRENT) Erlang wrapper for libyaml C library
textproc/erlang-p1_stringprep (CURRENT) Erlang Stringprep native driver
textproc/erlang-xmlrpc (CURRENT) Erlang XMLRPC implementation with SSL, cookies, Authentication
textproc/erlang-p1_xml (CURRENT) Fast Expat based Erlang XML parsing library
wip/profanity (CURRENT) Console based XMPP client inspired by irssi
wip/wp2md (CURRENT) WordPress to Markdown Exporter
devel/py-requests-oauthlib (CURRENT) OAuthlib authentication support for py-requests
lang/clang-static-analyzer (CURRENT) C language family frontend for LLVM
wip/flightgear (CURRENT) The FlightGear Simulator
wip/osg (CURRENT) High performance 3D graphics toolkit
wip/fdupes (CURRENT) Program for identifying or deleting duplicate files
wip/flightgear-data (CURRENT) FlightGear Simulator data files
wip/vips (CURRENT) A 2D image processing library
wip/taskserver (CURRENT) Lightweight, secure server providing access to task data
lang/nodejs4 (CURRENT) V8 JavaScript for clients and servers
wip/py-dropbox (CURRENT) Python SDK for the Dropbox API v2
wip/php-baikal (CURRENT) Lightweight CalDAV+CardDAV server
wip/tidy (CURRENT) Fixes and tidies up HTML files
devel/py-radare2 (CURRENT) Reverse engineering framework (Python bindings)
devel/bokken (CURRENT) Open Source Reverse Code Engineering
graphics/gimp-webp (CURRENT) WebP Gimp I/O plugin
multimedia/kodi (CURRENT) Open source software media center
lang/lldb-git (CURRENT) Next generation, high-performance debugger
wip/wxGTK-test (CURRENT) Test Package for wxGTK28 to wxGTK30 Migration
wip/py-gds (CURRENT) Python module for creating GDSII stream files
wip/llvm-sources-git (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/llvm-sources-git (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
wip/llvm-git (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/llvm-git (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
wip/clang-sources-git (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang-sources-git (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
wip/llvm-build-git (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/llvm-build-git (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
wip/clang-build-git (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/clang-build-git (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
wip/clang-git (CURRENT) C language family frontend for LLVM
lang/clang-git (CURRENT) C language family frontend for LLVM
wip/lz4jsoncat-git (CURRENT) Unpack lz4json files as generated by Firefox's bookmark backups
archivers/lz4jsoncat-git (CURRENT) Unpack lz4json files as generated by Firefox's bookmark backups
math/py-fftw (CURRENT) Python bindings to the FFTW3 C-library
wip/py-bcolz (CURRENT) Columnar and compressed data containers
wip/py-bandit (CURRENT) Security oriented static analyser for python code
wip/iverilog (CURRENT) Verilog simulation and synthesis tool
lang/iverilog (CURRENT) Verilog simulation and synthesis tool
wip/verilator (CURRENT) Free and fast Verilog HDL simulator
wip/nautilus (CURRENT) Nautilus file manager for GNOME3
devel/py-ZopeEvent (CURRENT) Very basic event publishing system
chat/telepathy-qt (CURRENT) Qt bindings for telepathy
wip/py-letsencrypt-apache (CURRENT) Apache plugin for Let's Encrypt client
wip/py-acme (CURRENT) ACME protocol implementation in Python
wip/py-letsencrypt-nginx (CURRENT) Nginx plugin for Let's Encrypt client
wip/py-letsencrypt (CURRENT) Automatically receive and install X.509 certificates on servers
wip/lumina-i18n (CURRENT) i18n files for the Lumina Desktop Environment
wip/mdds (CURRENT) Collection of multi-dimensional data structure and indexing algorithms
wip/libetonyek (CURRENT) Library for Apple Office suite files
wip/ardour (CURRENT) Digital Audio Workstation
wip/pangoterm (CURRENT) GTK/Pango-based terminal
wip/vamp-plugin-sdk (CURRENT) The Vamp audio analysis plugin system
wip/gle (CURRENT) GL subroutines for drawing tubing and extrusions
wip/weechat (CURRENT) Lightweight and user friendly curses based IRC client
wip/arcanist (CURRENT) Command line interface for Phabricator
wip/libphutil (CURRENT) Collection of utility classes and functions for PHP
lang/python35 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
lang/php70 (CURRENT) PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 7.0
meta-pkgs/php70-extensions (CURRENT) "meta-package" for the PHP 7.0 HTML-embedded scripting language
wip/rubberband (CURRENT) Audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting library
wip/py-terminator-plugins-git (CURRENT) Set of plugins for terminator
wip/tex-mathdots-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-mathdots
wip/tex-mathdots (CURRENT) Commands to produce dots in math that respect font size
devel/xulrunner38 (CURRENT) XML User Interface Language runtime environment
wip/ldc-git (CURRENT) D compiler based on LLVM
security/keepassx0 (CURRENT) Password manager or safe v0.4 (kdb support)
textproc/markdown2social (CURRENT) Converts simple Markdown documents to Google+ posts
www/py-graphite-web (CURRENT) Enterprise scalable realtime graphing platform
databases/py-carbon (CURRENT) Backend storage application for graphite
net/py-bitmessage (CURRENT) P2P communications protocol used to send encrypted messages
www/ruby-mustermann19 (CURRENT) Use patterns like regular expressions
www/contao41 (CURRENT) Contao Open Source CMS 4.1.3
mail/ruby-mime-types2 (CURRENT) Definition of MIME types for Ruby
www/ruby-mime-types2 (CURRENT) Definition of MIME types for Ruby
wip/libfpx (CURRENT) Library for reading FlashPix images
wip/freeradius2 (CURRENT) Free RADIUS server implementation
wip/gmic (CURRENT) Full-featured image processing framework
wip/MoarVM (CURRENT) Virtual machine for Rakudo Perl 6
wip/haproxy15 (CURRENT) Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer
net/haproxy15 (CURRENT) Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer
devel/go-flags-svent (CURRENT) Go command line option parser (svent fork)
wip/rakudo (CURRENT) Perl 6 reference implementation
security/go-crypto (CURRENT) Go supplementary cryptography libraries
wip/toxcore (CURRENT) Tox protocol library
wip/toxic (CURRENT) CLI Tox client
wip/pari (CURRENT) Software package for computer-aided number theory
wip/zathura-cb (CURRENT) Adds comic book support to zathura
lang/ruby23-base (CURRENT) Ruby 2.3.8 release minimum base package
lang/ruby23 (CURRENT) Ruby programming language 2.3.5 meta package
sysutils/py-pathtools (CURRENT) File system general utilities
wip/pathod (CURRENT) Pathological HTTP daemon
security/boringssl (CURRENT) Fork of OpenSSL designed to meet Google's needs
wip/p6-panda (CURRENT) Perl 6 package manager
wip/logswan (CURRENT) Fast Web log analyzer using probabilistic data structures
net/wireshark2 (CURRENT) Network protocol analyzer
time/ruby-tzinfo03 (CURRENT) Daylight-savings-aware timezone library
wip/p5-xmlsig (CURRENT) Multi-language, multi-platform implementation of XML signatures
net/ruby-twitter-text (CURRENT) Library that provides text handling for Twitter
wip/pdf-redact-tools (CURRENT) Strip metadata from documents before publishing
wip/py-pdfrw (CURRENT) PDF file reader/writer pure Python library
devel/SDL2_ttf (CURRENT) Use TrueType fonts in your SDL2 applications
wip/pianobar (CURRENT) Console client for Pandora
devel/p5-XML-Compile-Tester (CURRENT) Support XML::Compile Related Regression Testing
devel/go-check (CURRENT) Rich testing for the Go language
chat/ktp-accounts-kcm (CURRENT) KDE instant messaging account management module
chat/ktp-filetransfer-handler (CURRENT) KDE Telepathy file transfer handling
chat/ktp-approver (CURRENT) KDE instant messaging notifier
chat/ktp-contact-list (CURRENT) KDE instant messaging contact list application
chat/ktp-text-ui (CURRENT) KDE Telepathy Plasma widgets
chat/ktp-auth-handler (CURRENT) KDE Telepathy KWallet integration module
chat/ktp-send-file (CURRENT) KDE Telepathy file transfer application
chat/ktp-common-internals (CURRENT) KDE Telepathy common internal library
chat/ktp-contact-runner (CURRENT) KDE Telepathy KRunner integration module
chat/ktp-desktop-applets (CURRENT) KDE Telepathy Plasma widgets
chat/ktp-kded-integration-module (CURRENT) KDE Telepathy integration into KDE workspaces
meta-pkgs/kde-telepathy (CURRENT) "meta-package" for KDE Telepathy
chat/kde-telepathy (CURRENT) "meta-package" for KDE Telepathy
print/tex-babel-spanglish (CURRENT) Simplified Spanish support for Babel
wip/libunwind-git (CURRENT) LLVM libunwind
lang/libunwind-git (CURRENT) LLVM libunwind
wip/farbfeld (CURRENT) Suckless image format with conversion tools
wip/libcxx-git (CURRENT) C++ Standard Library
lang/libcxx-git (CURRENT) C++ Standard Library
wip/firefox45-hg (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions (hg version, 45.x branch)
wip/taisei (CURRENT) Free clone of the touhou games
wip/freedoom (CURRENT) Free content game for Doom engine
wip/compiler-rt-git (CURRENT) LLVM runtime libraries
lang/compiler-rt-git (CURRENT) LLVM runtime libraries
wip/llilc-git (CURRENT) LLVM based compiler for .NET Core
ruby/ruby-gnome2-gstreamer (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GStreamer 1.0.x or later
ruby/ruby-gnome2-clutter-gstreamer (CURRENT) Ruby binding of Clutter-GStreamer
ruby/ruby-gnome2-cairo-gobject (CURRENT) Ruby binding of cairo-gobject
ruby/ruby-gnome2-rsvg (CURRENT) Ruby binding of librsvg
ruby/ruby-gnome2-clutter-gtk (CURRENT) Ruby binding of Clutter-GTK
ruby/ruby-gnome2-gdkpixbuf (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x
ruby/ruby-gnome2-clutter (CURRENT) Ruby binding of Clutter
ruby/ruby-gnome2-gdk3 (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GDK3
ruby/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk2 (CURRENT) Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+ for GTK2+
ruby/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk (CURRENT) Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+
ruby/ruby-gnome2-poppler (CURRENT) Ruby binding of poppler-glib
ruby/ruby-gnome2-vte (CURRENT) Ruby binding of vte
ruby/ruby-gnome2-gtk3 (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GTK+-3.x
ruby/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview3 (CURRENT) Ruby binding of gtksourceview3
ruby/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview2 (CURRENT) Ruby binding of gtksourceview2
ruby/ruby-gnome2-gtk (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GTK+-2.x
ruby/ruby-gnome2-gio (CURRENT) Ruby binding of gio-2.0.x
ruby/ruby-gnome2-glib (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GLib-2.x
ruby/ruby-gnome2-gobject-introspection (CURRENT) Ruby binding of Gobject Introspection
ruby/ruby-gnome2-pango (CURRENT) Ruby binding of pango-1.x
ruby/ruby-gnome2-atk (CURRENT) Ruby binding of ATK-1.0.x or later
wip/beats (CURRENT) Data Shippers for Elasticsearch
wip/anura (CURRENT) Fully-featured game engine
wip/elfcat (CURRENT) Dump sections or program entries from a ELF file
wip/gnome-terminal (CURRENT) Xterm like terminal program for GNOME 2
wip/dconf-editor (CURRENT) Editor for gsettings backend
x11/dconf-editor (CURRENT) Editor for gsettings backend
wip/dconf (CURRENT) Backend for gsettings
wip/empathy (CURRENT) Gnome instant messenger client
wip/libfolks (CURRENT) Library to manage contacts
wip/evolution-data-server (CURRENT) Evolution data server
wip/p11-kit (CURRENT) PKCS11 module manager
wip/fallingtime (CURRENT) Arcade game inspired by Fall Down
wip/gcr (CURRENT) Library for crypto UI and related tasks
wip/qtaccountsservice (CURRENT) Qt-style API for's AccountsService DBus service
wip/poedit (CURRENT) Cross-platform gettext catalogs (.po files) editor
wip/corefx-git (CURRENT) The .NET Core foundational libraries
wip/nuget-git (CURRENT) Core client libraries for NuGet Services
wip/cli-git (CURRENT) The .NET command-line (CLI) tools
wip/solid (CURRENT) Hardware integration and detection
wip/kapidox (CURRENT) Frameworks API Documentation Tools
wip/kdbusaddons (CURRENT) Addons to QtDBus
wip/kdoctools (CURRENT) Documentation generation from docbook
misc/kdoctools (CURRENT) Documentation generation from docbook
wip/ki18n (CURRENT) Advanced internationalization framework
misc/ki18n (CURRENT) Advanced internationalization framework
wip/kidletime (CURRENT) Monitoring user activity
x11/kidletime (CURRENT) Monitoring user activity
wip/kitemviews (CURRENT) Widget addons for Qt Model/View
wip/kwidgetsaddons (CURRENT) Addons to QtWidgets
wip/kcoreaddons (CURRENT) Addons to QtCore
x11/kcoreaddons (CURRENT) Addons to QtCore
wip/karchive (CURRENT) Qt 5 addon providing access to numerous types of archives
wip/kconfig (CURRENT) Configuration system
misc/kconfig (CURRENT) Configuration system
wip/threadweaver (CURRENT) High-level multithreading framework
wip/kplotting (CURRENT) Lightweight plotting framework
wip/kcodecs (CURRENT) Provide a collection of methods to manipulate strings using various encodings
wip/kimageformats (CURRENT) Image format plugins for Qt5
wip/kcompletion (CURRENT) Text completion helpers and widgets
wip/geocode-glib (CURRENT) Geocoding library
devel/geocode-glib (CURRENT) Geocoding library
wip/libgweather (CURRENT) Weather information access library
wip/redshift (CURRENT) Redshift adjusts the color temperature of your screen
wip/py-galry (CURRENT) High-performance interactive visualization in Python
graphics/py-galry (CURRENT) High-performance interactive visualization in Python
wip/py-termcolor (CURRENT) ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal
wip/nim (CURRENT) The Nim programming language
wip/py-progressbar2 (CURRENT) Text progress bar library for Python
misc/py-progressbar2 (CURRENT) Text progress bar library for Python
wip/py-proj (CURRENT) Python interface to PROJ.4 library
wip/py-xmltodict (CURRENT) Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON
wip/kcrash (CURRENT) Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps
wip/octave4 (CURRENT) High-level language, intended for numerical computations
wip/kglobalaccel (CURRENT) Add support for global workspace shortcuts
wip/attica-qt5 (CURRENT) Qt5 library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API
fonts/stix-otf (CURRENT) OpenType Unicode maths fonts
cad/kicad-i18n (CURRENT) user interface translations for the PCB CAD software
wip/nongnu-libunwind-git (CURRENT) NONGNU libunwind
lang/nongnu-libunwind-git (CURRENT) NONGNU libunwind
wip/fswebcam (CURRENT) Pulls single images off of webcams without graphic bloat
wip/kservice (CURRENT) Advanced plugin and service introspection
wip/kitemmodels (CURRENT) Models for Qt Model/View system
misc/kitemmodels (CURRENT) Models for Qt Model/View system
wip/gnome-keyring (CURRENT) GNOME password and secret manager
devel/mdds0.12 (CURRENT) Collection of multi-dimensional data structure and indexing algorithms (0.12 branch)
wip/py-poyo (CURRENT) YAML Parser for Python
wip/htop (CURRENT) Enhanced version of top utility
wip/kauth (CURRENT) Abstraction to system policy and authentication features
wip/py-plumbum (CURRENT) Plumbum: shell combinators library
wip/kconfigwidgets (CURRENT) Widgets for KConfig
wip/kiconthemes (CURRENT) Support for icon themes
wip/sonnet (CURRENT) Spelling framework for Qt5
wip/kjobwidgets (CURRENT) Widgets for tracking KJob instances
wip/kbookmarks (CURRENT) Support for bookmarks and the XBEL format
misc/kbookmarks (CURRENT) Support for bookmarks and the XBEL format
wip/ktextwidgets (CURRENT) Advanced text editing widgets
wip/kpackage (CURRENT) Installation and loading of additional content as packages
archivers/kpackage (CURRENT) Installation and loading of additional content as packages
wip/kpty (CURRENT) Pty abstraction
misc/kpty (CURRENT) Pty abstraction
wip/kxmlgui (CURRENT) User configurable main windows
wip/libpwquality (CURRENT) Library for generating random passwords and quality checking
wip/gsegrafix (CURRENT) GNOME canvas for creating scientific and engineering plots
wip/kfilemetadata5 (CURRENT) Library for extracting file metadata
wip/kemoticons (CURRENT) Support for emoticons and emoticons themes
wip/py-scp (CURRENT) Send and receive files with scp
wip/lugaru (CURRENT) Open source release of the game from Wolfire
wip/py-ruamel-base (CURRENT) Common routines for ruamel packages
wip/py-ruamel-ordereddict (CURRENT) Version of dict that keeps keys in insertion resp. sorted order
wip/py-ruamel-yaml (CURRENT) YAML parser/emitter
wip/p5-Getopt-Args (CURRENT) Extended processing of command line options
devel/p5-Getopt-Args (CURRENT) Extended processing of command line options
wip/phabricator (CURRENT) Open software engineering platform
wip/libLLVM (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine shared library
wip/clang-static-analyzer-git (CURRENT) C language family frontend for LLVM
lang/clang-static-analyzer-git (CURRENT) C language family frontend for LLVM
wip/clang-static-analyzer (CURRENT) C language family frontend for LLVM
wip/elixir (CURRENT) Functional, meta-programming aware language built on top of Erlang VM
wip/catch (CURRENT) C++-native, framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD
wip/chromium-new (CURRENT) Chromium web browser
wip/py-click (CURRENT) Simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities
databases/postgresql95-datatypes (CURRENT) PostgreSQL data types support modules
databases/postgresql95-adminpack (CURRENT) Admin pack module for pgAdmin management
databases/postgresql95-client (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database client programs
databases/postgresql95-pgcrypto (CURRENT) Module providing cryptographic functions for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql95-plperl (CURRENT) PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql95 (CURRENT) Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
databases/postgresql95-fuzzystrmatch (CURRENT) PostgreSQL fuzzystrmatch contribution
databases/postgresql95-replicationtools (CURRENT) PostgreSQL replication tools
databases/postgresql95-pltcl (CURRENT) PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql95-monitoring (CURRENT) PostgreSQL monitoring tools
databases/postgresql95-docs (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database documentation
databases/postgresql95-server (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database server programs
databases/postgresql95-dblink (CURRENT) Dblink module for remote database connections
databases/postgresql95-plpython (CURRENT) PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
wip/skalibs (CURRENT) The C system programming library
wip/libwebsockets (CURRENT) Lightweight C library for websocket clients and servers
wip/libwebsocket (CURRENT) Lightweight C library for websocket clients and servers
wip/cmark (CURRENT) CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
wip/uzbl (CURRENT) Web interface tools which adhere to the UNIX philosophy
wip/knotifications (CURRENT) Abstraction for system notifications
misc/knotifications (CURRENT) Abstraction for system notifications
wip/gpgmepp (CURRENT) C++ bindings/wrapper for gpgme
wip/kdnssd (CURRENT) Abstraction to system DNSSD features
wip/kpeople (CURRENT) Provides access to all contacts and aggregates them by person
x11/kpeople (CURRENT) Provides access to all contacts and aggregates them by person
wip/kunitconversion (CURRENT) Support for unit conversion
wip/irssi (CURRENT) Secure and modular IRC client with text mode user interface
wip/kio (CURRENT) Resource and network access abstraction
x11/kio (CURRENT) Resource and network access abstraction
wip/breeze-icons (CURRENT) Breeze icon themes
net/wireshark1 (CURRENT) Network protocol analyzer (v1.x)
wip/openjdk8-openjfx (CURRENT) JavaFX application toolkit
devel/ocaml-ppx_type_conv (CURRENT) Support library for type-driven code generators
devel/ocaml-ppx_driver (CURRENT) Feature-full driver for OCaml AST transformers
devel/ocaml-ppx_core (CURRENT) Standard library for OCaml ppx rewriters
wip/gnome-session (CURRENT) GNOME3 session management utilities
wip/grilo (CURRENT) Media browser framework
wip/totem-pl-parser (CURRENT) Totem playlist parser
wip/grilo-plugins (CURRENT) Plugins for grilo media browser
wip/gnome-applets (CURRENT) GNOME2 panel applets
wip/totem (CURRENT) (using GStreamer)
wip/gnome-backgrounds (CURRENT) Set of background images for the GNOME Desktop
wip/gnome-control-center (CURRENT) GNOME3 configuration utility
wip/thrift (CURRENT) Framework for cross-language services development
wip/gnome-menus (CURRENT) Implementation of the desktop menu specification for GNOME
wip/gnome-panel (CURRENT) GNOME3 panel application
wip/s6 (CURRENT) The s6 supervision suite
wip/execline (CURRENT) The execline scripting language
wip/argyllcms (CURRENT) ICC compatible color management system
wip/cheese (CURRENT) Use your webcam to take photos and videos
wip/geoclue (CURRENT) Geoinformation service API and base providers
sysutils/facette (CURRENT) Time series data visualization and graphing
wip/openssh (CURRENT) Open Source Secure shell client and server (remote login program)
wip/tarsnap-gui (CURRENT) Cross-platform GUI for the Tarsnap backup service
wip/ekiga (CURRENT) VoIP and video conferencing application for GNOME
wip/gsm (CURRENT) Audio converter and library for converting u-law to gsm encoding
wip/colord-gtk (CURRENT) Manage color profiles to accurately color input/output devices
wip/wmutils-core (CURRENT) Window Manipulation Utilities
wip/glib-networking (CURRENT) Network-related giomodules for glib
wip/samtools0119 (CURRENT) Generic format for storing large nucleotide sequence alignments
wip/calltree-perl (CURRENT) Static code analysis for perl script
wip/gnutls (CURRENT) GNU Transport Layer Security library
wip/sc (CURRENT) Curses-based spreadsheet program
wip/abduco (CURRENT) Session {at,de}tach support
wip/xterm (CURRENT) Latest terminal emulator for the X Window System
wip/libmatemixer (CURRENT) MATE audio mixer
wip/hitch (CURRENT) Scalable TLS proxy
wip/mutt (CURRENT) Text-based MIME mail client with PGP & S/MIME support
wip/lxde (CURRENT) Lxde
wip/lxde-icon-theme (CURRENT) LXDE icon theme
wip/lxinput (CURRENT) Simple graphical front end to configure keyboard and mouse
wip/qcad (CURRENT) 2D CAD system
wip/libdwarf (CURRENT) Tools for parsing DWARF debug information
wip/tex-tikz-cd-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-tikz-cd
wip/tex-tikz-cd (CURRENT) Create commutative diagrams with TikZ
wip/py-queuelib (CURRENT) Collection of persistent (disk-based) queues
wip/direnv (CURRENT) Environment switcher for the shell
mail/thunderbird38 (CURRENT) Organize, secure and customize your mail
mail/thunderbird38-l10n (CURRENT) Language packs for mail/thunderbird38
wip/squashfs (CURRENT) Tools for squashfs archives
wip/sdlpop (CURRENT) Open-source port of Prince of Persia
wip/translate-shell (CURRENT) Command-line translator
www/firefox45 (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions (version 45)
www/firefox45-l10n (CURRENT) Language packs for www/firefox (version 45)
wip/kdeclarative (CURRENT) Provides integration of QML and KDE Frameworks
x11/kdeclarative (CURRENT) Provides integration of QML and KDE Frameworks
wip/kdewebkit (CURRENT) KDE Integration for QtWebKit
x11/kdewebkit (CURRENT) KDE Integration for QtWebKit
wip/kparts (CURRENT) Document centric plugin system
x11/kparts (CURRENT) Document centric plugin system
wip/frameworkintegration (CURRENT) Provide components to allow applications to integrate with a KDE Workspace
misc/frameworkintegration (CURRENT) Provide components to allow applications to integrate with a KDE Workspace
wip/kdesignerplugin (CURRENT) Integration of Frameworks widgets in Qt Designer/Creator
wip/knotifyconfig (CURRENT) Configuration system for KNotify
misc/knotifyconfig (CURRENT) Configuration system for KNotify
wip/kcmutils (CURRENT) Utilities for interacting with KCModules
x11/kcmutils (CURRENT) Utilities for interacting with KCModules
wip/kactivities-stats (CURRENT) Core components for the KDE's Activities
wip/kactivities5 (CURRENT) Core components for the KDE's Activities
wip/kdesu (CURRENT) Integration with su for elevated privileges
x11/kdesu (CURRENT) Integration with su for elevated privileges
wip/knewstuff (CURRENT) Support for downloading application assets from the network
wip/kxmlrpcclient (CURRENT) Advanced embeddable text editor
misc/kxmlrpcclient (CURRENT) Advanced embeddable text editor
wip/oxygen-fonts (CURRENT) The Oxygen font family
wip/plasma-framework (CURRENT) Plasma library and runtime components based upon KF5 and Qt5
misc/plasma-framework (CURRENT) Plasma library and runtime components based upon KF5 and Qt5
wip/kinit (CURRENT) Process launcher to speed up launching KDE applications
wip/kded (CURRENT) Extensible deamon for providing system level services
wip/ktexteditor (CURRENT) Advanced embeddable text editor
misc/ktexteditor (CURRENT) Advanced embeddable text editor
sysutils/libbaloo4 (CURRENT) KDE framework for searching and managing user metadata
wip/baloo5 (CURRENT) Framework for searching and managing metadata
wip/kf5 (CURRENT) "meta-package" for the KDE Frameworks 5
wip/tex-blindtext-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-blindtext
devel/tex-blindtext-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-blindtext
wip/tex-blindtext (CURRENT) Create dummy text for testing classes and packages
devel/tex-blindtext (CURRENT) Create dummy text for testing classes and packages
wip/bitlbee (CURRENT) IRC to other chat networks gateway
wip/kdelibs4support (CURRENT) Porting aid from KDELibs4
devel/py-hash (CURRENT) Python Non-cryptographic Hash Library
devel/xulrunner45 (CURRENT) XML User Interface Language runtime environment
wip/xcb-util-xrm (CURRENT) XCB utility functions for the X resource manager
wip/tex-abntex2 (CURRENT) Support for ABNT documentation standards
devel/py-cycler (CURRENT) Composable style cycles
wip/kget (CURRENT) download manager for KDE
wip/kjsembed (CURRENT) Embedded JS
wip/libkscreen (CURRENT) KDE screen management software
wip/milou (CURRENT) Dedicated search application built on top of Baloo
x11/milou (CURRENT) Dedicated search application built on top of Baloo
wip/wayland (CURRENT) Display server protocol - development libraries
wip/khelpcenter (CURRENT) Application to show KDE Applications' documentation
wip/baloo-widgets (CURRENT) Widgets for Baloo
wip/dolphin5 (CURRENT) KDE File Manager
misc/dolphin5 (CURRENT) KDE File Manager
wip/kio-extras (CURRENT) Additional components to increase the functionality of KIO
wip/kjs (CURRENT) Support for JS scripting in applications
wip/libksysguard (CURRENT) Library to track and control the processes running in your system
x11/libksysguard (CURRENT) Library to track and control the processes running in your system
wip/krunner (CURRENT) Framework for providing different actions given a string query
wip/khtml (CURRENT) HTML rendering engine
wip/dolphin-plugins (CURRENT) Extra Dolphin plugins
misc/dolphin-plugins (CURRENT) Extra Dolphin plugins
wip/kwayland (CURRENT) Qt-style Client and Server library wrapper for the Wayland libraries
wip/ksysguard (CURRENT) Track and control the processes running in your system
x11/ksysguard (CURRENT) Track and control the processes running in your system
wip/tophat (CURRENT) Fast splice junction mapper for RNA-Seq reads
wip/trimmomatic (CURRENT) Flexible read trimming tool for Illumina NGS data
wip/dunst (CURRENT) Customizable and lightweight notification-daemon
wip/bedtools2 (CURRENT) Swiss army knife for genome arithmetic
wip/gtextutils (CURRENT) Gordon text utilities
wip/blasr (CURRENT) PacBio(R) long read aligner
wip/jrnl (CURRENT) Command line journal application
wip/slurm-spank-x11 (CURRENT) Enables to export X11 display on allocated nodes
wip/slurm-devel (CURRENT) Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management
wip/breeze-kde4 (CURRENT) Breeze widget style for KDE4 applications
graphics/breeze-kde4 (CURRENT) Breeze widget style for KDE4 applications
wip/slurm-14.11.6 (CURRENT) Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management
multimedia/livestreamer (CURRENT) Tool that pipes video streams into a video player
wip/cufflinks-2.2.1 (CURRENT) RNA transcript assembly, differential expression/regulation
wip/denyhosts (CURRENT) Block hosts with too many failed login attempts
devel/py-ruamel-ordereddict (CURRENT) Version of dict that keeps keys in insertion resp. sorted order
wip/man2html (CURRENT) Convert nroff(1) man pages to HTML
lang/spidermonkey17 (CURRENT) Standalone JavaScript implementation in C
devel/libindicator3 (CURRENT) GTK+3 symbols and convience functions for indicators
devel/libdbusmenu-tools (CURRENT) Tools for development with libdbusemenu
devel/libdbusmenu-gtk (CURRENT) GTK2+ library created by pulling some code from indicator-applet
devel/libappindicator3 (CURRENT) GTK+3 Allow applications to export a menu into the panel
devel/libindicator-tools (CURRENT) GTK+2 symbols and convience functions for indicators
devel/libdbusmenu-gtk-doc (CURRENT) GTK+ API library documentation for libdbusmenu
devel/libdbusmenu-jsonloader (CURRENT) Test libraries for development with libdbusemenu
wip/gnome3 (CURRENT) Meta-package for the GNOME desktop
x11/gnome3 (CURRENT) Meta-package for the GNOME desktop
wip/gnome-tracker (CURRENT) Desktop-neutral metadata-based search framework
wip/bijiben (CURRENT) Simple Note Viewer
wip/caribou (CURRENT) Simplified in-place on-screen keyboard
textproc/jgrep (CURRENT) Command-line grep-like utility written in Java
wip/py-certbot-apache (CURRENT) Apache plugin for Certbot
wip/py-certbot-nginx (CURRENT) Nginx plugin for Certbot
wip/py-certbot (CURRENT) Automatically receive and install X.509 certificates on servers
wip/sushi (CURRENT) Quick File Previewing
wip/keystone (CURRENT) Multi-platform and multi-arch assembler framework
wip/numactl (CURRENT) Non Uniform Memory Access tools
wip/dotclear (CURRENT) Open-source web publising software
sysutils/ansible2 (CURRENT) SSH-based configuration management, deployment, and task execution
python/ansible2 (CURRENT) SSH-based configuration management, deployment, and task execution
security/py-kerberos (CURRENT) Python Kerberos implementation
security/py-urllib2-kerberos (CURRENT) Kerberos over HTTP Negotiate/SPNEGO support for urllib2
regress/check-portability (CURRENT) Tests whether the portability check works as expected
wip/filter_audio (CURRENT) Easy to use audio filtering library made from webrtc code
wip/rofi (CURRENT) Window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement
wip/ropper (CURRENT) Display information about executables and search for gadgets
wip/dtc (CURRENT) Device Tree Compiler (dtc)
wip/codelite (CURRENT) Cross platform C/C++/PHP and Node.js IDE written in C++
wip/mipscope (CURRENT) MIPS Learning Environment
editors/mipscope (CURRENT) MIPS Learning Environment
wip/wine-devel (CURRENT) Free implementation of Windows on Unix
security/mbedtls1 (CURRENT) Lightweight, modular cryptographic and SSL/TLS library
wip/xjadeo (CURRENT) X JAck viDEo mOnitor
wip/harvid (CURRENT) HTTP Ardour Video Daemon
print/tex-dvisvgm-def (CURRENT) Colour and Graphics support for dvisvgm
print/tex-dvisvgm-def-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-dvisvgm-def
www/contao42 (CURRENT) Contao Open Source CMS 4.2.5
databases/postgresql92-contrib (CURRENT) Contrib subtree of tools and plug-ins
databases/postgresql95-contrib (CURRENT) Contrib subtree of tools and plug-ins
databases/postgresql93-contrib (CURRENT) Contrib subtree of tools and plug-ins
databases/postgresql94-contrib (CURRENT) Contrib subtree of tools and plug-ins
databases/postgresql91-contrib (CURRENT) Contrib subtree of tools and plug-ins
wip/py-jxmlease (CURRENT) Module for converting XML to Python data structures
wip/quassel (CURRENT) Modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client
wip/letskencrypt (CURRENT) Secure Let's Encrypt client
security/letskencrypt (CURRENT) Secure Let's Encrypt client
wip/neomutt (CURRENT) Fork of mutt with integrated community patches
lang/coreclr (CURRENT) The .NET Core runtime and the base library
wip/lua-mpack (CURRENT) Lua binding for libmpack
wip/hashcat (CURRENT) World's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility
wip/rustc (CURRENT) Safe, concurrent, practical language
wip/rspamd12 (CURRENT) Fast, free and open-source spam filtering system
sysutils/xentools46 (CURRENT) Userland Tools for Xen 4.6.x
sysutils/xenkernel46 (CURRENT) Xen 4.6.x Kernel
wip/dolphin-emu (CURRENT) Gamecube/Wii/Triforce Emulator
wip/kbuild (CURRENT) Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
wip/freecad (CURRENT) General purpose parametric 3D CAD modeler
archivers/py-czipfile (CURRENT) Replacement for builtin zipfile, with fast, C-based zipfile decryption
security/bunny (CURRENT) Tools with C code security fuzzer
wip/libiptcdata (CURRENT) Library to parse IPTC metadata
lang/py35-html-docs (CURRENT) HTML Documentation for Python 3.5
wip/tex-ellipse-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-ellipse
wip/tex-options (CURRENT) Provides convenient key-value options for LaTeX package writers
wip/tex-ellipse (CURRENT) Draw ellipses and elliptical arcs using the standard LaTeX2e picture environment
wip/tex-longfbox-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-longfbox
wip/tex-tcolorbox (CURRENT) Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems, etc
wip/tex-fncychap (CURRENT) Seven predefined chapter heading styles
wip/tex-tcolorbox-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-tcolorbox
wip/tex-fncychap-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-fncychap
wip/tex-options-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-options
wip/cinnamon-nemo (CURRENT) File Manager for Cinnamon
wip/tex-longfbox (CURRENT) Draw framed boxes with standard CSS attributes that can break over multiple pages
wip/tex-incgraph (CURRENT) Sophisticated graphics inclusion in a PDF document
wip/tex-incgraph-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-incgraph
wip/lumberjack (CURRENT) Rolling logger for Go
print/tex-luatex-def-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-luatex-def
print/tex-luatex-def (CURRENT) LuaTeX option file for color and graphics
devel/go-ratelimit (CURRENT) Efficient token-bucket-based rate limiter package
net/go-dns (CURRENT) Complete DNS library for Go
wip/py-climate (CURRENT) Command-line utilities
wip/py-enum (CURRENT) Robust enumerated type support in Python
devel/go-testify (CURRENT) Extension to the standard Go testing package
devel/go-mow-cli (CURRENT) Versatile library for building CLI applications in Go
net/go-vultr (CURRENT) Vultr CLI and API client library
wip/py-lmfit (CURRENT) Least-Squares Minimization with Bounds and Constraints
wip/py-filelock (CURRENT) Platform independent file lock
wip/py-httpretty (CURRENT) HTTP client mock for Python
print/tex-context-gantt (CURRENT) GANTT module for ConTeXt
print/tex-context-french-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-french
print/tex-context-simplefonts-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-simplefonts
print/tex-context-ruby (CURRENT) Ruby annotations in ConTeXt
print/tex-context-account-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-account
print/tex-context-fullpage (CURRENT) Overfull pages with ConTeXt
print/tex-context-fancybreak-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-fancybreak
print/tex-context-bnf (CURRENT) BNF module for ConTeXt
print/tex-context-account (CURRENT) Simple accounting package for ConTeXt
print/tex-context-algorithmic (CURRENT) Algorithm handling in ConTeXt
print/tex-context-annotation (CURRENT) Annotate text blocks
print/tex-context-fixme (CURRENT) Make editorial marks on a document
print/tex-context-french (CURRENT) Support for writing French in ConTeXt
print/tex-context-gantt-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-gantt
print/tex-context-lilypond (CURRENT) Lilypond code in ConTeXt
print/tex-context-rst-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-rst
print/tex-context-title (CURRENT) ConTeXt document titles
print/tex-context-typearea-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-typearea
print/tex-context-chromato (CURRENT) ConTeXt macros for chromatograms
print/tex-context-chromato-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-chromato
print/tex-context-lilypond-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-lilypond
print/tex-context-games (CURRENT) ConTeXt support for board games
print/tex-context-simplefonts (CURRENT) Simplified font usage for ConTeXt
print/tex-context-construction-plan-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-construction-plan
print/tex-context-bnf-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-bnf
print/tex-context-degrade (CURRENT) Degrading JPEG images in ConTeXt
print/tex-context-rst (CURRENT) Process reStructuredText with ConTeXt
print/tex-context-typearea (CURRENT) Something like Koma-Script typearea
print/tex-context-games-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-games
print/tex-context-degrade-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-degrade
print/tex-context-lettrine (CURRENT) ConTeXt implementation of lettrines
print/tex-context-animation (CURRENT) Generate fieldstack based animation with ConTeXt
print/tex-context-ruby-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-ruby
print/tex-context-annotation-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-annotation
print/tex-context-fancybreak (CURRENT) Overfull pages with ConTeXt
print/tex-context-animation-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-animation
print/tex-context-lettrine-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-lettrine
print/tex-context-fullpage-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-fullpage
print/tex-context-title-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-title
print/tex-context-construction-plan (CURRENT) Construction plans in ConTeXt
wip/screenfetch (CURRENT) Fetches system/theme information in terminal for screenshots
wip/py-prompt-toolkit (CURRENT) Library for building powerful interactive command lines
wip/py-pickleshare (CURRENT) Tiny shelve-like database with concurrency support
wip/py-traitlets (CURRENT) Traitlets Python config system
wip/py-wcwidth (CURRENT) Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes
wip/jo (CURRENT) JSON output from a shell
wip/accelerator3d (CURRENT) Fast-paced, 3D, first-person shoot/dodge-'em-up
wip/nyancat (CURRENT) Nyancat in your terminal
wip/ansilove (CURRENT) ANSI and ASCII art to PNG converter
wip/le (CURRENT) Full screen text editor inspired by Norton Editor
geography/geolite2-country (CURRENT) Free IP country geolocation databases
geography/geolite2-city (CURRENT) Free IP city geolocation databases
games/accelerator3d (CURRENT) Fast-paced, 3D, first-person shoot/dodge-'em-up
databases/php-redis3 (CURRENT) PHP extension for Redis
wip/py-aiohttp (CURRENT) Async http client/server framework
wip/py-flake8-polyfill (CURRENT) Polyfill package for Flake8 plugins
wip/agm (CURRENT) Multiple-word anagram search program
wip/violetland (CURRENT) Help a girl by name of Violet to struggle with monsters
wip/glucose-syrup (CURRENT) Parallel SAT solver
wip/ztrack (CURRENT) Simple curses-based pseudo-3D driving game
wip/0ad (CURRENT) Historical real-time strategy game
wip/0ad-data (CURRENT) Datafiles for the 0ad game
wip/nvidia-texture-tools (CURRENT) Texture processing tools with support for Direct3D 10 and 11 formats
textproc/p5-Alien-Base (CURRENT) Module::Build subclass for building Alien:: modules/libraries
wip/plist-utils (CURRENT) Utility to facilitate management of PLIST files
wip/2048-cli (CURRENT) The game 2048 for your Unix terminal
wip/tex-realboxes (CURRENT) Variants of common box-commands
wip/tex-diagbox (CURRENT) Making table heads with diagonal lines
wip/tex-sfmath (CURRENT) Sans-serif maths in documents
lang/php71 (CURRENT) PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 7.1
wip/clementine (CURRENT) Cross-platform music player inspired by Amarok 1.4
wip/chromium-browser (CURRENT) Open-source browser project
wip/daq (CURRENT) Abstraction layer for libpcap
devel/go-ini (CURRENT) INI file read and write functionality in Go
wip/ruby-neovim (CURRENT) Ruby client to Neovim
wip/flex (CURRENT) Fast clone of lex(1), the lexical scanner generator
wip/linenoise (CURRENT) Small self-contained alternative to readline and libedit
textproc/go-runewidth (CURRENT) Provides functions to get fixed width of a string
wip/openrw (CURRENT) Open Source recreation of Grand Theft Auto III
wip/cluster-admin (CURRENT) HPC cluster admin tools
wip/ympd (CURRENT) Standalone MPD Web GUI written in C
wip/caddy (CURRENT) General-purpose web server
devel/go-termbox (CURRENT) Pure Go termbox implementation
wip/py-meson (CURRENT) Open source build system meant to be fast and user friendly
wip/xonsh (CURRENT) Python-ish, BASHwards-looking shell language and command prompt
devel/go-gls (CURRENT) Goroutine local storage
net/aws-sdk-go (CURRENT) Amazon AWS SDK for Go
devel/undebt (CURRENT) Fast, reliable tool for performing automated code refactoring
math/py-autograd (CURRENT) Efficiently computes derivatives of numpy code
wip/mosquitto (CURRENT) Open Source MQTT broker
wip/py-jsonrpclib (CURRENT) Implementation of the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification
wip/py-pbkdf2 (CURRENT) "PKCS
wip/qcad-partlibrary (CURRENT) Parts libraries for the QCad 2D CAD system
devel/py-stsci.distutils (CURRENT) Distutils/packaging-related utilities used by some of STScI's packages
wip/arx-libertatis (CURRENT) Cross-platform, open source port of the Arx Fatalis RPG
wip/py-aigo (CURRENT) Analysis and Inter-comparison of Gene Ontology functional annotations
multimedia/sickbeard (CURRENT) PVR application to search and manage TV shows
devel/go-protobuf (CURRENT) Go support for Google protocol buffers
devel/go-glog (CURRENT) Leveled execution logs for Go
net/go-grpc (CURRENT) Go language implementation of gRPC, HTTP/2 based RPC
wip/gcc7snapshot (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 7.0 Release Series
wip/py-commonmark (CURRENT) Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec
www/py-commonmark (CURRENT) Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec
wip/llgo-git (CURRENT) Go frontend for LLVM, written in Go
wip/polly-git (CURRENT) Polyhedral optimizations for LLVM
wip/lld-git (CURRENT) The LLVM Linker
wip/py-colormath (CURRENT) Module that spares the user from directly dealing with color math
misc/go-genproto (CURRENT) Go generated proto packages
wip/surf2-git (CURRENT) Fast and minimalistic web browser based on WebKit/GTK+
wip/py-hidapi (CURRENT) Python wrapper for the hidapi
wip/lcov-current (CURRENT) Extension of GCOV
wip/coverity-analysis-bin (CURRENT) Static Analysis for Java, C/C++, C#, JavaScript, PHP, Python, or Ruby
wip/qutebrowser (CURRENT) Keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on PyQt5
wip/py-PEG2 (CURRENT) Intrinsic PEG Parser-Interpreter for Python
devel/py-PEG2 (CURRENT) Intrinsic PEG Parser-Interpreter for Python
textproc/py-PEG2 (CURRENT) Intrinsic PEG Parser-Interpreter for Python
wip/pbcopper (CURRENT) Core C++ library for data structures, algorithms, and utilities
wip/pbseqan (CURRENT) PacBio patched and stripped down seqan
wip/pbbam (CURRENT) PacBio BAM C++ library, with SWIG bindings
wip/unanimity (CURRENT) Consensus library and applications
wip/plover-current (CURRENT) Open source stenotype engine
editors/emacs25 (CURRENT) GNU editing macros (editor)
editors/emacs25-nox11 (CURRENT) GNU editing macros (editor)
wip/py-numba (CURRENT) NumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM
wip/py-llvmlite (CURRENT) Lightweight LLVM python binding for JIT compilers
devel/py-enum (CURRENT) Robust enumerated type support in Python
converters/orcus0.12 (CURRENT) Import filter library for spreadsheet documents (0.12 branch)
wip/libixion (CURRENT) General purpose formula parser & interpreter
wip/emacs-git-nox11 (CURRENT) GNU editing macros (editor, no x11)
wip/auctex-git (CURRENT) Enhanced LaTeX mode for Emacs
wip/gnubg-cvs (CURRENT) GNU Backgammon is for playing and analysing backgammon positions
wip/leim-cvs (CURRENT) Libraries of Emacs Input Methods (for emacs22)
wip/filter_audio-git (CURRENT) Easy to use audio filtering library made from webrtc code
wip/openrw-git (CURRENT) Open Source recreation of Grand Theft Auto III
wip/plover-git (CURRENT) Open source stenotype engine
wip/toxcore-git (CURRENT) Tox protocol library
wip/py-xarray (CURRENT) N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
wip/ukncbtl-git (CURRENT) Emulator of 'UKNC', a Soviet school computer
wip/electricsheep-git (CURRENT) Distributed fractal flame screensaver
wip/dfu-util-git (CURRENT) Host side of the USB DFU protocol
wip/file-roller (CURRENT) Front-end to archiving programs like tar and zip
wip/cint (CURRENT) C/C++ interpreter
wip/rspamd13 (CURRENT) Fast, free and open-source spam filtering system
wip/php-msgpack (CURRENT) PHP extension for interfacing with MessagePack
wip/php-xdiff (CURRENT) PHP bindings to the functions of LibXDiff
misc/php-xdiff (CURRENT) PHP bindings to the functions of LibXDiff
wip/cinelerra-git (CURRENT) Non-linear video and audio editor and compositor
wip/8cc (CURRENT) Small C Compiler
wip/wl-git (CURRENT) Mail/news management system with IMAP4rev1 support for Emacs
wip/py-Xlib (CURRENT) Functional X client library for Python
wip/tex-eqparbox (CURRENT) Create equal-widthed parboxes
wip/tex-urlbst-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-urlbst
wip/tex-urlbst (CURRENT) Web support for BibTeX
wip/tex-eqparbox-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-eqparbox
wip/plover-wxgtk (CURRENT) Open source stenotype engine
wip/py-robobrowser (CURRENT) Your friendly neighborhood web scraper
wip/lua-sql-postgres (CURRENT) PostgreSQL bindings for Lua
wip/lua-sql-mysql (CURRENT) MySQL bindings for Lua
databases/lua-sql-sqlite (CURRENT) SQLite 2.x bindings for Lua
devel/ruby-dep (CURRENT) Extracts supported Ruby versions from Travis file
wip/php-composer (CURRENT) Dependency Manager for PHP
wip/OpenBLAS (CURRENT) OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 BSD
wip/simutrans-data (CURRENT) Game data for Simutrans
wip/simutrans (CURRENT) Simutrans is a freeware and open-source transportation simulator
wip/py-jsbeautifier (CURRENT) JavaScript unobfuscator and beautifier
wip/py-typing (CURRENT) Type Hints for Python
wip/threadingbuildingblocks (CURRENT) Library that provides thread building blocks
wip/tk-itk (CURRENT) Framework for building mega-widgets using [incr Tcl]
wip/tcl-itcl (CURRENT) Framework for building mega-widgets using [incr Tcl]
wip/py-awscli (CURRENT) Universal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services
wip/py-jmespath (CURRENT) JMESPath is a query language for JSON
wip/py-s3transfer (CURRENT) Amazon S3 Transfer Manager for Python
wip/seafile-libsearpc (CURRENT) Simple RPC framework based on GObject system
wip/py-botocore (CURRENT) Low-level interface to a growing number of Amazon Web Services
wip/seafile-ccnet (CURRENT) Framework for writing networked applications in C
wip/seafile-daemon (CURRENT) Seafile daemon
comms/asterisk14 (CURRENT) The Asterisk Software PBX
net/asterisk14 (CURRENT) The Asterisk Software PBX
lang/nodejs6 (CURRENT) V8 JavaScript for clients and servers
net/py-gandi.cli (CURRENT) Command line interface for
net/py-pydns (CURRENT) Python DNS library
databases/postgresql96-plperl (CURRENT) PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql96 (CURRENT) Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
databases/postgresql96-client (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database client programs
databases/postgresql96-docs (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database documentation
databases/postgresql96-pltcl (CURRENT) PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql96-server (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database server programs
databases/postgresql96-plpython (CURRENT) PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql96-contrib (CURRENT) Contrib subtree of tools and plug-ins
wip/firefox-webrtc (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions (version 49)
wip/triforce-afl (CURRENT) AFL/QEMU fuzzing with full-system emulation
wip/py-sh (CURRENT) Python subprocess interface
wip/cdirip (CURRENT) Program for extracting tracks from a CDI (DiscJuggler) image
wip/R-RNetCDF (CURRENT) High-level R interface to Unidata's netCDF data files
wip/s6-dns (CURRENT) Suite of DNS client programs and libraries
wip/s6-portable-utils (CURRENT) Tiny portable generic utilties
wip/translate-toolkit (CURRENT) Essential Toolkit for Localization Engineers
wip/zathura-pdf-mupdf (CURRENT) Add PDF support to zathura using mupdf rendering engine
wip/allegro52 (CURRENT) Allegro game programming library
misc/py-trytond-party-vcarddav (CURRENT) Party vCard DAV module of the Tryton application platform
time/py-trytond-calendar-scheduling (CURRENT) Calendar scheduling module of Tryton's application platform
python/py-trytond-calendar-scheduling (CURRENT) Calendar scheduling module of Tryton's application platform
time/py-trytond-calendar-classification (CURRENT) Calendar classification module of Tryton's application platform
python/py-trytond-calendar-classification (CURRENT) Calendar classification module of Tryton's application platform
time/py-trytond-calendar-todo (CURRENT) Calendar TODO module of Tryton's application platform
python/py-trytond-calendar-todo (CURRENT) Calendar TODO module of Tryton's application platform
www/py-trytond-webdav (CURRENT) Webdav module of the Tryton application platform
python/py-trytond-webdav (CURRENT) Webdav module of the Tryton application platform
wip/trelby (CURRENT) Screenplay writing program
www/contao43 (CURRENT) Contao Open Source CMS 4.3.11
wip/softvms (CURRENT) Emulator capable of running some Sega VMS games
wip/vim-nox (CURRENT) Vim editor (vi clone) with scripting languages support
wip/meka (CURRENT) Meka is a multi-machine 8 bit emulator
wip/7kaa (CURRENT) Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries
misc/ini_file_manager (CURRENT) Ini configuration file reader and manipulator package for Ada
devel/adacurses (CURRENT) Ada95 bindings for ncurses
wip/p5-Email-Outlook-Message (CURRENT) Read Outlook .msg files
devel/p5-Email-Outlook-Message (CURRENT) Read Outlook .msg files
wip/llvm-git-netbsd (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/llvm-git-netbsd (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
wip/lldb-git-netbsd (CURRENT) Next generation, high-performance debugger
lang/lldb-git-netbsd (CURRENT) Next generation, high-performance debugger
wip/clang-git-netbsd (CURRENT) C language family frontend for LLVM
lang/clang-git-netbsd (CURRENT) C language family frontend for LLVM
wip/clang-netbsd (CURRENT) C language family frontend for LLVM
lang/clang-netbsd (CURRENT) C language family frontend for LLVM
wip/lldb-netbsd (CURRENT) Next generation, high-performance debugger
lang/lldb-netbsd (CURRENT) Next generation, high-performance debugger
wip/llvm-netbsd (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/llvm-netbsd (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
wip/ghc710 (CURRENT) Compiler for the functional language Haskell
wip/dehydrated (CURRENT) Letsencrypt/acme client implemented as a shell-script
wip/xxhash (CURRENT) Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
lang/py36-html-docs (CURRENT) HTML Documentation for Python 3.6
lang/python36 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
sysutils/wbm-passwd (pkgsrc-2016Q4) Webmin module to change users' system passwords
wip/clementine.old (CURRENT) Cross-platform music player inspired by Amarok 1.4
wip/libechonest (CURRENT) Libechonest is a collection of C++/Qt classes for The Echo Nest APIs
wip/qt5-qtbase56 (CURRENT) C++ X GUI toolkit
wip/qt5-qtbase57 (CURRENT) C++ X GUI toolkit
wip/libpthread-stubs-dfbsd (CURRENT) This library provides weak aliases for pthread functions
wip/go-collectd (CURRENT) Go language bindings for collectd
www/SOGo3 (CURRENT) Groupware server supporting CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV
cad/oce (CURRENT) Open CASCADE Community Edition
wip/firefox-dfbsd (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions (version 50)
wip/cwm (CURRENT) Portable version of the window manager from OpenBSD (git)
wip/nq (CURRENT) Command line queueing utility
wip/libmesode-git (CURRENT) Fork of libstrophe
net/go-ovh (CURRENT) Lightweight Go wrapper around OVH APIs
wip/qt5-qtbase58 (CURRENT) C++ X GUI toolkit
wip/py-cryptography-git (CURRENT) Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python
security/py-cryptography-git (CURRENT) Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python
wip/libffi-git (CURRENT) Foreign function interface (development version from git)
graphics/ruby-gnome2-clutter-gdk (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GDK specific API of Clutter
ruby/ruby-gnome2-clutter-gdk (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GDK specific API of Clutter
databases/libdoozer (CURRENT) C++ Client Library for the Doozer Locking Service
wip/libpthread_dbg (CURRENT) POSIX Debug Threads Library
devel/libpthread_dbg (CURRENT) POSIX Debug Threads Library
lang/ruby-gherkin (CURRENT) Parser and compiler for the Gherkin language
wip/subliminal (CURRENT) Video subtitles downloader
wip/guessit (CURRENT) Extracts as much information as possible from a video filename
wip/py-rebulk (CURRENT) Performs advanced searches in strings
wip/py-rarfile (CURRENT) RAR archive reader for Python
wip/py-babelfish (CURRENT) Python library to work with countries and languages
wip/py-enzyme (CURRENT) Python module to parse video metadata
wip/py-pysrt (CURRENT) Python parser for SubRip (srt) files
wip/py-dogpile-cache (CURRENT) Caching front-end based on the Dogpile lock
wip/py-guessit (CURRENT) Extracts as much information as possible from a video filename
textproc/py-m2r (CURRENT) Markdown to reStructuredText converter
wip/py-acme-tiny (CURRENT) A tiny script to issue and renew TLS certs from Let's Encrypt
wip/py-brotlipy (CURRENT) Python Bindings to the Brotli Compression Algorithm
wip/yosys (CURRENT) Framework for Verilog RTL synthesis
wip/sqlmap (CURRENT) Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
wip/rspamd14 (CURRENT) Fast, free and open-source spam filtering system
textproc/ruby-builder30 (CURRENT) Programatic generation of XML markup in Ruby
wip/qt5-qtsvg58 (CURRENT) Qt5 module for SVG
wip/qt5-mysql58 (CURRENT) Qt5 MySQL plugin
wip/qt5-qtx11extras58 (CURRENT) Qt5 module for X11 extras
wip/qt5-qtscript58 (CURRENT) Qt5 module for script
wip/qt5-qtxmlpatterns58 (CURRENT) Qt5 module for XML Patterns
wip/qt5-odbc58 (CURRENT) Qt5 odbc plugin
wip/qt5-psql58 (CURRENT) Qt5 PostgreSQL plugin
wip/qt5-qtdoc58 (CURRENT) Qt5 documentations
wip/qt5-qtimageformats58 (CURRENT) Qt5 module for Image formats
wip/qt5-qtlocation58 (CURRENT) Qt5 module for qtlocation
wip/qt5-qtmultimedia58 (CURRENT) Qt5 module for multimedia
wip/qt5-qttools58 (CURRENT) Qt5 tools
wip/qt5-qttranslations58 (CURRENT) Qt5 translations
wip/qt5-qtwebkit58 (CURRENT) Qt5 WebView module
wip/qt5-sqlite358 (CURRENT) Qt5 SQLite3 plugin
wip/qt5-qtwebsockets58 (CURRENT) Qt5 module for websockets
wip/qt5-qtserialport58 (CURRENT) Qt5 module for Serial Port
wip/qt5-qtquickcontrols58 (CURRENT) Qt5 module for QuickControls
wip/qt5-qtwebchannel58 (CURRENT) Qt5 WebChannel module
wip/qt5-qtgraphicaleffects58 (CURRENT) Qt5 module for Graphics effects
wip/qt5-qtdeclarative58 (CURRENT) Qt5 module for declarative framework
wip/py-smmap2 (CURRENT) Git implementation of a sliding window memory map manager
wip/qt5-qtsensors58 (CURRENT) Qt5 module for Sensors
wip/luv (CURRENT) Bare libuv bindings for Lua
multimedia/adobe-flash-player24 (CURRENT) Adobe Flash Player Browser NPAPI plugin
net/py-py3dns (CURRENT) Python 3 DNS library
wip/dvisvgm (CURRENT) Fast DVI to SVG converter
wip/intel-vaapi-driver (CURRENT) VA-API user mode driver for Intel GEN Graphics family
devel/py-lint (CURRENT) Python source code analyzer
wip/PicoLisp (CURRENT) Simple programming language and application server framework
wip/xf86-video-intel-devel-dfbsd (CURRENT) Modular Xorg Intel video driver
devel/py-requests-ftp (CURRENT) FTP transport adapter for use with the requests Python lib
wip/SDLPoP (CURRENT) Open-source port of Prince of Persia
wip/PicoLisp64 (CURRENT) Simple programming language and application server framework
wip/py-dnspython (CURRENT) DNS toolkit for Python
wip/py-dnspython3 (CURRENT) DNS toolkit for Python 3.x
meta-pkgs/php71-extensions (CURRENT) "meta-package" for the PHP 7.1 HTML-embedded scripting language
wip/tex-continue (CURRENT) Prints 'continuation' marks on recto pages of multipage documents
wip/tex-hang (CURRENT) Environments for hanging paragraphs and list items
wip/tex-hanging-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-hanging
wip/tex-leading (CURRENT) Define leading with a length
wip/tex-pagenote-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-pagenote
wip/tex-pagenote (CURRENT) Notes at end of document
wip/tex-hang-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-hang
wip/tex-leading-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-leading
wip/tex-hanging (CURRENT) Hanging paragraphs
wip/tex-cutwin (CURRENT) Cut a window in a paragraph, typeset material in it
wip/tex-continue-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-continue
wip/tex-cutwin-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-cutwin
wip/snort (CURRENT) The Open Source Network Intrusion Detection System
multimedia/adobe-flash-player (CURRENT) Adobe Flash Player Browser NPAPI plugin
textproc/ruby-tilt1 (CURRENT) Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
wip/rspamd15 (CURRENT) Fast, free and open-source spam filtering system
security/go-crypto-acme (CURRENT) ACME library from go-crypto
wip/libquvi-scripts (CURRENT) Scripts for libquvi
wip/libquvi (CURRENT) Library for quvi
wip/py-editor (CURRENT) Module to open an editor programmatically
wip/tex-platex (CURRENT) pLaTeX2e and miscellaneous macros for pTeX
wip/tex-platex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-platex
wip/tex-ptex (CURRENT) TeX system for publishing in Japanese
wip/py-lru-dict (CURRENT) Dict-like LRU container
sysutils/xenkernel48 (CURRENT) Xen 4.8.x Kernel
sysutils/xentools48 (CURRENT) Userland Tools for Xen 4.8.x
wip/cdbfasta (CURRENT) Fast indexing and retrieval of fasta records from flat file databases
wip/daligner (CURRENT) Find all significant local alignments between reads
wip/dazz_db (CURRENT) Dresden assembler for long read DNA projects
wip/py-pypeflow (CURRENT) Lightweight and reusable make/flow data process library
wip/py-pbfalcon (CURRENT) Experimental PacBio diploid assembler
wip/microbiomeutil (CURRENT) Utilities for processing and analyzing 16S rRNA genes
wip/freebayes (CURRENT) Bayesian haplotype-based polymorphism discovery and genotyping
wip/multichoose (CURRENT) Generate multiset combinations (n multichoose k)
wip/vcflib (CURRENT) C++ library and CLI tools for parsing and manipulating VCF files
textproc/php-dom (pkgsrc-2017Q1) PHP5 extension for DOM support
wip/easy-rsa (CURRENT) Small RSA key management based on openssl command
wip/py-kaitaistruct (CURRENT) Kaitai Struct declarative parser generator for binary data
wip/py-sphinxcontrib-bibtex (CURRENT) Sphinx extension for BibTeX style citations
wip/p5-Carp (CURRENT) Alternative warn and die for modules
wip/libmesode (CURRENT) Fork of libstrophe
devel/ruby-activesupport42 (CURRENT) Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 4.2)
archivers/py-brotlipy (CURRENT) Python Bindings to the Brotli Compression Algorithm
wip/litehtml (CURRENT) Fast and lightweight HTML/CSS rendering engine
devel/ruby-activemodel42 (CURRENT) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 4.2)
www/ruby-rails-deprecated_sanitizer (CURRENT) Deprecated sanitizer API extracted from Action View
www/ruby-actionview42 (CURRENT) Simple conventions and helpers for building web pages
www/ruby-actionpack42 (CURRENT) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 4.2)
databases/ruby-activerecord42 (CURRENT) Object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails 4.2)
devel/ruby-activejob42 (CURRENT) Job classes that can be run by a variety of queueing backends
mail/ruby-actionmailer42 (CURRENT) Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 4.2)
devel/ruby-actionmailer42 (CURRENT) Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 4.2)
devel/ruby-railties42 (CURRENT) Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 4.2
databases/ruby-railties42 (CURRENT) Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 4.2
www/ruby-rails42 (CURRENT) Full-stack web application framework, Rails 4.2
wip/py-rt (CURRENT) Python interface to Request Tracker API
devel/py-ZopeI18NMessageid (CURRENT) Zope Message Identifiers for internationalization
devel/py-ZopeSchema (CURRENT) Zope Interface extension for defining data schemas
devel/py-ZopeConfiguration (CURRENT) Zope Configuration Markup Language
wip/mailman3 (CURRENT) GNU mailing list manager
mail/thunderbird45 (CURRENT) Organize, secure and customize your mail
mail/thunderbird45-l10n (CURRENT) Language packs for mail/thunderbird
wip/pulledpork (CURRENT) Script for Snort and Suricata rule management
www/py-meld3 (CURRENT) HTML/XML templating engine
biology/p5-BioPerl (CURRENT) Functional access to BioPerl for people who don't know objects
wip/gcc8snapshot (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 7.0 Release Series
wip/moreutils (CURRENT) Additional Unix utilities
wip/libretro-fbalpha2012-neogeo (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the FB Alpha Neo Geo emulator
wip/libretro-fuse (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the FUSE ZX Spectrum emulator
wip/libretro-mednafen-wswan (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Mednafen Wonderswan emulator
wip/libretro-mednafen-pce-fast (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Mednafen PC Engine emulator
wip/libretro-gambatte (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Gambatte Game Boy Color emulator
wip/retroarch-assets (CURRENT) Assets for RetroArch
wip/libretro-desmume (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Desmume Nintendo DS emulator
wip/libretro-fbalpha (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the FB Alpha arcade emulator
wip/libretro-nestopia (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
wip/libretro-parallel-n64 (CURRENT) Libretro core for Nintendo 64 emulation
wip/libretro-picodrive (CURRENT) Libretro core for emulating Sega 8/16-bit consoles & 32X
wip/libretro-stella (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Stella Atari 2600 (VCS) emulator
wip/libretro-vba-next (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the VBA Next Game Boy Advance emulator
wip/libretro-snes9x2010 (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the snes9x Super Nintendo emulator
wip/libretro-snes9x2005 (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the snes9x Super Nintendo emulator
wip/libretro-mednafen-ngp (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Mednafen Neo Geo Pocket emulator
wip/libretro-fceumm (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the FCEUmm Famicom/NES emulator
wip/libretro-fbalpha2012-cps2 (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the FB Alpha CPS-2 emulator
wip/libretro-fbalpha2012 (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the FB Alpha arcade emulator
wip/libretro-fbalpha2012-cps1 (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the FB Alpha CPS-1 emulator
wip/libretro-core-info (CURRENT) Libretro core information
wip/dspdfviewer (CURRENT) Dual-Screen PDF Viewer for latex-beamer
wip/py-multidict (CURRENT) Multidict implementation
devel/py-multidict (CURRENT) Multidict implementation
wip/py-yarl (CURRENT) Yet another URL library
wip/py-async-timeout (CURRENT) Timeout context manager for asyncio programs
wip/libretro-virtualjaguar (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Virtual Jaguar Atari Jaguar emulator
wip/py-readlike (CURRENT) GNU Readline-like line editing module
wip/py-reparser (CURRENT) Simple regex-based lexer/parser for inline markup
wip/doom2-pwad-eviternity (CURRENT) Doom II mod
wip/py-hangups (CURRENT) Third-party instant messaging client for Google Hangouts
security/hs-x509-system (CURRENT) Handle per-operating-system X.509 accessors and storage
wip/libretro-mednafen-psx (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Mednafen PlayStation emulator
wip/libretro-bsnes-mercury-accuracy (CURRENT) Libretro core for SNES/Super Famicom emulation ("accuracy" profile)
wip/libretro-bsnes-mercury (CURRENT) Libretro core for SNES/Super Famicom emulation ("balanced" profile)
wip/libretro-genesis-plus-gx (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Genesis Plus Sega 8/16 bit emulator
wip/libretro-bsnes-mercury-performance (CURRENT) Libretro core for SNES/Super Famicom emulation ("performance" profile)
wip/libretro-vecx (CURRENT) Libretro core for Vectrex emulation
wip/libretro-mednafen-supergrafx (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Mednafen SuperGrafx emulator
wip/libretro-mednafen-vb (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Mednafen VirtualBoy emulator
wip/libretro-prosystem (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the ProSystem Atari 7800 emulator
wip/surf2 (CURRENT) Surf is a fast and minimalistic web browser based on WebKit2/GTK+
wip/vimb3-git (CURRENT) Vim-like webkit browser
wip/libretro-mgba (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the mGBA emulator
wip/libretro-o2em (CURRENT) Libretro core for Magnavox Odyssey 2 and VideoPac emulation
wip/libtpl (CURRENT) store and reload your C data
wip/flang-git (CURRENT) Fortran compiler targeting LLVM
wip/bullet (CURRENT) Collision detection, soft body and rigid body dynamics library
wip/mygui-git (CURRENT) Cross-platform library for creating GUIs for games and 3D programs
wip/openmw (CURRENT) Free game engine reimplementation for TES III: Morrowind
wip/gallery-dl (CURRENT) Command-line program to download image galleries and collections
wip/lld-netbsd (CURRENT) The LLVM Linker
www/ap-auth-mellon (CURRENT) Module to allow Apache authentication using a SAML 2.0 IdP
wip/p5-Mail-Message (CURRENT) Object container for MIME-encoded message
wip/p5-Net-SFTP-Foreign (CURRENT) SSH File Transfer Protocol client
wip/astguiclient-vicidial (CURRENT) Asterisk GUI client, VICIdial
net/astguiclient-vicidial (CURRENT) Asterisk GUI client, VICIdial
devel/py-expressions (CURRENT) Extensible arithmetic expression parser and compiler
devel/py-grako (CURRENT) Grammar compiler
devel/py-cubes (CURRENT) Lightweight framework for Online Analytical Processing
wip/compiler-rt-netbsd (CURRENT) LLVM runtime libraries
lang/compiler-rt-netbsd (CURRENT) LLVM runtime libraries
www/ruby-rack16 (CURRENT) Modular Ruby webserver interface
net/ruby-proxifier (CURRENT) Proxifier is a gem to force ruby to use a proxy
wip/lua-penlight (CURRENT) Set of pure Lua libraries focusing on input data handling
wip/awesome4 (CURRENT) Tiling window manager based on dwm
wip/lua-luafilesystem (CURRENT) File system library to complement standard Lua distribution
wip/libretro-pcsx-rearmed (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the PCSX ReARMed emulator
wip/libretro-glsl-shaders (CURRENT) Libretro GLSL shaders
wip/p5-Test-Most (CURRENT) Most commonly needed test functions and features
wip/libretro-database (CURRENT) ROM scanning data provided by the libretro project
devel/ruby-gettext-setup (CURRENT) Ease internationalization with fast_gettext
net/ruby-net-telnet (CURRENT) Provides telnet client functionality
wip/libretro-ppsspp (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the PPSSPP PlayStation Portable emulator
wip/libretro-mednafen-lynx (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Mednafen Atari Lynx emulator
wip/py-llvm-lit-netbsd (CURRENT) LLVM Integrated Tester
lang/py-llvm-lit-netbsd (CURRENT) LLVM Integrated Tester
devel/py-llvm-lit-netbsd (CURRENT) LLVM Integrated Tester
wip/libretro-snes9x (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the snes9x Super Nintendo emulator
lang/ruby24 (CURRENT) Ruby programming language 2.4.9 meta package
lang/ruby24-base (CURRENT) Ruby 2.4.10 release minimum base package
x11/ruby-tk-gem (CURRENT) Tk interface module using tcltklib
ruby/ruby-tk-gem (CURRENT) Tk interface module using tcltklib
www/contao44 (CURRENT) Contao Open Source CMS 4.4.20
wip/fuse-encfs (CURRENT) FUSE Encrypted Filesystem
wip/p5-Monitoring-Plugin (CURRENT) A family of perl modules for Naemon, Nagios, Icinga or Shinken plugins.
wip/p5-Math-Calc-Units (CURRENT) Human-readable unit-aware calculator
wip/boost-yap (CURRENT) A C++14-and-later expression template library
wip/dsk2rom (CURRENT) MSX disk image conversion utility
wip/boost-poly_collection (CURRENT) Containers supporting dynamic polymorphism in C++
wip/cargo (CURRENT) Package manager for Rust langage
wip/py-llvm-lit-git (CURRENT) LLVM Integrated Tester
lang/py-llvm-lit-git (CURRENT) LLVM Integrated Tester
devel/py-llvm-lit-git (CURRENT) LLVM Integrated Tester
wip/llvm-all-in-one (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/llvm-all-in-one (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
wip/compiler-rt-ubsan (CURRENT) LLVM runtime libraries
lang/compiler-rt-ubsan (CURRENT) LLVM runtime libraries
wip/compiler-rt-commonsan (CURRENT) LLVM runtime libraries
lang/compiler-rt-commonsan (CURRENT) LLVM runtime libraries
wip/nbase (CURRENT) NetBSD userlevel portable to other UNIX-like systems
devel/ocaml-jbuilder (CURRENT) Composable build system for OCaml
devel/verifast (CURRENT) VeriFast code verifier in separation logic
wip/libretro-mednafen-saturn (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Mednafen Sega Saturn emulator
databases/ruby-arel60 (CURRENT) Arel is a SQL AST manager for Ruby
devel/ocaml-ppx_traverse_builtins (CURRENT) Builtin traversers for ppx_traverse
devel/ocaml-ppx_ast (CURRENT) AST used in ppx_core/ppx_driver PPX rewriters
devel/ocaml-ppx_metaquot (CURRENT) Metaquotations for ppx_ast
devel/ocaml-ppx_tools_versioned (CURRENT) Tools for authors of ppx rewriters
graphics/kqtquickcharts4 (CURRENT) Beautiful and interactive charts for Qt Quick 1.0
security/py-argon2_cffi (CURRENT) Secure Argon2 password hashing algorithm
wip/gargoyle (CURRENT) Graphical player for Interactive Fiction games
net/p5-WebService-MusicBrainz0 (CURRENT) Perl 5 module providing an interface to MusicBrainz (0.x)
wip/gnucash-git (CURRENT) Personal or business finance management program
wip/qt5-qtmacextras (CURRENT) Qt5 module for Mac extras
wip/qt5-qtdeclarative (CURRENT) Qt5 module for declarative framework
wip/qt5-qtxmlpatterns (CURRENT) Qt5 module for XML Patterns
wip/qt5-qtsvg (CURRENT) Qt5 module for SVG
wip/qt5-qtbase (CURRENT) C++ X GUI toolkit
wip/qt5-qtgraphicaleffects (CURRENT) Qt5 module for Graphics effects
wip/qt5-qtmultimedia (CURRENT) Qt5 module for multimedia
wip/qt5-qtsensors (CURRENT) Qt5 module for Sensors
wip/qt5-qtserialport (CURRENT) Qt5 module for Serial Port
wip/qt5-qttools (CURRENT) Qt5 tools
wip/qt5-qtwebengine (CURRENT) Chromium-based web engine for Qt5
wip/qt5-qtx11extras (CURRENT) Qt5 module for X11 extras
wip/qt5-sqlite3 (CURRENT) Qt5 SQLite3 plugin
wip/qt5-qttranslations (CURRENT) Qt5 translations
wip/qt5-qtscript (CURRENT) Qt5 module for script
wip/qt5-qtlocation (CURRENT) Qt5 module for qtlocation
wip/qt5-qtquick1 (CURRENT) Qt5 module for Quick1
wip/qt5-qtdoc (CURRENT) Qt5 documentations
wip/qt5-qtimageformats (CURRENT) Qt5 module for Image formats
wip/qt5-qtwebkit (CURRENT) Qt5 WebView module
wip/qt5-qtquickcontrols (CURRENT) Qt5 module for QuickControls
wip/nmh (CURRENT) Cleaned up MH mailer suite
wip/noice (CURRENT) Small curses-based file browser
wip/OpenIPMI (CURRENT) User-level library that provides a higher-level abstraction of IPMI
sysutils/u-boot-sinovoip-bpi-m3 (CURRENT) Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (Sinovoip_BPI_M3_defconfig)
wip/go-ed25519 (CURRENT) Ed25519 for Go
security/go-ed25519 (CURRENT) Ed25519 for Go
wip/go-siphash (CURRENT) Go implementation of SipHash-2-4
security/go-siphash (CURRENT) Go implementation of SipHash-2-4
wip/go-goptlib (CURRENT) Library for writing Tor pluggable transports in Go
net/go-goptlib (CURRENT) Library for writing Tor pluggable transports in Go
wip/obfs4proxy (CURRENT) Look-like nothing obfuscation protocol
security/obfs4proxy (CURRENT) Look-like nothing obfuscation protocol
devel/lua-doc (CURRENT) LuaDoc-compatible documentation generation system
devel/py-meson (CURRENT) Open source build system meant to be fast and user friendly
wip/grafX2 (CURRENT) Bitmap paint program suited for pixel art
lang/go-hcl (CURRENT) HCL is a configuration language
devel/go-buffruneio (CURRENT) Wrapper around bufio to provide buffered runes access
devel/go-goorgeous (CURRENT) Go org syntax parser to HTML
devel/go-emoji (CURRENT) Emoji is a simple golang package
devel/go-fs (CURRENT) Package fs provides filesystem-related functions
devel/go-yaml (CURRENT) YAML support for the Go language
devel/go-nitro (CURRENT) Quick and easy performance analyzer library
devel/go-afero (CURRENT) FileSystem Abstraction System for Go
devel/go-sanitized_anchor_name (CURRENT) Create sanitized anchor names
devel/go-pflag (CURRENT) Replacement for flag package implementing POSIX --flags
devel/go-shuffle (CURRENT) Primitives for shuffling slices and user-defined collections
devel/go-amber (CURRENT) Templating engine for Go inspired by HAML and Jade
devel/go-i18n (CURRENT) Translate your Go program into multiple languages
devel/go-errors (CURRENT) Simple error handling primitives
devel/go-fsnotify (CURRENT) File system notifications for Go
devel/go-gitmap (CURRENT) Git repository object map creator
devel/go-immutable-radix (CURRENT) Immutable radix tree implementation in Golang
devel/go-jwalterweatherman (CURRENT) Seamless printing to the terminal and io.Writer
devel/go-osext (CURRENT) Extensions to the standard "os" package
devel/go-mapstructure (CURRENT) Library for decoding generic map values into native structures
devel/go-blackfriday (CURRENT) Blackfriday: a markdown processor for Go
devel/go-homedir (CURRENT) Go library for home directory information
devel/go-fsync (CURRENT) Package fsync keeps files and directories in sync
devel/go-cobra (CURRENT) Commander for modern Go CLI interactions
devel/go-purell (CURRENT) Purell is a tiny Go library to normalize URLs
devel/go-viper (CURRENT) Go configuration with fangs
devel/go-golang-lru (CURRENT) Golang LRU cache
devel/go-consul-api (CURRENT) Golang API client for Consul
devel/go-properties (CURRENT) Java properties scanner for Go
devel/go-cast (CURRENT) Safe and easy casting from one type to another in Go
security/go-sftp (CURRENT) SFTP support for the go.crypto/ssh package
security/go-crypt (CURRENT) Store and retrieve encrypted configs from etcd or consul
math/go-stats (CURRENT) Statistics package to supplement the Golang standard library
databases/go-etcd (CURRENT) CoreOS etcd client for Go
graphics/go-image (CURRENT) Package image implements a basic 2-D image library
www/go-cssmin (CURRENT) Go port of Ryan Grove's cssmin
www/go-gohtml (CURRENT) HTML formatter for Go
www/go-ace (CURRENT) HTML template engine for Go
www/go-toml-burntsushi (CURRENT) TOML parser for Golang with reflection
www/go-toml-pelletier (CURRENT) TOML parser for Golang with reflection
textproc/go-inflect (CURRENT) Inflect library for go
textproc/go-prose (CURRENT) Text processing including tokenization, tagging, and extraction
textproc/go-sentences (CURRENT) Multilingual command line sentence tokenizer in Golang
devel/go-cli (CURRENT) Package for building command line apps in Go
www/trafficserver (CURRENT) Fast, scalable and extensible caching proxy server
wip/munin-c (CURRENT) System monitoring tool, client version and plugin in C
devel/py-test-cache (CURRENT) Pytest plugin with mechanisms for caching across test runs
wip/double-conversion (CURRENT) Conversion routines for IEEE doubles
wip/taskd (CURRENT) Lightweight, secure server providing access to task data
wip/ats2 (CURRENT) Programming language unifying implementation with formal specification
wip/munin-c-git (CURRENT) System monitoring tool, client version and plugin in C
wip/go-pass (CURRENT) getpasswd for Go
security/go-pass (CURRENT) getpasswd for Go
wip/go-log (CURRENT) Logging packages for Go
fonts/Interface (CURRENT) Font for highly legible text on computer screens
wip/go-humanize (CURRENT) Go Humans! (formatters for units to human friendly sizes)
wip/go-rateio (CURRENT) Ratelimiting for io-style interfaces in Go
wip/ssh-chat (CURRENT) Chat over SSH
wip/py-matrix-synapse (CURRENT) Matrix is an open federated Instant Messaging and VoIP
wip/py-frozendict (CURRENT) Simple immutable dictionary
wip/py-canonicaljson (CURRENT) Encodes objects and arrays
wip/py-macaroons (CURRENT) Python implementation of Macaroons
wip/py-pycryptodomex (CURRENT) Cryptographic library for Python
security/py-pycryptodomex (CURRENT) Cryptographic library for Python
wip/py-unpaddedbase64 (CURRENT) Encode and decode Base64
wip/py-PyNaCl (CURRENT) Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library
wip/py-pysaml2 (CURRENT) Python implementation of SAML Version 2
wip/cblas (CURRENT) C interface to a BLAS library
wip/libretro-beetle-psx (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Mednafen PlayStation emulator
wip/libretro-beetle-sgx (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Mednafen SuperGrafx emulator
wip/libretro-beetle-pce-fast (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Mednafen PC Engine emulator
wip/libretro-beetle-wswan (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Mednafen Wonderswan emulator
wip/libretro-beetle-vb (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Mednafen VirtualBoy emulator
wip/libretro-beetle-saturn (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Mednafen Sega Saturn emulator
wip/libretro-beetle-ngp (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Mednafen Neo Geo Pocket emulator
wip/py-signedjson (CURRENT) Signs JSON objects with ED25519 signatures
wip/py-libnacl (CURRENT) Python bindings for libsodium based on ctypes
python/py-libnacl (CURRENT) Python bindings for libsodium based on ctypes
sysutils/u-boot-pine64-plus (CURRENT) Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (pine64_plus_defconfig)
sysutils/arm-trusted-firmware-sun50iw1p1 (CURRENT) ARM Trusted Firmware for Allwinner A64/H5 SoCs
devel/ruby-hike1 (CURRENT) Find files in a set of paths
security/py-ntlm-auth (CURRENT) NTLM authentication handler for python-requests
wip/tex-csvsimple (CURRENT) Simple CSV file processing
wip/tex-csvsimple-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-csvsimple
wip/libretro-bluemsx (CURRENT) Libretro core for accurate MSX/MSX2/ColecoVision/SVI/SG-1000 emulation
wip/luakit (CURRENT) Webkit based browser framework extensible by Lua
wip/libretro-np2kai (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Neko Project II PC-9801 emulator
wip/MesaLib-dfbsd (CURRENT) The Mesa 3D Graphics Library
graphics/MesaLib-dfbsd (CURRENT) The Mesa 3D Graphics Library
wip/blosc (CURRENT) Blocking, shuffling, and lossless compression library
devel/cargo (CURRENT) Package manager for Rust langage
wip/calibre3 (CURRENT) E-book library management application
games/wtfubar (CURRENT) Fork of NetBSD's wtf
databases/ruby-mysql28 (CURRENT) Ruby extension for MySQL
wip/py-quadprog (CURRENT) Solver for a strictly convex quadratic program
wip/android-tools-adb8 (CURRENT) Android debug bridge command line tool
wip/utf8proc (CURRENT) C library for processing Unicode data
wip/bolt-llm (CURRENT) Statistics for testing association between phenotype and genotypes
wip/cpuminer (CURRENT) CPU miner for Litecoin and Bitcoin
wip/openblas (CURRENT) Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2
wip/renameutils (CURRENT) Rename files faster and more easily
wip/py-sydent (CURRENT) Matrix Identity Servers
databases/ruby-postgres_ext (CURRENT) Native PostgreSQL data types for ActiveRecord
www/firefox91 (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions (version 91ESR)
www/firefox91-l10n (CURRENT) Language packs for www/firefox (version 91)
wip/R-vroom (CURRENT) Read and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly
wip/py-lscsoft-glue (CURRENT) Grid LSC User Environment
math/py-lscsoft-glue (CURRENT) Grid LSC User Environment
devel/go-goptlib (CURRENT) Library for writing Tor pluggable transports in Go
devel/go-ed25519 (CURRENT) Ed25519 for Go
devel/go-siphash (CURRENT) Go implementation of SipHash-2-4
wip/py-gitdb2 (CURRENT) Git Object Database
devel/py-gitdb2 (CURRENT) Git Object Database
devel/py-txgithub (CURRENT) GitHub API client using Twisted
wip/fonttools (CURRENT) Library to manipulate font files from Python
devel/ruby-railties60 (CURRENT) Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 6.0
wip/gl2ps (CURRENT) OpenGL to PostScript printing library
wip/qrupdate (CURRENT) Library for fast updating of QR and Cholesky decompositions
time/py-maya (CURRENT) Human-friendly date and time handling
python/py-maya (CURRENT) Human-friendly date and time handling
time/py-pendulum (CURRENT) Human-friendly date and time handling
python/py-pendulum (CURRENT) Human-friendly date and time handling
www/py-flask-common (CURRENT) Common functionality for Flask
devel/py-bcolz (CURRENT) Columnar and compressed data containers
wip/lscpu (CURRENT) The lscpu for BSD
devel/ruby-activesupport60 (CURRENT) Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 6.0)
wip/py-sarge (CURRENT) Wrapper for subprocess which provides command pipeline functionality
devel/py-glib2-tools (CURRENT) GLib2 python-dependent tools
devel/ruby-activemodel60 (CURRENT) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 6.0)
devel/ocaml-configurator (CURRENT) Helper library for gathering system configuration
devel/py-ipython5 (CURRENT) Interactive computing environment for Python
devel/ruby-activestorage60 (CURRENT) Local and cloud file storage framework (part of Rails 6.0)
databases/postgresql10-pltcl (CURRENT) PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql10-server (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database server programs
databases/postgresql10-client (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database client programs
databases/postgresql10-plpython (CURRENT) PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql10-docs (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database documentation
databases/postgresql10-contrib (CURRENT) Contrib subtree of tools and plug-ins
databases/postgresql10 (CURRENT) Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
databases/postgresql10-plperl (CURRENT) PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
devel/go-isatty (CURRENT) Interface to isatty (is a tty)
devel/go-runewidth (CURRENT) Go functions to get fixed width of the character or string
devel/go-shellwords (CURRENT) Parse line as shell words
databases/postgresql-pljava (CURRENT) Java Stored Procedures, Triggers, and Functions for PostgreSQL
wip/jira-cli (CURRENT) Feature-rich Interactive Jira Command Line
wip/focuswriter (CURRENT) Simple, distraction-free writing environment
devel/ruby-activejob60 (CURRENT) Job classes that can be run by a variety of queueing backends
lang/nodejs8 (CURRENT) V8 JavaScript for clients and servers
wip/fastqc (CURRENT) Quality control tool for high throughput sequence data
www/drupal8 (CURRENT) Open source content management system
chat/line-purple (CURRENT) LINE protocol plugin for libpurple (pidgin, finch)
lang/php72 (CURRENT) PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 7.2
wip/google-benchmark (CURRENT) Microbenchmark support library
wip/gst-plugins1-gme (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - Game Music Emu plugin
wip/tex-worldflags (CURRENT) Drawing flags with TikZ
wip/php-gnupg (CURRENT) PHP module for interacting with gnupg
wip/collectd-redis (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - redis plugins
wip/collectd-haproxy (CURRENT) Plugin for collectd to gather HAProxy metrics
wip/collectd-CGP (CURRENT) Graphical web-based front-end for visualizing RRD collected
wip/collectd-web (CURRENT) Web interface for Collectd
wip/dosfstools (CURRENT) Tools for working with FAT filesystems
www/ruby-rails60 (CURRENT) Full-stack web application framework, Rails 6.0
wip/liblas (CURRENT) LAS 1.0/1.1/1.2 ASPRS LiDAR data translation toolset
wip/py-keyrings.alt (CURRENT) Alternate keyring implementations
wip/p5-Pod-Usage (CURRENT) Print a usage message from embedded pod documentation
textproc/p5-Pod-Usage (CURRENT) Print a usage message from embedded pod documentation
wip/otptool (CURRENT) One-Time Password command line utility
wip/aslc86k (CURRENT) Macro assembler that can assemble programs of the Visual Memory System
devel/php-xdebug-devel (CURRENT) PHP extension for debugging
time/py-monotonic (CURRENT) Implementation of time.monotonic() for Python
wip/tex-fvextra-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-fvextra
wip/tex-fvextra (CURRENT) Extensions and patches for fancyvrb
wip/htmlq (CURRENT) Parse and extract HTML from the command line
wip/libretro-cap32 (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Caprice32 Amstrad CPC emulator
textproc/ruby-actiontext60 (CURRENT) Rich text framework (for Rails 6.0)
devel/ruby-actiontext60 (CURRENT) Rich text framework (for Rails 6.0)
sysutils/u-boot-rockpro64-ayufan (CURRENT) Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (rockpro64-rk3399_defconfig)
wip/fwknop (CURRENT) Port knocking via Single Packet Authorization (SPA)
wip/garden (CURRENT) Grows and cultivates collections of Git trees
devel/py-clint (CURRENT) Python Command-line Application Tools
devel/py-pylint-common (CURRENT) Pylint plugin to improve error analysis of the standard Python library
wip/ioping (CURRENT) Monitor I/O latency in real time
devel/ruby-idn (CURRENT) Ruby Bindings for the GNU LibIDN library
filesystems/fuse-gstfs-ng (CURRENT) FUSE-based file system for dynamic gstreamer-based transcoding
wip/hub (CURRENT) hub helps you win at git
devel/py-Deprecated (CURRENT) @deprecated decorator to deprecate old classes, functions, or methods
wip/fluid (CURRENT) Collection of QtQuick components for building fluid
lang/ruby27-base (CURRENT) Ruby 2.7.8 release minimum base package
wip/lcdis (CURRENT) Disassembler for the Sega VMU/VMS
www/contao45 (CURRENT) Contao Open Source CMS 4.5.10
wip/neatvi (CURRENT) Small vi/ex editor for editing bidirectional UTF-8 text
devel/py-chai (CURRENT) Easy to use mocking, stubbing and spying framework
lang/ruby27 (CURRENT) Ruby programming language 2.7.7 meta package
wip/p5-Test-Strict (CURRENT) Check syntax, presence of use strict; and test coverage
wip/openblas-devel (CURRENT) Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2
lang/ruby25 (CURRENT) Ruby programming language 2.5.7 meta package
lang/ruby25-base (CURRENT) Ruby 2.5.8 release minimum base package
net/py-gsutil (CURRENT) Command line tool for interacting with cloud storage services
wip/phonon-qt5 (CURRENT) Multimedia API for KF5
fonts/gnome-font-viewer (CURRENT) Font viewer for GNOME 3 desktop environment
wip/rclone (CURRENT) Rsync for cloud storage
wip/gobang (CURRENT) Cross-platform TUI database management tool
wip/nuspell (CURRENT) Free and Open Source C++ spell checking library
wip/gh (CURRENT) GitHub CLI
wip/libepoll-shim (CURRENT) epoll shim implemented using kevent
wip/unifraktur-ttf (CURRENT) Modification of the Berthold Mainzer Fraktur font from Peter Wiegel
math/py-tensorflow-tensorboard (CURRENT) Web applications for inspecting TensorFlow runs and graphs
devel/py-retry_decorator (CURRENT) Retry decorator for Python
www/py-cloudfiles (CURRENT) CloudFiles client library for Python
wip/routersploit-git (CURRENT) The Router Exploitation Framework
wip/asciinema (CURRENT) Terminal session recorder
misc/asciinema (CURRENT) Terminal session recorder
wip/drkonqi (CURRENT) KDE crash handler
wip/lxqt-themes (CURRENT) Themes, graphics and icons for LXQt
wip/kdebugsettings (CURRENT) Application to enable/disable qCDebug
wip/kimagemapeditor (CURRENT) HTML Image Map Editor
wip/kimap (CURRENT) Job-based API for interacting with IMAP server
wip/kldap (CURRENT) LDAP access API for KDE
wip/kmime (CURRENT) Library for handling mail messages and newsgroup articles
wip/akonadi-mime (CURRENT) Libraries and daemons to implement basic email handling
wip/kcontacts (CURRENT) Address book API for KDE
wip/kcalcore (CURRENT) KDE calendar access library
time/kcalcore (CURRENT) KDE calendar access library
wip/kmailtransport (CURRENT) Mail Transport Service
wip/kpimtextedit (CURRENT) Textedit with PIM-specific features
wip/nltk_data (CURRENT) Data distribution for NLTK
wip/ksmtp (CURRENT) Job-based library to send email through an SMTP server
wip/akonadi-contacts (CURRENT) Libraries and daemons to implement basic email handling
wip/akonadi-notes (CURRENT) Libraries and daemons to implement management of notes in Akonadi
wip/kdav (CURRENT) DAV protocol implemention with KJobs
wip/kalarmcal (CURRENT) KAlarm client library
misc/kalarmcal (CURRENT) KAlarm client library
wip/kcalutils (CURRENT) KDE calendar access library
wip/akonadi-search (CURRENT) Libraries and daemons to implement searching in Akonadi
wip/kidentitymanagement (CURRENT) KDE PIM libraries
wip/kmbox (CURRENT) Library for accessing mail storages in MBox format
wip/kholidays (CURRENT) KDE library for regional holiday information
wip/pimcommon (CURRENT) Common libraries for KDE PIM
wip/akonadi-calendar (CURRENT) Akonadi calendar integration
wip/libkdepim (CURRENT) Libraries for KDE PIM applications
wip/kmix (CURRENT) KDE's soundcard mixer program
wip/spectacle (CURRENT) Screenshot taking utility for the KDE desktop
wip/ffmpegthumbs (CURRENT) FFmpeg-based thumbnail creator for video files
wip/dragon (CURRENT) a simple video player for KDE
net/py-gcs-oauth2-boto-plugin (CURRENT) Boto auth plugin for Google Cloud Storage
wip/kdialog (CURRENT) KDE utility for displaying dialog boxes from shell scripts
wip/juk (CURRENT) jukebox, tagger and music collection manager
wip/keditbookmarks (CURRENT) KDE Bookmark Organizer and Editor
wip/kfind (CURRENT) KDE Find Files/Folders
wip/kwalletmanager (CURRENT) KDE wallet manager
wip/qterminal (CURRENT) Terminal emulator for Qt5
databases/gobang (CURRENT) Cross-platform TUI database management tool
www/py-django2 (CURRENT) Django, a high-level Python Web framework
www/py-google-apitools (CURRENT) Client libraries for humans
www/py-idna_ssl (CURRENT) Patch ssl.match_hostname for Unicode(idna) domains support
math/py-astropysics (CURRENT) Astrophysics libraries for Python
math/py-pythics (CURRENT) Python Instrument Control System
wip/mle (CURRENT) Termbox-based text editor
wip/grim (CURRENT) Tool to grab images from a Wayland compositor
wip/py-psutil (CURRENT) Cross-platform process and system utilities module for Python
wip/pavucontrol-qt (CURRENT) Pulseaudio mixer implemented in Qt
wip/superlu (CURRENT) Library for solving large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations
wip/radare2-cutter (CURRENT) Qt and C++ GUI for radare2 reverse engineering framework
devel/radare2-cutter (CURRENT) Qt and C++ GUI for radare2 reverse engineering framework
devel/goyacc (CURRENT) Yacc for the Go programming language
wip/vlc-git (CURRENT) VLC media player and streaming server
wip/py-h11 (CURRENT) Pure-Python, bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/1.1
wip/py-wsproto (CURRENT) Pure Python, pure state-machine WebSocket implementation
wip/mitmproxy (CURRENT) Interactive console program for inspecting and editing traffic flows
wip/sacc (CURRENT) Console gopher client
wip/libretro-freeintv (CURRENT) Libretro core for Mattel Intellivision emulation
wip/py-archinfo (CURRENT) Classes with architecture-specific information
wip/py-pyvex (CURRENT) Python bindings for Valgrind's VEX IR
wip/py-angr (CURRENT) Platform-agnostic binary analysis framework
wip/py-claripy (CURRENT) Abstraction layer for constraint solvers
wip/py-cle (CURRENT) CLE Loads Everything (at least, many binary formats!)
wip/screengrab (CURRENT) Crossplatform tool for grabbing screenshots of your desktop
wip/qt6-qtscxml (CURRENT) Qt6 module for scxml support
wip/vlc-3-git (CURRENT) VLC media player and streaming server
wip/deepstate (CURRENT) Augments C/C++ Test-Driven Development with Symbolic Execution
wip/keepassxc (CURRENT) Password generator and manager
www/ap-uwsgi (CURRENT) Apache proxy backend for the uWSGI protocol
wip/mk-scm-tests (CURRENT) System tests for wip/mk infrastructure
net/xfwp (CURRENT) Proxies X11 protocol connections, such as through a firewall
textproc/p5-MultiMarkdown (CURRENT) Perl5 convert MultiMarkdown syntax to (X)HTML
textproc/ruby-rails-dom-testing1 (CURRENT) Ruby module to compare DOMs
databases/ruby-arel80 (CURRENT) Arel is a SQL AST manager for Ruby
wip/tex-changes-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-changes
wip/tex-changes (CURRENT) Manual change markup
meta-pkgs/php72-extensions (CURRENT) "meta-package" for the PHP 7.2 HTML-embedded scripting language
wip/modular-xorg-server-devel (CURRENT) Modular X11 server from modular
wip/py-gdscad (CURRENT) Package for creating, reading, and manipulating GDSII layout files
wip/py-z3solver (CURRENT) Theorem prover from Microsoft Research
math/py-z3solver (CURRENT) Theorem prover from Microsoft Research
www/ruby-coffee-rails4 (CURRENT) Coffee Script adapter for the Rails asset pipeline
mail/ruby-actionmailer51 (CURRENT) Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 5.1)
devel/ruby-actionmailer51 (CURRENT) Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 5.1)
www/ruby-actioncable51 (CURRENT) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 5.1)
www/ruby-actionpack51 (CURRENT) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 5.2)
www/ruby-rails51 (CURRENT) Full-stack web application framework, Rails 5.1
www/ruby-actionview51 (CURRENT) Rendering framework putting the V in MVC (part of Rails 5.1)
databases/ruby-activerecord51 (CURRENT) Object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails 5.1)
devel/ruby-activejob51 (CURRENT) Job classes that can be run by a variety of queueing backends
devel/ruby-activesupport51 (CURRENT) Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 5.1)
devel/ruby-cucumber-tag_expressions (CURRENT) Cucumber Tag Expressions for Ruby
devel/ruby-railties51 (CURRENT) Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 5.1
databases/ruby-railties51 (CURRENT) Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 5.1
devel/ruby-activemodel51 (CURRENT) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 5.1)
wip/vgo (CURRENT) Versioned Go prototype
wip/yad (CURRENT) Tool for creating graphical dialogs from shell scripts
wip/beautysh (CURRENT) Bash beautifier for the masses
converters/py27-cairosvg (CURRENT) Simple SVG Converter for Cairo
graphics/py27-cairosvg (CURRENT) Simple SVG Converter for Cairo
wip/krita (CURRENT) Raster graphics editor for digital painting
wip/opencolorio (CURRENT) Color management solution
wip/yaml-cpp03 (CURRENT) YAML parser and emitter for C++
wip/dnscrypt-proxy2 (CURRENT) DNS proxy with support for encrypted protocols
wip/py-libusb1 (CURRENT) Pure-Python wrapper for libusb-1.0
wip/py-adb (CURRENT) Pure Python implementation of the Android ADB and Fastboot protocols
wip/ripgrep (CURRENT) Line-oriented search tool
wip/sendmail (CURRENT) The well known Mail Transport Agent
wip/shotwell (CURRENT) Photo organizer for the GNOME desktop
net/py-txgithub (CURRENT) GitHub API client using Twisted
wip/openblas_openmp (CURRENT) Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2
wip/openblas_pthread (CURRENT) Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2
wip/libfm-qt (CURRENT) Core library of PCManFM-Qt
wip/tex-miktex (CURRENT) TODO: Short description of the package
wip/py-aniso8601 (CURRENT) Library for parsing ISO 8601 strings
wip/py-factory_boy (CURRENT) Versatile test fixtures replacement
wip/py-flask-restful (CURRENT) Simple framework for creating REST APIs
textproc/yaml-cpp03 (CURRENT) YAML parser and emitter for C++
wip/py-gast (CURRENT) Python AST that abstracts the underlying Python version
wip/py-absl-py (CURRENT) Abseil Python Common Libraries
wip/py-grpcio (CURRENT) HTTP/2-based RPC framework
wip/libretro-craft (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the 'Craft' Minecraft clone
finance/gnucash2 (CURRENT) Personal or business finance management program (v2)
databases/mariadb-connector-c (CURRENT) MariaDB Connector C library
sysutils/py-euca2ools (CURRENT) Command line tools to interact with Amazon Web Services
wip/libstatgrab (CURRENT) Provides a useful interface to system statistics
wip/py-hg-evolve (CURRENT) Mercurial extension for faster and safer mutable history
wip/tex-pgfgantt (CURRENT) Draw Gantt charts with TikZ
wip/vlc2 (CURRENT) VLC media player and streaming server
wip/muparser (CURRENT) Parser for mathematical expressions
lang/spidermonkey52 (CURRENT) Standalone JavaScript implementation in C (major version 52)
wip/unison2.51 (CURRENT) File-synchronization tool
devel/py-kafka (CURRENT) Pure Python client for Apache Kafka
net/unison2.51 (CURRENT) File-synchronization tool
wip/libLLVM-dfbsd (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine shared library
lang/libLLVM-dfbsd (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine shared library
devel/p5-Alien-Role-Alt (CURRENT) Alien::Base role that supports alternates
textproc/p5-Alien-Role-Alt (CURRENT) Alien::Base role that supports alternates
wip/libretro-gearsystem (CURRENT) Libretro core for Sega Master System emulation
wip/libretro-gearboy (CURRENT) Libretro core for the Gearboy Game Boy / Game Boy Color emulator
lang/npm (CURRENT) Package manager for JavaScript
wip/oksh (CURRENT) Portable OpenBSD ksh(1)
devel/py-python-dotenv (CURRENT) Add .env support to your django/flask apps
wip/py-mmh3 (CURRENT) Wrapper for MurmurHash, a set of fast and robust hash functions
wip/printrun (CURRENT) 3D printing host suite
wip/py-django-picklefield (CURRENT) Pickled object field for Django
wip/doom-pwad-shotgun-symphony (CURRENT) Doom mod
geography/R-spatstat.core (CURRENT) Core Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family
math/R-spatstat.core (CURRENT) Core Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family
wip/nsnake (CURRENT) Classic snake game on the terminal
wip/fplll (CURRENT) Lattice algorithms using floating-point arithmetic
wip/pick (CURRENT) A fuzzy search tool for the command-line
sysutils/ripgrep (CURRENT) Line-oriented search tool
wip/py-mulpyplexer (CURRENT) Multiplexes interactions with lists of python objects
wip/py-cooldict (CURRENT) Some useful dict-like structures
wip/py-ana (CURRENT) ana
wip/lariza (CURRENT) Experimental web browser using WebKit2GTK+
wip/py-bintrees (CURRENT) Provides Binary-, RedBlack- and AVL-Trees in Python and Cython
wip/py-deepstate (CURRENT) Augments C/C++ Test-Driven Development with Symbolic Execution
wip/doom2-pwad-lost-civilization (CURRENT) Doom II mod
wip/firefox69-2019Q4 (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions (version 69)
wip/vimb3 (CURRENT) Vim-like webkit browser
wip/py-cairocffi (CURRENT) CFFI-based Cairo bindings for Python
wip/gst-plugins1-hls (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - hls plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins1-hls (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - hls plugin
devel/py-typed-ast (CURRENT) Optional static typing for Python
wip/ganglia-monitor-core-devel (CURRENT) Ganglia cluster monitor, monitoring daemon
net/ganglia-monitor-core-devel (CURRENT) Ganglia cluster monitor, monitoring daemon
security/py-google-reauth (CURRENT) Library to support two-factor authentication
x11/libgnomekbd2 (CURRENT) Gnome keyboard configuration library
wip/singularity (CURRENT) Application container for Linux
wip/dosbox-x (CURRENT) DOSBox with accurate emulation and wide testing
wip/xplr (CURRENT) Hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer
lang/go114 (CURRENT) The Go programming language
databases/ocaml-macaque (CURRENT) Language for SQL queries in OCaml
devel/ocaml-lwt_camlp4 (CURRENT) Camlp4 module for ocaml-lwt
wip/word2vec (CURRENT) Tools for computing distributed representtion of words
wip/libcxx-netbsd (CURRENT) C++ Standard Library
lang/libcxx-netbsd (CURRENT) C++ Standard Library
wip/libcxxabi-netbsd (CURRENT) C++ Standard Library
lang/libcxxabi-netbsd (CURRENT) C++ Standard Library
wip/wget2 (CURRENT) Successor to wget with more modern features
wip/srain (CURRENT) Modern IRC client written in GTK
textproc/go-glob (CURRENT) Go glob
wip/gitea (CURRENT) Compact self-hosted GIT service
wip/emacs26 (CURRENT) GNU editing macros (editor)
graphics/go-resize (CURRENT) Pure Go image resizing
devel/go-debounce (CURRENT) Debouncer written in Go
wip/din (CURRENT) Open source cross-platform sound synthesizer
fonts/tex-mathalfa-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-mathalfa
fonts/tex-mathalfa (CURRENT) General package for loading maths alphabets in LaTeX
math/go-units (CURRENT) Helpful unit multipliers and functions for Go
wip/go-madon (CURRENT) Golang library for the Mastodon API
devel/go-madon (CURRENT) Golang library for the Mastodon API
net/go-madon (CURRENT) Golang library for the Mastodon API
wip/go-pty (CURRENT) Go package for using unix pseudo-terminals
wip/go-ghodss-yaml (CURRENT) YAML marshaling and unmarshaling support for Go
textproc/go-ghodss-yaml (CURRENT) YAML marshaling and unmarshaling support for Go
wip/go-kr-text (CURRENT) Go package for manipulating paragraphs of text
wip/go-rest (CURRENT) SendGrid's Golang HTTP Client for calling APIs
devel/go-rest (CURRENT) SendGrid's Golang HTTP Client for calling APIs
wip/tootstream (CURRENT) Command line interface for interacting with Mastodon instances
www/tootstream (CURRENT) Command line interface for interacting with Mastodon instances
wip/ (CURRENT) Python wrapper for the Mastodon API
devel/ (CURRENT) Python wrapper for the Mastodon API
www/ (CURRENT) Python wrapper for the Mastodon API
wip/py-emoji (CURRENT) Emoji terminal output for Python
wip/py-colored (CURRENT) Python library for coloring terminal text
wip/toot (CURRENT) Command line client for the Mastodon social network API
archivers/go-xz (CURRENT) Pure golang package for reading and writing xz-compressed files
wip/ppc-morphos-binutils (CURRENT) Binutils for ppc-morphos
wip/tex-smartdiagram (CURRENT) Generate diagrams from lists
math/p5-Math-Systems (CURRENT) Solve simultaneous equation
wip/muffin (CURRENT) Cinnamon window manager
wip/py-undebt (CURRENT) Fast, straightforward, reliable tool for code refactoring
wip/py-jsonpickle (CURRENT) Serializing any arbitrary object graph into JSON
wip/py-semver (CURRENT) Python package to work with Semantic Versioning
devel/ruby-highline17 (CURRENT) High-level console IO library
net/ruby-highline17 (CURRENT) High-level console IO library
security/ruby-highline17 (CURRENT) High-level console IO library
wip/py-priority (CURRENT) Pure-Python implementation of the HTTP/2 priority tree
www/firefox60-l10n (CURRENT) Language packs for www/firefox60 (version 60)
www/firefox60 (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions (version 60ESR)
wip/honggfuzz (CURRENT) Security oriented fuzzer based on code coverage
wip/p5-XML-Twig (CURRENT) Perl module for processing huge XML documents
lang/python37 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
wip/ppc-morphos-sdk (CURRENT) SDK for ppc-morphos-gcc
wip/range-v3 (CURRENT) Range library for C++14/17/20
devel/go-fnmatch (CURRENT) Update clone of kballards golang fnmatch gist
devel/py-contextvars (CURRENT) PEP 567 Backport
lang/go19 (CURRENT) The Go programming language, version 1.9
devel/go-godef (CURRENT) Print where symbols are defined in Go source code
www/go-gogs-client (CURRENT) Gogs API client in Go
www/go-webhooks (CURRENT) Webhook receiver for GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab
lang/R-codetools (CURRENT) Code analysis tools for R
comms/asterisk15 (CURRENT) The Asterisk Software PBX
net/asterisk15 (CURRENT) The Asterisk Software PBX
textproc/go-tablewriter (CURRENT) ASCII table in Go
www/joomla (CURRENT) Dynamic web content management system (CMS)
wip/geomyidae (CURRENT) Gopher daemon for Linux/BSD
graphics/go-smartcrop (CURRENT) Tool to find good image crops for arbitrary crop sizes
devel/go-sync (CURRENT) Concurrency primitives for Go
devel/go-colorable (CURRENT) Colorable writer for Windows
sysutils/xenkernel411 (CURRENT) Xen 4.11.x Kernel
sysutils/xentools411 (CURRENT) Userland Tools for Xen 4.11.x
devel/py-oset (CURRENT) Python library for ordered sets
wip/flnews (CURRENT) Fast and lightweight USENET newsreader with GUI
wip/libcanlock (CURRENT) Standalone RFC 8315 Netnews Cancel-Lock implementation
wip/canlock-hp (CURRENT) Parsers for RFC 5536 message headers and RFC 8315 header fields
wip/djbsort (CURRENT) Library for sorting arrays of integers
wip/navit-current (CURRENT) GPS car navigation system
wip/py-cryptodomex (CURRENT) Cryptographic and hash functions for Python
wip/nostt (CURRENT) Command line NOS Teletekst reader
wip/tin (CURRENT) USENET newsreader (termcap based)
wip/slrn (CURRENT) Highly customizable threaded newsreader
lang/py37-html-docs (CURRENT) HTML Documentation for Python 3.7
emulators/retroarch-assets (CURRENT) Assets for RetroArch
emulators/libretro-database (CURRENT) ROM scanning data provided by the libretro project
emulators/libretro-glsl-shaders (CURRENT) Libretro GLSL shaders
wip/mblaze (CURRENT) Set of Maildir utilities
emulators/libretro-fbalpha (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the FB Alpha arcade game emulator
wip/json-glib (CURRENT) JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications
net/mikutter-plugins-twitter (CURRENT) Plugins for mikutter to use Twitter
wip/xrn (CURRENT) USENET Newsreader for the X window system
databases/postgresql96-fuzzystrmatch (CURRENT) PostgreSQL fuzzystrmatch contribution
wip/gst-plugins1-libvisual (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - audio visualization plugin
wip/tex-worldflags-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-worldflags
www/py-hstspreload (CURRENT) Chromium HSTS Preload list
wip/featherpad (CURRENT) Lightweight Qt5 plain-text editor
wip/statzone (CURRENT) DNS zone file analyzer targeted at TLD zones
devel/py-setuptools_scm_git_archive (CURRENT) Setuptools_scm plugin for git archives
wip/gst-plugins1-vpx (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - VP8/VP9 plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-vorbis (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - Vorbis audio plugin
www/py-cherrypy17 (CURRENT) Pythonic, object-oriented HTTP framework
net/bind912 (CURRENT) Berkeley Internet Name Daemon implementation of DNS, version 9.12
net/bind911 (CURRENT) Berkeley Internet Name Daemon implementation of DNS, version 9.11
wip/hplibunwind-git (CURRENT) NONGNU libunwind
lang/hplibunwind-git (CURRENT) NONGNU libunwind
wip/miniircd (CURRENT) Simple Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server written in Python
wip/gambas3-gb-qt4-webkit (CURRENT) Web browser component for Gambas based on WebKit/Qt4
wip/alure (CURRENT) Helps manage common tasks with OpenAL applications
wip/gambas3-gb-qt4-opengl (CURRENT) OpenGL for Gambas applications with Qt4
wip/gambas3-gb-qt4 (CURRENT) Qt4 toolkit implementation for Gambas
wip/go-trie (CURRENT) Trie implementation in Go
wip/py-gobject3-common (CURRENT) Python version independent files for glib2 gobject bindings
wip/free42 (CURRENT) HP42S Calculator Simulator
wip/efl121 (CURRENT) Enlightenment foundation libraries
wip/go-gopacket (CURRENT) Packet processing capabilities for Go
wip/gambas3-gb-qt4-ext (CURRENT) Qt4 toolkit extension for Gambas
wip/py-gobject3 (CURRENT) Python bindings for glib2 gobject
devel/go-appengine (CURRENT) Go App Engine packages
devel/go-godotenv (CURRENT) Go port of the Ruby dotenv library
devel/go-colortext (CURRENT) Change the color of console text
wip/rust-bin (CURRENT) Safe, concurrent, practical language
wip/cleanscore (CURRENT) Clean SLRN's score file
devel/go-godirwalk (CURRENT) Fast directory traversal for Golang
devel/go-logrus (CURRENT) Structured, pluggable logging for Go
misc/go-genproto-googleapis-rpc (CURRENT) Generated Go packages for RPC
wip/sdl-hercules-crypto (CURRENT) The SoftDevLabs version of crypto for Hercules 4.x
wip/tbb (CURRENT) Library that provides thread building blocks
wip/openrct2 (CURRENT) Open source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
wip/salmon (CURRENT) Transcript-level quantification of RNA-seq from lightweight alignments
wip/cdhit (CURRENT) Clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences
wip/trinity-devel (CURRENT) Assembles transcript sequences from Illumina RNA-Seq data
lang/go111 (CURRENT) The Go programming language
lang/go110 (CURRENT) The Go programming language
wip/bosh (CURRENT) The Schily Bourne Shell
wip/libdivecomputer (CURRENT) Library for communication with dive computers
devel/py-python-slugify (CURRENT) Slugify (non-ASCII to ASCII) application that handles Unicode
www/py-python-slugify (CURRENT) Slugify (non-ASCII to ASCII) application that handles Unicode
wip/R-rematch (CURRENT) Wrapper on regexpr to extract matches and captured groups
wip/swi-prolog-lite (CURRENT) ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler
wip/swi-prolog-packages (CURRENT) Packages for SWI Prolog
wip/R-cellranger (CURRENT) Helper functions to work with spreadsheets
biology/R-cellranger (CURRENT) Helper functions to work with spreadsheets
wip/R-readxl (CURRENT) Read excel files into R tables
wip/swi-prolog-jpl (CURRENT) Packages for SWI Prolog
wip/smake (CURRENT) Highly portable UNIX make implementation
wip/zathura-pdf-poppler (CURRENT) Add PDF support to zathura using poppler rendering engine
wip/minizip (CURRENT) Zip and UnZip additionnal library
wip/pbosh (CURRENT) The Schily Bourne Shell
wip/star (CURRENT) Unique standard tape archiver
wip/synapse (CURRENT) Reference homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol
wip/qfusion (CURRENT) Game engine derived from id Tech 2
wip/mrrescue (CURRENT) Arcade-style fire fighting game
wip/not_tetris (CURRENT) Gravity-controlled tetris
wip/love08 (CURRENT) Framework for making 2D games in Lua
wip/sienna (CURRENT) One button platformer
wip/mari0 (CURRENT) Recreation of Super Mario Bros
wip/zathura-pdf-mupdf-git (CURRENT) Add PDF support to zathura using mupdf rendering engine
wip/love09 (CURRENT) Framework for making 2D games in Lua
wip/love07 (CURRENT) Framework for making 2D games in Lua
wip/love010 (CURRENT) Framework for making 2D games in Lua
wip/libaom (CURRENT) Library for using AV1, video coding format
wip/not_pacman (CURRENT) Gravity-controlled pacman
wip/go-dotenv (CURRENT) Go parsing library for the dotenv format
wip/chicken5 (CURRENT) Scheme to C compiler, handling R5RS
wip/sdl-hercules-softfloat (CURRENT) The SoftDevLabs version of SoftFloat for Hercules 4.x
wip/sowm (CURRENT) Itsy bitsy floating window manager
graphics/MesaLib18 (CURRENT) The Mesa 3D Graphics Library
emulators/libretro-reicast (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Reicast Sega Dreamcast emulator
emulators/libretro-dolphin (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the Dolphin GameCube/Wii emulator
textproc/py-ptable (CURRENT) Simple Python library for easily displaying tabular data
wip/py-setuptools-rust (CURRENT) Setuptools plugin for Rust support
net/onionbalance (CURRENT) Tor onion service load balancer
devel/py-ZopeTestrunner (CURRENT) Zope testrunner script
databases/postgresql11-pltcl (CURRENT) PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql11 (CURRENT) Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
databases/postgresql11-client (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database client programs
databases/postgresql11-contrib (CURRENT) Contrib subtree of tools and plug-ins
databases/postgresql11-docs (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database documentation
databases/postgresql11-server (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database server programs
databases/postgresql11-plpython (CURRENT) PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql11-plperl (CURRENT) PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
lang/cbindgen (CURRENT) Generates C bindings from Rust code
wip/ruby-asciidoctor (CURRENT) Convert AsciiDoc to HTML and more
print/ruby-asciidoctor (CURRENT) Convert AsciiDoc to HTML and more
wip/enchant (CURRENT) Generic spell checking library
wip/unittest-cpp (CURRENT) Lightweight unit testing framework for C++
devel/ruby-google-protobuf (CURRENT) Protocol Buffers are Google's data interchange format
wip/icewm14 (CURRENT) Small, fast and light-weight window manager
devel/halfempty (CURRENT) Fast, parallel test case minimization tool
wip/R-quantreg (CURRENT) Quantile Regression
wip/py-biopython (CURRENT) Collection of Python modules for bioinformatics
wip/py-snakemake (CURRENT) Reduce the complexity of creating workflows
wip/qemu-nvmm (CURRENT) CPU emulator using dynamic translation
wip/hmmer (CURRENT) Profile hidden Markov models for biological sequence analysis
wip/vimb2 (CURRENT) Vim-like webkit browser
regress/show-all (CURRENT) Demonstrates the show-all target
wip/gst-plugins1-dash (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - dash plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins1-dash (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - dash plugin
wip/bcftools (CURRENT) Tools for manipulating BCF and VCF variant call files
wip/R-data.table (CURRENT) Extension of `data.frame`
print/py-weasyprint0 (CURRENT) Converts HTML/CSS documents to PDF (Python 2.x version)
wip/sickgear-git (CURRENT) Management of TV shows and/or Anime
devel/go-hashstructure (CURRENT) Get hash values for arbitrary values in Go
devel/go-kingpin.v3-unstable (CURRENT) Golang command line and flag parser, unstable v3
devel/go-repr (CURRENT) Python's repr() for Go
devel/go-colour (CURRENT) Colour terminal text for Go
devel/go-mapstructure-bep (CURRENT) Library for decoding generic map values into native structures
devel/go-humanize (CURRENT) Go library for formatters for units to human friendly sizes
devel/go-try (CURRENT) Idiomatic Go retry package
www/go-urlesc (CURRENT) Proper URL escaping as per RFC3986
textproc/go-chroma (CURRENT) General purpose syntax highlighter in pure Go
textproc/go-diff (CURRENT) Diff, match and patch text in Go
textproc/go-regexp2 (CURRENT) Regex engine for Go based on the .NET engine
devel/go-locker (CURRENT) Golang package using named read/write locks
devel/go-assert (CURRENT) Go assertion library
graphics/go-imaging (CURRENT) Simple image processing package for Go
www/go-parse (CURRENT) Go parsers for web formats
www/go-libsass (CURRENT) Go wrapper for libsass, the only Sass 3.5 compiler for Go
www/go-tocss (CURRENT) Simple to use Go API for LibSass. Uses CGO
www/go-spritewell (CURRENT) Native go implementation of image composition for CSS spriting
devel/lua-bitlib (CURRENT) Lua 5.2 bit manipulation library
wip/tealdeer (CURRENT) Simplified, example based and community-driven man pages
devel/py-prompt_toolkit2 (CURRENT) Library for building powerful interactive command lines
wip/openjazz (CURRENT) Open source reimplementation of the Jazz Jackrabbit games
graphics/adapta-gtk-theme (CURRENT) Adaptive Gtk+ theme based on Material Design
wip/qemu-haxm (CURRENT) CPU emulator using dynamic translation
wip/sdl-hercules-decnumber (CURRENT) The SoftDevLabs version of decNumber for Hercules 4.x
wip/haxm (CURRENT) Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager
wip/librsvg (CURRENT) SVG library for GNOME
wip/p5-Net-OAuth2-AuthorizationServer (CURRENT) Easier implementation of an OAuth2 Authorization Server
wip/p5-Mojolicious (CURRENT) Perl web framework: The Web In A Box!
wip/p5-Mojo-JWT (CURRENT) JSON Web Token the Mojo way
wip/p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-OAuth2-Server (CURRENT) OAuth2 Authorization Server with Mojolicious
wip/sdl-hercules-telnet (CURRENT) The SoftDevLabs version of telnet library for Hercules 4.x
wip/py-libvirt490 (CURRENT) libvirt python library
sysutils/py-libvirt490 (CURRENT) libvirt python library
wip/libvirt490 (CURRENT) Virtualisation toolkit for host operating systems
wip/py-asciinema (CURRENT) Terminal session recorder
wip/within (CURRENT) Run a command in other directories
wip/json-yaml (CURRENT) Convert JSON to YAML
misc/ruby-mimemagic (CURRENT) Fast mime detection by extension or content
wip/slurm-wlm (CURRENT) Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management
wip/stacks2 (CURRENT) Software pipeline for building loci from short-read sequences
wip/cliqz (CURRENT) Secure browser (Mozilla based) with built-in quick search
wip/sc-im (CURRENT) Curses-based spreadsheet program based on sc
wip/libxlsxwriter (CURRENT) C library for creating Microsoft Excel files
wip/libxls (CURRENT) Extract cell data from legacy Microsoft Excel files
devel/libxls (CURRENT) Extract cell data from legacy Microsoft Excel files
wip/bcal (CURRENT) Storage and general-purpose calculator
wip/enlightenment0224 (CURRENT) Enlightenment desktop
wip/kodi (CURRENT) Open source software media center
lang/php73 (CURRENT) PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 7.3
meta-pkgs/php73-extensions (CURRENT) "meta-package" for the PHP 7.3 HTML-embedded scripting language
wip/nnn (CURRENT) Optimized, feature-packed terminal file manager
wip/scm-blackbox (CURRENT) Safely store secrets in Git/Mercurial/Subversion
wip/validns (CURRENT) DNS and DNSSEC zone file validator
wip/libdazzle (CURRENT) Companion library to GObject and Gtk+
wip/neko (CURRENT) The Neko virtual machine
wip/libretro-mame2010 (CURRENT) Libretro core based on the MAME 0.139 arcade game emulator
wip/R-hms (CURRENT) Pretty Time of Day
wip/R-progress (CURRENT) Configurable terminal-based progress bars
wip/go112 (CURRENT) The Go programming language
wip/heimdal (CURRENT) Kerberos 5 implementation
wip/gdb-netbsd-wip (CURRENT) Symbolic debugger for multiple language frontends
wip/gdl (CURRENT) Gnome Devtool Libraries
wip/bdfresize (CURRENT) Tool for resizing BDF format fonts
wip/guile30 (CURRENT) Official extension language for the GNU operating system
wip/inspircd (CURRENT) Modular Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server
wip/inkscape-snapshot (CURRENT) Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) editor
wip/bdf2sfd (CURRENT) BDF to SFD converter
wip/xtrkcad (CURRENT) CAD program for designing model railroads
wip/R-png (CURRENT) Read and write PNG images
wip/p5-GeoIP2 (CURRENT) Perl API for MaxMind's GeoIP2 web services and databases
net/go-framestream (CURRENT) Go language implementation of framestream protocol
wip/pinentry-fltk (CURRENT) Applications for entering PINs or Passphrases, FLTK enabled
wip/pinentry-gtk2 (CURRENT) Applications for entering PINs or Passphrases, GTK+ enabled
wip/trader (CURRENT) Simple text-based game of interstellar trading
wip/tex-listofitems (CURRENT) Grab items in lists using user-specified sep char
wip/tex-newunicodechar (CURRENT) Definitions of the meaning of Unicode characters
wip/gnurl (CURRENT) Client that groks URLs (micro fork of curl)
wip/tex-newunicodechar-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-newunicodechar
wip/tex-etoc (CURRENT) Completely customisable TOCs
wip/tex-listofitems-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-listofitems
wip/tex-stackengine-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-stackengine
wip/tex-etoc-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-etoc
wip/tex-stackengine (CURRENT) Highly customised stacking of objects
wip/guile-sqlite3 (CURRENT) Guile bindings for the SQLite3 database engine
fonts/unicode-ucd (CURRENT) Unicode Character Database
wip/qodem (CURRENT) Re-implementation of the DOS-era Qmodem serial communications package
wip/guile-bytestructures (CURRENT) Structured access to bytevector contents
wip/libansilove (CURRENT) Library for converting ANSI, ASCII, and other formats to PNG
wip/p5-Math-Int128 (CURRENT) Manipulate 128 bits integers in Perl
wip/coma (CURRENT) Keyboard driven tiling window manager
wip/ttyplot (CURRENT) Realtime plotting utility for terminals
wip/p5-Test-HexDifferences (CURRENT) Test binary as hexadecimal string
wip/multimail (CURRENT) Offline mail reader for Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN, SOUP and OPX
lang/libLLVM4 (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine shared library
wip/ircd-hybrid (CURRENT) IRC server with many options
wip/kore (CURRENT) Web application framework for writing scalable web APIs in C
wip/stagit (CURRENT) Static git page generator
www/gnurl (CURRENT) Client that groks URLs (micro fork of curl)
lang/ruby26 (CURRENT) Ruby programming language 2.6.10 meta package
lang/ruby26-base (CURRENT) Ruby 2.6.10 release minimum base package
devel/ruby-i18n12 (CURRENT) New wave Internationalization support for Ruby
wip/spotifyd (CURRENT) Open source Spotify client running as a UNIX daemon
wip/gromacs2018 (CURRENT) Molecular dynamics package
wip/anope (CURRENT) Modular set of IRC services
wip/py-distro (CURRENT) OS platform information API
wip/conan (CURRENT) C/C++ package manager
wip/py-pylint (CURRENT) Python source code analyzer
wip/p5-Data-IEEE754 (CURRENT) Pack and unpack big-endian IEEE754 floats and doubles
wip/p5-Test-Bits (CURRENT) Provides a bits_is() subroutine for testing binary data
wip/p5-Net-Works (CURRENT) Sane APIs for IP addresses and networks
wip/p5-MaxMind-DB-Common (CURRENT) Code shared by the MaxMind DB reader and writer modules
wip/guile-git (CURRENT) Guile bindings of libgit2
wip/libextractor (CURRENT) Metadata extractor for various file data types
wip/p5-Data-Validate-IP (CURRENT) IPv4 and IPv6 validation methods
wip/p5-MaxMind-DB-Reader (CURRENT) Read MaxMind DB files and look up IP addresses
wip/valgrind (CURRENT) Debugging and profiling tools
wip/qtermwidget (CURRENT) Terminal emulator widget for Qt5
mail/p5-Mail-Box-IMPAP4 (CURRENT) Handle IMAP4 folders as client
wip/llvm-dfbsd (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lang/llvm-dfbsd (CURRENT) Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
wip/guile-gcrypt (CURRENT) Guile bindings for libgcrypt
wip/guile-json (CURRENT) JSON module for Guile
wip/swi-prolog (CURRENT) ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler suite
wip/motyl (CURRENT) Opinionated blog-aware static site generator
wip/lxqt-sudo (CURRENT) LXQt GUI frontend for sudo
wip/guile-commonmark (CURRENT) Implementation of CommonMark for Guile
wip/guile-syntax-highlight (CURRENT) General-purpose syntax highlighting library for GNU Guile
wip/guile-haunt (CURRENT) Functional static web site generator
wip/guix (CURRENT) Functional package manager
wip/bdf2psf (CURRENT) Convert a BDF font to PSF format for the Linux console
wip/p5-MaxMind-DB-Writer (CURRENT) Create MaxMind DB database files
wip/MesaLib-dfbsd-meson (CURRENT) The Mesa 3D Graphics Library
graphics/MesaLib-dfbsd-meson (CURRENT) The Mesa 3D Graphics Library
mail/ruby-actionmailer52 (CURRENT) Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 5.2)
devel/ruby-actionmailer52 (CURRENT) Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 5.2)
devel/ruby-railties52 (CURRENT) Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 5.2
databases/ruby-railties52 (CURRENT) Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 5.2
devel/ruby-activestorage52 (CURRENT) Local and cloud file storage framework (part of Rails 5.2)
devel/ruby-activejob52 (CURRENT) Job classes that can be run by a variety of queueing backends
devel/ruby-activemodel52 (CURRENT) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 5.2)
devel/ruby-activesupport52 (CURRENT) Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 5.2)
www/ruby-actionview52 (CURRENT) Rendering framework putting the V in MVC (part of Rails 5.2)
www/ruby-actioncable52 (CURRENT) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 5.2)
www/ruby-actionpack52 (CURRENT) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 5.2)
www/ruby-rack-test06 (CURRENT) Simple testing API built on Rack 0.6
www/ruby-rails52 (CURRENT) Full-stack web application framework, Rails 5.2
databases/ruby-activerecord52 (CURRENT) Object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails 5.2)
misc/ruby-bundler1 (CURRENT) Manage your application's dependencies
wip/surf1 (CURRENT) Surf is a fast and minimalistic web browser based on WebKit/GTK+
wip/love11 (CURRENT) Framework for making 2D games in Lua
lang/go112 (CURRENT) The Go programming language
wip/glm (CURRENT) C++ mathematics library for software based on the OpenGL GLSL
wip/restic (CURRENT) Fast, secure, efficient backup program
wip/gopass (CURRENT) The slightly more awesome Standard Unix Password Manager for Teams
wip/packer (CURRENT) Tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms
wip/py-ggplot (CURRENT) Python implementation of the grammar of graphics
wip/py-codestyle (CURRENT) Python style guide checker
wip/py-lama (CURRENT) Code audit tool for python
wip/py-google-auth (CURRENT) Google Authentication Library
wip/tarlz (CURRENT) Combined implementation of tar archiver and lzip compressor
wip/py-kubernetes (CURRENT) Python client for kubernetes
net/py-kubernetes (CURRENT) Python client for kubernetes
x11/libdmx (CURRENT) Distributed, multi-headed X protocol headers from modular
wip/iosevka-cc-ttf (CURRENT) Slender typeface for code, from code
wip/lapack-ng (CURRENT) Linear Algebra PACKage (Netlib reference code)
wip/nlohmann-json (CURRENT) JSON library for Modern C++
wip/iosevka-term-ttf (CURRENT) Slender typeface for code, from code
wip/iosevka-type-ttf (CURRENT) Slender typeface for code, from code
wip/lapacke-ng (CURRENT) C interface to a LAPACK library
wip/cblas-ng (CURRENT) C interface to a BLAS library
wip/freerdp (CURRENT) Free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol
wip/oneko (CURRENT) Neko (cat) or other animals follow your pointer
wip/wireshark (CURRENT) Network protocol analyzer
wip/lapacke (CURRENT) C interface to a LAPACK library
wip/lapack (CURRENT) Linear Algebra PACKage (Netlib reference implementation)
wip/laszip (CURRENT) LASzip - free and lossless LiDAR compression
wip/blas (CURRENT) Basic Linear Algebra System (Netlib reference implementation)
wip/curl (CURRENT) Client that groks URLs
wip/go-gomail (CURRENT) The best way to send emails in Go
wip/arduino-builder (CURRENT) Command line tool able to build arduino sketches
wip/go-paths-helper (CURRENT) TODO: Short description of the package
wip/go-properties-map (CURRENT) TODO: Short description of the package
wip/py-Keras_Applications (CURRENT) Reference implementations of popular deep learning models
wip/py-Keras_Preprocessing (CURRENT) Data preprocessing and augmentation for deep learning models
wip/aiomixer (CURRENT) NetBSD audio mixer
wip/libmicrohttpd (CURRENT) Small C library to run an HTTP server as part of another app
databases/go-ldap (CURRENT) Basic LDAP v3 functionality for the GO programming language
wip/gpsbabel (CURRENT) Utility to convert and fetch GPS related data
wip/patchelf (CURRENT) Modify the dynamic linker and RPATH of ELF binaries
wip/dbip-country-lite (CURRENT) DB-IP IP to Country Lite: IPv4/v6 address to country
wip/vvvvvv (CURRENT) 2D puzzle platform video game with gravity reversal
wip/dbip-city-lite (CURRENT) DB-IP IP to City Lite: IPv4/v6 address to city
wip/bareos-clientonly (CURRENT) Backup Archiving REcovery Open Sourced - client
wip/tesseract (CURRENT) First-person shooter game based on Cube 2
wip/termtosvg (CURRENT) Record terminal sessions as SVG animations
wip/endless-sky (CURRENT) Space exploration and combat game similar to Escape Velocity
www/cliqz (CURRENT) Secure browser (Mozilla based) with built-in quick search
wip/coyim (CURRENT) Safe and secure by default chat client
wip/libaec (CURRENT) Adaptive entropy coding library
wip/docbook2mdoc (CURRENT) Convert DocBook documentation into man pages (mdoc)
wip/kicad-symbols (CURRENT) Schematic symbol libraries for the schematic CAD software
wip/kicad-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for the PCB CAD software
wip/kicad-footprints (CURRENT) components footprints for the PCB CAD software
wip/kicad-i18n (CURRENT) user interface translations for the PCB CAD software
wip/kicad-packages3d (CURRENT) 3D models for rendering and the MCAD software
wip/kicad-templates (CURRENT) Project templates for the schematic CAD software
wip/squid4 (CURRENT) TODO: Short description of the package
wip/wayland-protocols (CURRENT) Decor, menu, resize, clipboard, swipe, input, dialog
wip/glade (CURRENT) User interface builder for the GTK3+ toolkit
net/bind914 (CURRENT) Berkeley Internet Name Daemon implementation of DNS, version 9.14
wip/gpsd (CURRENT) GPS information daemon
wip/openssh8 (CURRENT) Open Source Secure shell client and server (remote login program)
wip/alac (CURRENT) Basic decoder for Apple Lossless Audio Codec files (ALAC)
chat/inspircd3 (CURRENT) Modular Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server (v3 branch)
wip/stagit-gopher (CURRENT) Static git page generator for gopher
wip/libdecaf (CURRENT) Implementation of elliptic curve cryptography
wip/ocaml-cairo (CURRENT) Bindings for OCaml to the cairo library
wip/ocaml-lablgtk3 (CURRENT) GTK+ 3.x bindings for OCaml
wip/libpbc (CURRENT) Pair-based cryptographic library based on Gap Diffie Helman groups
wip/libgabe (CURRENT) Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption library, fork of libbswabe
wip/arqiver (CURRENT) Simple Qt5 archive manager
wip/py-sklearn-pandas (CURRENT) Pandas integration with sklearn
wip/py-jsonrpclib-pelix (CURRENT) Implementation of the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification
wip/py-aiorpcx (CURRENT) Generic async RPC implementation, including JSON-RPC
net/py-aiorpcx (CURRENT) Generic async RPC implementation, including JSON-RPC
wip/py-aiohttp-socks (CURRENT) SOCKS proxy connector for aiohttp
wip/eyeD3 (CURRENT) Python tool for working with audio files (in particular, mp3)
wip/go-pkgconfig (CURRENT) Go clone of pkg-config(1)
wip/go-bytebufferpool (CURRENT) Implementation of a pool of byte buffers with anti-memory-waste protection for Go
wip/go-cpuid (CURRENT) CPU feature identification for Go
wip/go-fasthttp (CURRENT) Fast HTTP package for Go
wip/go-xxhash (CURRENT) Go implementation of the 64bit xxhash algorithm XXh64
wip/go-compress (CURRENT) Optimized compression packages for Go
wip/go-tcplisten (CURRENT) Customizable TCP net.Listener for Go
wip/cJSON (CURRENT) Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C
wip/go-sqlite3 (CURRENT) Sqlite3 driver for Go using database/sql
wip/bat (CURRENT) Clone of cat with syntax highlighting
wip/exa (CURRENT) Replacement for ls(1) written in Rust
wip/sauerbraten (CURRENT) First-person shooter game based on Cube 2
wip/spice-gtk (CURRENT) GTK+ widget for SPICE clients
wip/bc-gh (CURRENT) Implementation of POSIX bc with GNU extensions
wip/go-argv (CURRENT) Go library to split command line string into arguments array
wip/oshu (CURRENT) Fast osu! port
wip/woof (CURRENT) Continuation of Lee Killough's Doom source port MBF
wip/rt4-cli (CURRENT) Command-line interface to RT 3.0 or newer
wip/mhpgp (CURRENT) MH scripts to assist PGP operations on emails
wip/go-mux (CURRENT) URL router and dispatcher for Go
wip/go-spew (CURRENT) Deep pretty printer for Go data structures
wip/guile-gash (CURRENT) POSIX-compatible shell written in Guile Scheme
wip/xnedit (CURRENT) Fork of NEdit with Unicode support and antialiased text
print/tex-ifetex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-ifetex
print/tex-ifetex (CURRENT) Provides \ifetex switch
wip/neofetch (CURRENT) Command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+
audio/cantata (CURRENT) Qt5 Graphical MPD Client
wip/cannonball (CURRENT) Enhanced OutRun Engine
wip/qt6-qtmultimedia (CURRENT) Qt6 module with multimedia
wip/gst-plugins1-twolame (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - MP2 encoder plugin
wip/qt6-qtwebchannel (CURRENT) Qt6 webchannel module
wip/gst-plugins1-dvdread (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - DVD plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-soundtouch (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - SoundTouch plugin
wip/wine32 (CURRENT) Compatibility layer for running Microsoft Windows Applications
wip/gophervalidator-git (CURRENT) Gopher validator and happy helper
wip/zola (CURRENT) Static website generator
wip/doomlegacy (CURRENT) The legacy of Doom
wip/libxml2-32 (CURRENT) XML parser library from the GNOME project
wip/caprice32 (CURRENT) Emulator of the Amstrad CPC 8bit home computer range
math/py-scipy12 (CURRENT) Scientific Algorithms Library for Python
wip/7kaa-music (CURRENT) Music files for use with 7KAA
wip/sfeed (CURRENT) RSS and Atom parser
wip/youtube-dl (CURRENT) Command-line program to download videos from YouTube
wip/minetest (CURRENT) Infinite-world block sandbox with survival and crafting
wip/iosevka-cc-slab-ttf (CURRENT) Slender typeface for code, from code
wip/iosevka-term-slab-ttf (CURRENT) Slender typeface for code, from code
wip/iosevka-type-slab-ttf (CURRENT) Slender typeface for code, from code
wip/obs-studio (CURRENT) Video recording and live streaming software
wip/wcslib (CURRENT) FITS World Coordinate Systems library
wip/assaultcube (CURRENT) Cube-based FPS with realistic environments
wip/giflib-32 (CURRENT) GIF image format library
wip/mit-krb5-32 (CURRENT) MIT Kerberos 5 authentication system
wip/freetype2-32 (CURRENT) Font rendering engine and library API
wip/lcms2-32 (CURRENT) Little Color Management System - a color management library
wip/ncurses-32 (CURRENT) CRT screen handling and optimization package
wip/tiff-32 (CURRENT) Library and tools for reading and writing TIFF data files
wip/png-32 (CURRENT) Library for manipulating PNG images
wip/libxslt-32 (CURRENT) XSLT parser library from the GNOME project
wip/xmix (CURRENT) Mixer for X Window System
wip/nxengine-evo (CURRENT) Complete rewrite of the platform-adventure game Cave Story
wip/lf (CURRENT) Terminal file manager
wip/cbmbasic (CURRENT) Portable implementation of Commodore BASIC
wip/imv (CURRENT) Image viewer for X11/Wayland
wip/pijul (CURRENT) Distributed version control system
wip/ruby-typhoeus (CURRENT) Wraps libcurl in order to make fast and reliable requests
wip/jpeg-32 (CURRENT) IJG's jpeg compression utilities
wip/alacritty (CURRENT) Cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
wip/libgpg-error-32 (CURRENT) Definitions of common error values for all GnuPG components
wip/libgcrypt-32 (CURRENT) GNU cryptographic library
wip/quickjs (CURRENT) Small and embeddable Javascript engine
wip/tinyproxy (CURRENT) Lightweight HTTP/SSL proxy
wip/go113 (CURRENT) The Go programming language
wip/light (CURRENT) Control backlights (and other hardware lights) under Linux
devel/ocaml-ppxfind (CURRENT) OCamlfind ppx tool
wip/usbutil (CURRENT) USB developer utilities
wip/rust-bindgen (CURRENT) Automatically generate Rust FFI bindings to C (and some C++) libraries
sysutils/exa (CURRENT) Replacement for ls(1) written in Rust
wip/cargo-audit (CURRENT) Audit Cargo.lock files for crates with security vulnerabilities
devel/cargo-audit (CURRENT) Audit Cargo.lock files for crates with security vulnerabilities
wip/fontconfig-32 (CURRENT) Library for configuring and customizing font access
wip/libuuid-32 (CURRENT) Generate unique identifiers for objects
wip/expat-32 (CURRENT) XML parser library written in C
wip/feathernotes (CURRENT) Lightweight Qt5 hierarchical notes-manager
wip/preftools (CURRENT) Command line utilities for ballot counting
wip/amp-editor (CURRENT) Texteditor inspired by Vim
security/hs-x509 (CURRENT) X509 reader and writer
wip/minisign (CURRENT) Dead simple tool to sign files and verify signatures
net/unison2.48 (CURRENT) File-synchronization tool (2.48 branch)
R/R-codetools (CURRENT) Code analysis tools for R
R/R-clim.pact (CURRENT) Climate analysis and downscaling for monthly and daily data
R/R-maps (CURRENT) Draw geographical maps
R/R-geoRglm (CURRENT) Package for generalised linear spatial models
wip/sdl-hercules-hyperion (CURRENT) The SoftDevLabs version of Hercules 4.x (Hyperion)
wip/mono6 (CURRENT) Open source implementation of the .NET Development Framework
security/hs-cryptonite (CURRENT) Cryptography Primitives sink
wip/shotcut (CURRENT) Free, open source, cross-platform video editor
wip/py-esptool (CURRENT) Firmware tool for ESP8266/ESP32
wip/py-nodemcu-uploader (CURRENT) Tool to upload files to a nodemcu/ESP8266 device
math/R-codetools (CURRENT) Code analysis tools for R
wip/ppc-morphos-gcc-9 (CURRENT) GCC 9 for ppc-morphos
wip/xournalpp (CURRENT) Handwriting notetaking software with PDF annotation support
wip/swc (CURRENT) small Wayland compositor implemented as a library
wip/velox (CURRENT) simple window manager based on swc
wip/wld (CURRENT) drawing library that targets Wayland
wip/tokei (CURRENT) Displays statistics about code
wip/gdb-netbsd (CURRENT) Symbolic debugger for multiple language frontends
lang/mozjs60 (CURRENT) SpiderMonkey JavaScript library (60.x branch)
wip/ibm-plex-otf (CURRENT) IBM plex typeface (OpenType)
wip/ibm-plex-ttf (CURRENT) IBM plex typeface (TrueType)
wip/doom2-pwad-preacher (CURRENT) Doom II mod
wip/doom2-pwad-struggle (CURRENT) Doom II mod
net/gssdp12 (CURRENT) Simple Service Discovery Protocol library and device sniffer
wip/doas (CURRENT) Port of doas from OpenBSD
net/gupnp12 (CURRENT) Framework for UPnP devices (1.2 branch)
graphics/MesaLib11 (CURRENT) Open source OpenGL implementation (legacy version)
wip/adplay (CURRENT) Console-based OPL2 audio player
wip/doom-pwad-sigil (CURRENT) Doom mod
net/ruby-twitter-text-simpleidn (CURRENT) Forked version of Twitter-text gem without libIDN dependency
lang/mono6 (CURRENT) Open source implementation of the .NET Development Framework
wip/doom1 (CURRENT) Shareware levels for Doom
wip/py-Glances (CURRENT) Cross-platform curses-based monitoring tool
wip/eureka (CURRENT) Doom/Heretic/Hexen map editor
graphics/libglvnd (CURRENT) GL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch library
wip/xplanet (CURRENT) Rotating rendered map of the Earth in X11 root window
wip/open-zwave (CURRENT) Library for Z-Wave controllers
devel/go-iochan (CURRENT) Go library for treating io r/w like channels
wip/findcrcs (CURRENT) Find and extract pieces of data by CRC, size and MD5
wip/inn (CURRENT) The public release of InterNet News (INN)
wip/mysql80-server (CURRENT) MySQL 8, a free SQL database (server)
wip/mruby (CURRENT) Lightweight implementation of the Ruby language
devel/SOPE4 (CURRENT) Framework for writing clever web servers driven by objects
www/SOGo4 (CURRENT) Groupware server supporting CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV
wip/mysql80-client (CURRENT) MySQL 8, a free SQL database (client)
x11/ruby-gtk2 (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GTK+-2.x
ruby/ruby-gtk2 (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GTK+-2.x
x11/ruby-gtksourceview2 (CURRENT) Ruby binding of gtksourceview2
ruby/ruby-gtksourceview2 (CURRENT) Ruby binding of gtksourceview2
x11/ruby-vte (CURRENT) Ruby binding of vte
ruby/ruby-vte (CURRENT) Ruby binding of vte
www/ruby-webkit-gtk (CURRENT) Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+
ruby/ruby-webkit-gtk (CURRENT) Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+
www/ruby-webkit-gtk2 (CURRENT) Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+ for GTK2+
ruby/ruby-webkit-gtk2 (CURRENT) Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+ for GTK2+
wip/py-mcomix3-git (CURRENT) Comic viewer
devel/go-thrift (CURRENT) Go bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
wip/mustach-git (CURRENT) C implementation of mustache templating
wip/mustach (CURRENT) C implementation of mustache templating
www/firefox68 (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions (version 68ESR)
www/firefox68-l10n (CURRENT) Language packs for www/firefox (version 68)
mail/thunderbird60-l10n (CURRENT) Language packs for mail/thunderbird
mail/thunderbird60 (CURRENT) Organize, secure and customize your mail
wip/openjdk11 (CURRENT) Open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition
wip/py-iniparse (CURRENT) Better INI parser for Python
wip/foliate (CURRENT) Simple and modern GTK eBook viewer
security/hs-x509-store (CURRENT) X.509 collection accessing and storing methods
wip/pango (CURRENT) Library for layout and rendering of text
wip/ghc68 (CURRENT) Compiler for the functional language Haskell
wip/py-sentry-sdk (CURRENT) The new Python SDK for
wip/json2tsv (CURRENT) Convert JSON to TSV
security/hs-x509-validation (CURRENT) X.509 Certificate and CRL validation
wip/ruby-redmine41 (CURRENT) Flexible project management web application
wip/qsynth (CURRENT) Fluidsynth GUI frontend
wip/htmldoc (CURRENT) Converts HTML to indexed HTML, PDF and/or PostScript
wip/htmldoc-x11 (CURRENT) Converts HTML to indexed HTML, PDF and/or PostScript
wip/flwm (CURRENT) The Fast, Light Window Manager
wip/fltk-sudoku (CURRENT) FLTK example Sudoku game creator and solver
wip/residualvm-git (CURRENT) Lucas Arts' LUA-based 3D adventure engine
wip/nsm (CURRENT) Cross-platform git- and LaTeX-like command-line website manager
wip/pfetch (CURRENT) Pretty system information tool written in POSIX sh
wip/libudev (CURRENT) Device enumeration and database of constants
textproc/py-sphinx1 (CURRENT) Python documentation generator
devel/py-test5 (CURRENT) Python testing tool
wip/llvm-project-netbsd (CURRENT) The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
wip/scribus (CURRENT) Desktop publishing software
wip/librecad (CURRENT) Free Open Source personal CAD application
wip/udev (CURRENT) Hotplug daemon
wip/xygrib (CURRENT) GRIB file viewer for weather data
wip/merkaartor (CURRENT) Merkaartor is an OpenStreetMap mapping program
wip/lzlib (CURRENT) In-memory LZMA compression and decompression library
wip/py-cachelib (CURRENT) A collection of cache libraries in the same API interface
wip/py-filetype (CURRENT) Infer binary file types checking the magic numbers signature
wip/py-pylru (CURRENT) A least recently used (LRU) cache implementation
wip/texlive-tlpdb (CURRENT) TeX Live package database
devel/go-bytebufferpool (CURRENT) Implementation of a pool of byte buffers with anti-memory-waste protection for Go
devel/go-cpuid (CURRENT) CPU feature identification for Go
devel/go-argv (CURRENT) Go library to split command line string into arguments array
devel/go-compress (CURRENT) Optimized compression packages for Go
devel/go-spew (CURRENT) Deep pretty printer for Go data structures
security/go-xxhash (CURRENT) Go implementation of the 64bit xxhash algorithm XXh64
www/go-fasthttp (CURRENT) Fast HTTP package for Go
www/go-mux (CURRENT) URL router and dispatcher for Go
net/go-tcplisten (CURRENT) Customizable TCP net.Listener for Go
wip/py-black (CURRENT) Uncompromising Python code formatter
wip/py-aiohttp-cors (CURRENT) CORS support for aiohttp
databases/go-sqlite3 (CURRENT) Sqlite3 driver for Go using database/sql
wip/gif2png (CURRENT) Convert GIFs to PNG format
mail/ruby-actionmailbox60 (CURRENT) Inbound email handling framework (for Rails 6.0)
devel/ruby-actionmailbox60 (CURRENT) Inbound email handling framework (for Rails 6.0)
wip/ssh-copy-id (CURRENT) Use locally available keys to authorise logins on a remote machine
graphics/libkexiv2-kde4 (CURRENT) KDE wrapper around exiv2
wip/cups (CURRENT) Common UNIX Printing System
wip/cups-base (CURRENT) Common UNIX Printing System
wip/molsketch (CURRENT) Program for drawing molecular structures
net/hs-connection (CURRENT) Network connection with optional TLS and/or SOCKS
mail/ruby-actionmailer60 (CURRENT) Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 6.0)
devel/ruby-actionmailer60 (CURRENT) Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 6.0)
wip/mariadb104-server (CURRENT) MariaDB 10.4, a free SQL database (server)
wip/gnunet-fuse (CURRENT) GNUnet FUSE extension
wip/bystand (CURRENT) NNTP client software with command-line interface
databases/go-tiedot (CURRENT) NoSQL database in Go
devel/go-jwt-go (CURRENT) Golang implementation of JSON Web Token
wip/gnunet-gtk (CURRENT) GTK user interfaces for GNUnet
wip/remake (CURRENT) GNU make with debugger
wip/vulkan-headers (CURRENT) Headers for Vulkan Graphics API
wip/wolfssl (CURRENT) Embedded SSL C-Library
www/ruby-actioncable60 (CURRENT) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 6.0)
wip/mariadb104-client (CURRENT) MariaDB 10.4, a free SQL database (client)
wip/qt5ct (CURRENT) Tool for customizing Qt5-apps outside KDE
lang/go113 (CURRENT) The Go programming language
wip/ufetch (CURRENT) Tiny system info for Unix-like operating systems
lang/nodejs12 (CURRENT) V8 JavaScript for clients and servers
lang/nodejs10 (CURRENT) V8 JavaScript for clients and servers
wip/samurai (CURRENT) Ninja-compatible build tool written in C
wip/nudoku (CURRENT) Ncurses based sudoku game
devel/py-backports.os (CURRENT) Backport of new features in Python's os module
www/ruby-actionview60 (CURRENT) Rendering framework putting the V in MVC (part of Rails 6.0)
wip/pre-commit (CURRENT) Framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hook
devel/pre-commit (CURRENT) Framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hook
wip/go-gospel (CURRENT) GO SPEcial Library
wip/py-aspy.yaml (CURRENT) Some extensions to pyyaml
textproc/py-aspy.yaml (CURRENT) Some extensions to pyyaml
wip/py-sabyenc (CURRENT) Web-interface based binary newsgrabber in python, with nzb support
wip/go-xerrors (CURRENT) Transition package for Go 1.13 error values
wip/py-taler-util (CURRENT) Util library for GNU Taler
devel/py-taler-util (CURRENT) Util library for GNU Taler
wip/go114 (CURRENT) The Go programming language
wip/lua-compat53 (CURRENT) Compatibility module providing Lua-5.3-style APIs for Lua 5.2 and 5.1
wip/grafana (CURRENT) Metrics dashboard and graph editor
wip/py-pip2pi (CURRENT) Build a PyPI-compatible package repository from pip
wip/ruby-mustache0 (CURRENT) Logic-less Ruby templates
devel/ruby-mustache0 (CURRENT) Logic-less Ruby templates
wip/xentools48 (CURRENT) Userland Tools for Xen 4.8.x
wip/ruby-gollum-grit_adapter (CURRENT) Adapter for Gollum to use Grit at the backend
devel/ruby-gollum-grit_adapter (CURRENT) Adapter for Gollum to use Grit at the backend
wip/ruby-kramdown1 (CURRENT) Pure-Ruby Markdown-superset parser and converter
textproc/ruby-kramdown1 (CURRENT) Pure-Ruby Markdown-superset parser and converter
wip/ruby-rouge (CURRENT) Pure Ruby code highlighter that is compatible with Pygments
textproc/ruby-rouge (CURRENT) Pure Ruby code highlighter that is compatible with Pygments
wip/ruby-sanitize (CURRENT) Ruby HTML and CSS sanitizer
wip/ruby-sinatra1 (CURRENT) Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
www/ruby-sinatra1 (CURRENT) Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
wip/libmpack (CURRENT) Simple implementation of msgpack in C
devel/go-xerrors (CURRENT) Transition package for Go 1.13 error values
wip/lua-cliargs (CURRENT) Command-line argument parsing module for Lua
wip/lua-dkjson (CURRENT) JSON module written in Lua
wip/lua-inspect (CURRENT) Human-readable representation of Lua tables
wip/lua-argparse (CURRENT) Feature-rich command-line argument parser
wip/jetbrains-mono (CURRENT) Typeface made for developers
wip/ffmpeg4-nbsdaudio (CURRENT) Decoding, encoding and streaming software (v4.x)
wip/lxqt-build-tools (CURRENT) LXQt build tools
www/ruby-actionpack60 (CURRENT) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 6.0)
wip/lua-mediator (CURRENT) Mediator pattern implementation for pub-sub management
wip/lua-busted (CURRENT) Elegant Lua unit testing
wip/lua-system (CURRENT) Platform independent system call library for Lua
wip/lua-say (CURRENT) Lua string hashing library, useful for internationalization
wip/lua-luassert (CURRENT) Lua Assertions Extension library
wip/lua-term (CURRENT) Lua module for manipulating a terminal
lang/mozjs68 (CURRENT) SpiderMonkey JavaScript library (68.x branch)
wip/libsignal-protocol-c (CURRENT) Signal Protocol C Library
wip/prboom-plus (CURRENT) Multiplayer-capable and modified version of DOOM
databases/ruby-activerecord60 (CURRENT) Object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails 6.0)
wip/qt6-qtwebsockets (CURRENT) Qt6 module for websockets communication
wip/hercules4sdl-softfloat (CURRENT) The SoftDevLabs version of SoftFloat for Hercules 4.x
wip/gst-plugins1-cairo (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - Cairo plugin
wip/hercules4sdl-crypto (CURRENT) The SoftDevLabs version of crypto for Hercules 4.x
wip/gst-plugins1-x264 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - H.264/MPEG-4 encoder plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-faac (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - AAC encoder plugin
wip/hercules4sdl-telnet (CURRENT) The SoftDevLabs version of telnet library for Hercules 4.x
wip/gst-plugins1-pulse (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - PulseAudio plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-mms (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - MMS plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-pango (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework -
wip/hercules4sdl (CURRENT) The SoftDevLabs version of Hercules 4.x (Hyperion)
wip/gst-plugins1-flac (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - FLAC plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-ogg (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - Ogg plugin
wip/go118 (CURRENT) The Go programming language
wip/hercules4sdl-decnumber (CURRENT) The SoftDevLabs version of decNumber for Hercules 4.x
wip/gst-plugins1-mpg123 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - MP3 decoder plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-resindvd (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - DVD navigation plugin
wip/rust-src (CURRENT) Source for the rust std library
wip/gst-plugins1-png (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - PNG image plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-rtmp (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - RTMP streaming plugin
textproc/py-markdown3 (CURRENT) XHTML generator using a simple markup (Python 2.x)
wip/gst-plugins1-sid (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - Commodore 64 audio plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-sndfile (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - libsndfile plugin
wip/progman (CURRENT) Window manager resembling Windows 3's Program Manager
wip/pika-backup (CURRENT) GNOME Backup application based on borg-backup
wip/gst-plugins1-speex (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - Speex plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-x265 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - HEVC/H.265 encoding plugin
wip/cdrtools (CURRENT) Software for creating ISO9660 images and writing CD/DVD/Blu-ray
lang/rust-analyzer (CURRENT) Rust compiler front-end for IDEs
wip/gst-plugins1-v4l2 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - Webcam plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-cdparanoia (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - CD audio plugin
wip/packr (CURRENT) Tool for bundling static assets inside Go binaries
wip/gst-plugins1-wavpack (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - WavPack plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-alsa (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - ALSA (Linux audio) plugin
lang/rust-src (CURRENT) Source for the rust std library
wip/gst-plugins1-mpeg2dec (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - MPEG2 decoder plugin
wip/py-flit_core (CURRENT) PEP517 packaging backend
wip/gst-plugins1-jpeg (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - FLAC plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-libde265 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - HEVC/H.265 decoder plugin
wip/py-maturin (CURRENT) Build and publish crates with pyo3, rust-cpython and cffi bindings
wip/taplo-lsp (CURRENT) Language server protocol (LSP) for TOML
wip/gst-plugins1-a52 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - Dolby AC-3 audio plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-dts (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - DTS plugin
wip/zabbix60-agent (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
wip/fq (CURRENT) jq for binary formats
wip/gst-plugins1-lame (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - MP3 encoder plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-webp (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - WebP image plugin
wip/xlockmore (CURRENT) Like the XLock session-locker/screensaver, but with more
wip/py-trytond (CURRENT) Tryton server
devel/py-backports.cached-property (CURRENT) Backport functools cached_property
wip/gst-plugins1-oss (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - Open Sound System plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-faad (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - AAC decoder plugin
wip/zabbix60-frontend (CURRENT) Zabbix PHP 7.3+ frontend
wip/difftastic (CURRENT) Syntax-aware diffing tool
wip/gst-plugins1-bad (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - bad plugins
wip/py-gstreamer1 (CURRENT) Python bindings for gstreamer1
wip/gst-plugins1-openh264 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - H.264/MPEG-4 decoder plugin
wip/py-tryton (CURRENT) Three-tiers high-level general purpose application platform
wip/libva (CURRENT) Video Acceleration API
wip/zabbix60-java (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
wip/gst-plugins1-ugly (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - ugly plugins
wip/gst-plugins1-gdk_pixbuf (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - JPEG plugin
wip/zabbix60-proxy (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
wip/gst-plugins1-jack (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - JACK plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-x11 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - X11 plugin
wip/qt6-qtremoteobjects (CURRENT) Qt6 module for easier IPC
wip/gst-plugins1-lv2 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - LV2 support plugin
wip/py-progress (CURRENT) Easy to use progress bars
misc/nora (CURRENT) Freezes the screen for other programs
wip/py-pip-api (CURRENT) Unofficial, importable pip API
security/py-pip-api (CURRENT) Unofficial, importable pip API
wip/gst-plugins1-aom (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - AV1 plugin
wip/gst-plugins1-ladspa (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - LADSPA support plugin
wip/gimp-jxl (CURRENT) JpegXL Gimp plugin
wip/py-resolvelib (CURRENT) Resolve abstract dependencies into concrete ones
wip/gst-plugins1-musepack (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - Musepack plugin
wip/frama-c (CURRENT) Extensible platform dedicated to source-code analysis of C software
wip/lemonbar-xft (CURRENT) Featherweight lemon-scented bar
wip/gst-plugins1-opus (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - Opus audio plugin
wip/py-puremagic (CURRENT) Pure python implementation of magic file detection
textproc/py-puremagic (CURRENT) Pure python implementation of magic file detection
wip/py-pip-audit (CURRENT) Scan Python environments for known vulnerabilities
wip/gst-plugins1-theora (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - Theora video plugin
wip/zabbix60-server (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
wip/u-boot-orangepi-pc (CURRENT) Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (orangepi_pc_defconfig)
wip/afl++ (CURRENT) American Fuzzy Lop ++, a fuzzing tool for finding bugs by random input
wip/gopls (CURRENT) LSP server for Go editor integration
wip/cppcheck (CURRENT) Tool for static C/C++ code analysis
wip/kvantum (CURRENT) SVG-based theme engine for Qt and KDE
wip/nyxt (CURRENT) Terminal browser
cross/ppc-morphos-gcc-9 (CURRENT) GCC 9 for ppc-morphos
wip/cppzmq (CURRENT) C++ binding for libzmq
devel/go-radix (CURRENT) Golang implementation of Radix trees
net/unison-snapshot (CURRENT) File-synchronization tool
wip/routinator (CURRENT) Validate RPKI ROA against routing announcements
devel/go-tmc (CURRENT) Codec for a Typed Map in Go
textproc/go-goldmark (CURRENT) CommonMark compliant Markdown parser in Go
sysutils/wbm-acl (CURRENT) Webmin module to control access list
sysutils/wbm-proc (CURRENT) Webmin module to process control
devel/go-textseg (CURRENT) Go implementation of Unicode Text Segmentation
devel/go-wordwrap (CURRENT) Go library for wrapping words in a string
devel/go-cmp (CURRENT) Package for comparing Go values in tests
devel/go-levenshtein (CURRENT) Levenshtein distance and similarity metrics
wip/openhexagon (CURRENT) Open-source clone of the game "Super Hexagon by Terry Cavanagh"
devel/go-pkgconfig (CURRENT) Go clone of pkg-config(1)
devel/go-gospel (CURRENT) GO SPEcial Library
wip/go-kong (CURRENT) Command-line parser for Go
wip/SSVMenuSystem (CURRENT) C++14 lambda-based library for quick creation of menus
wip/SSVJsonCpp (CURRENT) Cleaned up fork of JsonCpp 0.6.0-rc2
wip/SSVStart (CURRENT) C++14 SFML2.0 application/game development framework
wip/SSVUtils (CURRENT) C++14 multi-purpose utility library that only depends on the STL
wip/SSVEntitySystem (CURRENT) C++14 simple entity/component system for realtime games
wip/SSVLuaWrapper (CURRENT) C++11 LUA wrapper written by Tomaka17
wip/SSVUtilsJson (CURRENT) C++14 utility library for Json
security/py-cryptodomex (CURRENT) Cryptographic and hash functions for Python
wip/ajbsp (CURRENT) Node builder for modern DOOM source ports
textproc/py-demjson (CURRENT) Encoder, decoder, and lint/validator for JSON compliant with RFC 7159
print/tex-soulutf8-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-soulutf8
print/tex-soulutf8 (CURRENT) Permit use of UTF-8 characters in soul
wip/py-reverse-geocoder (CURRENT) Fast, offline reverse geocoder in Python
geography/py-reverse-geocoder (CURRENT) Fast, offline reverse geocoder in Python
wip/lxqt-archiver (CURRENT) Simple and lightweight Qt file archiver
wip/efl-current (CURRENT) Enlightenment foundation libraries
wip/go-protobuf-go (CURRENT) Go support for Google\'s protocol buffers
wip/mailman (CURRENT) The GNU Mailing List Manager
lang/py-python-language-server (CURRENT) Implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Python
wip/p5-Perl-Language-Server (CURRENT) Language Server for the Perl language
devel/p5-Perl-Language-Server (CURRENT) Language Server for the Perl language
wip/gcc10-libatomic (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 10.0 Release Series
wip/bind916 (CURRENT) Berkeley Internet Name Daemon implementation of DNS, version 9.16
wip/optibench (CURRENT) Benchmark to measure optimal sustained memory and disk performance
wip/texlab (CURRENT) Implementation of the Language Server Protocol for LaTeX
wip/julius (CURRENT) Open source re-implementation of Caesar III
wip/py-virtualenv20 (CURRENT) Virtual Python Environment builder
devel/py-virtualenv20 (CURRENT) Virtual Python Environment builder
wip/py-distlib (CURRENT) Low-level components of distutils2/packaging
wip/libatomic (CURRENT) Atomic fallback implementation for GCC
wip/libv4l (CURRENT) Video4Linux userspace library
sysutils/xenkernel413 (CURRENT) Xen 4.13.x Kernel
sysutils/xentools413 (CURRENT) Userland Tools for Xen 4.13.x
net/py-dnspython (CURRENT) DNS toolkit
wip/micro (CURRENT) Modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
wip/progman-git (CURRENT) Window manager resembling Windows 3's Program Manager
wip/ast-ksh (CURRENT) Official AT&T release of KornShell 93
wip/align (CURRENT) Center or right-align text files
wip/py-qwt-qt5 (CURRENT) Python PyQt wrapper for Qwt6
wip/lumina-calculator (CURRENT) Scientific calculator from the Lumina desktop
wip/lumina-pdf (CURRENT) PDF Viewer Utility
wip/felinks (CURRENT) Fork of elinks, the text web browser
wip/c3270 (CURRENT) 3270 Terminal emulator ncurses
wip/graphene (CURRENT) Thin layer of graphic data types
wip/gnome-autoar (CURRENT) GLib wrapper around libarchive
wip/gnome-shell (CURRENT) Next generation GNOME shell
wip/py-hg-git (CURRENT) Push to and pull from a Git server repository using Mercurial
www/felinks (CURRENT) Fork of elinks, the text web browser
wip/spectrwm-git (CURRENT) Small dynamic tiling window manager for X11
wip/py-qt5-qscintilla (CURRENT) QScintilla -- Python bindings
wip/xdo (CURRENT) Small X utility to perform elementary actions on windows
wip/p5-Perl-LanguageServer (CURRENT) Language Server for the Perl language
devel/go-pty (CURRENT) Go package for using unix pseudo-terminals
graphics/go-gift (CURRENT) Go Image Filtering Toolkit
textproc/go-org (CURRENT) Go Org mode parser with html & pretty printed org rendering
textproc/go-kr-text (CURRENT) Go package for manipulating paragraphs of text
devel/go-quicktest (CURRENT) Quick helpers for testing Go applications
devel/go-kr-pretty (CURRENT) Go package for pretty-printing Go values
devel/py-aiocontextvars (CURRENT) Asyncio support for PEP-567 contextvars backport
sysutils/py-eliot17 (CURRENT) Logging library that tells you why it happened
wip/rebar3 (CURRENT) Erlang build tool
wip/gleam (CURRENT) ML-flavoured type-safe language using the BEAM runtime
wip/badwolf (CURRENT) Minimalist and privacy-oriented webkit browser
x11/py-sip-qt4 (CURRENT) SIP bindings for C and C++ libraries (PyQt4 version)
devel/py-sip-qt4 (CURRENT) SIP bindings for C and C++ libraries (PyQt4 version)
wip/plan9port (CURRENT) Plan 9 from User Space
wip/chirp-devel (CURRENT) Tool for programming Amateur Radio HTs
wip/straw-viewer (CURRENT) Search and play video from YouTube, using the API of
wip/elementary-code (CURRENT) Elementory code editor
wip/sfeed_curses (CURRENT) sfeed curses UI
news/sfeed_curses (CURRENT) Sfeed curses UI
wip/collectd-mysql (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - mysql plugin
wip/collectd-openldap (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - openldap plugin
wip/collectd-amqp (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - amqp plugin
wip/collectd-curl (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - curl-based plugins
wip/collectd-dbi (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - dbi plugin
wip/collectd-kafka (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - write_kafka plugin
wip/collectd-yajl (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - YAJL-based plugins
wip/collectd-memcached (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - memcached plugins
wip/collectd-mongodb (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - write_mongodb plugin
wip/collectd-nut (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - nut plugin
wip/collectd-tokyotyrant (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - tokyotyrant plugin
wip/collectd-dns (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - dns plugin
wip/collectd-gmond (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - gmond plugin
wip/collectd-grpc (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - grpc plugin
wip/collectd-notify-email (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - notify_email plugin
wip/collectd-riemann (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - riemann plugin
wip/collectd-snmp (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - snmp plugin
wip/collectd-write_prometheus (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - write_prometheus plugin
wip/collectd-xen (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - xencpu plugin
wip/collectd-rrdtool (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - rrdtool plugins
wip/collectd-pinba (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - pinba plugin
wip/collectd-lua (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - lua plugin
wip/collectd-notify_desktop (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - notify_desktop plugin
wip/collectd-xmms (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - xmms plugin
wip/collectd-varnish (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - varnish plugin
wip/collectd-postgresql (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - postgresql plugin
wip/collectd-gps (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - gps plugin
wip/collectd-virt (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - virt plugin
wip/collectd-network (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - network plugin
wip/icinga2 (CURRENT) Monitoring system
wip/icingaweb2 (CURRENT) PHP-based Web UI for Icinga
wip/frankenwm (CURRENT) Dynamic tiling window manager
wip/ncspot (CURRENT) Cross-platform ncurses Spotify client written in Rust
wip/go115 (CURRENT) The Go programming language
www/firefox78 (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions (version 78ESR)
www/firefox78-l10n (CURRENT) Language packs for www/firefox (version 78)
wip/clipnotify (CURRENT) Notify on new X clipboard events
www/py-django-binary-database-file (CURRENT) In-database file storage backend for Django
wip/dnsdist (CURRENT) Highly DNS-, DoS- and abuse-aware loadbalancer
wip/montserrat (CURRENT) Geometric sans-serif typeface font by Julieta Ulanovsky
wip/zabbix50-server (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
wip/unit (CURRENT) Dynamic web application server
wip/zabbix50-agent (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
wip/zabbix50-frontend (CURRENT) Zabbix PHP 7.2+ frontend
wip/chirp (CURRENT) Tool for programming Amateur Radio HTs
wip/emacs27 (CURRENT) GNU editing macros (editor)
wip/php-redis5 (CURRENT) PHP extension for Redis
databases/php-redis5 (CURRENT) PHP extension for Redis
wip/matrix-synapse (CURRENT) Reference homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol
wip/collectd-memcachec (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon - memcachec plugin
lang/go115 (CURRENT) The Go programming language
wip/amass (CURRENT) In-depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery
wip/librespot (CURRENT) Open Source Spotify client library
wip/SLADE (CURRENT) It's a Doom Editor
graphics/libv4l1 (CURRENT) Video4Linux userspace library
wip/gerbera (CURRENT) UPnP Media Server
security/py-rsa40 (CURRENT) Pure-Python RSA implementation (for Python 2.x)
wip/amazon-ecs-cli (CURRENT) Amazon ECS Cli
wip/onefetch (CURRENT) Git repository summary on your terminal
wip/phetch (CURRENT) Quick lil gopher client for your terminal
chat/mautrix-hangouts (CURRENT) Matrix-Hangouts puppeting bridge
chat/py-tulir-hangups (CURRENT) Fork of py-hangups for use with mautrix-hangouts
wip/py-caspy3 (CURRENT) GUI and a CLI to a symbolic computation using SymPy
math/py-caspy3 (CURRENT) GUI and a CLI to a symbolic computation using SymPy
wip/py-humanfriendly (CURRENT) Human friendly output for text interfaces using Python
devel/py-humanfriendly (CURRENT) Human friendly output for text interfaces using Python
wip/py-notify2 (CURRENT) Python interface to DBus notifications
wip/py-parsimonious (CURRENT) The fastest pure-Python PEG parser I could muster
devel/py-parsimonious (CURRENT) The fastest pure-Python PEG parser I could muster
wip/py-cparser (CURRENT) C parser in Python
wip/py-lark-parser (CURRENT) Parsing toolkit for Python
devel/py-lark-parser (CURRENT) Parsing toolkit for Python
wip/py-backports.ssl_match_hostname (CURRENT) The ssl.match_hostname() function from Python 3.5
wip/py-rfc3987 (CURRENT) Parsing and validation of URIs (RFC 3986) and IRIs (RFC 3987)
category/py-rfc3987 (CURRENT) Parsing and validation of URIs (RFC 3986) and IRIs (RFC 3987)
wip/py-loguru (CURRENT) Python logging made (stupidly) simple
wip/spotify-qt (CURRENT) Lightweight Spotify client using Qt
wip/py-crytic-compile (CURRENT) Abstraction layer for smart contract build systems
wip/py-manticore (CURRENT) Symbolic execution tool for analysis of binaries and smart contracts
wip/py-pyevmasm (CURRENT) Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) assembler and disassembler
wip/py-prettytable (CURRENT) Display tabular data in a visually appealing ASCII table format
wip/py-pytest-timeout (CURRENT) py.test plugin to abort hanging tests
devel/py-pytest-timeout (CURRENT) py.test plugin to abort hanging tests
wip/py-pytest-cov (CURRENT) TODO: Short description of the package
devel/py-pytest-cov (CURRENT) TODO: Short description of the package
wip/py-coloredlogs (CURRENT) Colored terminal output for Python's logging module
wip/fff (CURRENT) Simple file manager written in bash
wip/pcsxr-nia (CURRENT) Sony PlayStation emulator
wip/py-wasm (CURRENT) WebAssembly decoder & disassembler
wip/py-eth-typing (CURRENT) eth-typing: Common type annotations for ethereum python packages
wip/py-bumpversion (CURRENT) Version-bump your software with a single command!
wip/py-rlp (CURRENT) Recursive Length Prefix (RLP) encoding and decoding
wip/py-eth-utils (CURRENT) Common utility functions for ethereum codebases
wip/py-eth-hash (CURRENT) eth-hash: The Ethereum hashing function, keccak256, sometimes (erroneously) called sha3
wip/py-docstyle (CURRENT) Python docstring style checker
wip/wireguard-go (CURRENT) Implementation of WireGuard in Go
wip/py-guppy3 (CURRENT) Python Programming Environment & Heap analysis toolset
wip/py-arxiv-base (CURRENT) TODO: Short description of the package
category/py-arxiv-base (CURRENT) TODO: Short description of the package
wip/py-nest-asyncio (CURRENT) TODO: Short description of the package
wip/py-qtgraph (CURRENT) Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python
graphics/py-qtgraph (CURRENT) Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python
wip/py-typing-inspect (CURRENT) Runtime inspection utilities for typing module
wip/capnproto (CURRENT) Cap'n Proto - Insanely Fast Data Serialization Format
wip/unifi6 (CURRENT) Provisioning software for network products made by Ubiquiti
wip/py-dataclasses (CURRENT) Backport of the dataclasses module for Python 3.6
wip/py-test-remotedata (CURRENT) Pytest plugin for controlling remote data access
devel/py-test-remotedata (CURRENT) Pytest plugin for controlling remote data access
wip/py-sphinx-automodapi (CURRENT) Auto-generating API documentation for entire modules
wip/py-test-doctestplus (CURRENT) Pytest plugin with advanced doctest features
wip/py-essm (CURRENT) Environmental Science using Symbolic Math
math/py-essm (CURRENT) Environmental Science using Symbolic Math
wip/py-test-mypy (CURRENT) Mypy static type checker plugin for Pytest
wip/fvwm3 (CURRENT) Multiple large virtual desktop window manager
wip/py-ailment (CURRENT) The angr intermediate language
wip/deepstate-honggfuzz (CURRENT) Augments C/C++ Test-Driven Development with Symbolic Execution
wip/deepstate-afl (CURRENT) Augments C/C++ Test-Driven Development with Symbolic Execution
wip/deepstate-libfuzzer (CURRENT) Augments C/C++ Test-Driven Development with Symbolic Execution
wip/xnotify (CURRENT) Read notifications from stdin and display them on the screen
wip/py-vulture (CURRENT) Find dead code
devel/py-bumpversion (CURRENT) Version-bump your software with a single command!
devel/py-bintrees (CURRENT) Provides Binary-, RedBlack- and AVL-Trees in Python and Cython
emulators/pcsxr (CURRENT) Sony PlayStation emulator
wip/lemonbar (CURRENT) Featherweight lemon-scented bar
wip/py-otp (CURRENT) Python One Time Password Library
wip/py-rich (CURRENT) Render rich text, tables, progress bars, syntax highlighting
textproc/py-rich (CURRENT) Render rich text, tables, progress bars, syntax highlighting
chat/maubot (CURRENT) Plugin-based Matrix bot system
wip/py-cachecontrol (CURRENT) httplib2 caching for requests
www/py-cachecontrol (CURRENT) httplib2 caching for requests
wip/php-phalcon4 (CURRENT) Web framework implemented as a C extension offering high performance
wip/raylib (CURRENT) Simple library to enjoy videogames programming
wip/postgresql-timescaledb (CURRENT) The timescaledb extension for PostgreSQL
wip/php-psr (CURRENT) Provide the accepted PSR interfaces for other extensions
www/php-psr (CURRENT) Provide the accepted PSR interfaces for other extensions
wip/frr (CURRENT) Frr routing multi protocol suite
wip/libyang (CURRENT) YANG data modeling language library
wip/wxGTK31 (CURRENT) Cross-platform wxWidgets GUI library
wip/PrusaSlicer (CURRENT) Converts STL models into gcode for 3d printing
wip/nats-server (CURRENT) Simple, secure and high performance messaging system
devel/go-walker (CURRENT) faster, parallel version, of filepath.Walk
wip/postgresql-wal2json (CURRENT) Plugin to decode PostgreSQL WAL to JSON
wip/qzdoom (CURRENT) Continuation of dpJudas's truecolor software renderer for ZDoom
wip/py-selenium-base (CURRENT) Complete framework for Web-UI testing
devel/py-selenium-base (CURRENT) Complete framework for Web-UI testing
wip/py-dantic (CURRENT) Data validation and settings management
devel/py-dantic (CURRENT) Data validation and settings management
wip/py-zfec (CURRENT) Efficient, portable erasure coding tool
wip/py-starlette (CURRENT) The little ASGI framework that shines
www/py-starlette (CURRENT) The little ASGI framework that shines
wip/i3lock-color (CURRENT) Slightly improved screen locker based on slock
wip/py-astunparse (CURRENT) AST unparser for Python
wip/py-sanic (CURRENT) Web server and web framework that's written to go fast
wip/py-fsspec (CURRENT) Specifications for pythonic filesystems
wip/py-beniget (CURRENT) Extract semantic information about static Python code
wip/py-proto-plus (CURRENT) Beautiful, Pythonic protocol buffers
wip/py-moto (CURRENT) Python tests to easily mock out the boto library
wip/py-autograd (CURRENT) Efficiently computes derivatives of numpy code
wip/py-lazr-restfulclient (CURRENT) Programmable client library that takes advantage
devel/py-lazr-restfulclient (CURRENT) Programmable client library that takes advantage
wip/glide (CURRENT) Cross-platform media player based on GStreamer and GTK+
wip/jicofo (CURRENT) Server-side focus component used in Jitsi Meet conferences
wip/jitsi-videobridge (CURRENT) WebRTC compatible video router or SFU
wip/opendoas (CURRENT) Execute commands as another user
wip/gst-plugins1-opengl (CURRENT) (no description)
multimedia/gst-plugins1-opengl (CURRENT) (no description)
wip/py-semantic-version (CURRENT) Library implementing the 'SemVer' scheme
devel/py-semantic-version (CURRENT) Library implementing the 'SemVer' scheme
wip/py-invoke (CURRENT) Pythonic task execution
devel/py-invoke (CURRENT) Pythonic task execution
wip/openipmi (CURRENT) User-level library that provides a higher-level abstraction of IPMI
wip/py-towncrie (CURRENT) Building newsfiles for your project
devel/py-towncrie (CURRENT) Building newsfiles for your project
databases/promscale (CURRENT) TimescaleDB storage connector for Prometheus
databases/postgresql-promscale_extension (CURRENT) The Promscale extension for PostgreSQL
wip/zabbix52-server (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
wip/gnome-calendar (CURRENT) Calendar application for GNOME
wip/broot (CURRENT) New way to see and navigate directory trees
wip/py-jupyter-console (CURRENT) Jupyter terminal console
wip/mozjs78 (CURRENT) SpiderMonkey JavaScript library (78.x branch)
wip/tiramisu (CURRENT) Desktop notifications, the UNIX way
wip/k6 (CURRENT) Modern load testing tool using Go and JavaScript
meta-pkgs/gnome3 (CURRENT) Meta-package for the GNOME 3 desktop environment
devel/libhandy1 (CURRENT) Building blocks for modern adaptive GNOME apps
wip/scalapack (CURRENT) Scalable Linear Algebra PACKage
wip/tex-qrcode (CURRENT) Generate QR codes in LaTeX
wip/py-dns (CURRENT) DNS toolkit
wip/s6-networking (CURRENT) Suite of small networking utilities
www/go-hugo-bin (CURRENT) Static Website Engine written in Go (binary builds)
textproc/p5-YAML-XS (CURRENT) Perl YAML Serialization using XS and libyaml
chat/py-telethon-session-sqlalchemy (CURRENT) SQLAlchemy backend for Telethon session storage
wip/gtk4 (CURRENT) Multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces
wip/jitsi-meet-prosody (CURRENT) Additional plug-ins for Prosody from Jitsi Meet
wip/gstreamer1 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework
wip/webkit-gtk4 (CURRENT) GTK port of the WebKit browser engine
wip/ic (CURRENT) IC4F (Irc Crypto 4 Fun) simple IRC encryption mechanism
wip/py-flask-babel (CURRENT) Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications
wip/py-octoprint-firmwarecheck (CURRENT) Checks for unsafe or broken printer firmwares
wip/py-octoprint-filecheck (CURRENT) Checks for common issues in uploaded files
textproc/zoxide (CURRENT) Faster way to navigate your filesystem
wip/py-secretstorage (CURRENT) Module for securely storing passwords and secrets
wip/stava (CURRENT) CLI spell checker
wip/py-jeepney (CURRENT) Low-level pure Python DBus protocol wrapper
x11/unibar (CURRENT) Simple status bar in rust
wip/py-scour (CURRENT) Scour SVG Optimizer
wip/py-cbor2 (CURRENT) Pure Python CBOR (de)serializer with extensive tag support
wip/xsnow (CURRENT) Create a snowy and Santa-y desktop
devel/go-mod (CURRENT) Go module mechanics libraries
wip/py-hamcrest (CURRENT) Hamcrest framework for matcher objects
devel/py-responses (CURRENT) Python utility library for mocking out requests
wip/py-tenacity (CURRENT) Retry code until it succeeds
wip/erfa (CURRENT) Essential Routines for Fundamental Astronomy
security/py-solo (CURRENT) Tool for managing SoloKeys
wip/py-extension-helpers (CURRENT) Helpers to assist building packages with C/Cython extension
wip/py-astropy4 (CURRENT) Python module for astronomical calculations and data analysis
wip/py-asdf (CURRENT) Advanced Scientific Data Format
wip/py-photutils (CURRENT) Astropy coordinated module for astronomical photometry
wip/py-jplephem (CURRENT) Python module to load a JPL ephemeris for dynamical calculations
wip/py-pyerfa (CURRENT) Python wrapper for ERFA library
wip/py-pywavelets (CURRENT) Discrete Wavelet Transforms in Python
wip/unit-php (CURRENT) PHP module for NGINX Unit
wip/zabbix52-agent (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
wip/unit-perl (CURRENT) Perl module for NGINX Unit
wip/libunit (CURRENT) Development kit for dynamic web application server
wip/unit-ruby (CURRENT) Ruby module for NGINX Unit
wip/zabbix52-frontend (CURRENT) Zabbix PHP 7.2+ frontend
wip/unit-python (CURRENT) Python module for NGINX Unit
wip/zabbix52-java (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
wip/zabbix52-proxy (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
wip/py-astropy-helpers (CURRENT) Tools for Astropy package
wip/lha (CURRENT) Archive files using LZW compression (.lzh files)
math/py-astropy4 (CURRENT) Python module for astronomical calculations and data analysis
math/py-pyvo (CURRENT) Astropy affiliated Python module for accessing virtual observatories
math/py-astroplan (CURRENT) Astropy affiliated module for planning astronomical observations
math/py-astroquery (CURRENT) Astropy coordinated Python module for querying astronomical databases
lang/go116 (CURRENT) The Go programming language
wip/bk (CURRENT) Terminal Epub reader
wip/libcyaml (CURRENT) Schema-based YAML parsing and serialization
wip/libaudec (CURRENT) Wrapper library over minimp3, sndfile and libsamplerate
wip/nanogrep (CURRENT) Custom Implementation of minigrep with additional functionality
wip/stitchy (CURRENT) Simple command line tool to stitch multiple images into one
wip/py-junit-xml2 (CURRENT) Python module for creating JUnit XML test result documents
wip/go-color (CURRENT) Color package for Go
wip/py-trio (CURRENT) Friendly Python library for async concurrency and I/O
wip/py-prometheus-client (CURRENT) Python client for the Prometheus monitoring system
sysutils/py-prometheus-client (CURRENT) Python client for the Prometheus monitoring system
wip/py-outcome (CURRENT) Capture the outcome of Python function calls
wip/go-goquery (CURRENT) Little like that j-thing, only in Go
wip/go-resty (CURRENT) Simple HTTP and REST client library for Go
wip/py-u-msgpack (CURRENT) MessagePack serializer and deserializer written in pure Python
wip/py-gooey (CURRENT) Command line program into a full GUI application with one line
x11/py-gooey (CURRENT) Command line program into a full GUI application with one line
wip/go-circbuf (CURRENT) Golang circular (ring) buffer
wip/go-pgzip (CURRENT) Go parallel gzip (de)compression
archivers/go-pgzip (CURRENT) Go parallel gzip (de)compression
wip/go-aurora (CURRENT) Golang ultimate ANSI-colors that supports Printf/Sprintf methods
wip/go-ants (CURRENT) High-performance and low-cost goroutine pool in Go
wip/go-cascadia (CURRENT) CSS selector library in Go
wip/go-param (CURRENT) Rack/jQuery style parameter parsing
wip/go-ansi (CURRENT) Fast library to create ANSI colored strings and codes
wip/go-amqp (CURRENT) Go client for AMQP
wip/go-uilive (CURRENT) Uilive is a go library for updating terminal output in realtime
wip/go-bpool (CURRENT) Buffer/Byte pool for Go
wip/go-copier (CURRENT) Copier for golang, copy value from struct to struct and more
wip/go-ole (CURRENT) Go bindings for Windows COM using shared libraries instead of cgo
wip/go-transcoder (CURRENT) Transcoding library implementation in Golang
wip/go-opentracing (CURRENT) OpenTracing API for Go
devel/go-opentracing (CURRENT) OpenTracing API for Go
wip/heliocron (CURRENT) Execute tasks relative to sunset, sunrise and other solar events
wip/navi (CURRENT) Interactive cheatsheet tool for the CLI and application launchers
wip/hs-open-browser (CURRENT) Open a web browser from Haskell
wip/py-test-datadir (CURRENT) Pytest plugin for test data directories and files
textproc/nanogrep (CURRENT) Custom simplified implementation of minigrep with additional features
time/heliocron (CURRENT) Execute tasks relative to sunset, sunrise and other solar events
wip/md4c (CURRENT) Markdown for C library and parser
wip/qt6-qtbase (CURRENT) C++ X GUI toolkit
wip/qt6 (CURRENT) "meta-package" for version 6 of the QT GUI C++ toolkit
wip/go-bit (CURRENT) Bit stream package for Go
wip/go-flac-eaburns (CURRENT) Free Lossless Audio Codec decoder in Go
wip/go-uuid (CURRENT) Go package for UUIDs based on RFC 4122 and DCE 1.1
wip/go-mp3 (CURRENT) MP3 decoder in pure Go
wip/go-audio (CURRENT) Common interface to analyze and/or process audio data
wip/go-intern (CURRENT) Intern Go strings
wip/go-ansicolor (CURRENT) Ansicolor library provides color console in Windows
wip/go-lzw (CURRENT) Extended version of compress/lzw
wip/go-tiff (CURRENT) Extended version of x/image/tiff
wip/nancy (CURRENT) Golang module/dep vulnerability scanner
wip/go-errorx (CURRENT) Comprehensive error handling library for Go
wip/go-raymond (CURRENT) Handlebars for golang
wip/go-structs (CURRENT) Utilities for Go structs
wip/go-brotli (CURRENT) Pure Go Brotli encoder and decoder
wip/go-goreferrer (CURRENT) Analyzes and classifies different kinds of referrer URLs
wip/go-pcidb (CURRENT) Small golang library for querying PCI database
wip/go-pool (CURRENT) Go Pooling Helpers
wip/go-err113 (CURRENT) Golang linter to check the errors handling expressions
wip/go-pio (CURRENT) Low-level package that provides an easy way to centralize different output targets
wip/go-current (CURRENT) Golang concurrency utilities
wip/go-pointer (CURRENT) Utility for cgo
wip/go-gtk2 (CURRENT) Go binding for GTK2
wip/go-pkcs7 (CURRENT) Implements a subset of PKCS
wip/go-stripansi (CURRENT) Go package for removing ANSI color escape codes from strings
wip/go-ewma (CURRENT) Exponentially Weighted Moving Average algorithms for Go
wip/go-freetype (CURRENT) The Freetype font rasterizer in the Go programming language
wip/go-pathtree (CURRENT) Go pathtree
wip/go-stack (CURRENT) Utilities to capture, manipulate, and format call stacks
wip/go-gorilla-css (CURRENT) CSS3 tokenizer
wip/go-imgui (CURRENT) Go wrapper library for Dear ImGui
wip/go-mpb (CURRENT) Multi progress bar for Go cli applications
wip/go-gorilla-sessions (CURRENT) Gorilla/sessions provides cookie and filesystem sessions
wip/go-memcache (CURRENT) Go Memcached client library
wip/go-cache (CURRENT) In-memory key:value store/cache library for Go
wip/go-config (CURRENT) Configuration file parser for INI format
wip/go-timego (CURRENT) Go package for time formating based on current time
wip/go-douceur-aymerick (CURRENT) Simple CSS parser and inliner in Go
wip/go-redigo (CURRENT) Go client for Redis
wip/go-gorilla-schema (CURRENT) Package gorilla/schema fills a struct with form values
wip/go-gorilla-mux (CURRENT) Powerful HTTP router and URL matcher for building Go web servers
wip/go-eventsource (CURRENT) Server Side Events client and server for Go
wip/go-errlog (CURRENT) Reduce debugging time while programming Go
wip/go-uuid-myesui (CURRENT) Go RFC4122 UUID implementation
wip/go-gorilla-websocket (CURRENT) Well-tested and widely used WebSocket implementation for Go
wip/netwake (CURRENT) Wake-on-LAN utility with lookup file support
wip/hw-probe (CURRENT) Check operability of computer hardware and find drivers
wip/go-jump (CURRENT) Port of Google's Jump Consistent Hash function
wip/go-doublejump (CURRENT) Revamped Google's jump consistent hash
math/kalk (CURRENT) CLI calculator supporting user defined variables and functions
wip/go-zeroconf (CURRENT) Is a pure Golang library that employs Multicast DNS-SD
wip/go-context (CURRENT) TODO: Short description of the package
wip/go-maligned (CURRENT) Tool to detect Go structs that would take less memory
wip/go-prealloc (CURRENT) Static analysis tool to find slice declarations
wip/go-flock (CURRENT) Thread-safe file locking library in Go
wip/go-httphead (CURRENT) Tiny HTTP header value parsing library in Go
wip/go-ping (CURRENT) ICMP Ping library for Go
wip/go-astikit (CURRENT) Set of golang helpers
wip/go-hex (CURRENT) Configurable hex encoding
wip/go-hidden (CURRENT) Hide text in text
wip/tex-lualatex-math-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-lualatex-math
wip/tex-lualatex-math (CURRENT) Fixes for mathematics-related LuaLaTeX issues
wip/tex-stix2-otf-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-stix2-otf
wip/tex-stix2-otf (CURRENT) OpenType Unicode text and maths fonts
wip/pkgsrc-wip-tools (CURRENT) Tools for developing wip packages
wip/go-ops (CURRENT) Track success or failure of operations in code
wip/go-procfs (CURRENT) Procfs provides functions to /proc and /sys
wip/go-ps (CURRENT) Find, list, and inspect processes from Go
wip/go-fasttemplate (CURRENT) Simple and fast template engine for Go
wip/go-gabs (CURRENT) For parsing, creating and editing unknown or dynamic JSON in Go
wip/go-ffmpeg (CURRENT) FFMPEG wrapper written in GO
wip/go-uuid-iris-contrib (CURRENT) Another UUID package for Go
wip/go-streamquote (CURRENT) Go package providing a streaming version of strconv.Quote
wip/go-native (CURRENT) Package native provides easy access to native byte order
wip/go-zipexe (CURRENT) Open an executable binary file as a zip file
wip/go-fastprinter (CURRENT) TODO: Short description of the package
wip/textosaurus (CURRENT) Cross-platform text editor based on Qt and Scintilla
wip/go-concurrent (CURRENT) Concurrency utilities
wip/go-json-iterator (CURRENT) High-performance compatible drop-in replacement of encoding/json
wip/go-reflect2 (CURRENT) Reflect api without runtime reflect.Value cost
wip/go-jpillora-backoff (CURRENT) Simple backoff algorithm in Go
wip/go-errwrap (CURRENT) Library for wrapping and querying errors
wip/go-perks (CURRENT) Effective Computation of Things
wip/go-semver (CURRENT) Work with Semantic Versions in Go
wip/go-httprouter (CURRENT) High performance HTTP request router that scales well
wip/go-jsonerror (CURRENT) Package which wraps error responses to follow
wip/mojoshader (CURRENT) Library to move calls to Direct3D shaders to OpenGL
wip/fna (CURRENT) Reimplementation of Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh Libraries
wip/fna3d (CURRENT) 3D graphics library for FNA
wip/fnaify (CURRENT) Launcher for games using the FNA engine
wip/libstubborn (CURRENT) library of generic stub functions
wip/tex-plautopatch-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-plautopatch
wip/tex-luatexja-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-luatexja
wip/tex-bxjaprnind (CURRENT) Adjust the position of parentheses at paragraph head
wip/tex-fixjfm-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-fixjfm
wip/texlive-collection-langjapanese (CURRENT) Japanese TeX packages
wip/tex-gentombow (CURRENT) Generate Japanese-style crop marks
wip/tex-pxufont (CURRENT) Emulate non-Unicode Japanese fonts using Unicode fonts
wip/tex-pxtatescale (CURRENT) Patch to graphics driver for scaling in vertical direction of pTeX
wip/tex-pxtatescale-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-pxtatescale
wip/tex-pxjodel (CURRENT) Help change metrics of fonts from japanese-otf
wip/tex-pxcjkcat (CURRENT) LaTeX interface for the CJK category codes of upTeX
wip/tex-ptex2pdf (CURRENT) Convert Japanese TeX documents to PDF
wip/tex-platex-tools-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-platex-tools
wip/tex-jlreq-deluxe-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-jlreq-deluxe
wip/tex-jfmutil-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-jfmutil
wip/tex-ifxptex (CURRENT) Detect pTeX and its derivatives
wip/tex-haranoaji-extra-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-haranoaji-extra
wip/tex-firstaid-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-firstaid
wip/tex-everyshi-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-everyshi
wip/tex-convbkmk-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-convbkmk
wip/tex-bxjscls (CURRENT) Japanese document class collection for all major engines
wip/tex-bxbase-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-bxbase
wip/tex-bxjaprnind-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-bxjaprnind
wip/tex-pxbase-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-pxbase
wip/tex-jlreq (CURRENT) Japanese document class based on requirements for Japanese text layout
wip/tex-japanese-otf-uptex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-japanese-otf-uptex
wip/tex-ifptex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-ifptex
wip/tex-bxjaholiday-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-bxjaholiday
wip/tex-bxjatoucs-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-bxjatoucs
wip/tex-morisawa (CURRENT) Enables selection of 5 standard Japanese fonts for pLaTeX + dvips
wip/tex-ascmac (CURRENT) Boxes and picture macros with Japanese vertical writing support
wip/tex-babel-japanese (CURRENT) Babel support for Japanese
wip/tex-bxbase (CURRENT) BX bundle base components
wip/tex-bxcjkjatype-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-bxcjkjatype
wip/tex-bxcjkjatype (CURRENT) Typeset Japanese with pdfLaTeX and CJK
wip/tex-bxghost (CURRENT) Ghost insertion for proper xkanjiskip
wip/tex-bxjaholiday (CURRENT) Support for Japanese holidays
wip/tex-bxjatoucs (CURRENT) Convert Japanese character code to Unicode
wip/tex-bxjscls-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-bxjscls
wip/tex-bxorigcapt-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-bxorigcapt
wip/tex-endnotesj (CURRENT) Japanese-style endnotes
wip/tex-everyshi (CURRENT) Take action at every \shipout
wip/tex-fixjfm (CURRENT) Fix JFM (for *pTeX)
wip/tex-ifptex (CURRENT) Check if the engine is pTeX or one of its derivatives
wip/tex-ifxptex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-ifxptex
wip/tex-jfmutil (CURRENT) Utility to process pTeX-extended TFM and VF
wip/tex-morisawa-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-morisawa
wip/tex-platex-tools (CURRENT) pLaTeX standard tools bundle
wip/tex-ptex2pdf-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-ptex2pdf
wip/tex-pxchfon-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-pxchfon
wip/tex-pxcjkcat-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-pxcjkcat
wip/tex-pxjahyper-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-pxjahyper
wip/tex-pxjahyper (CURRENT) Hyperref support for pLaTeX
wip/tex-pxrubrica-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-pxrubrica
wip/tex-pxufont-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-pxufont
wip/tex-uplatex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-uplatex
wip/tex-uptex-base-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-uptex-base
wip/tex-uptex-base (CURRENT) Plain TeX formats and documents for upTeX
wip/tex-uptex (CURRENT) Unicode version of pTeX
wip/tex-zxjafbfont-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-zxjafbfont
wip/tex-zxjatype (CURRENT) Standard conforming typesetting of Japanese, for XeLaTeX
wip/texlive-collection-langcjk (CURRENT) Chinese/Japanese/Korean (base) TeX packages
wip/tex-japanese-otf-uptex (CURRENT) Support for Japanese OTF files in upLaTeX
wip/tex-ascmac-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-ascmac
wip/tex-bxjalipsum (CURRENT) Dummy text in Japanese
wip/tex-pxchfon (CURRENT) Japanese font setup for pLaTeX and upLaTeX
wip/tex-pxrubrica (CURRENT) Ruby annotations according to JIS X 4051
wip/upmendex (CURRENT) Multilingual index processor
wip/tex-firstaid (CURRENT) First aid for external LaTeX files and packages that need updating
wip/tex-bxwareki (CURRENT) Convert dates from Gregorian to Japanese calender
wip/tex-pxbase (CURRENT) Tools for use with (u)pLaTeX
wip/tex-bxghost-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-bxghost
wip/tex-bxorigcapt (CURRENT) To retain the original caption names when using Babel
wip/tex-convbkmk (CURRENT) Correct platex/uplatex bookmarks in PDF created with hyperref
wip/tex-gentombow-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-gentombow
wip/tex-haranoaji-extra (CURRENT) Harano Aji Fonts
wip/tex-jlreq-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-jlreq
wip/tex-luatexja (CURRENT) Typeset Japanese with Lua(La)TeX
wip/tex-uptex-fonts (CURRENT) Fonts for use with upTeX
wip/tex-zxjatype-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-zxjatype
wip/tex-uplatex (CURRENT) pLaTeX2e and miscellaneous macros for upTeX
wip/tex-pxjodel-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-pxjodel
wip/tex-plautopatch (CURRENT) Automated patches for pLaTeX/upLaTeX
wip/tex-jlreq-deluxe (CURRENT) Multi-weight Japanese font support for the jlreq class
wip/tex-endnotesj-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-endnotesj
wip/tex-uptex-fonts-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-uptex-fonts
wip/tex-zxjafbfont (CURRENT) Fallback CJK font support for xeCJK
wip/tex-bxjalipsum-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-bxjalipsum
wip/tex-bxwareki-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-bxwareki
wip/go-logging (CURRENT) The logging library used by Pion
wip/go-rtcp (CURRENT) Go implementation of RTCP
wip/go-httppath (CURRENT) Utilities for HTTP path manipulation
wip/go-rtp (CURRENT) Go implementation of RTP
wip/go-randutil (CURRENT) Helper library for cryptographic and mathmatical randoms
wip/go-xid (CURRENT) Globally unique id generator thought for the web
wip/go-tomb.v1 (CURRENT) Helps with clean goroutine termination in the Go language
wip/go-client_model (CURRENT) Data model artifacts for Prometheus
wip/go-randomdata (CURRENT) Generator of random data for golang
wip/sfm (CURRENT) Simple file manager
wip/go-govaluate (CURRENT) Arbitrary expression evaluation for golang
sysutils/sfm (CURRENT) Simple file manager
wip/go-faker (CURRENT) Generate fake data in go
wip/go-htmlcolor (CURRENT) Html syntax highlighter for Go
wip/go-influxdb1-client (CURRENT) The old clientv2 for InfluxDB 1.x
wip/go-jsoncolor (CURRENT) Colorized JSON output for Go
wip/cyclone-docs (CURRENT) Documentation for wip/cyclone
wip/pinentry (CURRENT) Applications for entering PINs or Passphrases
wip/pinentry-qt5 (CURRENT) Applications for entering PINs or Passphrases, qt5 enabled
wip/linux-gcta (CURRENT) Tool for Genome-wide Complex Trait Analysis
wip/pinentry-qt4 (CURRENT) Applications for entering PINs or Passphrases, qt4 enabled
wip/tex-tabulary-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-tabulary
wip/tex-tabulary (CURRENT) Tabular with variable width columns balanced
wip/krusader-kf5 (CURRENT) Advanced twin-panel (commander-style) file-manager for KDE Plasma
sysutils/krusader-kf5 (CURRENT) Advanced twin-panel (commander-style) file-manager for KDE Plasma
wip/pinentry-gnome3 (CURRENT) Applications for entering PINs or Passphrases, GNOME 3 enabled
wip/bsdec2-image-upload (CURRENT) Tool for creating Amazon EC2 AMIs
wip/go-netlink (CURRENT) Netlink provides low-level access to Linux netlink sockets
wip/go-libudev (CURRENT) Golang native implementation udev library
wip/qt6-qtsvg (CURRENT) Qt6 module for SVG
wip/qt6-qt5compat (CURRENT) Qt6 module for Qt5 portability
wip/qt6-qtdeclarative (CURRENT) Qt6 module for declarative framework
wip/qt6-qttools (CURRENT) Qt6 tools
wip/qt6-qtquickcontrols2 (CURRENT) Qt6 module with Qt quick controls
wip/qt6-qtquicktimeline (CURRENT) Qt6 quick controls for keyframe animation
wip/qt6-qtshadertools (CURRENT) Qt6 shadertools
wip/qt6-qtquick3d (CURRENT) 3d engine for Qt6 quick
wip/qt6-qtwayland (CURRENT) Qt6 wayland
wip/qt6-qtimageformats (CURRENT) Extra image handlers for Qt6
wip/qt6-qtnetworkauth (CURRENT) Qt6 module with auth libraries
net/qt6-qtnetworkauth (CURRENT) Qt6 module with auth libraries
wip/catpoint (CURRENT) Simple point utilities to hold text presentations
wip/qt6-qt3d (CURRENT) Qt6 3d
wip/qt6-odbc (CURRENT) Qt6 odbc SQL driver
wip/qt6-psql (CURRENT) Qt6 PostgreSQL driver
wip/ddgr (CURRENT) DuckDuckGo from the terminal
wip/nagios-plugin-printer (CURRENT) Gather supply metrics from a printer via SNMP query
sysutils/nagios-plugin-printer (CURRENT) Gather supply metrics from a printer via SNMP query
wip/nagios-plugin-snmp_environment (CURRENT) Check various hardware environmental sensors
sysutils/nagios-plugin-snmp_environment (CURRENT) Check various hardware environmental sensors
wip/xpaint (CURRENT) Simple paint program
wip/libXaw3dXft (CURRENT) FreeType and UTF-8 support for libXaw3d
wip/py-doctor (CURRENT) Python API document generator
math/funst (CURRENT) Tiny command-line tool to calculate fundamental statistics
wip/wabt (CURRENT) The WebAssembly Binary Toolkit
sysutils/ddiff (CURRENT) Compare directories
lang/ruby30 (CURRENT) Ruby programming language 3.0.5 meta package
lang/ruby30-base (CURRENT) Ruby 3.0.6 release minimum base package
textproc/ruby-rexml (CURRENT) XML toolkit for Ruby
wip/binaryen (CURRENT) Compiler and toolchain infrastructure library for WebAssembly
wip/tio (CURRENT) Simple TTY terminal I/O application
wip/lxqt-panel-git (CURRENT) Desktop panel
wip/lxqt-build-tools-git (CURRENT) LXQt build tools
wip/py-typeguard (CURRENT) Python run-time type checking library
emulators/qemu51 (CURRENT) CPU emulator using dynamic translation
fonts/tex-japanese-otf-uptex (CURRENT) Support for Japanese OTF files in upLaTeX
fonts/tex-japanese-otf-uptex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-japanese-otf-uptex
wip/rusty-rain (CURRENT) Cross Platform Matrix Rain made with Rust
print/tex-uptex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-uptex
fonts/unifraktur-ttf (CURRENT) Modification of the Berthold Mainzer Fraktur font from Peter Wiegel
wip/git-crypt (CURRENT) Transparent file encryption in git
textproc/paperoni (CURRENT) Article extractor in Rust
wip/xst (CURRENT) st fork that uses Xresources and some patches
wip/libkgapi (CURRENT) KDE-based library to access various Google services via their public API
misc/libkgapi (CURRENT) KDE-based library to access various Google services via their public API
python/py-rich (CURRENT) Render rich text, tables, progress bars, syntax highlighting
devel/ruby-redmine41 (CURRENT) Flexible project management web application
www/lariza (CURRENT) Experimental web browser using WebKit2GTK+
finance/rates (CURRENT) Currency exchange rates in your terminal
converters/py-country (CURRENT) ISO country, currency and script definitions and their translations
wip/py-POT (CURRENT) Python Optimal Transport Library
math/py-POT (CURRENT) Python Optimal Transport Library
wip/py-json-logger (CURRENT) Python library adding a json log formatter
wip/wfuzz (CURRENT) Web application fuzzer
wip/wsjt (CURRENT) Well known in the amateur radio WSJT
wip/lagrange (CURRENT) Desktop GUI client for browsing Gemini
sysutils/preloader-m1 (CURRENT) Preloader for OS images on Apple M1 SoCs
sysutils/dtb-arm64-apple-m1 (CURRENT) DTB files for arm64 apple-m1 based boards
wip/rterm (CURRENT) Port of suckless terminal to rust
sysutils/ansible-base (CURRENT) SSH-based configuration management, deployment, and task execution
wip/php-base58 (CURRENT) PHP extension for base58 encoding and decoding
graphics/py-Pillow6 (CURRENT) Python Imaging Library (Fork)
wip/py-arabic-reshaper (CURRENT) Reconstruct Arabic sentences to be used in applications
textproc/py-arabic-reshaper (CURRENT) Reconstruct Arabic sentences to be used in applications
wip/hackernews-tui (CURRENT) Terminal UI to browse Hacker News
wip/xsd (CURRENT) W3C XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler
wip/libkleo (CURRENT) KDE PIM cryptographic library
wip/libcutl (CURRENT) C++ utility library
wip/tahoe-lafs (CURRENT) Distributed fault-tolerant least-authority filesystem
wip/quest-tui (CURRENT) Rust todo TUI
wip/libhandy1 (CURRENT) Building blocks for modern adaptive GNOME apps
wip/kdepim-runtime (CURRENT) Extends the functionality of kdepim
wip/incidenceeditor (CURRENT) KDE PIM incidence editor
wip/calendarsupport (CURRENT) Calendar support library
wip/grantleetheme (CURRENT) Library for Grantlee theming support
wip/kdepim-apps-libs (CURRENT) KDE PIM application libraries
misc/kdepim-apps-libs (CURRENT) KDE PIM application libraries
wip/korganizer (CURRENT) Calendar and scheduling Program
wip/kontactinterface (CURRENT) Kontact Plugin Interface Library
wip/akonadi-calendar-tools (CURRENT) CLI tools to manage akonadi calendars
wip/knotes (CURRENT) Popup notes
wip/kdiagram (CURRENT) Powerful libraries for creating business diagrams
wip/eventviews (CURRENT) Library for creating events
wip/libgravatar (CURRENT) KDE PIM library providing Gravatar support
wip/syndication (CURRENT) RSS/Atom parser library
wip/kaddressbook (CURRENT) Personal alarm scheduler
wip/gnome-desktop40 (CURRENT) GNOME3 desktop-wide documents and libgnome-desktop library
x11/gnome-desktop40 (CURRENT) GNOME3 desktop-wide documents and libgnome-desktop library
wip/go-dnstap (CURRENT) Go language implementation of framestream protocol
wip/git-lfs (CURRENT) Git extension for versioning large files
wip/kmail-account-wizard (CURRENT) KMail account wizard
wip/mailimporter (CURRENT) Mail importer library
wip/kleopatra (CURRENT) Certificate Manager and Unified Crypto GUI
wip/ktnef (CURRENT) API for handling TNEF data
wip/shod (CURRENT) Hybrid (floating and tiling) tabbed window manager
wip/tre (CURRENT) Tree command, improved
wip/tre-command (CURRENT) Tree command, improved
time/quest-tui (CURRENT) Rust todo TUI
x11/wxGTK31 (CURRENT) Cross-platform wxWidgets GUI library (3.1 development branch)
textproc/py-pygments25 (CURRENT) Python syntax highlighter
wip/PageEdit (CURRENT) ePub XHTML Visual Editor
wip/py-epr-reader (CURRENT) Terminal/CLI Epub Reader
wip/konqueror (CURRENT) KDE File Manager & Web Browser
editors/cesium (CURRENT) Notepad-like text editor
wip/uq (CURRENT) Simple, user-friendly alternative to sort, uniq
wip/gnome-desktop3-linux (CURRENT) GNOME3 desktop-wide documents and libgnome-desktop library
x11/gnome-desktop3-linux (CURRENT) GNOME3 desktop-wide documents and libgnome-desktop library
wip/mutter-linux (CURRENT) GNOME window manager
wm/mutter-linux (CURRENT) GNOME window manager
wip/cfssl (CURRENT) CloudFlare\'s PKI toolkit
devel/anura (CURRENT) Fully-featured game engine
wip/gomuks (CURRENT) Terminal Matrix client written in Go
wip/olm (CURRENT) Implementation of the Double Ratchet cryptographic ratchet
print/py27-reportlab (CURRENT) Powerful PDF-generating toolkit for Python
wip/gmake (CURRENT) GNU version of 'make' utility
textproc/py27-tinycss2 (CURRENT) Low-level CSS parser for Python
textproc/py27-cssselect2 (CURRENT) CSS selectors for Python ElementTree
textproc/py27-pyphen (CURRENT) Pure Python module to hyphenate text
net/maguro (CURRENT) Fast YouTube downloader with Rust-native bindings
www/cratuity (CURRENT) TUI for quickly searching
wip/libxtendc (CURRENT) Miscellaneous functions to extend libc
wip/gst-plugins1-base (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - base plugins
wip/gst-plugins1-good (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - good plugins
wip/csview (CURRENT) High performance csv viewer with cjk/emoji support
wip/rsclock (CURRENT) Simple terminal clock
wip/deckster (CURRENT) TUI to study flashcards in the terminal
wip/gcc10_aux (CURRENT) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 10.0 Release Series
misc/deckster (CURRENT) TUI to study flashcards in the terminal
www/longboard (CURRENT) Longboard: The easy way to surf
wip/qt6-qtdatavis3d (CURRENT) Qt6 module for data visualization
wip/qt6-qtcharts (CURRENT) Qt6 module with charts controls
wip/qt6-qtlottie (CURRENT) Qt6 module for lottie animations
devel/py-dataclasses (CURRENT) Backport of the dataclasses module for Python 3.6
comms/py-enrich (CURRENT) Extends py-rich
wip/zabbix54-proxy (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
wip/zabbix54-frontend (CURRENT) Zabbix PHP 7.2+ frontend
wip/zabbix54-agent (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
wip/zabbix54-java (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
wip/zabbix54-server (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
wip/py-flask-sendmail (CURRENT) Flask extension to send mails with sendmail
wip/py-kb (CURRENT) Minimalist command line knowledge base manager
devel/ruby-redmine42 (CURRENT) Flexible project management web application
wip/lua-lualdap (CURRENT) Binding for the OpenLDAP client libraries
wip/inkscape (CURRENT) Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) editor
wip/py-ec2instanceconnectcli (CURRENT) AWS EC2 Instance Connect Client
security/py-ec2instanceconnectcli (CURRENT) AWS EC2 Instance Connect Client
devel/py-traitlets4 (CURRENT) Traitlets Python config system
wip/openblas64 (CURRENT) Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2
wip/blas64 (CURRENT) Basic Linear Algebra System (Netlib reference implementation)
wip/cblas64 (CURRENT) C interface to a BLAS library
wip/lapack64 (CURRENT) Linear Algebra PACKage (Netlib reference implementation)
wip/lapacke64 (CURRENT) C interface to a LAPACK library
wip/openblas64_pthread (CURRENT) Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2
wip/openblas64_openmp (CURRENT) Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2
wip/go117 (CURRENT) The Go programming language
wip/openjdk16 (CURRENT) Open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition
wip/starship (CURRENT) Fast, customizable cross-shell prompt
wip/xurl (CURRENT) Little tool to manipulate urls
wip/py-pillow (CURRENT) Python Imaging Library (PIL)
wip/ugdb (CURRENT) Alternative TUI for gdb
wip/py-spake2 (CURRENT) Pure-Python SPAKE2
wip/mdigest (CURRENT) Calculates a message digest
wip/py-magic-wormhole (CURRENT) Securely transfer data between computers
wip/libhighway (CURRENT) C++ library for SIMD
devel/ugdb (CURRENT) Alternative TUI for gdb
www/xurl (CURRENT) Little tool to manipulate urls
wip/xsv (CURRENT) Fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust
wip/lazygit (CURRENT) Simple terminal UI for git commands
wip/elvish (CURRENT) Expressive programming language and a versatile interactive shell
wip/amfora (CURRENT) Terminal-based Gemini client
wip/spotify-tui (CURRENT) Spotify client for the terminal written in Rust
wip/py-platformdirs (CURRENT) Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs
devel/py-platformdirs (CURRENT) Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs
wip/py-charset-normalizer (CURRENT) Open and modern alternative to Chardet
devel/py-charset-normalizer (CURRENT) Open and modern alternative to Chardet
devel/py-isort4 (CURRENT) Python utility / library to sort imports
wip/akonadiconsole (CURRENT) Akonadi management and debugging console
wip/kmail (CURRENT) KDE mail client
wip/mbox-importer (CURRENT) Import mbox files to KMail
wip/grantlee-editor (CURRENT) Editor for Grantlee themes
wip/kalarm (CURRENT) Personal alarm scheduler
wip/messagelib (CURRENT) KDE PIM messaging library
wip/pim-data-exporter (CURRENT) Import and export KDE PIM settings
wip/pim-sieve-editor (CURRENT) Mail sieve editor
wip/kontact (CURRENT) KDE Personal Information Manager
wip/akregator (CURRENT) Feed Reader by KDE
wip/libksieve (CURRENT) KDE PIM library for managing sieves
wip/mailcommon (CURRENT) KDE PIM library providing support for mail applications
wip/akonadi-import-wizard (CURRENT) Import data from other mail clients to KMail
wip/xmlada (CURRENT) Adacore XML suite for the Ada language
wip/py-yamllint (CURRENT) Linter for YAML files
wip/tree-sitter (CURRENT) Incremental parsing system for programming tools
wip/py-olm (CURRENT) Olm bindings for Python
wip/py-matrix-nio (CURRENT) Matrix client library for Python
wip/avr-libc-gcc10 (CURRENT) C and math library for Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontrollers
lang/go117 (CURRENT) The Go programming language
wip/esbuild (CURRENT) Fast JavaScript bundler and minifier
security/R-gitgreds (CURRENT) Query 'git' Credentials from 'R'
math/R-gitgreds (CURRENT) Query 'git' Credentials from 'R'
wip/stern (CURRENT) Multi pod and container log tailing for Kubernetes
wip/py-qt5-webengine (CURRENT) Python module for QtWebEngine (Chromium-based)
wip/calibre5 (CURRENT) E-book library management application
comms/py-clikit (CURRENT) Utilities to build beautiful and testable command line interfaces
wip/py-sip6 (CURRENT) Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries
wip/py-qtbuilder (CURRENT) Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries
wip/conftest (CURRENT) Tests structured configuration data via OPA Rego query language
databases/ruby-gdbm-gem (CURRENT) Ruby extension for GNU dbm
wip/py-sip5 (CURRENT) Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries
math/py-astropy-helpers (CURRENT) Tools for Astropy package
devel/py-astropy-helpers (CURRENT) Tools for Astropy package
wip/py-qt-builder (CURRENT) Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries using Qt
wip/poppler-qt6 (CURRENT) PDF rendering library (QT6 wrapper)
wip/asciidoc (CURRENT) ASCII to formatted document converter
wip/dusage (CURRENT) Command line disk usage information tool
devel/py-testtools24 (CURRENT) Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework (python 2.x)
devel/py-gobject32 (CURRENT) Python bindings for glib2 gobject
wip/ldb (CURRENT) LDAP-like embedded database
wip/samba4 (CURRENT) SMB/CIFS protocol server suite
wip/botan3 (CURRENT) Portable, easy to use, and efficient C++ crypto library (v3)
devel/py-flake8-3 (CURRENT) Modular source code checker for Python programs
devel/py-click7 (CURRENT) Simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities
devel/py-mccabe06 (CURRENT) Mccabe plugin for the Python program checker flake8
print/tex-tikzpagenodes (CURRENT) Single TikZ node for the whole page
wip/xscreensaver (CURRENT) Screen saver and locker for the X window system
devel/hs-Cabal-syntax (CURRENT) Library for working with .cabal files
sysutils/ctv (CURRENT) Configurable tree view
net/py-twisted19 (CURRENT) Framework for writing networked applications
wip/glazier (CURRENT) X windows manipulator
wip/python3 (CURRENT) Wrapper linking current python3.x to python3 and python
python/python3 (CURRENT) Wrapper linking current python3.x to python3 and python
devel/hs-hls-oumolu-plugin (CURRENT) Integration with the Ormolu code formatter
devel/hs-hls-selection-range-plugin (CURRENT) HLS Plugin to support smart selection range
devel/hs-hls-refine-imports-plugin (CURRENT) Refine imports plugin for Haskell Language Server
wip/davis (CURRENT) CLI client for MPD
wip/py-hypothesmith (CURRENT) Hypothesis strategies for generating Python programs, like CSmith
wip/py-libcst (CURRENT) Concrete syntax tree with AST-like properties for Python
lang/hs-purescript-cst (CURRENT) PureScript Programming Language Concrete Syntax Tree
sysutils/hs-system-fileio (CURRENT) Consistent filesystem interaction across GHC versions
sysutils/hs-system-filepath (CURRENT) High-level, byte-based file and directory path manipulations
textproc/scatterbrainedsearch (CURRENT) Scatterbrained implementation of minigrep
wip/nodejs (CURRENT) V8 JavaScript for clients and servers
wip/tg-timer-git (CURRENT) Open source Time Grapher for timing mechanical watches
wip/pystring (CURRENT) Pythons string methods for C++ std::string
wip/simde (CURRENT) Header-only library for SIMD intrinsics
wip/hisat2-simde (CURRENT) Alignment program for mapping next-generation sequencing reads
wip/openjdk17 (CURRENT) Open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition
wip/libdeflate (CURRENT) Optimized deflate/zlib/gzip library
wip/btop (CURRENT) Colorful TTY resource monitor
lang/nodejs14 (CURRENT) V8 JavaScript for clients and servers
wip/helix (CURRENT) Editor inspired by kakoune / neovim
wip/evince (CURRENT) Document viewer
wip/lapinott-util-git (CURRENT) Utility library for zipfs
wip/zipfs-git (CURRENT) Utility library for zipfs
editors/ced (CURRENT) Dead easy csv editor
wip/nanosaur (CURRENT) Source port of Nanosaur from Pangea Software
wip/bugdom (CURRENT) Pangea Software's Bugdom for modern systems
wip/ottomatic (CURRENT) Pangea Software's Otto Matic
wip/mightymike (CURRENT) Pangea Software's Mighty Mike (Power Pete) for modern systems
wip/qt6-qtlanguageserver (CURRENT) Qt6 language server implementation
print/tex-context-cmttbf-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-cmttbf
print/tex-context-layout-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-layout
print/tex-context-cmttbf (CURRENT) Use Computer Modern Typewriter bold font in ConTeXt
print/tex-context-layout (CURRENT) Show ConTeXt layouts
print/tex-context-inifile-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-inifile
print/tex-context-cmscbf (CURRENT) Use Computer Modern bold Caps and Small-caps in ConTeXt
print/tex-context-cmscbf-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-context-cmscbf
print/tex-context-inifile (CURRENT) Ini-file pretty-printer, using ConTeXt
textproc/py27-jinja2 (CURRENT) Small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine
textproc/py27-markupsafe (CURRENT) Implements a unicode subclass that supports HTML strings
wip/py-cryptography (CURRENT) Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python
wip/amnesia-tdd (CURRENT) Amnesia: The Dark Descent
wip/gzip (CURRENT) Compress or expand files
wip/qbe (CURRENT) Compiler backend
devel/py-test-freezegun (CURRENT) Wrap tests with fixtures in freeze_time
lang/nodejs16 (CURRENT) V8 JavaScript for clients and servers
wip/fennel (CURRENT) The Fennel programming language
wip/simh3 (CURRENT) Bob Supnik's simulator for historic computer systems
wip/diffanal (CURRENT) Fast, simple differential analysis
wip/py-threadpoolctl (CURRENT) Python helpers to limit the number of threads of datascience tools
security/R-soduim (CURRENT) Modern and Easy-to-Use Crypto Library
math/R-soduim (CURRENT) Modern and Easy-to-Use Crypto Library
wip/rt5 (CURRENT) Industrial-grade ticketing system
wip/moonlight-qt (CURRENT) GameStream client
wip/qt5-styleplugins (CURRENT) Qt 5 extra widget styles
wip/xbrightness (CURRENT) Brightness and gamma correction through the X server
wip/ksh93u+ (CURRENT) Actively developed fork of AT&T KornShell 93u+
wip/got-portable (CURRENT) Game of Trees version control system manipulating Git repo
wip/go119 (CURRENT) The Go programming language
devel/py-collections_extended (CURRENT) Python Collections (Bag, setlist, IndexedDict, etc.)
wip/libreswan (CURRENT) Internet Key Exchange Daemon for managing IPsec
devel/py-lama7 (CURRENT) Code audit tool for Python
wip/jose (CURRENT) C implementation of JOSE
wip/emwm-utils (CURRENT) Companion utilies for EMWM
wip/emwm (CURRENT) Enhanced Motif Window Manager
wip/libmd (CURRENT) Message Digest functions from BSD systems
wip/etsh (CURRENT) Enhanced port of Thompson shell from V6 UNIX
wip/drawterm (CURRENT) Utility to connect to Plan9 CPU servers
wip/64tass (CURRENT) Cross-assembler for 6502-like processors
wip/biz-ud-mincho-ttf (CURRENT) Morisawa BIZ UDMincho font
wip/biz-ud-gothic-ttf (CURRENT) Morisawa BIZ UDGothic font
wip/signify-libbsd (CURRENT) Cryptographically sign and verify files, from OpenBSD
converters/py-chardet4 (CURRENT) Character encoding auto-detection in Python
wip/ksh93 (CURRENT) Actively developed fork of AT&T KornShell 93u+
wip/zabbix62-agent (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
wip/zabbix62-frontend (CURRENT) Zabbix PHP 7.4+ frontend
wip/zabbix62-java (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
wip/zabbix62-server (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
wip/zabbix62-proxy (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
wip/openssl3 (CURRENT) Secure Socket Layer and cryptographic library
wip/xidle (CURRENT) Run a program on X inactivity
wip/ee (CURRENT) EasyEdit, a classic curses text editor
wip/gimp-devel (CURRENT) The GNU image manipulation program (development version)
wip/xlax (CURRENT) Multi-window input software
wip/wxGTK32 (CURRENT) Cross-platform wxWidgets GUI library (3.2 stable branch)
wip/gst-rtsp-server (CURRENT) GStreamer RTSP server
wip/kubo (CURRENT) IPFS implementation in Go
graphics/libjxl (CURRENT) JpegXL reference codec
wip/trufflehog (CURRENT) Find credentials all over the place
wip/nuclei (CURRENT) Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner
wip/shoutrrr (CURRENT) Notification library and CLI for gophers and their furry friends
wip/py-nbclassic (CURRENT) Jupyter web applications for multiple programming languages
devel/py-nbclassic (CURRENT) Jupyter web applications for multiple programming languages
wip/py-json5 (CURRENT) Python implementation of the JSON5 data format
wip/py-jupyter_server (CURRENT) Backend for Jupyter web applications
devel/py-jupyter_server (CURRENT) Backend for Jupyter web applications
wip/py-notebook_shim (CURRENT) For switching to Jupyter Server
devel/py-notebook_shim (CURRENT) For switching to Jupyter Server
wip/py-jupyterlab_server (CURRENT) JupyterLab Server sits between JupyterLab and Jupyter Server
devel/py-jupyterlab_server (CURRENT) JupyterLab Server sits between JupyterLab and Jupyter Server
wip/py-jupyterlab (CURRENT) Next-generation user interface for Project Jupyter
wip/rspamd31 (CURRENT) Fast, free and open-source spam filtering system
wip/py-scikit-build (CURRENT) Improved build system generator for Python C/C++/Fortran/Cython
wip/py-elastic-transport (CURRENT) Transport classes and utilities for Elastic client libraries
wip/py-elasticsearch (CURRENT) Official low-level python client for Elasticsearch
devel/py27-coverage (CURRENT) Python module that measures code coverage for Python
devel/py27-test-cov (CURRENT) Pytest plugin for measuring coverage
wip/opencascade-git (CURRENT) Software development platform for 3D CAD CAM CAE
mail/ruby-roadie4 (CURRENT) Making HTML emails comfortable for the Ruby rockstars
math/ruby-matrix (CURRENT) Implementation of Matrix and Vector classes
mail/ruby-roadie-rails2 (CURRENT) Hooks Roadie into your Rails application
net/ruby-net-protocol (CURRENT) Abstract interface for net-* client
security/ruby-digest (CURRENT) Provides a framework for message digest libraries
wip/cromagrally (CURRENT) Source port of Cro-Mag Rally from Pangea Software
wip/sops (CURRENT) Simple and flexible tool for managing secrets
textproc/ruby-actionpack52-xml_parser (CURRENT) XML parameters parser for Action Pack (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
wip/apecrunch (CURRENT) Versitile TUI Speedcrunch Alternative
wip/senpai (CURRENT) Modern terminal IRC client
wip/rslack (CURRENT) TUI for posting message to Slack
wip/ripdrag (CURRENT) Drag and Drop utilty written in Rust and GTK4
wip/simp (CURRENT) Fast and simple GPU-accelerated image manipulation program
wip/gettext-rs (CURRENT) GNU Gettext FFI binding for Rust
wip/aschord (CURRENT) Print guitar chord with ascii characters given its name
math/apecrunch (CURRENT) Versitile TUI Speedcrunch Alternative
devel/py-pyobjc-framework-IMServicePlugIn (CURRENT) Wrappers for the framework IMServicePlugIn on macOS
wip/oracle-jdk17 (CURRENT) Oracle Java SE 17
time/kaddressbook (CURRENT) Personal alarm scheduler
wip/poke (CURRENT) Extensible editor for structured binary data
wip/qt6-qthttpserver (CURRENT) Qt6 classes for creating http servers
wip/qt6-qtspeech (CURRENT) Qt6 module for text to speech
sysutils/repofetch (CURRENT) Fetch details about your remote repository
editors/bred (CURRENT) Simple binary file reader
wip/mtpaint-git (CURRENT) Painting program and photo editor
security/py-cryptography-norust (CURRENT) Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python (pre-Rust version)
wip/yash (CURRENT) POSIX-compliant command line shell
wip/xss-lock (CURRENT) Use external locker as X screen saver
wip/py-reprotest (CURRENT) Build packages and check them for reproducibility
wip/py-rstr (CURRENT) Generate random strings in Python
wip/tclx (CURRENT) Extension to Tcl
wip/mbrolavox-us1 (CURRENT) British English male voice for MBROLA
wip/mbrola (CURRENT) Speech synthesizer
wip/py-lsp-server (CURRENT) Python Language Server for the Language Server Protocol
devel/py-lsp-server (CURRENT) Python Language Server for the Language Server Protocol
wip/py-docstring-to-markdown (CURRENT) On the fly conversion of Python docstrings to markdown
wip/py-lsp-jsonrpc (CURRENT) JSON RPC 2.0 server library
devel/py-lsp-jsonrpc (CURRENT) JSON RPC 2.0 server library
wip/tut (CURRENT) TUI for Mastodon with shellout
wip/mbrolavox-en1 (CURRENT) British English male voice for MBROLA
wip/mbrolavox-us2 (CURRENT) British English male voice for MBROLA
wip/mbrolavox-us3 (CURRENT) British English male voice for MBROLA
wip/pcaudiolib (CURRENT) Provides a C API to different audio devices
wip/sonic (CURRENT) Simple library to speed up or slow down speech
wip/ximaging (CURRENT) Image browser and viewer for Unix - X/Motif
wip/xcursor-core-hr (CURRENT) High-resolution version of X11 core cursor theme
wip/redeclipse16 (CURRENT) Free casual arena shooter (older version)
comms/py-coloredlogs (CURRENT) Colored terminal output for Python's logging module
wip/xosview2 (CURRENT) X11 graphical display of OS statistics
wip/convertall (CURRENT) Another unit converter
wip/py-versioneer (CURRENT) Version-string management for VCS-controlled trees
wip/mm (CURRENT) UNIX reimplementation of the TOPS-20 MM program
wip/bsdfetch (CURRENT) BSD system information tool written in C
wip/ipget (CURRENT) Retrieve files over IPFS and save them locally
wip/balance-tui (CURRENT) Balance chemical equations from the CLI
wip/libreddit (CURRENT) Private front-end for Reddit
wip/py-sip-qt5 (CURRENT) Qt5 support for sip
wip/veusz (CURRENT) Scientific plotting package
wip/nushell (CURRENT) New type of shell
wip/go120 (CURRENT) The Go programming language
wip/tex-syntax (CURRENT) Creation of syntax diagrams
wip/gifski (CURRENT) GIF encoder based on libimagequant (pngquant)
devel/got-portable (CURRENT) Game of Trees version control system manipulating Git repo
wip/mgdiff (CURRENT) graphical front end to Unix diff
x11/mgdiff (CURRENT) graphical front end to Unix diff
wip/gnuregex (CURRENT) GNU Regex library
wip/xfce4-conf (CURRENT) Xfce client-server configuration storage and query system
wip/xfce4-garcon (CURRENT) Xfce menu library
wip/xfce4-power-manager (CURRENT) XFCE power manager
wip/nanosaur2 (CURRENT) Source port of Nanosaur 2: Hatchling from Pangea Software
devel/py-neovim (CURRENT) Python client to Neovim
wip/xdiary (CURRENT) Calendar utility based on Motif/X
wip/shfmt (CURRENT) Shell formatter with bash support
wip/galera (CURRENT) Synchronous multi-master replication library
wip/git-branchless (CURRENT) High-velocity, monorepo-scale workflow for Git
wip/ironwail (CURRENT) High performance QuakeSpasm fork
wip/bzip3 (CURRENT) Spiritual successor to BZip2
wip/gospt (CURRENT) Spotify TUI and CLI
wip/bandsnatch (CURRENT) CLI batch downloader for your Bandcamp collection
wip/python312-devel (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
lang/python312-devel (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
wip/ncdu2 (CURRENT) Disk usage visualization tool
wip/sformat (CURRENT) SCSI disk maintainance, formating, and ultimative repair tool
wip/zabbix60-agent2 (CURRENT) Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
devel/ruby-concurrent-ruby11 (CURRENT) Modern concurrency tools for Ruby, version 1.1.x
wip/trac-trunk (CURRENT) Repository browser, wiki, and issue tracking system
www/trac-trunk (CURRENT) Repository browser, wiki, and issue tracking system
wip/miller (CURRENT) Command-line CSV processor
wip/libpll (CURRENT) High-performance software library for phylogenetic analysis
wip/httpx (CURRENT) HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes
wip/dnsx (CURRENT) DNS toolkit designed for running DNS queries
wip/subfinder (CURRENT) Fast passive subdomain enumeration tool
wip/mirmake (CURRENT) Portable version of MirBSD make(1) and associated tools
wip/polyml (CURRENT) Implementation of Standard ML
graphics/py-pillow-heif (CURRENT) Python interface for libheif library
devel/py-msgpack104 (CURRENT) MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
wip/py-fido2 (CURRENT) Yubico FIDO U2F and FIDO 2.0 USB Python library
wip/attr (CURRENT) Commands for Manipulating Filesystem Extended Attributes
wip/yubikey-manager-qt (CURRENT) Cross-platform GUI for configuring any YubiKey over all USB interfaces
wip/alephone (CURRENT) Classic 2.5D FPS game engine, updated to use SDL
wip/typst (CURRENT) Markup-based typesetting system
wip/gerb (CURRENT) Graphical font editor in GTK and Rust
wip/marswm (CURRENT) Modern window manager featuring dynamic tiling
wip/lua-language-server (CURRENT) Language server for Lua
wip/mame (CURRENT) Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
wip/gcc10-libjit (CURRENT) GNU Compiler Collection 10 (gcclibjit library)
wip/homeassistant (CURRENT) Meta-package for prereqs for Home Assistant
wip/libpaper2 (CURRENT) Paper size handling library
wip/four-bar-rs (CURRENT) Simulator and synthesizing tool for four-bar linkage mechanism
wip/oatbar (CURRENT) Standalone desktop bar
wip/qtxdg-tools (CURRENT) User tools for LXQt components
wip/go-qiniu-x (CURRENT) Extension of Go standard library
wip/goplus (CURRENT) The Go+ programming language
wip/lxqt-panel-dev (CURRENT) Desktop panel
wip/libnitrokey (CURRENT) Library to communicate with Nitrokey devices
wip/git-cinnabar (CURRENT) Remote helper to use mercurial repositories with git
wip/libimagequant (CURRENT) High-quality conversion of RGBA images to 8-bit indexed-color
wip/py-ruff (CURRENT) Extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust
devel/py27-babel (CURRENT) Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
wip/py-pdm (CURRENT) Modern Python package and dependency manager
wip/py-toolconfig (CURRENT) Python tool configuration
textproc/nltk_data-omw14 (CURRENT) NLTK Data - Open Multilingual Wordnet
misc/rustentia (CURRENT) Flashcards application
wip/lua54 (CURRENT) Lightweight, embeddable scripting language (v5.4)
wip/libfido2 (CURRENT) U2F/FIDO/FIDO2 library and tools
wip/perl5 (CURRENT) Practical Extraction and Report Language
wip/py-django-mailman3 (CURRENT) Django library for Mailman UIs
wip/py-mailmanclient (CURRENT) Official Python bindings for the GNU Mailman 3 REST API
wip/postorius (CURRENT) The New Mailman Web UI
mail/postorius (CURRENT) The New Mailman Web UI
wip/py-django-allauth (CURRENT) Authentication, registration, account management and 3rd party account auth
wip/py-openid (CURRENT) Python 3 port of the python2-openid library
wip/py-django-gravatar2 (CURRENT) Essential Gravatar support for Django
wip/libproxy (CURRENT) Library that provides automatic proxy configuration management
wip/szyszka (CURRENT) Fast and powerful file renamer
wip/psutils (CURRENT) Utilities for manipulating PostScript documents
wip/py-pspdfutils (CURRENT) Manipulate PDF and PostScript documents
wip/scons (CURRENT) Python-based, open-source build system
wip/automount-devpubd (CURRENT) NetBSD's devpubd(8) based automount solution
math/R-cellranger (CURRENT) Translate Spreadsheet Cell Ranges to Rows and Columns
wip/diesel (CURRENT) CLI for the Diesel crate
wip/diesel-cli (CURRENT) CLI for the Diesel crate
wip/regal (CURRENT) Regal is a linter for Rego
wip/prometheus-cpp (CURRENT) Prometheus Client Library for Modern C++
wip/go121 (CURRENT) The Go programming language
wip/projectable (CURRENT) TUI file manager built for projects
wip/gping (CURRENT) Ping, but with a graph
wip/rex (CURRENT) TUI for keeping track of incomes and expenses
wip/py-referencing (CURRENT) JSON Referencing in Python
wip/vaultwarden-web_vault (CURRENT) This is the Bitwarden web vault with the patches to make it work with security/vaultwarden
wip/py-rich-click (CURRENT) Format click help output nicely with rich
wip/pkgchkxx (CURRENT) Complete rewrite of pkg_chk and pkg_rolling-replace in C++
wip/py-verboselogs (CURRENT) Extend Python logging module to add the log levels
wip/py-django4 (CURRENT) Django, a high-level Python Web framework
wip/xt (CURRENT) Translate between serialized data formats
wip/py-protobuf (CURRENT) Python bindings for protobuf
wip/blender-addons (CURRENT) Standard set of blender addons
wip/joker (CURRENT) Clojure dialect and linter
wip/avr-gcc13 (CURRENT) GCC for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers
wip/ast-grep (CURRENT) CLI tool for code structural search, lint, and rewriting
wip/nethack-curses (CURRENT) The curses based version of NetHack
wip/csound6181 (CURRENT) Software synthesizer and sequencer
wip/rust173 (CURRENT) Safe, concurrent, practical language
wip/rust173-bin (CURRENT) Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution)
wip/rust172 (CURRENT) Safe, concurrent, practical language
wip/herbe (CURRENT) Daemon-less notifications without D-Bus
wip/bugdom2 (CURRENT) Source port of Bugdom 2 from Pangea Software
wip/cairo-gobject (CURRENT) Vector graphics library with cross-device output support
wip/drawing (CURRENT) Basic image editor, similar to Microsoft Paint
wip/qemacs (CURRENT) Quick Emacs
wip/ruby-rexml (CURRENT) XML toolkit for Ruby
wip/ruby-rss (CURRENT) Family of libraries that support various formats of XML "feeds"
www/ruby-rss (CURRENT) Family of libraries that support various formats of XML "feeds"
wip/xjed (CURRENT) Extensible folding editor + Emacs/WordStar/EDT emulations, X11 version
wip/jed (CURRENT) Extensible folding editor with Emacs/WordStar/EDT emulations
wip/rust174 (CURRENT) Safe, concurrent, practical language
wip/rust174-bin (CURRENT) Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution)
wip/slumber (CURRENT) Terminal-based REST client
wip/rio (CURRENT) Hardware-accelerated GPU terminal emulator
wip/fritzbox_exporter-ndecker (CURRENT) Fritz!Box Upnp statistics exporter for Prometheus
wip/dte (CURRENT) Small and easy to use console text editor
wip/snmp_exporter (CURRENT) SNMP Exporter for Prometheus
wip/aerc (CURRENT) Terminal email client written in Go
wip/ssh-audit (CURRENT) Tool for SSH server & client configuration auditing
wip/netbsd_exporter (CURRENT) Prometheus exporter for NetBSD
wip/go122 (CURRENT) The Go programming language
wip/libplacebo (CURRENT) GPU-accelerated image/video processing primitives and shaders
wip/py-glad2 (CURRENT) Multi-Language GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator
wip/newsraft (CURRENT) Terminal based feed reader
wip/py-aioquic_mitmproxy (CURRENT) Fork of aioquic with adjustments for mitmproxy
www/py-aioquic_mitmproxy (CURRENT) Fork of aioquic with adjustments for mitmproxy
wip/py-pylsqpack (CURRENT) Python wrapper for the ls-qpack QPACK library
wip/py-mitmproxy_rs (CURRENT) Mitmproxy's Rust bits
www/py-mitmproxy_rs (CURRENT) Mitmproxy's Rust bits
wip/sendmail818 (CURRENT) The well known Mail Transport Agent
wip/cmocka (CURRENT) Unit testing framework for C supporting mock objects
wip/py-nihtest-git (CURRENT) Testing tool for command line utilities
wip/py-aioquic (CURRENT) Fork of aioquic with adjustments for mitmproxy
wip/rust175 (CURRENT) Safe, concurrent, practical language
wip/xmenu (CURRENT) Menu utility for X11
textproc/py27-lxml (CURRENT) Python binding for libxml2 and libxslt
wip/sptui (CURRENT) Spotify TUI player
wip/qrcp (CURRENT) Transfer files over Wi-Fi via a QR Code
wip/Retro68 (CURRENT) M68k cross compiler environment
wip/rbw (CURRENT) Unofficial bitwarden cli
wip/tree-sitter-cli (CURRENT) Incremental parsing system for programming tools (CLI)
wip/rust175-bin (CURRENT) Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution)
textproc/py-mistune2 (CURRENT) Sane Markdown parser with useful plugins and renderers
wip/gcc13-gnat (CURRENT) GNAT Compiler and Ada tools
wip/gprbuild (CURRENT) GPRbuild build system for Ada
wip/rust176 (CURRENT) Safe, concurrent, practical language
wip/vmailmgr (CURRENT) Virtual domain manager for qmail
wip/vmailmgr-php (CURRENT) Manage multiple mail domains on a single qmail host
wip/vmailmgr-courier-imap (CURRENT) Virtual domain manager for qmail (Courier authentication)
wip/vmailmgr-docs (CURRENT) Virtual domain manager for qmail (docs)
wip/vmailmgr-python (CURRENT) Virtual domain manager for qmail
wip/vmailmgr-cgi (CURRENT) Virtual domain manager for qmail (cgi programs)
wip/vmailmgr-base (CURRENT) Virtual domain manager for qmail (base package)
wip/php-vmailmgr (CURRENT) Virtual domain manager for qmail (PHP bindings)
wip/py-vmailmgr (CURRENT) Virtual domain manager for qmail (Python bindings)
wip/eflite (CURRENT) Speech server for screen readers using Festival Lite
wip/rust176-bin (CURRENT) Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution)
wip/espeak-ng (CURRENT) Open source speech synthesizer
wip/yasr (CURRENT) Lightweight and portable screen reader
wip/py-lieer (CURRENT) Email synchronization between notmuch and GMail
wip/py-notmuch2 (CURRENT) Pythonic bindings for the notmuch mail database using CFFI
wip/megacmd (CURRENT) CLI and scriptable application to access MEGA
wip/uncrustify (CURRENT) Source Code Beautifier for C-like languages
wip/RE-flex (CURRENT) Fast lexical analyzer generator for C++ with full Unicode support
wip/speech-dispatcher (CURRENT) Common interface to speech synthesis library
wip/emacspeak (CURRENT) Speech interface for emacs
wip/oh-my-posh (CURRENT) Prompt theme engine for any shell
wip/i3lockr (CURRENT) Distort a screenshot and run i3lock
wip/iamb-dev (CURRENT) Matrix client for Vim addicts
wip/rsftch (CURRENT) Lightning fast hardware fetch
wip/abcl (CURRENT) Armed Bear Common Lisp
wip/sha3sum (CURRENT) Compute and check sha3xxx message digest
wip/gummi (CURRENT) LaTeX editor, written in C/GTK+
fonts/Azeret (CURRENT) Sans-serif typeface with mono-linear character (Azeret font family)
fonts/b612 (CURRENT) Eclipse PolarSys B612 font family
wip/spectrum2 (CURRENT) Instant Messenger transports
x11/py-gnome2-extras (CURRENT) Python binding for GNOME2
x11/kde3-i18n-fa (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/py-qt3-qscintilla (CURRENT) Python binding for QScintilla
x11/kde3-i18n-nb (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/Xaw3d (CURRENT) 3-D widgets based on the Athena Widget set
x11/kde3-i18n-vi (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-sl (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-nn (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-mn (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-hu (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/xf86-video-via (CURRENT) Modular Xorg VIA unichrome video driver
x11/xfce4-gtk2-engine (CURRENT) Xfce GTK2 themes
x11/gtk2-sharp (CURRENT) C# bindings for GTK
x11/alacarte (CURRENT) Menu editor for the GNOME desktop
x11/xsetmode (CURRENT) Switch mode of XInput devices
x11/qt3-mysql (CURRENT) QT mysql driver
x11/gst-plugins0.10-x11 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - x11 plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-x11 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - x11 plugin
x11/ruby-gnome2-gnome (CURRENT) Ruby binding of libgnome/libgnomeui-2.x
gnome/ruby-gnome2-gnome (CURRENT) Ruby binding of libgnome/libgnomeui-2.x
x11/xsetpointer (CURRENT) Set an XInput device as the main pointer
x11/swing (CURRENT) Sun's Java Foundation Classes (the Swing UI toolkit), version 1.1.1
devel/swing (CURRENT) Sun's Java Foundation Classes (the Swing UI toolkit), version 1.1.1
x11/tk83 (CURRENT) Graphical toolkit for TCL
x11/gnome2-control-center (CURRENT) GNOME2 configuration utility
x11/libXTrap (CURRENT) X Trap Library
x11/wxhaskell (CURRENT) Haskell wxGTK bindings
x11/Xrender (CURRENT) Client library for the X Rendering Extension protocol
x11/gnome-mag (CURRENT) GNOME screen magnifier
x11/kde3-i18n-ja (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-ko (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/openmotif (CURRENT) The Open Group Motif toolkit for the X Window System
x11/paragui (CURRENT) Cross-platform high-level application framework and GUI library
x11/qt2-docs (CURRENT) Documentation for the QT C++ X GUI toolkit
x11/xproxymanagementprotocol (CURRENT) X Proxy Management extension headers from modular X11
x11/gnopernicus (CURRENT) Collection of accessibility apps for GNOME 2
x11/kde3-i18n-ss (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/printproto (CURRENT) Print extension headers from
x11/qwt (CURRENT) Qt widget library for technical purposes
x11/kde3-i18n-ta (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/xf86-video-cyrix (CURRENT) Modular Xorg Cyrix MediaGX video driver
x11/kde3-i18n-rw (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/fast-user-switch-applet (CURRENT) Switch between users from the GNOME Panel
misc/fast-user-switch-applet (CURRENT) Switch between users from the GNOME Panel
x11/libXxf86misc (CURRENT) Library for the XFree86-Misc X extension
x11/kde3-i18n-zh_TW (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-sk (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-en_GB (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/pygtk (CURRENT) Python Bindings for the GTK Widget Set
x11/py-gnome2 (CURRENT) Python binding for GNOME2
x11/qt1 (CURRENT) C++ X GUI toolkit
x11/kde3-i18n-bg (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/wxGTK-contrib (CURRENT) GTK-based implementation of the wxWidgets GUI library (contrib libraries)
x11/xf86-video-vga (CURRENT) Modular Xorg generic VGA video driver
x11/qt3-tools (CURRENT) QT GUI (WYSIWYG) builder and other tools
x11/libXp (CURRENT) X Print Service Extension Library
x11/libXprintUtil (CURRENT) X Print Utility Library
x11/liblbxutil (CURRENT) Low Bandwith X extension (LBX) utility routines
x11/libxkbui (CURRENT) Library for xkbui
x11/p5-gtk (CURRENT) Perl bindings for GTK+
x11/py-Pmw (CURRENT) Python meta widgets (python-2.x version)
x11/py-gnome2-desktop (CURRENT) Python modules for the GNOME desktop
sysutils/py-gnome2-desktop (CURRENT) Python modules for the GNOME desktop
x11/qt2-designer (CURRENT) Visual (WYSIWYG) QT GUI builder
x11/qt2-examples (CURRENT) QT2 Tutorial, example code and HTML documentation
x11/qt3-docs (CURRENT) Documentation for the QT C++ X GUI toolkit
x11/qt3-pgsql (CURRENT) QT postgresql driver
x11/qt3-qscintilla (CURRENT) Scintilla C++ editor class for Qt
x11/qwspritefield (CURRENT) Efficiently redrawn sprites in the Qt GUI Toolkit
x11/resourceproto (CURRENT) Resource extension headers from
x11/ruby-gnome2-panelapplet (CURRENT) Ruby binding of libpanel-applet-2.6.x
gnome/ruby-gnome2-panelapplet (CURRENT) Ruby binding of libpanel-applet-2.6.x
x11/tkman (CURRENT) Tcl/Tk based manual browser
x11/videoproto (CURRENT) Video extension headers from modular X11
x11/wxGTK (CURRENT) GTK-based implementation of the wxWidgets GUI library
x11/wxGTK24 (CURRENT) GTK-based implementation of the wxWidgets GUI library
x11/xclock (CURRENT) Analog / digital clock for X
x11/xcmiscproto (CURRENT) XCMisc extension headers from
x11/xextproto (CURRENT) XExt extension headers from
x11/xf86-video-imstt (CURRENT) Modular Xorg IMS Twin Turbo 128 video driver
x11/xf86-video-nvxbox (CURRENT) Modular Xorg NVidia Xbox video driver
x11/xf86bigfontproto (CURRENT) XF86BigFont extension headers from
x11/xf86miscproto (CURRENT) XF86Misc extension headers from modular
x11/xfce3 (CURRENT) Lightweight desktop environment with CDE look and feel
x11/xglobe (CURRENT) Displays the earth as seen from space, similar to xearth
x11/xineramaproto (CURRENT) Xinerama extension headers from
x11/xorg-imake (CURRENT) Imake and other utilities from
x11/xorg-server (CURRENT) X server and related programs
x11/xscreensaver-demo (CURRENT) Demo viewer and configuration tool for xscreensaver
x11/xvidcap-gtk2 (CURRENT) Capture X display to individual frames or MPEG video (GTK2 version)
x11/acidlaunch (CURRENT) Small, light-weight app launcher
x11/kde3-i18n-el (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-de (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/xorg-clients (CURRENT) client programs and related files
x11/Xrandr (CURRENT) X RandR extension (Library)
x11/py-qt2 (CURRENT) Python bindings for the Qt toolkit
x11/xmms-osd (CURRENT) XMMS plugin that shows current status on your desktop
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtk (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GTK+-2.x
x11/kde3-i18n-nds (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/gnustep-preferences (CURRENT) Application for setting preferences for the GNUstep system
x11/qt3 (CURRENT) "meta-package" for the QT GUI C++ toolkit
x11/randrproto (CURRENT) Randr extension headers from modular
x11/kde3-i18n-hr (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-fr (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/xf86-video-i810 (CURRENT) Modular Xorg Intel video driver
x11/xfce4-utils (CURRENT) Xfce utilities
x11/py-qt3-sip (CURRENT) Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries
devel/py-qt3-sip (CURRENT) Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries
x11/py-qt3-modules (CURRENT) Various Python modules for Qt3
x11/py-qt3-base (CURRENT) Python binding for Qt3
x11/ebuilder (CURRENT) GUI builder for the Qt library
x11/xpmroot (CURRENT) Sets the root window to an Xpm pixmap
x11/kde3-i18n-br (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-bs (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/egtk (CURRENT) Eiffel/GTK+ interface for SmallEiffel
x11/xf86vidmodeproto (CURRENT) XF86VidMode extension headers from modular
x11/kde3-i18n-et (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/xf86dgaproto (CURRENT) XF86DGA extension headers
x11/fixesproto (CURRENT) Fixes extension headers from
x11/kde3-i18n-ru (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-sr (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-sv (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-tr (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-uz (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-zh_CN (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/Xcomposite (CURRENT) Xcomposite extension (library)
x11/kdelibdocs3 (CURRENT) KDE library documentation
devel/kdelibdocs3 (CURRENT) KDE library documentation
x11/recordproto (CURRENT) Record extension headers from
x11/kde3-i18n-ca (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/rep-gtk (CURRENT) librep bindings for gtk (used by sawmill)
x11/xprehashprinterlist (CURRENT) Recompute Xprint server list
x11/libxfce4gui (CURRENT) Xfce widget library
x11/fontsproto (CURRENT) Fonts extension headers from
x11/ruby-gtk (CURRENT) Ruby interface to Gtk+ toolkits
x11/kde3-i18n-uk (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-km (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-ga (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-hi (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/gdm (CURRENT) Gnome Display Manager - a re-implementation of the xdm program
x11/9term (CURRENT) X11 program which emulates a plan9 window
plan9/9term (CURRENT) X11 program which emulates a plan9 window
x11/qt2-libs (CURRENT) C++ X GUI toolkit
x11/p5-gtk2 (CURRENT) Perl bindings for GTK+ 2.0
x11/xfce4-mcs-plugins (CURRENT) Xfce settings manager plugins
x11/kde3-i18n-se (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/xf86driproto (CURRENT) XF86DRI extension headers from modular
x11/kde3-i18n-es (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/gnome2-applets (CURRENT) GNOME2 panel applets
x11/kde3-i18n-mk (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/multi-aterm (CURRENT) Multi-terminal for the X Window System based on aterm
x11/multi-gnome-terminal (CURRENT) Gnome tabbed terminal emulator
gnome/multi-gnome-terminal (CURRENT) Gnome tabbed terminal emulator
x11/kde3-i18n-ms (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-sr_Latn (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/xplsprinters (CURRENT) Query Xprint servers
x11/py-wxWidgets (CURRENT) Python bindings for wxWidgets
x11/Xfixes (CURRENT) X Fixes extension of X RandR
x11/bwidget (CURRENT) High-level widget set for Tcl/Tk
x11/damageproto (CURRENT) Damage extension headers from modular
x11/dfm (CURRENT) Desktop File Manager
x11/evieext (CURRENT) EvIE extension headers
x11/fontcacheproto (CURRENT) Fontcache extension headers from
x11/gdkxft (CURRENT) Transparently add anti-aliased font support to gtk+ applications
x11/gnome-libs (CURRENT) Libraries for the GNU Network Object Model Environment
x11/gnome-panel (CURRENT) GNOME2 panel application
x11/gnome-screensaver (CURRENT) Screen saver and locker for the GNOME desktop
x11/gnome-themes-extras (CURRENT) Collection of metathemes for the GNOME desktop environment
x11/inputproto (CURRENT) Input extension headers from
x11/kbproto (CURRENT) KB extension headers from
x11/kde3-i18n-af (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-az (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-bn (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-cs (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-cy (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-eo (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-eu (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-fi (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-fy (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-gl (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-he (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-is (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-kk (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-lt (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-pa (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-pt_BR (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-tg (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kdebindings-ruby (CURRENT) Ruby bindings for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
x11/kdelibs3 (CURRENT) Support libraries for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
x11/kkbswitch (CURRENT) Keyboard layout indicator for KDE 2 or 3
kde/kkbswitch (CURRENT) Keyboard layout indicator for KDE 2 or 3
x11/lablgtk (CURRENT) GTK+ 2.x bindings for Objective Caml
x11/lablgtk2 (CURRENT) GTK+ 2.x bindings for Objective Caml
x11/lbxproxy (CURRENT) Proxy for Low Bandwidth extension (LBX) connections to X
x11/libXevie (CURRENT) X Event Interceptor Library
devel/kscope (CURRENT) KDE frontend for cscope
devel/py-logging (CURRENT) Python logging system
devel/c-cpp-reference (CURRENT) C and C++ reference for the KDE IDE
devel/aap (CURRENT) make(1) replacement
devel/p5-Attribute-Handlers (CURRENT) Simpler definition of attribute handlers
devel/guile-oops (CURRENT) CLOS-like object system for Guile 1.4
devel/equeue (CURRENT) Queues for file events (OCaml)
devel/py-kqueue (CURRENT) Python interface to kqueue(2) and kevent(2) system calls
devel/gnome2-libole2 (CURRENT) OLE2 streams parsing library for GNOME2
geography/proj-swig (CURRENT) Guile and python wrappers for proj
geography/gpsdrive (CURRENT) GPS Navigation system
geography/postgresql81-postgis (CURRENT) Spatial database capabilities for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql81-postgis (CURRENT) Spatial database capabilities for PostgreSQL
geography/vis5d+ (CURRENT) Volumetric Visualization program for scientific datasets
x11/kde3-i18n-pl (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-pt (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/gnome2-terminal (CURRENT) Xterm like terminal program for GNOME 2
x11/trapproto (CURRENT) Trap extension headers
x11/compositeproto (CURRENT) Composite extension headers from modular
x11/xorg-libs (CURRENT) Libraries
x11/kde3-i18n-nl (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/xfce4-mcs-manager (CURRENT) Xfce settings manager
x11/libzvt (CURRENT) Virtual Terminal Widget Library for GNOME2
x11/scrnsaverproto (CURRENT) ScrnSaver extension headers from
x11/glproto (CURRENT) GL extension headers
x11/kde3-i18n-lv (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-it (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/xf86-video-nsc (CURRENT) Modular Xorg NSC Geode video driver
x11/kde3-i18n-ar (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/gtoolkit (CURRENT) Objective-C interface to the GTK+ widget set
x11/kde3-i18n-ro (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/kde3-i18n-da (CURRENT) Language bindings for the KDE desktop
x11/py-qt2-sip (CURRENT) Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries
devel/py-qt2-sip (CURRENT) Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries
x11/qt2 (CURRENT) "meta-package" for the QT GUI C++ toolkit
x11/renderproto (CURRENT) Render extension headers from modular
x11/kdebase3 (CURRENT) Base modules for the KDE 3 integrated X11 desktop
x11/kmessage (CURRENT) KMessage is an xmessage clone for KDE
x11/libxfce4mcs (CURRENT) Xfce settings management library
x11/bigreqsproto (CURRENT) BigReqs extension headers from modular Xorg X11
x11/transset-df (CURRENT) Patched version of xorg's transset
x11/xproto (CURRENT) X protocol and ancillary headers from Xorg X11
x11/gtk-engines (CURRENT) Theme engines for GTK+
x11/qtarch (CURRENT) Graphical dialog editor for the Qt widget set
x11/qt3-libs (CURRENT) C++ X GUI toolkit
x11/gtksourceview (CURRENT) Text widget that extends GTK2's GtkTextView widget (v1)
x11/control-center (CURRENT) GNOME2 configuration utility
devel/py-expect (CURRENT) Expect module for Python
devel/mk-files (CURRENT) Portable *.mk files for the NetBSD portable bmake utility
devel/ExmanIDE (CURRENT) Integrated development environment for Python
devel/nbitools (CURRENT) Tools and imake derived from NetBSD-current/xsrc
devel/libgnomeui (CURRENT) Core GNOME2 graphical libraries
devel/eel2 (CURRENT) Eazel Extensions Library for GNOME2
devel/eel (CURRENT) Eazel Extensions Library for GNOME2
devel/py-cheetah (CURRENT) Python-powered template engine and code-generator
devel/edcommon (CURRENT) Foundation and AppKit extensions
devel/libgail-gnome (CURRENT) GNOME Accessibility Implementation Library
devel/libbonoboui (CURRENT) GNOME2 Object activation framework library (graphical version)
devel/kdevelop-base (CURRENT) Base modules for IDE for Unix/X11/KDE
kde/kdevelop-base (CURRENT) Base modules for IDE for Unix/X11/KDE
devel/p5-Test-Harness (CURRENT) Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
devel/gnome-build (CURRENT) GNOME build tools
devel/g-wrap1 (CURRENT) Tool for importing types, functions, and constants into guile 1.4
devel/boaconstructor (CURRENT) Python IDE
devel/epydoc (CURRENT) Python documentation framework
devel/p5-Compress-Zlib (CURRENT) Perl5 module interface to the zlib compression library
devel/netbsd-iscsi (CURRENT) NetBSD's iSCSI target (per iSCSI RFC 3720)
devel/wide (CURRENT) IDE for the While programming language
devel/RTx-Shredder (CURRENT) Utility to clean a RT database
devel/buildtool (CURRENT) Portable build infrastructure
devel/at-spi (CURRENT) Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
devel/p5-IO-Zlib (CURRENT) Perl5 IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib
devel/gtoolkit-examples (CURRENT) Objective-C examples for GToolKit
devel/p4-docs (CURRENT) Perforce SCM documentation
devel/p5-VCP (CURRENT) Versioned Copy, copying hierarchies of versioned files
perl5/p5-VCP (CURRENT) Versioned Copy, copying hierarchies of versioned files
devel/jgrasp (CURRENT) IDE with support for Software Visualizations
devel/p5-VCP-Dest-svk (CURRENT) VCP destination driver for SVN/SVK repositories
perl5/p5-VCP-Dest-svk (CURRENT) VCP destination driver for SVN/SVK repositories
devel/p5-Test-Simple (CURRENT) Perl5 module with a simple framework for writing tests
devel/p5-LDAP (CURRENT) Perl5 module to build LDAP clients with perl
perl5/p5-LDAP (CURRENT) Perl5 module to build LDAP clients with perl
devel/p5-Module-CoreList (CURRENT) Perl 5 module inventorying modules shipped with core Perl
devel/p5-Test-Tester (CURRENT) Perl5 module to ease testing test modules built with Test::Builder
devel/py-TPG (CURRENT) ToyParserGenerator for Python
devel/py-fann (CURRENT) Fast Artificial Neural Network python interface
devel/py-readline (CURRENT) Line editing support for Python
misc/py-readline (CURRENT) Line editing support for Python
devel/rake (CURRENT) Ruby Make
devel/ArX (CURRENT) Distributed revision control system
devel/ruby-activesupport (CURRENT) Collection of classes and extensions for Rails
devel/ruby-gnome2-atk (CURRENT) Ruby binding of ATK-1.0.x or later
devel/ruby-mode (CURRENT) Ruby editing mode for Emacs
devel/scmgit (CURRENT) GIT version control suite meta-package
devel/scons-devel (CURRENT) Python-based, open-source build tool (development version)
devel/sfio (CURRENT) Safe and Fast IO library
devel/sgi-stl-docs (CURRENT) SGI Standard Template Library Programmer's Guide
devel/stlport (CURRENT) Complete C++ standard library
devel/py-ZopeInterface (CURRENT) The zope.interface package used in Zope 3 and Twisted
devel/its4 (CURRENT) Static C/C++ code scanner for potential security problems
devel/boost-python (CURRENT) Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (Boost.Python binary library)
devel/bzr (CURRENT) Bazaar open source distributed version control system
devel/p5-IO-Compress-Zlib (CURRENT) Perl module to parse gzip and zip files and buffers
devel/py-distutils (CURRENT) Distribution Utilities for Python
devel/ruby-gnome2-pango (CURRENT) Ruby binding of pango-1.x
fonts/ruby-gnome2-pango (CURRENT) Ruby binding of pango-1.x
devel/libbonobo (CURRENT) GNOME2 Object activation framework library
devel/libinstaller (CURRENT) Library of support functions for the BSD Installer application
devel/ruby-gnome2-glib (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GLib-2.x
devel/libgnome (CURRENT) Core GNOME2 library (non-graphical)
devel/sgi-stl (CURRENT) SGI Standard Template Library
devel/ArX2 (CURRENT) Distributed revision control system
devel/GConf2-ui (CURRENT) Configuration database system used by GNOME (v2)
devel/RTx-RightsMatrix (CURRENT) Utility to efficiently manage rights to a RT installation
devel/SDL-intro-en (CURRENT) Simple DirectMedia Layer introduction (English)
devel/SDL-intro-ko (CURRENT) Simple DirectMedia Layer introduction (Korean)
devel/bonobo (CURRENT) Architecture for creating reusable software components
devel/c4 (CURRENT) CVS-like frontend to Perforce
devel/codeville (CURRENT) Distributed revision control system
devel/eric3 (CURRENT) Python IDE
devel/fann-devel (CURRENT) Fast Artificial Neural Network
devel/gdb6 (CURRENT) The GNU Project Debugger
devel/gdbada (CURRENT) GNAT GDB : An Ada 95 Debugger
devel/glade-gnome (CURRENT) User interface builder for the GTK2+ toolkit and GNOME2
devel/gobo-eiffel (CURRENT) Portable Eiffel structure libraries and tools
devel/gst-plugins0.10-pango (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - pango plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-pango (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - pango plugin
devel/guile-fcgi (CURRENT) Guile interface to FastCGI
devel/guile-gnome (CURRENT) Library to access gobject/glib/gtk and gnome from guile
devel/guile14-gtk (CURRENT) Library to make GTK accessible from guile 1.4
devel/kdesdk3 (CURRENT) Support applications and tools used by KDE developers
devel/libglademm (CURRENT) C++ bindings for libglade
devel/libgnomemm (CURRENT) C++ bindings for libgnome
devel/libgnomeuimm (CURRENT) C++ bindings for libgnomeui
devel/libscsi (CURRENT) FreeBSD SCSI user library
devel/libsigc++2 (CURRENT) Type-safe callback system for C++ programs
devel/lincvs (CURRENT) Nice GUI front-end to CVS (using Qt)
x11/lincvs (CURRENT) Nice GUI front-end to CVS (using Qt)
devel/newt (CURRENT) Windowing toolkit based on libslang
devel/oaf (CURRENT) New object activation framework for GNOME
devel/opencm (CURRENT) Secure, high-integrity replacement for CVS
devel/p4 (CURRENT) Perforce SCM command-line client
devel/p4d (CURRENT) Perforce SCM server
devel/p4web (CURRENT) Perforce SCM Web client
devel/p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib (CURRENT) Perl5 module interface to the zlib compression library
devel/p5-File-Temp (CURRENT) Provides functions for generating temporary files
devel/p5-FileKGlob (CURRENT) Expand a Unix file glob into a list of matching file names
devel/monotone-viz (CURRENT) Visualize monotone ancestry graphs
devel/apr0 (CURRENT) Apache Portable Runtime
devel/p5-ExtUtils-ParseXS (CURRENT) Perl5 module for converting Perl XS code into C code
devel/p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker (CURRENT) Create a module Makefile
devel/p5-ExtUtils-CBuilder (CURRENT) Perl5 module for compiling and linking C code for Perl modules
devel/py-cursespanel (CURRENT) Curses panel module for Python
devel/svk (CURRENT) Decentralized version control system built on Subversion
perl5/svk (CURRENT) Decentralized version control system built on Subversion
devel/gnustep-objc-lf2 (CURRENT) Objective-C library required for libFoundation
devel/guile-gtk (CURRENT) Library to make GTK 1.2 accessible from guile
devel/p5-Term-ReadLine (CURRENT) Interface to the GNU Readline Library
devel/kdbg (CURRENT) Graphical User Interface around gdb using KDE
devel/libaura (CURRENT) Collection of useful C functions
devel/libcfg+ (CURRENT) Command line and configuration file parsing library
devel/stooop (CURRENT) Simple Tcl Only Object Oriented Programming scheme
x11/stooop (CURRENT) Simple Tcl Only Object Oriented Programming scheme
devel/florist (CURRENT) POSIX Ada Binding, IEEE Standards 1003.5(b,c)
devel/mrproject (CURRENT) Project management program
devel/libglade2 (CURRENT) Runtime interpreter for GLADE GUI files (v2)
devel/libole2 (CURRENT) OLE2 streams parsing library for GNOME
devel/rx (CURRENT) Fast replacement for the GNU regex library
devel/p5-Storable (CURRENT) Perl extension module for persistent data storage
devel/libsexy (CURRENT) Collection of GTK+ widgets that beautify standard widgets
devel/electricfence (CURRENT) Different kind of malloc() debugger
devel/python-mode (CURRENT) Emacs mode for editing python files
devel/gal (CURRENT) Gnome Application Libraries (gal-1.0 API)
gnome/gal (CURRENT) Gnome Application Libraries (gal-1.0 API)
devel/p5-version (CURRENT) Perl extension for Version Objects
devel/ffcall (CURRENT) Foreign function call libraries
devel/p4pr (CURRENT) Perforce file annotation with change, revision, and branch
devel/pthread-stublib (CURRENT) Library providing noop-stubs for pthread functions
mail/cyrus-imapd (CURRENT) Cyrus IMAP server
meta-pkgs/gnome-base (CURRENT) Meta-package for basic components of the GNOME desktop
x11/gnome-base (CURRENT) Meta-package for basic components of the GNOME desktop
meta-pkgs/gtk2-extras (CURRENT) Meta-package for the GIMP Toolkit v2
x11/gtk2-extras (CURRENT) Meta-package for the GIMP Toolkit v2
meta-pkgs/kde3 (CURRENT) "meta-package" for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
x11/kde3 (CURRENT) "meta-package" for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
meta-pkgs/ruby-gnome2 (CURRENT) Set of Ruby language bindings for GNOME2
gnome/ruby-gnome2 (CURRENT) Set of Ruby language bindings for GNOME2
meta-pkgs/gnome-devel (CURRENT) Meta-package for development utilities used in the GNOME desktop
devel/gnome-devel (CURRENT) Meta-package for development utilities used in the GNOME desktop
meta-pkgs/fxtv-capture (CURRENT) Meta-package including all packages to capture video with bktr(4)
meta-pkgs/php5-extensions (CURRENT) "meta-package" for the PHP 5.2 HTML-embedded scripting language
www/php5-extensions (CURRENT) "meta-package" for the PHP 5.2 HTML-embedded scripting language
meta-pkgs/xorg (CURRENT) meta-package
meta-pkgs/suse9 (CURRENT) SUSE-based Linux binary emulation environment
meta-pkgs/php4-extensions (CURRENT) "meta-package" for the PHP4 HTML-embedded scripting language
www/php4-extensions (CURRENT) "meta-package" for the PHP4 HTML-embedded scripting language
devel/rt3 (CURRENT) Industrial-grade ticketing system
devel/distccmon-gnome (CURRENT) Graphical monitor for distcc, the distributed C/C++ compiler
devel/RTFM (CURRENT) Enterprise-grade knowledge management tool
devel/ruby-racc (CURRENT) LALR(1) parser generator for Ruby
devel/GConf2 (CURRENT) Configuration database system used by GNOME (v2)
devel/libdfui (CURRENT) LIBrary for DragonFly User Interfaces
devel/p5-NEXT (CURRENT) Provide a pseudo-class NEXT (et al) that allows method redispatch
devel/py-curses (CURRENT) Curses module for Python
devel/py-ctypes (CURRENT) Foreign Function Interface package for Python
devel/p5-Memoize (CURRENT) Transparently speed up functions by caching return values
devel/p5-IO-Compress-Base (CURRENT) Base class for IO::Compress and IO::Uncompress modules
devel/libFoundation (CURRENT) Library implementing the OpenStep Foundation API
devel/buildtool-doc (CURRENT) Portable build infrastructure - manual
devel/gail (CURRENT) GNOME Accessibility Implementation Library
devel/librsync (CURRENT) Checksum-based differencing library
mail/gnus (CURRENT) Gnus is a flexible message reader running under GNU Emacs
mail/columba (CURRENT) Graphical Email Client written in JAVA (TM)
mail/dkim-milter (CURRENT) Open source DKIM filter software from Sendmail, Inc
mail/fetchyahoo (CURRENT) Download mails from Yahoo webmail into mbox
mail/gotmail (CURRENT) Script to download mail from
mail/kbiff (CURRENT) Mail notification utility for KDE
devel/kbiff (CURRENT) Mail notification utility for KDE
mail/libspf-alt (CURRENT) Sender Permitted Framework (SPF) library
mail/mailscanner (CURRENT) Powerful spam/virus filter with many options
mail/p5-Mail-ClamAV (CURRENT) Perl5 module for security/clamav virus scanner
mail/ruby-actionmailer (CURRENT) Ruby framework for designing email-service layers
mail/sendmail813 (CURRENT) The well known Mail Transport Agent
mail/thunderbird-bin-nightly (CURRENT) Redesign of the Mozilla mail client (nightly binary pkg)
mail/up-imapproxy (CURRENT) Connection caching IMAP proxy server
mail/xfmail (CURRENT) Xforms based mail application for Unix operating systems
mail/yatsvrs (CURRENT) Extended POP3 server and some supporting servers
mail/postfix-current (CURRENT) Postfix SMTP server and tools
mail/sylpheed-claws (CURRENT) X based e-mail and netnews client
news/sylpheed-claws (CURRENT) X based e-mail and netnews client
mail/mutt-devel (CURRENT) Text-based MIME mail client with PGP & S/MIME support
mail/clamav (CURRENT) Anti-virus toolkit
mail/dovecot (CURRENT) Secure IMAP and POP3 server
mail/balsa2 (CURRENT) GNOME2 EMail client
mail/evolution-exchange (CURRENT) Support for Microsoft Exchange 2000 and 2003 in Evolution
x11/wmthemes (CURRENT) Themes for the window manager WindowMaker
wm/bbkeys09 (CURRENT) General X Window keygrabber
x11/bbkeys09 (CURRENT) General X Window keygrabber
wm/fvwm-devel (CURRENT) Development version of X11 Virtual window manager
x11/fvwm-devel (CURRENT) Development version of X11 Virtual window manager
wm/bbconf (CURRENT) Configuration tool for the blackbox window manager
wm/metacity (CURRENT) GNOME-compliant window manager
x11/metacity (CURRENT) GNOME-compliant window manager
wm/gnome-compiz-manager (CURRENT) Utility to manage GL Desktop configuration
wm/amaterus (CURRENT) GTK+ window manager
wm/sawfish-themes (CURRENT) Themes for the sawfish window manager
x11/sawfish-themes (CURRENT) Themes for the sawfish window manager
wm/icecc (CURRENT) IceWM Control Centre
mail/YoSucker (CURRENT) Download mails from Yahoo webmail into mbox
mail/ifile-procmail (CURRENT) Set of scripts for ifile used in procmail environment
mail/sylpheed-devel (CURRENT) X based e-mail and netnews client
news/sylpheed-devel (CURRENT) X based e-mail and netnews client
mail/mail-notification (CURRENT) Status icon that provides new mail notifications
mail/etpan (CURRENT) Mail console client with S/MIME and PGP support
mail/ja-squirrelmail (CURRENT) PHP webmail package with Japanese localization
mail/cyrus-imapd21 (CURRENT) Cyrus IMAP server
mail/thunderbird-gtk1 (CURRENT) Mozilla mail client using the older GTK1 toolkit
mail/wl (CURRENT) Mail/news management system with IMAP4rev1 support for Emacs
mail/nail (CURRENT) BSD mail utility with MIME extensions
time/wyrd (CURRENT) Text-based front-end to Remind
time/cairo-clock (CURRENT) Analog clock drawn with vector-graphics
time/evolution-webcal (CURRENT) GNOME URL handler for web-published iCal calendar files
time/gtodo (CURRENT) To-do list manager for the GNOME desktop
time/gtodo-applet (CURRENT) GNOME applet for the gtodo application
time/p5-Time-Piece (CURRENT) Time::Piece - Object Oriented time objects
time/ptimetracker (CURRENT) Keep track of the time spent on projects
time/wxRemind (CURRENT) Graphical front-end to Remind
time/xfce4-datetime-plugin (CURRENT) Xfce calendar plugin
time/p5-Time-HiRes (CURRENT) Perl5 module for high resolution time, sleep, and alarm
time/sunbird (CURRENT) Mozilla stand-alone calendar application
time/wmcalclock (CURRENT) Another WindowMaker calendar/clock dockapp
x11/wmcalclock (CURRENT) Another WindowMaker calendar/clock dockapp
time/p5-Time (CURRENT) Perl5 functions to convert and use time variables
devel/p5-Time (CURRENT) Perl5 functions to convert and use time variables
perl5/p5-Time (CURRENT) Perl5 functions to convert and use time variables
wm/icepref (CURRENT) Graphical configuration utility for IceWM
wm/whiteBOX (CURRENT) Multi-purpose configuration tool for Blackbox
wm/enlightenment (CURRENT) Highly themeable and configurable window manager
gnome/enlightenment (CURRENT) Highly themeable and configurable window manager
wm/ion (CURRENT) Keyboard friendly tiling window manager
wm/bbpager04 (CURRENT) Pager for the blackbox window manager
wm/blackbox70 (CURRENT) Small and fast X11 window manager
wm/econf (CURRENT) Configuration tool for easily setting up Enlightenment
x11/econf (CURRENT) Configuration tool for easily setting up Enlightenment
wm/ethemes (CURRENT) Themes for the window manager Enlightenment
x11/ethemes (CURRENT) Themes for the window manager Enlightenment
wm/fluxconf (CURRENT) GTK based configuration tool for the fluxbox window manager
wm/fvwm1 (CURRENT) Virtual window manager for X
x11/fvwm1 (CURRENT) Virtual window manager for X
wm/ion3-devel (CURRENT) Keyboard friendly tiling window manager
wm/sawfish-replibs (CURRENT) Librep Lisp libraries for sawfish
x11/sawfish-replibs (CURRENT) Librep Lisp libraries for sawfish
gnome/sawfish-replibs (CURRENT) Librep Lisp libraries for sawfish
wm/wmdrawer (CURRENT) Drawer (retractable button bar) to launch applications
wm/wmthemes (CURRENT) Themes for the window manager WindowMaker
security/p5-Digest (CURRENT) Perl5 base class for Digest:: modules
security/p5-Digest-SHA (CURRENT) Perl module for SHA-1/224/256/384/512 algorithms
security/rainbowcrack (CURRENT) Hash cracker
security/nessus (CURRENT) The Nessus Network Security Scanner
x11/nessus (CURRENT) The Nessus Network Security Scanner
security/libprelude (CURRENT) LibPrelude libraries and c++ easy bindings
security/smtpd (CURRENT) Store and forward SMTP proxy
mail/smtpd (CURRENT) Store and forward SMTP proxy
security/prelude-lml (CURRENT) Log analyzer monitoring your logfile and received syslog messages
security/sslwrap (CURRENT) Simple SSL wrapper
security/AiSSLtelnet (CURRENT) SSL Telnet based on AiSSL
security/py-gnutls (CURRENT) Python bindings for GNUTLS
security/fwbuilder (CURRENT) Firewall Builder GUI
security/rats (CURRENT) Rough Auditing Tool for Security
security/nessus-core (CURRENT) Core module of the Nessus Network Security Scanner
x11/nessus-core (CURRENT) Core module of the Nessus Network Security Scanner
security/sign (CURRENT) File signing and signature verification utility
security/AiCA (CURRENT) Manage Certification Authority and PKI utilities
security/gtk-systrace (CURRENT) GTK interface to systrace(1)
security/libksba04 (CURRENT) X.509 library (0.4 branch)
security/pflkm (CURRENT) OpenBSD Packet Filter as loadable kernel module for NetBSD
security/p5-Digest-MD5 (CURRENT) Perl5 extension interface for MD5 algorithm
security/tinyca (CURRENT) GUI written in Perl/Gtk to manage a small CA
security/ssh-ip-tunnel (CURRENT) Simple VPN system using pppd over ssh
security/pam-dbm (CURRENT) PAM module for DBM authentication
security/MyPasswordSafe (CURRENT) Easy-to-use password manager
security/py-amkCrypto (CURRENT) Cryptographic and hash functions for Python
security/amavisd-new (CURRENT) Daemonized interface between MTA and content checkers
security/py-prewikka (CURRENT) Prelude-IDS console
mbone/imm (CURRENT) Internet Image(or other data) Multicaster (and receiver)
mbone/sdr (CURRENT) MBone Session Directory
mbone/nte (CURRENT) Multicast Network Text Editor
news/cg (CURRENT) Semi-automatic newsgroup binary downloader
news/nget (CURRENT) Command line nntp file grabber
time/projclock (CURRENT) Time management software
time/gdeskcal (CURRENT) Desktop calendar
time/gnotime (CURRENT) Time tracker for GNOME2
time/xcal (CURRENT) Calendar with alarms and a notebook for X11
x11/xcal (CURRENT) Calendar with alarms and a notebook for X11
time/p5-Time-Local (CURRENT) Efficiently compute time from local and GMT time
security/kth-krb4 (CURRENT) Kerberos IV distribution from KTH
security/tacshell (CURRENT) RSA ACE/Server sdshell workalike, using TACACS+
security/PAM (CURRENT) Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
security/sfs (CURRENT) Secure, global, self-certifying network file system
net/sfs (CURRENT) Secure, global, self-certifying network file system
security/fprot-workstation-bin (CURRENT) F-prot antivirus for home users
security/mixminion (CURRENT) Anonymous Type 3 remailer
security/gnome-keyring-manager (CURRENT) GNOME password and secret manager
security/smimemsg (CURRENT) Generate and read S/MIME messages
security/uvscan (CURRENT) Evaluation version of a DOS/Windows file virus scanner
security/gpass (CURRENT) GNOME Password Manager
security/qca (CURRENT) Cross-platform crypto API for QT
security/ap-modsecurity (CURRENT) Intrusion detection and prevention engine for web applications
www/ap-modsecurity (CURRENT) Intrusion detection and prevention engine for web applications
security/amavis-perl (CURRENT) Mail virus scanner
security/botan (CURRENT) Portable, easy to use, and efficient C++ crypto library
security/dirmngr (CURRENT) X509 certificate and CRL downloader
security/fwbuilder21 (CURRENT) Firewall Builder GUI
security/gpgme03 (CURRENT) GnuPG Made Easy (0.3 branch)
security/ipsec-tools (CURRENT) IPsec-tools racoon IKE daemon
security/jessie (CURRENT) GPL implementation of the Java Secure Sockets Extension
security/libfwbuilder (CURRENT) Firewall Builder API
security/libfwbuilder21 (CURRENT) Firewall Builder API
security/libpreludedb (CURRENT) Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts
security/msf (CURRENT) Platform for developing, testing, and using exploit code
security/nessus-libraries (CURRENT) Libs required by the Nessus Network security scanner
x11/nessus-libraries (CURRENT) Libs required by the Nessus Network security scanner
security/nessus-plugins (CURRENT) Plugins for the Nessus Network Security Scanner
x11/nessus-plugins (CURRENT) Plugins for the Nessus Network Security Scanner
security/openssh+gssapi (CURRENT) Open Source Secure shell client and server with enhanced GSSAPI support
security/php-mhash (CURRENT) PHP extension for the mhash hash algorithms library
security/prelude-manager (CURRENT) Prelude IDS manager
security/py-m2crypto (CURRENT) Crypto and SSL toolkit for Python
security/seahorse-nautilus (CURRENT) Seahorse plugin for nautilus
security/ssh2 (CURRENT) Secure Shell client and server for V.2 SSH protocol
security/seahorse-gedit (CURRENT) Seahorse plugin for gedit
security/netramet (CURRENT) NEtwork TRaffic METer
security/kssh (CURRENT) KDE Front-end to SSH
security/libnasl (CURRENT) Nessus Attack Scripting Language library
x11/libnasl (CURRENT) Nessus Attack Scripting Language library
security/fragroute (CURRENT) Tool for intercepting, modifying and rewriting egress traffic
inputmethod/ami (CURRENT) Korean input method
korean/ami (CURRENT) Korean input method
inputmethod/imhangul_status_applet (CURRENT) GNOME2 applet to show imhangul status
korean/imhangul_status_applet (CURRENT) GNOME2 applet to show imhangul status
parallel/openpbs (CURRENT) Generic network queueing system
parallel/glunix (CURRENT) Global Layer Unix for NOW (Network Of Workstations)
parallel/GridSim (CURRENT) Toolkit for simulation of parallel systems
devel/GridSim (CURRENT) Toolkit for simulation of parallel systems
cross/h8300-hms-binutils (CURRENT) Cross utility for h8300-hms
cross/binutils (CURRENT) Unified GNU binutils for cross build environments
cross/i386-cygwin32 (CURRENT) Cross-compile environment for Cygwin32/i386
cross/i386-netbsdpe (CURRENT) Cross-compile environment for PEACE/i386
cross/i386-linux (CURRENT) Cross-compile environment for iX86 Linux, libc v6
cross/i386-msdosdjgpp (CURRENT) Cross-compile environment for MS-DOS on 386 and higher
cross/mipsEEel-netbsd (CURRENT) Cross-compiler for NetBSD/PlayStation2 kernel
cross/i386-mingw32 (CURRENT) Cross-compile environment for MinGW
cross/h8300-hms-gcc (CURRENT) GCC compiler for h8300-hms
comms/gnome-pilot (CURRENT) Handheld synchronisation for GNOME
comms/gscmxx (CURRENT) Gtk+ frontend for scmxx
x11/gscmxx (CURRENT) Gtk+ frontend for scmxx
comms/plptools (CURRENT) FTP-like and NFS-like access tools to talk to the PSION
comms/asterisk (CURRENT) The Asterisk Software PBX
net/asterisk (CURRENT) The Asterisk Software PBX
comms/esms (CURRENT) Command line SMS send tool
comms/zaptel-netbsd (CURRENT) The "zaptel" drivers and utils for the Asterisk Software PBX
comms/linuxsms (CURRENT) Perl script to send short messages to GSM phones
comms/asterisk-sounds-extra (CURRENT) Asterisk IVR and miscellaneous sound files
comms/synce-dccm (CURRENT) Listener daemon for connections from WinCE devices
security/srp_client (CURRENT) Client programs using Secure Remote Password protocol
security/audit-packages (CURRENT) Tools to show vulnerabilities in installed packages
security/qca-tls (CURRENT) Cross-platform crypto API for QT - TLS plugin
security/libassuan (CURRENT) The IPC library used by some GnuPG related software
security/base (CURRENT) Analysis engine to process a database of security events
security/isakmpd (CURRENT) OpenBSD IKE daemon
security/systrace-policies (CURRENT) Systrace policy examples
math/fftwf (CURRENT) Collection of fast C routines to compute DFTs
math/octave-forge (CURRENT) Extensions to Octave
math/py-Numeric (CURRENT) Adds multidimensional numeric arrays to Python
math/py-Scientific-doc (CURRENT) Python modules for scientific computing
math/qalculate-kde (CURRENT) Modern multi-purpose desktop calculator (KDE version)
math/ruby-gsl (CURRENT) Ruby interface to GNU Scientific Library
math/p5-Math-Interpolate (CURRENT) Perl module for interpolating data
math/R-wle (CURRENT) Weighted likelihood estimation
math/qalculate-currency (CURRENT) Utility for conversion between currencies using Qalculate
math/R-maps (CURRENT) Draw geographical maps
math/guppi (CURRENT) Plot program with integrated statistics capabilities
math/py-numarray (CURRENT) Array manipulation
math/R-Matrix (CURRENT) Classes and methods for numerical linear algebra
databases/R-Matrix (CURRENT) Classes and methods for numerical linear algebra
ham/gnuradio-audio-oss (CURRENT) Open Sound System support for GNU Radio
ham/linpsk (CURRENT) PSK31 terminal program using QT3
ham/usrp (CURRENT) Non GNU Radio specific part of the USRP code base
ham/gnuradio-radio-astronomy (CURRENT) GNU Radio module for radio astronomy
ham/gnuradio-audio-jack (CURRENT) GNU Radio module for jack low latency audio server
ham/gmfsk (CURRENT) Multimode HF terminal program
ham/gnuradio-audio-portaudio (CURRENT) GNU Radio module adding support for portaudio
ham/gnuradio-examples (CURRENT) Examples for GNU Radio
ham/gnuradio-wxgui (CURRENT) WxGTK Toolkit module of GNU Radio
ham/gnuradio-usrp (CURRENT) USRP bindings for GNU Radio
ham/gnuradio-core-docs (CURRENT) GNU Radio core module documentation
ham/gnuradio-gsm (CURRENT) GNU Radio GSM 06.10 13kbit/sec voice encoder/decoder
ham/usrp-docs (CURRENT) Documentation for the usrp module
ham/gnuradio-howto (CURRENT) Documentation on creating GNU Radio signal processing blocks
inputmethod/sj3-lib (CURRENT) SJ3 Japanese input method library
japanese/sj3-lib (CURRENT) SJ3 Japanese input method library
inputmethod/sj3-server-bin (CURRENT) SJ3 Japanese input method server & client
japanese/sj3-server-bin (CURRENT) SJ3 Japanese input method server & client
inputmethod/sj3-dict (CURRENT) SJ3 Japanese input method dictionary
japanese/sj3-dict (CURRENT) SJ3 Japanese input method dictionary
inputmethod/ja-freewnn-server-bin (CURRENT) Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Japanese server binary)
japanese/ja-freewnn-server-bin (CURRENT) Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Japanese server binary)
inputmethod/ja-freewnn-dict (CURRENT) Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Japanese dictionary)
japanese/ja-freewnn-dict (CURRENT) Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Japanese dictionary)
net/quagga-devel (CURRENT) Free multithreaded routing daemon software
net/mldonkey-gui (CURRENT) Free peer-to-peer client with eDonkey support and more (GTK interface)
pkgtools/xpkgwedge (CURRENT) Allows X11 pkgs to be built and used outside of
devel/xpkgwedge (CURRENT) Allows X11 pkgs to be built and used outside of
pkgtools/posix_headers (CURRENT) POSIX compatibility headers
pkgtools/pax (CURRENT) POSIX standard archiver with many extensions
pkgtools/tnftp (CURRENT) The enhanced FTP client in NetBSD
shells/zsh-current (CURRENT) The Z shell
shells/mudsh (CURRENT) M.U.D. game-like shell
shells/osh (CURRENT) Port of the Sixth Edition UNIX shell
math/gnumeric (CURRENT) Spreadsheet program from the GNOME project (development version)
math/qalculate-units (CURRENT) Utility for conversion between units using Qalculate
math/gcalctool (CURRENT) Desktop calculator for GNOME
math/qalculate-bases (CURRENT) Utility for conversion between number bases using Qalculate
math/py-pytables (CURRENT) Database package for large amounts of data
math/py-Scientific (CURRENT) Python modules for scientific computing
math/xeukleides (CURRENT) X-Frontend for A Euclidean geometry drawing language
math/R-clim.pact (CURRENT) Climate analysis and downscaling for monthly and daily data
math/octave-current (CURRENT) High-level language, intended for numerical computations
net/netsaint-plugins (CURRENT) NetSaint plugins
net/socks5 (CURRENT) SOCKS v5 application layer gateway and clients
net/bpalogin (CURRENT) BigPond Advance login client
net/mrt (CURRENT) Multi-threaded Routing Toolkit
net/php-yp (CURRENT) PHP extension for YP domain support
www/php-yp (CURRENT) PHP extension for YP domain support
net/mldonkey (CURRENT) Free peer-to-peer client with eDonkey support and more
net/p5-Net-Google (CURRENT) Perl module for accessing Google search engine
perl5/p5-Net-Google (CURRENT) Perl module for accessing Google search engine
net/xipdump (CURRENT) Displays IP packets using X Window System
net/boinc3-libs (CURRENT) Libraries for BOINC applications
net/ripe-whois-tools (CURRENT) RIPE WHOIS client and tools
net/php5-soap (CURRENT) PHP5 extension for SOAP functions
net/powerdns-sqlite (CURRENT) SQLite backend module for PowerDNS
net/py-soappy (CURRENT) SOAP Services for Python
net/bittorrent-gui (CURRENT) File sharing tool (GTK+ GUI)
net/Transmission (CURRENT) Free, lightweight BitTorrent client
net/bind9 (CURRENT) Version 9 of the Berkeley Internet Name Daemon, implementation of DNS
net/nicotine (CURRENT) Client for soulseek, a peer-to-peer network for music
audio/nicotine (CURRENT) Client for soulseek, a peer-to-peer network for music
net/bind8 (CURRENT) The Berkeley Internet Name Daemon, an implementation of DNS
net/stripes (CURRENT) Looking Glass for Zebra and Cisco Routers
net/dnsdoctor (CURRENT) DNS zones misconfigurations or inconsistencies diagnostic tool
net/p5-Net-Gnats (CURRENT) Perl interface to the gnatsd daemon
net/neat (CURRENT) Netsaint Easy Administration Tool
net/ripe-whois (CURRENT) RIPE very simple and generic whois client
net/kdenetwork3 (CURRENT) Network modules for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
net/ntop1 (CURRENT) Shows network usage (similar to "top" for processes)
net/ispman (CURRENT) ISP management software written in perl
net/p5-Net-Z3950 (CURRENT) Perl interface to the Z39.50 information retrieval protocol
net/gnome-vfs2-smb (CURRENT) GNOME Virtual File System (v2) - smb plugin
net/hobbitmon (CURRENT) Network services monitor a la Big Brother
net/irrtoolset-nox11 (CURRENT) The Internet Routing Registry Toolset - client to IRRd
net/ja-samba (CURRENT) Samba supporting I18N swat and L10N for Japanese
net/kftpgrabber (CURRENT) Graphical FTP client for KDE
net/kiax (CURRENT) Open internet telephony system
comms/kiax (CURRENT) Open internet telephony system
net/libsoup-devel (CURRENT) HTTP library implementation in C
net/logjam (CURRENT) GTK client for
net/mppe-lkm (CURRENT) NetBSD kernel module for MPPE compression with PPP
net/netatalk1 (CURRENT) Netatalk appletalk file and print services
net/netbsd-tap (CURRENT) NetBSD kernel module for virtual Ethernet devices
net/netsaint-base (CURRENT) Network monitor
net/netsaint-plugin-cluster (CURRENT) Host and service cluster plugin for NetSaint
net/nmapfe (CURRENT) Graphical front end to the nmap port scanner
net/nsca (CURRENT) Submit passive NetSaint checks results to another server
net/ntop (CURRENT) Shows network usage (similar to "top" for processes)
net/p5-INET6 (CURRENT) Object interface for AF_INET and AF_INET6 domain sockets
net/p5-Net-Rendezvous (CURRENT) Module for DNS service discovery (Apple's Rendezvous)
net/ppp-lzs (CURRENT) PPP daemon and LKM with Stac LZS decompression
net/py-spreadmodule (CURRENT) Python bindings for the Spread messaging service
net/radiusd-cistron (CURRENT) RADIUS-compliant remote authentication and accounting server
net/snort-rules (CURRENT) Network Intrusion Detection System (Community Rules)
net/soup (CURRENT) Callback-based mechanism for sending and servicing SOAP requests
net/xnap (CURRENT) Java filesharing client with support for OpenNap
net/yougrabber (CURRENT) YouTube downloader
net/bug-buddy (CURRENT) Graphical GNOME2 bug reporting tool
net/kphone (CURRENT) Graphical Voice Over Internet (VoIP) phone
net/boinc3-coreclient (CURRENT) Core client for Boinc V3
net/bittornado (CURRENT) Experimental bittorrent client
net/flan (CURRENT) Simulator for IP networks written in Java
net/dctc (CURRENT) Direct Connect clone (Direct Connect Text Client)
net/p5-ispman (CURRENT) Perl module for ISPMan webAdministrator and command line utils
net/arla (CURRENT) Free AFS implementation from KTH
net/nagios-imagepak-base (CURRENT) Additional icons for nagios
net/skype (CURRENT) P2P VoIP software
net/fping6 (CURRENT) Quickly ping many hosts w/o flooding the network
net/freewais-sf (CURRENT) Enhanced Wide Area Information Server
net/gnome-netstatus (CURRENT) Network status applet for the GNOME panel
net/py-METAR (CURRENT) Downloads weather reports
net/netatalk (CURRENT) Netatalk appletalk file and print services
net/ctorrent (CURRENT) Bittorrent client for the console
net/py-google (CURRENT) Call the Google web API from Python
net/hobbitclient (CURRENT) Free-software client for the Hobbit monitor
net/bittorrent (CURRENT) File sharing tool
net/bind4 (CURRENT) The BIND name server, version 4, as an alternative to BIND 8
net/cftp (CURRENT) Comfortable FTP, a full screen ftp client
net/openafs (CURRENT) File system for sharing, scalability and transparent data migration
net/unison-devel (CURRENT) File-synchronization tool
net/p5-Net-IRC (CURRENT) Perl Internet Relay Chat (IRC) module
net/py-zsi (CURRENT) SOAP implementation
net/wu-ftpd (CURRENT) Replacement ftp server for Un*x systems
net/LaBrea (CURRENT) Builds tarpits/honeypots for scanners
net/ORBit (CURRENT) High-performance CORBA ORB with support for the C language
net/airport2basestationconfig (CURRENT) Configuration program for Apple's Airport Base Station
net/airportbasestationconfig (CURRENT) Configuration program for Apple's Airport Base Station
net/airportmodemutility (CURRENT) Modem (dis)connection utility for Apple's Airport Base Station
net/bing (CURRENT) Bing is a point-to-point bandwidth measurement tool
net/bittornado-gui (CURRENT) Experimental bittorrent client (wxGTK GUI)
net/boinc3-seti (CURRENT) SETI@home client for the BOINC framework
net/dc_gui2 (CURRENT) Graphical user interface for DCTC
net/ettercap-NG (CURRENT) Multipurpose sniffer/interceptor/logger for switched LAN
net/gated (CURRENT) Routing protocol daemon
lang/drscheme (CURRENT) R4RS-compliant and nearly R5RS-compliant scheme tailored for teaching
lang/ezm3 (CURRENT) Easier, more portable Modula-3 distribution for building CVSup
lang/gcc3-c (CURRENT) GNU Compiler Collection, v3 - C compiler
lang/gcc3-f77 (CURRENT) GNU Compiler Collection, v3 - F77 compiler
lang/gcc34-ada (CURRENT) This is the gcc 3.4 Ada compiler
lang/java-lang-spec (CURRENT) The Java(TM) Language Specification (HTML)
lang/jbuilder-jit (CURRENT) Just-In-Time compiler for Linux Java Virtual Machine
lang/jini (CURRENT) Suns Jini(tm) Technology Starter Kit
lang/lua (CURRENT) Powerful light-weight language for extending applications
lang/mzscheme (CURRENT) R5RS and R6RS compliant Scheme
lang/nhc98 (CURRENT) Portable Haskell 98 compiler
lang/ocamlduce (CURRENT) Library to integrate XML features into OCaml
lang/onyx (CURRENT) Embeddable stack-based threaded interpreted language
lang/pnetC (CURRENT) C language binding for DotGNU Portable .NET
lang/pnetlib (CURRENT) DotGNU Portable .NET C SHARP class libraries
lang/py-extclass (CURRENT) Python-extensible C "classes" and Acquisition for Python
lang/py-html-docs (CURRENT) HTML Documentation for Python
lang/py22-html-docs (CURRENT) HTML Documentation for Python
lang/python15 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
lang/python23-nth (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
lang/sun-jdk15 (CURRENT) Sun's Java(tm) 2 Standard Edition, JDK 5.0 Update 22
lang/sun-jdk6 (CURRENT) Sun's Java(tm) 2 Standard Edition,
lang/tcl-itcl (CURRENT) O-O system for Tcl
lang/tcl-itcl-current (CURRENT) [incr Tcl] object-oriented extension to Tcl/Tk. CVS snapshot
lang/tcl-tclX (CURRENT) Extended Tcl (TclX), a set of Tcl extensions for system programming
lang/tcl83 (CURRENT) Ousterhout\'s Tool Command Language, a scripting language
lang/tk-expect (CURRENT) Tcl interpreter with both the expect and tk extensions built in
lang/twelf (CURRENT) Meta-language for proving properties of languages and logics
lang/python21 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
lang/sun-jdk13 (CURRENT) Sun's Java(tm) Development Kit 1.3.1
lang/sun-jre14 (CURRENT) Sun's Java(tm) 2 Runtime Environment 1.4.2
lang/scsl-jdk15 (CURRENT) Sun's Java(tm) 2 Standard Edition, JDK 5.0 for BSD
lang/java-vm-spec (CURRENT) The Java(TM) Virtual Machine Specification (HTML)
lang/py23-html-docs (CURRENT) HTML Documentation for Python
lang/gcc-ssp (CURRENT) GNU Compiler Collection with Stack-smashing protection
lang/gb (CURRENT) Basic for Gnome
lang/jdk (CURRENT) Sun's Java(tm) Development Kit
lang/gcc34 (CURRENT) This is the gcc 3.4 compiler
lang/ghc (CURRENT) Compiler for the functional language Haskell
lang/SmartEiffel (CURRENT) The GNU Eiffel Compiler
lang/kaffe-esound (CURRENT) Virtual machine capable of running Java(tm) code (sound support through esound)
lang/sun-jre13 (CURRENT) Sun's Java(tm) Runtime Environment 1.3.1
lang/py-funge (CURRENT) Extensible Funge-98 interpreter written in Python
lang/py-psyco (CURRENT) Python JIT and execution accelerator
lang/sun-jre6 (CURRENT) Sun's Java(tm) 2 Standard Edition, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6u45
lang/python22 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
lang/guile14 (CURRENT) GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension (old version)
lang/tk-tclX (CURRENT) Extended Tcl (TclX), a set of Tcl extensions for system programming
tcl/tk-tclX (CURRENT) Extended Tcl (TclX), a set of Tcl extensions for system programming
lang/python24 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
lang/gcc3-objc (CURRENT) GNU Compiler Collection, v3 - Objective C compiler
net/py-mimelib (CURRENT) Email package for Python
net/netsaint-plugin-snmp (CURRENT) SNMP monitoring plug-in for netsaint
net/polsms (CURRENT) Send SMS to cellular phones in Poland (Plus, Idea, Era)
net/tsclient (CURRENT) GNOME2 Frontend for rdesktop
net/synergy1.2 (CURRENT) Let an user share a mouse and keyboard among computers
net/iperf (CURRENT) TCP and UDP bandwidth performance measurement tool
games/blobwars (CURRENT) Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid (platform shooter)
games/pytraffic (CURRENT) Computer version of a popular board game
games/quake3server-excessive (CURRENT) Quake III Arena Mod: Excessive for Linux
games/gtetrinet (CURRENT) Multiplayer tetris game for GNOME2
games/nethack-qt (CURRENT) The QT-Enhanced X11+tty version of NetHack
games/angband-tty (CURRENT) Tolkien based variant of Moria for tty/console displays
games/freeciv-sounds (CURRENT) Freeciv sound sets
games/et (CURRENT) Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory for Linux
games/glchess (CURRENT) 3D chess interface
games/baduki (CURRENT) Go playing program based on xamigo
games/quake (CURRENT) Legendary first person shoot'em up game
games/genecys-client (CURRENT) Client for Genecys MMORPG
games/gamazons (CURRENT) GNOME program for playing the game Amazons
games/quake3server-ut (CURRENT) Quake III Arena Mod: Urban Terror 3 for Linux
games/quake3arena (CURRENT) Quake 3 Arena -- first person shooter (binary only, no data files)
games/quake3arena-demo (CURRENT) Quake 3 Arena -- first person shooter (linux demo)
games/gturing (CURRENT) GNOME2 turing machine emulator
games/xarchon (CURRENT) Chess-like strategy game with battle options
lang/pnet (CURRENT) DotGNU Portable.NET (development tools)
lang/smalleiffel (CURRENT) GNU Eiffel compiler
lang/gcc (CURRENT) GNU Compiler Collection, version 2
lang/guile (CURRENT) GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension (1.8 branch)
lang/py21-html-docs (CURRENT) HTML Documentation for Python
lang/gcc3-ada (CURRENT) GNU Compiler Collection, v3 - Ada compiler
lang/gcc3 (CURRENT) GNU Compiler Collection, v3
lang/python23 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
lang/jdk-openjit (CURRENT) Reflective JIT compiler for Java
lang/py24-html-docs (CURRENT) HTML Documentation for Python
lang/php5 (CURRENT) PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 5
lang/libtcl-nothread (CURRENT) TCL library for embedding
lang/gcc3-c++ (CURRENT) GNU Compiler Collection, v3 - C++ compiler
lang/ruby18-base (CURRENT) Ruby 1.8 based release minimum package
lang/sun-jdk14 (CURRENT) Sun's Java(tm) 2 SDK, Standard Edition 1.4.2
lang/scsl-jre15 (CURRENT) Sun's Java(tm) 2 Standard Edition, JRE 5.0 for BSD
lang/ruby18 (CURRENT) Ruby programming language 1.8.7 meta package
lang/python20 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
lang/sun-jre15 (CURRENT) Sun's Java(tm) 2 Standard Edition, JRE 5.0 Update 22
lang/pnetlib-nox11 (CURRENT) DotGNU Portable .NET C SHARP class libraries
lang/gcc3-java (CURRENT) GNU Compiler Collection, v3 - Java compiler
lang/blackdown-jre13 (CURRENT) Blackdown's Java(tm) Runtime Environment 1.3.1
lang/cint (CURRENT) C/C++ interpreter
lang/blackdown-jdk13 (CURRENT) Linux port of the Blackdown Java(tm) Runtime Environment
games/pysol (CURRENT) Solitaire game, written in Python
games/gnome2-games (CURRENT) GNOME2 games collection
games/qnetwalk (CURRENT) QNetwalk is a Qt-version of the popular NetWalk game
x11/qnetwalk (CURRENT) QNetwalk is a Qt-version of the popular NetWalk game
games/rollemup (CURRENT) Multi Ball, Player, Platform, Media, Cool Pinball game
games/sirius (CURRENT) Othello game for GNOME2
games/angband-x11 (CURRENT) Tolkien based variant of Moria for X11 displays
games/boson (CURRENT) OpenGL real-time strategy game for KDE 3
games/crafty (CURRENT) Chess engine
games/crafty-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for Crafty chess engine
games/crafty-book-small (CURRENT) Chess opening book for Crafty (small)
games/crossfire-client-gtk (CURRENT) Multi-player graphical arcade and adventure game; GTK client
games/crossfire-client-gtk2 (CURRENT) Multi-player graphical arcade and adventure game; GTK2 client
games/crossfire-maps (CURRENT) X11 multi/single player game similar to gauntlet and nethack
games/foobillard (CURRENT) Free OpenGL-billard game
games/genecys-data (CURRENT) Game datafiles for Genecys
games/grhino (CURRENT) Othello (Reversi) engine
games/kdetoys3 (CURRENT) Toys for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
games/knights (CURRENT) Chess interface for KDE
games/quake3server (CURRENT) Quake III Arena Dedicated Server for Linux
games/quake3server-osp (CURRENT) Quake III Arena Mod: OSP Tourney DM/CA/CTF for Linux
games/quake3server-ra3 (CURRENT) Quake III Arena Mod: Rocket Arena 3 for Linux
games/rtcw (CURRENT) Return to Castle Wolfenstein for Linux
games/starfighter (CURRENT) Old school 2D shoot them up
games/wormux (CURRENT) Battle game
fonts/acroread5-chtfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 5 (Chinese Traditional)
fonts/xorg-fontsMisc (CURRENT) miscellaneous bitmap fonts
fonts/acroread7-chtfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 7 (Chinese Traditional)
fonts/acroread-chsfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 4.0 (Chinese Simplified)
fonts/xorg-fontserver (CURRENT) font server
fonts/acroread-chtfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 4.0 (Chinese Traditional)
fonts/acroread-korfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 4.0 (Korean)
fonts/acroread5-chsfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 5 (Chinese Simplified)
fonts/acroread5-jpnfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 5 (Japanese)
fonts/acroread5-korfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 5 (Korean)
fonts/acroread7-chsfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 7 (Chinese Simplified)
fonts/acroread7-korfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 7 (Korean)
fonts/py-TTFQuery (CURRENT) Query TTF font files for metadata and font outlines
fonts/tex-unttf (CURRENT) TeX fonts based on Un fonts
fonts/xorg-fontsCyrillic (CURRENT) Cyrillic bitmap fonts
fonts/xorg-fontsTruetype (CURRENT) Truetype fonts
fonts/acroread7-jpnfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 7 (Japanese)
fonts/mkfontdir (CURRENT) X11 Font Index Generator
fonts/ec-fonts-mftraced (CURRENT) EC PostScript Type1 fonts with TFMs for TeX
fonts/acroread-font-share (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 4.0 (common base)
fonts/acroread5-font-share (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 5 (common base)
fonts/acroread-jpnfont (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 4.0 (Japanese)
fonts/tex-uhc-fonts-extra (CURRENT) Extra UHC fonts for HLaTeX
fonts/xorg-fontsType1 (CURRENT) Type1 fonts
games/kdegames3 (CURRENT) Games for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
games/crafty-book-medium (CURRENT) Chess opening book for Crafty (medium)
games/maelstrom-x11 (CURRENT) High resolution graphics version of Asteroids (X11 version)
games/mirrormagic-sdl (CURRENT) Nice little puzzle game with color graphics and sound
games/wxhugo (CURRENT) Interactive fiction interpreter with sound and graphics support
audio/csound5-manual (CURRENT) Csound5 Reference Manual
audio/gst-plugins0.8-artsd (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - artsd plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.8-artsd (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - artsd plugin
audio/gst-plugins0.10-vorbis (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - vorbis plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-vorbis (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - vorbis plugin
audio/gst-plugins0.10-musepack (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - musepack plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-musepack (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - musepack plugin
audio/csound4 (CURRENT) Software synthesizer and sequencer
audio/xmms-nebulus (CURRENT) Xmms plugin that uses OpenGL
xmms/xmms-nebulus (CURRENT) Xmms plugin that uses OpenGL
audio/bmp-musepack (CURRENT) BMP plugin for Musepack (mpc) files
audio/xmms-iris (CURRENT) OpenGL Spectrum Analyzer with theme engine and fullscreen modes
xmms/xmms-iris (CURRENT) OpenGL Spectrum Analyzer with theme engine and fullscreen modes
audio/xmms-jakdaw (CURRENT) Very customizable XMMS plugin with nice effects
audio/mpg123-esound (CURRENT) Contains the esd module for mpg123
audio/xine-esound (CURRENT) The esound audio output plugin for xine-lib
audio/portaudio-devel (CURRENT) Portable cross-platform audio API
audio/gst-plugins0.10-spc (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - spc plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-spc (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - spc plugin
audio/xsidplay (CURRENT) Commodore 64 music player and SID chip emulator for X11
audio/xmms-dscope (CURRENT) XMMS plugin for dual scope
audio/xmms-gdancer (CURRENT) XMMS plugin to animate characters to the beat of the music
audio/libopendaap (CURRENT) DAAP client library
audio/gst-plugins0.8-oss (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - oss plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.8-oss (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - oss plugin
biology/pymol (CURRENT) Molecular Visualization System
biology/nut (CURRENT) Record what you eat and analyze your meals
fonts/xorg-fontsEncodings (CURRENT) Encoding fonts
fonts/tex-uhc-fonts-base (CURRENT) Base UHC fonts for HLaTeX
fonts/xorg-fonts100dpi (CURRENT) 100dpi bitmap fonts
fonts/acroread7-font-share (CURRENT) Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 7 (common base)
fonts/xorg-fonts75dpi (CURRENT) 75dpi bitmap fonts
audio/festival-doc (CURRENT) Festival documentation, in (tex)info, html, dvi and ps formats
audio/gkrellm-xmms (CURRENT) GKrellM2 plugin to remotely control XMMS
audio/gnome-vfs2-cdda (CURRENT) GNOME Virtual File System (v2) - cdda plugin
audio/gst-plugins0.10-cdparanoia (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - cdparanoia plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-cdparanoia (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - cdparanoia plugin
audio/gst-plugins0.10-dts (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - dts plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-dts (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - dts plugin
audio/gst-plugins0.10-flac (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - flac plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-flac (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - flac plugin
audio/gst-plugins0.10-libvisual (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - libvisual plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-libvisual (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - libvisual plugin
audio/gst-plugins0.10-mad (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - mad plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-mad (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - mad plugin
audio/gst-plugins0.10-sid (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - sid plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-sid (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - sid plugin
audio/gst-plugins0.8-cdparanoia (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - cdparanoia plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.8-cdparanoia (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - cdparanoia plugin
audio/gst-plugins0.8-esound (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - esound plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.8-esound (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - esound plugin
audio/gst-plugins0.8-faad (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - faad plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.8-faad (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - faad plugin
audio/gst-plugins0.8-lame (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - lame plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.8-lame (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - lame plugin
audio/gst-plugins0.8-mad (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - mad plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.8-mad (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - mad plugin
audio/gtkpod (CURRENT) GUI for iPod using GTK2
audio/libao-arts (CURRENT) Cross-platform audio library (arts plugin)
audio/libao-esound (CURRENT) Cross-platform audio library (ESD plugin)
audio/libhydrogen (CURRENT) Shared library for the Hydrogen drum machine
audio/libtunepimp (CURRENT) Library to support MusicBrainz enabled tagging
audio/libvisual-xmms (CURRENT) XMMS plugin for libvisual
audio/musicbrainz (CURRENT) Second generation incarnation of the CD Index (2.x series)
audio/py-karaoke (CURRENT) Free Python-based karaoke player
audio/py-ogg (CURRENT) Python bindings for OGG library
audio/py-xmms (CURRENT) Python interface to XMMS
audio/rio (CURRENT) Utility to display and manage files on the Diamond Rio PMP300
audio/rplay (CURRENT) Network audio player
audio/tunesbrowser (CURRENT) Front-end for DAAP client
audio/xfce4-xmms-plugin (CURRENT) Xfce XMMS plugin
audio/xmms-bump-scope (CURRENT) Moving light embossing oscilloscope
xmms/xmms-bump-scope (CURRENT) Moving light embossing oscilloscope
audio/xmms-dspectogram (CURRENT) XMMS plugin for dual spectogram
audio/xmms-dspectral (CURRENT) XMMS plugin for dual spectral analyzer
audio/xmms-esound (CURRENT) XMMS plugin to output sound through the esound daemon
audio/xmms-faad (CURRENT) XMMS plugin for faad
audio/xmms-fmradio (CURRENT) Use a Radio Tuner card in XMMS
audio/xmms-liveice (CURRENT) Audio streaming plugin for XMMS
audio/xmms-modplug (CURRENT) XMMS plugin based on modplug
audio/xmms-synaesthesia (CURRENT) Port of Synaesthesia to an XMMS plugin
audio/xmms-tv-scope (CURRENT) 3D Representation of a waveform
xmms/xmms-tv-scope (CURRENT) 3D Representation of a waveform
audio/xmms-vismsa (CURRENT) Vis plugin similar to the Spectrum Analyser from Open Cubic Player
audio/xmms-neato (CURRENT) Circle effect XMMS plugin
audio/xmms-jess (CURRENT) XMMS plugin with Blur, image distortion, and others
xmms/xmms-jess (CURRENT) XMMS plugin with Blur, image distortion, and others
audio/xmms-paranormal (CURRENT) Extremely customizable (pseudo-programmable) XMMS plugin
audio/xmms-osx (CURRENT) XMMS plugin for OSX native audio output
audio/xmmsctrl (CURRENT) Small utility to control xmms from the command line
audio/xmms-alarm (CURRENT) Plugin which allows XMMS to be used as an alarm clock
audio/gogo (CURRENT) Very fast lame-based mp3 encoder, i386 only
archivers/gzip-base (CURRENT) Compress or expand files
audio/gnome-speech (CURRENT) GNOME 2 text-to-speech API
audio/p5-MusicBrainz-Client (CURRENT) Provide access to the libmusicbrainz client library
audio/gst-plugins0.10-faad (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - faad plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-faad (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - faad plugin
audio/kmp (CURRENT) Qt client for the Music Player Daemon
audio/xmms-flac (CURRENT) FLAC XMMS plugin
audio/arts (CURRENT) Analog Real-Time Synthesizer
audio/daapd (CURRENT) Server for DAA protocol (iTunes)
audio/xmms-arts (CURRENT) XMMS plugin to output sound through the aRts sound daemon
audio/gst-plugins0.10-wavpack (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - wavpack plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-wavpack (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - wavpack plugin
audio/csound5 (CURRENT) Software synthesizer and sequencer
audio/rioutil (CURRENT) Program and library to interface with Rio 600, 800, Nike psa[play
audio/p5-MusicBrainz-Queries (CURRENT) Provide access to the Music Brainz RDF Query Constants
audio/py-vorbis (CURRENT) Python bindings for Vorbis library
audio/xmms-blursk (CURRENT) Visualization plugin for XMMS inspired by "Blur Scope"
xmms/xmms-blursk (CURRENT) Visualization plugin for XMMS inspired by "Blur Scope"
audio/bmpx (CURRENT) Audio player to be used with a frontend or as a daemon
audio/openal (CURRENT) 3D positional spatialized sound library
audio/trm (CURRENT) Acoustic signature generator
audio/bmp-esound (CURRENT) BMP plugin to output sound through the esound daemon
audio/tosha (CURRENT) Read CD digital audio data through the SCSI bus
audio/madman (CURRENT) Powerful audio manager for large collections
audio/xmms-funtimedancer (CURRENT) XMMS plugin displaying an animation
audio/xmms-dflowers (CURRENT) XMMS plugin for dual flower scope
audio/gqmpeg (CURRENT) GTK+ front end to mpg123
audio/xmms-madspin (CURRENT) Based on the madspin winamp plugin
xmms/xmms-madspin (CURRENT) Based on the madspin winamp plugin
audio/rio500 (CURRENT) Utilities to manage your Diamond Rio 500 MP3 player
audio/gst-plugins0.10-a52 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - a52 plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-a52 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - a52 plugin
audio/gst-plugins0.10-fluendo-mp3 (CURRENT) MP3 decoder for gstreamer
audio/py-musique (CURRENT) Interface to the iTunes Music Store
audio/gst-plugins0.10-oss (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - oss plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-oss (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - oss plugin
audio/gst-plugins0.8-vorbis (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - vorbis plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.8-vorbis (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - vorbis plugin
audio/esound (CURRENT) The Enlightened sound daemon
audio/musicbox (CURRENT) X11 front-interface for mpg123
audio/gst-plugins0.10-speex (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - speex plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-speex (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - speex plugin
audio/cdd (CURRENT) Program for reading CD audio from SCSI/ATAPI CD-ROM drives
audio/xmms-bezier (CURRENT) OpenGL XMMS plugin
audio/gst-plugins0.10-esound (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - esound plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-esound (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - esound plugin
audio/mserv_irman (CURRENT) Control mserv mp3 jukebox program via infra-red remote
audio/xine-arts (CURRENT) The aRts audio output plugin for xine-lib
audio/xmms-infinity (CURRENT) Psychedelic visualization plug-in for xmms
xmms/xmms-infinity (CURRENT) Psychedelic visualization plug-in for xmms
audio/moss (CURRENT) MP3/OGG Streaming Server
audio/xfce4-mixer (CURRENT) Xfce mixer plugin
audio/py-musicbrainz (CURRENT) Python interface to the MusicBrainz XML web service
audio/liteamp (CURRENT) Light-weight Music Player for GNOME2
audio/amaroc (CURRENT) Command line interface to Amarok
audio/amarok (CURRENT) KDE4 audio player
audio/cdplayer (CURRENT) GNUstep CD player with CDDB support
audio/csound4-manual (CURRENT) Csound4 Reference Manual
multimedia/totem-xine (CURRENT) Movie player for the GNOME Desktop (using Xine)
multimedia/realplayer-codecs (CURRENT) RealPlayer 8 shared libraries, primarily for use with MPlayer
multimedia/acidrip (CURRENT) Gtk2::Perl application for ripping and encoding DVDs
multimedia/gnash (CURRENT) GPL SWF player
multimedia/gnome2-media (CURRENT) Set of audio/multimedia applications for GNOME2
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-xvid (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - xvid plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.8-dvdread (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - dvdread plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.8-mpeg2dec (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - mpeg2dec plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.8-xvid (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - xvid plugin
multimedia/gstreamer0.8 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework
multimedia/kaffeine (CURRENT) Full featured Multimedia-Player for KDE4
multimedia/libmp4v2 (CURRENT) Library for reading and modifying mp4 files
multimedia/mplayer-plugin-firefox (CURRENT) Mplayer plug-in for firefox3
multimedia/mplayer-plugin-firefox-gtk1 (CURRENT) Mplayer plug-in for firefox-gtk1
multimedia/ns-flash (CURRENT) MacroMedia Flash Player Netscape plugin
multimedia/smpeg-xmms (CURRENT) MPEG video plugin using SDL/smpeg as the backend
multimedia/swfdec-gtk2 (CURRENT) Library for rendering Flash(R) animations and games (GTK2 modules)
multimedia/xanim (CURRENT) Play a variety of simple animation formats and show pictures
multimedia/xfmedia (CURRENT) Xfce media player based on xine
multimedia/vls (CURRENT) VideoLAN Server
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-ffmpeg (CURRENT) GStreamer ffmpeg plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.8-theora (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - theora plugin
multimedia/gstreamer0.10 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework
multimedia/swfdec (CURRENT) Library for rendering Flash(R) animations and games
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-ugly (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - Ugly plugins
multimedia/gst-plugins0.8-ogg (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - ogg plugin
multimedia/RealPlayerGold (CURRENT) Real Audio and Video Player
multimedia/gst-plugins0.8-dvdnav (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - dvdnav plugin
multimedia/x264-devel (CURRENT) GPL licensed H.264 encoder
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-ogg (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - ogg plugin
multimedia/mpeg4ip (CURRENT) Tools for streaming video and audio
multimedia/ffmpeg (CURRENT) Decoding, encoding and streaming software
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-good (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - Good plugins
multimedia/mmg (CURRENT) MKVtoolnix mkvmerge GUI
multimedia/py-gstreamer0.10 (CURRENT) Python bindings for gstreamer0.10
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-theora (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - theora plugin
multimedia/mplayer-plugin-seamonkey-gtk1 (CURRENT) Mplayer plug-in for seamonkey-gtk1
archivers/stuffit (CURRENT) Stuffit Archive Creator and Expander
archivers/p5-Archive-Tar (CURRENT) Perl5 module interface to manipulate tar files
archivers/gzip-info (CURRENT) Info format documentation for the GZIP utility
archivers/rar-bin (CURRENT) RAR command line archiver (Linux binary)
archivers/zip1 (CURRENT) Create/update ZIP files compatible with pkzip version 1
databases/unixodbc-DataManager (CURRENT) GUI tool for unixODBC data source management
databases/unixodbc-ODBCConfig (CURRENT) GUI tool for unixODBC driver configuration
databases/ruby-DBI (CURRENT) DBI for ruby
databases/py-ZODB (CURRENT) Standalone distro of Zope Object Database
databases/py-IndexedCatalog (CURRENT) Indexed Catalog extension for standalone ZODB
databases/dbh (CURRENT) Library to create disk based Hashtables
databases/kmysqladmin (CURRENT) MySQL administration GUI
editors/conglomerate (CURRENT) XML editor for GNOME2
editors/jave (CURRENT) Java ASCII Versatile Editor
editors/mule (CURRENT) Multilingual GNU editing macros (editor)
editors/ce-x11 (CURRENT) Chet's Emacs: small, fast emacs-like editor , X11 version
editors/leim (CURRENT) Libraries of Emacs Input Methods (for emacs21)
editors/ce-doc (CURRENT) Chet's Emacs: small, fast emacs-like editor , documentation
editors/easyedit (CURRENT) Easy to use text editor with onscreen instructions
editors/gconf-editor (CURRENT) Editor for the GConf configuration system
editors/vim-xaw (CURRENT) Vim editor (vi clone) with X11 Athena GUI
editors/vim-gtk (CURRENT) Vim editor (vi clone) with X11 GTK+ GUI
editors/lyx-qt (CURRENT) Document processor and graphical frontend for LaTeX (QT version)
editors/mlview (CURRENT) XML editor for the GNOME environment
editors/lyx-xforms (CURRENT) Document processor and graphical frontend for LaTeX (xforms version)
editors/ted-en-us (CURRENT) US English spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
editors/kdissert (CURRENT) Mindmapping-like tool to generate text templates
editors/vim-kde (CURRENT) Vim editor (vi clone) with X11 KDE3 GUI
multimedia/gmencoder (CURRENT) GNOME2 frontend to mencoder
multimedia/alevt (CURRENT) Teletext decoder and browser for Brooktree 848 compatible TV cards
multimedia/vlc07 (CURRENT) VideoLAN Client
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-bad (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - Bad plugins
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-base (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - Base plugins
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-gnonlin (CURRENT) Non-linear editing components for gstreamer
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-mpeg2dec (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - mpeg2dec plugin
multimedia/mplayer-plugin-seamonkey (CURRENT) Mplayer plug-in for seamonkey
multimedia/kdemultimedia3 (CURRENT) Multimedia tools for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
multimedia/gst-plugins0.8 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - base plugins
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-dvdread (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - dvdread plugin
multimedia/dvdrip (CURRENT) Graphical frontend for DVD ripping
x11/dvdrip (CURRENT) Graphical frontend for DVD ripping
databases/ruby-DBD-mysql (CURRENT) DBD/mysql for ruby
databases/py-bdb-xml (CURRENT) Python wrapper for Berkeley DB XML C++ API
databases/jdbc-postgresql81 (CURRENT) PostgreSQL 8.1 JDBC3 driver
databases/ruby-postgresql (CURRENT) Ruby extension for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql82 (CURRENT) Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
databases/postgresql81-plperl (CURRENT) PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql80-plpython (CURRENT) PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/sqlitemanager (CURRENT) Web frontend for managing SQLite databases
databases/gourmet (CURRENT) Recipe database
databases/mergeant (CURRENT) GNOME2 GNOME-DB database front-end
databases/gramps (CURRENT) Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System
databases/gtksql (CURRENT) Query tool for PostgreSQL written with GTK
databases/jdbc-postgresql80 (CURRENT) PostgreSQL 8.0 JDBC3 driver
databases/postgresql81 (CURRENT) Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
databases/postgresql81-client (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database client programs
databases/postgresql81-plpython (CURRENT) PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/py-sqlite (CURRENT) SQLite database adapter for Python
databases/jdb (CURRENT) Commands for manipulating flat-ASCII databases
databases/gq (CURRENT) GTK-based LDAP client
databases/luma (CURRENT) LDAP browser
databases/mysql5-client (CURRENT) MySQL 5, a free SQL database (client)
databases/mysql5-server (CURRENT) MySQL 5, a free SQL database (server)
databases/mysqlcc (CURRENT) MySQL Control Center
databases/p5-DBD-Google (CURRENT) Perl DBI/DBD driver for using Google as a datasource
perl5/p5-DBD-Google (CURRENT) Perl DBI/DBD driver for using Google as a datasource
databases/php-dbase (CURRENT) PHP extension for dBase database access
databases/php-filepro (CURRENT) PHP extension for read-only filePro database access
www/php-filepro (CURRENT) PHP extension for read-only filePro database access
databases/php-odbc (CURRENT) PHP extension for ODBC access
databases/php-oracle (CURRENT) PHP extension for Oracle databases
databases/php-sqlite (CURRENT) PHP extension for SQLite 2.x databases
databases/php5-mysqli (CURRENT) PHP5 extension for MySQL 4.1 and later databases
databases/postgresql80 (CURRENT) Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
databases/postgresql80-plperl (CURRENT) PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql80-server (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database server programs
databases/postgresql81-pltcl (CURRENT) PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql82-client (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database client programs
databases/postgresql82-pltcl (CURRENT) PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql82-tsearch2 (CURRENT) Tsearch2 contrib module for fulltext indexing in PostgreSQL
databases/py-mysqldb (CURRENT) MySQL interface for Python
databases/ruby-activerecord (CURRENT) Object-relation mapping put on rails
databases/ruby-DBD-sqlite (CURRENT) DBD/SQLite for ruby
databases/krecipes (CURRENT) Recipe manager
databases/mysql4-client (CURRENT) MySQL 4, a free SQL database (client)
databases/libpqxx-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for libpqxx
databases/libgnomedb (CURRENT) GNOME2 database library
databases/p5-DB_File (CURRENT) Perl5 module to use Berkeley DB version 1 API
databases/zope-mysql (CURRENT) Zope Database Adaptor for MySQL
databases/mysql4-server (CURRENT) MySQL 4, a free SQL database (server)
databases/bdb-xml (CURRENT) Native XML data manager built on Berkeley DB
databases/gramps2 (CURRENT) Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System
databases/postgresql81-server (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database server programs
databases/postgresql81-tsearch2 (CURRENT) Tsearch2 contrib module for fulltext indexing in PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql82-plperl (CURRENT) PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
emulators/vmware3 (CURRENT) VMware emulator 3.x
emulators/suse100_vmware (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package to help run VMware
emulators/suse91_locale (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package with locale files
emulators/arnold (CURRENT) Amstrad CPC, Amstrad CPC+ and KC Compact emulator
emulators/suse91_gtk (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for GTK+-1.x
emulators/compat14-crypto (CURRENT) Shared libraries for NetBSD 1.4 (and earlier) compatibility
emulators/fuse (CURRENT) ZX Spectrum Emulator
emulators/NeoPop-SDL (CURRENT) SNK NeoGeo Pocket emulator
emulators/darcnes (CURRENT) Multi-system emulator (NES, SMS, GG, PCE, and others)
emulators/doscmd (CURRENT) MS-DOS emulator (NetBSD/i386 only)
emulators/gcube (CURRENT) Opensource Nintendo GameCube(TM) emulator
emulators/generator (CURRENT) Sega Mega drive genesis emulator
emulators/kenigma (CURRENT) Replica of the German enigma code machine used in WW2
emulators/peace (CURRENT) Support running Win32 executables
emulators/sms_sdl (CURRENT) SMS Plus emulator port to SDL
emulators/suse91_base (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package
emulators/suse91_compat (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package with old shared libraries
emulators/suse91_gdk-pixbuf (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for gdk-pixbuf
emulators/suse91_libpng (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for PNG
emulators/suse91_libtiff (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for TIFF
emulators/suse91_openmotif (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for OpenMotif
emulators/vba (CURRENT) Gameboy advance emulator
emulators/vmware-module (CURRENT) Kernel modules for the VMware 2.x emulator
emulators/vmware-module3 (CURRENT) Kernel modules for the VMware 3.2.1 PC emulator
emulators/xmame (CURRENT) X11 emulator for old arcade machines
games/xmame (CURRENT) X11 emulator for old arcade machines
emulators/zsnes (CURRENT) Super NES emulator
emulators/suse91_glx (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for OpenGL/Mesa
emulators/suse91_fontconfig (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for fontconfig
emulators/xmess (CURRENT) X11 emulator for old computers and console machines
games/xmess (CURRENT) X11 emulator for old computers and console machines
emulators/suse91_libjpeg (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for JPEG
emulators/netbsd32_compat14 (CURRENT) 32-bit shared libraries for NetBSD 1.4 (and earlier) compatibility
emulators/suse91_slang (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for S-Lang
emulators/cygwin_esound (CURRENT) Enlightened sound daemon (daemon only) for Cygwin/Interix
emulators/z26 (CURRENT) Atari 2600 Emulator
emulators/fuse-utils (CURRENT) ZX Spectrum Emulator utilities
emulators/suse100_gdk-pixbuf (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for gdk-pixbuf
emulators/suse91_expat (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for expat
emulators/suse100_gtk (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for GTK+-1.x
databases/jdbc-postgresql82 (CURRENT) PostgreSQL 8.2 JDBC3 driver
databases/py-psycopg (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
databases/ruby-DBD-postgresql (CURRENT) DBD/postgres for ruby
databases/lua-sqlite (CURRENT) SQLite binding for LUA
databases/postgresql82-server (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database server programs
databases/postgresql80-pltcl (CURRENT) PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/gnome-mime-data (CURRENT) MIME and Application database for GNOME2
databases/postgresql82-plpython (CURRENT) PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql80-client (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database client programs
graphics/vtk-data (CURRENT) Example data for VTK
graphics/vtk-python (CURRENT) Python wrapper libraries for vtk; see vtk package for details
graphics/gimp-docs (CURRENT) Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software
graphics/sodipodi (CURRENT) Open source vector graphics drawing program using SVG as native format
graphics/digikamimageplugins (CURRENT) Plugins for Digikam's ImageEditor
graphics/ruby-rcairo (CURRENT) Ruby bindings for cairo
graphics/ruby-gnome2-gnomecanvas (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GnomeCanvas-2.x
gnome/ruby-gnome2-gnomecanvas (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GnomeCanvas-2.x
graphics/gimp1-base (CURRENT) GNU Image Manipulation Program (base)
graphics/gimp1 (CURRENT) GNU Image Manipulation Program
graphics/gphoto (CURRENT) Download and view files from various digital cameras
graphics/ruby-gnome2-gdkpixbuf (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x
devel/ruby-gnome2-gdkpixbuf (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x
graphics/TiffIO (CURRENT) Tiff support for QT image loader
graphics/pixieplus (CURRENT) Free, fast, and feature packed image browser for KDE
graphics/plotutils-nox11 (CURRENT) Programs and library for plotting scientific data
devel/plotutils-nox11 (CURRENT) Programs and library for plotting scientific data
graphics/Mesa (CURRENT) Graphics library meta package
graphics/py-biggles (CURRENT) Python module for creating 2D scientific plots
graphics/kbarcode (CURRENT) KDE barcode and label printing application
graphics/libart2 (CURRENT) High-performance 2D graphics library
graphics/libgnomecanvas (CURRENT) GNOME Canvas library
graphics/nvtv-gtk2 (CURRENT) Tool to manipulate TV-Out settings on NVidia cards
graphics/scigraphica (CURRENT) Data analysis and technical graphics
graphics/gqview-gtk1 (CURRENT) GTK1-based graphic file viewer
graphics/flphoto (CURRENT) Image management and display program
graphics/Cenon (CURRENT) Vector graphics / CAD / DTP program
cad/Cenon (CURRENT) Vector graphics / CAD / DTP program
graphics/gst-plugins0.10-cairo (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - cairo plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-cairo (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - cairo plugin
graphics/GlutKit (CURRENT) 3DKit GLUT backend
graphics/gnuplot-nox11 (CURRENT) Portable interactive, function plotting utility
graphics/gimp24 (CURRENT) Image manipulation program similar to Photoshop[tm]
graphics/3DKit (CURRENT) Objective-C 3D graphics foundation class library
graphics/gimp1-data (CURRENT) GNU Image Manipulation Program (extra brushes and patterns)
graphics/RenderKit (CURRENT) Objective-C API for core scene rendering
graphics/dia-python (CURRENT) Program for creating diagrams of all kinds (Python plugin)
graphics/py-gimp (CURRENT) Python interface to the GIMP
crosspkgtools/crosspkg-netbsd1-cats (CURRENT) Files neccessary to cross build NetBSD/cats-1.6.x programs
crosspkgtools/crosspkg-netbsd1-shark (CURRENT) Files neccessary to cross-build NetBSD/shark-1.6.2 programs
crosspkgtools/crosspkg-netbsd1-evbarm (CURRENT) Files neccessary to cross build NetBSD/evbarm-1.6.x programs
crosspkgtools/crosspkg-netbsd1-hpcarm (CURRENT) Files neccessary to cross build NetBSD/arm-1.6.x programs
crosspkgtools/crosspkg-netbsd1-acorn32 (CURRENT) Files neccessary to cross build NetBSD/acorn32-1.6.x programs
crosspkgtools/crosspkg-netbsd1-netwinder (CURRENT) Files neccessary to cross-build NetBSD/netwinder-1.6.x programs
crosspkgtools/crosspkg-netbsd1-acorn26 (CURRENT) Files neccessary to cross build NetBSD/acorn26-1.6.x programs
crosspkgtools/kwacross-netbsd1-arm (CURRENT) Simulator for running NetBSD/arm programs
emulators/uips (CURRENT) IPS patcher with v2 support
emulators/vmware (CURRENT) VMware 2.x emulator
emulators/suse91_aspell (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for aspell
emulators/suse91_freetype2 (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for freetype-2.x
emulators/suse91_gtk2 (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for GTK+-2.x
emulators/linuxppc_lib (CURRENT) Libraries to run Linux binaries on NetBSD/powerpc (includes X11)
emulators/suse91_x11 (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for X11
emulators/suse91_vmware (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package to help run VMware
graphics/x11rec (CURRENT) Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
graphics/snx101view (CURRENT) USB Webcam based sonix SN9C101 chip Utility Programs
graphics/kphotools (CURRENT) KDE app which helps you creating fast online photo galleries in HTML
kde/kphotools (CURRENT) KDE app which helps you creating fast online photo galleries in HTML
graphics/libungif (CURRENT) Tools and library routines for working with GIF images
graphics/xpm (CURRENT) The X Pixmap library
graphics/libgnomecanvasmm (CURRENT) C++ bindings for libgnomecanvas
graphics/openexr-exrdisplay (CURRENT) GUI for openexr
graphics/GeometryKit (CURRENT) Objective-C class library for calculating 3D geometry
graphics/SDLKit (CURRENT) 3DKit SDL backend
graphics/aqsis (CURRENT) Renderman clone
graphics/comix (CURRENT) Image viewer specifically designed to handle comic books
graphics/denemo (CURRENT) GUI musical score editor written in C/GTK+
graphics/digikam-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for Digikam
graphics/g3d (CURRENT) 3D modeller with a view of 3D modelling
graphics/gdk-pixbuf (CURRENT) The GNOME image loading library
graphics/gimp1-wideangle (CURRENT) GIMP plugin for wideangle lens distortions
graphics/gpaint (CURRENT) Simple, easy-to-use paint program for GNOME
graphics/gst-plugins0.10-png (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - png plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-png (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - png plugin
graphics/gst-plugins0.8-opengl (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - opengl plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.8-opengl (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - opengl plugin
graphics/gst-plugins0.8-png (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - png plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.8-png (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - png plugin
graphics/gwenview-i18n (CURRENT) Translations for gwenview image viewer
kde/gwenview-i18n (CURRENT) Translations for gwenview image viewer
graphics/kdegraphics3 (CURRENT) Graphics programs for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
graphics/kphotobook (CURRENT) Powerful, intuitive KDE application to manage and organize your photos
kde/kphotobook (CURRENT) Powerful, intuitive KDE application to manage and organize your photos
graphics/libkexif (CURRENT) Image EXIF information library manipulation
graphics/librsvg2 (CURRENT) SVG library for GNOME2
graphics/libscigraphica (CURRENT) Scientific data visualization and analysis library
graphics/ov519view (CURRENT) USB cameras based OV519 Utility Programs
graphics/p5-GDGraph3d (CURRENT) GDGraph3d is a pkg to generate charts, using Lincoln Stein's
graphics/p5-Gdk-Imlib (CURRENT) Perl bindings for Imlib
x11/p5-Gdk-Imlib (CURRENT) Perl bindings for Imlib
graphics/p5-Gdk-Pixbuf (CURRENT) Perl5 Gtk::Gdk::Pixbuf
x11/p5-Gdk-Pixbuf (CURRENT) Perl5 Gtk::Gdk::Pixbuf
graphics/p5-Gnome (CURRENT) Perl bindings for Gnome
x11/p5-Gnome (CURRENT) Perl bindings for Gnome
graphics/ppmtoxvpic (CURRENT) Convert PPM image to preview pic readable by xv and gimp
graphics/py-gd (CURRENT) Python interface to gd graphics library
graphics/py-gnuplot (CURRENT) Python package that interfaces to gnuplot
graphics/py-imagingtk (CURRENT) Tk support for the Python Imaging Library (PIL)
graphics/py-matplotlib-gtk2 (CURRENT) GTK frontend for matplotlib
graphics/qcamview (CURRENT) Logitech Quickcam Express USB Utilities
graphics/ruby-gnome2-libart (CURRENT) Ruby binding of Libart_lgpl
misc/koffice-i18n-sl (CURRENT) Slovenian language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-br (CURRENT) Breton language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-sk (CURRENT) Slovak language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-ru (CURRENT) Russian language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-af (CURRENT) Afrikaans language pack for KOffice
misc/yelp (CURRENT) Help browser for GNOME 2 desktop
misc/p5-Locale-Maketext (CURRENT) Perl framework for localization
misc/goffice (CURRENT) Library of document-centric objects and utilities
misc/koffice-i18n-he (CURRENT) Hebrew language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-eo (CURRENT) Esperanto language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-th (CURRENT) Thai language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-l10n-en_GB (CURRENT) English (Great Britain) language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-l10n-es (CURRENT) Spanish language pack for KOffice
misc/bbdb (CURRENT) Insidious Big Brother DataBase, a rolodex-like database Emacs program
mail/bbdb (CURRENT) Insidious Big Brother DataBase, a rolodex-like database Emacs program
misc/kodos (CURRENT) GUI for creating, testing and debugging Python REs
misc/kdeedu3 (CURRENT) Edu{tainment,cation} tools for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
misc/koffice-i18n-xh (CURRENT) Xhosa language pack for KOffice
misc/p5-I18N-LangTags (CURRENT) Perl5 functions for dealing with RFC3066-style language tags
misc/openoffice-bin (CURRENT) Integrated office productivity suite (binary pkg)
misc/kde3-dirs (CURRENT) Shared KDE (v3) directories
misc/taskjuggler (CURRENT) Project management tool
misc/koffice-i18n-hsb (CURRENT) Upper Sorbian language pack for KOffice
misc/gnome2-utils (CURRENT) Set of useful GNOME2 utilities and applications
misc/koffice-i18n-ca (CURRENT) Catalan language pack for KOffice
misc/xdg-x11-dirs (CURRENT) Shared XDG directories under the X11 tree
gnome/xdg-x11-dirs (CURRENT) Shared XDG directories under the X11 tree
misc/koffice-l10n-da (CURRENT) Danish language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-tr (CURRENT) Turkish language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-se (CURRENT) Northern Sami language pack for KOffice
misc/kdeaddons3 (CURRENT) Add ons for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
graphics/pornview (CURRENT) GTK+ image viewer
graphics/kphotoalbum (CURRENT) Image organizer
graphics/f4l (CURRENT) Development environment for Macromedia Flash
graphics/mayavi (CURRENT) Scientific data visualizer written in Python
graphics/glut (CURRENT) OpenGL Utility Toolkit
graphics/cal3d-examples (CURRENT) Tools and demos for cal3d library
graphics/lprof (CURRENT) ICC Profile generation tool (for IT8.7 targets)
graphics/GLXKit (CURRENT) 3DKit GLX backend
graphics/showimg (CURRENT) Feature-rich image viewer for KDE including an image management system
kde/showimg (CURRENT) Feature-rich image viewer for KDE including an image management system
graphics/gdk-pixbuf-gnome (CURRENT) The GNOME image loading library GNOME canvas support add-on
graphics/blender-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for Blender
graphics/phpsview (CURRENT) Philips USB Cameras Utilities
graphics/gimageview (CURRENT) GTK+ based image viewer with tabbed browsing
graphics/eog2 (CURRENT) Eye of GNOME: an image viewing and cataloging program
misc/xorg-dirs (CURRENT) Shared directories
misc/gnome-user-docs (CURRENT) The GNOME 2 users guide
misc/koffice-i18n-zh_CN (CURRENT) Chinese language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice (CURRENT) KDE Office Suite
misc/xdg-dirs (CURRENT) Shared XDG directories
gnome/xdg-dirs (CURRENT) Shared XDG directories
misc/openoffice2 (CURRENT) Integrated office productivity suite (version 2)
misc/koffice-i18n-zu (CURRENT) Zulu language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-bg (CURRENT) Bulgarian language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-pt (CURRENT) Portuguese language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-it (CURRENT) Italian language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-nb (CURRENT) Norwegian language pack for KOffice
misc/root (CURRENT) OO framework for data analysis and visualisation
misc/gxmame (CURRENT) Frontend for XMame using the GTK2 library
misc/dnetc (CURRENT) Official client
misc/jive (CURRENT) Filter that converts English text to Jive
misc/openoffice2-bin (CURRENT) Integrated office productivity suite (binary pkg)
misc/kdepim3 (CURRENT) Personal Information Management tools for the KDE desktop
misc/koffice-i18n-cs (CURRENT) Czech language pack for KOffice
misc/p5-Geography-Countries (CURRENT) Perl5 module for mapping contry names and codes
misc/koffice-i18n-pt_BR (CURRENT) Portuguese BR language pack for KOffice
misc/deskbar-applet (CURRENT) Omnipresent, versatile search interface for the GNOME Desktop
misc/gnome1-dirs (CURRENT) Shared GTK/GNOME (v1) directories
misc/php-calendar (CURRENT) PHP extension for calendar conversion support
misc/p5-Geo-Weather (CURRENT) Perl5 weather retrieval module
misc/koffice-l10n-fi (CURRENT) Finnish language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-sv (CURRENT) Swedish language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-sr (CURRENT) Serbian language pack for KOffice
misc/git (CURRENT) GNU Interactive Tools - a file system browser for UNIX systems
misc/gok (CURRENT) GNOME On-Screen Keyboard
misc/gnome-dirs (CURRENT) Shared GTK/GNOME (v1 and v2) directories
misc/gnome2-dirs (CURRENT) Shared GTK/GNOME (v2) directories
misc/jitterbug (CURRENT) Web-oriented bug-tracking tool
misc/kchm (CURRENT) KDE CHM file viewer
kde/kchm (CURRENT) KDE CHM file viewer
misc/kdeaccessibility3 (CURRENT) Accessibility support for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
misc/kdeadmin3 (CURRENT) System administration tools for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
misc/kdeartwork3 (CURRENT) Artwork for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
misc/kdeutils3 (CURRENT) Utilities for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
misc/koffice-i18n-cy (CURRENT) Welsh language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-el (CURRENT) Greek language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-ja (CURRENT) Japanese language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-lo (CURRENT) Lao language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-mt (CURRENT) Maltese language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-nl (CURRENT) Dutch language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-nn (CURRENT) Norwegian Nyorsk language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-pl (CURRENT) Polish language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-ven (CURRENT) Venda language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-i18n-zh_TW (CURRENT) Taiwan language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-l10n-de (CURRENT) German language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-l10n-et (CURRENT) Estonian language pack for KOffice
misc/koffice-l10n-fr (CURRENT) French language pack for KOffice
misc/molden (CURRENT) Displaying MOLecular DENsity
misc/p5-Locale-Maketext-Simple (CURRENT) Simple interface to Locale::Maketext::Lexicon
misc/php-mbstring (CURRENT) PHP extension for multibyte characters support
misc/proj-doc (CURRENT) PDF documentation for the PROJ cartographic projection software
misc/pyqt_memaid (CURRENT) MemAid flash card program (py-qt3 interface)
misc/rubygems (CURRENT) Ruby standard for publishing and managing third party libraries
misc/theme-dirs (CURRENT) Shared theme directories
gnome/theme-dirs (CURRENT) Shared theme directories
misc/kmemaid (CURRENT) MemAid flash card program (KDE interface)
misc/xtide (CURRENT) X11 tide predictor
www/firefox2 (CURRENT) Lightweight gecko-based web browser
www/zope25-BackTalk (CURRENT) Editing, commenting, and publication for books
www/htdig-devel (CURRENT) WWW indexing and searching system
www/zope25-ExternalEditor (CURRENT) Use an external editor to modify Zope objects
www/opera-acroread (CURRENT) Acrobat Reader 4 plugin for opera
www/apache2 (CURRENT) Apache HTTP (Web) server, version 2
www/ap-iasp (CURRENT) Apache connector for accessing a iASP proxy server
www/zope25-Formulator (CURRENT) Zope framework for web forms
www/zope25-MailManager (CURRENT) Mail management and issue tracking
www/ap-auth-mysql (CURRENT) Module to allow apache authentication against a MySQL database
databases/ap-auth-mysql (CURRENT) Module to allow apache authentication against a MySQL database
www/zope (CURRENT) Zope, the Z Object Publishing Environment
www/zope25-BTreeFolder (CURRENT) Store a lot of objects in a single folder
www/zope25-BTreeFolder2 (CURRENT) Optimized folder
www/zope25-CMF (CURRENT) Content Management Framework for Zope
www/zope29 (CURRENT) Zope 2.9.12, the Z Object Publishing Environment
www/ruby-actionpack (CURRENT) Two-step approach to web response generation
www/ap-gzip (CURRENT) On-the-fly GZIP compression for Apache 1.3.x
www/seamonkey-bin-flash (CURRENT) Flash Player plugin for seamonkey-bin
www/chimera (CURRENT) World Wide Web Browser for X Windows
www/ap-bandwidth (CURRENT) Apache module for bandwidth management
www/apc-gui (CURRENT) Web interface for managing APC (php-apc)
www/zope25-RenderableCharts (CURRENT) Drawings with reportlab's graphics toolkit
www/zope25-Silva (CURRENT) Browser based publication system
www/opera-plugins (CURRENT) Plugins for the Opera browser
www/ns-plugger-communicator (CURRENT) Streaming multimedia plugin for Netscape
www/zopeedit (CURRENT) Helper client application for Zope's ExternalEditor
www/ap-rivet (CURRENT) System for creating dynamic web content via Tcl
www/ap2-bw (CURRENT) Class-based bandwidth limiting module for Apache 2
www/gtkhtml (CURRENT) Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
www/zope25-StripoGram (CURRENT) Converting HTML to Plain Text
www/ap2-auth-xradius (CURRENT) Module to allow apache2 authentication against a RADIUS server
www/firefox2-gtk1 (CURRENT) Lightweight gecko-based web browser built with GTK+-1.x
www/ap2-auth-pgsql (CURRENT) Allows users to use PostgreSQL databases for user authentication
www/epiphany-extensions (CURRENT) Extensions for the Epiphany web browser
www/zope25 (CURRENT) Zope, the Z Object Publishing Environment
www/p5-Apache-Reload (CURRENT) Perl5 module to reload changed modules
www/ap-auth-radius (CURRENT) Radius authentication module for Apache
www/kazehakase (CURRENT) Web browser with multiple layout engines support
www/htmlfix (CURRENT) Fix latin1 to html entities and/or line endings
www/zope25-ZNavigator (CURRENT) Creating navigation bars
www/zope25-Zippy (CURRENT) Insert random 'Zippy the Pinhead' quotes into your documents
www/zope25-XMLWidgets (CURRENT) Dynamic translations of ParsedXML documents to HTML
www/ap-jk (CURRENT) Apache connector for accessing Jakarta Tomcat
www/zope25-ZWiki (CURRENT) Wiki clone for Zope
www/ap2-suphp (CURRENT) SuEXEC-like wrapper for PHP scripts
www/ja-trac (CURRENT) Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
www/ap-fastcgi (CURRENT) New, improved CGI-like interface module for Apache
www/firefox-bin-acroread7 (CURRENT) Acrobat Reader 7 plugin for firefox-bin
www/communicator (CURRENT) Netscape Communicator browser, version 4 (binary pkg)
www/zope25-PropertyObject (CURRENT) Building database-applications with the ZMI
www/raggle (CURRENT) Console-based screen(1)-aware RSS reader written in Ruby
www/seamonkey-bin-nightly (CURRENT) Full-featured gecko-based browser suite (nightly binary pkg)
www/p5-Apache-AuthCookieDBI (CURRENT) Perl5 module AuthCookie backed by a DBI database
www/ap-python (CURRENT) Python interpreter embedded into Apache
www/cocoon (CURRENT) The Apache Project's XML/XSL based web publishing system
www/firefox-gtk1 (CURRENT) Lightweight gecko-based web browser built with GTK+-1.x
www/zope25-ParsedXML (CURRENT) Allows you to use XML objects in the Zope environment
www/ap-ruby (CURRENT) Apache module that embeds Ruby interpreter within
finance/gnucash-gtk1 (CURRENT) Personal double-entry accounting program (GTK1 version)
finance/tclticker (CURRENT) Stock-quote ticker tape application
finance/kmymoney2 (CURRENT) Personal finance manager for KDE
misc/koffice-i18n-hu (CURRENT) Hungarian language pack for KOffice
misc/bidwatcher (CURRENT) eBay snipe tool
misc/koffice-i18n-tg (CURRENT) Tajik language pack for KOffice
misc/proj (CURRENT) Cartographic projection software
www/galway (CURRENT) Web editor programmed in Scheme
x11/galway (CURRENT) Web editor programmed in Scheme
www/zope25-ZWeather (CURRENT) Display the weather in a pleasant format
www/zope25-Photo (CURRENT) Photo object and Photo Folder object
www/ap-auth-pgsql (CURRENT) Apache module for user authentication/logging against a PostgreSQL DB
www/ap-auth-ldap (CURRENT) Module to allow apache authentication against an LDAP directory
www/jakarta-tomcat4 (CURRENT) The Apache Project's Java Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 server
www/zope25-FileSystemSite (CURRENT) Store data in the file system instead of ZODB
www/ap-access-referer (CURRENT) Apache module for referer-based access control
www/ap-auth-external (CURRENT) Apache module for external program authentication
www/ap-auth-postgresql (CURRENT) Module to allow apache authentication against a Postgresql database
www/ap-auth-script (CURRENT) Apache module for script-based authentication
www/ap-dav (CURRENT) Apache WebDAV module
www/ap-layout (CURRENT) Apache module to wrap static or dynamic content
www/ap-perl (CURRENT) Module that embeds a Perl interpreter into Apache
www/ap-xslt (CURRENT) Simple, fast XSLT transformations for apache
www/ap2-auth-ldap (CURRENT) Module to allow apache2 authentication against an LDAP directory
www/ap2-auth-mysql (CURRENT) Module to allow Apache 2 authentication against a MySQL database
www/ap2-auth-radius (CURRENT) Module to allow apache2 authentication against a RADIUS server
www/ap2-fastcgi (CURRENT) New, improved CGI-like interface module for Apache
www/ap2-xslt2 (CURRENT) Apache module able to apply stylesheets to XML data on the fly
www/apache (CURRENT) Apache HTTP (Web) server
www/browser-bookmarks-menu (CURRENT) Easy access to web bookmarks through a GNOME Panel Applet
www/cherokee (CURRENT) Flexible and fast web server
www/drivel (CURRENT) LiveJournal client for the GNOME Desktop
www/drupal (CURRENT) Open source content management system
www/firefox-bin-flash (CURRENT) Flash Player plugin for firefox-bin
www/firefox-bin-java (CURRENT) Java Run Time Environment (JRE) 1.5 plugin for firefox-bin
www/firefox-bin-nightly (CURRENT) Lightweight gecko-based web browser (nightly binary pkg)
www/firefox-bin-realplayer (CURRENT) RealAudio and RealVideo player plugin for firefox-bin
audio/firefox-bin-realplayer (CURRENT) RealAudio and RealVideo player plugin for firefox-bin
www/glibwww (CURRENT) Event register functions that use the glib event loop
gnome/glibwww (CURRENT) Event register functions that use the glib event loop
www/gtkhtml38 (CURRENT) Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
www/iasp (CURRENT) Instant ASP: Java implementation of Active Server Pages
www/jakarta-tomcat5 (CURRENT) The Apache Project's Java Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 server
www/mMosaic (CURRENT) Modern derivative of NCSA XMosaic
www/navigator (CURRENT) Netscape Navigator browser, version 4 (binary pkg)
www/thy (CURRENT) Tiny and fast HTTP daemon
www/opera (CURRENT) Standards-compliant graphical Web browser
www/opera-acroread5 (CURRENT) Acrobat Reader 5 plugin for opera
www/opera-acroread7 (CURRENT) Acrobat Reader 7 plugin for opera
www/p5-Apache-AuthCookie (CURRENT) Perl5 module for Authentication and Authorization via cookies
www/php-FastTemplate (CURRENT) PHP extension for managing templates and variable interpolation
www/php-apc (CURRENT) Alternative PHP Cache
sysutils/php-apc (CURRENT) Alternative PHP Cache
www/php4 (CURRENT) HTML-embedded scripting language
lang/php4 (CURRENT) HTML-embedded scripting language
www/php4-apc (CURRENT) Alternative PHP Cache for PHP4
sysutils/php4-apc (CURRENT) Alternative PHP Cache for PHP4
www/py-nevow (CURRENT) Next-generation web application templating system
www/sarg (CURRENT) Squid-Cache proxy server Analysis Report Generator
www/seamonkey-bin (CURRENT) Full-featured gecko-based browser suite (binary package)
www/seamonkey-gtk1 (CURRENT) Full featured gecko-based browser built with GTK1
www/spfc (CURRENT)'s Server Page Foundation Classes
www/squidpurge (CURRENT) Squid cache tool to list, extract or purge objects
www/zope-confera (CURRENT) Confera: Threaded discussion groups for Zope
www/zope25-CMFPlone (CURRENT) Content Management System
www/zope25-Calendar (CURRENT) The Calendar Tag
www/zope25-CookieCrumbler (CURRENT) Cookie-based authentication
www/zope25-EasyImage (CURRENT) Image extension for Zope
www/zope25-Fortune (CURRENT) Randomly-selected fortune cookie
www/zope25-KnowledgeKit (CURRENT) Automatic creation and maintenance of Knowledge Bases
www/zope25-LocalFS (CURRENT) Local file access for zope
www/zope25-MetaPublisher (CURRENT) Data table and access form tool
www/zope25-Squishdot (CURRENT) News publishing and discussion product for Zope
www/zope25-TinyTablePlus (CURRENT) Improved TinyTable
www/zope25-ZMySQLDA (CURRENT) MySQL Database adaptor for Zope
www/zope25-colorz (CURRENT) Color management tool
www/zope3 (CURRENT) Zope 3 Application Server
www/p5-HTML-FixEntities (CURRENT) Perl5 module to convert latin1 to equivalent HTML
print/tex-memhangul-ucs (CURRENT) Korean support in memoir
print/libgnomeprint (CURRENT) Library for the GNOME2 Printing Architecture
print/poppler-qt (CURRENT) PDF rendering library (QT wrapper)
print/xfce4-print (CURRENT) Xfce print dialog
print/lgrind (CURRENT) Source pretty printer for LaTeX
www/wml (CURRENT) Web Meta Language
www/apache22 (CURRENT) Apache HTTP (Web) server, version 2.2
www/ns-plugger-navigator (CURRENT) Streaming multimedia plugin for Netscape
www/galeon (CURRENT) GNOME2 Web browser based on gecko
www/jsdk20 (CURRENT) Sun's Java Servlet Development Kit, version 2.0
www/zope25-RDFSummary (CURRENT) Display content from other web sites via RSS
www/ap-dtcl (CURRENT) Simple, fast Tcl server side scripting for apache
www/zope25-ZPhotoSlides (CURRENT) Present your photos quickly in zope
www/ap-mp3 (CURRENT) Apache module for streaming mp3 files
www/zope25-DocumentLibrary (CURRENT) Searchable and browsable document libraries
www/php-eaccelerator (CURRENT) PHP accelerator, optimizer, encoder and dynamic content cache
sysutils/php-eaccelerator (CURRENT) PHP accelerator, optimizer, encoder and dynamic content cache
www/ruby-actionwebservice (CURRENT) Simple support for publishing web service APIs for Rails
www/seamonkey-bin-java (CURRENT) Java Run Time Environment (JRE) 1.5 plugin for seamonkey-bin
www/jakarta-servletapi (CURRENT) The Apache project's implementation of the JSP and Java Servlet APIs
www/zope25-PropertyFolder (CURRENT) The folderish friend of the PropertyObject
www/firefox-bin (CURRENT) Lightweight gecko-based web browser (binary package)
www/zope25-Epoz (CURRENT) Wysiwyg editor component
www/zope25-JPicture (CURRENT) Present your photos quickly in zope
www/zope25-AbracadabraObject (CURRENT) Pre-configured objects with only one click
www/jssi (CURRENT) Java Server-Side Include engine as a JSDK-2.0 servlet
www/ap-Embperl (CURRENT) Perl5 library for embedding perl in HTML documents
www/ap2-chroot (CURRENT) Module to easily run Apache in a chroot environment
www/ap2-transform (CURRENT) Filter module for Apache 2.0 to do dynamic XSL transformations
www/p5-CGI_Lite (CURRENT) Simple perl5 module for writing forms-based CGI programs
www/zope25-ZPsycopgDA (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database adapter for Zope
www/squid (CURRENT) Post-Harvest_cached WWW proxy cache and accelerator
www/skipstone (CURRENT) Light and fast Gecko-based browser
www/nvu (CURRENT) Web Authoring System
www/rails (CURRENT) Framework for developing database-backed web applications
www/py-pcgi (CURRENT) Persistent CGI system for Zope and other ZPublisher applications
www/zope25-zopebook (CURRENT) Documentation for Zope-2.5
www/p5-libapreq (CURRENT) Lots of Apache specific httpd handling modules
www/p5-WWW-Curl (CURRENT) Perl binding interface for curl
www/gtkhtml314 (CURRENT) Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
www/ap-throttle (CURRENT) Apache module for limiting bandwidth usage
www/instiki (CURRENT) Wiki clone that focuses on simple installation and running
www/mongrel (CURRENT) Fast HTTP library and server for Ruby
www/py-zpublisher (CURRENT) Publishes a collection of Python objects as Web resources
www/ap-auth-pam (CURRENT) Module to allow Apache authentication using PAM
www/kdewebdev3 (CURRENT) HTML editor and tools suitable for experienced web developers
www/firefox-bin-acroread5 (CURRENT) Acrobat Reader 5 plugin for firefox-bin
www/firefox-bin-acroread (CURRENT) Acrobat Reader 4 plugin for firefox-bin
www/amaya (CURRENT) Web browser/editor from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
www/firefox2-bin (CURRENT) Lightweight gecko-based web browser (binary package)
www/grail (CURRENT) Grail(TM) is a web browser written in Python
www/ap-ssl (CURRENT) SSL/TLS protocols module for Apache
www/ap-auth-cookie (CURRENT) Cookie-based authentication for Apache
www/sope (CURRENT) Set of frameworks for a complete web application server environment
converters/tex2rtf (CURRENT) LaTex-to-RTF translator
converters/p5-jcode (CURRENT) Perl library for Japanese character code conversion
japanese/p5-jcode (CURRENT) Perl library for Japanese character code conversion
print/teTeX3-texmfsrc (CURRENT) Sources for machine-independent part of teTeX
print/gimp-print-escputil (CURRENT) Epson Stylus inkjet printer tool
print/texmf-dirs (CURRENT) Local TeX directory structure
print/acroread5 (CURRENT) View, distribute and print PDF documents
print/poppler-glib (CURRENT) PDF rendering library (GLib wrapper)
print/libgnomeprintui (CURRENT) Graphical library for the GNOME2 Printing Architecture
print/kbibtex (CURRENT) BibTeX editor for KDE
print/tex-ocrb (CURRENT) OCR-B font for LaTeX
print/tex-hugelatex (CURRENT) LaTeX format files with large limits
print/tex-dhucs (CURRENT) LaTeX package to typeset Korean documents (UTF-8)
print/gimp-print-cups (CURRENT) GIMP print plugin
print/py-reportlab-renderPM (CURRENT) Pixmap rendering for reportlab
print/gimp-print (CURRENT) GIMP print plugin
print/transfig (CURRENT) TeX document creation tool utilizing portable graphics
graphics/transfig (CURRENT) TeX document creation tool utilizing portable graphics
print/cjk-lyx (CURRENT) Multibyte version of LyX
print/ghostscript6 (CURRENT) Aladdin Postscript interpreter
print/ja-ptex-bin (CURRENT) Publishing TeX (pTeX)
print/ja-ptex-share (CURRENT) Library files for pTeX
print/libgnomecups (CURRENT) GNOME interface to CUPS
print/mgv (CURRENT) Motif/LessTif user interface for Ghostscript
print/scribus (CURRENT) Publishing layout with graphical interface
print/teTeX (CURRENT) Thomas Esser's TeX distribution for UNIX compatible systems
print/teTeX3-bin (CURRENT) TeX distribution for UNIX compatible systems - binaries
print/tex-hlatex (CURRENT) LaTeX package to typeset Hangul
print/teTeX3-texmf (CURRENT) Machine-independent part of teTeX
print/gnome-print (CURRENT) Prototype implementation of the Gnome Printing Architecture
print/evince-nautilus (CURRENT) File properties plugin for evince files
print/acroread7 (CURRENT) View, distribute and print PDF documents
print/gimp-print-lib (CURRENT) Drivers for Canon, Epson, Lexmark, and PCL printers
print/scribus-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for the Scribus publishing software
print/ghostscript-esp (CURRENT) ESP/CUPS Postscript interpreter
print/tex-bagpipetex (CURRENT) MusixTeX macros to typeset bagpipe music
print/ja-jsclasses (CURRENT) New document class files for pLaTeX
print/acroread (CURRENT) View, distribute and print PDF documents
print/hugeotp2ocp (CURRENT) Utility to convert large OTP to OCP
print/gimp-print-ijs (CURRENT) GIMP print IJS server
textproc/ispell-polski (CURRENT) Polish dictionary for interactive spelling checker
cad/oct-wcalc (CURRENT) Octave Based Transmission Line Analysis/Synthesis Calculator
cad/gwave (CURRENT) Viewer for spice-like simulator output and other analog data
cad/geda-symbols (CURRENT) Library of symbols for gEDA
cad/vipec (CURRENT) Network analyser for electrical networks
cad/qcad-manual-cs (CURRENT) Online manual for QCad 2D CAD package, Czech
cad/qcad-manual-en (CURRENT) Online manual for QCad 2D CAD package, English
cad/boolean (CURRENT) GDSII viewer/editor + (boolean) operations on sets of 2d polygons
cad/covered-current (CURRENT) Verilog code coverage analyzer (development snapshot)
cad/gattrib (CURRENT) Attribute editor for gEDA
cad/gnetlist (CURRENT) Netlist generation program
cad/gschem (CURRENT) Schematic capture tool
cad/ipal-current (CURRENT) Libs and utils for manipulating PAL designs (development version)
cad/qcad-manual-de (CURRENT) Online manual for QCad 2D CAD package, German
cad/simian (CURRENT) 2-dimensional interconnect and transmission line simulator
cad/verilog (CURRENT) Verilog simulation and synthesis tool (stable release version)
cad/verilog-current (CURRENT) Verilog simulation and synthesis tool (development snapshot version)
cad/gsymcheck (CURRENT) EDA (Electronic Design Automation) symbol checker
cad/geda-examples (CURRENT) Examples for gEDA
cad/libgeda (CURRENT) Library of shared modules for gEDA
cad/qcad-manual-hu (CURRENT) Online manual for QCad 2D CAD package, Hungarian
cad/geda-docs (CURRENT) HTML documentation for gEDA
cad/lc (CURRENT) Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Electromagnetic Simulator
cad/geda-utils (CURRENT) Set of utilities for gEDA
cad/simian-docs (CURRENT) PDF manual for SIMIAN
regress/subst (CURRENT) Test the SUBST framework
regress/ignore-tools (CURRENT) Test circular dependency avoidance logic in
converters/py-cjkcodecs (CURRENT) Python Unicode codecs for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean encodings
converters/p5-MIME-Base64 (CURRENT) Perl5 module for Base64 and Quoted-Printable encodings
textproc/php4-domxml (CURRENT) PHP4 extension for DOM support
www/php4-domxml (CURRENT) PHP4 extension for DOM support
textproc/php5-xsl (CURRENT) PHP5 extension for XSLT functions
textproc/py-Reverend (CURRENT) General purpose Bayesian classifier
textproc/py-SimpleParse (CURRENT) Simple parser generator for mxTextTools text-tagging engine
textproc/py-gdick (CURRENT) English-Korean Dictionary Client for GNOME2
textproc/ruby-eruby (CURRENT) Interprets Ruby code embedded in a text file
textproc/teixsl-fo (CURRENT) XSLT Stylesheets to convert TEI to XSL Formatting Objects
textproc/tex2page (CURRENT) Converts TeX manuscripts into (HTML) web pages
textproc/xalan-c (CURRENT) XSLT processor of the Apache Project
textproc/py-elementtree (CURRENT) Read XML and HTML files into trees of Element objects
textproc/php4-xslt (CURRENT) PHP4 extension for XSLT functions (Sablotron backend)
www/php4-xslt (CURRENT) PHP4 extension for XSLT functions (Sablotron backend)
textproc/aspell-danish (CURRENT) Danish language support for aspell
textproc/ispell-russian (CURRENT) Russian (KOI8-R) ispell dictonary from Alexander Lebedev
textproc/p5-Pod-Escapes (CURRENT) Perl module for decoding Pod E<...> sequences
devel/p5-Pod-Escapes (CURRENT) Perl module for decoding Pod E<...> sequences
textproc/aspell-breton (CURRENT) Breton language support for aspell
textproc/php5-dom (CURRENT) PHP5 extension for DOM support
textproc/jade (CURRENT) Object-oriented SGML/XML parser toolkit and DSSSL engine
textproc/ispell-romanian (CURRENT) Romanian dictionary for ispell
textproc/aspell-esperanto (CURRENT) Esperanto language support for aspell
textproc/aspell-svenska (CURRENT) Swedish language support for aspell
textproc/py-csv (CURRENT) CSV reading module for Python
textproc/pyDict (CURRENT) Chinese <-> English dictionary, under both console and X11
textproc/aspell-portuguese (CURRENT) Portuguese language support for aspell
textproc/p5-Pod-Simple (CURRENT) Simple framework for parsing Pod
devel/p5-Pod-Simple (CURRENT) Simple framework for parsing Pod
textproc/p5-Text-Substitute (CURRENT) Perl5 module for text substitution from hashes
www/p5-Text-Substitute (CURRENT) Perl5 module for text substitution from hashes
textproc/aspell-norwegian (CURRENT) Norwegian language support for aspell
textproc/ruby-xmlscan (CURRENT) Pure Ruby XML parser
textproc/p5-XML-LibXML-Common (CURRENT) Routines and constants common for XML::LibXML and XML::GDOME
textproc/aspell-francais (CURRENT) French language support for aspell
textproc/ispell-base (CURRENT) Interactive spelling checker
textproc/gnome-doc-utils (CURRENT) Documentation utilities for the GNOME project
textproc/pxp (CURRENT) Polymorphic XML parser, a validating XML-1.0 parser (OCaml)
textproc/aspell-polish (CURRENT) Polish language support for aspell
textproc/enchant (CURRENT) Generic spell checking library
textproc/raptor (CURRENT) RDF Parser Toolkit written in C
textproc/aspell-dutch (CURRENT) Dutch language support for aspell
textproc/ispell-spanish (CURRENT) Spanish dictionary for interactive spelling checker
textproc/aspell-faroese (CURRENT) Faroese language support for aspell
textproc/kdoc (CURRENT) C++ and IDL Class Documentation Tool
kde/kdoc (CURRENT) C++ and IDL Class Documentation Tool
textproc/py-FourSuite (CURRENT) XML processing tools
textproc/aspell-spanish (CURRENT) Spanish language support for aspell
textproc/aspell-german (CURRENT) German language support for aspell
textproc/p5-XML-Xerces (CURRENT) Validating XML parser API for Perl
textproc/namazu2 (CURRENT) Full-text search system intended for easy use
japanese/namazu2 (CURRENT) Full-text search system intended for easy use
textproc/harmony (CURRENT) Reconciles disconnected updates to heterogeneous, replicated XML data
textproc/teixsl-html (CURRENT) XSLT Stylesheets to convert TEI to HTML
textproc/ispell-slovak (CURRENT) Slovak dictionary for ispell
textproc/aspell-gaeilge (CURRENT) Irish language support for aspell
textproc/aspell-catalan (CURRENT) Catalan language support for aspell
textproc/aspell-czech (CURRENT) Czech language support for aspell
textproc/aspell-english (CURRENT) English language support for aspell
textproc/aspell-greek (CURRENT) Greek language support for aspell
textproc/aspell-italian (CURRENT) Italian language support for aspell
textproc/aspell-romanian (CURRENT) Romanian language support for aspell
textproc/aspell-russian (CURRENT) Russian language support for aspell
textproc/aspell-slovak (CURRENT) Slovak language support for aspell
textproc/aspell-ukrainian (CURRENT) Ukrainian language support for aspell
textproc/aspell-welsh (CURRENT) Welsh language support for aspell
textproc/gnome-spell (CURRENT) Spell checking as you type like gtkspell
textproc/ispell-british (CURRENT) British dictionary for interactive spelling checker
textproc/ispell-catalan (CURRENT) Catalan dictionary for interactive spelling checker
textproc/ispell-francais (CURRENT) French dictionary for interactive spelling checker
textproc/ispell-russian-io (CURRENT) Russian (KOI8-R) ispell dictonary from Alexander Lebedev
textproc/ispell-svenska (CURRENT) Swedish dictionary for interactive spelling checker
textproc/p5-Cz-Cstools (CURRENT) Tools for dealing with Czech and Slovak texts in Perl
converters/p5-Cz-Cstools (CURRENT) Tools for dealing with Czech and Slovak texts in Perl
textproc/p5-Encode (CURRENT) Provides interfaces between strings and the rest of the system
textproc/p5-Text-Tabs+Wrap (CURRENT) Line wrapping to form simple paragraphs
sysutils/cdrtools-ossdvd (CURRENT) Software for creating ISO9660 images and writing CDs/CD-RWs/DVDs
sysutils/gst-plugins0.8-gnomevfs (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - gnomevfs plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.8-gnomevfs (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - gnomevfs plugin
sysutils/vcdimager-devel (CURRENT) Mastering suite for Video CDs
sysutils/xraidadmin (CURRENT) Tool to administer Apple's Xserve RAID
sysutils/storage-manager (CURRENT) Adaptec Storage Management software
sysutils/xenkernel20 (CURRENT) Xen Kernel
sysutils/gnome2-system-monitor (CURRENT) GNOME 2 system monitor program
sysutils/burn (CURRENT) GNUstep based CD burning program
sysutils/cfengine2-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for cfengine
sysutils/torsmo (CURRENT) Tyopoytaorvelo System Monitor
sysutils/mtree (CURRENT) Utility for mapping and checking directory hierarchies
textproc/py-dtml (CURRENT) DTML and StructuredText from Zope, also independently useful
textproc/p5-XML-Sablotron (CURRENT) Perl interface to the Sablotron XSLT processor
textproc/py-xmltools (CURRENT) High level tools to help using XML in python
textproc/libpathan (CURRENT) Library to parse and evaluate XPath expressions
textproc/libxml++2 (CURRENT) C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library
textproc/ispell-gaeilge (CURRENT) Irish language support for ispell
textproc/py-expat (CURRENT) Python interface to expat
textproc/ispell-german (CURRENT) German dictionary for interactive spelling checker
textproc/scrollkeeper (CURRENT) Open Document Cataloging Project
sysutils/medusa (CURRENT) File system indexing engine
sysutils/xfce4-xarchiver (CURRENT) Xfce archiver handler
sysutils/kdirstat (CURRENT) Graphical disk usage utility
sysutils/acpi-iasl (CURRENT) Compiler of Intel ACPI CA - Unix Build Environment
sysutils/adjustkernel (CURRENT) Generate a NetBSD kernel config
sysutils/bacula-gnome-console (CURRENT) Gnome console for Bacula - The Network Backup Solution
sysutils/bacula-wx-console (CURRENT) Bacula wxWindows-based console
sysutils/cfengine2 (CURRENT) Automate configuration and administration of large systems
sysutils/dbus-qt3 (CURRENT) D-BUS Qt bindings
sysutils/dfuife_curses (CURRENT) DFUI curses frontend
sysutils/fdgw (CURRENT) Toolkit to build a one-floppy NetBSD system
sysutils/gnome-pkgview (CURRENT) Displays the version of GNOME components installed
sysutils/gnome-vfs2 (CURRENT) GNOME Virtual File System (v2)
sysutils/gnome-vfsmm (CURRENT) C++ bindings for gnome-vfs
sysutils/gst-plugins0.10-gnomevfs (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - gnomevfs plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-gnomevfs (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - gnomevfs plugin
sysutils/hcidump (CURRENT) Bluetooth traffic dumper, similar to tcpdump
sysutils/libgtop2 (CURRENT) Library to retrieve system information, used in GNOME2
sysutils/libirman (CURRENT) Programming library for Irman - infrared control
sysutils/memconf (CURRENT) Physical memory information utility
sysutils/munin-server (CURRENT) System monitoring tool, server version
sysutils/user (CURRENT) Solaris-compatible {user,group}{add,del,mod} commands
sysutils/wbm-file (CURRENT) Webmin module for managing file and directory permissions
sysutils/wbm-passwd (CURRENT) Webmin module to change users' system passwords
sysutils/xentools12 (CURRENT) Userland Tools for Xen
sysutils/xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin (CURRENT) Xfce quicklaunch plugin
sysutils/xentools30-hvm (CURRENT) Tools for Virtual Machine Extensions support in Xen
sysutils/memtest86 (CURRENT) Stand alone memory test for x86 arch (no longer maintained)
sysutils/dfuife_cgi (CURRENT) DFUI CGI frontend
sysutils/gcdmaster (CURRENT) Gnome UI frontend to cdrdao
chat/iip (CURRENT) The Invisible IRC Project
chat/kadu (CURRENT) Chat client for Gadu-Gadu network (Poland)
chat/licq-gui-qt (CURRENT) Qt GUI for licq
chat/mu-conference (CURRENT) Implementation of the XEP-0045 Multi-User Chat protocol
chat/p5-Net-AIM (CURRENT) Implementation of the AOL Instant Messenger TOC protocol
chat/p5-Net-ICQ2000 (CURRENT) Perl5 modules for the ICQv7 protocol realisation
chat/sirc (CURRENT) IRC client written and programmable in perl
chat/tzc (CURRENT) Back-end program for zephyr-mode
chat/vicq (CURRENT) Simple icq client written in perl
chat/zephyr (CURRENT) Project Athena's original Instant Messaging system
chat/p5-Net-AOLIM (CURRENT) Perl5 module for connecting to AOL IM (TOC protocol)
chat/msnre (CURRENT) Console-based MSN Instant Messenger clone
chat/ircservices (CURRENT) Services for IRC networks
chat/centericq (CURRENT) Instant Messenger interface supporting many protocols
chat/licq-core (CURRENT) ICQ client with plugin support
chat/gaim-otr (CURRENT) Plugin for gaim to add OTR (Off-The-Record) encryption
chat/jabberd (CURRENT) Instant messaging server
chat/icqlib (CURRENT) Implementation of the icq protocol
chat/zephyr-mode (CURRENT) CMU Emacs-based Zephyr client
chat/navi2ch (CURRENT) 2ch BBS browser for Emacs
chat/xchat (CURRENT) X11 (X Window System) IRC client, using the GTK2 toolkit
chat/gg2 (CURRENT) Instant messenger software for Poland; Jabber plugin included
chat/ymessenger (CURRENT) Yahoo! instant messaging client
sysutils/dfuibe_installer (CURRENT) DFUI BSD Installer backend
sysutils/nautilus-cd-burner (CURRENT) CD burner view for Nautilus
sysutils/munin-doc (CURRENT) System monitoring tool, documentation
sysutils/xenkernel30 (CURRENT) Xen3 Kernel
sysutils/gnome-vfs (CURRENT) GNOME Virtual File System (v2)
sysutils/aperture (CURRENT) XFree86 Framebuffer "aperture" driver for NetBSD/i386
sysutils/xen12 (CURRENT) Xen Virtual Machine Monitor
sysutils/fsv (CURRENT) 3D filesystem visualizer
sysutils/xentools30 (CURRENT) Userland Tools for Xen
sysutils/xentools20 (CURRENT) Userland Tools for Xen
sysutils/bacula-tray-monitor (CURRENT) System tray monitor for Bacula - The Network Backup Solution
sysutils/gnome-vfs-monikers (CURRENT) VFS namespace moniker for Bonobo
sysutils/xenconsole (CURRENT) Console monitor for Xen
sysutils/tkdesk (CURRENT) Graphical file manager
sysutils/p5-File-NCopy (CURRENT) Copy files and directories
sysutils/gnometoaster (CURRENT) CD recording frontend for X/GTK+
sysutils/py-gnome-menus (CURRENT) Python bindings for gnome-menus
chat/gtmess (CURRENT) Console-based MSN Messenger client
chat/xchat-perl (CURRENT) Perl scripting plugin for XChat
chat/dircproxy (CURRENT) Detachable internet relay chat proxy server (devel version)
chat/blackened (CURRENT) The Blackened IRC client
chat/tkicb (CURRENT) TK interface to the ICB chat system
chat/dircproxy-devel (CURRENT) Detachable internet relay chat proxy server (devel version)
chat/aim (CURRENT) AOL Instant Messenger (SM)
chat/micq (CURRENT) Text-mode ICQ client
chat/licq-gui-console (CURRENT) Curses GUI for licq
chat/xchat-systray-integration (CURRENT) Systray icon plugin for XChat
chat/gaim-icb (CURRENT) ICB plugin for GAIM
chat/gossip (CURRENT) GTK2 Jabber Instant Messaging client
chat/xchat-python (CURRENT) Python scripting plugin for XChat
chat/naim (CURRENT) curses-based AIM, ICQ, IRC, and Lily client
chat/kmess (CURRENT) MSN Messenger Client for KDE3
chat/gnomeicu (CURRENT) GNOME ICQ client
chat/libirc (CURRENT) C library for the IRC protocol
chat/amsn (CURRENT) Alvaro\'s MSN messenger client
chat/bsflite (CURRENT) Lightweight AIM client for the command line
chat/fugu (CURRENT) Graphical client for the gale secure instant messaging system
chat/gaim (CURRENT) GTK+ 2.x based multi-protocol instant messaging client
chat/gaim-encryption (CURRENT) Plugin for gaim to add TLS/SSL via nss/nspr
chat/gale (CURRENT) Secure instant messaging system
math/gnumeric-current (CURRENT) Spreadsheet program from the GNOME project (development version)
math/orpie (CURRENT) Curses-based reverse polish notation (RPN) calculator
time/planner (CURRENT) Project management tool for the GNOME desktop
x11/planner (CURRENT) Project management tool for the GNOME desktop
lang/guile16 (CURRENT) GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension (1.6.x series)
graphics/ruby-gnome2-rsvg (CURRENT) Ruby binding of librsvg
mail/thunderbird15 (CURRENT) Mozilla mail client
mail/freepops (CURRENT) POP3 gateway to AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, Juno, Yahoo, etc
mail/thunderbird15-gtk1 (CURRENT) Mozilla mail client using the older GTK1 toolkit
mail/py-libgmail (CURRENT) Python bindings to access Gmail
devel/psvn (CURRENT) Subversion interface for Emacs
editors/psvn (CURRENT) Subversion interface for Emacs
devel/ruby-fastthread (CURRENT) Optimized replacement for thread.rb primitives
devel/g-wrap196 (CURRENT) Tool for generating guile wrappers for C code
devel/bouml (CURRENT) UML modeling tool, generates C++, JAVA, and IDL
filesystems/fuse-pod (CURRENT) FUSE-based filesystem for iPod
misc/basket (CURRENT) Feature-rich note-taking KDE application
misc/goffice0.2 (CURRENT) Library of document-centric objects and utilities (0.2 branch)
security/py-SSLCrypto (CURRENT) Python bindings for openssl
textproc/xfce4-dict-plugin (CURRENT) Xfce dictionary server plugin
textproc/xhtmldiff (CURRENT) Tool for generating valid XHTML redline documents
x11/xfce4-screenshooter-plugin (CURRENT) Xfce screenshot plugin
x11/nucleo (CURRENT) Toolkit to explore new uses of video and HCI techniques
x11/antiright (CURRENT) The gtkshell GUI creator, gshterm, and ACE desktop implementation
www/firefox15-gtk1 (CURRENT) Lightweight gecko-based web browser built with GTK+-1.x
www/firefox15-bin (CURRENT) Lightweight gecko-based web browser (binary package)
www/firefox15 (CURRENT) Lightweight gecko-based web browser
wm/metisse (CURRENT) Window manager with novel features
print/ruby-gnome2-poppler (CURRENT) Ruby binding of poppler-glib
print/ruby-gnome2-gnomeprint (CURRENT) Ruby binding of libgnomeprint
finance/gnucash-current (CURRENT) Personal or business finance management program
audio/libmusicbrainz (CURRENT) MusicBrainz (user-maintained community music metadatabase) library v3
sysutils/xentools3 (CURRENT) Userland Tools for Xen
sysutils/xentools3-hvm (CURRENT) Tools for Virtual Machine Extensions support in Xen
games/six (CURRENT) Hex, a board game with very simple rules
www/erubis (CURRENT) Fast, secure, and extensible implementation of eRuby
devel/rubyforge (CURRENT) Simplistic script automating RubyForge operations
sysutils/xenkernel3 (CURRENT) Xen3 Kernel
comms/asterisk-sounds-native (CURRENT) Asterisk sound files in higher quality formats
devel/guile16-gtk (CURRENT) Library to make GTK 1.2 accessible from guile
devel/cvsup-gui (CURRENT) Daemon and client for cvsup
net/cvsup-gui (CURRENT) Daemon and client for cvsup
devel/cvsup (CURRENT) Daemon and client for cvsup
net/cvsup (CURRENT) Daemon and client for cvsup
devel/cvs2p4 (CURRENT) Converts CVS repository to Perforce depot
devel/glade3 (CURRENT) User interface builder for the GTK3+ toolkit
devel/libsexymm (CURRENT) C++ bindings for libsexy
audio/gnome-speech-espeak (CURRENT) GNOME 2 text-to-speech API
audio/espeak (CURRENT) Speech synthesizer
audio/easytag-current (CURRENT) GTK+ tag editor for MP3, Ogg Vorbis files, and others (development version)
games/flightgear-base (CURRENT) FlightGear Simulator (data files)
graphics/py-gtkglext (CURRENT) Python bindings for gtkglext
chat/inspircd (CURRENT) Modular Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server (v2 branch)
mail/p5-Email-MIME-Creator (CURRENT) Email::MIME constructor for starting anew
mail/claws-mail-gtkhtml (CURRENT) Renders HTML mail using the gtkhtml2 rendering widget
mail/claws-mail-clamav (CURRENT) Enables the scanning of message attachments using Clam AntiVirus
news/claws-mail-clamav (CURRENT) Enables the scanning of message attachments using Clam AntiVirus
mail/p5-Email-MIME-Modifier (CURRENT) Modify Email::MIME Objects Easily
mail/p5-Email-Simple-Creator (CURRENT) Constructor to Email::Simple for creating messages from scratch
mail/claws-mail-trayicon (CURRENT) Places an icon in the system tray for new mail
news/claws-mail-trayicon (CURRENT) Places an icon in the system tray for new mail
mail/claws-mail-dillo-viewer (CURRENT) Plugin to use the Dillo web browser for html rendering
news/claws-mail-dillo-viewer (CURRENT) Plugin to use the Dillo web browser for html rendering
mail/claws-mail-pdf_viewer (CURRENT) Enables the viewing of PDF and PostScript attachments
emulators/suse100_32_gtk (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for GTK+-1.x
emulators/suse100_32_vmware (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package to help run VMware
emulators/suse91_32_slang (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for S-Lang
emulators/suse91_32_openmotif (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for OpenMotif
emulators/suse91_32_glx (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for OpenGL/Mesa
emulators/suse91_32_fontconfig (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for fontconfig
emulators/suse91_32_gdk-pixbuf (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for gdk-pixbuf
emulators/suse91_32_expat (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for expat
emulators/suse91_32_freetype2 (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for freetype-2.x
emulators/suse91_32_gtk2 (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for GTK+-2.x
emulators/suse91_32_libpng (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for PNG
emulators/suse91_32_libtiff (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for TIFF
emulators/suse91_32_locale (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package with locale files
emulators/suse91_32_x11 (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for X11
emulators/suse91_32_compat (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package with old shared libraries
emulators/suse91_32_aspell (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for aspell
emulators/suse91_32_libjpeg (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for JPEG
emulators/suse100_32_gdk-pixbuf (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for gdk-pixbuf
emulators/suse91_32_gtk (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for GTK+-1.x
emulators/suse91_32_base (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package
emulators/suse91_32_vmware (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package to help run VMware
devel/libsetenv (CURRENT) Library that provides setenv(3) and unsetenv(3) implementations
misc/p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM (CURRENT) Perl extension for Latitiude Longitude conversions
biology/py-mol (CURRENT) Molecular Visualization System
devel/bazaar (CURRENT) Yet another distributed Version Control System
mail/claws-mail-synce (CURRENT) Synchronize addressbook of a Windows CE with Claws Mail
mail/claws-mail-cachesaver (CURRENT) Saves Claws-Mail metadata every 60 seconds
mail/dovecot-sieve (CURRENT) Sieve plugin for Dovecot
security/prelude-pflogger (CURRENT) Prelude sensor for Packet Filter (pf)
games/gcompris (CURRENT) Educational games for children
misc/goffice0.5 (CURRENT) Library of document-centric objects and utilities
misc/softmaker-office-demo (CURRENT) SoftMaker Office (TextMaker and PlanMaker) demo version (Linux binary)
audio/gnome-vfs-cdda (CURRENT) GNOME Virtual File System (v2) - cdda plugin
sysutils/gnome-system-monitor (CURRENT) GNOME 2 system monitor program
devel/libmcs (CURRENT) BSD licensed configuration database system
devel/libsigc++1 (CURRENT) Type-safe callback system for C++ programs
games/gnome-games (CURRENT) GNOME2 games collection
multimedia/gnome-media (CURRENT) Set of audio/multimedia applications for GNOME2
net/gnome-vfs-smb (CURRENT) GNOME Virtual File System (v2) - smb plugin
net/microdc2 (CURRENT) Console-based DirectConnect client
textproc/libxml++1 (CURRENT) C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library
x11/lablgtk1 (CURRENT) GTK+ bindings for ocaml
x11/gnome-applets (CURRENT) GNOME2 panel applets
misc/gnome-utils (CURRENT) Set of useful GNOME2 utilities and applications
databases/postgresql82-adminpack (CURRENT) Admin pack module for pgAdmin management
devel/py-at-spi (CURRENT) Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
www/ap2-wsgi (CURRENT) WSGI module for apache
net/net6 (CURRENT) Networking library for C++
net/openwbem (CURRENT) Web-based Enterprise Management software
editors/obby (CURRENT) Library for distributed editing
x11/gnome-control-center (CURRENT) GNOME2 configuration utility
x11/gtksourceview2 (CURRENT) Text widget that extends GTK2's GtkTextView widget (v2)
x11/xf86-video-radeonhd (CURRENT) Modular driver for Radeon HD series
security/keepassx (CURRENT) Password generator and manager v2 (kdbx support)
devel/netbsd-iscsi-target (CURRENT) NetBSD's iSCSI target (per iSCSI RFC 3720)
devel/netbsd-iscsi-initiator (CURRENT) NetBSD's iSCSI initiator (per iSCSI RFC 3720)
x11/grandr_applet (CURRENT) GNOME panel applet for controlling the X RandR extension
graphics/ilmbase (CURRENT) High dynamic-range (HDR) image file format library and tools
chat/climm (CURRENT) Text-mode ICQ client
editors/notecase (CURRENT) Hierarchical note manager
print/poppler-qt4 (CURRENT) PDF rendering library (QT4 wrapper)
www/ap2-auth-external (CURRENT) Apache module for external program authentication
www/plone25 (CURRENT) User friendly CMS written on top of ZOPE
www/plone3 (CURRENT) User friendly CMS written on top of ZOPE
www/zope-ejsplitter (CURRENT) Japanese word splitter for searching text in Zope Products
python/zope-ejsplitter (CURRENT) Japanese word splitter for searching text in Zope Products
www/zope-jamailhost (CURRENT) Zope hotfix Product to send mail in Japanese
python/zope-jamailhost (CURRENT) Zope hotfix Product to send mail in Japanese
www/zope210 (CURRENT) Zope 2.10.13, the Z Object Publishing Environment
devel/scmgit-base (CURRENT) GIT Tree History Storage Tool (base package)
devel/scmgit-docs (CURRENT) GIT Tree History Storage Tool (documentation)
scm/scmgit (CURRENT) GIT version control suite meta-package
net/isc-dhcpd (CURRENT) ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server
net/isc-dhclient (CURRENT) ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Client
net/isc-dhcp (CURRENT) ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Base
net/isc-dhcrelay (CURRENT) ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Relay
math/ruby-rb-gsl (CURRENT) Ruby interface to the GNU Scientific Library
misc/koffice-l10n-pl (CURRENT) Polish language pack for KOffice
graphics/fotox (CURRENT) Simple image manipulation program
comms/libopensync-plugin-kdepim (CURRENT) Platform independent synchronization framework, kdepim plugin
meta-pkgs/gnome-platform (CURRENT) Meta-package for core platform libraries of the GNOME desktop
x11/gnome-platform (CURRENT) Meta-package for core platform libraries of the GNOME desktop
misc/goffice0.6 (CURRENT) Library of document-centric objects and utilities
print/gutenprint51-lib (CURRENT) Drivers for Canon, Epson, Lexmark, and PCL printers
chat/smirk (CURRENT) Revival of the curses-based Rhapsody IRC client
textproc/ruby18-libxml (CURRENT) libxml2 interface module for Ruby
wip/super-smack (CURRENT) Database benchmarking tool
wip/heirloom-chmod (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/hunspell-bg_BG (CURRENT) Bulgarian dictionary for hunspell
wip/py-scipy_distutils (CURRENT) SciPy distutils: standalone package
wip/py-osd (CURRENT) Display text on an X11 display
x11/py-osd (CURRENT) Display text on an X11 display
wip/ggz-client-libs (CURRENT) GGZ Gaming Zone libraries
wip/freevo (CURRENT) Fancy-looking digital video jukebox
wip/java-crimson (CURRENT) XML parser for JAXP with DOM and SAX2
wip/heirloom-listusers (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/psi (CURRENT) Psi XMPP/Jabber Client
wip/hunspell-da_DK (CURRENT) Danish dictionary for hunspell
wip/bastille (CURRENT) System hardening tool focusing on educating the user
wip/awesome (CURRENT) Tiling window manager based on dwm
wip/pycrypto (CURRENT) Python collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols
security/pycrypto (CURRENT) Python collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols
wip/phlib (CURRENT) API for secure io/net/mem/str functions
wip/p5-Lingua-PT-Stemmer (CURRENT) Stemmers for Portuguese and Galician
wip/mutella (CURRENT) Console mode Gnutella client with optional HTTP interface
net/mutella (CURRENT) Console mode Gnutella client with optional HTTP interface
wip/p5-PDF-Reuse (CURRENT) Perl module to reuse PDF templates
databases/p5-PDF-Reuse (CURRENT) Perl module to reuse PDF templates
wip/monkey-bubble (CURRENT) Bust'A'Move clone written for GNOME2
wip/smbldap-tools (CURRENT) Set of ldap administration scripts for samba
wip/p5-DBIx-Class-Loader (CURRENT) Dynamic definition of DBIx::Class sub classes
wip/p5-Unicode-MapUTF8 (CURRENT) Provides conversions for arbitrary character sets and UTF8
perl5/p5-Unicode-MapUTF8 (CURRENT) Provides conversions for arbitrary character sets and UTF8
wip/openal-soft (CURRENT) Alternative OpenAL implementation
wip/heirloom-tail (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-tcopy (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/cvsutils (CURRENT) CVS utilities to facilitate working
wip/xcb-proto (CURRENT) XCB protocol descriptions (in XML)
wip/ejourn (CURRENT) Application to help track a journal or diary
wip/awflwm (CURRENT) Fork of the flwm project
x11/awflwm (CURRENT) Fork of the flwm project
wip/biopython (CURRENT) Python libraries for computational molecular biology
wip/pipestatus (CURRENT) UNIX/POSIX shell helper for running pipes safely
wip/py-BeautifulSoup (CURRENT) HTML and XML parser for Python
wip/zope3-unstable (CURRENT) Zope 3 Application Server
wip/p5-Mail-Webmail-Gmail (CURRENT) Perl interface to Google webmail service
wip/erc (CURRENT) IRC client for Emacs
wip/frontpage (CURRENT) Microsoft Frontpage 2002 Server Extensions
wip/xlsfonts (CURRENT) Lists available fonts
wip/py-PEAK (CURRENT) Python Enterprise Application Kit
wip/hplip (CURRENT) Drivers and utilities for HP Printers and All-in-One devices
wip/xfce4-mcs-manager (CURRENT) Xfce settings manager
wip/ruby-GalleryAdministrator (CURRENT) CGI and mail interface for [RAA:RubyPhoto] and zphoto
graphics/ruby-GalleryAdministrator (CURRENT) CGI and mail interface for [RAA:RubyPhoto] and zphoto
ruby/ruby-GalleryAdministrator (CURRENT) CGI and mail interface for [RAA:RubyPhoto] and zphoto
wip/sbcl-boot (CURRENT) Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL), for bootstrap using CLISP
wip/bison13 (CURRENT) Package for old version of GNU yacc(1) replacement
wip/compiz-gnome-current (CURRENT) Compositing window manager
wm/compiz-gnome-current (CURRENT) Compositing window manager
wip/pkg_cmp_summary (CURRENT) Compares two package summary files (pkg_summary.txt format)
wip/flv2mpeg4 (CURRENT) Flash video to MPEG4 transcoder
wip/hunspell-mg_MG (CURRENT) Malagasy dictionary for hunspell
wip/lxbios (CURRENT) LinuxBIOS CMOS NVRAM manipulation utility
wip/heirloom-nl (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/Mesa (CURRENT) Graphics library meta package, similar to SGI's OpenGL
wip/tenshi (CURRENT) Log monitoring program to watch and report on log files
wip/slrn-pl (CURRENT) Highly customizable threaded newsreader (PoLished version)
wip/heirloom-logname (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/mlmmj (CURRENT) Mailing list management made joyful
wip/minimalist (CURRENT) Minimalistic Mailing Lists Manager
wip/mkdep (CURRENT) Fast mkdep
wip/p5-Encode-Detect (CURRENT) Encoding that detects encoding from data
wip/heirloom-grep (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/p5-Email-FolderType (CURRENT) Determine the type of a mail folder
wip/p5-Class-Throwable (CURRENT) Minimal lightweight exception class
wip/texlive-bin (CURRENT) TeXLive programs, using Edd Barret's OpenBSD repository
wip/p5-PDF-Reuse-Barcode (CURRENT) Create barcodes for PDF documents with PDF::Reuse
databases/p5-PDF-Reuse-Barcode (CURRENT) Create barcodes for PDF documents with PDF::Reuse
wip/py-SciPy (CURRENT) Open source library of scientific tools for Python
wip/p5-Catalyst-Devel (CURRENT) Development tool kit for Catalyst
wip/hunspell-ca_ES (CURRENT) Catalan dictionary for hunspell
wip/grass-gully (CURRENT) Example dataset for grass 5.0
wip/p5-MP3-Mplib (CURRENT) Speedy access to id3v1 and id3v2 tags
wip/heirloom-tar (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/ortp (CURRENT) Real-time Transport Protocol stack
wip/opera-devel (CURRENT) Small, fast and customizable WWW client
wip/wmitime (CURRENT) Windowmaker dockapp for time/date/itime
wip/wordnet (CURRENT) English lexical reference system
wip/openoffice2-bin-langs (CURRENT) Common package for openoffice lang packages
meta-pkgs/openoffice2-bin-langs (CURRENT) Common package for openoffice lang packages
wip/libssh2 (CURRENT) SSH2 protocol library
wip/p5-Log-Log4perl (CURRENT) Log4j implementation for Perl
wip/php-doc-sk (CURRENT) Slovak documentation for PHP
wip/portmap (CURRENT) RPC portmapper with access control
wip/xfce4-wm-themes (CURRENT) Xfce window manager themes
wip/hunspell-ms_MY (CURRENT) Malay dictionary for hunspell
wip/pcsx (CURRENT) Free Playstation(TM) emulator
wip/pkg_select (CURRENT) Curses-based pkgsrc system browser / manager
wip/p5-Math-IntervalSearch (CURRENT) Contains several useful routines for interpolating data sets
devel/p5-Math-IntervalSearch (CURRENT) Contains several useful routines for interpolating data sets
wip/mupen64-plugin-sound (CURRENT) Sound plugin for mupen64 emulator
wip/xfce4-appfinder (CURRENT) Xfce application finder
wip/usbids (CURRENT) Repository of USB vendor id's
wip/Pythonol (CURRENT) Learn Spanish (with a little help of Python)
wip/py-PyPE (CURRENT) Lightweight, but powerful editor for Python
wip/suse100_SDL (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for the SDL library
wip/hunspell-nl_NL (CURRENT) Dutch dictionary for hunspell
wip/pbulk-noj (CURRENT) Modular bulk build framework
wip/ffmpeg-snapshot (CURRENT) Nightly snapshot of the ffmpeg tool
wip/p5-Tk-TableMatrix (CURRENT) Table/Matrix widget extension to Perl/Tk
x11/p5-Tk-TableMatrix (CURRENT) Table/Matrix widget extension to Perl/Tk
tk/p5-Tk-TableMatrix (CURRENT) Table/Matrix widget extension to Perl/Tk
wip/xfce4-session (CURRENT) Xfce session manager
wip/jp2a (CURRENT) JPEG to ASCII converter
wip/Siesta (CURRENT) Siesta Mailing List Manager
wip/p5-String-Similarity (CURRENT) Calculate the similarity of two strings
wip/p5-AxKit (CURRENT) AxKit is an XML Application Server for Apache
www/p5-AxKit (CURRENT) AxKit is an XML Application Server for Apache
wip/p5-HTTP-Body (CURRENT) HTTP Body Parser
wip/ninvaders (CURRENT) ncurses based invaders game
wip/crfpp (CURRENT) Yet Another CRF toolkit
wip/heirloom-factor (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/hunspell-hr_HR (CURRENT) Croatian dictionary for hunspell
wip/heirloom-ln (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/QLandkarte (CURRENT) QLandkarte is a Garmin GPS data visualization and managing tool
wip/p5-Class-C3-Componentised (CURRENT) Class::C3::Componentised
wip/p5-Catalyst-View-TT (CURRENT) Template Toolkit view class for Catalyst
wip/tcc-devel (CURRENT) The Smallest ANSI C compiler
wip/p5-Catalyst-Model-CDBI (CURRENT) CDBI model class for Catalyst
www/p5-Catalyst-Model-CDBI (CURRENT) CDBI model class for Catalyst
wip/openoffice2-bin-nb (CURRENT) nb language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/openoffice2-bin-ts (CURRENT) ts language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/oorexx (CURRENT) Powerful typeless object-oriented scripting language
wip/neb-wipe (CURRENT) Secure disk partition eraser (NetBSD only)
wip/libdshconfig (CURRENT) Library for parsing dsh-style configuration files
wip/dhcpcd (CURRENT) RFC2131 compliant DHCP client
wip/radare (CURRENT) Advanced commandline hexadecimal editor
wip/icecast (CURRENT) Internet broadcasting system using Mpeg Layer III streaming
wip/db1 (CURRENT) Berkeley DB 1.86
wip/ile (CURRENT) Email notifier component for jabber
wip/p5-RRDTool-OO (CURRENT) RRDTool::OO implementation for Perl
perl5/p5-RRDTool-OO (CURRENT) RRDTool::OO implementation for Perl
wip/ipfm (CURRENT) Bandwidth analysis tool
wip/ipmitools (CURRENT) Provides command-line interface to IPMI-enabled devices
wip/p5-Net-DBus (CURRENT) Perl bindings for the D-BUS message bus system
wip/jack-devel (CURRENT) Development version of the Jack Audio Connection Kit
wip/dfu-util (CURRENT) Host side of the USB DFU protocol
wip/p5-MARC-Charset (CURRENT) Converts MARC-8 character sets to Unicode (UTF-8)
wip/dict-client (CURRENT) Dictionary Service Protocol client
wip/javascript-mode (CURRENT) Javascript major mode for Emacs
wip/p5-HTML-TokeParser-Simple (CURRENT) Subclass of HTML::TokeParser with easy-to-remember method calls
wip/dir2ogg (CURRENT) Command-line {wav,mp3,m4a} to ogg converter
wip/SDL-doc (CURRENT) Simple DirectMedia Layer documentation
wip/p5-Email-LocalDelivery (CURRENT) Deliver a piece of email
wip/kdeartwork4 (CURRENT) Artwork for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
wip/kdegraphics4 (CURRENT) Graphical tools for the KDE desktop
wip/dmxproto (CURRENT) Distributed Multi-headed X protocol headers from modular
wip/p5-Class-ISA (CURRENT) Report the search path for a class's ISA tree
wip/kdeutils4 (CURRENT) Utilities for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
wip/p5-Class-C3-XS (CURRENT) XS speedups for Class::C3
wip/ap2-vhost-ldap (CURRENT) Apache 2.2 module LDAP Virtual Hosts support
wip/dzen (CURRENT) General purpose messaging and notification program
wip/suse100_devel (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package - development tools
wip/p5-B-Keywords (CURRENT) Lists of reserved barewords and symbol names
wip/SDL-doc-ps (CURRENT) Simple DirectMedia Layer documentation
wip/openoffice2-bin-sk (CURRENT) sk language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/libpcap-latest (CURRENT) System-independent interface for user-level packet capture
wip/yamcha (CURRENT) Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
wip/openoffice2-bin-km (CURRENT) km language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/openoffice2-bin-fi (CURRENT) fi language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/eet (CURRENT) Data encode/decode and storage library
wip/openoffice2-bin-el (CURRENT) el language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/openoffice2-bin-bg (CURRENT) bg language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/openoffice2-bin-af (CURRENT) af language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/xfce4-mixer (CURRENT) Xfce mixer plugin
wip/speex-devel (CURRENT) Open-source, patent-free voice codec
wip/nrpe (CURRENT) Nagios Remote Plugin Executor
net/nrpe (CURRENT) Nagios Remote Plugin Executor
wip/xfce4-desktop (CURRENT) Xfce desktop background manager
wip/emboss-java (CURRENT) Interface between emboss and jemboss
wip/emboss-mse (CURRENT) Multiple Sequence Editor for EMBOSS
wip/sonata (CURRENT) Elegant GTK2 client for the Music Player Daemon
wip/SDL-intro-fr (CURRENT) Simple DirectMedia Layer introduction (French)
wip/mupen64-plugin-input (CURRENT) Input plugin for mupen64 emulator
wip/mixxx (CURRENT) Digital DJ tool
wip/muine (CURRENT) Simple and intuitive music player for GNOME
audio/muine (CURRENT) Simple and intuitive music player for GNOME
wip/mplayer-share (CURRENT) Documentation used by mplayer and gmplayer
wip/xchat2-perl (CURRENT) Perl scripting plugin for xchat
wip/beryl (CURRENT) Beryl compositing window manager
wip/ficl (CURRENT) Forth Inspired Command Language
wip/flashrom (CURRENT) Utility to identify, read, write, verify and erase flash chips
wip/beryl-settings-bindings (CURRENT) Beryl settings bindings
wip/scummvm-nightly (CURRENT) LucasArts Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion
wip/scim-canna (CURRENT) SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
wip/scim-anthy (CURRENT) SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
wip/rosegarden-current (CURRENT) Development release of rosegarden
wip/abuse_sdl (CURRENT) Port of the Abuse side scroller to SDL
wip/ghostpcl (CURRENT) PCL-5 and PCL-XL interpreter
wip/boinc-lib (CURRENT) Libraries for the BOINC distributed computing application
wip/qjackctl (CURRENT) Qt GUI interface to control the JACK sound server daemon
wip/q3-urbanterror (CURRENT) Quake III Arena Mod: Urban Terror for Linux
wip/pytz (CURRENT) World Timezone Definitions for Python
devel/pytz (CURRENT) World Timezone Definitions for Python
wip/wmmp (CURRENT) Dockable MusicPD client for Window Maker and similar window managers
wip/gnash (CURRENT) GPL Flash movie player
wip/py-xlrd (CURRENT) Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spread sheet files
devel/py-xlrd (CURRENT) Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spread sheet files
wip/gnomebaker (CURRENT) GTK2/GNOME CD/DVD burning application
wip/zabbix (CURRENT) Network monitoring tool
wip/py-twisted-core (CURRENT) Twisted reactor and other core stuff
net/py-twisted-core (CURRENT) Twisted reactor and other core stuff
wip/py-twisted (CURRENT) Event-driven networking framework for Python
meta-pkgs/py-twisted (CURRENT) Event-driven networking framework for Python
wip/vreng (CURRENT) Virtual Reality Engine interactive distributed 3D application
wip/grass-Slovakia (CURRENT) Example data set for grass 5.0
wip/grip (CURRENT) CD-player and CD-ripper for the Gnome desktop
wip/gromacs (CURRENT) Molecular dynamics package
wip/gst-python (CURRENT) Python bindings for GStreamer
audio/gst-python (CURRENT) Python bindings for GStreamer
wip/gtk-gnutella-current (CURRENT) GTK-based gnutella client, GIT snapshot
wip/ccrtp (CURRENT) RTP and RTSP protocol implementation using GNU CommonCpp
wip/gtkfontsel (CURRENT) Utility for selecting X11 fonts to the clipboard
x11/gtkfontsel (CURRENT) Utility for selecting X11 fonts to the clipboard
wip/alex (CURRENT) Tool for generating lexical analysers in Haskell
wip/heirloom-bfs (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-cal (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-cksum (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-doc (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/postgresql-uniqueidentifier (CURRENT) Allows PostgreSQL databases to use Global Unique Identifier (GUID)
wip/policykit (CURRENT) Framework for defining policy for system-wide components
wip/pmars (CURRENT) The official Core Wars simulator
wip/clustalx (CURRENT) General purpose multiple alignment program for DNA or proteins (X11)
wip/heirloom-libcommon (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/coldfire (CURRENT) Freescale (Motorola) Coldfire Emulator
wip/heirloom-ls (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-mesg (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-mkfifo (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-pr (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/php-mode (CURRENT) PHP editing mode for Emacs
wip/xorg-server-snap (CURRENT) Xorg X11 Server from modular X11
wip/aolserver (CURRENT) America Online's open source web server
wip/heirloom-setpgrp (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/php-doc-ru (CURRENT) Russian documentation for PHP
wip/php-doc-hk (CURRENT) Hong Kong Cantonese documentation for PHP
wip/heirloom-stty (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-tty (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/pekwm-nightly (CURRENT) Window manager based on aewm++ (CVS version)
wip/pdf2svg (CURRENT) Small utility to convert PDF files to SVG files
wip/cvsproxy (CURRENT) The cvsproxy is a relay server for the cvs pserver protocol
wip/highlight (CURRENT) Converts source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting
wip/pcsc-lite (CURRENT) PC/SC Architecture support for Smart Cards
wip/d4x (CURRENT) Download files using a nice GUI
wip/Redland-rdf (CURRENT) Library for RDF in C, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Tcl
wip/hunspell-he_IL (CURRENT) Hebrew dictionary for hunspell
wip/p5-Data-Random (CURRENT) Perl module to generate random data
databases/p5-Data-Random (CURRENT) Perl module to generate random data
wip/mutt-ng (CURRENT) Fork of the well-known email client mutt
wip/dfbpoint (CURRENT) Simple presentation viewer that uses the DirectFB
wip/p5-Term-Encoding (CURRENT) Detect encoding of the current terminal
wip/SDL-intro-es (CURRENT) Simple DirectMedia Layer introduction (Spanish)
wip/jetty (CURRENT) Jetty is a Java HTTP Server and Servlet Container
www/jetty (CURRENT) Jetty is a Java HTTP Server and Servlet Container
wip/py-twisted-runner (CURRENT) Inetd replacement for Twisted
net/py-twisted-runner (CURRENT) Inetd replacement for Twisted
wip/p5-Catalyst (CURRENT) The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework
www/p5-Catalyst (CURRENT) The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework
wip/jad (CURRENT) The fast Java Decompiler
wip/heirloom-groups (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/flc (CURRENT) Filter Language Compiler
wip/heirloom-time (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/hal-info (CURRENT) Hal-info contains device information for HAL
wip/p5-Text-SimpleTable (CURRENT) Simple Eyecandy ASCII Tables
wip/py-divmod-vertex (CURRENT) Implementation of the Q2Q protocol
python/py-divmod-vertex (CURRENT) Implementation of the Q2Q protocol
wip/mupen64-base (CURRENT) Free Nintendo 64(TM) emulator for unix-like OS
wip/R-rgdal (CURRENT) Provides bindings to GDAL and R
databases/R-rgdal (CURRENT) Provides bindings to GDAL and R
wip/distella (CURRENT) 6502 Disassembler with Atari 2600 headers and cycle counting info
devel/distella (CURRENT) 6502 Disassembler with Atari 2600 headers and cycle counting info
games/distella (CURRENT) 6502 Disassembler with Atari 2600 headers and cycle counting info
cross/distella (CURRENT) 6502 Disassembler with Atari 2600 headers and cycle counting info
wip/heirloom-common (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/p5-File-Path-Expand (CURRENT) Expands user directories in filenames
wip/openoffice2-bin-nn (CURRENT) nn language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/qtre (CURRENT) Quick Tool for Raw Editing
wip/py-twisted-news (CURRENT) An NNTP-based news service
net/py-twisted-news (CURRENT) An NNTP-based news service
wip/scribus-devel (CURRENT) Open Source Page Layout
wip/kde4 (CURRENT) "meta-package" for the KDE4 integrated X11 desktop
wip/py-gnucash (CURRENT) Python bindings to the GnuCash libraries
wip/grub2 (CURRENT) GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2
wip/gtick (CURRENT) GTK+ metronome
wip/hunspell-lt_LT (CURRENT) Lithuanian dictionary for hunspell
wip/scim-pinyin (CURRENT) SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
wip/epsilon (CURRENT) Small, display independent, and quick thumbnailing library
wip/p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema (CURRENT) DBIx::Class::Schema Model Class
wip/netbsd-m4 (CURRENT) NetBSD version of M4
sysutils/netbsd-m4 (CURRENT) NetBSD version of M4
wip/ati-xfree86-bin-unstable (CURRENT) ATI binary drivers for XFree86 4.3
wip/pkg_src_summary (CURRENT) Builds summary information for source packages
wip/xmms-cdread (CURRENT) XMMS input plugin that reads audio data from CDs
wip/libticalcs (CURRENT) Database of TI calculator model information
wip/p5-MARC-Record (CURRENT) MARC record handling package
wip/heirloom-cat (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/qimageblitz (CURRENT) interm graphical effect and filter library for KDE4.0
wip/sugarCRM (CURRENT) SugarCRM is a php based CRM system
wip/libnjb (CURRENT) Communicating with some Creative and Dell audio players
wip/gnome-commander (CURRENT) GNOME Commander is a fast and powerful graphical filemanager
wip/gnunet (CURRENT) Framework for secure P2P networking
wip/tig (CURRENT) Ncurses-based GIT repository tool
wip/icc8 (CURRENT) Intel C++ Compiler for Linux
wip/calcurse (CURRENT) Text based calendar and scheduling application
wip/php-doc-es (CURRENT) Spanish documentation for PHP
wip/libdbi-pgsql (CURRENT) PostgreSQL driver for libdbi, a database abstraction
databases/libdbi-pgsql (CURRENT) PostgreSQL driver for libdbi, a database abstraction
wip/py-kyra (CURRENT) Game development framework for Python
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIC (CURRENT) Authentication/authorization on a DBIx::Class/Class::DBI model
wip/dssi (CURRENT) API for audio processing plugins
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie (CURRENT) Stores a Catalyst Session in a Cookie
wip/chromium-data (CURRENT) Data files for chromium scrollshooter
wip/heirloom-tsort (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-uname (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/ap-choke (CURRENT) Limit resource usage by greedy clients
wip/heirloom-cut (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/powerdns-recursor (CURRENT) PowerDNS resolver/recursing nameserver
wip/SDL-intro-jp (CURRENT) Simple DirectMedia Layer introduction (Japanese)
wip/yabause (CURRENT) Sega Saturn system emulator
wip/emelfm2 (CURRENT) Fast two-pane file manager using GTK2
wip/mpdscribble (CURRENT) Mpdscribble is a music player daemon client
wip/soundtracker (CURRENT) Music tracker for XM and MOD files
wip/ion3-devel (CURRENT) Tiling tabbed window manager
wip/heirloom-hd (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/amsn (CURRENT) "Alvaro's MSN messenger client"
wip/heirloom-join (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/zvbi (CURRENT) Library for accessing raw VBI sampling devices
wip/lmtp2nntp (CURRENT) OSSP lmtp2nntp - Mail to News Gateway
mail/lmtp2nntp (CURRENT) OSSP lmtp2nntp - Mail to News Gateway
wip/emboss-emnu (CURRENT) Simple menu for EMBOSS applications
wip/emacs-jabber (CURRENT) Minimal jabber client for emacs
wip/scim-hangul (CURRENT) SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
wip/kapital (CURRENT) Personal finance manager
devel/kapital (CURRENT) Personal finance manager
wip/InfoNES (CURRENT) Portable NES emulator
wip/stunnel3 (CURRENT) Universal SSL tunnel
wip/rawphoto (CURRENT) GIMP plugin for dcraw (digital camera raw file decoder)
wip/zapping (CURRENT) TV viewer for the Gnome desktop
wip/slocate (CURRENT) Secure Locate
wip/ecl (CURRENT) Embeddable Common Lisp
wip/libassa (CURRENT) Networking library based on ACP
devel/libassa (CURRENT) Networking library based on ACP
wip/xfce4-extras (CURRENT) Xfce extras
wip/tex-arphic-ttf (CURRENT) TeX fonts based on Arphic TrueType fonts
wip/heirloom-pathchk (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/jdk15 (CURRENT) Java Development Kit 1.5.0
lang/jdk15 (CURRENT) Java Development Kit 1.5.0
wip/tex-kochi-ttf (CURRENT) TeX fonts based on Kochi TrueType fonts
wip/py-Impacket (CURRENT) Collection of Python classes for working with network protocols
wip/sex (CURRENT) Yet another program for spouting silly random phrases
wip/kvirc (CURRENT) QT based irc client
wip/xfce4-panel (CURRENT) Xfce panel
wip/kdebase-runtime4 (CURRENT) Runtime requirements for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
wip/openoffice2-bin-sv (CURRENT) sv language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/mingw (CURRENT) GNU C Compiler for win32 cross development
wip/lammpi (CURRENT) Implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) Standard
wip/eq-xmms (CURRENT) Equalizer plugin for XMMS not just for MP3
wip/pkg_summary4view (CURRENT) Convert summary information to human readable format
wip/wxGTK-unicode (CURRENT) GTK-based unicode implementation of the wxWidgets GUI library
wip/gov2 (CURRENT) Preprocessor for making GObjects with inline C
wip/qemu-neo1973 (CURRENT) Qemu OpenMoko Neo1973 phone emulator
wip/p5-Test-MockObject (CURRENT) Tests remote URLs or local web files
wip/php-doc-kr (CURRENT) Korean documentation for PHP
wip/heirloom-sleep (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/suse100_gdb (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for GDB
wip/p5-HTTP-Request-AsCGI (CURRENT) Setup a CGI enviroment from a HTTP::Request
wip/foomatic-db (CURRENT) Spooler independent postscript printing filter
wip/cabal (CURRENT) Haskell common architecture for building applications and libraries
wip/goocanvas (CURRENT) Cairo Canvas Widget for GTK+
wip/goldwater (CURRENT) Highly scalable distributed middleware
wip/fvcool (CURRENT) Utility to make your AMD CPU cooler
wip/p5-Object-Signature (CURRENT) Generate cryptographic signatures for objects
wip/mksend (CURRENT) Network testing tool for capture and generate packets
wip/modular-xorg-server-mesa653 (CURRENT) Xorg X11 Server from modular X11
wip/py-xmpppy (CURRENT) XMPP (Jabber) library for Python
wip/p5-Class-Virtual (CURRENT) Base class for virtual base classes in Perl
wip/heirloom-tee (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/openoffice2-bin-cy (CURRENT) cy language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/heirloom-shl (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/SDL-intro-cn (CURRENT) Simple DirectMedia Layer introduction (Chinese)
wip/LabPlot (CURRENT) Data analysis and visualisation
kde/LabPlot (CURRENT) Data analysis and visualisation
graphics/LabPlot (CURRENT) Data analysis and visualisation
wip/hunspell-af_ZA (CURRENT) Afrikaans dictionary for hunspell
wip/p5-Barcode-Code128 (CURRENT) Generates bar codes using the CODE 128 symbology
wip/xyssl (CURRENT) SSL minimalist library
wip/groku (CURRENT) Groku is a GTK for controlling your Roku Soundbridge (tm)
wip/xxdiff (CURRENT) Graphical file comparator and merge tool
wip/liblo (CURRENT) Lightweight Open Sound Control implementation
wip/strigi (CURRENT) Small fast desktop searching program
wip/mpg123-0.65 (CURRENT) Command line player for MPEG layer 1, 2, and 3 audio
wip/openoffice2-bin-lo (CURRENT) lo language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/guilerxspencer (CURRENT) Guile bindings for Henry Spencer's regex
wip/hydrogen-current (CURRENT) Real time drum machine/sequencer
wip/gtksourceview-sharp (CURRENT) Bindings to the GtkSourceView widge
wip/heirloom-yes (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/ap-chxj (CURRENT) CHTML to HDML,XHTML,JHTML convert module for apache2
wip/GoogleEarth (CURRENT) Interactive browser for satellite imagery and maps
geography/GoogleEarth (CURRENT) Interactive browser for satellite imagery and maps
wip/MesaLib (CURRENT) Open source OpenGL implementation
wip/Radiator (CURRENT) RADIUS server implemented in Perl
wip/Radiator-all (CURRENT) Provides some useful modules for Radiator
meta-pkgs/Radiator-all (CURRENT) Provides some useful modules for Radiator
wip/SDL-doc-html (CURRENT) Simple DirectMedia Layer documentation
wip/SDL-intro-it (CURRENT) Simple DirectMedia Layer introduction (Italian)
wip/SDL-intro-ru (CURRENT) Simple DirectMedia Layer introduction (Russian)
wip/abclock (CURRENT) Analogue Bitmap Clock
wip/aeneas (CURRENT) 3D Monte Carlo simulation software for submicron semiconductor devices
wip/aida (CURRENT) Abstract interfaces for data analysis
wip/aircrack (CURRENT) 802.11 WEP key cracker
wip/alsa-lib (CURRENT) Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)
wip/alsa-utils (CURRENT) Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) command-line utilities
wip/and (CURRENT) Auto nice daemon
wip/ap-bunzip2 (CURRENT) Apache module for server-side decompression of bzip2 files
wip/ap-ometer (CURRENT) Web counter apache module
wip/ap2-limitipconn (CURRENT) Limits per-IP connections to an Apache 2 server
wip/aria2 (CURRENT) Multithreaded download accelerator
wip/ati-xfree86-bin (CURRENT) ATI proprietary binary drivers for XFree86 4.3
wip/audacious (CURRENT) Media player based on BMP and XMMS
wip/avahi (CURRENT) Facilitate service discovery on a local network
wip/bakery (CURRENT) C++ Framework for creating GNOME applications using gtkmm
devel/bakery (CURRENT) C++ Framework for creating GNOME applications using gtkmm
wip/beryl-manager (CURRENT) Managing application of the Beryl compositing window manager
wip/beryl-plugins (CURRENT) Supported plugins for the Beryl compositor
wip/beryl-settings (CURRENT) Beryl settings bindings
wip/beryl-settings-simple (CURRENT) "Simple" beryl settings (?)
wip/bin86 (CURRENT) Simple assembler and linker for x86 machine code
wip/bincimap (CURRENT) Modular IMAP server for Maildir
wip/bnr2 (CURRENT) USENET bulk binary downloader (X11)
wip/bwm-ng (CURRENT) Console-based bandwidth monitor
wip/cabocha (CURRENT) Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
wip/ccid (CURRENT) USB CCID-compliant smartcard/token driver for pcsc-lite
wip/cfengine (CURRENT) Automate configuration and administration of large systems, networks
sysutils/cfengine (CURRENT) Automate configuration and administration of large systems, networks
wip/cjk-latex (CURRENT) The CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) package for LaTeX
wip/clisp-current (CURRENT) CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation
wip/com_err (CURRENT) Common Error Description Library
wip/confuse (CURRENT) Configuration file parser library
wip/cpdup (CURRENT) Designed to make exact mirrors of directory trees
wip/crafty (CURRENT) Chess engine
wip/cycle (CURRENT) Cycle is a fertility calendar program for women
wip/cyrus-imapd (CURRENT) Cyrus IMAP server
wip/dansguardian (CURRENT) Fast, featureful web content filter for Squid proxy servers
wip/dfbsee (CURRENT) Image viewer for DirectFB
wip/di (CURRENT) Command-line disk information utility
wip/dict-mueller7 (CURRENT) English-Russian dictionary by Mueller for dictd
wip/dict-server (CURRENT) Dictionary Service Protocol server
wip/directfb (CURRENT) Thin library that provides hardware graphics acceleration
wip/dovecot (CURRENT) Secure IMAP and POP3 server
wip/drpython (CURRENT) Source code editor, written in Python, for Python
wip/dsh (CURRENT) Runs command through rsh or ssh on a cluster of machines
wip/dvd2xvid (CURRENT) Simple GUI for MEncoder to rip DVDs
wip/dynamips (CURRENT) Cisco 3600 and 7200 MIPS emulator
wip/e17 (CURRENT) The Window Manager and Desktop Shell
wip/ecore (CURRENT) Event Abstraction and Modular Convenience Library
wip/edbus (CURRENT) Convenience wrappers around dbus to ease integrating dbus with E17
wip/edoc (CURRENT) Compile time C++ exception analysis/documentation tool
wip/ejabberd (CURRENT) Free and Open Source distributed fault-tolerant Jabber server
wip/ekg2 (CURRENT) Multiplatform, multiprotocol, plugin-based instant messanger
wip/emacs-current (CURRENT) GNU editing macros (development version)
wip/emacs-current-nox11 (CURRENT) GNU editing macros (editor, no x11)
wip/emboss-base (CURRENT) European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite
wip/emboss-domainatrix (CURRENT) Collection of bioinformatic programs for EMBOSS
wip/emboss-hmmer (CURRENT) Collection of bioinformatic programs supplimenting the EMBOSS package
wip/emboss-meme (CURRENT) Motif detection tool for EMBOSS
wip/emboss-topo (CURRENT) Draws an image of a transmembrane protein
wip/enet (CURRENT) Network communication layer that runs on top of UDP
wip/epeg (CURRENT) IMMENSELY FAST JPEG thumbnailer library API
wip/epplets (CURRENT) Epplets for Enlightenment
wm/epplets (CURRENT) Epplets for Enlightenment
wip/evas (CURRENT) Canvas and scenegraph rendering library
wip/eventlog (CURRENT) New API to format and send structured log messages
net/eventlog (CURRENT) New API to format and send structured log messages
wip/evolution-sharp (CURRENT) .NET language binding for various Evolution libraries
wip/ezstream (CURRENT) Streamming client of mp3 and oggvorbis for icecast
wip/festival-gaim (CURRENT) Synthesizes incoming messages using voice
audio/festival-gaim (CURRENT) Synthesizes incoming messages using voice
wip/fontedit (CURRENT) Converts console fonts between binary and editable
wip/gcl (CURRENT) GNU Common Lisp
wip/gdal (CURRENT) Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
wip/gdal-grass (CURRENT) Standalone GRASS 6 drivers for GDAL and OGR
wip/gdal-lib (CURRENT) Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
wip/gdmap (CURRENT) Tool to visualize disk space
wip/gdvb (CURRENT) DVB channels manager frontend using JavaGTK
wip/geos (CURRENT) C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS)
wip/glade2-nognome (CURRENT) User interface builder for the GTK2+ toolkit and GNOME2
wip/globulation2 (CURRENT) Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game providing AI and net mode
wip/glu (CURRENT) GLU polygon tessellation facility for Mesa
wip/gmc2mid (CURRENT) Guenthers Midi Compiler, a tool to convert text to midi
wip/gmediaserver (CURRENT) UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
wip/gobby (CURRENT) Collaborative text editor
wip/gps (CURRENT) Ghost Port Scan
security/gps (CURRENT) Ghost Port Scan
wip/grass (CURRENT) Open source geographical information system (GIS)
wip/grass-Spearfish-imagery (CURRENT) Grass 5.0 sample dataset
wip/gstreamer-plugins (CURRENT) GStreamer plug-ins meta-pkg
meta-pkgs/gstreamer-plugins (CURRENT) GStreamer plug-ins meta-pkg
x11/gstreamer-plugins (CURRENT) GStreamer plug-ins meta-pkg
wip/gtk-engines-thinice (CURRENT) Simple, clean theme engine for gtk+ 1.2.x
wip/gtk-qt-engine (CURRENT) Theme engine for gtk2 which uses qt widgets
x11/gtk-qt-engine (CURRENT) Theme engine for gtk2 which uses qt widgets
wip/gtk2-engines-murrine (CURRENT) GTK2+ engine featuring a modern glassy look
wip/guile-scsh (CURRENT) Scheme Shell that runs in Guile
wip/hal (CURRENT) Specification and an implementation of a hardware abstraction layer
wip/hal-dev (CURRENT) Specification and an implementation of a hardware abstraction layer
wip/happy (CURRENT) LALR(1) parser generator for the functional language Haskell
wip/heirloom-awk (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-basename (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-chown (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-comm (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-cp (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-csplit (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-date (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-find (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-fmt (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-getconf (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-head (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-hostname (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-id (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/icc (CURRENT) Intel C++ Compiler for Linux
wip/heirloom-logins (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-news (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-nice (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-paste (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-pg (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-printenv (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-priocntl (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-pwd (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-rm (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-rmdir (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-sed (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-sync (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-tapecntl (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-tr (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-ul (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-uniq (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-units (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-who (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-whoami (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-whodo (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heliodor (CURRENT) Heliodor theme package for beryl
wip/help2man (CURRENT) Generate simple manual pages from program output
wip/hgview (CURRENT) GTK based replacement for hgview
wip/hping3 (CURRENT) Command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer
wip/hunspell-cs_CZ (CURRENT) Czech dictionary for hunspell
wip/hunspell-hu_HU (CURRENT) Hungarian dictionary for hunspell
wip/idled (CURRENT) Daemon that logs out idle users
wip/iksemel (CURRENT) XML parser library mainly designed for Jabber applications
wip/im (CURRENT) Set of user interfaces of Email and NetNews
wip/ispell-lietuviu (CURRENT) Lithuanian dictionary for ispell
wip/iwn-firmware (CURRENT) Firmware binary image for the iwn(4) driver
wip/jamaica (CURRENT) JVM Macro Assembler language
wip/java-BigDecimal (CURRENT) Decimal arithmetic for Java
devel/java-BigDecimal (CURRENT) Decimal arithmetic for Java
wip/java-jep (CURRENT) Java Mathematical Expression Parser
wip/javascript-guide (CURRENT) JavaScript Guide from Netscape Devedge
wip/javascript-reference (CURRENT) JavaScript Reference from Netscape Devedge
wip/jemboss-standalone (CURRENT) Standalone Interface for EMBOSS
wip/jumpnbump (CURRENT) Game with cute rabbits and lots of blood
wip/jupp (CURRENT) The portable version of joe from the MirOS project
wip/jwm (CURRENT) Lightweight window manager with virtual desktops
wip/kaffe (CURRENT) Virtual machine capable of running Java(tm) code
wip/kahua (CURRENT) Kahua is a web application framework for Gauche
wip/katapult (CURRENT) Allow faster access to applications, bookmarks, and other items
wip/kdeaccessibility4 (CURRENT) Accessibility support for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
wip/kdegames4 (CURRENT) Games for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
wip/kdepim4 (CURRENT) Personal Information Management tools for the KDE desktop
wip/kdepimlibs4 (CURRENT) Support libraries for PIM for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
x11/kdepimlibs4 (CURRENT) Support libraries for PIM for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
wip/kdesdk4 (CURRENT) Support applications and tools used by KDE developers
wip/kino (CURRENT) Non-linear editor for Digital Video data
wip/klamav (CURRENT) Clam Anti-Virus Manager For The KDE Desktop
security/klamav (CURRENT) Clam Anti-Virus Manager For The KDE Desktop
wip/korelib (CURRENT) Cross-platform C++ library for developing modular applications
devel/korelib (CURRENT) Cross-platform C++ library for developing modular applications
wip/kylix-openedition (CURRENT) ANSI/ISO C++, Delphi and IDE in one
wip/lcrack (CURRENT) Generic password hash cracker
wip/leim-current (CURRENT) Libraries of Emacs Input Methods (for emacs22)
wip/lemon (CURRENT) Simple LALR(1) parser generator
wip/libatomic_ops (CURRENT) Multi-platform library of atomic operations by Hans Boehm
wip/libclucene (CURRENT) Text search engine written in C++
wip/libdaemon (CURRENT) C library that eases the writing of UNIX daemons
wip/libdbi (CURRENT) Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C
wip/libdbi-mysql (CURRENT) MySQL driver for libdbi, a database abstraction
databases/libdbi-mysql (CURRENT) MySQL driver for libdbi, a database abstraction
wip/libdmx (CURRENT) Distributed, multi-headed X protocol headers from modular
wip/libgadu (CURRENT) Used by Instant Messengers with Gadu-Gadu support
wip/libgeotiff (CURRENT) Library and tools for reading and writing GeoTIFF data
wip/libnettle (CURRENT) Cryptographic library
devel/libnettle (CURRENT) Cryptographic library
wip/libp11 (CURRENT) Convenience library for easy PKCS
wip/libticables (CURRENT) Library for communicating with TI calculators
wip/libtifiles (CURRENT) Library for reading files from TI calculators
wip/libuuid (CURRENT) Standalone libuuid from e2fsprogs package
wip/libuxre (CURRENT) POSIX compatible regular expression library
wip/libxfce4gui (CURRENT) Xfce widget library
wip/libxfce4mcs (CURRENT) Xfce settings management library
wip/libxfce4util (CURRENT) Xfce basic library
wip/libzrtpcpp (CURRENT) ZRTP extension for GNU ccRTP
wip/linux-acl (CURRENT) Commands for Manipulating POSIX Access Control Lists
wip/linux-wlan-ng (CURRENT) Linux utilities for wireless prism2 cards
net/linux-wlan-ng (CURRENT) Linux utilities for wireless prism2 cards
wip/listres (CURRENT) Listres utility from modular
wip/lmarbles (CURRENT) Atomix-style arcade game
wip/lua-pgsql (CURRENT) PostgreSQL bindings for LUA
wip/mapserver (CURRENT) Environment for building spatially enabled Internet apps
wip/metatheme (CURRENT) Themes for GNOME 2
wip/ming (CURRENT) SWF output library
wip/mingw-gcc (CURRENT) GNU C Compiler ported to win32 platforms
wip/mingw-w32api-bin (CURRENT) GNU C Compiler for win32 cross development
wip/modular-xorg-libs (CURRENT) Meta package for modular X libraries
wip/modular-xorg-macros (CURRENT) GNU autoconf macros for the modular source tree
wip/modular-xorg-utils (CURRENT) Modular Xorg utilities meta-package
wip/modular-xorg-wip (CURRENT) Modular Xorg wip package
meta-pkgs/modular-xorg-wip (CURRENT) Modular Xorg wip package
wip/mono-addins (CURRENT) Framework for creating extensible applications
wip/monodevelop (CURRENT) IDE for C# and other .NET languages
wip/moto4lin (CURRENT) Filemanager and seem editor for Motorola P2k phones
wip/mp3gain (CURRENT) Loudness normalizer for MP3 files
wip/mpg123 (CURRENT) MPEG layer 1, 2, and 3 audio player
wip/mupen64-plugin-rsp (CURRENT) RSP plugin for mupen64 emulator
wip/nanoblogger (CURRENT) Small weblog engine for the UNIX command line
wip/navigatrix (CURRENT) GPS navigational system for KDE
wip/ncc (CURRENT) Compiler that produces program analysis information
wip/netbsd-bsdgrep (CURRENT) BSD version of grep as in NetBSD src/usr.bin/grep
sysutils/netbsd-bsdgrep (CURRENT) BSD version of grep as in NetBSD src/usr.bin/grep
wip/netsurf (CURRENT) Web browser for RISC OS and UNIX-like platforms
wip/omniORB (CURRENT) OmniORB is an ORB that implements the 2.6 specification of the CORBA
wip/opal (CURRENT) Open Phone Abstraction Library
wip/openbsd-input-ws (CURRENT) OpenBSD's wscons input driver for modular
wip/openoffice2-bin-be-BY (CURRENT) be-BY language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/openoffice2-bin-br (CURRENT) br language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/openoffice2-bin-da (CURRENT) da language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/openoffice2-bin-fr (CURRENT) fr language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/openoffice2-bin-ga (CURRENT) ga language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/openoffice2-bin-it (CURRENT) it language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/openoffice2-bin-nl (CURRENT) nl language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/openoffice2-bin-nr (CURRENT) nr language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/openoffice2-bin-th (CURRENT) th language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/openoffice2-bin-tn (CURRENT) tn language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/opensc (CURRENT) Smart Card drivers and middleware
wip/opentracker-current (CURRENT) High performance bittorrent tracker
wip/p5-Authen-Htpasswd (CURRENT) Authen::Htpasswd - interface to read and modify Apache .htpasswd files
perl5/p5-Authen-Htpasswd (CURRENT) Authen::Htpasswd - interface to read and modify Apache .htpasswd files
wip/p5-CPANPLUS (CURRENT) Ameliorated interface to the CPAN
wip/p5-Cache-FastMmap (CURRENT) Shared memory cache through an mmap'ed file
wip/p5-Catalyst-Action-RenderView (CURRENT) Catalyst render action target
wip/p5-Catalyst-Manual (CURRENT) Manual for Catalyst
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-CDBI (CURRENT) Class::DBI storage backend for session data
www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-CDBI (CURRENT) Class::DBI storage backend for session data
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File (CURRENT) File storage backend for session data
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple (CURRENT) Serve static files with Catalyst
wip/p5-Class-Data-Accessor (CURRENT) Inheritable and overridable class and instance data accessors
wip/p5-Crypt-PasswdMD5 (CURRENT) Perl5 MD5 Password implementation
wip/p5-Exporter-Lite (CURRENT) Lightweight exporting of variables
wip/p5-GD-Barcode (CURRENT) GD-Barcode is package to create barcodes with GD
wip/p5-Geo-Distance (CURRENT) Geo::Distance implementation for Perl
perl5/p5-Geo-Distance (CURRENT) Geo::Distance implementation for Perl
wip/p5-Getopt-ArgvFile (CURRENT) Interpolates script options from files into @ARGV or another array
wip/p5-Getopt-Long-Descriptive (CURRENT) Getopt::Long with usage text
wip/p5-HTML-CalendarMonthSimple (CURRENT) Perl Module for Generating HTML Calendars
wip/p5-HTML-TableContentParser (CURRENT) Do interesting things with the contents of tables
wip/pdq (CURRENT) Flexible printing subsystem
wip/p5-Jcode (CURRENT) Perl library for Japanese charset handler
perl5/p5-Jcode (CURRENT) Perl library for Japanese charset handler
wip/p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number (CURRENT) Force number of words to singular or plural
wip/p5-Lingua-Stem (CURRENT) Provides word stemming algorithms localized by language
wip/p5-Lingua-Stem-Fr (CURRENT) Perl French Stemming
wip/p5-Lingua-Stem-It (CURRENT) Stemmer for Italian
wip/p5-Lingua-Stem-Ru (CURRENT) Porter's stemming algorithm for Russian (KOI8-R only)
wip/p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da (CURRENT) Stemmer for Danish
wip/p5-MRO-Compat (CURRENT) MRO::Compat
wip/p5-Mail-SPF (CURRENT) Perl implementation of the Sender Policy Framework
wip/p5-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable (CURRENT) Net::DNS::Resolver descendant class for offline emulation of DNS
wip/p5-Net-SMTP-TLS (CURRENT) SMTP client module supporting TLS and AUTH
perl5/p5-Net-SMTP-TLS (CURRENT) SMTP client module supporting TLS and AUTH
wip/p5-Net-Z3950-ZOOM (CURRENT) Perl extension for talking to Z39.50 servers
wip/p5-PAR (CURRENT) Perl Archive Toolkit
wip/p5-PDF-Table (CURRENT) Perl5 module for pdf document manipulation
wip/p5-Quota (CURRENT) Perl5 module interface to filesystem quotas
wip/p5-RRD-Simple (CURRENT) RRD::Simple implementation for Perl
wip/p5-SQL-Abstract-Limit (CURRENT) SQL Portability layer for LIMIT emulation
wip/p5-Scope-Guard (CURRENT) Scope::Guard
wip/p5-Set-Object (CURRENT) Perl module to manage sets of objects
wip/p5-Task-Catalyst (CURRENT) All you need to start with Catalyst
www/p5-Task-Catalyst (CURRENT) All you need to start with Catalyst
wip/p5-Template-Timer (CURRENT) Rudimentary profiling for Template Toolkit
wip/p5-Test-Class (CURRENT) Test::Class - Easily create test classes in an xUnit style
wip/p5-Test-Differences (CURRENT) Test::Differences - Test strings and data structures for differences
wip/p5-Tie-Array-Sorted (CURRENT) Perl array which is kept sorted
wip/p5-UNIVERSAL-exports (CURRENT) Lightweight, universal exporting of variables
devel/p5-UNIVERSAL-exports (CURRENT) Lightweight, universal exporting of variables
wip/p5-Unicode-Map (CURRENT) Perl5 module that maps charsets from and to utf16 unicode
perl5/p5-Unicode-Map (CURRENT) Perl5 module that maps charsets from and to utf16 unicode
wip/p5-Unicode-Normalize (CURRENT) Unicode Normalization Froms
wip/p5-podlators (CURRENT) Modules to convert and parse POD (Plain Old Documentation)
wip/packman (CURRENT) Small package manager
wip/paexec (CURRENT) Distributes tasks over network or CPUs
wip/palm-db-tools (CURRENT) Tools to convert to/from Palm OS databases
wip/pasmo (CURRENT) Z80 cross assembler written in C++
wip/passepartout (CURRENT) Desktop publishing for X
wip/perl59 (CURRENT) Practical Extraction and Report Language
lang/perl59 (CURRENT) Practical Extraction and Report Language
devel/perl59 (CURRENT) Practical Extraction and Report Language
wip/php-doc-nl (CURRENT) Dutch documentation for PHP
wip/php-doc-sl (CURRENT) Slovenian documentation for PHP
wip/php-doc-sv (CURRENT) Swedish documentation for PHP
wip/php-recode (CURRENT) PHP extension for recode support
wip/php-suhosin (CURRENT) Advanced protection system for PHP installations
wip/picasm (CURRENT) Assembler for Microchip PIC16Cxx microcontrollers
wip/pjproject (CURRENT) FOSS multimedia communication library written in C language
audio/pjproject (CURRENT) FOSS multimedia communication library written in C language
multimedia/pjproject (CURRENT) FOSS multimedia communication library written in C language
wip/pkg_online (CURRENT) Client/Server search in pkgsrc packages
wip/plod (CURRENT) System administration journaling tool
wip/pop-before-smtp (CURRENT) Simple daemon for pop-before-smtp
mail/pop-before-smtp (CURRENT) Simple daemon for pop-before-smtp
wip/postgresql80-postgis (CURRENT) Spatial database capabilities for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql80-postgis (CURRENT) Spatial database capabilities for PostgreSQL
geography/postgresql80-postgis (CURRENT) Spatial database capabilities for PostgreSQL
wip/pulseaudio-dev (CURRENT) PulseAudio multimedia/audio daemon
audio/pulseaudio-dev (CURRENT) PulseAudio multimedia/audio daemon
wip/py-CVSToys (CURRENT) Watch CVS tree changes on web, RSS, list or IRC
wip/py-MayaVi (CURRENT) Scientific data visualizer written in Python
wip/py-Protocols (CURRENT) Lets you easily define your own protocols and adapters
wip/py-Protocols-docs (CURRENT) HTML docs for devel/py-Protocols
wip/py-PythonDirector (CURRENT) Pure-python TCP load balancer
wip/py-f2py2e (CURRENT) Fortran to Python interface generator
wip/py-gdata (CURRENT) Google Data API Python client library
wip/py-httplib2 (CURRENT) Comprehensive http client library for Python
wip/py-icalendar (CURRENT) Python parser/generator for iCalendar files, as per RFC2445
wip/py-ipython (CURRENT) Interactive, enhanced Python shell
wip/py-jabber-yahoo-transport (CURRENT) Transport connecting Jabber to the Yahoo! IM network
chat/py-jabber-yahoo-transport (CURRENT) Transport connecting Jabber to the Yahoo! IM network
wip/py-kaa-base (CURRENT) Base module for the Kaa multimedia framework
wip/py-kaa-metadata (CURRENT) Media metadata parser for the Kaa multimedia framework
wip/py-twisted-conch (CURRENT) SSHv2 implementation written in Python
net/py-twisted-conch (CURRENT) SSHv2 implementation written in Python
security/py-twisted-conch (CURRENT) SSHv2 implementation written in Python
wip/py-twisted-lore (CURRENT) The Twisted documentation generation system
textproc/py-twisted-lore (CURRENT) The Twisted documentation generation system
wip/py-twisted-mail (CURRENT) A Twisted e-mail server
net/py-twisted-mail (CURRENT) A Twisted e-mail server
python/py-twisted-mail (CURRENT) A Twisted e-mail server
wip/py-twisted-words (CURRENT) A Twisted chat service
net/py-twisted-words (CURRENT) A Twisted chat service
python/py-twisted-words (CURRENT) A Twisted chat service
wip/py-tz (CURRENT) Python interface to Olson tz database
python/py-tz (CURRENT) Python interface to Olson tz database
wip/py-twisted-zopeinterface (CURRENT) The zope.interface package for Twisted.
devel/py-twisted-zopeinterface (CURRENT) The zope.interface package for Twisted.
wip/py-visionegg-contrib (CURRENT) Additional modules for py-visionegg package
wip/py-vtkmodule (CURRENT) (no description)
wip/py-xdg (CURRENT) XDG handling library
sysutils/py-xdg (CURRENT) XDG handling library
wip/py-xsdb (CURRENT) Concurrent database with concurrency control and recovery
wip/pynfo (CURRENT) Nice, configureable info bot in Python
wip/python25 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
wip/qca2-gnupg (CURRENT) Cross-platform crypto API for QT - GnuPG plugin
wip/qcomicbook (CURRENT) Viewer for comic book archives
wip/qinx (CURRENT) Widget style and window decoration for KDE3
wm/qinx (CURRENT) Widget style and window decoration for KDE3
wip/quodlibet (CURRENT) Finally a good alternative to iTunes
wip/rar3 (CURRENT) File archiver (binary only)
wip/rasqal (CURRENT) Library that handles RDF query syntaxes
wip/rc.subr (CURRENT) Portable NetBSD rc.subr implementation for pkgsrc
wip/rekall (CURRENT) KDE database frontend
wip/resid-builder (CURRENT) Snapshot of reSID-builder from ccr/TNSP
wip/rlab (CURRENT) Matlab-like scientific programming environment
wip/rsyslog (CURRENT) The enhanced syslogd for Unix
wip/ruby-ldap (CURRENT) LDAP extension module for Ruby
wip/runawk (CURRENT) AWK wrapper that provides support for modules
wip/runit (CURRENT) UNIX init scheme with service supervision
wip/schismtracker (CURRENT) Music tracker similar to Impulse Tracker
wip/scim (CURRENT) Smart Common Input Method
wip/scim-chewing (CURRENT) SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
wip/scim-sinhala (CURRENT) SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
wip/sdlmame (CURRENT) Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator, SDL port
wip/serlook (CURRENT) SerLooK is a tool aimed to inspect and debug serial line data traffic
kde/serlook (CURRENT) SerLooK is a tool aimed to inspect and debug serial line data traffic
wip/siege (CURRENT) Website/webserver regression testing utility
wip/simgear (CURRENT) Simulator Construction Tools
wip/siproxd (CURRENT) Session Initiation Protocol Application-Level Gateway (SIP ALG)
wip/skype (CURRENT) P2P VoIP software
wip/spe (CURRENT) Python IDE with UML, PyChecker, Debugger, GUI design, Blender and more
wip/songwrite (CURRENT) Tablature (guitar partition) editor
wip/sqlitebrowser (CURRENT) QT3 lightweight GUI editor/viewer for SQLite Databases
wip/supertux (CURRENT) 2D jump\'n run game in the style of the Super Mario ones
wip/testdisk (CURRENT) Tool to check and undelete partitions
wip/tex-baekmuk-ttf (CURRENT) TeX fonts based on Baekmuk TrueType fonts
wip/texlive-texmf-minimal (CURRENT) TeXLive texmf, minimal version from Edd Barret's OpenBSD repository
wip/thunderbird-bin (CURRENT) Redesign of the Mozilla mail client (binary pkg)
wip/tor (CURRENT) Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
wip/trac-plugins-AccountManager (CURRENT) User account management plugin for Trac
wip/trac-plugins-WebAdmin (CURRENT) Web admin plugin for trac
wip/traceroute-nanog (CURRENT) Traceroute implementation
wip/trayer (CURRENT) Standalone tray app
wip/ubit (CURRENT) Ubiquitous Brick Interactive Toolkit
wip/uqm (CURRENT) Ur-Quan Masters
wip/ushare (CURRENT) UPnP AV Mediaserver
wip/vcdgear (CURRENT) Video CD toolbox and MPEG repair tool
wip/vixie-cron (CURRENT) Execute and maintain scheduled commands
wip/vlc (CURRENT) VLC media player and streaming server
wip/wimon-devel (CURRENT) Tool that shows a real-time graph of your wireless connection
wip/wxGTK-contrib-unicode (CURRENT) GTK-based unicode implementation of the wxWidgets
wip/xcursor-themes (CURRENT) Modular xcursor themes
wip/xf86-video-ati (CURRENT) Modular Xorg ATI video driver
wip/xfce4 (CURRENT) Xfce
wip/xfce4-dev-tools (CURRENT) Xfce development tools
wip/xfce4-gtk2-engine (CURRENT) Xfce GTK2 themes
wip/xfce4-mailwatch-plugin (CURRENT) Xfce mail checker plugin for the panel
wip/xfce4-mcs-plugins (CURRENT) Xfce settings manager plugins
wip/xfce4-print (CURRENT) Xfce print dialog
wip/xfce4-radio-plugin (CURRENT) Xfce V4L radio plugin
wip/xfce4-taskmanager (CURRENT) Xfce task manager
wip/xfce4-terminal (CURRENT) Xfce terminal emulator
wip/xfce4-thunar (CURRENT) Xfce file manager
wip/xfce4-xarchiver (CURRENT) Xfce archiver handler
wip/xmms-infopipe (CURRENT) Plugin that reports XMMS status via named pipe
wip/xmms-status (CURRENT) Plugin that provides XMMS docklet support
wip/xorg-server (CURRENT) Xorg X11 Server from modular X11
wip/xscribble-fs (CURRENT) Handwriting recognition (like graffiti)
wip/xtrlock (CURRENT) Simple X11 screen lock tool
wip/xvidtune (CURRENT) X video tuning utility from modular
wip/php-doc-ar (CURRENT) Arabic documentation for PHP
wip/fusefs-sshfs (CURRENT) Mount remote directories using ssh and FUSE
wip/map-browse (CURRENT) GLUT-based 3D data graph (vertices, edges) viewer
wip/linuxigd-current (CURRENT) Linux UPnP Internet Gateway Device
wip/libargp (CURRENT) Standalone version of argument parsing interface from GNU libc
wip/gdhcpd (CURRENT) Easy to use gtk+ frontend for isc-dhcpd
wip/heirloom-od (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/dicom3tools (CURRENT) Library for dealing with DICOM 3 files
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles (CURRENT) Role based authorization for Catalyst
wip/sid-milter (CURRENT) Open source SPF/SenderID filter software from Sendmail, Inc
wip/hunspell-fo_FO (CURRENT) Faroese dictionary for hunspell
wip/tsm (CURRENT) IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client
wip/libxcb (CURRENT) X protocol C-language Binding
wip/cinelerra (CURRENT) Non-linear video and audio editor and compositor (unofficial)
wip/SDL-intro-de (CURRENT) Simple DirectMedia Layer introduction (German)
wip/efreet (CURRENT) Interface Abstraction Library and Toolset
wip/libgksu (CURRENT) Support library for gksu
wip/pkg_update_summary (CURRENT) Efficiently updates pkg_summary.gz file
wip/py-PEAK-docs (CURRENT) Python Enterprise Application Kit
wip/luaposix (CURRENT) POSIX library (including curses) for lua
wip/chicken-current (CURRENT) Scheme to C compiler, handling R5RS
wip/glut (CURRENT) GLUT Graphics library similar to SGI's OpenGL
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader (CURRENT) Load Catalyst config from YAML file
wip/editline (CURRENT) NetBSD Editline library (libedit) for generic line editing
wip/mesa-dri (CURRENT) Mesa DRI drivers
wip/gtk2-engines-qt (CURRENT) GTK+ 2.x theme, which looks just like Qt toolkit
devel/gtk2-engines-qt (CURRENT) GTK+ 2.x theme, which looks just like Qt toolkit
wip/xhkeys1 (CURRENT) Tool for special keyboards
wip/sim-qt (CURRENT) SIM (Simple Instant Messenger)
chat/sim-qt (CURRENT) SIM (Simple Instant Messenger)
wip/luit (CURRENT) UTF-8 filter for terminal emulators
wip/osmose (CURRENT) Sega Master System/Game Gear emulator
wip/gimmie (CURRENT) Creative panel replacement
wip/lincity-ng (CURRENT) Open source SimCity like game
wip/kplayer (CURRENT) KDE media player based on MPlayer
wip/heirloom-calendar (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/py-kaa-imlib2 (CURRENT) Imlib2 wrapper for the Kaa multimedia framework
wip/p5-UNIVERSAL-isa (CURRENT) Hack around people calling UNIVERSAL::isa() as a function
wip/sudoscript (CURRENT) Audited shells with sudo(8) and script(1)
wip/lletters (CURRENT) Linux Letters and Numbers childrens game
wip/openct (CURRENT) Smart Card Reader drivers and middleware
wip/boinc-client (CURRENT) The BOINC distributed computing application
wip/toppler (CURRENT) Tower Toppler/Nebulous clone
wip/py-stem (CURRENT) Python controller library for Tor
wip/yaws (CURRENT) High perfomance HTTP 1.1 webserver written in Erlang
wip/kdemultimedia4 (CURRENT) Multimedia tools for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
wip/xchat2-python (CURRENT) Python scripting plugin for xchat
wip/dkim-milter (CURRENT) Open source DKIM filter software from Sendmail, Inc.
wip/logrotate (CURRENT) Daemon to rotate, compress, remove and mail system log files
wip/kpanta (CURRENT) AntiChess - like ordinary chess, but the objective is to loose pieces
wip/luacheia (CURRENT) Extension libraries for LUA
wip/p5-Parallel-ForkManager (CURRENT) Simple parallel processing fork manager
wip/luasocket (CURRENT) Gives socket capabilities to lua
wip/trac-plugins-excelviewer (CURRENT) Excel viewer plugin for trac
wip/SDL-intro (CURRENT) Simple DirectMedia Layer introduction (All languages)
wip/p5-Class-C3 (CURRENT) Pragma to use the C3 method resolution order algortihm
wip/xfce4-xmms-plugin (CURRENT) Xfce XMMS plugin
wip/molmol (CURRENT) Graphics Program for manipulating 3D biological macromolecules
wip/mpg123-sun (CURRENT) Contains the sun module for mpg123
wip/ftpd-tls (CURRENT) Ftp server supporting FTP AUTH TLS
wip/planner (CURRENT) GTK2 project management tool
wip/scim-fcitx (CURRENT) Fcitx ported to SCIM
wip/openoffice2-bin-cs (CURRENT) cs language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/words (CURRENT) English word list
wip/emacs22 (CURRENT) GNU editing macros (editor)
wip/treeview (CURRENT) Phylogenetic tree viewer for Linux and Unix
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-FastMmap (CURRENT) FastMmap sessions for Catalyst
www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-FastMmap (CURRENT) FastMmap sessions for Catalyst
wip/tkabber (CURRENT) Free and Open Source TCL/TK jabber client
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session (CURRENT) Generic Catalyst Session plugin
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N (CURRENT) I18N for Catalyst
wip/xfce4-exo (CURRENT) Xfce extension library
wip/xfce4-mousepad (CURRENT) Xfce text editor
wip/interchange (CURRENT) Catalog application for web use (more than a web shopping cart.)
www/interchange (CURRENT) Catalog application for web use (more than a web shopping cart.)
wip/e16keyedit (CURRENT) Keys setup program for Enlightenment
wm/e16keyedit (CURRENT) Keys setup program for Enlightenment
wip/libgdiplus (CURRENT) Implementation of the GDI+ API
wip/e3 (CURRENT) Full-featured text editor highly optimized for size
wip/libmaa (CURRENT) General purpose data structures and functions
wip/php-doc-hu (CURRENT) Hungarian documentation for PHP
wip/hunspell-ny_MW (CURRENT) Chichewa dictionary for hunspell
wip/openoffice2-bin-st (CURRENT) st language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/libosip222 (CURRENT) Implementation of SIP (2.2 branch)
wip/openoffice2-bin-et (CURRENT) et language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/php-doc-ro (CURRENT) Romanian documentation for PHP
wip/heirloom-sdiff (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-mknod (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/apachebench2 (CURRENT) Apache HTTP (Web) server benchmarking tool
benchmarks/apachebench2 (CURRENT) Apache HTTP (Web) server benchmarking tool
wip/p5-CLASS (CURRENT) Alias for __PACKAGE__
wip/xmms-scrobbler (CURRENT) XMMS plugin for the music community
wip/sarg (CURRENT) Squid-Cache proxy server Analysis Report Generator
wip/jdk14 (CURRENT) Java Development Kit 1.4.2
lang/jdk14 (CURRENT) Java Development Kit 1.4.2
wip/heirloom-fold (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-col (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/p5-XML-DOM-XPath (CURRENT) Helper module for XML::DOM that adds XPath support to it
textproc/p5-XML-DOM-XPath (CURRENT) Helper module for XML::DOM that adds XPath support to it
wip/gcl-nox11 (CURRENT) GNU Common Lisp without X11 support
wip/p5-Class-Accessor-Chained (CURRENT) make chained accessors
wip/xanim-codecs (CURRENT) Dynamically loadable codecs for XAnim
wip/granule (CURRENT) Program for Leitner methodology for learning new words
wip/sun-j2me (CURRENT) Sun's Java(tm) 2 Micro Edition Environment
lang/sun-j2me (CURRENT) Sun's Java(tm) 2 Micro Edition Environment
wip/openoffice2-bin-xh (CURRENT) xh language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/endeavour (CURRENT) File manager and image browser
wip/py-twisted-web (CURRENT) A Twisted web server
net/py-twisted-web (CURRENT) A Twisted web server
python/py-twisted-web (CURRENT) A Twisted web server
wip/smlnj-current (CURRENT) Working version of SML/NJ Standard ML compiler
wip/py-visionegg (CURRENT) Visual stimulus creation and control in Python
wip/cpphs (CURRENT) Re-implementation of cpp in Haskell
wip/xgfe (CURRENT) GUI front end for Gnuplot plotting package
wip/py-libtunepimp (CURRENT) Python bindings for TunePimp library
audio/py-libtunepimp (CURRENT) Python bindings for TunePimp library
wip/hylafax-devel (CURRENT) Telecommunication and fax server system
wip/p5-URI-Find (CURRENT) Find URIs in arbitrary text
textproc/p5-URI-Find (CURRENT) Find URIs in arbitrary text
wip/hylafax (CURRENT) Telecommunication and fax server system
wip/p5-Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory (CURRENT) Collection of visitor objects for use with Tree::Simple
wip/p5-UNIVERSAL-can (CURRENT) Hack around people calling UNIVERSAL::can() as a function
wip/texlive (CURRENT) TeXLive meta-pkg, using Edd Barret's OpenBSD repository
print/texlive (CURRENT) TeXLive meta-pkg, using Edd Barret's OpenBSD repository
wip/xfce4-wm (CURRENT) Xfce window manager
wip/theme-gtk-bluecurve (CURRENT) RedHat bluecurve theme for GTK
wip/tilp (CURRENT) Database of TI calculator model information
wip/hellanzb (CURRENT) Command line nntp file grabber
wip/heirloom-wc (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-touch (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/php-doc-de (CURRENT) German documentation for PHP
wip/heirloom-su (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/php-doc-fr (CURRENT) French documentation for PHP
wip/php-doc-ja (CURRENT) Japanese documentation for PHP
wip/topless (CURRENT) Display command output on the whole screen like ``top''
wip/xgobi (CURRENT) Data Visualization Systems for viewing high-dimensional data
wip/heirloom-psrinfo (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-ps (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-pgrep (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-nohup (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-more (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-line (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-getopt (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-file (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/pointless (CURRENT) Markup-language presentation tool
wip/heirloom-env (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-ed (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/pound (CURRENT) Reverse-proxy and load-balancer
wip/heirloom-dd (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/pulseaudio (CURRENT) Sound server for POSIX and Win32 systems
wip/heirloom-cmp (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-bdiff (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/py-OpenGL (CURRENT) Pyhton bindings for OpenGL
wip/hdhomerun_config (CURRENT) SiliconDust HDHomeRun utility
wip/xmms-dumb (CURRENT) XMMS mod player plugin based on dumb
wip/cjk-latex-wadalab (CURRENT) Wadalab japanese font for cjk-latex
wip/py-divmod-axiom (CURRENT) Object database implemented on top of SQLite
wip/py-divmod-nevow (CURRENT) A web templating framework that provides Athena, a two-way AJAX toolkit
www/py-divmod-nevow (CURRENT) A web templating framework that provides Athena, a two-way AJAX toolkit
wip/py-generateDS (CURRENT) Python XML data binding library
wip/gtklookat (CURRENT) GTK VRML97 viewer
wip/xmms-pitch (CURRENT) Pitch control plugin for xmms
wip/grass-JockeyRidge (CURRENT) Example grass dataset for North Carolina
wip/vidalia (CURRENT) Graphical Tor controller based on Qt 4.x
net/vidalia (CURRENT) Graphical Tor controller based on Qt 4.x
wip/py-twisted-names (CURRENT) DNS implementation for Twisted
net/py-twisted-names (CURRENT) DNS implementation for Twisted
wip/py-visionegg-demos (CURRENT) Demonstration programs for py-visionegg
wip/MesaLib-dri (CURRENT) OpenGL library that renders using GLX or DRI
wip/gnome-alsamixer (CURRENT) Sound mixer for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)
audio/gnome-alsamixer (CURRENT) Sound mixer for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)
wip/qhacc (CURRENT) The Q Home Accountant for bookkeeping
wip/gksu (CURRENT) Authorization dialog library
wip/ap-frontpage (CURRENT) Improved mod_frontpage for Apache
wip/gforge (CURRENT) Open Source collaborative software development tool
wip/rlpr (CURRENT) Send print jobs to lpd servers anywhere on a network
audio/squeezeboxserver (CURRENT) Server for the family of networked audio players by Logitech
wip/gajim (CURRENT) Jabber client written in PyGTK
wip/btscanner (CURRENT) Bluetooth device information viewer
net/btscanner (CURRENT) Bluetooth device information viewer
wip/ruby-ming (CURRENT) Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
wip/gDesklets-CornerXMMS (CURRENT) Fancy desklet that allows you to control XMMS
wip/scim-skk (CURRENT) SCIM IMEngine module for skk
wip/fuse-smbfs (CURRENT) FUSE-base SMB filesystem
wip/fricas (CURRENT) FriCAS is a fork of the Axiom computer algebra system
wip/mpg123-nightly (CURRENT) Mpg123 MPEG layer 1, 2, 3 audio player
wip/mpg123-oss (CURRENT) Contains the oss module for mpg123
wip/modular-xorg-server14 (CURRENT) Xorg X11 Server from modular X11
wip/sdlmess (CURRENT) Multi Emulator Super System, SDL port
wip/ap-evasive (CURRENT) Evasive maneuvers module for Apache
wip/mupen64 (CURRENT) Free Nintendo 64(TM) emulator for unix-like OS
meta-pkgs/mupen64 (CURRENT) Free Nintendo 64(TM) emulator for unix-like OS
wip/miniupnpc (CURRENT) Client and library for UPnP IGD services
wip/mingw-runtime-bin (CURRENT) GNU C Compiler for win32 cross development
wip/mingw-binutils (CURRENT) GNU binutils ported to win32 platforms
wip/mcast-tools (CURRENT) IPv6 multicast utilites based on KAME Project originals
wip/mythtv (CURRENT) TV/video recorder with many features
wip/foo2zjs (CURRENT) Printer driver for ZjStream-compatible printers
wip/netbt-hcidump (CURRENT) Bluetooth packet analyzer (netbt version)
wip/beryl-core (CURRENT) Core component of the Beryl compositing window manager
wip/sim-kde (CURRENT) SIM (Simple Instant Messenger)
chat/sim-kde (CURRENT) SIM (Simple Instant Messenger)
x11/sim-kde (CURRENT) SIM (Simple Instant Messenger)
wip/lirc (CURRENT) Linux Infrared Remote Control
wip/barnyard (CURRENT) Fast output system for snort
wip/linuxigd (CURRENT) Linux UPnP Internet Gateway Device
wip/ffmpeg-devel (CURRENT) MPEG decoding, encoding and streaming software
wip/xmms-xmp (CURRENT) XMP input plugin for XMMS
wip/slim (CURRENT) SLiM is a Desktop-independent graphical login manager for X11
wip/linphone (CURRENT) SIP-based IP telephony client
wip/openoffice2-bin-bn (CURRENT) bn language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/slock (CURRENT) Simple screen locker
wip/openoffice2-bin-de (CURRENT) de language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/lilo (CURRENT) Generic boot loader for Linux
wip/libspf2 (CURRENT) Implementation of the Sender Policy Framework
wip/openoffice2-bin-ne (CURRENT) ne language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/esmart (CURRENT) Collection of evas smart objects
wip/ent (CURRENT) Entropy calculation and analysis of putative random sequences
wip/libgtksourceviewmm (CURRENT) C++ API for gtksourceview
wip/libgnugetopt (CURRENT) GNU getopt library
wip/libgksuui (CURRENT) UI Support library for Gksu
wip/babel (CURRENT) Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
devel/babel (CURRENT) Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
wip/libdssialsacompat (CURRENT) Alsa compatibility library to build DSSI
wip/p5-Calendar-Simple (CURRENT) Perl extension to create simple calendars
net/p5-Calendar-Simple (CURRENT) Perl extension to create simple calendars
wip/libdbi-sqlite (CURRENT) SQLite driver for libdbi, a database abstraction
databases/libdbi-sqlite (CURRENT) SQLite driver for libdbi, a database abstraction
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication (CURRENT) Infrastructure plugin for the Catalyst authentication framework
www/contao29-example (CURRENT) Sample site data for Contao Open Source CMS
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-CDBI (CURRENT) CDBI Authentication for Catalyst
www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-CDBI (CURRENT) CDBI Authentication for Catalyst
wip/embryo (CURRENT) Embeddable Scripting Language
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL (CURRENT) ACL support for Catalyst applications
www/contao29 (CURRENT) Contao Open Source CMS
wip/emboss-phylip (CURRENT) Package of programs for inferring phylogenies
wip/ (CURRENT) Official radio player
audio/ (CURRENT) Official radio player
wip/p5-Catalyst-View-Mason (CURRENT) HTML Mason view class for Catalyst
www/contao29-translations (CURRENT) Language files for Contao CMS
wip/kxmleditor (CURRENT) KDE xml editor
textproc/kxmleditor (CURRENT) KDE xml editor
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBIC (CURRENT) Class::DBI storage backend for session data
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Singleton (CURRENT) Singleton to context
www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Singleton (CURRENT) Singleton to context
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace (CURRENT) Display a stack trace on the debug screen
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-XMLRPC (CURRENT) Dispatch XMLRPC with Catalyst
www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-XMLRPC (CURRENT) Dispatch XMLRPC with Catalyst
wip/kstart (CURRENT) Run a process with Kerberos credentials
wip/audacity-devel (CURRENT) Audio editor
wip/kdetoys4 (CURRENT) Toys for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
wip/p5-DBD-ODBC (CURRENT) DBD module interfacing the ODBC databases
wip/p5-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader (CURRENT) Dynamic definition of a DBIx::Class::Schema
wip/p5-Data-Page (CURRENT) Pager utility for Class::DBI
wip/kdeedu4 (CURRENT) Edu{tainment,cation} tools for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
wip/p5-Date-Range (CURRENT) Date::Range - deal with a range of dates
wip/kdebase-workspace4 (CURRENT) Base workspace for the KDE 4 integrated X11 desktop
wip/kdeadmin4 (CURRENT) System administration tools for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
wip/edje (CURRENT) Abstract GUI layout and animation object library
wip/kaffe-x11 (CURRENT) Virtual machine capable of running Java(tm) code (AWT support through X11)
wip/e2fsprogs (CURRENT) Second extended file system (ext2fs) management programs
wip/audacious-plugins (CURRENT) Plugins for Audacious media player
wip/e16menuedit (CURRENT) Menu editor for Enlightenment
wm/e16menuedit (CURRENT) Menu editor for Enlightenment
wip/dovecot-sieve (CURRENT) Sieve plugin for Dovecot
wip/sysjail (CURRENT) User-space replacement of FreeBSD jail
wip/syslog-ng2 (CURRENT) Syslog-ng embodies the next generation of logging systems
sysutils/syslog-ng2 (CURRENT) Syslog-ng embodies the next generation of logging systems
wip/p5-Module-Find (CURRENT) Lets you find and use modules in categories
wip/p5-Net-Amazon (CURRENT) Framework for accessing via SOAP and XML/HTTP
wip/taskbar (CURRENT) Panel for X11 for menu and to show windows
wip/dk-milter (CURRENT) Open source DomainKeys filter software from Sendmail, Inc
wip/p5-Template-Provider-Encoding (CURRENT) Explicitly declare encodings of your templates
wip/R-Rdbi.PgSQL (CURRENT) Provides interface between R and PostgreSQL
databases/R-Rdbi.PgSQL (CURRENT) Provides interface between R and PostgreSQL
math/R-Rdbi.PgSQL (CURRENT) Provides interface between R and PostgreSQL
wip/p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst (CURRENT) Test::WWW::Mechanize for Catalyst
devel/p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst (CURRENT) Test::WWW::Mechanize for Catalyst
wip/xfce4-icon-theme (CURRENT) Xfce icon themes
wip/heirloom-random (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/libvolumeid (CURRENT) Provides file system information for a given volume device
wip/grass-Maas (CURRENT) Example dataset for grass 5.0
wip/MyServer (CURRENT) Powerful and easy to configure web server
wip/fish (CURRENT) User friendly command line shell for UNIX-like operating systems
wip/kdelibs4 (CURRENT) Support libraries for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
wip/php-doc-en (CURRENT) English documentation for PHP
wip/fvwm1-tch (CURRENT) Virtual window manager for X
x11/fvwm1-tch (CURRENT) Virtual window manager for X
wip/scim-tables (CURRENT) Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
wip/libmtp (CURRENT) Implementation of Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
wip/ap2-encoding (CURRENT) Apache module for non-ascii filename interoperability
wip/trac (CURRENT) Repository browser, wiki, and issue tracking system
www/p5-Continuity (CURRENT) Perl 5 module to abstract statelessness of HTTP
wip/imapsync (CURRENT) Slow, memory intensive but great tool to sync and migrate imap servers
wip/php-doc-it (CURRENT) Italian documentation for PHP
wip/pdfedit (CURRENT) Editor for manipulating PDF documents
wip/ap2-layout (CURRENT) Apache2 module to wrap served pages with a header and/or footer
wip/git (CURRENT) Interpreter for Glulx interactive fiction
wip/heirloom-mkdir (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/ggz-libggz (CURRENT) GGZ Gaming Zone libraries
wip/kdenetwork4 (CURRENT) Network modules for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
www/p5-Squatting (CURRENT) Camping-inspired Web microframework for Perl 5
wip/heirloom-printf (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/xine-xcb (CURRENT) The XCB video output plugins for xine-lib
wip/tumble (CURRENT) Utility to construct PDF files from image files
print/tumble (CURRENT) Utility to construct PDF files from image files
wip/php-fcgi (CURRENT) FastCGI interface for PHP5
wip/engine-pkcs11 (CURRENT) OpenSSL PKCS
wip/py-wxWidgets-unicode (CURRENT) Python bindings for wxWidgets (unicode version)
x11/py-wxWidgets-unicode (CURRENT) Python bindings for wxWidgets (unicode version)
wip/pygopherd (CURRENT) Gopher server
wip/hunspell-ga_IE (CURRENT) Irish dictionary for hunspell
wip/prothon (CURRENT) Classless prototype-based programming language
wip/openoffice2-bin-zu (CURRENT) zu language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/kde4-dirs (CURRENT) Shared KDE (v4) directories
wip/zinf (CURRENT) Simple but powerful audio player
wip/heirloom-sum (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/heirloom-what (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/p5-Class-Accessor-Grouped (CURRENT) Class::Accessor::Grouped
www/p5-Task-Plack (CURRENT) Perl 5 Plack bundle
wip/avifile-devel (CURRENT) MPEG-4 (DivX) video player library
wip/libdrm (CURRENT) Userspace interface to kernel DRM services
wip/ap-macro (CURRENT) Apache module for using macros in config files
wip/darcnes-svgalib (CURRENT) Multi-system emulator, svgalib display
wip/heirloom-du (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/TinySVM (CURRENT) Tiny Support Vector Machines
wip/ldp (CURRENT) Label Distribution Protocol Daemon
wip/gtuxnes (CURRENT) Graphical launcher for TuxNES
wip/cvs20hg (CURRENT) CVS->Mercurial conversion tool
wip/gune (CURRENT) High level C utility library
wip/xfce4-mount-plugin (CURRENT) Xfce mount/umount utility for the panel
wip/p5-Algorithm-C3 (CURRENT) Module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm
www/p5-Squatting-On-PSGI (CURRENT) Perl 5 module to run Squatting applications on PSGI
wip/heirloom-banner (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/p5-CGI-Simple (CURRENT) Simple totally OO CGI interface that is compliant
wip/py-EditObj (CURRENT) EditObj is a dialog box generator for Python objects
wip/libSoundTouch (CURRENT) Audio Processing Library
wip/heirloom-diff3 (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/p5-Test-use-ok (CURRENT) Alternative to Test::More::use_ok
wip/heirloom-dirname (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/autocutsel (CURRENT) Synchronizes the X11 cutbuffer and CLIPBOARD selection
wip/teapot (CURRENT) Curses based spread sheet program
wip/SDL-intro-pt (CURRENT) Simple DirectMedia Layer introduction (Portuguese)
wip/p5-Sub-Override (CURRENT) Perl extension for easily overriding subroutines
wip/xfce4-utils (CURRENT) Xfce utilities
wip/wkf (CURRENT) WALL's Kanji Filter
japanese/wkf (CURRENT) WALL's Kanji Filter
wip/mowgli (CURRENT) Development framework for C (like GLib)
wip/monodoc (CURRENT) Documentation for the Mono class libraries
wip/genshi (CURRENT) Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
www/genshi (CURRENT) Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
wip/knutclient (CURRENT) KDE Client for NUT
sysutils/knutclient (CURRENT) KDE Client for NUT
wip/freetds (CURRENT) LGPL'd implementation of Sybase's db-lib/ct-lib/ODBC libs
wip/jack (CURRENT) Low-latency audio server
wip/mupen64-plugin-video (CURRENT) OpenGL Video plugin for mupen64 emulator
wip/musepack (CURRENT) MPEG-Plus and MusePack decoder
wip/cabot (CURRENT) Scripts that help managing a PGP keysigning process
misc/cabot (CURRENT) Scripts that help managing a PGP keysigning process
wip/kdebase4 (CURRENT) Base modules for the KDE 4 integrated X11 desktop
wip/net6 (CURRENT) TCP protocol abstraction library for C++
devel/net6 (CURRENT) TCP protocol abstraction library for C++
wip/blassic (CURRENT) Blassic is a classic Basic interpreter
wip/p5-Data-Visitor (CURRENT) Visitor style traversal of Perl data structures
wip/gnocky (CURRENT) GTK-2 based frontend for gnokii
wip/jabberd2 (CURRENT) XMPP (Jabber) instant messaging server
wip/hs-x11 (CURRENT) Haskell binding to the X11 graphics library
wip/heirloom-renice (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/octave-nox11 (CURRENT) High-level language, intended for numerical computations
wip/ode (CURRENT) Library for the simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics
wip/sks (CURRENT) Self Replicating PGP Key Server
wip/xtrace (CURRENT) Trace communication between X11 client and server
wip/djview4 (CURRENT) Portable DjVu viewer and browser plugin
wip/heirloom-sort (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/php-doc-fi (CURRENT) Finnish documentation for PHP
wip/io-server (CURRENT) Small Programming Language (vm + server addons)
wip/py-jabber-msnt (CURRENT) Transport connecting Jabber to the MSN network
chat/py-jabber-msnt (CURRENT) Transport connecting Jabber to the MSN network
wip/heirloom-xargs (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/airsnort (CURRENT) WLAN sniffer and realtime WEP cracker
net/airsnort (CURRENT) WLAN sniffer and realtime WEP cracker
security/airsnort (CURRENT) WLAN sniffer and realtime WEP cracker
wip/atftp (CURRENT) Advanced TFTP client and server
wip/emboss (CURRENT) European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite
wip/gtk2-engines-flat (CURRENT) Flat theme engine for GTK+ 2.x
wip/p5-Text-German (CURRENT) German grundform reduction
wip/heirloom-copy (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/libobby (CURRENT) Synced document buffers library
devel/libobby (CURRENT) Synced document buffers library
wip/grass-WakeCounty (CURRENT) Example dataset for grass 5.0
wip/foomatic-db-engine (CURRENT) Spooler independent postscript printing filter
wip/py-divmod-mantissa (CURRENT) Extensible application server
python/py-divmod-mantissa (CURRENT) Extensible application server
www/py-divmod-mantissa (CURRENT) Extensible application server
wip/xfce4-orage (CURRENT) Xfce time managing application
wip/p5-Config-Any (CURRENT) Perl extension for handling config files
wip/p5-MARC-XML (CURRENT) MARC-Record extension to work with MARC21slim XML
wip/xmms-pac (CURRENT) PAC input plugin for XMMS
wip/openoffice2-bin-sl (CURRENT) sl language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/R-Rdbi (CURRENT) Generic R database interface
databases/R-Rdbi (CURRENT) Generic R database interface
math/R-Rdbi (CURRENT) Generic R database interface
wip/xmonad (CURRENT) Tiling window manager
wip/jdk16 (CURRENT) Java Development Kit 1.6.0
lang/jdk16 (CURRENT) Java Development Kit 1.6.0
wip/clips (CURRENT) Tool for Building Expert Systems
wip/links-hacked (CURRENT) Enhanced version of Links with tabs and more
wip/openoffice2-bin-mk (CURRENT) mk language package for OpenOffice.org2
wip/mcabber (CURRENT) Jabber console client
wip/p5-DBIx-Class (CURRENT) Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper
wip/php-doc-br (CURRENT) Brazilian Portuguese documentation for PHP
wip/kdewebdev4 (CURRENT) HTML editor and tools suitable for experienced web developers
wip/libsidplay2 (CURRENT) SID-chip emulator snapshot from ccr/TNSP
wip/heirloom-sh (CURRENT) Traditional Unix shell derived from OpenSolaris code
wip/heirloom-users (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/gambas2 (CURRENT) IDE similar to Visual Basic
wip/jabberd-aim (CURRENT) Jabber AIM Transport module
wip/kyra (CURRENT) Sprite engine in C++ that uses SDL library
wip/cawf (CURRENT) nroff-like text formatter
wip/py-chardet (CURRENT) Character encoding auto-detection in Python
wip/sleuthkit (CURRENT) OpenSource Forensic Toolkit
wip/heirloom-split (CURRENT) Collection of standard Unix utilities
wip/py-weave (CURRENT) Allows the inclusion of C/C++ within Python code
audio/mp3splt-devel (CURRENT) Command line utility to split MP3 (VBR supported) and OGG files
www/ruby-activeresource (CURRENT) Object-relational mapping for REST webservices
x11/gtksourceview-sharp (CURRENT) C# Bindings to the GtkSourceView widget
devel/mono-addins (CURRENT) Framework for creating extensible applications
devel/monodevelop (CURRENT) IDE for C# and other .NET languages
lang/monodoc (CURRENT) Documentation for the Mono class libraries
misc/openoffice (CURRENT) Integrated office productivity suite
wip/libevent (CURRENT) Asynchronous event notification library
wip/p5-Text-Aspell (CURRENT) Perl interface to the GNU Aspell library
wip/alphamail (CURRENT) Highly scalable webmail with middleware component
wip/fdm (CURRENT) Mail fetching, filtering and delivering program
wip/ocp (CURRENT) Open Cubic Player
wip/imgseek (CURRENT) Photo collection manager and viewer
wip/pkg_src_update_summary (CURRENT) Builds summary information for source packages
wip/dvtm (CURRENT) Dynamic virtual terminal manager
wip/gforth-devel (CURRENT) Fast interpreter for the Forth language
wip/p5-Unicode-Collate (CURRENT) Perl5 implementation of Unicode Collation Algorithm
comms/libopensync-plugin-evolution2 (CURRENT) Platform independent synchronization framework, evo plugin
x11/gnome-sharp (CURRENT) C# bindings for the GNOME platform
editors/lyx15 (CURRENT) Document processor and graphical frontend for LaTeX
multimedia/ffmpeg-devel (CURRENT) MPEG decoding, encoding and streaming software
inputmethod/prime-dict (CURRENT) Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor (dictionary)
inputmethod/prime (CURRENT) Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
wip/tacacs-shrubbery (CURRENT) Cisco AAA protocol (tacacs+) daemon (Shrubbery Networks version)
wip/p5-CGI-Untaint-Email (CURRENT) Validate an email address
www/p5-CGI-Untaint-Email (CURRENT) Validate an email address
wip/p5-CGI-Untaint-Date (CURRENT) CGI::Untaint::date - validate a date
www/p5-CGI-Untaint-Date (CURRENT) CGI::Untaint::date - validate a date
wip/openaxiom (CURRENT) Platform for symbolic, algebraic, and numerical computations
wip/p5-File-MMagic-XS (CURRENT) Guess File Type With XS (a la mod_mime_magic)
wip/agg (CURRENT) High Quality Rendering Engine for C++
wip/lat (CURRENT) LDAP Administration Tool written in Mono
wip/geany (CURRENT) Geany integrated development environment (IDE)
wip/awk-pkgsrc-dewey (CURRENT) Pkgsrc dewey module for AWK programming language
wip/hunspell-id_ID (CURRENT) Indonesian dictionary for hunspell
wip/itask-ng (CURRENT) Application launcher and taskbar for e17
wip/modular-xorg-server (CURRENT) Modular X11 server from modular
wip/tmux (CURRENT) BSD-licensed terminal multiplexer (GNU Screen alternative)
wip/netbsd-uuencode (CURRENT) NetBSD version of uuencode and uudecode utils
sysutils/netbsd-uuencode (CURRENT) NetBSD version of uuencode and uudecode utils
wip/qucs (CURRENT) Microwave and IC-design oriented EDS tool
wip/darcs (CURRENT) Distributed revision control system
wip/gnash-devel (CURRENT) GPL Flash movie player
wip/ghc (CURRENT) Compiler for the functional language Haskell
wip/p5-Test-MockModule (CURRENT) Override subroutines in a module for unit testing
textproc/suikyo (CURRENT) Romaji-Kana conversion library
textproc/ruby-suikyo (CURRENT) Suikyo for Ruby
textproc/suikyo-conv-table (CURRENT) Suikyo conversion table
textproc/suikyo-elisp (CURRENT) Suikyo for Emacs Lisp
textproc/suikyo-docs (CURRENT) Suikyo documents
misc/m17n-contrib (CURRENT) Collection of contributed works used with the m17n library
www/firefox3-bin (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions (binary package)
databases/postgresql83-adminpack (CURRENT) Admin pack module for pgAdmin management
databases/postgresql83-pltcl (CURRENT) PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql83 (CURRENT) Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
databases/postgresql83-client (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database client programs
databases/postgresql83-plperl (CURRENT) PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql83-server (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database server programs
databases/postgresql83-plpython (CURRENT) PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
inputmethod/prime-el (CURRENT) PRIME client for emacsen
graphics/kipi-plugins-calendar (CURRENT) Kipi calendar plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-x264 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - x264 plugin
wip/logfmon-devel (CURRENT) Log file monitor
wip/mcpp (CURRENT) Alternative C/C++ preprocessor
wip/cairo (CURRENT) Vector graphics library with cross-device output support
wip/es40 (CURRENT) AlphaServer ES40 emulator
wip/ktorrent3 (CURRENT) Graphical BitTorrent client for KDE4
wip/py-psyco (CURRENT) Python JIT and execution accelerator
wip/glx-utils (CURRENT) OpenGL glxgears and glxinfo
wip/qpsmtpd (CURRENT) Flexible smtpd daemon written in Perl
wip/firefox (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions (version 57)
wip/openresolv (CURRENT) Framework for managing /etc/resolv.conf
wip/suse100_32_SDL (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for the SDL library
x11/gtksourceview-sharp2 (CURRENT) C# Bindings to the GtkSourceView widget
wip/hunspell-fr_FR_classique (CURRENT) French (Classic) dictionary for hunspell
wip/distbb (CURRENT) DISTributed Bulk Build tool for pkgsrc
wip/hunspell-it_IT (CURRENT) Italian dictionary for hunspell
wip/hunspell-fr_FR (CURRENT) French (Classic + 1990 Reform) dictionary for hunspell
wip/hunspell-ru_RU (CURRENT) Russian dictionary for hunspell
wip/hunspell-es_MX (CURRENT) Spanish (Mexico) dictionary for hunspell
wip/dbus-sharp (CURRENT) Fork of ndesk-dbus
wip/f-spot (CURRENT) Full-featured personal photo management application
wip/hunspell-fr_FR_1990 (CURRENT) French (1990 Reform) dictionary for hunspell
wip/mpi-ch (CURRENT) Open source MPI, MPI-2, and MPI-3 implementation from Univ. of Chicago
wip/ndesk-dbus-glib (CURRENT) C# implementation of dbus - GLib integration
wip/openmpi (CURRENT) Open source MPI-3.1 implementation
wip/xclipboard (CURRENT) Manage the X server clipboard
wip/hunspell-sv_SE (CURRENT) Swedish dictionary for hunspell
wip/hunspell-es_ES (CURRENT) Spanish (Spain) dictionary for hunspell
wip/ndesk-dbus (CURRENT) C# implementation of dbus
audio/jack-devel (CURRENT) JACK audio connection kit
wip/pygments (CURRENT) Python syntax highlighter
textproc/pygments (CURRENT) Python syntax highlighter
wip/tw_cli (CURRENT) AMCC/3ware Strage Controller Management Command Line Interface
wip/monotone-cvsimport (CURRENT) Free distributed version control system
devel/monotone-cvsimport (CURRENT) Free distributed version control system
wip/xcb-util (CURRENT) XCB Utilities
wip/qvamps (CURRENT) GUI for shrinking DVDs (for vamps)
wip/nginx-devel (CURRENT) Lightweight HTTP server and mail proxy server
wip/p5-qt3 (CURRENT) Perl-5 bindings for the Qt3 library
wip/mono-tools (CURRENT) Tools for use with the Mono runtime
wip/mplayer (CURRENT) Software-only MPEG-1/2/4 video decoder
wip/pan-devel (CURRENT) Newsreader for GTK2
wip/logjam (CURRENT) GTK2 interface to livejournals, eg
databases/ruby-sequel-model (CURRENT) Model components for Sequel
databases/ruby-acts-as-versioned (CURRENT) Simple versioning for ActiveRecord
database/ruby-acts-as-versioned (CURRENT) Simple versioning for ActiveRecord
databases/ruby-postgres-pr (CURRENT) Pure Ruby extension for PostgreSQL
databases/ruby-sequel-core (CURRENT) Core components for Sequel
devel/ruby-rcov (CURRENT) Code coverage analysis for Ruby
devel/rubigen (CURRENT) Ruby stub generator
textproc/ruby-json (CURRENT) Native extension implementation of JSON for Ruby
textproc/ruby-json-pure (CURRENT) Pure Ruby implementation of JSON
print/acroread8 (CURRENT) View, distribute and print PDF documents
www/merb-datamapper (CURRENT) Merb plugin for the DataMapper ORM
databases/merb-datamapper (CURRENT) Merb plugin for the DataMapper ORM
www/merb-param-protection (CURRENT) Merb plugin supplying methods to filter parameters
www/merb-parts (CURRENT) Merb plugin that provides Part Controllers
www/mongrel-config (CURRENT) Mongrel web-based configuration tool
www/merb-action-args (CURRENT) Merb plugin to map query parameters to controller method arguments
www/merb-test-unit (CURRENT) Merb plugin that provides support for Test::Unit
www/drupal6 (CURRENT) Open source content management system
www/merbful-authentication (CURRENT) RESTful authentication plugin for Merb
www/merb-haml (CURRENT) Merb plugin that provides HAML template support
www/merb-mailer (CURRENT) Merb plugin that provides mailer functionality
www/merb-more (CURRENT) Merb classes and framework for "full stack" functionality
www/merb-cache (CURRENT) Merb plugin that provides caching (page, action, fragment, object)
www/merb-stories (CURRENT) Merb plugin that provides helpers for using RSpec
www/thoth (CURRENT) Minimalistic blog engine
www/camping (CURRENT) Ruby micro-framework for web applications
www/ruby-net-flickr (CURRENT) Flickr REST client
www/merb (CURRENT) Mongrel + Erb -- pocket rocket web framework
www/merb-assets (CURRENT) Merb plugin that provides helpers for assets and asset bundling
www/merb-helpers (CURRENT) Merb plugin that provides various view helpers
www/mongrel-cluster (CURRENT) Mongrel plugin to manage a mongrel cluster
www/mongrel-upload-progress (CURRENT) Mongrel plugin to track file upload status
www/thoth-flickr (CURRENT) Flickr plugin for the Thoth blog engine
www/merb-sequel (CURRENT) Merb plugin for the Sequel ORM
databases/merb-sequel (CURRENT) Merb plugin for the Sequel ORM
www/thoth-delicious (CURRENT) Thoth blog engine plugin
www/merb-builder (CURRENT) Merb plugin for ruby-builder XML generation
www/merb-activerecord (CURRENT) Merb plugin for the ActiveRecord ORM
databases/merb-activerecord (CURRENT) Merb plugin for the ActiveRecord ORM
www/mongrel-console (CURRENT) Mongrel & Rails IRB console
www/merb-has-flash (CURRENT) Rails-style flash for Merb
www/merb-gen (CURRENT) Merb application and plugin generator scripts
www/merb-core (CURRENT) Merb core classes and framework
devel/ruby-debug-ide (CURRENT) IDEs interface to ruby-debug
devel/ruby-debug (CURRENT) Command line interface for ruby-debug
devel/ruby-debug-base (CURRENT) Fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger
textproc/p5-String-Random (CURRENT) Generate random strings based on a pattern
audio/moc-devel (CURRENT) Curses based console audio player
wip/p5-JavaScript-SpiderMonkey (CURRENT) Perl interface to the JavaScript Engine
lang/p5-JavaScript-SpiderMonkey (CURRENT) Perl interface to the JavaScript Engine
wip/ruby-RMagick (CURRENT) Ruby binding to ImageMagick
wip/ruby-imlib2 (CURRENT) Imlib2 bindings for Ruby
net/libsoup24 (CURRENT) HTTP library implementation in C
filesystems/fuse-djmount (CURRENT) FUSE filesystem for accessing Media Server content via UPnP
wip/OdfConverter (CURRENT) Converter between Microsoft Office 2007 and OpenOffice formats
misc/tellico (CURRENT) Collection manager for KDE
devel/ruby-linecache (CURRENT) Ruby module to read and cache lines of a file
inputmethod/tomoe-gtk (CURRENT) GUI library for tomoe's GTK+ GUI parts
inputmethod/uim-tomoe-gtk (CURRENT) UIM helper program for Tomoe
wip/qemu-neo1973-images (CURRENT) Qemu Neo1973 Openmoko fileimage, kernel and booter
wip/erlang (CURRENT) Concurrent functional programming language
wip/ncurses-devel (CURRENT) CRT screen handling and optimization package
wip/iodine (CURRENT) Tool to tunnel IPv4 over DNS
devel/mono-tools (CURRENT) Tools for use with the Mono runtime
wip/libexosip (CURRENT) The Extended Open SIP library
lang/python25 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
wip/ruby-gettext (CURRENT) Ruby L10n library like as GNU GetText
wip/ruby-rttool (CURRENT) RT to HTML (and hopefully LaTeX in future) table converter
wip/rabbit (CURRENT) Application to do presentation with RD document
wip/rcairo (CURRENT) Ruby bindings for cairo
wip/ap22-authnz-external (CURRENT) Apache module for external program authentication
wip/ap22-authn-sasl (CURRENT) Apache module for SASL authentication
net/dcsharp (CURRENT) File sharing client for the Direct Connect protocol
audio/xamp (CURRENT) Version of amp (stands for `Audio Mpeg Player') plus a Qt GUI
x11/gnome-desktop-sharp (CURRENT) C# bindings for the GNOME platform, Desktop part
multimedia/totem-nautilus (CURRENT) Movie player for the GNOME Desktop (nautilus plugin)
wip/mwf-designer (CURRENT) Managed Windows Forms Designer
databases/pear-MDB2_Driver_sqlite (CURRENT) Sqlite MDB2 driver
audio/tunapie (CURRENT) Directory browser for Internet radio and TV streams
wip/nginx (CURRENT) Lightweight HTTP server and mail proxy server
archivers/torrentzip (CURRENT) Convert zip archives to torrentzip format
wip/vlc-devel (CURRENT) VLC media player development snapshot
audio/gimmix (CURRENT) Graphical Music player daemon (MPD) client
wip/soprano (CURRENT) QT based RDF framework
wip/redland (CURRENT) Libraries supporting the Resource Description Framework (RDF)
wip/gnupod (CURRENT) GNU iPod tools
net/freeradius2 (CURRENT) Free RADIUS server implementation
wip/milkytracker (CURRENT) Music tracker inspired by Fast Tracker 2
x11/fltk2 (CURRENT) Fast Light Tool Kit for graphical user interfaces
wip/pysolfc (CURRENT) Python solitaire game collection
wip/pfe (CURRENT) Portable FORTH Environment
devel/p5-ExtUtils-Install (CURRENT) Install files from here to there
devel/p5-parent (CURRENT) Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time
wip/xulrunner (CURRENT) XML User Interface Language runtime environment
www/xulrunner (CURRENT) XML User Interface Language runtime environment
wip/xf86-video-nouveau (CURRENT) New (or nouveau) NVidia driver for modular
lang/py25-html-docs (CURRENT) HTML Documentation for Python
wip/armagetronad (CURRENT) Tron clone in 3D with advanced gameplay and multiplayer
wip/udns (CURRENT) Lightweight DNS resolver supporting asynchronous queries
wip/xmonad-contrib (CURRENT) Third party extensions for xmonad
wip/oniguruma (CURRENT) Regular expressions library
wip/nvramtool (CURRENT) Coreboot CMOS NVRAM manipulation utility
devel/mowgli (CURRENT) Development framework for C (like GLib)
meta-pkgs/scmgit (CURRENT) GIT version control suite meta-package
wip/dash (CURRENT) Debian Almquist shell, POSIX-compliant shell faster than bash
wip/fortunes-it (CURRENT) Italian fortunes
databases/gramps3 (CURRENT) Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System V3
print/tex-ifxetex (CURRENT) TeX package to determine if running under XeTeX
devel/p5-Test-use-ok (CURRENT) Alternative to Test::More::use_ok
devel/p5-Tie-RefHash (CURRENT) Use references as hash keys
textproc/p5-Tie-RefHash (CURRENT) Use references as hash keys
databases/ruby-DBD-sqlite3 (CURRENT) DBD/SQLite for ruby
audio/gst-plugins0.10-jack (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - jack plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-jack (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - jack plugin
net/bind95 (CURRENT) Version 9 of the Berkeley Internet Name Daemon, implementation of DNS
sysutils/ruby-activesambaldap (CURRENT) Library and management tools for Samba + LDAP environment
www/zope211 (CURRENT) Zope, the Z Object Publishing Environment
wip/mu-conference (CURRENT) Implementation of the JEP-0045 Multi-User Chat protocol
wip/py-numpy (CURRENT) Array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects
wip/py-scipy (CURRENT) Scientific Algorithms Library for Python
wip/py-matplotlib (CURRENT) Matlab-style plotting package for Python
wip/py-matplotlib-gtk2 (CURRENT) GTK frontend for matplotlib
www/firefox3 (CURRENT) Web browser with support for extensions
wip/edb (CURRENT) Enlightenment Database Library
wip/docker (CURRENT) WindowMaker dock app which acts as a system tray
wip/cc65 (CURRENT) C cross compiler for 6502 target systems
wip/zsh (CURRENT) Z Shell
wip/sipbomber (CURRENT) SipBomber is a SIP protocol testing tool
games/starfighter (pkgsrc-2008Q2) Old school 2D shoot them up
games/blobwars (pkgsrc-2008Q2) Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid (platform shooter)
security/prelude-correlator (CURRENT) Intrusion event correlation engine
wip/hs-zlib (CURRENT) Zlib binding for Haskell
wip/hxt (CURRENT) Collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell
wip/HsSVN (CURRENT) Subversion binding for Haskell
wip/hslogger (CURRENT) Logging framework for Haskell
wip/tree (CURRENT) Print a text or HTML tree diagram of a directory structure
wip/HsOpenSSL (CURRENT) OpenSSL binding for Haskell
wip/FileManip (CURRENT) Haskell library for working with files and directories
wip/hs-magic (CURRENT) Haskell interface to the C libmagic library
wip/hs-HTTP (CURRENT) Haskell library for client-side HTTP
wip/hs-curl (CURRENT) Haskell binding to libcurl
wip/hs-utf8-string (CURRENT) Support for reading and writing UTF8 Strings
wip/hs-dataenc (CURRENT) Data encoding library for Haskell
wip/Lucu (CURRENT) HTTP daemonic library for Haskell
wip/HsHyperEstraier (CURRENT) HyperEstraier binding for Haskell
wip/tagsoup (CURRENT) Haskell library for parsing unstructured HTML code
databases/jdbc-postgresql83 (CURRENT) PostgreSQL 8.3 JDBC3 driver
www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIC (CURRENT) Authentication and authorization against a DBIx::Class or CDBI
wip/tcl (CURRENT) Ousterhout's Tool Command Language, a dynamic language
wip/midori (CURRENT) Lightweight web browser using WebKit
www/py-django-devel (CURRENT) Django, a high-level Python Web framework
wip/tcl85 (CURRENT) Tool Command Language, a dynamic language
wip/tk85 (CURRENT) Graphical toolkit for TCL
devel/p5-Class-MOP (CURRENT) Perl 5 module providing a meta object protocol
wip/akonadi (CURRENT) PIM layer, which provides an asynchronous API to access all kind of PIM data
wip/zyGrib (CURRENT) GRIB file viewer for weather data
wip/automoc4 (CURRENT) Automatic moc for Qt 4 packages
wip/phonon (CURRENT) Multimedia API for KDE and QT
databases/ap2-xslt2 (CURRENT) Apache module able to apply stylesheets to XML data on the fly
wip/gforth (CURRENT) Fast interpreter for the Forth language
www/ap22-authnz-external (CURRENT) Apache module for external program authentication
wip/kdeplasma-addons4 (CURRENT) Plasmoids
news/hellanzb (CURRENT) Command line nntp file grabber
emulators/emutos (CURRENT) ROM image of free Atari TOS clone
meta-pkgs/gstreamer0.10-plugins (CURRENT) Open-source multimedia framework (plug-in meta-package)
wip/residual-nightly (CURRENT) Lucas Arts' LUA-based 3D adventure engine
wip/ewl (CURRENT) Enlightened Widgets Library
devel/p5-Module-Load (CURRENT) Perl5 module to runtime require of both modules and files
sysutils/gst-plugins0.10-gio (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - gio plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-gio (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - gio plugin
wip/pekwm (CURRENT) Window manager based on aewm++
wip/entrance (CURRENT) Login/display manager for UNIX X11 displays
sysutils/xentools33 (CURRENT) Userland Tools for Xen 3.3.x
sysutils/xenkernel33 (CURRENT) Xen 3.3.2 Kernel
wip/p5-aliased (CURRENT) Use shorter versions of class name
devel/p5-Tie-File (CURRENT) Access the lines of a disk file via a Perl array
textproc/p5-Tie-File (CURRENT) Access the lines of a disk file via a Perl array
devel/p5-Devel-PPPort (CURRENT) Perl5 module to bring newer features to older perl
devel/p5-AutoLoader (CURRENT) Perl automatic module loader
wip/nmzmail (CURRENT) Fast mail searching for mutt
wip/gipfel (CURRENT) Photogrammetry For Mountain Images
wip/p5-Config-Simple (CURRENT) Simple configuration file class
devel/p5-Config-Simple (CURRENT) Simple configuration file class
www/drupal6-translations (CURRENT) Langate translation files for drupal 6.x
audio/jack-rack (CURRENT) Effects "rack" for JACK
wip/py-omniORBpy (CURRENT) Python interface to omniORB
wip/gtk2hs (CURRENT) GUI Library for Haskell based on Gtk
textproc/ruby-oniguruma (CURRENT) Fast regular expression library
wip/guitone (CURRENT) Graphical Monotone VCS Tool
devel/p5-Term-Cap (CURRENT) Perl termcap interface
wip/vala (CURRENT) Compiler for the GObject type system
devel/bzr-gtk (CURRENT) Various GTK+ frontends to Bazaar commands
devel/bzrtools (CURRENT) Collection of plugins for Bazaar
devel/p5-ExtUtils-Command (CURRENT) Perl 5 functions to replace common UNIX commands in Makefiles
devel/bzr-svn (CURRENT) Foreign Subversion repository support for Bazaar
wip/mkcabal (CURRENT) Generate cabal files for a Haskell project
wip/hs-pcre-light (CURRENT) Haskell bindings to the PCRE regex library
wip/hs-irc (CURRENT) Haskell library for parsing IRC messages
wip/boinc (CURRENT) Middleware system for volunteer and grid computing
databases/py-sqlite3 (CURRENT) Built-in sqlite support for Python 2.5 and up
wip/pointfree (CURRENT) Convert Haskell expressions to pointfree form
devel/mico (CURRENT) High performance and rubustness CORBA ORB
wip/gallery2 (CURRENT) Web-based photo gallery written in PHP
wip/sysmon (CURRENT) Small and fast network monitoring tool
wip/rancid (CURRENT) Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ
wip/p5-List-Compare (CURRENT) Compare elements of two or more lists
wip/meta-tracker (CURRENT) Extract information and metadata about your personal data
www/loggerhead (CURRENT) Web viewer for Bazaar branches
x11/dri2proto (CURRENT) DRI2 extension headers from modular
devel/bakefile (CURRENT) Cross-platform, cross-compiler native makefiles generator
wip/p5-Net-validMX (CURRENT) Use DNS and/or regular expressions to verify a email address
misc/mnemosyne (CURRENT) Sophisticated flash-card tool which optimizes your learning process
audio/libmpg123 (CURRENT) MPEG layer 1, 2, and 3 decoder library
wip/io-contracts (CURRENT) Contracts addon for Io
wip/p5-Picasa (CURRENT) Perl module to access Google picasaweb image webspace
graphics/p5-Picasa (CURRENT) Perl module to access Google picasaweb image webspace
x11/openbsd-input-ws (CURRENT) OpenBSD's wscons input driver for modular
misc/p5-Geo-Mercator (CURRENT) Perl5 module computing Mercator Projection into meters
mail/lua-OSBF (CURRENT) Lua C module for text classification
wip/digikam (CURRENT) Advanced digital photo management application (KDE4)
wip/lensfun (CURRENT) Library for rectifying defects introduced by photographic equipment
multimedia/vlc08 (CURRENT) VideoLAN Client
mail/p5-Mail-IMAPClient2 (CURRENT) Perl5 module for talking to RFC-2060 IMAP servers
wip/zsh-snapshot (CURRENT) Z Shell (development version)
graphics/ucview (CURRENT) Video capture and display program based on unicap
graphics/unicap (CURRENT) Uniform interface to video capture devices
databases/db46 (CURRENT) Berkeley DB version 4 from Oracle
wip/wordpress (CURRENT) Blogging tool written in php
wip/dwm (CURRENT) Dynamic window manager
databases/sqlsharpgtk (CURRENT) GUI client for entering and running SQL commands and scripts
net/ekiga-devel (CURRENT) VoIP and video conferencing application for GNOME
devel/p5-IO (CURRENT) Perl module for various IO modules
devel/opal-devel (CURRENT) Open Phone Abstraction Library
net/opal-devel (CURRENT) Open Phone Abstraction Library
devel/ptlib (CURRENT) Portable Windows Libary
x11/wxGTK28 (CURRENT) GTK-based implementation of the wxWidgets GUI library (old 2.8 branch)
x11/wxGTK28-contrib (CURRENT) Contrib libraries for wxWidgets GTK
www/squid30 (CURRENT) Post-Harvest_cached WWW proxy cache and accelerator
www/squid26 (CURRENT) Post-Harvest_cached WWW proxy cache and accelerator
www/squid27 (CURRENT) Post-Harvest_cached WWW proxy cache and accelerator
devel/libsigsegv25 (CURRENT) Library for handling page faults in user mode
graphics/gst-plugins0.10-jpeg (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - jpeg plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-jpeg (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - jpeg plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-v4l2 (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - v4l2 plugin
www/typolight-translations (CURRENT) Language files for TYPOlight CMS
www/typolight (CURRENT) Powerful web content management system (CMS)
multimedia/tvtime (CURRENT) High quality television application
www/typolight-example (CURRENT) Sample site data for TYPOlight
www/typo3 (CURRENT) The typo3 content management system
www/ruby-gnome2-gtkmozembed (CURRENT) Ruby binding of gtkmozembed
www/ruby-gnome2-gtkhtml2 (CURRENT) Ruby binding of gtkhtml2
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview (CURRENT) Ruby binding of gtksourceview
x11/ruby-gnome2-vte (CURRENT) Ruby binding of vte
sysutils/ruby-gnome2-gnomevfs (CURRENT) Ruby binding of gnomevfs
devel/ruby-gnome2-gconf (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GConf-1.2.x or later
devel/ruby-gnome2-bonoboui (CURRENT) Ruby binding of libbonoboui-2.x or later
devel/ruby-gnome2-libglade (CURRENT) Ruby binding of libglade
devel/ruby-gnome2-bonobo (CURRENT) Ruby binding of libbonobo-2.x or later
graphics/ruby-gnome2-gtkglext (CURRENT) Ruby binding of gtkglext
multimedia/ruby-gnome2-gstreamer (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GStreamer 1.0.x or later
print/ruby-gnome2-gnomeprintui (CURRENT) Ruby binding of libgnomeprintui
wip/just (CURRENT) Jarle's useless SNMP tools
net/just (CURRENT) Jarle's useless SNMP tools
tcl/just (CURRENT) Jarle's useless SNMP tools
x11/wxGTK26-contrib (CURRENT) Contrib libraries for wxWidgets GTK
x11/wxGTK26 (CURRENT) GTK-based implementation of the wxWidgets GUI library
wip/gallery (CURRENT) Web-based photo gallery written in PHP
devel/opal (CURRENT) Open Phone Abstraction Library
net/opal (CURRENT) Open Phone Abstraction Library
net/ekiga (CURRENT) VoIP and video conferencing application for GNOME
wip/cacti (CURRENT) Frontend to rrdtool for monitoring systems and services
wip/cacti-plugin-arch (CURRENT) Plugin architecture for cacti
wip/cacti-plugin-hostinfo (CURRENT) Host info plugin for cacti
wip/p5-URI-Escape-XS (CURRENT) Escape and unescape unsafe characters in URIs
filesystems/fs-utils (CURRENT) Tools to access/modify a file system image through RUMP
wip/lzma-utils (CURRENT) LZMA compression and decompression utilities
wip/cacti-plugin-tools (CURRENT) Tools plugin to cacti
wip/cacti-spine (CURRENT) Spine is a poller for Cacti for large installations
wip/libao-nas (CURRENT) Cross-platform audio library (nas plugin)
wip/libpciaccess (CURRENT) PCI bus access library from modular Xorg X11
x11/libpciaccess (CURRENT) PCI bus access library from modular Xorg X11
wip/parpd (CURRENT) RFC1027 compliant Proxy ARP Daemon
x11/py-sip (CURRENT) Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries
devel/py-sip (CURRENT) Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries
archivers/lzma-utils (CURRENT) LZMA compression and decompression utilities
wip/xcowsay (CURRENT) Display a cow and message on your desktop
wip/xmms-nas (CURRENT) XMMS output plugin for Network Audio System (NAS)
wip/pkg_online-server (CURRENT) Client/Server searcher for pkgsrc (server tools)
wip/pkg_online-client (CURRENT) Client/Server searcher for pkgsrc (client tools)
pkgtools/pkg_online (CURRENT) Client/Server search in pkgsrc packages
devel/p5-Gtk2-GladeXML (CURRENT) Perl bindings for Glade (2)
misc/openoffice3 (CURRENT) Integrated office productivity suite (version 3)
wip/dillo2 (CURRENT) Very small and fast graphical web browser using FLTK2
wip/libxfce4menu (CURRENT) Xfce menu library
www/py-gdata (CURRENT) Google Data API Python client library
net/gst-plugins0.10-soup (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - soup plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-soup (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - soup plugin
www/ap-auth-ntlm (CURRENT) Apache module for NTLM authentication
www/ap2-auth-ntlm (CURRENT) Apache module for NTLM authentication
x11/driconf (CURRENT) Configuration applet for DRI drivers
graphics/ruby-gnome2-goocanvas (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GooCanvas
gnome/ruby-gnome2-goocanvas (CURRENT) Ruby binding of GooCanvas
graphics/goocanvas (CURRENT) Cairo-based canvas widget for GTK+
x11/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview2 (CURRENT) Ruby binding of gtksourceview2
wip/css-mode (CURRENT) CSS editing mode for Emacs
www/gtkhtml324 (CURRENT) Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
wip/dmenu (CURRENT) Dymanic menu for X
wip/tex-leaflet (CURRENT) Create small handouts (flyers)
net/p5-eBay-API (CURRENT) Non SOAP based XML schema library for eBay API
perl5/p5-eBay-API (CURRENT) Non SOAP based XML schema library for eBay API
security/seahorse-plugins (CURRENT) Plugins for the GnuPG front end and bonobo component for GNOME
devel/qof (CURRENT) Query Object Framework
wip/codeblocks (CURRENT) Open source, cross platform, free C++ IDE
wip/eina (CURRENT) Core data structure library
multimedia/swfdec-mozilla (CURRENT) Mozilla plugin for swfdec
multimedia/swfdec-gnome (CURRENT) Gnome flash player and thumbnailer using swfdec
sysutils/nautilus-sendto (CURRENT) Convenience application to send a file via email or instant messenger
wip/dotconf (CURRENT) Configuration file parser library
wip/vagalume (CURRENT) GTK+-based client
audio/vagalume (CURRENT) GTK+-based client
misc/kde4-dirs (CURRENT) Shared KDE (v4) directories
textproc/soprano (CURRENT) QT based RDF framework
wip/ebook-tools (CURRENT) Ebook tools
wip/xrootconsole (CURRENT) Windowless XConsole
wip/picocom (CURRENT) Dumb Terminal Emulator
devel/p5-Compress-Raw-Bzip2 (CURRENT) Perl5 low-level interface to bzip2 compression library
devel/p5-IO-Compress-Bzip2 (CURRENT) Perl module to parse bzip2 files and buffers
multimedia/p5-GStreamer (CURRENT) Perl interface to the GStreamer library
wip/kde4-l10n-de (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/kde4-l10n-en_GB (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/sunbird (CURRENT) Mozilla stand-alone calendar application
wip/kde4-l10n-nl (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/zyGrib-maps (CURRENT) High resolution map files for zyGrib
meta-pkgs/gnome-desktop (CURRENT) Meta-package for desktop applications of the GNOME desktop
meta-pkgs/gnome-devtools (CURRENT) Meta-package for utilities used for developing GNOME applications
devel/gnome-devtools (CURRENT) Meta-package for utilities used for developing GNOME applications
meta-pkgs/gnome-admin (CURRENT) Meta-package for administration applications of the GNOME desktop
x11/gnome-admin (CURRENT) Meta-package for administration applications of the GNOME desktop
mail/evolution-sharp (CURRENT) .NET language binding for various Evolution libraries
wip/tcp2dns (CURRENT) Dns2tcp is a tool for relaying TCP connections over DNS
wip/habak (CURRENT) Layered desktop background tool
meta-pkgs/gnome-bindings-c++ (CURRENT) Meta-package for C++ bindings for the GNOME desktop
x11/gnome-bindings-c++ (CURRENT) Meta-package for C++ bindings for the GNOME desktop
meta-pkgs/gnome-bindings-mono (CURRENT) Meta-package for Mono (C
x11/gnome-bindings-mono (CURRENT) Meta-package for Mono (C
meta-pkgs/py-gnome-bindings (CURRENT) Meta-package for Python bindings for the GNOME desktop
x11/py-gnome-bindings (CURRENT) Meta-package for Python bindings for the GNOME desktop
meta-pkgs/p5-gnome-bindings (CURRENT) Meta-package for Perl bindings for the GNOME desktop
x11/p5-gnome-bindings (CURRENT) Meta-package for Perl bindings for the GNOME desktop
wip/mysql5-embedded (CURRENT) MySQL 5, a free SQL database (embedded server)
meta-pkgs/c++-gnome-bindings (CURRENT) Meta-package for C++ bindings for the GNOME desktop
x11/c++-gnome-bindings (CURRENT) Meta-package for C++ bindings for the GNOME desktop
meta-pkgs/mono-gnome-bindings (CURRENT) Meta-package for Mono (C#) bindings for the GNOME desktop
x11/mono-gnome-bindings (CURRENT) Meta-package for Mono (C#) bindings for the GNOME desktop
www/ap22-authn-sasl (CURRENT) Apache module for SASL authentication
wip/kegs (CURRENT) Apple IIgs emulator for Mac OS X, Win32, Linux, and Unix/X11
chat/libtelepathy (CURRENT) Unified framework for many different kinds of real-time communications
chat/telepathy-mission-control (CURRENT) Telepathy component providing abstractions for "end-user" applications
chat/telepathy-gabble (CURRENT) Jabber/XMPP connection manager for Telepathy
chat/empathy (CURRENT) Gnome instant messenger client
sysutils/system-tools-backends (CURRENT) DBus interface for system configuration
sysutils/liboobs (CURRENT) Lightweight GObject based interface to system-tools-backends
sysutils/gnome-system-tools (CURRENT) System administraton tools for the GNOME desktop
wip/jbigkit (CURRENT) JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
wip/MissingH (CURRENT) Library of utility functions for Haskell programmers
wip/HSH (CURRENT) Library to mix shell scripting with Haskell programs
wip/HCL (CURRENT) High-level Haskell library for building command line interfaces
wip/wl-current (CURRENT) Mail/news management system with IMAP4rev1 support for Emacs
wip/kpathsea (CURRENT) Path searching library for TeX-related files
wip/emacs-w3m-current (CURRENT) Emacs frontend for w3m browser
wip/liblinebreak (CURRENT) Library for line breaking in a Unicode sequence
wip/fbreader (CURRENT) Ebook reader software
wip/mediawiki (CURRENT) Free software wiki package originally written for Wikipedia
net/twitux (CURRENT) GTK+ Twitter client
wip/texlive-tetex (CURRENT) Scripts included in teTeX
emulators/wine-devel (CURRENT) Free implementation of Windows on Unix
security/policykit-gnome (CURRENT) GNOME dialogs for PolicyKit
security/policykit (CURRENT) Framework for managing admin policies and privileges
sysutils/hal-info (CURRENT) FreeDesktop hardware abstraction layer (info subpackage)
sysutils/gnome-mount (CURRENT) Programs for mounting, unmounting and ejecting storage devices
sysutils/gnome-volume-manager (CURRENT) GNOME daemon to auto-mount and manage storage devices
sysutils/hal (CURRENT) FreeDesktop hardware abstraction layer
wip/silgraphite (CURRENT) Font engine for complex non-Roman writing systems
wip/texlive-texmf-base (CURRENT) Essential texmf files of TeX Live
sysutils/gnome-power-manager (CURRENT) GNOME desktop session daemon for managing power management
wip/web2c (CURRENT) TeX implementation translating WEB to C
graphics/gimp26 (CURRENT) The GNU image manipulation program
sysutils/gnome-device-manager (CURRENT) GNOME program to manage devices and device drivers
wip/cups-driver-Magicolor5440DL (CURRENT) CUPS driver for printer Konica Minolta Magicolor 5440DL
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-hal (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - hal plugin
meta-pkgs/gnome-mobile (CURRENT) Meta-package for mobile support for the GNOME desktop
x11/gnome-mobile (CURRENT) Meta-package for mobile support for the GNOME desktop
net/monsoon (CURRENT) Open source GTK+ bittorrent client
graphics/f-spot (CURRENT) Full-featured personal photo management application
wip/maxima (CURRENT) Computer algebra system
wip/libdbi-sqlite3 (CURRENT) SQLite3 driver for libdbi, a database abstraction
databases/libdbi-sqlite3 (CURRENT) SQLite3 driver for libdbi, a database abstraction
time/hamster-applet (CURRENT) Time tracking applet for GNOME
x11/py-gtksourceview (CURRENT) Python bindings for gtksourceview2
wip/akode (CURRENT) Simple audio decoding framework (base package)
wip/gtk-vnc (CURRENT) VNC viewer widget for GTK
wip/vinagre (CURRENT) VNC client for GNOME
editors/tomboy (CURRENT) Gnome desktop note application
wip/callweaver (CURRENT) The Callweaver Software PBX
wip/spandsp (CURRENT) DSP functions
wip/silgraphite-ft (CURRENT) FreeType wrapper for SIL Graphite
wip/silgraphite-xft (CURRENT) Xft wrapper for SIL Graphite
wip/tclreadline (CURRENT) GNU Readline library for interactive tcl shells
wip/lua-mode (CURRENT) Emacs major mode for editing Lua code
devel/diffuse (CURRENT) Graphical tool for merging and comparing text files
sysutils/xfce4-volman (CURRENT) Thunar volume manager
wip/callweaver-current (CURRENT) The Callweaver Software PBX
wip/spandsp-current (CURRENT) DSP functions
wip/tex-plain (CURRENT) The Plain TeX format
devel/qbzr (CURRENT) GUI front end for Bazaar
x11/py-qt4 (CURRENT) Python binding for Qt4
wip/tex-bin-tetex (CURRENT) scripts and files originally written for or included in teTeX
filesystems/fuse-gstfs (CURRENT) On-demand, transcoding filesystem (using GStreamer pipeline)
graphics/clutter-cairo (CURRENT) Clutter Cairo integrarion library
graphics/py-pyclutter (CURRENT) Python modules for Clutter toolkit
graphics/py-clutter (CURRENT) Python modules for Clutter toolkit
graphics/ruby-clutter-cairo (CURRENT) Ruby binding for Clutter Cairo library
graphics/ruby-clutter-core (CURRENT) Ruby binding for Clutter Core library
multimedia/ruby-clutter-gst (CURRENT) Ruby binding for Clutter GStreamer library
wip/xsokoban (CURRENT) Classic logical game
multimedia/pspvc (CURRENT) PSP video converter
multimedia/totem-browser-plugin (CURRENT) Movie player for the GNOME Desktop (gecko plugin)
wip/libdbi-driver-mysql (CURRENT) MySQL driver for libdbi, a database abstraction
wip/libdbi-driver-pgsql (CURRENT) PostgreSQL driver for libdbi, a database abstraction
wip/libdbi-driver-sqlite (CURRENT) SQLite driver for libdbi, a database abstraction
wip/libdbi-driver-sqlite3 (CURRENT) SQLite3 driver for libdbi, a database abstraction
audio/gst-plugins0.10-pulse (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - pulse plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-pulse (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - pulse plugin
audio/paprefs (CURRENT) Configuration dialog for the PulseAudio sound server
audio/pavumeter (CURRENT) Volume meter for the PulseAudio sound server
multimedia/adobe-flash-plugin (CURRENT) Adobe Flash Player Browser plugin
audio/paman (CURRENT) GTK frontend for the PulseAudio sound server
audio/gst-plugins0.10-alsa (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - alsa plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-alsa (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - alsa plugin
security/p5-OpenSSL (CURRENT) Perl5 wrapper module for the OpenSSL functions
wip/p5-TAP-Harness-Archive (CURRENT) Create an archive of TAP test results
perl5/p5-TAP-Harness-Archive (CURRENT) Create an archive of TAP test results
multimedia/libflashsupport-pulse (CURRENT) PulseAudio support for Adobe Flash
x11/qgtkstyle (CURRENT) Qt style rendered using GTK
wip/frozen-bubble (CURRENT) Pop the frozen bubbles
wip/SDL_Pango (CURRENT) Connects the text rendering engine of GNOME 2.x. with SDL
devel/p5-IPC-Cmd (CURRENT) Perl module for finding and running system commands
audio/padevchooser (CURRENT) Tray area icon for the PulseAudio sound server
net/gnome-vfs-dns-sd (CURRENT) GNOME Virtual File System (v2) - dns-sd plugin
wip/dcc (CURRENT) Anti-spam content filter
wip/tex-metafont (CURRENT) Files for METAFONT
wip/bsnes (CURRENT) SNES emulator
wip/wordwarvi (CURRENT) Side-scrolling shoot 'em up '80s style arcade game
wip/asymptote (CURRENT) Asymptote: a language for plotting/drawing
wip/lua-stdlib (CURRENT) Standard library for Lua programming language
wip/lua-lrexlib-pcre (CURRENT) PCRE regexp library for Lua (lrexlib project)
wip/lua-lrexlib-posix (CURRENT) POSIX regexp library for Lua (lrexlib project)
wip/lua-lrexlib-onig (CURRENT) Oniguruma regexp library for Lua (lrexlib project)
wip/lua-stdlib-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for modules from lua-stdlib
meta-pkgs/pulseaudio-tools (CURRENT) Management tools for PulseAudio
net/bind96 (CURRENT) Berkeley Internet Name Daemon implementation of DNS, version 9.6
security/openvas-server (CURRENT) Server for the Open Vulnerability Assessment System
security/openvas-client (CURRENT) Client for the Open Vulnerability Assessment System
security/openvas-libnasl (CURRENT) Libraries for the Open Vulnerability Assessment System
security/openvas-libraries (CURRENT) Libraries for the Open Vulnerability Assessment System
security/openvas-plugins (CURRENT) Plugins for the Open Vulnerability Assessment System
chat/inspircd12 (CURRENT) Modular C++ IRC Daemon
wip/tex-cm (CURRENT) Computer Modern fonts
news/lottanzb (CURRENT) GNOME front-end for HellaNZB
x11/py-kiwi (CURRENT) Framework and a set of enhanced PyGTK widgets
wip/tex-bin-texlive (CURRENT) Executables and files maintained as part of TeX Live
textproc/gnome-subtitles (CURRENT) Subtitle editor for the GNOME desktop
multimedia/gnome-subtitles (CURRENT) Subtitle editor for the GNOME desktop
devel/nant (CURRENT) Free .NET build tool similar to Apache Ant
wip/p5-DBIx-Simple (CURRENT) DBIx::Simple - Easy-to-use OO interface to DBI
wip/wordpress-mu (CURRENT) Multi User version of blogging tool
wip/openjdk (CURRENT) Open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition
audio/streamripper-current (CURRENT) Splits SHOUTcast stream into tracks
pkgtools/packagekit (CURRENT) System activated daemon for managing software updates
pkgtools/gnome-packagekit (CURRENT) GNOME frontend for PackageKit
print/py-pycups (CURRENT) Python bindings for the CUPS API
wip/kdebindings4-python (CURRENT) Python bindings for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
wip/poco (CURRENT) POCO C++ Foundation libraries
devel/p5-File-Path (CURRENT) Perl5 module to create or remove directory trees
wip/lua-lrexlib (CURRENT) Regexp libraries for Lua programming language
wip/lua-alt-getopt (CURRENT) getopt API for Lua similar to getopt_long(3) function
wip/hs-mtl (CURRENT) Monad classes using functional dependencies
wip/uniplate (CURRENT) Haskell boilerplate removal library
wip/hs-network (CURRENT) Haskell Low-level networking interface
wip/stm (CURRENT) Modular composable concurrency abstraction
wip/HUnit (CURRENT) Unit testing framework for Haskell
wip/hs-time (CURRENT) Haskell time library
wip/hs-parallel (CURRENT) Library for parallel Haskell programming
wip/parsec (CURRENT) Monadic parser combinators
chat/msn-pecan (CURRENT) Alternate MSN protocol plugin for libpurple
wip/p5-Authen-TacacsPlus (CURRENT) Perl extension for authentication using tacacs+ server
wip/hs-mime (CURRENT) Haskell MIME Type Library
wip/scim-prime (CURRENT) SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
wip/scim-ccinput (CURRENT) SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
wip/scim-m17n (CURRENT) SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
wip/libchewing (CURRENT) The intelligent phonetic input method library
wip/scim-uim (CURRENT) SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
wip/hs-uconv (CURRENT) Haskell interface to ICU's uconv library
wip/scim-tomoe (CURRENT) SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
misc/gwaei (CURRENT) Japanese dictionary for GNOME
wip/haskell-src (CURRENT) Manipulating Haskell source code
misc/gnome-devel-docs (CURRENT) The GNOME 2 developer's guide
graphics/pfstmo (CURRENT) Tone mapping operators for HDR images
emulators/sdlmess (CURRENT) Multi Emulator Super System, SDL port
emulators/sdlmame (CURRENT) Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator, SDL port
wip/hs-binary (CURRENT) Binary serialisation for Haskell values
wip/trac-plugins-fullblog (CURRENT) Blog plugin for Trac
wip/trac-plugins-spamfilter (CURRENT) Spam Filter plugin for Trac
wip/hs-readline (CURRENT) Haskell interface to the GNU readline library
wip/p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Session (CURRENT) Add CGI::Session support to CGI::Application
wip/dhcpcd-dbus (CURRENT) DBus binding for dhcpcd
wip/p5-Excepion-Class-TryCatch (CURRENT) Syntactic try/catch sugar for use with Exception::Class
devel/p5-Excepion-Class-TryCatch (CURRENT) Syntactic try/catch sugar for use with Exception::Class
wip/dhcpcd-gtk (CURRENT) GTK+ systray monitor for dhcpcd
wip/hscolour (CURRENT) Colourise Haskell code
inputmethod/uim-qt4-immodule (CURRENT) Qt4 immodule for inputmethod/uim
inputmethod/uim-elisp (CURRENT) Emacs LISP for inputmethod/uim
multimedia/mkv2mp4 (CURRENT) Remux mkv files to mp4 files compatible with standalone players
wip/xvmware (CURRENT) VMware support tools for clipboard and seamless mouse movement
x11/xvmware (CURRENT) VMware support tools for clipboard and seamless mouse movement
wip/tex-misc (CURRENT) Miscellaneous files for TeX
wip/tex-bin-kpathsea (CURRENT) Translation tables for TeX
wip/tex-hyphen-base (CURRENT) TeX hyphenation patterns for English
wip/tex-bin-tex (CURRENT) Plain TeX format
wip/icc10 (CURRENT) Intel C++ Compiler for Linux
print/tex-bin-texlive (CURRENT) Executables and files maintained as part of TeX Live
print/texlive-tetex (CURRENT) Scripts included in teTeX
print/tex-bin-tetex (CURRENT) Supplementary files for updmap
multimedia/fuppes (CURRENT) Free UPnP Entertainment Service
wip/pkcs11-helper (CURRENT) Library that simplifies the interaction with PKCS
print/py-pisa (CURRENT) HTML2pdf converter (obsolete, use print/py-weasyprint instead)
textproc/py-pisa (CURRENT) HTML2pdf converter (obsolete, use print/py-weasyprint instead)
www/py-pisa (CURRENT) HTML2pdf converter (obsolete, use print/py-weasyprint instead)
wip/p5-Config-Auto (CURRENT) Magical config file parser
wip/QuickCheck (CURRENT) Automatic testing of Haskell programs
wip/hs-iconv (CURRENT) String encoding conversion for Haskell
wip/hs-SHA (CURRENT) Haskell implementation of SHA digest functions
wip/hs-regex-base (CURRENT) Replaces/Enhances Haskell Text.Regex
wip/hs-regex-compat (CURRENT) Replaces/Enhances Haskell Text.Regex
wip/hs-regex-posix (CURRENT) Replaces/Enhances Haskell Text.Regex
wip/hs-html (CURRENT) Haskell HTML combinator library
games/pokerth (CURRENT) Texas Holdem poker with online play
misc/openoffice3-bin (CURRENT) Integrated office productivity suite (binary pkg)
textproc/py-jinja (CURRENT) Small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine
wip/cabal-upload (CURRENT) Command-line tool for uploading packages to Hackage
wip/tex-etex (CURRENT) TeX implementation filling the gap between TeX3 and NTS
wip/tex-etex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-etex
www/ies4linux (CURRENT) Microsoft Internet Explorer installer
wip/zkt (CURRENT) Tool to manage keys and signatures for DNSSEC-zones
wip/dnstop (CURRENT) Diagnose tcpdump trace for DNS queries/replies
print/tex-bin-kpathsea (CURRENT) Translation tables for TeX
wip/haskell-src-exts (CURRENT) Manipulating Haskell source
wip/tex-luatex (CURRENT) LuaTeX basic definition package
wip/tex-luatex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-luatex
wip/tex-pdftex (CURRENT) TeX extension for direct creation of PDF
wip/blop (CURRENT) Bandlimited LADSPA Oscillator Plugins
audio/mserv-irman (CURRENT) Control mserv mp3 jukebox program via infra-red remote
wip/HLint (CURRENT) Haskell source code suggestions
wip/vcf (CURRENT) Some LADSPA plugins for audio EQ biquad filters
wip/scim-bridge (CURRENT) C wrapper library for SCIM
wip/dvipsk (CURRENT) DVI-to-PostScript translator
wip/tex-bin-dvipsk (CURRENT) Supplementary files for dvipsk
devel/lua-stdlib-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for modules from lua-stdlib
wip/filezilla (CURRENT) FTP, FTPS and SFTP client with intuitive GUI
time/p5-Date-Calc (CURRENT) Gregorian calendar date calculations
wip/sj3-server (CURRENT) SJ3 Japanese input method server
wip/sj3-client (CURRENT) SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
wip/sj3 (CURRENT) SJ3 Japanese input method
print/tex-bin-dvipsk (CURRENT) Supplementary files for dvipsk
wip/opensc-signer (CURRENT) Opensc signer plugin for Mozilla apps
wip/xdvik (CURRENT) Previewer for DVI files
devel/subvertpy (CURRENT) Alternative Python bindings for Subversion
wip/ (CURRENT) OpenSource Forensic Toolkit
wip/lmdbg (CURRENT) Lightweight Modular malloc Debugger
www/ap22-vhost-ldap (CURRENT) Apache 2.2 module LDAP Virtual Hosts support
wm/scrotwm (CURRENT) Small dynamic tiling window manager for X11
wip/cgit (CURRENT) Fast web interface for git
x11/p5-Gtk2-GladeXML (CURRENT) Perl bindings for Glade (2)
print/tex-bin-xdvi (CURRENT) Configuration file for xdvik
wip/akode-plugins-resampler (CURRENT) Resampler plugin for aKode framework
wip/akode-plugins-mpc (CURRENT) MPC decoder plugin for akode framework
wip/akode-plugins-mpeg (CURRENT) MPEG plugin for akode framework
wip/akode-plugins-alsa (CURRENT) Alsa output plugin for aKode framework
wip/akode-plugins-ffmpeg (CURRENT) FFMPEG decoder plugin for akode framework
wip/akode-plugins-pulseaudio (CURRENT) Pulseaudio output plugin for akode framework
wip/akode-plugins-xiph (CURRENT) Xiph decoder plugin for akode framework
wip/akode-plugins-oss (CURRENT) OSS output plugin for akode framework
wip/akode-plugins-sun (CURRENT) Sun audio output plugin for akode framework
wip/akode-plugins-jack (CURRENT) Jack output plugin for aKode framework
meta-pkgs/desktop-gnome (CURRENT) Software stack for the NetBSD Desktop Project
x11/desktop-gnome (CURRENT) Software stack for the NetBSD Desktop Project
wip/despotify (CURRENT) Open Source Spotify client
shells/bash3 (CURRENT) The GNU Bourne Again Shell (version 3)
wip/trac-plugins-GraphViz (CURRENT) Graphviz plugin for Trac
wip/trac-plugins-MasterTickets (CURRENT) Ticket dependency plugin for Trac
wip/tint2 (CURRENT) Tint2 is a simple panel/taskbar
wip/applewmproto (CURRENT) AppleWM extension headers from modular X11
security/opensc-signer (CURRENT) Opensc signer plugin for Mozilla apps
audio/akode-plugins-sun (CURRENT) Sun audio output plugin for akode framework
audio/akode-plugins-resampler (CURRENT) Resampler plugin for aKode framework
audio/akode (CURRENT) Simple audio decoding framework (base package)
audio/akode-plugins-mpeg (CURRENT) MPEG plugin for akode framework
audio/akode-plugins-ffmpeg (CURRENT) FFMPEG decoder plugin for akode framework
audio/akode-plugins-jack (CURRENT) Jack output plugin for aKode framework
audio/akode-plugins-mpc (CURRENT) MPC decoder plugin for akode framework
audio/akode-plugins-oss (CURRENT) OSS output plugin for akode framework
audio/akode-plugins-pulseaudio (CURRENT) Pulseaudio output plugin for akode framework
audio/akode-plugins-xiph (CURRENT) Xiph decoder plugin for akode framework
audio/akode-plugins-alsa (CURRENT) Alsa output plugin for aKode framework
graphics/evas-sdl (CURRENT) Evas SDL engine
graphics/evas-software-16-x11 (CURRENT) Evas software 16-bit X11 engine
graphics/evas-xrender-x11 (CURRENT) Evas Xrender X11 engine
graphics/evas-sdl-16 (CURRENT) Evas 16-bit SDL engine
graphics/evas-svg (CURRENT) Evas SVG image loader
textproc/mdocml (CURRENT) Convert man pages from mdoc, man, and tbl to txt, html, ps, or pdf
textproc/mdoclint (CURRENT) Tool for verifying man pages
devel/p5-Parse-CPAN-Meta (CURRENT) Perl5 module to parse META.yml and other similar CPAN metadata files
devel/p5-CPAN (CURRENT) Perl module to query, download and build perl modules from CPAN sites
devel/p5-ExtUtils-Manifest (CURRENT) Perl utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file
wip/ledger (CURRENT) Double-entry accounting system for command-line
wip/aspell-finnish (CURRENT) Finnish language support for aspell
www/ao2-auth-mellon (CURRENT) SAML 2.0 authentication for Apache
www/ap-scgi (CURRENT) Simple Common Gateway Interface for Apache
wip/arora (CURRENT) Arora is a web browser using Qt and Webkit
www/arora (CURRENT) Arora is a web browser using Qt and Webkit
wip/cclive (CURRENT) Command line video extraction tool for user-uploaded video hosts
lang/openjdk7-bin (CURRENT) Binary OpenJDK package
wip/libAppleWM (CURRENT) libAppleWM library
security/engine-pkcs11 (CURRENT) PKCS#11 engine for OpenSSL
wip/mk-configure (CURRENT) Lightweight but powerful replacement for GNU autotools
wip/hitori (CURRENT) Hitori is an application that allow to play the eponymous puzzle game
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-resindvd (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - resindvd plugin
devel/sapnwrfcsdk (CURRENT) SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK
archivers/sapcar (CURRENT) SAP archiver
devel/p5-sapnwrfc (CURRENT) SAP Netweaver RFC support for Perl
devel/p5-XSLoader (CURRENT) Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code
wip/gambc (CURRENT) GambitC Scheme System
wip/homebank (CURRENT) HomeBank is to manage your personal accounts at home
wip/nautilus-open-terminal (CURRENT) Nautilus extension which allows you to open a terminal
sysutils/nautilus-open-terminal (CURRENT) Nautilus extension which allows you to open a terminal
wip/py-configobj (CURRENT) Simple but powerful config file reader and write
wip/nautilus-sound-converter (CURRENT) Nautilus extension to convert audio files
audio/nautilus-sound-converter (CURRENT) Nautilus extension to convert audio files
wip/webkit-sharp (CURRENT) Webkit-sharp Bindings webkit-gtk under C#
games/gnome-games-extra-data (CURRENT) GNOME2 games collection - extra data files
wip/json (CURRENT) JSON (Javascript Object Notation) implementation in C
wip/tango-icon-theme (CURRENT) Tango desktop project icon theme
wip/trac-plugins-TimingAndEstimation (CURRENT) TimingAndEstimation plugin for Trac
wip/imagination (CURRENT) Imagination a simple and lightweight DVD slideshow maker
wip/trac-plugins-RoadmapHours (CURRENT) RoadmapHours plugin for Trac
devel/p5-IPC-SysV (CURRENT) Perl module which defines+exports SysV IPC constants and system calls
devel/valide (CURRENT) IDE for the Vala programming language
wip/coccinelle (CURRENT) Tool for writing and applying semantic patches
wip/dragbox (CURRENT) Command line drag-and-drop tool for GNOME
misc/dragbox (CURRENT) Command line drag-and-drop tool for GNOME
wip/gxmessage (CURRENT) GTK2+ based xmessage clone
wip/epm (CURRENT) ESP generates software packages from a list of files
wip/aspyct (CURRENT) Python AOP (aspect oriented programming)
wip/i3 (CURRENT) Improved dynamic tiling window manager
wip/scratchpad (CURRENT) Scratchpad is a document oriented
editors/scratchpad (CURRENT) Scratchpad is a document oriented
wip/gecko-sharp (CURRENT) GeckoSharp is a wrapper for the GtkEmbedMoz widget
wip/pam_tacplus (CURRENT) TACACS+ client library and PAM module
wip/stfl (CURRENT) Library which implements a curses-based widget set for text terminals
wip/blam (CURRENT) Blam is a feed reader for GNOME written in C#
wip/newsbeuter (CURRENT) Open-source RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals
wip/synce-kde (CURRENT) Integrate Windows CE or Windows Mobile device into KDE
wip/vnstat (CURRENT) Small network traffic monitor
wip/aamath (CURRENT) ASCII art mathematics
wip/p5-Net-DNS-SEC (CURRENT) Perl5 module for DNS SEC resolution
wip/py-trash (CURRENT) The command line tool for the GNOME Trash
wip/p5-Mail-RFC822-Address (CURRENT) Perl extension for validating email addresses according to RFC822
wip/py-webkit (CURRENT) Python bindings for the WebKit GTK+
x11/xine-xcb (CURRENT) The XCB video output plugins for xine-lib
wip/dnscheck-engine (CURRENT) DNSCheck is a DNS quality checker
net/dnscheck-engine (CURRENT) DNSCheck is a DNS quality checker
wip/botan (CURRENT) Portable, easy to use, and efficient C++ crypto library
wip/libgdata (CURRENT) Google Data API based Glib client library
wip/py-bitstring (CURRENT) Tools for analysis and modification of binary data in python
wip/gst-inspector (CURRENT) Multimedia system plugin introspection for the GStreamer framework
wip/nautilus-image-converter (CURRENT) Nautilus extension to mass resize or rotate images
sysutils/nautilus-image-converter (CURRENT) Nautilus extension to mass resize or rotate images
graphics/nautilus-image-converter (CURRENT) Nautilus extension to mass resize or rotate images
wip/librmss (CURRENT) Libmrss is a C library manipulate rss files or streams
wip/libipctdata (CURRENT) Library to parse IPTC metadata
wip/libnxml (CURRENT) C library for parsing, writing and creating XML files or streams
wip/libmrss (CURRENT) C library for parsing, writing and creating RSS files or streams
devel/p5-IO-Compress (CURRENT) IO Interface to compressed data files/buffers
print/dvipdfm (CURRENT) DVI driver to product PDF directly
print/tex-bin-dvipdfm (CURRENT) Supplementary files for dvipdfm
print/tex-bin-tex (CURRENT) Plain TeX format
print/tex-misc (CURRENT) Miscellaneous files for TeX
wip/py-sendmail-admin (CURRENT) Mailqs and rmmq, two scripts that ease Sendmail administration
textproc/OdfConverter (CURRENT) Converter between Microsoft Office 2007 and OpenOffice formats
converters/OdfConverter (CURRENT) Converter between Microsoft Office 2007 and OpenOffice formats
print/tex-bin-latex (CURRENT) TeX macro package that defines LaTeX
wip/lxrandr (CURRENT) Simple graphical front end to the xrandr extension
wip/gpicview (CURRENT) Lightweight image viewer
graphics/gimmage (CURRENT) GTKMM-based image viewing program
print/tex-hyphen-ukenglish (CURRENT) Hyphenation patterns for British English
wip/hs-zip-archive (CURRENT) Haskell library providing functions for manipulating zip archives
wip/pandoc (CURRENT) Conversion between markup formats
wip/softhsm (CURRENT) Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS
wip/hs-digest (CURRENT) Various cryptographic hashes for bytestrings; CRC32 and Adler32 for now.
wip/dbus-explorer (CURRENT) GTK+ interface for viewing D-Bus service APIs written by C#
wip/froggymicroblog (CURRENT) C# twitter client
wip/gnome-keyring-sharp (CURRENT) Mono implementation of libgnome-keyring
wip/mono-zeroconf (CURRENT) Cross platform Zero Configuration Networking library for Mono and .NET
wip/libanaculus-sharp (CURRENT) Libanculus-sharp is a reusable utility library written in C
wip/taglib-sharp (CURRENT) Multimedia metadata reading/writing library for popular formats
wip/nautilus-search-tool (CURRENT) Extension to have search files on popup menu
wip/lastfm-sharp (CURRENT) DotNet/Mono interface to
devel/libFoundation-examples (CURRENT) Library implementing the OpenStep Foundation API
wip/py-cherry (CURRENT) CherryPy is a pythonic, object-oriented HTTP framework
www/py-cherry (CURRENT) CherryPy is a pythonic, object-oriented HTTP framework
lang/python26 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
sysutils/patchadd (CURRENT) Binary patch management tools
www/squid31 (CURRENT) Post-Harvest_cached WWW proxy cache and accelerator
print/tex-pdftex-def (CURRENT) Color and graphics support for PDFTeX
print/tex-ifxetex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-ifxetex
print/tex-dvipdfmx-def (CURRENT) Driver-dependent file for DVIPDFMx
wip/tex-collection-basicbin (CURRENT) Essential binaries for TeX
wip/marathon-trilogy (CURRENT) Bungie game data files, playable with the Aleph One engine
fonts/tex-bin-metafont (CURRENT) METAFONT font design system
wip/njb-sharp (CURRENT) Mono C# Bindings to libnjb
wip/reinteract (CURRENT) Reinteract is a system for interactive experimentation with Python
devel/reinteract (CURRENT) Reinteract is a system for interactive experimentation with Python
wip/labyrinth (CURRENT) Labyrinth is a lightweight mind-mapping tool for GNOME
graphics/labyrinth (CURRENT) Labyrinth is a lightweight mind-mapping tool for GNOME
gnome/nautilus-sound-converter (CURRENT) Nautilus extension to convert audio files
wip/py-last (CURRENT) Python interface to
wip/gbemol (CURRENT) Graphical frontend for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
wip/converttomp3 (CURRENT) Convert music files to MP3, preserving some tag information
www/typolight26 (CURRENT) Powerful web content management system (CMS)
www/typolight26-example (CURRENT) Sample site data for TYPOlight
www/typolight27-example (CURRENT) Sample site data for TYPOlight
www/typolight26-translations (CURRENT) Language files for TYPOlight CMS
www/typolight27-translations (CURRENT) Language files for TYPOlight CMS
www/typolight27 (CURRENT) Powerful web content management system (CMS)
print/tex-bin-dvipsk-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-bin-dvipsk
print/tex-ams (CURRENT) Essential files for AMS TeX
fonts/tex-cmex (CURRENT) Support for cmex fonts from TeXTrace project
wip/spawnfcgi (CURRENT) Spawns FCGI-Processes and runs with priviledge separation
net/spawnfcgi (CURRENT) Spawns FCGI-Processes and runs with priviledge separation
wip/trac-plugins-GitPlugin (CURRENT) GIT plugin for Trac
wip/py-EditObj2 (CURRENT) EditObj2 is a dialog box generator for Python objects
devel/py-EditObj2 (CURRENT) EditObj2 is a dialog box generator for Python objects
wip/py-gcalendarsync (CURRENT) Googlecalendarsync is a tool to bidirectional synchronize a local iCal
www/py-gcalendarsync (CURRENT) Googlecalendarsync is a tool to bidirectional synchronize a local iCal
wip/py-sage (CURRENT) High-level message passing library supporting actor based concurrency
devel/py-sage (CURRENT) High-level message passing library supporting actor based concurrency
wip/py-nose (CURRENT) Unittest-based testing framework for python
wip/taglib-extras (CURRENT) Extra plugins for taglib
time/etm (CURRENT) Events and tasks manager using simple text files
wip/kmldonkey (CURRENT) KDE interface for mldonkey
local/kmldonkey (CURRENT) KDE interface for mldonkey
wip/hs-hopenssl (CURRENT) FFI bindings to OpenSSL's EVP digest interface
graphics/goocanvasmm (CURRENT) C++ wrappers for goocanvas
graphics/py-goocanvas (CURRENT) Python bindings for GooCanvas
devel/gst-inspector (CURRENT) Multimedia system plugin introspection for the GStreamer framework
wip/p5-Test-Assertions-TestScript (CURRENT) Base for test scripts
devel/p5-Test-Assertions-TestScript (CURRENT) Base for test scripts
wip/pkgin (CURRENT) Apt / yum like tool for managing pkgsrc binary packages
wip/scim-inputpad (CURRENT) SCIM onscreen input pad
wip/ironpython (CURRENT) Python implementation targeting the .NET and Mono platforms
lang/ironpython (CURRENT) Python implementation targeting the .NET and Mono platforms
wip/hs-cabal (CURRENT) Haskell common architecture for building applications and libraries
graphics/py-matplotlib-tk (CURRENT) Tk frontend for matplotlib
wip/scim-thai (CURRENT) SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
wip/musca (CURRENT) Simple dynamic window manager for X
sysutils/bacula-qt-console (CURRENT) Qt-based console for Bacula - The Network Backup Solution
textproc/tex-bin-xmltex (CURRENT) Support for parsing XML documents
wip/p5-Mojo (CURRENT) The Web In A Box
wip/hs-network-bytestring (CURRENT) Fast, memory-efficient, low-level networking
wip/py-coverage (CURRENT) Python module that measures and testing code coverage for Python
wip/py-foolscap (CURRENT) Foolscap contains an RPC protocol for Twisted
www/liferea-current (CURRENT) Simple FeedReader clone for reading RSS/RDF feeds
wip/rss-glib (CURRENT) Rss GLib is a RSS and Atom parser for GObject
wip/hs-haskelldb (CURRENT) SQL unwrapper for Haskell
wip/kmymoney2-devel (CURRENT) Personal finance manager for KDE
finance/kmymoney2-devel (CURRENT) Personal finance manager for KDE
devel/p5-Devel-Checklib (CURRENT) Perl extension to check that a library is available
wip/hs-HDBC-sqlite3 (CURRENT) Sqlite v3 driver for HDBC
wip/hs-HDBC (CURRENT) Haskell Database Connectivity
wip/hs-haskelldb-hdbc (CURRENT) HaskellDB support for HDBC
wip/hs-haskelldb-hdbc-sqlite3 (CURRENT) HaskellDB support for the HDBC SQLite driver
wip/hs-convertible (CURRENT) Typeclasses and instances for converting between types
wip/hs-parseargs (CURRENT) Command-line argument parsing library for Haskell programs
www/py-webkit (CURRENT) Python bindings for the WebKit GTK+
wip/arista (CURRENT) Tools multimedia transcoder for GNOME
multimedia/arista (CURRENT) Tools multimedia transcoder for GNOME
wip/libgtask (CURRENT) Library for asynchronous and Callback-based execution for GObject
wip/hs-tagsoup (CURRENT) Haskell library for parsing unstructured HTML code
wip/hs-HUnit (CURRENT) Unit testing framework for Haskell
wip/hs-parsec (CURRENT) Monadic parser combinators
wip/hs-hxt (CURRENT) Collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell
wip/hs-HsOpenSSL (CURRENT) OpenSSL binding for Haskell
wip/hs-haskell-src (CURRENT) Manipulating Haskell source code
wip/hs-cpphs (CURRENT) Re-implementation of cpp in Haskell
wip/bird (CURRENT) The BIRD Internet Routing Daemon
wip/hs-haskell-src-exts (CURRENT) Manipulating Haskell source
wip/hs-stm (CURRENT) Modular composable concurrency abstraction
wip/hs-Lucu (CURRENT) HTTP daemonic library for Haskell
wip/hs-haskeline (CURRENT) Command-line interface for user input, written in Haskell
wip/hs-extensible-exceptions (CURRENT) Extensible exceptions
wip/kmymoney2-cvs (CURRENT) Personal finance manager for KDE
finance/kmymoney2-cvs (CURRENT) Personal finance manager for KDE
wip/fuzil (CURRENT) Fuzzing program to test applications
devel/fuzil (CURRENT) Fuzzing program to test applications
security/fuzil (CURRENT) Fuzzing program to test applications
wip/wtf (CURRENT) Translate common Internet acronyms
audio/cmus-unofficial (CURRENT) Curses based music player (Jason Woof's cmus fork)
archivers/xz-utils (CURRENT) XZ utilities
wip/spin (CURRENT) Spin is an efficient on-the-fly verification system
wip/minisat2 (CURRENT) Fast and lightweight SAT solver
fonts/tex-kotex-base (CURRENT) Type1/TTF of unbatang, undotum, untaza, and ungraphic
fonts/tex-kotex-base-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-kotex-base
wip/liblastfm (CURRENT) Library for accessing
sysutils/gimmie (CURRENT) Creative panel replacement
multimedia/ffplay (CURRENT) Simple SDL frontend for FFmpeg
wip/json-c (CURRENT) JSON (Javascript Object Notation) implementation in C
www/opengoo (CURRENT) Easy to use Open Source Web Office
wip/milter-manager (CURRENT) Milter to use milters effectively
wip/py-logilab-common (CURRENT) Useful miscellaneous modules used by Logilab projects
wip/py-nose-senario (CURRENT) Nose plugin test unittest scenario adapt
devel/py-nose-senario (CURRENT) Nose plugin test unittest scenario adapt
wip/py-django-diario (CURRENT) Django Diário is a pluggable weblog application for Django Web
www/py-django-diario (CURRENT) Django Diário is a pluggable weblog application for Django Web
wip/py-ntch (CURRENT) Examine python code and detect possible errors
devel/py-ntch (CURRENT) Examine python code and detect possible errors
wip/bunny (CURRENT) Tools with C code security fuzzer
wip/cspchecker (CURRENT) CSP code type hecker
wip/py-libmemcache (CURRENT) Python memcached client
devel/py-libmemcache (CURRENT) Python memcached client
wip/py-logilab-astng (CURRENT) Extend Python abstract syntax tree
wip/py-sshpt (CURRENT) SSH Power Tool
security/py-sshpt (CURRENT) SSH Power Tool
wip/py-sympy-core (CURRENT) SympyCore an efficient pure Python Computer Algebra System
math/py-sympy-core (CURRENT) SympyCore an efficient pure Python Computer Algebra System
wip/py-fs (CURRENT) Filesystem abstraction layer
devel/py-fs (CURRENT) Filesystem abstraction layer
wip/py-logilab-lint (CURRENT) Python code static checker
devel/py-logilab-lint (CURRENT) Python code static checker
wip/py-flakes (CURRENT) Passive checker of Python programs
wip/gimp-high-pass-filter (CURRENT) General purpose high-pass filter plugin for GIMP
wip/sox (CURRENT) SOund eXchange - universal sound sample translator
wip/last-exit (CURRENT) Last Exit is streaming media player for GNOME
audio/last-exit (CURRENT) Last Exit is streaming media player for GNOME
wip/openscenegraph (CURRENT) High performance 3D graphics toolkit
devel/openscenegraph (CURRENT) High performance 3D graphics toolkit
wip/LuaJIT (CURRENT) Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language
wip/py-daemon (CURRENT) Library to implement a well-behaved Unix daemon process
sysutils/py-daemon (CURRENT) Library to implement a well-behaved Unix daemon process
wip/py-parsing (CURRENT) General parsing module for Python
devel/py-parsing (CURRENT) General parsing module for Python
wip/py-django-tagging (CURRENT) Generic tagging application for Django
lang/php5-perl (CURRENT) PHP extension embedding Perl in PHP
wip/py-lockfile (CURRENT) Platform-independent file locking module
wip/tex-texlive-scripts (CURRENT) Executables and files maintained as part of TeX Live
wip/tex-texdoc-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-texdoc
wip/tex-texdoc (CURRENT) Documentation access for TeX distributions
graphics/exiv2-organize (CURRENT) Image metadata manipulation
audio/libmtag (CURRENT) Music tagging library
audio/py-libmtag (CURRENT) Python binding for libmtag
net/upnpinspector (CURRENT) UPnP analyzer
net/coherence (CURRENT) Media server framework
print/tex-kotex (CURRENT) Macros (ko.TeX) to typeset Korean with etex or pdftex
wip/kBuild (CURRENT) Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
wip/datapipe (CURRENT) Bind a local port and connect it to a remote socket
wip/aspell-telugu (CURRENT) Telugu language support for aspell
wip/py-decorator (CURRENT) Simplify usage of python decorators by programmers
wip/py-gmpy (CURRENT) Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic wirtten by Python
devel/py-gmpy (CURRENT) Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic wirtten by Python
wip/libowl-av (CURRENT) AV widget library
wip/yauap (CURRENT) Yauap is a simple commandline audio player
wip/fusil (CURRENT) Fuzzing program to test applications
devel/fusil (CURRENT) Fuzzing program to test applications
security/fusil (CURRENT) Fuzzing program to test applications
wip/collectd (CURRENT) Statistics collection daemon base
print/tex-acmtrans-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-acmtrans
print/tex-acmtrans (CURRENT) Class and BibTeX style for ACM Transactions
print/tex-bin-kotex (CURRENT) Utilities for tex-kotex
wip/gnubg (CURRENT) GNU Backgammon is for playing and analysing backgammon positions
wip/mplayer-mt (CURRENT) Software-only MPEG-1/2/4 video decoder
wip/qtscriptgenerator (CURRENT) Tool that generates Qt bindings for Qt Script
wip/trac-plugins-SensitiveTickets (CURRENT) Ticket dependency plugin for Trac
sysutils/gnome-commander (CURRENT) GNOME Commander is a fast and powerful graphical filemanager
audio/gst-plugins0.10-faac (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - faac plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-faac (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - faac plugin
sysutils/brasero-nautilus (CURRENT) Nautilus plugin for brasero
lang/LuaJIT (CURRENT) Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language
wip/hs-FileManip (CURRENT) Haskell library for working with files and directories
wip/hs-HsHyperEstraier (CURRENT) HyperEstraier binding for Haskell
wip/hs-HsSVN (CURRENT) Subversion binding for Haskell
wip/hs-hslogger (CURRENT) Logging framework for Haskell
wip/tex-kpathsea (CURRENT) Translation tables for TeX
audio/albumplayer (CURRENT) FLAC album player
wip/libev (CURRENT) Full-featured and high-performance event loop
databases/postgresql84-client (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database client programs
databases/postgresql84 (CURRENT) Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
databases/postgresql84-adminpack (CURRENT) Admin pack module for pgAdmin management
databases/postgresql84-server (CURRENT) PostgreSQL database server programs
databases/postgresql84-plperl (CURRENT) PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql84-plpython (CURRENT) PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
databases/postgresql84-pltcl (CURRENT) PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
devel/py-CVSToys (CURRENT) Watch CVS tree changes on web, RSS, list or IRC
wip/oxygen-icons (CURRENT) Oxygen icon set for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
x11/oxygen-icons (CURRENT) Oxygen icon set for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
wip/kdelibs-experimental4 (CURRENT) Experimental libraries for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
wip/mixminion (CURRENT) Anonymous Type 3 remailer
wip/cfengine3 (CURRENT) Tool for automating system administration
devel/libgsf-gnome (CURRENT) GNOME2 structured file library (GNOME support)
wip/openbabel (CURRENT) Chemistry file translation program
wip/py-mocker (CURRENT) Graceful platform for test doubles in Python
devel/py-mocker (CURRENT) Graceful platform for test doubles in Python
wip/enigmail (CURRENT) GnuPG support for mail/thunderbird
wip/qtcreator (CURRENT) Cross-platform IDE for Qt and C++
print/texlive-pdftools (CURRENT) PDF-related utilities in TeX Live
wip/kdepim-runtime4 (CURRENT) Runtime requirements for the KDE PIM tools
devel/xulrunner (CURRENT) XML User Interface Language runtime environment
editors/emacs22 (CURRENT) GNU editing macros (editor)
editors/emacs22-nox11 (CURRENT) GNU editing macros (editor)
print/tex-kotex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-kotex
print/tex-kotex-dev (CURRENT) Macros (ko.TeX) for luatex and xetex
print/tex-kotex-dev-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-kotex-dev
wip/hunspell-ar (CURRENT) Arabic dictionary for hunspell
audio/bmp-scrobbler (CURRENT) BMP plugin for
wip/cython (CURRENT) C-Extensions for Python
lang/cython (CURRENT) C-Extensions for Python
wip/haproxy (CURRENT) Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer
chat/telepathy-farsight (CURRENT) Library for the telepathy part of a voice/video call
multimedia/farsight2 (CURRENT) Audio/video communications framework
chat/farsight2 (CURRENT) Audio/video communications framework
wip/libzdb (CURRENT) Zild Database Library, a fast thread-safe connection pooling library
devel/p5-autodie (CURRENT) Replace functions with ones that succeed or die with lexical scope
wip/gts (CURRENT) GTS stands for the GNU Triangulated Surface Library
security/libprelude-python (CURRENT) Python bindings to LibPrelude
security/libprelude-ruby (CURRENT) Ruby bindings to LibPrelude
security/libprelude-perl (CURRENT) Perl bindings to LibPrelude
security/libprelude-lua (CURRENT) Lua bindings to LibPrelude
wip/GeoIP (CURRENT) Find the country that any IP address or hostname originates from
wip/php-geoip (CURRENT) PHP module to map IP address to geographic places
wip/kmymoney2-stable (CURRENT) Personal finance manager for KDE
finance/kmymoney2-stable (CURRENT) Personal finance manager for KDE
wip/389-ds-base (CURRENT) 389 Directory Server (LDAP) Base package
wip/ae-fonts-mono (CURRENT) Collection of PCF fonts that include Arabic glyphs
wip/mothanna (CURRENT) Mothanna is a sans-serif like Arabic OpenType font
wip/thabit (CURRENT) Thabit (from Arabic:fixed) is a fixed width OpenType font family
wip/ibus-m17n (CURRENT) M17N engine for IBus platform
wip/ibus-chewing (CURRENT) Chewing engine for IBus input platform
wip/ibus (CURRENT) Intelligent Input Bus
wip/ibus-pinyin (CURRENT) Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
wip/ibus-hangul (CURRENT) Hangul engine for IBus input platform
wip/ibus-anthy (CURRENT) Anthy engine for IBus input platform
wip/py-mpmath (CURRENT) Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic
wip/gwsmhg (CURRENT) Mercurial PyGtk GUI client
devel/gwsmhg (CURRENT) Mercurial PyGtk GUI client
wip/pidgin-sipe (CURRENT) Pidgin plugin for Microsoft Office Communicator
wip/py-rdflib (CURRENT) Python library for working with RDF
wip/p5-File-ReadBackwards (CURRENT) -- Read a file backwards by lines
wip/p5-Sys-Syslog (CURRENT) Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
devel/boa-constructor (CURRENT) Python IDE
wip/gloox (CURRENT) Jabber/XMPP client library
wip/deforaos-libsystem (CURRENT) DeforaOS core system library
wip/deforaos-browser (CURRENT) DeforaOS desktop file manager and desktop handler
wip/ocamlgraph (CURRENT) Ocamlgraph is a graph library for Objective Caml
wip/gst-plugins0.10-farsight (CURRENT) GStreamer farsight2 plugin
security/putty-devel (CURRENT) Free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Win32 and Unix platforms
emulators/suse100_qt3 (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for QT3
emulators/suse100_32_qt3 (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for QT3
audio/gst-buzztard (CURRENT) GStreamer plugin for buzztard
audio/buzztard (CURRENT) Modular, free, open source music studio
audio/bsl (CURRENT) Buzz song loader
wip/elementary (CURRENT) E17 Widget Library
wip/mawk (CURRENT) AWK clone by Mike Brennan
wip/scorched3d (CURRENT) 3D version of the classic DOS game Scorched Earth
wip/slrn-devel (CURRENT) Highly customizable threaded newsreader
multimedia/mplayer-plugin (CURRENT) Mplayer plug-in for Gecko-based browsers
mail/re-alpine (CURRENT) Console-based mail and news client
x11/libxfce4menu (CURRENT) Xfce menu library
devel/xfconf (CURRENT) Xfce client-server configuration storage and query system
wip/opera (CURRENT) Standards-compliant graphical Web browser
wip/clutter-box2d (CURRENT) Clutter Box2D integration library
wip/py-cElementTree (CURRENT) C implementation of Python ElementTree API
wip/clutter-gtk (CURRENT) GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
wip/clutter (CURRENT) Open GL based interactive canvas library
wip/clutter-gst (CURRENT) Clutter GStreamer integration
wip/gobject-introspecification (CURRENT) GObject Introspection
wip/json-glib-devel (CURRENT) JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications
wip/py-clutter (CURRENT) Python modules for Clutter toolkit
wip/p5-clutter (CURRENT) Perl bindings to the Clutter OpenGL canvas
lang/gcc44 (CURRENT) GNU Compiler Collection 4.4
wip/deforaos-player (CURRENT) DeforaOS desktop media player
wip/hs-chalkboard (CURRENT) Combinators for building and processing 2D images
wip/hs-StateVar (CURRENT) State variables
wip/hs-GLUT (CURRENT) Binding for the OpenGL Utility Toolkit
wip/hs-OpenGLRaw (CURRENT) Raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system
wip/hs-OpenGL (CURRENT) Binding for the OpenGL graphics system
wip/hs-ObjectName (CURRENT) Explicitly handled object names
wip/hs-Tensor (CURRENT) Tensor data types
wip/hs-GLURaw (CURRENT) Raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system
wip/hs-chalkboard-viewer (CURRENT) OpenGL based viewer for chalkboard rendered images
security/f-prot-antivirus6-ms-bin (CURRENT) F-PROT antivirus for Mail Servers
security/f-prot-antivirus6-fs-bin (CURRENT) F-PROT antivirus for File Servers
security/f-prot-antivirus6-ws-bin (CURRENT) F-PROT antivirus for workstations
wip/hs-event-list (CURRENT) Event lists with relative or absolute time stamps
wip/hs-transformers (CURRENT) Concrete functor and monad transformers
wip/hs-midi (CURRENT) Handling of MIDI messages and files
wip/hs-explicit-exception (CURRENT) Exceptions which are explicit in the type signature
wip/hs-QuickCheck (CURRENT) Automatic testing of Haskell programs
wip/hs-markov-chain (CURRENT) Markov Chains for generating random sequences
wip/hs-monoid-transformer (CURRENT) Monoid counterparts to some ubiquitous monad transformers
wip/hs-non-negative (CURRENT) Non-negative numbers
wip/hs-data-accessor (CURRENT) Utilities for accessing and manipulating field of records
wip/hs-QuickCheck1 (CURRENT) Automatic testing of Haskell programs (Old version)
wip/hs-utility-ht (CURRENT) Various small helper functions
wip/hs-storable-record (CURRENT) Elegant definition of Storable instances for records
wip/hs-numeric-prelude (CURRENT) Experimental alternative hierarchy of numeric type classes
wip/hs-haskore (CURRENT) The Haskore Computer Music System
wip/hs-gnuplot (CURRENT) 2D and 3D plots using gnuplot
wip/hs-numeric-quest (CURRENT) Math and quantum mechanics
wip/hs-hashed-storage (CURRENT) Hashed file storage support code
wip/hs-terminfo (CURRENT) Haskell bindings to the terminfo library
wip/hs-mmap (CURRENT) Memory mapped files for POSIX and Windows
wip/tellico (CURRENT) Collection manager for KDE
wip/py-imgSeek (CURRENT) Photo collection manager and viewer
wip/ruby-dnsruby (CURRENT) Ruby DNS client library
wip/opendnssec (CURRENT) OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
net/opendnssec (CURRENT) OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
wip/luasec (CURRENT) Lua binding for OpenSSL library
wip/hs-derive (CURRENT) Program and library to derive instances for data types
wip/hs-HSH (CURRENT) Library to mix shell scripting with Haskell programs
wip/hs-MissingH (CURRENT) Library of utility functions for Haskell programmers
wip/hs-uniplate (CURRENT) Help writing simple, concise and fast generic operations
wip/hs-tar (CURRENT) Reading, writing and manipulating ".tar" archive files
wip/manifold (CURRENT) SMF service manifest creation tool
wip/ap2-xsendfile (CURRENT) Apache 2 module that processes X-SENDFILE headers
wip/hs-cabal-query (CURRENT) Helpers for querying .cabal files or hackageDB's 00-index.tar
wip/sphinxsearch (CURRENT) Sphinx Full-Text Search Engine
databases/sphinxsearch (CURRENT) Sphinx Full-Text Search Engine
wip/hs-binary-strict (CURRENT) Binary deserialisation using strict ByteStrings
wip/hs-bytestring-trie (CURRENT) Efficient finite map from (byte)strings to values
security/libpreludedb-pgsql (CURRENT) Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts
security/libpreludedb-perl (CURRENT) Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts
security/libpreludedb-mysql (CURRENT) Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts
security/libpreludedb-python (CURRENT) Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts
security/libpreludedb-sqlite3 (CURRENT) Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts
misc/kdeaccessibility4 (CURRENT) Accessibility support for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
misc/kdepimlibs4 (CURRENT) Support libraries for PIM for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
misc/kdepim-runtime4 (CURRENT) Runtime requirements for the KDE PIM tools
misc/kdeadmin4 (CURRENT) System administration tools for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
misc/kdeutils4 (CURRENT) Utilities for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
misc/kdepim4 (CURRENT) Personal Information Management tools for the KDE desktop
misc/kdeedu4 (CURRENT) Edu{tainment,cation} tools for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
graphics/kdegraphics4 (CURRENT) Graphical tools for the KDE desktop
net/kdenetwork4 (CURRENT) Network modules for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
x11/kde4-l10n-nl (CURRENT) Netherlands language pack for KDE4
x11/kdebindings4-python (CURRENT) Python bindings for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
misc/kdebindings4-python (CURRENT) Python bindings for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
x11/kdebase4 (CURRENT) Base modules for the KDE 4 integrated X11 desktop
x11/kdebase-runtime4 (CURRENT) Runtime requirements for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
x11/kdebase-workspace4 (CURRENT) base workspace for the KDE 4 integrated X11 desktop
x11/kdelibs-experimental4 (CURRENT) Experimental libraries for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
x11/kde4-l10n-de (CURRENT) German language pack for KDE4
x11/kde4-l10n-en_GB (CURRENT) English (Great Britain) language pack for KDE4
multimedia/kdemultimedia4 (CURRENT) Multimedia tools for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
www/kdewebdev4 (CURRENT) HTML editor and tools suitable for experienced web developers
games/kdetoys4 (CURRENT) Toys for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
games/kdegames4 (CURRENT) Games for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
devel/kdesdk4 (CURRENT) Support applications and tools used by KDE developers
wip/koffice (CURRENT) KDE4 office suite
wip/icc11 (CURRENT) Intel C++ Compiler for Linux
wip/couchdb (CURRENT) Document database server, accessible via a RESTful JSON API
wip/libmemcached (CURRENT) C and C++ client library to the memcached server
wip/php-memcached (CURRENT) PHP extension for interfacing with memcached via libmemcached library
wip/py-oauth (CURRENT) Python bindings for OAuth
wip/py-libmc (CURRENT) Quick and small memcached client for Python
wip/php-igbinary (CURRENT) Binary serialization for PHP
wip/memcached14 (CURRENT) High-performance distributed memory object caching system
wip/mlton-svn (CURRENT) Standard ML whole-program optimizing compiler
wip/php-intl (CURRENT) Internationalization extension implements ICU library functionality
devel/php-intl (CURRENT) Internationalization extension implements ICU library functionality
wip/php-tidy (CURRENT) PHP extension for tidy functions
wip/php-fileinfo (CURRENT) PHP extension for libmagic bindings
wip/php-dtrace (CURRENT) PHP extension for DTrace for Solaris
devel/php-dtrace (CURRENT) PHP extension for DTrace for Solaris
wip/php-http (CURRENT) PHP extension for extended HTTP support
wip/openjdk7-icedtea-plugin (CURRENT) Java browser plugin
wip/openfst (CURRENT) OpenFst is a library for manipulating transducers
wip/pcsx-df (CURRENT) Playstation 1 emulator optimized for Open Source Unix systems
wip/bibliographer (CURRENT) Bibliographer is a bibtex editor written in Gtk# and Mono
devel/bzr-explorer (CURRENT) GUI frontend to bzr
wip/py-4Suite (CURRENT) Open-source platform for XML and RDF processing
wip/lxterminal (CURRENT) Desktop-independent VTE-based terminal emulator with tabs
wip/etoile-core (CURRENT) Desktop environment built on GNUstep - core
www/openjdk7-icedtea-plugin (CURRENT) Java browser plugin
wip/opencobol (CURRENT) Open-source COBOL compiler
wip/php-oauth (CURRENT) PHP oauth consumer extension
lang/openjdk7 (CURRENT) Open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition
misc/rump (CURRENT) Virtualized NetBSD kernel components in userspace
wip/wxmaxima (CURRENT) Graphical UI for maxima
wip/ruby-thor (CURRENT) Scripting framework that replaces rake and sake
sysutils/ruby-thor (CURRENT) Scripting framework that replaces rake and sake
wip/php-xcache (CURRENT) Fast and stable PHP opcode cacher
wip/php-uploadprogress (CURRENT) Provides track progress of a file upload
devel/php-uploadprogress (CURRENT) Provides track progress of a file upload
devel/p5-constant (CURRENT) Perl pragma to declare constants
databases/jdbc-postgresql84 (CURRENT) PostgreSQL 8.4 JDBC3 driver
wip/py-greenlet (CURRENT) Lightweight in-process concurrent programming
lang/py26-html-docs (CURRENT) HTML Documentation for Python 2.6
devel/libview (CURRENT) GTK+ widget collection
multimedia/clutter08-gst (CURRENT) Clutter GStreamer integration
graphics/clutter08-gtk (CURRENT) GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
graphics/clutter08 (CURRENT) Open GL based interactive canvas library
graphics/clutter-qt (CURRENT) Qt Integratin Library for Clutter
audio/gst-plugins0.10-lame (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - lame plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-lame (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - lame plugin
audio/gst-plugins0.10-twolame (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - twolame plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-twolame (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - twolame plugin
wip/opensaml2 (CURRENT) Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
wip/ganglia-monitor-core (CURRENT) Ganglia cluster monitor, monitoring daemon
wip/log4shib (CURRENT) C++ library for flexible logging, modeled after Log4j
wip/ganglia-webfrontend (CURRENT) PHP based frontend for the Ganglia Cluster Monitor
wip/lxde-common (CURRENT) Default configuration settings and scripts for LXDE
devel/lxde-common (CURRENT) Default configuration settings and scripts for LXDE
wip/lxmenu-data (CURRENT) LXDE menu data
wip/menu-cache (CURRENT) Cache for menu spec
wip/xmltooling-c (CURRENT) High level interface for XML processing library
wip/cntlm (CURRENT) NTLM/NTLMv2 authenticating HTTP proxy
wip/lxpanel (CURRENT) Lightweight X11 desktop panel from LXDE
wip/shibboleth2 (CURRENT) Shibboleth2 Service Provider (Apache module)
wip/python31 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
www/ruby-staticmatic (CURRENT) Lightweight static site framework
wip/deforaos-configure (CURRENT) DeforaOS automated Makefile generation tool
wip/poco-data (CURRENT) POCO C++ RDBMS Master Accessor libraries
wip/poco-data-mysql (CURRENT) POCO C++ MySQL RDBMS Accessor libraries
wip/poco-data-sqlite (CURRENT) POCO C++ SQLite RDBMS Accessor libraries
wip/seamonkey (CURRENT) Full featured gecko-based browser
devel/hg-git (CURRENT) Git plugin for Mercurial
wip/py-CherryPy (CURRENT) CherryPy is a pythonic, object-oriented HTTP framework
python/py-CherryPy (CURRENT) CherryPy is a pythonic, object-oriented HTTP framework
wip/sloccount (CURRENT) Counting physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC)
wip/hs-HCL (CURRENT) High-level Haskell library for building command line interfaces
wip/hlint (CURRENT) Haskell source code suggestions
wip/hs-hscolour (CURRENT) Colourise Haskell code
www/ap2-cband (CURRENT) Bandwidth and connection limiting module for Apache 2
wip/ruby-term-ansicolor (CURRENT) Small Ruby library that colors strings using ANSI escape sequences
wip/pear-HTTP_Request2 (CURRENT) Provides an easy way to perform HTTP requests
wip/pear-Net_URL2 (CURRENT) Class for parsing and handling URL
www/pear-Net_URL2 (CURRENT) Class for parsing and handling URL
wip/ruby-treetop (CURRENT) Ruby-based parsing DSL based on parsing expression grammars
devel/ruby-treetop (CURRENT) Ruby-based parsing DSL based on parsing expression grammars
wip/ruby-polyglot (CURRENT) Registry of file types to load with its improved version of 'require'
wip/ruby-git (CURRENT) Manipulate Git repositories by wrapping around the git binary
wip/ruby-innate (CURRENT) Powerful web-framework wrapper for Rack
wip/ruby-nokogiri (CURRENT) HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser with XPath and CSS selector support
wip/filelight (CURRENT) Graphical filesystem usage monitor
wip/kile (CURRENT) LaTeX source editor - TeX shell - Gnuplot front end
www/konq-plugins (CURRENT) Konqueror plugins (KDE4)
wip/rabbitmq (CURRENT) RabbitMQ is an implementation of AMQP
wip/krusader (CURRENT) Advanced twin-panel (commander-style) file-manager for KDE 4.x
wip/kdiff3 (CURRENT) File and directory diff and merge tool (KDE4)
wip/k3b (CURRENT) DVD and CD authoring program
wip/konversation (CURRENT) KDE IRC Client
wip/rsibreak (CURRENT) RSI management tool
wip/libmicro (CURRENT) Set of utilities to benchmark productivity of system calls
databases/py-elixir (CURRENT) Elixir is a declarative layer on top of the SQLAlchemy library
wip/py-cryptoidlib (CURRENT) CryptoIDlib is a python library for working with cryptoID certChains
security/py-cryptoidlib (CURRENT) CryptoIDlib is a python library for working with cryptoID certChains
wip/spade (CURRENT) SPADE is an agent platform based on the XMPP/Jabber technology
devel/spade (CURRENT) SPADE is an agent platform based on the XMPP/Jabber technology
wip/kipi-plugins (CURRENT) Common plugin structure for KDE4 programs
wip/libbind (CURRENT) Standard Resolver Library
wip/scim-unikey (CURRENT) Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
wip/scim-array (CURRENT) Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
net/ktorrent3 (CURRENT) Graphical BitTorrent client for KDE4
inputmethod/scim-bridge (CURRENT) C wrapper library for SCIM
inputmethod/libchewing02 (CURRENT) The intelligent phonetic input method library
chinese/libchewing02 (CURRENT) The intelligent phonetic input method library
inputmethod/scim-prime (CURRENT) SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
inputmethod/scim-tomoe (CURRENT) SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe
wip/hyena (CURRENT) Hyena is a C# library used to make awesome applications
wip/pdfmod (CURRENT) PDF Mod is a simple tool for modifying PDF documents
audio/bmp-flac (CURRENT) FLAC BMP plugin
x11/qwt-qt4 (CURRENT) Qt widget library for technical purposes
wip/py-libdisassemble (CURRENT) Python library that will disassemble X86
devel/py-libdisassemble (CURRENT) Python library that will disassemble X86
wip/kacst-fonts (CURRENT) Truetype Arabic fonts created by KACST
wip/moonlight (CURRENT) Open Source implementation of Microsoft Silverlight for UNIX Systems
wip/py-xmiparser (CURRENT) XMI Parser (API for the UML XML representation specified by OMG)
textproc/py-xmiparser (CURRENT) XMI Parser (API for the UML XML representation specified by OMG)
wip/ccxstream (CURRENT) Program for streaming multimedia content to XMBC over XBMSP protocol
wip/opendesktop-fonts (CURRENT) Simplified and Traditional Chinese and Japanese Ming and Kai Face
fonts/opendesktop-fonts (CURRENT) Simplified and Traditional Chinese and Japanese Ming and Kai Face
chinese/opendesktop-fonts (CURRENT) Simplified and Traditional Chinese and Japanese Ming and Kai Face
wip/oxim-filter (CURRENT) Open X Input Method output filters
inputmethod/oxim-filter (CURRENT) Open X Input Method output filters
wip/oxim (CURRENT) Open X Input Method server
inputmethod/oxim (CURRENT) Open X Input Method server
wip/oxim-setup (CURRENT) Open X Input Method setup tool
inputmethod/oxim-setup (CURRENT) Open X Input Method setup tool
mail/thunderbird2 (CURRENT) Mozilla mail client
wip/gobject-introspection (CURRENT) GObject Introspection
wip/py-anyjson (CURRENT) Wraps the JSON implementation available in a common interface
www/typolight28-translations (CURRENT) Language files for TYPOlight CMS
www/typolight28-example (CURRENT) Sample site data for TYPOlight
www/typolight28 (CURRENT) Powerful web content management system (CMS)
wip/py-couchdb (CURRENT) Couchdb python library
wip/couchdb-glib (CURRENT) GLib-based api to access couchdb databases
databases/couchdb-glib (CURRENT) GLib-based api to access couchdb databases
wip/evolution-couchdb (CURRENT) Evolution backend to access CouchDBs
devel/p5-Class-XSAccessor-Array (CURRENT) Perl 5 module to generate fast XS accessors for array based objects
wip/ibus-qt (CURRENT) Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
wip/gupnp-vala (CURRENT) Gupnp-vala offers Vala bindings to GUPnP framework
wip/gnome-do (CURRENT) Panel replacement
wip/virtualjaguar (CURRENT) Jaguar emulator based on SDL
wip/gemrb (CURRENT) Open Source clone of the Infinity Engine
wip/py-DNS (CURRENT) Python DNS library
net/py-DNS (CURRENT) Python DNS library
graphics/extrema (CURRENT) Visualization and data analysis tool
wip/arcem-current (CURRENT) Dave Gilbert's Acorn Archimedes emulator
graphics/uniconvertor (CURRENT) Universal vector graphics translator
wip/hs-mmap4 (CURRENT) Memory mapped files for POSIX and Windows (Old version)
wip/ap-mod_geoip2 (CURRENT) Apache module to interact with the MaxMind geoip database
wip/hs-hashed-storage3 (CURRENT) Hashed file storage support code (Old version)
wip/postgresql-postgis (CURRENT) Spatial database capabilities for PostgreSQL
wip/py-ipaddr (CURRENT) IPv4/IPv6 address manipulation library
net/py-ipaddr (CURRENT) IPv4/IPv6 address manipulation library
wip/spectrum (CURRENT) XMPP transport/gateway based on libpurple
wip/e-uae (CURRENT) Enhanced Ubiquitous Amiga Emulator
wip/vice2 (CURRENT) Emulator for C64, C128, CBM-II, PET, and VIC20
wip/dasm (CURRENT) Multi-CPU cross-assembler for 6502, 6803, 68HC11 and others
wip/quickfix (CURRENT) FIX engine
devel/py-windbg (CURRENT) Python GUI debugger
x11/qwtplot3d-qt4 (CURRENT) 3D-widgets for qt4
graphics/scidavis (CURRENT) Data analysis and visualization package
wip/umefont-ttf (CURRENT) Ume 18 Japanese fonts (Mincho and Gothic)
wip/deforaos-panel (CURRENT) DeforaOS desktop panel
wip/pt-cyrillic-ttf (CURRENT) Public fonts for minority languages of Russia
wip/deforaos-mixer (CURRENT) DeforaOS desktop volume mixer
wip/deforaos-libdesktop (CURRENT) DeforaOS desktop library
wip/qmpdclient (CURRENT) QT4 based mpd client
wip/qt4-qscintilla (CURRENT) Scintilla C++ editor class for Qt
wip/py-ezPyCrypto (CURRENT) Easy Python API for strong encryption
wip/ja-misaki (CURRENT) 8x8 dots X11 bitmap font for JIS X 0208
fonts/ja-misaki (CURRENT) 8x8 dots X11 bitmap font for JIS X 0208
x11/ja-misaki (CURRENT) 8x8 dots X11 bitmap font for JIS X 0208
wip/py-cvxopt (CURRENT) Python software for convex optimization
math/py-cvxopt (CURRENT) Python software for convex optimization
wip/glw (CURRENT) GL widget library for Mesa
wip/dri (CURRENT) OpenGL hardware acceleration drivers for the DRI
wip/gl (CURRENT) Graphics library similar to SGI's OpenGL
wip/bodr (CURRENT) Blue Obelisk Data Repository
wip/i3lock (CURRENT) Slightly improved screen locker based on slock
graphics/py-visionegg (CURRENT) Visual stimulus creation and control in Python
wip/misaki-fonts (CURRENT) 8x8 dots X11 bitmap font for JIS X 0208
wip/libvdpau (CURRENT) Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix
wip/py-MoinMoin (CURRENT) Advanced, easy to use and extensible WikiEngine
wip/ibus-table (CURRENT) The Table engine for IBus platform
wip/ibus-skk (CURRENT) Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
wip/ski (CURRENT) The ia64 instruction set simulator
wip/py-yamcha (CURRENT) YamCha python module
wip/zinnia-tomoe (CURRENT) Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
wip/p5-yamcha (CURRENT) YamCha perl module
wip/ruby-zinnia (CURRENT) Zinnia ruby module
wip/p5-cabocha (CURRENT) CaboCha perl module
wip/py-cabocha (CURRENT) CaboCha python module
wip/ruby-yamcha (CURRENT) YamCha ruby module
wip/scim-tegaki (CURRENT) Tegaki integration in SCIM
wip/tegaki-python (CURRENT) Base Python library for the Tegaki project
wip/zinnia (CURRENT) Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
wip/tegaki-zinnia-japanese (CURRENT) Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
wip/py-zinnia (CURRENT) Zinnia python module
wip/p5-zinnia (CURRENT) Zinnia perl module
wip/scim-python (CURRENT) Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
wip/ibus-table-array30 (CURRENT) Array30 Chinese input method for ibus
wip/ruby-cabocha (CURRENT) CaboCha ruby module
wip/tegaki-pygtk (CURRENT) Base user interface library for the Tegaki project
wip/tegaki-recognize (CURRENT) Tegaki project integration in the desktop
wip/tegaki-train (CURRENT) Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
wip/postr (CURRENT) GNOME flickr uploader
graphics/postr (CURRENT) GNOME flickr uploader
wip/ibus-table-cantonese (CURRENT) The Cantonese and derived tables for IBus-Table
wip/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku (CURRENT) Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
wip/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku (CURRENT) Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
wip/tegaki-wagomu-japanese (CURRENT) Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
wip/fakeroot (CURRENT) Run a command faking root privileges for file manipulation
wip/tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese (CURRENT) Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
wip/ibus-table-code (CURRENT) The code tables for IBus-Table
wip/tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo (CURRENT) Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
wip/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese (CURRENT) Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
wip/tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light (CURRENT) Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (light)
wip/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese (CURRENT) Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
wip/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light (CURRENT) Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
wip/ibus-table-cangjie (CURRENT) CangJie tables for IBus-Table
wip/ibus-table-cyrillic (CURRENT) The Cyrillic tables for IBus-Table
wip/tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light (CURRENT) Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
wip/tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo (CURRENT) Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
wip/tegaki-tools (CURRENT) Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
wip/tegaki-wagomu (CURRENT) Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
wip/ibus-table-erbi (CURRENT) Erbi and Erbi (Qin Sung) input method on IBus Table
wip/ibus-table-extraphrase (CURRENT) Chinese extra phrases for ibus-table based IME
wip/ibus-table-latin (CURRENT) The Latin tables for IBus-Table
wip/ibus-table-tv (CURRENT) Thai and Viqr (Vietnamese) tables for IBus-Table
mail/cyrus (pkgsrc-2009Q4) (no description)
wip/bsdstats (CURRENT) BSD-Stats collector script
print/tex-tetex (CURRENT) Supplementary files for updmap
wip/innotop (CURRENT) MySQL and InnoDB monitor program
editors/p5-Padre-Plugin-PlayCode (CURRENT) Acme::PlayCode Plugin for Padre
editors/p5-Padre-Plugin-Nopaste (CURRENT) Send code on a nopaste website from padre
editors/p5-Padre-Plugin-Vi (CURRENT) Padre plugin proving a vi keyboard
editors/p5-Padre-Plugin-SpellCheck (CURRENT) Check spelling in Padre
misc/kseg (CURRENT) Interactive geometry program
databases/postgresql-postgis (CURRENT) Spatial database capabilities for PostgreSQL
wip/bird6 (CURRENT) The BIRD Internet Routing Daemon
www/p5-Mojo (CURRENT) Perl web framework: The Web In A Box!
wip/aubio (CURRENT) Extracting annotations from audio signals
wip/uni2ascii (CURRENT) Convert between UTF-8 Unicode and 7-bit ASCII equivalents
wip/electricsheep-svn (CURRENT) Distributed fractal flame screensaver
wip/kmymoney-svn (CURRENT) Personal finance manager for KDE 4, Subversion Snapshot
finance/kmymoney-svn (CURRENT) Personal finance manager for KDE 4, Subversion Snapshot
wip/kmymoney-devel (CURRENT) Personal finance manager for KDE 4
finance/kmymoney-devel (CURRENT) Personal finance manager for KDE 4
wip/cinelerra-cv (CURRENT) Non-linear video and audio editor and compositor
wip/p5-InlineX-C2XS (CURRENT) Convert from Inline C code to XS
wip/p5-Geo-ShapeFile (CURRENT) Perl extension for handling ESRI GIS Shapefiles
wip/cabal-install (CURRENT) Command-line interface for Cabal and Hackage
wip/pear-Net_LDAP2 (CURRENT) Object oriented interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries
math/extcalc (CURRENT) Scientific graphic calculator
devel/swt (CURRENT) Open source widget toolkit for Java
math/wxMaxima (CURRENT) Graphical UI for maxima
print/tex-ifluatex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-ifluatex
print/tex-apalike-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-apalike
print/tex-ifluatex (CURRENT) The \ifluatex switch for TeX
print/tex-apalike (CURRENT) APA-like citations
print/tex-dvipdfm (CURRENT) Supplementary files for dvipdfm
security/pinentry-qt (CURRENT) Applications for entering PINs or Passphrases, qt3 enabled
security/pinentry-gtk (CURRENT) Applications for entering PINs or Passphrases, gtk enabled
print/tex-collection-basic (CURRENT) Essential programs and files for TeX
wip/p5-Audio-Scan (CURRENT) XS parser for MP3, MP4, Ogg Vorbis, etc
print/tex-collection-documentation-base-doc (CURRENT) TeX Live documentation
wip/hs-deepseq (CURRENT) Deep evaluation of data structures
wip/hs-hxt-xpath (CURRENT) The XPath modules for HXT
print/tex-dvipdfm-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-dvipdfm
wip/py-jsonlib (CURRENT) JSON serializer/deserializer for Python
wip/mplus-bitmap-fonts (CURRENT) Simple and highly readable bitmap fonts
wip/mplus-outline-fonts (CURRENT) M+ outline fonts
mail/cyrus-imapd23 (CURRENT) Cyrus IMAP server
database/py-cx_Oracle (CURRENT) Oracle binding for Python
www/py-cx_Oracle (CURRENT) Oracle binding for Python
textproc/py-jsonlib (CURRENT) JSON serializer/deserializer for Python (python-2.x version)
devel/p5-Log-Any-Adapter (CURRENT) Tell Log::Any where to send its logs
wip/gosmore (CURRENT) Navigation program
x11/dzen (CURRENT) General purpose messaging and notification program
wip/pypcap (CURRENT) Simplified object-oriented python module for libpcap
wip/pylibpcap (CURRENT) Python module for the libpcap packet capture library
wip/py-dpkt (CURRENT) Python packet creation / parsing library
print/tex-collection-basic-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-collection-basic
print/tex-tetex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-tetex
misc/tellico-kde3 (CURRENT) KDE application for organizing your collections
graphics/kipi-plugins-calendar-kde3 (CURRENT) Kipi calendar plugin (KDE3)
graphics/kipi-plugins-kde3 (CURRENT) Kipi (KDE Image Plugin Interface) plugins (KDE3)
graphics/digikam-doc-kde3 (CURRENT) Documentation for Digikam (KDE3)
graphics/digikam-kde3 (CURRENT) Advanced digital photo management application (KDE3)
devel/qtscriptgenerator (CURRENT) Tool that generates Qt bindings for Qt Script
audio/liblastfm (CURRENT) Library for accessing
audio/taglib-extras (CURRENT) Extra plugins for taglib
databases/mysql51-embedded (CURRENT) MySQL 5, a free SQL database (embedded server)
net/kmldonkey-kde3 (CURRENT) KDE3 Frontend for MLDonkey
audio/amarok-kde3 (CURRENT) KDE3 audio player
wip/hs-hslogger-template (CURRENT) Automatic generation of hslogger functions
net/samba33 (CURRENT) SMB/CIFS protocol server suite
wip/prng (CURRENT) Portable, high-performance ANSI-C pseudorandom number generators
misc/goffice0.8 (CURRENT) Library of document-centric objects and utilities
math/gnumeric110 (CURRENT) Spreadsheet program from the GNOME project
wip/mc (CURRENT) User-friendly file manager and visual shell
wip/py-pydot (CURRENT) Python interface to Graphviz Dot
wip/lcal (CURRENT) Lcalc is a program for calculating with L-functions
wip/p5-App-cpanminus (CURRENT) App::cpanminus - get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN
security/pinentry-qt4 (CURRENT) Applications for entering PINs or Passphrases, qt4 enabled
wip/hs-hinstaller (CURRENT) Installer wrapper for Haskell applications
wip/hs-chunks (CURRENT) Simple template library with static safety
www/termtter (CURRENT) Terminal based Twitter client
devel/monotone-el (CURRENT) Emacs packages to work with the monotone VCS
geography/qlandkartem (CURRENT) QLandkarteM is a moving map application for mobile devices
geography/qlandkartegt (CURRENT) GPS visualisation and mapping tool, supports Garmin devices
geography/qlandkartegt-garmindev (CURRENT) Garmin device drivers for qlandkartegt
wip/hs-base-unicode-symbols (CURRENT) Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators
wip/hs-regions (CURRENT) Region monad for safely opening and working with scarce resources
wip/hs-MonadCatchIO-transformers (CURRENT) Monad-transformer compatible version of the Control.Exception module
databases/mysql51-server (CURRENT) MySQL 5, a free SQL database (server)
databases/mysql51-client (CURRENT) MySQL 5, a free SQL database (client)
wip/py-qt4-qscintilla (CURRENT) QScintilla -- Python bindings --
wip/eric4 (CURRENT) Python - IDE
wip/xf86-video-nv-current (CURRENT) Modular Xorg NVIDIA video driver
wip/py-pip (CURRENT) Installs Python packages as an easy_install replacement
wip/py-papyon (CURRENT) MSN client library written in Python
wip/flpsed (CURRENT) Postscript and PDF annotator
wip/dspam (CURRENT) Extremely scalable, statistical-hybrid anti-spam filter
multimedia/py-clutter-gst (CURRENT) Python modules for Clutter-Gstreamer
graphics/py-clutter-gtk (CURRENT) Python modules for Clutter-Gtk
wip/p5-Log-Dispatch-Array (CURRENT) Perl module for logging events to an array
wip/coq (CURRENT) Theorem prover which extracts programs from proofs
wip/pkg_status (CURRENT) Shows status of installed packages
wip/tuxguitar (CURRENT) Multitrack tablature editor and player
wip/cxfreeze (CURRENT) Freezing python scripts into executables
wip/pylint (CURRENT) Python code static checker
wip/py-mx-base (CURRENT) Contains the Open Source parts of the eGenix mx Extension series
audio/mpg123-oss (CURRENT) Contains the oss module for mpg123
audio/mpg123-sun (CURRENT) Contains the sun module for mpg123
wip/konatu-ttf (CURRENT) Japanese TrueType gothic (sans-serif) fonts, Konatu fonts
wip/rope (CURRENT) Rope is a python refactoring library
math/kseg (CURRENT) Interactive geometry program
audio/mpg123-arts (CURRENT) Contains the arts module for mpg123
wip/ipaexfonts-ttf (CURRENT) IPAex fonts (fixed JIS X0213 Kanji, and proportional ASCII)
fonts/ipaexfonts-ttf (CURRENT) IPAex fonts (fixed JIS X0213 Kanji, and proportional ASCII)
wip/ipafonts-ttf (CURRENT) IPA JIS X 0213 fonts (Gothic, P Gothic, Mincho, and P Mincho)
fonts/ipafonts-ttf (CURRENT) IPA JIS X 0213 fonts (Gothic, P Gothic, Mincho, and P Mincho)
wip/ipax0208fonts-ttf (CURRENT) TrueType IPA fonts based on JIS X0208
fonts/ipax0208fonts-ttf (CURRENT) TrueType IPA fonts based on JIS X0208
wip/takao-fonts-ttf (CURRENT) Takao fonts are based on IPA(ex) fonts, and includes some bug fix
wip/hs-time-w3c (CURRENT) Parse, format and convert W3C Date and Time
wip/p5-Data-ObjectDriver (CURRENT) Simple and generic abstraction to databases
meta-pkgs/php53-extensions (CURRENT) "meta-package" for the PHP 5.3 HTML-embedded scripting language
www/php53-extensions (CURRENT) "meta-package" for the PHP 5.3 HTML-embedded scripting language
lang/php53 (CURRENT) PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 5.3
textproc/php-dom (CURRENT) PHP5 extension for DOM support
misc/php-intl (CURRENT) PHP extension for internationalization support
textproc/py-4Suite (CURRENT) Open-source platform for XML and RDF processing
wip/python27 (CURRENT) Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
wip/kiloji-ttf (CURRENT) JIS X 0208 Japanese script fonts made by kilo
wip/gwget (CURRENT) GNOME wget front-end
gnome/gwget (CURRENT) GNOME wget front-end
net/ktorrent-kde3 (CURRENT) Graphical BitTorrent client for KDE
wip/moodle (CURRENT) Course management system based on social constructionism
wip/gnome-activity-journal (CURRENT) GUI to browse and search your Zeitgeist activities
wip/tcl-tDOM (CURRENT) High performance XML data handling library for Tcl using Expat
wip/p5-TheSchwartz (CURRENT) Reliable job queue system
wip/cutter (CURRENT) Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
wip/dovecot-antispam (CURRENT) Antispam plugin for Dovecot
wip/libyubikey (CURRENT) Yubikey library
wip/quvi (CURRENT) Command line tool for parsing video links
wip/hs-time-http (CURRENT) Parse and format HTTP/1.1 Date and Time strings
wip/sakura (CURRENT) Sakura is a terminal emulator based on GTK and VTE that supports tab
wip/FontManager (CURRENT) Font Manager is an app for the purpose of (guess what) managing fonts
fonts/FontManager (CURRENT) Font Manager is an app for the purpose of (guess what) managing fonts
wip/llgal (CURRENT) The llgal is an easy and fast on-line static gallery generator
wip/Typewriter (CURRENT) General text editor for plain and rich format text
editors/Typewriter (CURRENT) General text editor for plain and rich format text
wip/rtmpdump (CURRENT) Tools for handling RTMP stream
wip/p5-Algorithm-Cluster (CURRENT) Perl interface to the C Clustering Library
wip/deforaos-surfer (CURRENT) DeforaOS desktop web browser
wip/nmap-beta (CURRENT) Network/port scanner with OS detection
net/nmap-beta (CURRENT) Network/port scanner with OS detection
wip/p5-Hash-MultiValue (CURRENT) Perl extension to store multiple values per key
wip/squidview (CURRENT) Program which monitors and displays squid logs
wip/miro (CURRENT) Miro is a integrated video downloader and player
multimedia/miro (CURRENT) Miro is a integrated video downloader and player
wip/libtorrent-rasterbar (CURRENT) The rasterbar libtorrent is a feature complete C++ bittorrent library
wip/py-eyed3 (CURRENT) Python module for id3-tags manipulation
audio/py-eyed3 (CURRENT) Python module for id3-tags manipulation
wip/ykclient (CURRENT) Libraries for online validation of Yubikey OTPs
wip/pam-yubico (CURRENT) Pluggable Authentication Module for Yubikey validation
wip/ibus-tegaki (CURRENT) Tegaki integration in ibus
wip/truecrypt (CURRENT) Filesystem encryption package
multimedia/kmplayer-kde3 (CURRENT) KDE frontend to mplayer
time/rsibreak-kde3 (CURRENT) RSI management tool
chat/konversation-kde3 (CURRENT) KDE IRC Client
wip/py-memcached (CURRENT) Python memcached client
print/tex-acromake (CURRENT) Make commands for acronyms in LaTeX
print/tex-acromake-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-acromake
net/nagstamon (CURRENT) Nagios status monitor which takes place in systray or on desktop
textproc/py-cElementTree (CURRENT) C implementation of Python ElementTree API
wip/hs-ConfigFile (CURRENT) Configuration file reading & writing
wip/py-restkit (CURRENT) Restkit is an HTTP resource kit for Python
www/py-restkit (CURRENT) Restkit is an HTTP resource kit for Python
wip/py-webob (CURRENT) Python module providing WSGI request and response objects
www/py-webob (CURRENT) Python module providing WSGI request and response objects
wip/hs-x11-xft (CURRENT) Bindings to the Xft library, and some Xrender parts
wip/py-pyvib2 (CURRENT) Analyzing vibrational motion and vibrational spectra
biology/py-pyvib2 (CURRENT) Analyzing vibrational motion and vibrational spectra
wip/py-van.testing (CURRENT) Layers for zope.testing to simplify test setups
www/py-van.testing (CURRENT) Layers for zope.testing to simplify test setups
wip/py-embedc (CURRENT) Python module for embedding C/C++
devel/py-embedc (CURRENT) Python module for embedding C/C++
wip/shedskin (CURRENT) Python-to-c++ compiler
lang/shedskin (CURRENT) Python-to-c++ compiler
wip/mysql-workbench (CURRENT) Cross-platform, visual database design tool
wip/xbmc (CURRENT) Software media player and entertainment hub for digital media
wip/pstotext (CURRENT) Postscript to text converter
x11/dragbox (CURRENT) Command line drag-and-drop tool for GNOME
net/p5-Net-Server-Coro (CURRENT) Perl 5 co-operative multithreaded server using Coro
wip/hs-bindings-DSL (CURRENT) FFI domain specific language on top of hsc2hs
wip/gimp-resynthesizer (CURRENT) Resynthesizer is a Gimp plug-in for texture synthesis
wip/rrdtool (CURRENT) Data analysis tool generating graphical representations
sysutils/gio-fam (CURRENT) FAM backend for GIO, the glib VFS API
wip/lasem (CURRENT) Lasem is a library for rendering SVG and Mathml
wip/ctemplate (CURRENT) Simple but powerful template language for C++
print/tex-circle (CURRENT) Maths mode circles for temporal logic
print/tex-circle-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-circle
wip/hs-bindings-librrd (CURRENT) Low level Haskell bindings to RRDtool
wip/hs-HList (CURRENT) Haskell Heterogeneous Lists
wip/hs-tfp (CURRENT) Type-level programming library using type families
www/p5-Corona (CURRENT) Perl 5 Coro based PSGI web server
wip/gnome-user-share (CURRENT) Easy user-level file sharing
x11/gtkmm-utils (CURRENT) C++ utility and widget library based on glibmm and gtkmm
devel/libepc (CURRENT) Easy Publish and Consume Library
wip/notmuch (CURRENT) Mail indexer
wip/paperbox (CURRENT) Document browser
wip/talloc (CURRENT) Hierarchical pool based memory allocator with destructors
wip/evolution-rss (CURRENT) Evolution rss reader plugin
mail/evolution-rss (CURRENT) Evolution rss reader plugin
wip/ap-lisp (CURRENT) Apache module to easily write web applications in Lisp
lang/ap-lisp (CURRENT) Apache module to easily write web applications in Lisp
wip/hplip3 (CURRENT) HP Linux Imaging and Printing
wip/ap2-lisp (CURRENT) Apache2 module to easily write web applications in Lisp
lang/ap2-lisp (CURRENT) Apache2 module to easily write web applications in Lisp
wip/ibus-table-wubi (CURRENT) Wubi86 and Wubi98 input method on IBus Table
wip/ibus-table-yinma (CURRENT) The phonetic tables for IBus-Table
wip/ibus-unikey (CURRENT) Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
wip/ibus-handwrite (CURRENT) Handwrite recognizer for ibus
wip/ibus-table-xingma (CURRENT) The struct tables for IBus-Table
wip/py-fuzzpy (CURRENT) Fuzzy sets, graphs, and mathematics for Python
wip/py-pypedal (CURRENT) Tools for pedigree analysis
math/py-pypedal (CURRENT) Tools for pedigree analysis
wip/googlesharing (CURRENT) Anonymizing proxy for google searches
www/googlesharing (CURRENT) Anonymizing proxy for google searches
wip/py-mpich4py (CURRENT) MPI for Python - Python bindings for MPI
parallel/py-mpich4py (CURRENT) MPI for Python - Python bindings for MPI
wip/ibus-sogoupycc (CURRENT) Sogou Pinyin cloud client for IBus
devel/eric4 (CURRENT) Python - IDE
x11/qt4-qscintilla (CURRENT) Scintilla C++ editor class for Qt
x11/py-qt4-qscintilla (CURRENT) QScintilla -- Python bindings
wip/yelp-xsl (CURRENT) XSL stylesheets for Yelp help browser
misc/yelp-xsl (CURRENT) XSL stylesheets for Yelp help browser
wip/py-uuid (CURRENT) UUID object and generation functions
wip/pessulus (CURRENT) Pessulus is a lockdown editor for GNOME
sysutils/pessulus (CURRENT) Pessulus is a lockdown editor for GNOME
wip/openconnect (CURRENT) Open source VPN client
wip/vpnc-script (CURRENT) Improved config script for OpenConnect and vpnc
wip/py-Climate (CURRENT) Python modules for Analysis of Climate Variability
geography/py-Climate (CURRENT) Python modules for Analysis of Climate Variability
wip/saxon (CURRENT) Michael H. Kay's Java XSLT processor
wip/py-sparce (CURRENT) Sparse linear algebra extension for Python
math/py-sparce (CURRENT) Sparse linear algebra extension for Python
wip/gnome-chemistry-utils (CURRENT) GChemPaint, a 2D chemical editor and other programs
wip/py-astropysics (CURRENT) Astrophysics libraries for Python
print/tex-supp-pdf (CURRENT) Native MetaPost graphics inclusion
print/tex-collection-latex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-collection-latex
print/tex-collection-latex (CURRENT) Basic LaTeX packages
wip/ibus-t9 (CURRENT) IBus T9 Input Method
wip/ibus-table-xingyin (CURRENT) The struct tables for IBus-Table
wip/ibus-table-others (CURRENT) All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
wip/ibus-table-cangcan (CURRENT) CangJie and Cantonese tables for IBus-Table.
wip/desktopcouch (CURRENT) Desktop couchDB
databases/desktopcouch (CURRENT) Desktop couchDB
wip/py-keyring (CURRENT) Store and access your passwords safely
wip/py-papy (CURRENT) Parallel Pipelines In Python
parallel/py-papy (CURRENT) Parallel Pipelines In Python
wip/py-pygi (CURRENT) Python dynamic bindings based on GObject-Introspection
devel/py-pygi (CURRENT) Python dynamic bindings based on GObject-Introspection
wip/othman (CURRENT) Electronic Quran browser
wip/surf (CURRENT) Surf is a fast and minimalistic web browser based on WebKit2/GTK+
wip/kimera-tomoe-gtk (CURRENT) Kimera helper program for Tomoe
wip/kimera (CURRENT) Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
wip/wordcut (CURRENT) Thai word segmentation utility
wip/writrecogn (CURRENT) CJK Handwriting Recoginzer
wip/cloc (CURRENT) Count lines of code
wip/py-gevent (CURRENT) Python-gevent a coroutine-based Python networking library
wip/py-pythics (CURRENT) Python Instrument Control System
wip/im-ja (CURRENT) Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
wip/php-libawl (CURRENT) PHP Andrew's Web Libraries
wip/py-rpyc (CURRENT) Remote Python Call (RPyC), a transparent and symmetric RPC library
wip/grape (CURRENT) GRAPE is a GAP package for computing with graphs and groups
wip/py-ploybori (CURRENT) Polynomials over Boolean Rings, Python module
wip/davical (CURRENT) Simple CalDAV server using a PostgreSQL backend
wip/uim-chewing (CURRENT) Chewing im for uim
wip/groonga (CURRENT) Fulltext search engine and column store
x11/qt4-creator (CURRENT) Cross-platform IDE for Qt and C++
textproc/p5-yamcha (CURRENT) YamCha perl module
multimedia/gmediaserver (CURRENT) UPnP compatible media server for the GNU system
inputmethod/kimera-tomoe-gtk (CURRENT) Kimera helper program for Tomoe
wip/libdlna (CURRENT) Reference DLNA open-source implementation
print/diffpdf (CURRENT) PDF comparison tool
wip/py-selenium (CURRENT) Python bindings for Selenium
multimedia/ushare (CURRENT) UPnP AV Mediaserver
net/ushare (CURRENT) UPnP AV Mediaserver
wip/ibus-array (CURRENT) Array 30 Input Method for iBus
net/ruby-tweetstream (CURRENT) RubyGem to access the Twitter Stream API
net/bind97 (CURRENT) Berkeley Internet Name Daemon implementation of DNS, version 9.7
wip/chemical-mime-data (CURRENT) Chemical mime and file type support for desktops
wip/pear-Math_BigInteger (CURRENT) Pure-PHP arbitrary precission integer arithmetic library
wip/ibus-table-chinese (CURRENT) Chinese tables for IBus-Table
devel/kdevelop4 (CURRENT) Integrated Development Environment for Unix/X11/KDE
devel/kdevplatform (CURRENT) KDE development platform, used by KDevelop 4
emulators/gns3 (CURRENT) Graphical network simulator
wip/k4dirstat (CURRENT) Graphical disk usage utility
wip/deforaos-phone (CURRENT) DeforaOS desktop telephony
wip/ap22-layout (CURRENT) Apache22 module to wrap served pages with a header and/or footer
wip/bicho (CURRENT) Bug tracking system tool analyzer
wip/repositoryhandler (CURRENT) RepositoryHandler is a python library for handling code repositories
net/gst-plugins0.10-mms (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - mms plugin
multimedia/gst-plugins0.10-mms (CURRENT) Open source multimedia framework - mms plugin
wip/tex-arabtex (CURRENT) Macros and fonts for typesetting Arabic
wip/tex-arabi-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-arabi
wip/tex-arabi (CURRENT) (La)TeX support for Arabic and Farsi, compliant with Babel
wip/tex-arabtex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-arabi
wip/tex-arabxtex (CURRENT) ArabTeX-like interface for XeLaTeX
wip/tex-arabxtex-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-arabxetex
wip/deforaos-todo (CURRENT) DeforaOS desktop todo list
wip/ogre (CURRENT) Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
wip/flvstreamer (CURRENT) Open source command-line RTMP client
databases/ruby-activerecord-cassandra (CURRENT) ActiveRecord Cassandra adapter
databases/ruby-cassandra (CURRENT) Ruby extension for Cassandra
ruby/ruby-cassandra (CURRENT) Ruby extension for Cassandra
wip/tex-feynmf-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-feynmf
wip/liboauth (CURRENT) C library for implementing oAuth 1.0 specification
wip/tex-feynmf (CURRENT) Set of LaTeX macros for creating Feynman diagrams
wip/thwab (CURRENT) Electronic Encyclopedia System
wip/calcurse-2.8 (CURRENT) Text based calendar and scheduling application
wip/py-pandas (CURRENT) Pythonic cross-section, time series, and statistical analysis
wip/kde4-l10n-ar (CURRENT) language pack for KDE4
wip/magnitude (CURRENT) Python library for computing with numbers with units
wip/py-pyfits (CURRENT) Python module for reading, writing, and manipulating FITS files
wip/py-asciidata (CURRENT) Asciidata , to handle (read/modify/write) ASCII tables
wip/lua-filesystem (CURRENT) File system related library for Lua
www/pyblosxom (CURRENT) PyBlosxom is a lightweight file-based weblog system
wip/ruby-easyjour (CURRENT) Simple access to service announcing and discovery using Bonjour
net/ruby-easyjour (CURRENT) Simple access to service announcing and discovery using Bonjour
ruby/ruby-easyjour (CURRENT) Simple access to service announcing and discovery using Bonjour
wip/py-vo (CURRENT) Python based tools to parse/write VOTABLE file
math/py-vo (CURRENT) Python based tools to parse/write VOTABLE file
wip/ruby-dnssd (CURRENT) DNS Service Discovery (aka Bonjour, MDNS) API for Ruby
net/ruby-dnssd (CURRENT) DNS Service Discovery (aka Bonjour, MDNS) API for Ruby
ruby/ruby-dnssd (CURRENT) DNS Service Discovery (aka Bonjour, MDNS) API for Ruby
wip/fltk13 (CURRENT) Fast Light Tool Kit for graphical user interfaces
wip/suse100_glut (CURRENT) Linux compatibility package for GLUT
wip/suse100_32_glut (CURRENT) Linux 32-bit compatibility package for GLUT
wip/ae-mono-ttf (CURRENT) Collection of PCF fonts that include Arabic glyphs
wip/R-digest (CURRENT) Hash digests for R objects
wip/lateef-shaikh-ttf (CURRENT) Arabic font by Lateef Shaikh
wip/mothanna-ttf (CURRENT) Mothanna is a sans-serif like Arabic OpenType font
wip/ibus-el (CURRENT) IBus client for GNU Emacs
wip/py-xlib (CURRENT) Pure Python X Library
x11/py-xlib (CURRENT) Pure Python X Library
wip/ipaexfont-ttf (CURRENT) IPAex fonts (fixed JIS X0213 Kanji, and proportional ASCII)
fonts/ipaexfont-ttf (CURRENT) IPAex fonts (fixed JIS X0213 Kanji, and proportional ASCII)
wip/ipafont-ttf (CURRENT) IPA JIS X 0213 fonts (Gothic, P Gothic, Mincho, and P Mincho)
fonts/ipafont-ttf (CURRENT) IPA JIS X 0213 fonts (Gothic, P Gothic, Mincho, and P Mincho)
wip/tex-eurosym (CURRENT) MetaFont and macros for Euro sign
wip/tex-fancybox-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-fancybox
wip/tex-fancybox (CURRENT) Variants of \fbox and other games with boxes
wip/tex-eurosym-doc (CURRENT) Documentation for tex-eurosym
wip/teeworlds-server (CURRENT) Platform game featuring buggers equipped with weapons
wip/teeworlds (CURRENT) Platform game featuring buggers equipped with weapons
wip/teeworlds-client (CURRENT) Platform game featuring buggers equipped with weapons